Makna Merdeka 50

Makna Merdeka 50

Merdeka negara! Merdeka bercita!

Bebas negara! Bebas bersuara!

Merdeka bukan hadiah penjajah

Kebebasan insan hasrat Allah.

Alam ku luas, borkat Illahi

Rezki ku Tuhan yang mengsukati.

Laut, gunung, sempadan tanpa ku segani

Gelombang dunia berani ku layari!

Kampong halaman bukan nya sauh

Ingin ku menghilir merantau jauh.

Di mana bumi ku pijak, di sana langit ku junjong

Selagi hati berhajat, cita ku jangan di kandong.

Hidup, bebas, bahagia, hasrat Allah

Pantang celaka lah jika di ubah.

Raja dan menteri mesti mempatuhi

Jangan kau mungkir perentah Illahi.

Rakyat negeri bukan nya kuli

Untok di kerah ka sana sini.

Zaman purba tak akan kembali

Mungkin menteri yang di buang negri!

Renungkan nasib si Idi Amin

Yang Shah Pahlavi pun tak terjamin.

Pemimpim negri mesti menginggati

Rakyat — bukan raja — yang di daulati.

Tidak ku sangka songsang

Anak dagang di negri orang.

Orang kita/orang sana, tidak bermakna.

Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia

Bukan kah itu gesa Laksmana?

Urat ku mendalam di bumi asing

Loghat ku pun ikut sama mengiring

Sambal belacan dah berasa lain

Teras ku tetap Melayu tulin!

Kampong ku jauh beribu batu

Begitu juga kaum sa suku

Kalau di renung hati ku rindu

Mengenang cerita moyang ku dulu.

Anak merantua jangan diigaui

Sepi perpisahan boleh dibatasi.

Bebas! Merdeka! Alangkah murni!

Ku peluk penuh cinta berahi!

M. Bakri Musa

Morgan Hill, California


My translation:

Meaning of Merdeka (Independence) 50

Merdeka to the nation! Merdeka for my ambition!

Freedom of speech! Freedom of thought!

The benevolence of colonials, merdeka is not

Free! Unshackled! That’s the command of the Lord.

My universe is broad, the blessing of God.

I strive, but only He knows my fate and lot.

Oceans, mountains, and boundaries faze me not

The global waves a match for my surfing board.

My village abode is not my tether

The yonder wide world beckons me thither.

Firm on ground, the heavens above I praise

And pray my dream will find its rightful place.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

That is Allah’s command; His measured kindness.

It is not for kings and rulers to alter

Nor put boundaries to God’s desire.

Blessed with freedom and reason are God’s children

To lords and kings we are never beholden.

The feudal order had long been toppled

Let’s be clear, the sovereign is the people.

Ponder the fate of one Idi Amin

That of Shah Pahlavi was equally grim!

These realities our leaders must heed

“Power to the People!” is the new creed.

Praise the wandering son, our true hero

Heeding the call when the distant wind blows.

This “us” versus “them” makes little sense

True to yourself, that is the essence.

Blessed our forefathers for that lesson.

My roots have deepened in this foreign soil

Affected or not, so too my Western drawl.

The spicy taste of yore has lost its punch

Still, the old Malay can, … lah! In a crunch!

Far across the ocean the old abode beckons

My kith and kind, Oh! They readily come to mind!

As I ponder, the heart grows fonder

Reliving stories of days yonder.

The young has flown, the empty nest silent

Sadness yes, but memories remain vibrant.

Freedom! Merdeka! Such intoxicating beauty!

With fondness and passion, I readily embrace thee.

M. Bakri Mua

Morgan Hill, California

August 2007

40 Replies to “Makna Merdeka 50”

  1. Subject: Can a family man with Salary RM3,000 survive in Malaysia

    Let’s do some simple calculations here.

    In Malaysia , the average family income is RM3,000 /month
    (where father works, mother doesn’t).

    I understand there are many families whose
    monthly income does not reach RM3,000,
    but, to make things simple,
    let’s take RM3,000 as the figure. Ok lah, right?

    Okay, let’s start rolling with a family which has
    Papa, Mama, 1 daughter and 1 son. Ngam-ngam ….

    Calculation starts…

    > > > Electricity and water bill: RM100
    > > > (No air-con, No home theatre, No water heater … ok?)

    > > > Phone bill ( Telekom): RM100

    > > > Meals for a happy family: RM775
    > > > (3 meals on RM25/day, RM25 for 4 persons…?)

    > > > Papa makan / teh-tarik during working hrs: RM155
    > > > (RM5/day, RM5 … can eat what?)

    > > > Car repayment: RM400
    > > > (A proton saga aeroback, 7 yrs repayment)

    > > > Petrol (living in city, traffic-jam): RM300
    > > > (go to work, bring son to school, only can afford one car running)

    > > > Insurance: RM650
    > > > (kids, wife and myself)

    > > > House repayment: RM750
    > > > (low cost housing repayment for 30 yrs,
    retired still have to work to pay!)

    > > > Tuition: RM80
    > > > (got that cheap meh? i don’t think so)

    > > > Older children pocket money @ school: RM20
    > > > (RM1/day, eat bread?)

    > > > School fees: RM30
    > > > (enough ah?)

    > > > School books and etc: RM100
    > > > (always got extra to pay in school)

    > > > Younger children milk powder: RM50
    > > > (cannot have the DHA, BHA, PHA one, expensive)

    > > > Miscellaneous: RM100
    > > > (shampoo, rice, sauce, toilet paper)

    Oh wait!!! I have to stop here, so…

    No Astro,
    no movie @ cinema,
    no DVD,
    no CD,
    no online,
    cannot KFC,
    cannot McDonald,
    cannot go Park walk during weekend (petrol expensive),
    no chit chat on phone with grandparents, and etc…

    Let’s use a calculator to total up… WALAO EH! Shit! RM3,610 already….

    EPF belum potong, income tax lagi……..oledi RM3,610 ….

    How to survive lah tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian ???

    Our Deputy Prime Minister asked us to change lifestyle?

    How to change? Don’t eat? Don’t work? Don’t send children to school and study?

    Besides that, I believe in Malaysia population, there are millions of rakyat Malaysia which still don’t earn RM3,000/month!!!

    What is this? Inilah Malaysia Boleh… Sorry…. it should be Malaysians Boleh , because we’re still alive and kicking!!

    Our politicians must be mad!!!!

    Please forward and comment boleh or tak boleh. No wonder so many Ah Loong around……

  2. What I like about Malaysia is that it’s home.
    After 50 years of Merdeka, I would like to see Malaysians learn how to use public toilets properly, treasure our national parks and take care of our rivers.

    Selamat Hari Merdeka to all Malaysians!

  3. A family affair.

    At the soon-to-be-held mammoth Merdeka celebration at Merdeka Stadium, Umno deputy youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin will be hoisting the Malayan flag during the re-enactment of the countdown to independence, which occurred at Dataran Merdeka in 1957, when an Umno Youth member hoisted the flag.

    How convenient to showcase KJ’s importance to the entire world.

  4. well, i think they wan KJ to bring the flag because he will be using it as his walking stick. fits the scene right?
    1) KJ is living life depending on the tongkat
    2) his tongkat is gov give outs, thus the malaysian flag
    3) everyone is looking but he still uses tongkat just like always

    merdeka? wat merdeka? wat a farce celebration to siphon out more money for the celebrations.

  5. I guess non Bumis will celebrate this 50th Independence Day from a totally different perspective.
    We’ve been independent for 50 years not because we’re no longer colonized but it’s because we (non Bumis) have been independent for 50 years without being favored by the government in anyway.

  6. Malaysia as usual is in her I don’t know mode. For the sake of national integration, one thing must be made clear. Is it 31 / 8 / 1957 or is it 16 / 9 / 1963 ? Or 31 / 8 / 1957 is the independence day for Malaya and 16 / 9 / 1963 is the national day of Malaysia when Sabah and Sarawak joined in. Two distinctive dates. Two celebrations. Two very different course of events.

    Everyone has his or her own Merdeka aka Independence. You are independent to be yourself. You are independent to express yourself. You are independent to put what you learned and what you experienced into real life practise. But to this very day, so called highly educated people still follow orders and if they don’t follow orders, they will receive its’ consequences. If they are required to follow orders, that is called dependence and if they are given some unfair treatment, that is called oppression. Then where is Merdeka ? The government has very big dreams for education. The best university. The best teaching personnel. The best students. The best results. Is that all ? What about the best workers, the best employees, the best civil service ? If your workers just follow orders, your cemerlang medal for them will be based on their obedience to you and not because they are such good workers by nature. This brings me back to the VSS threatened by certain quarters to rid the civil service of bad workers. Ask yourself. Is this particular worker so bad from the first day he joined the service ? Or along the way he met a kind of people and because of what they did, it affected him. May be you still say that he should be sacked. What about the people who screwed him ? Don’t they get the VSS too ? For this matter, in the civil service, who are the actual bosses if it is not you the politicians in charge of all the different ministries ? Shouldn’t you get the VSS first before your workers get it ? Why ? Because you fail to rectify all the problems that are existing in the service.

  7. Merdeka is independent. So in Malaysia who is independent?
    Independent means that you do not need to depend on others, you do not need help from others, it also mean that the person can be competitive without any advantage over another person. If you do not meet the requirement you cannot call yourself independent.

    Like a child who still need to suck milk cannot be called independent. If a police take bribe he isn’t called independent too. Also if a lecturer is given research fund which someone else deserved more than this lecturer isn’t independent, he is taking advantage and that isn’t called independent.

    To be independent is not very difficult, many Malaysian are independent especially those who have to work harder to over come all the disadvantages and if they can make it than this person is really independent and can be proud of his achievement. Many Malaysian had gone abroad to seek for better opportunity, this are really very independent Malaysian because they can compete with the best in the world.

    To all hard working Malaysian I am sending you a happy Merdeka day because Tunku in 1957 wanted independent for all Malaysian but until today only some make it, for those who still need help Merdeka day has no meaning to you. I hope those who are not independent today will be able to join all those who are independent so that all Malaysian can really be called Merdeka!

  8. Singapore took about 40 years to be an developed country and Malaysia after 50 years though independent still undeveloped country.

    Will Malaysia be developed in 2020 or in another 50 years time?

    Your guess is as good as mine as long the special rights of the previlege majority still exist.

  9. Happy 50th birthday Malaysia. This is my wish and all the wishes from everybody including the Mat Rempits who at this time are celebrating with much noise from their vehicles of course.
    May Malaysia be Merdeka of:
    closed mindedness
    selective news
    authoritarian management
    racial strive
    all sorts of and any one dominance

  10. listening to Malaysia’s leader giving speech… like he is running out of breath and dying of heart attack. What a disgrace to the country. I guess the way he speaks show the way he manage the country???

  11. You will be surprised that even those PAS leaders like Hadi Awang and Nik Aziz speak with more gusto and passion compared to this lembik Ah Pek. Only if they get their Islamic doctrines and theology in an orthodox way, they would be a much better replacement for the present corrupted-till-no-cure BN regime.

  12. I posted this comment in a previous thread, and I would like to post it here since it’s relevant.

    Why bother lowering the Union Jack in pursuit of celebrating the 50th Merdeka? Isn’t that considered an insult to the UK and the Queen? Why can’t they just raise the Jalur Gemilang alone without showing any form of biasness against other countries? Why show such a great contrast? Just to have the “syok sendiri” effect? Why only singled out the Brits? Were the British the only ones who occupied Malaysia? Think again! What about the Dutch, Portuguese, Siamese, and the brutal Japanese? Without the British, do you think Malaysia would be where and what it is today? Think about it!

    Namewee did not show any form of disrespect towards the Jalur Gemilang, and in fact, he proudly displayed it as a backdrop due to his love and loyalty towards Malaysia. However, to those sohai UMNOputras and MCA running mutts, that’s considered unpatriotic and treason, and that he must be stripped of his citizenship. When KJ burnt the Stars and Stripes in the presence of Condoleeza Rice and started shouting profanities at her, not even a single criticism was hurled at him, much less action taken against him. When those ungrateful bunch of barbaric Mat Indons burnt hundreds of Jalur Gemilang, not a single soul in the government batted an eyelid. Is this what they mean by prosper thy neighbour (just because of the same creed and colour)?

    Why the double, triple, and may I say quadruple standard?

    This Merdeka is just like any other Merdeka in the past 49 years. The only difference is that, they only change the form and not the substance of it. It’s just like the many facelifts done to a Proton Waja.

  13. There is nothing significant to celebrate.

    It is a good time for the politicians, including previous PM & Ministers, to properly reflect on the decades of worsening racial and religious situation, rampant corruption, gross abuse of power, widening gap between rich and poor, high crime, gross excesses and abuses, gross financial incompetent resulting of loss in billions which could be used to assist marginalised people of all races, declinding education standards, brain drain and etc..

  14. Malaysian Indians sue U.K. Governments for 50 billion! Why blame the Brits for crimes committed by S.Veloo and umno?
    1. Damages of one million pounds per Indian in Malaysia for atrocities by the British and the ‘Malay Muslim’ government;

    2. The British government to refer the Malaysian government to the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court for human rights violations and “mini genocide” against minority Indians;

    3. Two million minority Indians in Malaysia to be granted British citizenship

    4. The courts to declare that Malaysia is not an Islamic state

    5. Tthe courts to declare that the Malaysian Constitution is null and void.

  15. “When KJ burnt the Stars and Stripes in the presence of Condoleeza Rice and started shouting profanities at her, not even a single criticism was hurled at him, much less action taken against him.”

    We call that freedom of expression.

    “When those ungrateful bunch of barbaric Mat Indons burnt hundreds of Jalur Gemilang, not a single soul in the government batted an eyelid.”

    We call that freedom of expression.

    “Why only singled out the Brits? Were the British the only ones who occupied Malaysia? Think again! What about the Dutch, Portuguese, Siamese, and the brutal Japanese?”

    We call that freedom of speech.

  16. Selamat Merdeka ! After 50 years, my wish is that the people we vote into power stop abusing their positions and stop dipping their fingers into public funds. My wish is that they would serve the public rather than steal from the public.

  17. k1980,

    I assume that when referring all of us to the PoliceWatchMalaysia website relating to the so-called suit against the British government by Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy suing for himself as well as for all Malaysian Indians, you would know, and ought to know that it is just a creative parody mocking how the Malaysian govt has marginalised the Indian community and that in reality there is no such suit.

    If such a suit were really attempted, it will be struck out by British courts as vexatious and abusive of court process but before it could be sustained or even heard, the claimant would have to deposit at least 100 million pounds as security deposit with the courts – and forfeitable – for defraying cost and expenses of British Govt to defend such a frivolous piece of claim.

    If it were not for such a security deposit, the author of such a script would really file such a suit in the British courts – not because he really believes that he could sustain the cause of action against the British govt and get 1 million poubnd sterling for every Malaysian of indian descentry but because even if such a case were a lost case in the beginning, its sheer absurdity would attract media attention which will serve the purpose of discrediting internationally his real target – the Malaysian government for allegedly marginalising his (the claimant)’s community. :)

  18. For if there were really such a sustainable cause of action and maintainable suit against the British Govt for its colonial policies, it will open the floodgates to anyone disgruntled and money or publicity seeking to sue the British government, including for example, in the case of a Malay, for its past colonisation of Malaya by the resident system and bringing in migrant Indians and Chinese to exploit the economy, in the case of a Chinese, for granting independence leading to their state of marginalisation today, in the case of East Malaysian, for sponsoring their entry into Malaysia, setting the precedents of the equally disgruntled in other ex-colonies from India to Ghana to follow the Malaysian examples, leading ultimately to the bakruptcy of the Bristish Exchequer. :)

  19. It’s in the word, it’s the spirit that matters. What spirit of MERDEKA can there be with the present scenario? The vast majority is still dependant on hand-outs! Who do we want to bullshit? As the saying goes, “Those who don’t know they don’t know are FOOLS!” Wake up all Malaysians come this election. Exercise our votes wisely!

  20. cabby mabok August 30th, 2007 at 18: 27.21
    Our Deputy Prime Minister asked us to change lifestyle…
    To change lifestyle, according to the DPM’s way of thinking, is to sell off your city house, put on a loincloth and shift your entire family to a Sakai settlement where people grow/gather/hunt their own food for their subsistence. There you can survive with a salary RM3,000 pm where the DPM spends RM3,000 per day on holiday overseas. As they say, all men are equal, BUT some are MORE equal (due to skin color)

  21. “We must take care of our unity and we must be ready to destroy any threat which may affect our unity,” Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi told tens of thousands of Malaysians who had turned out in the capital’s main square to see the fireworks.

    I think what he really meant was: “We must take care of our personal wealth and we must be ready to destroy any threat which may affect our personal wealth”

    I ask AAB to provide evidences of how he has enhanced the unity of the various races and religion in Malaysia.

  22. he has enhanced the unity of the various races and religion in Malaysia by making all of them puke at his dismay performance and poor leadership while holding on to the highest office in the land.

  23. cabby mabok, you forgot another important expenditure item, the famous BN TOLL! We have been made to pay “road tax” for our cars but that does not entitle us to travel on “roads” built in Malaysia on Malaysian Land by cronies!

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