“Malaysia an Islamic State” – Now Pak Lah says it, in a threatening manner

My first question for the first day of the budget Parliamentary meeting which started yesterday asked the Prime Minister whether on the occasion of 50th Merdeka anniversary, the Cabinet will reaffirm the Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state.

The question was placed No. No. 24 out of 28 questions – no chance whatsoever to get answered during the 90-minute question session which saw only the first 10 questions answered.

It was a very simple and straightforward question which would have found favour and support from the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein who were publicly committed to the Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic State.

In his written answer, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has broken ranks with the first three Prime Ministers on this fundamental issue and has now come out into the public to give support to his deputy, Datuk Seri Najib Razak declare that Malaysia was an Islamic state – and in an unusually threatening manner which seemed to presage repressive times ahead.

This is the Q & A on Abdullah’s reply:

Tuan Lim Kit Siang (Ipoh Timur) minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan sempena Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan Ke 50, adakah Kabinet akan berikrar semula kontrak sosial merdeka dan Perjanjian Malaysia bahawa Malaysia ialah sebuah negara sekular dengan Islam sebagai agama rasmi dan bukan sebuah negara Islam (Islamic State).

Perdana Menteri

Semakin dekat kita menghampiri ulangtahun kemerdekaan negara yang ke 50, semakin kerap kita mendengar pihak Pembangkang mempersoalkan isu seperti kontrak sosial dan status Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara Islam ataupun sekular. Walaupun telah beberapa kali penjelasan saya berikan, namun isu ini tetap dibangkitkan, sehingga menyebabkan saya membuat kesimpulan, bahawa ianya sengaja dipanjangkang untuk kepentingan politik pihak Pembangkang. Oleh itu, saya berdiri di Dewan yang mulia pada hari ini untuk menjawab isu ini dengan sejelas-jelasnya, agar isu ini tidak dipanjangkan sehingga menimbulkan ketidakselesaan di kalangan penduduk pelbagai kaum di Malaysia.

Seperti yang telah saya nyatakan sebelum ini, Malaysia bukanlah sebuah negara sekular ataupun negara teokratik. Malaysia adalah sebuah negara Islam, yang ditadbir berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip Islam, dan pada masa yang sama, berpegang teguh kepada prinsip-prinsip demokrasi berparlimen yang berpandukan kepada undang-undang tertinggi negara, iaitu Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Prinsip Islam yang saya maksudkan di sini dapat dilihat melalui pendekatan Islam Hadhari yang telah saya perkenalkan. Di bawah pendekatan Islam Hadhari, kerajaan memberi penekanan kepada pembangunan yang menjurus kepada pembinaan peradaban dan memberi fokus kepada usaha mempertingkatkan mutu kehidupan melalui penguasaan ilmu, pembangunan insan, kesihatan dan fizikal. Pendekatan Islam Hadhari adalah satu panduan kepada Kerajaan dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya dengan adil dan saksama kepada semua rakyat Malaysia. Pendekatan Islam Hadhari ini juga memenuhi keperluan untuk mengekalkan keharmonian di kalangan penduduk yang berbilang kaum dan berbilang agama di negara kita ini.

Pemakaian pendekatan Islam Hadhari, bagaimanapun, tidak bermakna kita adalah sebuah negara teokratik. Kerajaan yang saya pimpin adalah sebuah kerajaan yang berasaskan kepada prinsip demokrasi berparlimen dan bertanggungjawab kepada Parlimen. Pada masa yang sama, Kabinet terdiri dari menteri-menteri yang beragama Islam, Buddha, Hindu, Kristian dan lain-lain, sama-sama bermuafakat membincang dan menghasilkan dasar-dasar pembangunan negara. Kerajaan sentiasa memberi perhatian dan menjaga kepentingan rakyat, termasuk memastikan setiap seorang penganut agama bebas untuk mengamalkan ajarannya sendiri. Semua pihak mendapat bantuan daripada Kerajaan sama ada masjid, surau, kuil atau gereja. Pembangunan negara telah dilaksanakan dengan adil, tanpa menindas mana-mana kaum atau agama. Sebenarnya, inilah juga yang dimaksudkan oleh YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri ketika beliau menyatakan bahawa Malaysia adalah sebuah negara Islam.

Cara pemerintahan sebeginilah yang telah dipakai oleh Kerajaan Malaysia selama lebih 50 tahun lamanya. Formula unik ini telahpun diuji dengan jayanya dan saya tidak nampak kenapa Kerajaan yang dibentuk seperti ini tidak boleh diteruskan pada masa hadapan. Saya juga menolak hujah bahawa ia adalah bertentangan dengan kontrak sosial yang telah dirunding sesama pemimpin kita dahulu. Kita perlu mengingati bahawa Perlembagaan Persekutuan telah berjaya digubal atas sikap tolak ansur dan kerjasama yang ditunjukkan oleh ketiga-tiga kaum terbesar di negara ini sewaktu menuntut kemerdekaan, dan ianya mengandungi artikel yang mengambil kira keperluan pelbagai kaum untuk hidup dengan aman-damai. Contohnya, walaupun agama Islam menjadi agama rasmi Persekutuan, penganut agama-agama lain adalah bebas mengamalkan agama masing-masing. Pemakaian prinsip-prinsip Islam dalam pentadbiran negara, seperti yang telah saya nyatakan tadi, tidak sesekali mengubah kontrak sosial atau asas Perlembagaan kita.

Kerajaan sememangnya memberikan ruang kepada pelbagai pihak untuk bersuara. Namun amat salah sekali sekiranya ada pihak yang menyangka bahawa ruang tersebut tiada batasnya. Bukannya menjadi maksud Kerajaan untuk menyekat kebebasan menyuarakan pendapat, tetapi sebarang perbuatan atau kata-kata yang boleh membangkitkan emosi atau perasaan marah antara kaum di Malaysia sememangnya melampaui kebebasan yang dibenarkan. Kita mesti sedar bahawa terlalu banyak yang dipertaruhkan di sini — kestabilan ekonomi, politik dan sosial semuanya akan musnah sekiranya sensitiviti keagamaan atau perkauman tidak diambilkira. Oleh itu, Kerajaan tidak akan teragak-agak mengambil tindakan undang-undang sekiranya ada pihak yang cuba mengambil kesempatan dan menyalahgunakan kebebasan bersuara yang telah diberikan.

Sempena kita menyambut ulangtahun kemerdekaan negara yang ke-50 ini, saya menyeru agar kita semua memperbaharui semangat cintakan negara dan bukannya mencari ruang untuk mempolitikkan sesuatu yang telah diterima pakai dari dahulu lagi. Kita mesti mendahulukan keperluan menyatupadukan rakyat, dan bukannya menimbulkan isu yang hanya menimbulkan ketegangan sesama kita.

63 Replies to ““Malaysia an Islamic State” – Now Pak Lah says it, in a threatening manner”

  1. Ghana AlsoBoleh!
    …others have questioned the wisdom of holding lavish celebrations while many in the country remain without basic services. President Jerry Rawlings, who ruled for almost two decades, has criticised the events and is boycotting them. In a statement, he said he would not share a stage with “the same people who have taken every opportunity to denigrate us”.

    “Politically our leaders have failed us,” Accra resident Emmanuel Danso said. “Only politicians or people who know people live well in this country,” he added.

  2. Did I not predict this?

    How else would Badawi leaning be given his Islamic basic education and his father’s own background. ?

    Badawi does not have a clear intellectual idea of what he is leaning towards. In the end, his faith demands that he accepts that a modern progressive Islamic state better than Western secularity is possible and justly should be tried no matter what the consequence is. Its got little with pure intellectual debate i.e., the very foundation of secularity.

    Plus its election time. The fact he sees no harm in harping this for election, clearly shows what we must accept. Shove given to push, UMNO politicians will resort to the lowest bases to win and keep power…

  3. If as the PM says the constitution is the supreme law of the land, then the Chief Justice who said we should swap our Civil Laws with Syariah laws should be replaced immediately! Can the Pm please do what he preaches? Stop giving speeches and ACT!

    On Islam Hadhari, I have the following comments. They are in reference to Islam Hadhari as shown on PM’s site.

    Just 2 Islam Hadhari Principles as taken from Prime Minister’s Office site


    To be just is to give people their dues. This is consistent with what Allah has said in Surah an-Nahl, verse 90:

    “Verily, Allah enjoins justice and good deeds, and giving to kith and kin, and forbids evil deeds, all that is prohibited by Islamic law and oppressions. He admonishes you (with these orders and prohibitions), that you may take heed.”

    Justice is blind to race, colour, social status, wealth and religion. This is consistent with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Allah said in the Quran in Surah al-Maa’dah, verse 8:

    “And let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just (to everyone) for it is nearer to piety and fear Allah. Verily Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.”

    And the prophet said in a hadeeth narrated by Al-Bukhari:

    “If (my daughter) Fatimah steals, I will certainly cut off her hand.”

    Trustworthiness, as prescribed in the Quran and Sunnah, denotes performing all obligations and responsibilities.

    So the principles in the Quran as shown on PMO’s site says that Islam is blind to Religion, Race, Colour, and Wealth. Whats teh reality in Malaysia? If Muhammad(pbuh) says he will chop off his own daughter’s hand if she steals, will PM do the same if his son or son-in law does the same? What if…….

    So then why is a non-muslim treated as an outcast in Syariah Law?


    The educational approach of Islam Hadhari preserves the dignity of human beings without any discrimination and without differentiating between majority and minority groups. The rights of these are protected by the country’s law. This protection encompasses the protection of life, religion, property, dignity and intellect. These aspects exist in the objective of Islamic law (maqasid ash-shariah). Therefore, these rights cannot be denied with the excuse that it is a minority group or a different gender. Denying them their rights is wrong in the eyes of the law. This is consistent with what Allah, the Almighty, has said in the Quran in Surah al-Hujurat, verse 13.

    So then why the discrimination against the minorities in this country with regards to education, government contracts, Petronas contracts, government scholarships, government jobs and promotions? Where is the spirit of meritocracy?

  4. what a load of rubbish.

    At least this clown is wise enough not to tarnish the true image of Islam by introducing his own version called Hahahahari which encourages corruption, enriching their own family and let the nation suffer for generations to come.

    We love u Pak Lah.
    We love ur Hahahahahari where one can laugh all the way to the bank everyday.
    We love ur style ie sleepy, blur, arrogant, vain and clueless.
    We love your cakap tak serupa bikin ways.

    We are Phark Lah!

  5. Isn’t it a shame to call it Islamic when the entire regime is corrupted to the core and acts with impunity as though there is no God.
    I would say Kelantan is more Islamic than the entire UMNO regime.
    This regime violates every single injunction of God.

  6. [deleted] Badawi must go, Malaysia is secular!! I cannot accept being in an islamic state and I dont want to see my children wearing tudungs come one day in the future. Badawi and islam is getting very annoying. Badawi made this statement because KJ said so too, and perhaps KJ ordered Badawi to support KJ’s statement.

  7. I am not making excuses for him but I suspect he didn’t even know the contents of this written reply tabled in Parliament. One of the 4th floor boys wrote it for him on someone’s instructions and maybe, only maybe, mentioned it to him.

    YB Kit, you can put it to the test and question him about it. I bet you he will keep quiet because he does not have a clue what was tabled in reply.

    The motive for the roundabout way this reply was worded is obvious. On the one hand they want to placate the Muslim masses while on the other they want to avoid antagonising the non Muslims with elections being so near.

  8. Pak Lah is talking through the nose.
    If he really wanted to follow Islamic Priciples, he is way off the mark.
    Islam teaches one to be considerate and have the wlfare of people at heart.
    Look at the way he wanted to live a luxurious life. He did not stop the government from buying an executive jet at a cost of roo million. When tun Razak can refuse a swimming pool at a cost 0f RM600000, the more Pak Lah could have saved the money which can be used for the rakyat.
    Then on Merdeka celbration around, we ordered a car similar to that Tengku used in 1957 from US. This too cost a few hundered thousand.
    Aiya, Pak Lah, we are really fedup with your empty talk.
    When Johore was flooded he flew to Perth to party at his broother’s restaurant!!!

  9. Upon the attainment of Malaysia’s 50th Merdeka, I would have liked to have witnessed….an independent and professional judiciary, a less corrupt and excellent police force, a high standard of English usage on a par with Singapore, greater government transparency, less corruption amongst our politicians, less polarised racial population/ genuine integration, less emphasis on Islamisation, cessation of religious police units, higher standards of education, more respect for the environment, exemplary leadership from our politicians, and more independent media reports.Well, after 50 years of “advancment”, would this be asking too much?

  10. They need to attain their hajihood 1st.. study islam in dept in a recognised instituition and obtain their professor or doctorate in islam before they start professing and quoting and interpreting the quran.

    The Quran Book is not a manual for government operation.

  11. An Islamic state is the greatest betrayal of moderate Muslims and non Muslims alike, in particular Bumi non Malay.

    The present extremist and fundamentalist Islamic influence and Middle Eastern cultures ( some followers were misguided as part of the religion ), will destroy the unique culture and traditions of bumi, including Orang Asli.

  12. This guy continuously gives alot of mumbo jumbo, doesn’t have a clue what he stands for or where he is going. Just fumbling along having lost his way, his government too. Manipulators aplenty.

    Why hit out or blame the Opposition when there are many in your own government who do not agree with what you said and you and your people blasts them, order them to “shut up” and pull out their kerises?

    Is this “power sharing”? Being “equal”? Living in “Harmony”? “Unity”? “Freedom of Speech”? “Democrasi”?

    Even Muslims don’t accept your Islam Harihari. No enthusiasm here. Even you do not practise what you preach.

    Freedom to practise each own religion? Really? You really respect other religions too? How much money and support have your government given to other religions compared to Islam? Why are other religions finding it very difficult to exist, that they have to operate from shoplots, temples torn down and the like? Why are approvals so difficult to obtain? Why do other religions have to seek the blessings and OK of Islamic authorities before they can go ahead but not vice versa.

    Oh heck. 50 years on we have bigger problems on race and religion.


    And we are now an “Islamic State” to boot, still “complying” with the original Social Contract.

  13. Where are the MCA, MIC and Gerakan now ? They have been measured by UMNO and they have been found wanting. UMNO is more interested in buying Malay/Muslim votes than in placating their junior partners in the coalition.

    It is very clear that they think that they can afford to lose a few seats to DAP and Keadilan (mainly Chinese seats), but they have to “out-Islamicize” PAS to ensure that there is no further erosion of the Malay support.

  14. Are we accepting what the Pee M says?? What is the actions for us all Malaysian to express our concern with this Islamic nation claim?? What can we do about it??

    We are being bombarded everyday with this claim and eventually it will lead to a change of the Constitution.

    Do we have a freedom to practise our religion? How many churches or temples being set up since you took over from TM and how many you have demolished? Are you fair, Will be fair and Always be fair???? Stop talking bu**sh*t.

    On all those corridors that you have launched, are the government have all those hundreds of billion ringgit to run the projects?? If the government have the money, why do we still take loan from China to build the 2nd Penang bridge. What is the use of the sightseeing place in the middle of the bridge? Arent the use of the bridge is to cross from one place to another without interference. With all those cars keep stopping in the center of the bridge, it will lead to a huge traffic jam.

    Ohh I see, so you have another reason to get more loan from somewhere to expand the new bridge.

    Eventually you will bankrupt the nation and the saviour will be coming from Petronas or EPF money.

  15. I really don’t understand all this. BN knows the election is near and yet they still continue making blunders and saying things like this to test our patience. Are they trying to prove a point? That no matter how badly the government screws up, majority of the people will still continue voting for them?

    What if they win the next election, will they reach an even higher level of arrogance and increase their efforts in sucking the country dry? Because obviously the people want them to stay in power even though the PM had declared that Malaysia is an Islamic country. This all look like some kind of sick experiment to me.

    I see this situation is similar to a small child testing his parent’s limits. The child will make a nuisance and gauge his parent’s reaction. If the parent keeps threatening to punish him but did not actually carry it out even after many times, the child will become bolder and will continue creating problems because he knows his parent’s threats are meaningless and will still continue feeding him and buying him what he wants.

    Spare the cane, spoil the child. This is what’s happening to BN in my opinion. Anyone else agree?



    TO abdullah badawi.

    please read this message loud in parliament.



    abdullah badawi. PROPHET MOHAMAD PBUH has never taught me Islam Hadhari.

    i am prepared to see how the syariah court will stone me to death.

  17. Nothing much to say.. Systematically sidelined, marginalised and announced.. My family votes definitely not for the BN cheaters… I urge the Opposition to put their differences at a site. Form good partnership and win the next election.. At least form a strong opposition… my fellow non-muslim friends enjoying good and peaceful life in Kelantan.. (At least PAS do what they say)

  18. The most corrupted Islamic country in the world, 40% of the senior forces are corrupt.

    The most uncorrupted Islamic country in the world? yes, all corruption charges can be drop, and no charges ever comes of it, all investigation are flawed.

    As a non muslim, I really am glad out pee am declared this country Islamic, if this is the best example what being Islam is about, then this second largest religion in the world is no better than a suicide cult.


    yes, mr pee am, you have your cronies and your proxies for that.

  19. On a scale rating of 1 to 5 with 5 as the highest, I would give a 5 to the PM’s answer this time. I believe we have to accept the fact. That’s the best answer that our PM can give.

  20. It is just all rituals so that one feels not so guilty. Anyone can go through ritual after ritual after ritual and anyone can give reasons for those rituals. But there is not change in the internal man. Look at these people and you know they like to show to others just how great they are. Justice, corruption, good deeds, bla, bla, bla are all just a show. Some straight forward, direct, no nonsense who’s that important fella was comparing a keris and a rocket. In this situation when things are so unethical, so immoral and so wrong, a rocket is needed just like what the Americans had to do to Japan to stop WW II.

  21. “Seperti yang telah saya nyatakan sebelum ini, Malaysia bukanlah sebuah negara sekular ataupun negara teokratik. Malaysia adalah sebuah negara Islam, yang ditadbir berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip Islam, dan pada masa yang sama, berpegang teguh kepada prinsip-prinsip demokrasi berparlimen yang berpandukan kepada undang-undang tertinggi negara, iaitu Perlembagaan Persekutuan. ”

    Ah, now I understand.

    The Federal Consitution is higher than Islamic God-given laws.
    We have been an Islamic state all this while. The “Social Contract” is to be intepreted as such.

    Thats why many non-Muslims have “Islam” as their religion in their MyKad. I have been a Muslim all this while and didn’t know about it. Silly me.

    Now that I am “in”, I cannot get out.

  22. Malaysia an Islamic state ? Ha !
    Got gambling or not ? You asked yourselves.
    Magnum 4D, Sportstoto 4D, Pan Malaysian Pools 4D, etc … are all still here.
    Got beers, whisky, brandy … are all still here.
    These are laymen questions.
    If you have read the Koran, probably you will challenge the mufti/ muftis … about Islamic state and be willing to be charged under the syariah law !!!!

    Corruption rampant, discriminations rampant …

    Islamic state my foot !!!!

    Islam Hadhari ? Ha ! Myabe Islam principle for 1 day (Had Hari).

    The government is throwing everyone off the issues that Malaysia has been badly managed.

    Can a Muslim please enlighten us on these issues please.

    Wear a yellow colour shirt/ T shirt on 31st August.


  23. “Malaysia an Islamic State” – Pak Lah.

    From this moment on after 50 years of Merdeka. Malaysia finally achieved something that NO OTHER islamic state can. Which is-



  24. Ahhhhh yoo, ISLAMIC STATE NOT ISLAMIC STATE ,this bigots in UMNO talk talk only ,to bluff the UMNO members, Just thing in MUSLIM COUNTRY, can the gorverment collect taxes on GAMBLING, SALE OF AHCOHOL AND PORK ,Where can, I have been to a few Muslim countries and i can,t see any of this there,All this started by DR Mahathir to show the malays that UMNO is better then PAS,But are they ,Before AAB became P.M he was GOD FEARING AND CLEAN ,SEE WHAT HAPPEN,

    The famous saying “it only take ,s only one bad apple to spoilt the whole bunch” but in UMNO ” THE SAYING IS ” IT TAKES THE WHOLE ROTTEN BUNCH TO SPOILT THE ONE GOOD APPLE’.. POOR AAB

  25. A good friend in SPORTS TOTO, Told me that during the “IJORK BY- ELECTION, The 3 gambling companies paid of hundred millions of RM IN WINNINGS but who got so lucky ,I DON,T KNOW sounds familier ,Ask DATUK NELLA MAYBE HE KNOWS

  26. This talk on Malaysia as an Islamic State is just lip service for election purposes only to win the hearts of Muslims especially those in Kelantan / Terengganu.

    I don’t see it as a threat because afterall I know BN will never dare implement any Islamic law as the consequences will only hit them back.

    If Islamic laws are implemented, many of their ministers will be without hands now due to corruption and maybe 40% of the police force would be serving the nation as cripple citizens without hands… He he…..So do you think BN will want that …. :-)

  27. It is the perception that an Islamic state will give to the religious extremists and fundamentalists that is the issue.

    Their grossly misguided and narrow teachings are of great concern in a modern, peaceful, progressive and multi religious society.

    Their aim is to overthrow the corrupted government to create a decent and fair society with simple solution, with Islamic laws, to a complex issue.

  28. They have already started Islamization of Malaysia with the banning of “pig-rearing” in Melaka. The way things are going, pork is going to be a rare commodity in Malaysia – a sign pointing towards Islamization! Do they really mean what they say? If so, they have said lots of things in the past, but have they ever made them come true? The Rukunegara was one of the great things of the seventies – smoke-screening the eyes of the non-bumis into believing that we will be treated “fairly” under the purported constitution, but are we ever? Can the government be the least bit fair if the so-called “bumiputra status” remains? “Masyarakat yang adil” is but a myth and a mockery to democracy!

  29. PM-TTAR said Secular in 1957, PM-TAR also said so after that, PM-THO also did, PM-TDM all of a sudden said it was already an Islamic State even if no one else had been consulted, DPM-NTR said it’s a bit of this and a bit of that, PM-AAB said a couple of things to add to the confusion and then made the Islamic State statement but with it’s special Malaysian Brand…. terll me, what the heck is goiung on, are you also confused? After PM-AAB,it’s anyones guess, ayoh apah ini lah????!!!!!!!

  30. What is UMNO trying to prove? That they are “more Islamic” than PAS? As long as PAS remains an opposition party in Malaysia, how can UMNO ever claim that they are running an Islamic state?

    And if at all what AAB said about Malaysia being an Islamic state is true, then this country should only be ruled by UMNO and PAS as sole partners in the government. The other non-Islamic parties should then be kicked out of BN, otherwise it will look so “Unislamic”.

  31. The Government of Day has all the right to interpret the Constitution in a manner that suit the politic of the day. This is seemed to be in the mind of AAB when he answered the question.
    So “Islamic” or “Non-Islamic” state is determined by the Government of the day. No point arguing the issue as we know AAB will not hesitate to use his arsenal of draconian laws to impose on those who he considered as “delinquent” or follow his predecessor’s tactic – change the Constitution.
    The only way for AAB or any future PM to behave in such manner is to deny BN the 2/3 majority.
    That will the dream of every Malaysian.

  32. “They have already started Islamization of Malaysia with the banning of “pig-rearing” in Melaka. ”

    The process of Islamization in Malaysia is nothing new. It started in the 80s long before you were born!

  33. “The cauldron is simply getting too hot! It is due to explode anytime!”…you’re right about that…it’s like waiting for the volcano to errupt…the signs are already there…it’s just a matter of time

  34. Perhaps AAB should first threaten the non-Islamic political parties in BN before threatening others. Proclaiming Malaysia as an Islamic nation means the government is Islamic. So what are the non-Islamic political parties doing in BN? Shouldn’t all of them be Islamized before Islamizing other?

  35. yes…islamic state with murderers…full of corrupted and kurang ajar leaders…and leaders who dunno what being a muslim is….leaders who only bla bla bla fr the quran but dun even knw and recognise what the arabic verses are…an islamic state which is pursuing its own identity and trying so hard to tell the world whos the actual people behind malaysia..a fine example of an islamic leader who cant wait to announce he will be getting married even tho he knew himself whats been going on b4…(u think abt it urself)…and an islamic state whr corruption is a must in their daily life of the leaders.

  36. Where is the fairness in the so-called “Islamic State”….temples are torn down without any thought towards the religious sentiment of the rakyat; churches operating from shoplots or built in industrial estates; whilst new mosques built on prime and prominent locations in cities and towns…..mismanagement of public funds by the various Govt agencies (as reported by the Auditor-General) but no action taken against the culprits….millions spent on purchasing overpriced goods….is this what Islam Hadhari is about?

    As the saying goes….”bapa borek, anak rintik”…corrupt leadership = corrupt government ! When leaders are not well educated, they “assume” the rakyat are too ! So definitely when the open their mouths, their stupidity is revealed….eg. Minister in Prime Minister’s Dept ?!!

    Perhaps, the time has come for the state rulers to step in and correct the situation before we become the laughing stock of the world !!!

  37. Comment on taxes from alcohol: Legal. From the era of Caliph Umar al Khattab. However, a Muslim must not participate in making, selling, distributing alcoholic drinks. For example; bottling, labeling, delivering, distributing, selling (even in planes, malls, hotels), offering and such.

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