Looking back to look ahead


The Sun
23rd August 2007

Looking back to look ahead
Zainon Ahmad and Maria J. Dass

Parliamentary Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang likes to believe his contribution to nation-building has been his efforts to keep alive the aspirations of Malaysians for democracy, justice, freedom and integrity. The man who has been in parliament since 1969, except for an absence for one term following his defeat in 1999, tells ZAINON AHMAD and MARIA DASS that many people are sad because many institutions that had been established 50 years ago have lost their effectiveness.

theSun: We are coming up to 50 years soon, so what do you think we have achieved in that time?

LKS: I think it’s a very mixed result. I think when we achieved independence 50 years ago and then with Sabah and Sarawak we formed the Malaysian federation, we all had one aspiration – that we would become more Malaysian over the years.

Which means we would become less Malay, less Chinese, less Indian, less Kadazan and less Iban and so on, but on the 50th year looking around, especially with the events in the last two months, we seem to have become less Malaysian and more Malay, more Chinese, more Indian, more Kadazan and more Iban than anything else.

What has happened? Of course, after 50 years that seems the most important question to ask.

Of course. But in terms of development if you compare to Ghana which also achieved independence in the same year, I think we are 10 times ahead.

But we should not compare ourselves with the not-so-well-off nations. We should compare ourselves with those countries that are at the same level as us. Maybe even with Japan.

And if you look back on that perspective when we achieved independence, we were second in Asia after Japan in terms of development. But since then we have fallen behind. Other countries have moved ahead to become first world and developed countries – Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, not to mention Hongkong.

Whereas for us it is still a distant vision. Why?

It’s not that we lack potential, capabilities, resources and brain power. The problem is with our nation-building policies. These policies, over the decades, have not been able to fully develop our human capital. Instead we see the grave problem of brain drain among our best and brightest. All because of nation-building policies and problem with our education system. And these problems are still going on.

So that’s what you mean by very mixed results.

Yes. But what concerns me most is the people, “us” – that we are not able to identify ourselves more as being Malaysians. Instead we are identifying ourselves more as Malay, Chinese, Kadazan and so on.

That should be more alarming, don’t you think?

Yes, very alarming. In particular the issues that came to the fore during the last one or two months has brought us to the very core. In fact many people are wondering what is the meaning of this 50th Merdeka anniversary if they are feeling more alienated, more divided and more polarised.

That should in fact be the focus of attention.

In fact, the MCA general assembly is the best illustration – that it is not to celebrate the 50 years of greater nationhood but to highlight a greater division.

Sometimes a small case become the obsession of an entire cabinet while there are more important issues about integrity, development, corruption and how Malaysia can compete with the rest of the world.

We should move away from this Malays vs non-Malays or bumis vs non-bumis situation. More and more we should think about Malaysians vs the rest of the world. But we seem to be losing more of that focus.

Don’t you think that we have reached a stage of intolerance that at the slightest provocation we shout “withdraw his citizenship.” Seems like the queen in Alice in Wonderland forever shouting “off with his head.” A bit extreme isn’t it?

More than that, it is seditious. When Parliament was reconvened following the May 13 incident the Constitution was amended to address four sensitive issues that cannot be questioned. These are those relating to the special privileges of the Malays, language, the Rulers and a person’s citizenship.

If you remember back in the 1960s Umno leaders were very fond of shouting “strip him of his citizenship” at those they thought were being disloyal. For a while the amendment stopped that. But it is still a sensitive issue to demand for the removal of your citizenship.

Now it is suddenly fashionable again to call for the stripping of someone’s citizenship. Is that what you want to say?

Yes. Now, you even have ministers, mentris besar and chief ministers shouting “withdraw his citizenship”. Aren’t they going to be charged for sedition? They can be charged for sedition per se – just based on that. Because on that constitutional amendment there is no need for proof of malice or no malice.

There have been many incidents where the government acted hastily. No to this, no to that. No more discussion on this, no more discussion on that. Also there was this allegation of mass conversions of Muslims to Christianity, for instance. And it involved mariner Datuk Azhar Mansor.

Some double standard in their reaction here. You want to talk about seditious, it is seditious because it incited the feelings of some 500 Muslims who surrounded a church near Ipoh because they believed that Azhar had become a Christian and he was going to baptise other Malay-Muslims who had been converted to Christianity. As it turned out it was not true whatsoever.

If we want to talk about seriousness, that is very serious. It was capable of creating a riot, but no action was taken against the person who made the allegations.

Do you think all that has happened is an over-reaction? For instance the prohibition to set up an Interfaith Commission and the cancellation of the Article 11 debates. There are recent developments.

The impact is that these have entered into party politics – this element of religious sensitivity or polarisation. There is now a greater discomfort among the various religious groups which we did not have before. But they are raising their ugly heads after more than four decades of nation-building.

Is it because the Muslims have increased in number? Around 1957, Muslims formed about 48 or 49 percent of the population but now they are around 60 percent. Do you think this has caused the problem?

I don’t think that should be a problem. I think the problem is the lack of direction being given by the government to show very clearly that what we agreed upon just before Merdeka must continue. After all our social contract involves a multi-religious, multi-racial society, diversity and pluralism. This must be celebrated and not just talked about in speeches and not just be used for tourist promotion.

You mean like we flaunt them as mere slogans. Like they are meaningless slogans, no feelings in them. Is that it?

Yes. We say all these things but they have not been internalised. No commitment to them. No real belief in them. And not just that but more and more they have been regarded as peripheral issues.

It wasn’t always like this. I am sure you know that.

It wasn’t always like this. In the early years of independence our first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, initiated those inter-religious discussions. He set up what was know then as inter-religious organisations or IRO, which is what the Article 11 is all about. Basically the Tunku believed all religions can come together to promote greater religious understanding, goodwill and dialogue.

But now such a concept seems to be unthinkable and unacceptable even. And the promotion of religious dialogue is just for international forums, but not for internal purposes.

I think something has gone very wrong and I think unless we are prepared to address this issue, we seem to be heading for stormy waters.

Everywhere we go we proclaim that we are a multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysia with the various races living peacefully together. But this, as you said just now, is not internalised, not spoken from the heart. But what can we do?

I think the leadership should set an example with all institutes and organisation in society following them from behind. To internalise the diversity in this country you must be sincere and faithful to these fundamental principals.

Actually when we started we never established clear directions on what nation-building entails. There was no road map on how we are going to build up this nation. Do you think we need something like that, to have an actual road map on what we are going to do.

The general principles have always been there. There is the social contract which says we are a democratic, multi-religious, multi-racial, progressive country where Islam is the official religion of the Federation but not an Islamic state.

We have the formula. Not true to say we do not have a formula. But it so happen that those in authority are seemingly moving further and further away from this basic formula.

Even those at the top are seemingly reluctant to admit that Malaysia is now a secular state even though the courts have declared so.

You know for 44 years we can see that there is no questioning that Malaysia is a secular state. Islam is the official religion, it is not an Islamic state. There were instances of course when there were marginal peripheral voices asking that we move towards an Islamic state. They were not in the mainstream. But now the whole thing seems to have been reversed.

Those who call for the the secular state have been marginalised and regarded as a periphery and those who feel that Malaysia is an Islamic state has now occupied the mainstream.

How did this change take place? This is a whole question of a tectonic shift in nation-building. And now these things cannot be talked about, cannot be discussed even. I don’t think this will solve any problem.

Many things seem to be so sensitive now that they have been taken out of public discussion. Is this healthy?

No. But why is it happening? If we can have public discussion on a social contract in 1956 and 1957, why can’t we have a public discussion as to why this social contract must be maintained, and should be reaffirmed? Everybody talks about social contract, today, but behind closed doors.

It is important to remember that this social contract is not the property of the ruling parties. It is a heritage and legacy of all Malaysians and all Malaysians today have a right to give input on the status of a social contract today.

It is going to be totally lacking in credibility if discussions on this social contract are held behind closed doors.

Every Malaysian should be involved. It cannot be something that you can go to a corner and discuss it in the closet. Where is participatory democracy? You are now shutting down avenues of expression.

How should we go about doing it then?

I think there should be a national consultative council to openly discuss and address this issue. You continue to sweep these problems under the carpet and they become bigger and bigger and finally the whole country is going to suffer.

What you are saying is that we should come together – representatives of all groups – to assess all that we have done in the last 50 years, where we have been successful and where we have failed and to plan for the future. And the best way to do it is through something like a national consultative council. Is that it?

Yes. In fact that should be the way to celebrate the 50th anniversary. We should have planned for it. A year or two ago we should have said that we are planning for a review when we reach 50. All then would be prepared for it – a big review to see where have we failed, where have we succeeded. And representatives of all sectors of the population must be involved. We don’t want just a small group of people around the prime minister to do it. It would be lacking in credibility. It should involve the national process.

You have been an MP since 1969, what have you contributed towards this process of nation-building?

I would like to believe that I have kept alive the aspirations of Malaysians for democracy, justice, freedom and integrity. As an opposition in a Malaysian political system without a majority, nobody thinks you can change the government at the moment and introduce laws and policies on your own. But as an opposition MP I think I have contributed enough to keep alive those aspirations and building up enough pressure for the government of the day to take the necessary actions to be accepted. Some have been accepted and others remain as benchmarks.

Elsewhere education plays a significant role in helping young people to think as members of a nation instead of members of a race, tribe or ethnic group. Has our education system helped in our process of nation-building?

I think our education system has not produced young citizens who are critical and mature in their thinking. It is a disappointment. Education is one of those things we should take a closer look at in our review on the occasion of our 50th year. And the government should take brave and bold steps to dismantle all factors which impede freedom in universities, in civil society and in the country.

You think there is no indication yet that we are moving that way? Isn’t there some openness already?

No indication. After 50 years we still have four emergency proclamations which has not been annulled. We seem to be more comfortable with this state of repression rather than a brave free new world and that’s why they are still there. The emergency declared as a result of the Indonesian confrontation in 1965 is still there, so is the emergency declared as a result of a political problem in Sarawak in 1967. Then there is the state of emergency declared following the racial clashes in May 1969, and also the emergency declared in Kelantan in 1977 following some disturbances.

Shouldn’t they have been annulled a long time ago? The reasons for their declarations have long gone? What is the government waiting for?

You see, under these four proclamations, various ordinances have been passed. And these ordinances the authorities can still use. But they are lazy and they do not want to do anything. You see, once you annul the four proclamations – and they should have been annulled – the ordinances also lapse.

So if they still want to use those ordinances then they have to be brought to Parliament to be enacted into laws.

One of them is the ordinance on Rukun Tetangga. If they want Rukun Tetangga to continue legally then they will have to bring it to Parliament so that it becomes a law legislated by Parliament. But then it is sheer laziness or just tidak-apa, lack of accountability, lack of that culture of responsibility.

Are those institutions that we put in place when we became independent in 1957 still intact?

I think that is another major woe of the country. After 50 years the institutions, the integrity, the independence and public confidence have suffered grave setbacks. Parliament, judiciary, executive, and the major institutions like the police, Anti-Corruption Agency, Elections Commission, civil service mentality have suffered. I think we are going backwards, we are not going forward.

We should be more first world than many other countries which have already achieved first world status. The media for instance. Freedom of the press, that is very important. The media is an important institution.

Many are saying we don’t have to compare with 50 years, we only need to compare with 45 months from Mahathir’s time. Are we moving forward or are we going backwards?

How do you foresee the future, isn’t there any optimism as far as the nation is concerned?

Well I think this 50th anniversary, following all that has happened in the last two or three months, can make people think. Of course, they should have started thinking one or two years earlier. The recent events are now forcing people to think of these fundamental issues. If that happens then there is some saving grace!

Updated: 07:38PM Thu, 23 Aug 2007


28 Replies to “Looking back to look ahead”

  1. I really am grateful to Y.B. Mr. Lim Kit Siang, the Leader of the Opposition’s expression of his views & feelings in the Sun newspapers yesterday.
    It is very sad that after 50 years, people still do not think of being Malaysians, rather as Malay Malaysians, Chinese Malaysians, Indian Malaysians, Iban Malaysians & Kadazan Malaysians & so on.
    Between now & 2020, we need to shift back to be Malaysians first & the less we are aware of our racial origins the better it is & will be.
    Fragile race relations is still very evident in the minds & actions of so many Malaysians. This is so sad.
    I am over 55 years old & feel that I have a heavy heart sometimes for this country of mine & yours.

  2. STOP PRESS: Apologies for intrusion.

    Question for Pak LAH & Chan Kong Choy: What is the difference between a bailout and giving a loan without hope of REPAYMENT?
    No diff! Simple arithmetic that beats the cabinet.

    “Malaysian Government to give soft loan to rescue Main Port Authority stuck with US$1B debt

    By Vijay Joshi, Associated Press Writer

    (AP) — Malaysia will give a soft loan to rescue the country’s main port authority from a debt of US$1 billion in a free port project, the government said Thursday.

    The loan to the Port Klang Authority — tantamount to a bailout — is likely to raise questions about Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s pledges to boost transparency and battle financial mismanagement in mega-projects.

    The scandal centers around the Port Klang Free Zone, or PKFZ, a much-hyped shipping area that opened in western Malaysia last year. It’s original cost of 1.845 billion ringgit ($527 million) ballooned to 4.2 billion ringgit ($1.2 billion) by the time the project was completed in four years.

  3. YB LKS, thank you for serving the nation and for soldiering on for the love of Malaysia and Malaysians through foul and fair weather (mostly foul!) over the last 40 years or more.

    This is the epitome of patriotism; our very own celebrity, a true patriot – fearless and incorruptible.

    All the rest, or at least almost all in the BN camp (Toh Kin Woon, being a notable exception; any more?) are just fleas and parasites who deserve not the titles they wear, who cling to their portfolios like pots of gold.

  4. Just a little bit of precision…..”

    All the rest, or at least almost all in the BN camp (Toh Kin Woon, being a notable exception; any more?) are just fleas and parasites who deserve not the titles they wear but act like leeches barnacled and sucking from their portfolios the liquid gold.

  5. “All the rest, or at least almost all in the BN camp (Toh Kin Woon, being a notable exception; any more?) are just fleas and parasites who deserve not the titles they wear but act like leeches barnacled and sucking from their portfolios the liquid gold.” – ENDANGERED HORNBILL

    Fleas & parasites?? Two questions then. If they are fleas & parasites, why is it that in every GE, the rakyat overwhelmingly return BN to power?
    Second, with a loose marriage of convenience in the Opposition, will there be more bigger ‘fleas and parasites’ should Opposition form the next government?

  6. Fellow Malaysians,

    Soon we will be celebrating our 50th merdeka. Malaysia have come a long, long way. We have had progress, development and peace.

    Heard rumours that the GE are just around the corner, if that is true then all Msians must then make our choice wisely. Either we go with a tried and tested formula, which is BN or gamble our future and our children’s future with the Opposition who has no alliance amongst themselves whatsoever, except for a marriage of convenience.

    We are all looking for the perfect system, the perfect leaders, the perfect life and all. And as such, can a collection of PAS, DAP (who are not even talking to each other) & PKR (who is neither here nor there with DAP/PAS) can govern and administer the nation be able to provide the rakyat the perfect system?

    And I believe all Malaysians will vote wisely.

    Selamat Merdeka.

  7. I do agree that Malaysia has come quite a long way in progress, development and peace. But that progress, development and peace have come about largely not because of the BN but in spite of the BN. Why is this so?
    1. Our country has been massively blessed with bountiful natural resources (eg oil & gas) and absence of costly natural disasters. This has given the govt the wonderful ability to hide large scale abuses, corruption, wastages. Although that will change once the oil runs out. In other words, we have had pure dumb luck.
    2. The people has been compliant and has generally bought into the ‘social contract’. Yes, times were hard, we all need to work for a living to support our families, to protect the economy, because after all, don’t we all regardless of what race we are, ultimately want to provide a better life for our wives and kids and parents etc.? Malaysians are generally not prone to violence easily to resolve issues of contention, despite the threats of violence so easily made at certain general assemblies. Again, there’s no assurance this state of compliance will continue in the future, esp. with the youths of today.

    It truly hurts to think what could have been, if we had taken a different path. Agree that there’s no such thing as a perfect system or utopia, but to what extent is the corruption and abuses and repression and destructive policies for example is acceptable before we say enough is enough? Or is it never enough? But as the ad says, its more important to look ahead. The definition of ‘wise’ voting is of course open to interpretation. Is it wise to vote for BN and misguided / utopian to vote for the opposition? Only time will tell. The fear of the unknown has always kept the incumbent in power. It’ll be interesting to see if this fear is enough this time.
    And at the rate we are going, the Umno MCA alliance is fast unravelling into a marriage of convenience as well.

  8. Firstly, not all Malaysians will be celebrating Merdeka. Secondly, the progress our country has made is nothing to be proud of, we are still a third world country. Thirdly, there isn’t something like perfect system, perfect leaders and all because nothing is perfect. We can only achieved a better Malaysia if voters become matured politically, not when they are selling thier votes for RM200, unless selling votes is what one called vote wisely. Furthermore, this Merdeka is not selamat, serious crimes like rape, murder and robbery are happening every seconds, and our policemen maybe among them. I call on all Malaysians, let’s not gamble with the tied and tested formula which is tearing our country apart after fifty years, and vote for the opposition so Malaysia can be saves from destruction.

  9. I agree with Kit Siang’s answer in the interview saying that all Malaysians have to be given chance to participate in the discussions to reaffirm our social contract. Talking behind closed doors will only lose creditability. Remember that understanding in diverse cultures cannot be achieved only through people at the summit, but also through citizens like us. The commoners paint the big picture. Hereby I must also remind that all of us are part of history, together we shape the nation, whatever we want to be.

    I would also like to stress again that patriotism and supporting government are two distinct incident, they cannot be equated together. Supporting the wrong initiatives or policies will only bring harm to all. Voices of patriotism are always there, they are omnipresent everywhere, just that the government has silenced them with a few statues. Since the government does not listen to opinions vital to nation building, how can we advance?

    Besides that, I would also like to stress that loyals may not speak favourably to the listener. Those on power only practice selective listening, they’ve neglected the interests of other parties. What have they learnt throughout their education? History keeps on repeating itself. The past incidences should serve as a guide for us, so that we can fare better in the future.

    There remain so much unanswered questions. If we don’t address key issues, we are actually heading for destruction.

  10. Hi Kit Siang,

    I just wanted to say, “Thank you” for standing against the odds and perservering all these years to defend the ideals of our nation’s founding fathers.

    You have my utmost admiration and respect. Malaysia needs people like you who are unafraid of the truth, whom despite being the minority, dare to hope and dream for a better future – an achievable future.

    I look forward to the BN coping a hiding in this election, but even if they don’t, keep the fight Kit Siang, it’s worth it.

    God bless

  11. Mr. Lim,

    Thank You.

    Thank you for finding the energy, perseverance, effort and courage to wake up every morning without fail, ready to face a room full of giants regardless of the odds, somewhat alone, to keep alive the aspirations of Malaysians for democracy, justice, freedom and integrity.

    Mr. Lim, Happy 50th Independence Day.

    With regards and love,

    Thank You.

  12. /// But in terms of development if you compare to Ghana which also achieved independence in the same year, I think we are 10 times ahead. ///

    LKS – you are being very kind and generous. Even with a failed African state like Ghana, Malaysia is only 5 times ahead, not 10.

    Country Ghana Malaysia
    Land 239,460 sq km 329,750 sq km
    Population 22.93m 24.82m
    GDP (ppp) US$2,700 US$12,900


  13. what a bloody good and re-freshing read it was. At the end of the good read, I was once again brought to the dim reality that such profound thoughts of LKS will never see daylight in this country. BUt Uncle Lim, continue the mision. We are with you.

  14. Uncle LIM,

    You are one Malaysian I respect the most.

    Days in and days out for more than 30 + years fighting against all the UMO hyenas, never give up and never say die!

    May you live another 30 good years and terminate all the hyenas once and for all.

  15. Dear Mr. Lim Kit Siang,

    Thank you very much for spending your whole life for a better Malaysian Malaysia, a Malaysia by Malaysians, of Malaysians and for Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, language and the arrival of one’s forefather to this land!

    You, in a sense, epitomises the ideal democratic socialist for your relentless, indefatigable and dogged persistence in your pursuit of a Malaysian Malaysia!

    For other countless like-minded Malaysians, you are our Malaysia’s very own Martin Luther King Jr.

    For that we salute you. Come another 50 years, your Malaysian dream lives on!!

    Thank you

  16. Hello Kit,

    I think you’re being too tactful and diplomatic!

    You’re playing their game. It is time Malaysians and leaders like yourself be brave (go for broke, if you will) and take the bull by the horns – call a spade a spade!

    It is people power or no power!

  17. The Chinese and the Indians led by MCA and MIC respectively chose to be sidelines to the periphery and allowed the Malays led by UMNO to move into the mainstream.
    If the non Malays had not given in so meekly to the unreasonable demands , we wouldn’t be in this state.
    Blame the Chinese and the Indians who had chosen to be in the periphery in return for positions in the cabinet and some crumbs from UMNO’s table.
    The camel has moved into the tent. Now who can drive it out.

  18. Much as I admire you YB Lim for your undying love for this country,your unyielding efforts in your fight for fair play for Malaysians regardless of ethnicity and your strong conviction of a Malaysian Malaysia and not a Malaysia for the Chinese nor a Malaysia for the Kadazans nor a Malaysia for the Ibans nor a Malaysia for the Malays nor a Malaysia for the Indians nor a Malaysia for the Dayaks but a Malaysia for the MALASIANS, I have to fault you for not going the extra mile to get in more Malays into the party to make it the party that DAP professes to be.DAP is first and foremost MALAYSIAN. Right now it is being perceived as a CHINESE PARTY.
    The demography of Malaysia has changed dramatically over the last 50 years — in part due to fertility,in part due to the policy of the ultra UMNOPUTRAS in taking in large numbers of Indonesians and in recent times large number of Filipino muslims into Sabah for election purposes,in part due to migration of Malaysians to new homelands.The other factor is the gerrymandering that TDM did during his 22years in power to ensure Malay rule forever.
    The first premise is that this rot that we’re mired in for such a long time must end. We must not be in shit street without a shovel so to speak.Therefore we should not talk about denying two thirds majority,we must talk about regime change.To do that DAP must join forces with PKR, PAS and any other party from Sabah and Sarawak.We know you have big problems associated with forming a pact with PAS. Your last venture was a disaster with both you and Karpal Singh being kicked out unceremoniously by those short sighted Chinese in Penang in spite of the fact that you have explained and given one strong reason for the pact…to deny two thirds majority to this racist BN coalition.If PAS still insist on forming an islamic state then maybe some kind of loose pact may be worked out.Look, let’s face it, between UMNO and PAS,I’ll say PAS is the lesser evil for they are not strong compared to UMNO in terms of financial power and their influence is not that widespread.They can also never be able to form a government on its own.Meantime you should go all out to attract moderate Malays who are interested in a Malaysia for everybody and I believe there is a substantial number out there too.This must be one of the top agenda on DAP’s wish list.
    Regime change is not going to happen if DAP is not going to work harder to make DAP Malaysian,no use saying it is Malaysian.YB LIM, from your speeches made, we know you have great intellect and you definitely have a thing or two on how this country should be run.But that’s not enough if you can’t turn DAP Malaysian.By turning DAP MAlaysian we’ll then see the dawn of a new Malaysia where every Malaysian will have a place under the Malaysian sun.

  19. “If PAS still insist on forming an islamic state then maybe some kind of loose pact may be worked out.” – AhPek

    Loose pact?? Kinda like the usual marriage of convenience, right?
    The rakyat wont be hoodwinked into another ‘loose pact’.

  20. Well, REALWORLD, we’re kidding ourselves to remove BN altogether.

    IMPOSSIBLE! Coz certain votes are much more cheaper to buy. Perhaps even at RM200 per vote in terms of monetary or value.

    Definitely impossible. We’re looking at a bigger opposition say in the next 5 years.

    A stronger check and balance. Not that they can easily bulldoze their ways in a do away with the Common Law?????

    Even PAS not even champion for it. So, look who is more radical now?

    Who is more reckless now? The racial unity factor in Kelantan is far much more better than elsewhere where it is very segregated.

    BN is becoming more and more like the old colonial masters. Divide & Rule. Divide & Conquer.

    Divide and Split The Goodies amongst the well connected few.

    The Chinese and Indians don’t really need MCA and MIC. They’re quite irrelevant these days. Thanks & No Thanks!

  21. YB Lim,

    Thank you for all your effort all these years. Seeing a small unit of local gladiator in dewan rakyat surrounded by corrupted giants is really SADDENING. Worst still is, our so call brothers from MCA and MIC really left their balls at home each time they leave for Dewan Rakyat is really sickening. We hope that even though we cant be with you guys there, but in support we will. Thank you again, you are indeed somebody and one of the reason we can celebrate 50th MERDEKA (true independence).

  22. The Non bumi are mostly independent, hard working, resourcesful, responsible with family planning, willing to do anything for a living including looking for jobs overseas and etc.., they do not need a political party to fight for their basic interests but need a good and responsible government to properly spend their tax payers money to benefit all and put the country’s best interest first.

    Non Malays cannot rely on the Malays leadership in UNMO to protect their basic rights under the Constitution………their leaders are only fighting a very narrow interest for their survival at all costs – their party and the political grouping of races under Malay, other matters affecting the country are secondary.

    Non bumi had played their part to contribute significantly to a modern, peaceful, progressive and prosperous multi racial and religious country and owed the country nothing!!

  23. Well said, ethnicmalaysian and dawsheng, well said.

    “Either we go for tried and tested formula…”

    Tried and tested formula of what? Of failed governance? Of corruption? Of racial segregation?

    Let me answer your two questions.

    Firstly, in every GE, the rakyat overwhelmingly return BN to power simply due to muzzled press.

    Secondly, I would definitely vote for a loose marriage of convenience, rather than a coalition formed by a puppeteer and all his puppets.
    Next, how will there be bigger “fleas and parasites” should the Opposition form the next government? If “loose marriage of convenience” is what you mean of the Opposition, then PAS, Keadilan and DAP will definitely look over their own shoulders cautiously so as not to be stabbed by each other from behind. We’d thus have a more transparent government!

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