Hanif’s “40% senior cops corrupt” allegation – Cabinet should apologise for disregarding it and make amends tomorrow

Nanyang Sian Pau’s report with the headline “Hanif, Produce Proof — Musa’s comment on allegation that 40% of senior police officers corrupt” is the only newspaper to give some prominence to the serious allegation by the country’s longest-serving and most famous former Inspector General of Police, Tun Hanif Omar that 40% of senior police officers could be arrested for corruption without further investigations strictly on the basis of their lifestyles.

It has taken the IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan more than a week to respond to Hanif’s serious allegation, and it was a most anaemic, perfunctory and unimpressive response totally lacking in credibility — that the public should lodge reports if they have information on corrupt cops and that he would take action to investigate to determine the truth.

The failure of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and IGP to respond seriously to the unprecedented allegation of police corruption by a pillar of the establishment like Tun Hanif in his Sunday Star column on August 12 that 40% of senior police officers could be arrested for corruption without further investigations strictly on the basis of their lifestyles is eloquent testimony that Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s anti-corruption campaign has completely run out of steam and is a dismal failure.

What Hanif exposed was not about individual cases of corruption but systemic corruption of the police force and the public service.

If “40% of the senior officers could be arrested without further investigations — strictly on the basis of their lifestyles”, we are talking about a staggering figure of 1,400 out of the 3,502 senior police officers from the rank of Assistant Superintendent to Inspector-General of Police.

When in the past three years there had not been a single case of arrest of a senior police officer out of the 1,400 who could be arrested for corruption without further investigations, it speaks of a rotten system of national integrity which will see Malaysia’s international corruption perception index on a downward plunge.

In countries serious about eradication of corruption and not just playing lip-service with a National Integrity Plan which does nothing to check corruption, a revelation made by the country’s most famous former IGP about such high-level rot and corruption would have merited being placed on the top agenda of the Cabinet.

The Malaysian Cabinet meeting last Wednesday, however, had no time for the serious allegation by Hanif as it was too preoccupied by a 24-year-old rapper Wee Meng Chee and his Negarakuku rap and the demands of Umno Ministers to demonise, criminalize and crush the undergraduate with the whole might of the state!

The entire Cabinet should apologise to the country for disregarding Hanif’s serious and unprecedented allegation last Wednesday, demonstrating its utter lack of seriousness in fighting corruption and upholding national integrity.

It should make amends at tomorrow’s Cabinet meeting by giving top priority to Hanif’s serious and unprecedented allegation, and come out with a bold decision and action plan to salvage the failed anti-corruption campaign and restore public confidence in the integrity of the Abdullah administration.


28 Replies to “Hanif’s “40% senior cops corrupt” allegation – Cabinet should apologise for disregarding it and make amends tomorrow”

  1. where got 40%? Just like The NEP case study, where got achieved 30% ? Still languishing in the 20% area after so many donkey years.

    Tun Hanif must be wrong. NO way it is 40%. 4% maybe la.

    AG : Case closed!

  2. Merdeka day should be held at the Tunku’s mausoleum at Alor Star……….and everyone should ask forgiveness from the Tunku when no one listened to him when he said Mahathir will destroy the country………….poor Tunku even convinced the British to save our asses from the communists and Soekarno…….only for Mahathir to spit on their faces……..and say Buy British Last……..but the greatest thing he destroyed was integrity, virtue…….when you treat people who had sacrificed their lives for this country this way……police immorality is a minor issue…….

  3. Frankly, I think 40% is an understatement. It could be 99%!

    If everyone is corrupted, how can they make amends? Who is responsible to catch the corrupts? That will be equal to catch oneselves! How to charge and put oneself to jail?

  4. Within a matter of nine days(13-8-07 to 21-8-07),there were 5 accidents involving express buses happened on the highways of West Malaysia.These mishaps had claimed 23 lives and caused quite a number of injuries.I think corruption could be a contributory factor to these avoidable tragedies.Who should we blame for the recurrent accidents involving public transport at such a high rate? RTD,CVLB,PDRM or S.Value.

  5. There was corruption in the police force long before the time of Haniff. It is regrettable that Hanif failed to mention the extent of corruption even then. Today corruption has become so endemic that it threatens whatever public confidence that still remains of these men in blue who have been entrusted to maintain public order aided by a judiciary dedicated to enforcing the rule of law.

    Who executed the IGP before Haniff? Why? Who wanted him dead? Don’t tell me it is the Communists. The Emergency ended a decade earlier.

  6. That’s absolutely correct but most adopt holier-than-thou attitude. Corruption is condemned because SOMEONE ELSE is making money based on unfair advantage of power at one’s expense but would this condemnation equally apply as a standard if one is placed in vantage position (due to connections and power relations) to partake in corruption (without getting caught) and get rich for one’s ownself and family members at the expense of OTHERS?

  7. What I am saying is that is there a point to condemn and criticise this UMNO politician and that if we’re going to shut up if given same opportunity personally to plunder and rich fopr ourselves? Where is the moral standard here? I agree that there may be a few who are exceptional in moral standards and would resist the blandishment of power and money but necessarily they must be the smallest of minority. Taking the general picture however, are the majority of those who rant criticise and condemn corruption prepared to repudiate it if offerred the opportunity? Do the majority have a higher moral standard than those they criticise or is itnot a dog in the manger situation?

  8. What prove does he want? “Corruption” is written on the faces of every policeman, UMNO politicians and civil servants.
    It is in their blood. It is written in their bank accounts. It is written on the walls of their homes. It is written on their souls.

  9. He was part of the system too…
    His family members are enjoying well now from the system too…
    His current involvement with the business world also benefitted from the system too…
    His title saves him from any form of execution against his past doings also because of the system too…

    Please, TUN … Please
    Don’t share anymore of your ‘concerned’ opinion with the public because of another propaganda plan in making to make changes in the current government structure, just to safeguard your and your fellow team interest in wealth and power game.

    Don’t share that you are doing it for the sake of this country future and certain corrective measures are needed now.
    You are part of that system that brought you to where you are now.
    Don’t you learn from all the wrong doings that you opted for in the name of the game back then.
    Don’t you regain yourself in religion dignity and practice the faith accordingly to repend.
    Don’t share anymore of the truth in you that you have been denying when you supposed to uphold during yor tenure in the system.

    Enough is enough…
    Your time have been well spent and rewarded.
    Don’t make a comeback as you have already dwelled in the system.
    No amount of pardon will cleansed them in the eyes of Almighty.
    Safe your thoughts and pray more often to lessen your punishment from Almighty in your remaining days.
    God Bless.

  10. All these revelations shows how small minded all these people are. Now that they have been bypassed, they feel slighted and start making all kinds of allegations. If you really think that there is such widespread corruption in the PDRM (and I believe there is) then with the position you enjoy, you should be able to push for action more forcefully. Telling the public is useless. What can we do to force Pak Lah’s hands? He of the “elegant silence” and “tak tau” culture? If you are a citizen with concience and have the means to make changes, then you should do it and not stop at talking only.

    But I have to concede that this has succeeded to force more worms out of the woodwork when the current IGP himself said that there are also a lot of corrupted civil servants. And I have the same quesation for the IGP. At your level, you can do the right thing to correct this so why aren’t you doing sometthing instead of just talking?

    And my question to Pak Lah. Both the former IGP and the current IGP has gone public with the information that there is widespread corruption in the PDRM and the civil service. So what are you doing about it? Burying your head in the sand won’t help and your dereliction of duty would be your lasting legacy.

  11. Have you ever noticed that most criminals convicted and sent to prison are penniless people with no connections. There are many criminals out there who are well off and most of their crimes can be “kowtim” with money.

  12. Please give them a break.
    They need all the manpower and resources to deal with Wee Meng Chee, that is the TOP priority.
    Corruption in police force? It is just a small matter. Don’t expect the Prime Minister to look at it, he is busy sleeping, zzzzzzzzzzzz………..

  13. The Malaysian policemen can be seen wearing a tag with these words on it “SAYA ANTI-RASUAH”. Shame on them, this is as good as slapping their own faces when the police are still rampant on accepting bribes. I think if at all they claim to be anti-corruption, they should tattoo these words on their forehead to show each and every Malaysian they mean what they say!

  14. “..are the majority of those who rant criticise and condemn corruption prepared to repudiate it if offerred the opportunity? ” Jeffrey QC

    Yet to be seen, Jeffery. Yet to be seen. Power corrupts. It is easy for those without power to talk against the abuse of power. It is not that easy when you have that power yourself.

    Having said, the fact that corruption can never be stemmed out completely, is no reason why we should not take steps to make those responsible for the mess, accountable for their actions. Billions are being lost and taxpayers are left to pick up the tab. It is not right.

  15. tun hanif has a very high standing among the people and his words are given lots of weight. Now current IGP ask him to show proof. What is IGP standing among the people? he has admitted he can’t even control his people. Tun Hanif has served with distinction and the police force under his leadership was much better and the crime rate was much lower and we Malaysian never lived under current type of fear under Tun Hanif leadership.

    So my message is IGP,why don’t you show us that 40% of your force, okay make it 20% of your force is not corrupt.You show it lo!!!!

    Daulat Tuanku!!!

  16. Corruption to the B.N goverment is nothing new,because there is no real affort in getting rid of it,The B.N .GOVERMENT can only stay in power because of corruption,just look at the way they used their corrupt ways to win the election,yes we always fall for it. Please dont blame the E.C because we are talking of their bread and butter here,they know if they stand up they will be out of a job,during by – election we all can see for ourself the corrupt ways they use to win,but what can i do mine is only one vote may god help us all

  17. “No country can stem out corruption because it is the corollary of power.When there is power there is abuse of power otherwise referred to as corruption.” undergrad2.
    And if I may add there are no countries that are absolutely free from corruptions and also that there are countries more corrupt than others.How corrupt a country is,can often be pretty accurately assessed when a person walks thro the customs and immigration sections upon arrival to that country.That is probably why corruption indices are drawn up as part of informations essential to help in the decision making process whether it is worth the risk of putting one’s money in a particular country.We used to be a place where FDI loves to seek its home in and Malaysia’s corruption could have been one of the main reosons why FDI is now taking flight with ever increasing speed.
    What is most distressing for the ordinary Joe in the street is to read the response of our TOP POLICEMAN to Tun Haniff’s comment that 40% of our senior police officers can be arrested for corruptions without further investigation based simply on the lifestyles.Tun is not anybody,he is some prominent man in society and also a former IGP.His allegation is a damning indictment and it is inappropiately met by Musa’s ‘produce proof’ rebuttal.He thinks that Tun’s allegation has no grounds unless he proves them guilty otherwise they are innocent.It obviously did not occur to him that under such a situation it is vitally urgent for him to restore public’s confidence in his force. If it did Musa would have taken Haniff’s words by assuming those officers alleged to be guilty unless proven innocent.
    But then again what do you expect from this IGP who rejects IPCMC?Tells a story more about him than anybody else.

  18. Musa, many years ago, if you remember your Polis diaRaja Malaysia solved the football match fixing saga in Malaysian football by recording statements and than condemning some footballers to restricted residence, thus without charging them in court and branding them as corrupt. Do the same for the men in your force who are corrupt. record statements and restrict them under the restricted residence act. Otherwise charge Haniff for defamation.You threaten ordinary citizens with ARREST, NOW GET YOUR MEN WHO ARE ALLEGED TO BE CORRUPT or forever hold your tongue. Why were you promoted IGP over others more senior and with far better paper qualifications than you?

  19. refer to the corruption index published by those int’l org….you know that we are just trying very hard to fight corruption, from the PM to those on the street traffice policemen…but how effective, remain a topic during the tea time and election campaign…life goes on !!!!!

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