Scarf Issue in IIUM

An email from G on the perennial problem of dress code for non-Muslim graduates for the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) convocation:

With reference to the above subject matter, I would like to direct your attention to the following url:
*particularly on the “Notes”.

Ms Fong (Po Kuan) and DAP had fight fiercelessly for non-Muslim females’ rights in IIUM, which resulted to the change of dress code from compulsory wearing of tudung to optional (even though we still need to wear a small bandana). However, this changes does not seem to take effect on the dress code on non-muslim female during the Convocation, as pointed out bluntly in the abovementioned website.

I believe, convocation ceromony is one of the “proudest” moment for every parent. However, for a non-Muslim parent to witness this precious moment while their child is wearing a tudung with a string hint of alien religion, is upsetting and embarassing. So, should they absent from the ceromony as how the University suggest? Or, put down their pride to cheer for the child?

We were brought up in a belief that (at least I worship this), a must for convocation is the “Cap”. Perhaps for a Muslim, wearing a tudung with a funny looking band over it is proud. but for non-Muslim, the Cap is almost everything. To wear it when receiving the roll, throw it to the air after completion of convocation, take family photo wearing the Cap, hanging it in the living room..the Cap signifies a huge and respective

During our 49th Convocation, a top student refused to attend the convocation simply because she opposed strongly for the wearing of tudung. The consequences were for her to give up the some awards. This year, the student who is a named and expected Best Student Award recipient refused to attend the ceromony for the same reason.

I see no reason why IIUM decided to ban the wearing of Cap. UKM and UM have it…and they have Muslim students, too! I also find no Quranic verses which opposed to the usage of such Cap to support the same. Hence, this is most probably another ridiculous regulation of the authority.

I sincerely wish that you may look into the issue as soon as possible, seeing that no other Party in our nation is as vocal as DAP. My convocation is on 26th August. Any changes may not be implemented on my batch, but I do hope that my fellow juniors would have a taste of wearing the Cap on their convocation!


64 Replies to “Scarf Issue in IIUM”

  1. there’s a HUGE difference between tolerating and allowing customs and traditions that DO NOT CONFLICT with Islam and allowing ONLY Islamic customs and anything remotely to be the only DE-FACTO standard for anything …

    tolerating and allowing non-conflicting customs and traditions are the mark of a true Muslims and citizen of the world …

    and the other is basically a step closer to becoming a fundamentalist or worse a narrow-minded terrorist.

  2. Is IIUM only meant for Muslim students? If it is YES, then non-Muslim should just leave. Right?

    I don’t know. I just think that there are A LOT of things we need to do for the country. The supposed leaders of the country who is in power to make changes and improvements are not using their brain on the right thing to do.

  3. unfortunately the name of the university says that it is an ISLAMIC university. So if a kafir attends this uni, he/she is expected to submit to all the rules of the uni. Actually I see no harm in a non-Muslim student wearing “Islamic clothes” in an Islamic uni. If a woman goes to an “Islamic country” like Iran or Saudi, she would be expected to cover up. This to me is a non-issue. The rules should be made clear to all students enrolling in the uni; if they agree, they enroll, if they don’t, then do not enter. I am not a Muslim but I have no difficulties accepting such rules after it is an ISLAMIC university. If there is such thing as a Buddhist university, students who are non-Buddhists should not complain if they are asked to wear saffron robes during convocation.

  4. Do what the Romans do. Dont complaint when you are given a chance to study there in the first place!!
    Let them practice what ever they want there till they rot as long as they dont force people outside IIUM to do the same.

    If you vote PAS in, it is not just IIUM, but whole of Malaysia will be turned into one IIUM sooner than later. If you vote BN in, you still have the time to adjust yourself, which is not so soon, may be 2020 or 2057!!

  6. For universities that cares more about religious and racial issues rather than academic excellence, I’d suggest parents to avoid sending their kids there. Unless they want their kids to go through all the emotional trauma of the suppressed minorities and come out from it an angry and frustrated Malaysian.

  7. I agree with madmix and littlebird.

    i think this is a non issue.

    if europeans come to Malaysia , and visit any Malaysian home , they are expected to remove their shoes.

    similarly, my british friends laugh me off, when i removed my shoes when visiting them in southampton.

    this is a cultural issue, not a religious issue. PLEASE DONT PLAY UP.
    that’s why dap always lose focus. lose the votes of the malays.

    IIMU stands for International Islamic University of Malaysia. period.

    please be matured enough that this is a non issue. go to a malay house, i pakai tangan. so what. go to a chinese house, i use chop stick. so what. go to an indian house, i kiss the old amah foot as a sign of respect. so what.

    election time coming, DAP is a chinese thinking and not bangsa malaysia mentality. sorry la. this manner another 50 years pun tak jadi government of the day. YB LIM, have multi racial advisors.

  8. It is a public funded university. Every Malaysian who meet the academic requisites should be allowed to study there, irrespective of race or religion. Therefore it should be run like the other universities without imposition of all sort of irreational rules and regulation.

  9. False holiness.

    Ok. Let’s be harmonious. Let’s call it polite dressing. Melayu dressing now even goes into the public service. Contrary to what Islam teaches about forgiveness, the government of Malaysia is taking Namewee to the court. Therefore o ye bloggers and Youtube users, be advised that the government is hot on its’ heels after you. That is what we get after 50 years of independence, freedom from England only to find ourselves in chains by the Melayu. It is a confirmed case of political desperado. Malaysia is desperate to be a very important Islamic country as an example for other Islamic countries to follow.

  10. If you want to go to an Islamic University, you should be expecting some sort of an Islamic dress code. No sweat. So what if you have to conform to some dress code when you graduate. It identifies you to the University.

  11. The leaders of the University should enable non-muslim females to wear what they wish over their heads, even though it is the IIMU- whats the big deal if they don’t want to cover up their heads, dress how they normally do? Why compartmentalize people forcibly? It’s about time everyone moves forward and accepts other peoples views if it makes them feel uncomfortable…just let them be, why is their so much “branding” around this country….too many simple minded people, sorry to say!

  12. sigh… the so called International university and so much attention is focus on dress code. Dress code is more important than academic? Even 3 year old can understand academic is more important! I guess all the non-muslim should just boycott this school. After all, who would want to show potential employer the cert with a big Islam printed over it in this new era.

  13. Just like the muslims in the Western countries making a big fuss when the school authorities forbade muslims students to wear tudung by saying wearing tudung and even turban for Singhs looks funny and scared the hell out of other students. Well, the muslims are right in this case. They should be allowed to wear tudung because it’s their RIGHTS and RELIGIOUS DUTIES and that they should not be told what or what not to wear.

    Likewise here. International Islamic University should not force non-muslims graduates to wear tudung, because it’s their RIGHTS whether they want to wear tudung or not. After all, it’s a public university, right? If not, then why admit non-Muslims to the university in the first place?

    So where is justice and fair play in the 2 those cases? Religious fanatics. Nothing to do with Islam. Just fanatic people.

    So is Malaysia moving to Islamic State in the PUREST FORM? Well, just look around you and go figure out the answer. It does not take a genius to answer the above question.

    So, my fellow Malaysians, please tell your friends, colleages, family members and neighbours that a vote for MCA, MIC, PPP, Gerakan, SUPP, PBS and etc is a vote for Islamic State leading up to its PUREST FORM.

    So a vote for MCA, MIC, PPP, Gerakan, PBS,

  14. Why must muslims always want to impose their religious requirements on people of other faiths?Although it is an Islamic University it should also respect people of other faiths.Weraing of tudung is a muslim requirement and should not be imposed on non muslims.This only go to show how intolerant muslims in Malaysia are.

  15. it’s not muslims who want to impose their faith requirements on others, it’s the malaysian religious extremist zealots (in this case, the muslim malays) who does such ridiculous things…

  16. It is a big issue in a multi religious country – to modern and moderate Muslims and Non Muslims alike.

    Why should one be forced to wear it in the first place? Many Muslim women wear it not because they want to….but were forced to conform by the misguided fundamentalists or the community. Many do not fully understand the meaning of wear a tudung….some think it is a political statement.

    You wear it when you are ready… point conforming to fundamentalists’ expectation…..we are in the 21 century.

    If you ask our country’s Muslim women to vote on this issue….majority would probably vote against compulsary tudung in any place.

    The politics of religion in the past decades had done enormous damage to our multi religious country…..Islam is very young in the country and it takes time to mature.

  17. Just take a look at issues the university are ‘sweating’ about, one will know how employable its graduates are. Is there any statistics on IIUM graduates’ employment?

    Why bother to study if that is making you less marketable?

  18. THIS “TUDUNG” has nothing to do with religion . PLEASE.

    If it is a requirement of the said university to have such uniform, it is a requirement to conform.

    wearing a suit and tie does not make a man any “angmo” meaning european than you are an asian. what is the fuss about. malays go to parliament with their sarongs, indians their dhotis, chinese their samfu and cheong sam. OH NO! we are aping the west. ARE WE?
    definite no. that’s the appropriate attire.

    it really makes no sense at all, that when members of parliament goes into sitting with the songkok., it is perceived alright and fine. The songkok is a malay culture dressing , and nothing Islamic .

    next , when any other rich , non malays received titles from the sultans and governors, all proudly dressed up with the songkok. and have their photo splashed all over the medias. some of them even had their suppliers to pay for the advertisement. is that Islamic. ? definite NO.

    i think yb lim, should kindly put this issue to rest.

    1.job opportunities created by the bn government is ONLY 200,000 LAST YEAR. regardless of with university one graduates from, the country did not create enough employment.

    2.petrol price hikes and toll prices hike has caused difficulties among the raayat to make ends meet. real inflation is higher than reported. people are suffering from fatigue.

    3.corruption is like an acceptable daily way of life. i read about the numerous police reports , but what happened. your mr. ronnie was so confident to get a court order to force the police to investigate . last spoken he said- cannot.

    4.crime rates are soaring high, with the murders of the innocents. this need your urgent attention. sometimes, i do feel good, when the vvip houses are robbed . i only feel sad when the the helpless are made to suffer from snatch thieves.

    thank you.

  19. Wearing a tudung is between you and God/Allah.

    Like many religious matters, one does it for God/Allah not for the religious teacher/husband/parents/community.

    One must do it with sincerity and full understanding of what it really means…..leave poilitics totally out of the equation.

  20. thank you sotong.


    it is not a religious issue.
    even if a muslim wears a tudung , it is between herself and God.
    it is not making her any much holy than a muslim, not wearing one.

    it is the niat , the jiwa in our heart that matters.

  21. Malay administrators make grave mistakes to make the following equations:


    Sometimes too,


    Both are misleading! You don’t need me to explain why.

    The university is a place for the training and exchange of minds for all peoples. THere has to be a mutual respect for different cultural practices; if it were not so, the university authorities should say so categorically. And the government must say so categorically too since it is funded by tax-payers’ money!

    Then, students will know that this University is meant for Muslims only and no other. The same ruling has been applied to UiTM; it’s for Malays and Bumis only and has a multi-billion Rinnggit budget funded by tax-payers’ money and allocated under every Malaysian plan. Whether this is right is arguable but at least the government has spelt it out clearly and the univerity Administrators therefore are entitled to act according to such Executive fiat.

    But IIUM is not supposed to be like that! It’s so dangerous if UMNO spearheads and BN condones the islamisation of MAlaysian universities and the creeping islamisation of just about every other government institution including the hotly-debated islamisation of the judiciary, the police force (tudung issue now put to rest or not?), Ministries and Departments – all with Malaysian tax-payers’ money which is meant to be fairly and equitably shared amongst its cosmopolitan population, right or not?

    BN and UMNO are absolutely HOPELESS! They can’t run a kindergarten or a circus, let alone a country.

  22. Fundamentalism is not a human instinct!

    Without religion, good people do good things and evil people do evil things.

    With religion, good people ( misguided ) do evil things.

    Religion, in some way, is an insult to human dignity!

  23. To put this matter to rest, let me ask fellow bloggers this question. Why is it that Muslim students find it acceptable and normal to be educated in a Christian missionary school (in the 60s and early 70s) compared to the feelings of non-Muslims who are now educated in a Muslim establishment like the Islamic University? Remember two persons came to mind who were educated by the Christian Brothers, i.e. Najib (St Johns) and Rafidah Aziz (Bukit Nanas Convent). Muslim bloggers answer the first question and non-Muslim answer the second question. Once the answers are known, a comparison can be made and one can see the sharp disparity in terms of system and treatment of the Brother schools and Islamic schools.

  24. dear adam yong,

    i read with interest your reasoning on the tudung and business suits worm by the ang mo’s.

    while you have valid cause for reasoning but i have always thought that it was an islamic teaching to wear the headscarf (tutup aurat) to to cover ones’ modesty as compared to a business suit which has no religion bearings at all. in fact the act of wearing the headscarf is of a fundamentally religion issue, as experienced by france and the Uk.

    it is indeed an issue if one christian funded university compells students to wear a pastors’ outfit or a catholic priest outfit during graduation even though perhaps theres a minority of student whoose religion is not of christianity? perhaps a buddist, hindu, sikh or muslim?

    would you not protest? coz since when graduation got to do with religion? other than that, i agree with most of your points on crime, corruption, high cost of living, job creation and fundamentally transparency.

  25. Malays in the past were worried about sending their kids to Christain schools…..afraid they could be influenced and converted into Christains.

    Now the government is doing the same to the non Malays in the education system.

  26. As I said this is an ISLAMIC university. The name clearly says so whether or not public funds are used to run it. And as an Islamic uni, it should be seen to promote the values and teachings of Islam including covering the aurat. When a non-Muslim walks into this university, she is expected to cover her aurat or it may cause others to sin by looking at her. This much she must accept and respect.
    If there is an International Buddhist University, say in Thailand funded by the Thai government and the students are expected to show reverence to the statues of Buddha in its compound, then non-Buddhists students should do the same and not say, turn their backside to such statues. If the rules say students should be barefooted, then so be it, obey! If you don’t like the rules, do not enroll.

  27. Everyone must be free to practice their own religion and culture.
    That happens here in Malaysia but there’s no understanding and respect among the people.
    While there is a brave young man who is being honest enough to tell the nation that he doesn’t understand certain things in his own country, he get ditched and sued by the government. What he has done is far better than some people who are blissfully proud to be ignorant for the rest of their lives.
    I am a Muslim and I understand that some people are clueless about Islam but then I can’t blame them since I am in the same boat with the other people – I also clueless about other people’s religion and culture.
    There are Muslims who made bad remarks about Islam and so far, no action is taken to punish them but when non-Muslims did the same thing, they must be punished ASAP.
    Tolerance, respect and understanding are missing and I agree with oedipus. Period.

  28. madmix, you have a point there.
    But shouldn’t there be an understanding between everyone first before any action can be taken?
    That’s what missing in our country – understanding, and when enforcement is put to order without understanding, it will only bring disasters.
    I am a Muslim and I understand that some people are clueless about Islam but I cannot blame them since we are in the same boat here: I also clueles about other people’s religion and culture.

  29. In the 60’s and 70’s (sorry lah thats as far back as I can remember) not many people wore tudungs. And many malays women wore short (mini?) skirts. I wonder does that make them less religious? Where have all these dearly departed souls gone to one wonders?

    And in those days too, schools did not start at 2:30pm on Fridays! What is all of this lah? Since when did we have schools starting at 2:30pm on Friday? Whats happening to my country?

  30. In a recent public event attended by the PM and his wife, they were walking ‘holding hands’ and this was broadcast over prime time news. Thats when I saw it, and wondered, when do you see people in public position walking holding hands with their spouses for official functions?

    And this is from a leader of an “islamic nation” or one seen as one according to TDM. Tell me, shouldn’t the leader set an example for his nation? What is the message being given here?

    And whats the message that IIUM wants to give?

  31. This issue in a nutshell is what is wrong with the state of Malaysia nowadays.

    Instead of focusing all the energy, time and money on substance, on how to improve the standard of our universities, we are wasting it on some piece of clothing.

    While all these are going on, the rest of the world is moving forward.

    These Islamic fanatics have gotten their priorities all messed up and is it any wonder that non-muslims are going to have a prejudiced view of their religion. Having a fanatic causing havoc in the USA is bad enough for their image. Do they really think that they will actually ‘win’ even if everyone follows their dress code ruling?

    Out of curiosity, i just would like to know:-

    By abiding to their dress codes, are they getting any closer to God?

    By abiding to their dress code, are any intended rape of their own daughters and/or step-daughters going to be stop?

    By abiding to their dress code, are any intended corruption going to cease?

    These people make me sick and this country is going to get more sick before she ‘die’.

  32. Universities all over the world for hundred of years or more have made the mortar board and the gown as the standard outfit for their graduates’ attire during convocations.So why change it?Or is it because the IIU wanted to show that it is very special,very holy and saintly.One of you said by covering the head with a scarf can deter sinful looks from the men.I think the person who made such a remark is naive and hypocritical.Moreover he has insulted all the male participants of university convocations the world over.

  33. Sickening!!! That is all I have to say!!! God can only help us!!!!
    I simply do not understand that they still could not grasp the advice given by HRHs Sultan of Selangor and Raja Nazrin. Do not worsen the brain drain here. Enough is enough!
    In order to progress we need the best brains here. With this type of attitude, more brains will leave for other countries.
    I , for one would want to do so if I am young enough.
    Really it saddens me each time I hear my friends and children are leaving our country. How can be blame them for doing so?

  34. Religious extremists and fundamentalists do not care about economic and money.

    Their ultimate objective is a full Islamic state with Islamic laws to totally control the people…… and other issues are secondary.

    It’s all about attaining absolute power using religion.

  35. The present situation is solely attributed to the previous PM’s Islamicmisation of government administration and declared the country an Islamic state……for his narrow, short sighted and personal political survival and agenda.

    An official religion of the country is exploited by religious extremists and fundamentalists and grossly blown out of proportion!

  36. Muslims will never respect other people’s rights. Don’t hope for that.
    They are ‘katak di bawah tempurung’.
    Just let them rot away under the ‘tempurung’, just boycot the convocation and move on with other more important things, like getting a job.

  37. Well to be fair, can M’sia have an International Chinese University where pork is served in the canteen? If you don’t want to eat it, you don’t have to buy. But can we do that?

    Coming back to IIUM, to say that the tudung is part of the uniform is unfair. The tudung is traditionally associated with one race and religion only. True, it doesn’t mean tudung=Islam=Malay but the fact is it is always perceived to be so. It is the right of any person to dress according to their faith and beliefs but they should not impose it on others.

    Just an observation without prejudice. Notice that the national parades in 1960s, 1970s, the ladies ( policewomen, nurses etc etc ) are parading without tudungs but in the 1990s and 2000s, all have tudungs as part of their uniform. I wonder why the paradigm shift?

  38. We should blame the greatest culprit who has started the process of Melaynisation and islamaisation so extensively and pervasively since 1980’s.We should adhere to multiracial.multicultural and multireligious Malaysia with Islam as the official religion.Go to hell all the racial and religious fanatics.

  39. oedipus.

    for your information. the tudung,songkok, sarong, baju melayu are all malay culture with a mix of indian and arabs.

    for your information too, many of the malay so called cultures are in conflict in the teaching of Islam.

    we are taught to respect others ,as others respect us.

    but it is also in the Holy Koran,that there among the muslim are:-
    pagi muslim, malam kafir.

    so it already noted that not all muslims are true practising muslims.

    i wish to reiterate that what is WAJIB IN ISLAM has nothing to do with this issue. the political concoction into religion is the root cause of this matter.

    i apologise to those who are offended. but Islam never taught us to impose on others.

    not all muslims are malays for your kind information.

    even if i cover myself from head to toe but with a heart of a devil, it makes no difference.

    to simplify it. the government build hugh mosque for the sake of Islam. but it is not size of the mosque, but the conregation of the faithfuls.

    thank you.

  40. This is clearly a microcosm of what is likely to happen 20 years from now, when the Muslim population reaches 80 pct of the population. At that time, all facets of life will have to observe their Islamic practices. What they say goes. What is there to argue at that point of time ?

    In any case, in 20 years’ time, the country will be so poor because what is available to steal would have been stolen, so the only thing left for these thieves would be to perpetuate the Islamic angle. Go to Kelantan. Look around you. That will be what Bolehland will be like 20 years from now.

  41. What has become of this country now? Academia in the Public Universities funded by taxers are engrossed and obsessed with wearing certain dress code rather than on education excellence per se?

    Who paid the most taxes in the country? Refer to what Dr Mahathir had said earlier.

    No wonder they are at the bottom of rating ladder.

  42. lakshy said:

    Heyyyy…Actually the holy book does not ask them to wear tudungs!


    You’re wrong. It does, for all faithful Muslimas.

    al-Quran 33:59

    O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

    Malay Translation:

    Wahai Nabi, suruhlah isteri-isterimu dan anak-anak perempuanmu serta perempuan-perempuan yang beriman, supaya melabuhkan pakaiannya bagi menutup seluruh tubuhnya (semasa mereka keluar); cara yang demikian lebih sesuai untuk mereka dikenal (sebagai perempuan yang baik-baik) maka dengan itu mereka tidak diganggu dan (ingatlah) Allah adalah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.

  43. Dear All,

    Look at PAS in Kelantan, do they force non-Muslim women to wear tudungs? Only Muslim women are requested to do so.
    Islam didn’t force non-Muslim to follow the rules.
    Do the state government demolish the Buddha’s Watt? If I’m not mistaken, one of them is the biggest in the world.
    Pure Islamic teachings respect other’s religion.
    Open your eyes, make a right choice then!

  44. Morning to everyone…

    Why we make fuss about this issue? Why we travel not less than 100km/hr on the road? Why we wear clothes accordingly to an attended function? Come on laaa guys. Because we respect the rules. Why not wear slippers only, go to the office with slippers, driving big cars with slippers. If you don’t like the rule just left laaa IIUM. Tak pandai nak respect ka? If someone makes a mock how my university works his rule, I really want to punch you at your face. Stupid old people. I eat rice like you guys but use you brain accordinglaaaa.

  45. Wearing of tudung is not uniformly enforced. So many are not wearing. Btw there is compulsion for muslims to remain in islam so as long as you live. No choice whether right or wrong, no freedom of religion/choice for muslims. You can forget about getting out this trap. One way ticket to heaven or hell?

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