Parliamentary Roundtable reaffirms Malaysia a secular state and not Islamic state

Statement unanimously adopted by Parliamentary Roundtable (10th August 2007) to reaffirm Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement on the occasion of 50th Merdeka anniversary that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the religion of the Federation and not an Islamic state

When Malaya achieved independence in 1957 and Malaysia was formed six years later in 1963, a national social compact was reached that the nation shall be a secular state with Islam as the religion of the Federation and not an Islamic State.

The Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the religion of the Federation and not an Islamic state was given expression in the Federal Constitution, articulated by the founding fathers of the nation including the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein and given full recognition by the highest court in the land.

For over four decades, there was national consensus of the secular character of Malaysian nation-building which was only disrupted in the past six years, raising questions about the national commitment to protect and sustain this fundamental cornerstone of Malaysian nation-building.

The Parliamentary Roundtable on August 10 2007 resolves to reaffirm the Merdeka social contract and the Malaysia Agreement that the nation was conceived and shall remain a secular state with Islam as the religion of the Federation and not an Islamic state.

This is to send out a clear and unequivocal message on the occasion of the 50th Merdeka anniversary of the nation in 2007 that the Merdeka social contract and the Malaysia Agreement that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the religion of the Federation and not an Islamic state must continue to be the bedrock of the Malaysian nation-building process.

We urge Malaysians regardless of race, religion, political affiliation or territory to come forward in a national campaign to reaffirm this fundamental nation-building principle as agreed in the Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement.

The panel of speakers at the Parliamentary Roundtable includes:

Malek Imtiaz Sawar (HAKAM)
Karpal Singh (Chairman, DAP)
Farish Noor (academician)
Honey Tan (AWAM)
Lim Guan Eng (Secretary-General DAP)
Harcharan Singh (MCCBCHST)
Dr. Nasir Hashim, Protem Chairman, PSM
Andrew Khoo (Bar Council)

6 Replies to “Parliamentary Roundtable reaffirms Malaysia a secular state and not Islamic state”

  1. Hi YB Kit,

    I’ve a feeling that not even MCA will dare to back you in the parliament, most will not turn up, others will act dumb and mute, even that they seemed to have been barking off in capital letters in the Chinese newspapers, wonder why the Malay and the English paper do not publish their secular state statements, perhaps the reporters for these papers too, suffer from temporary deaf and dumb syndrome.

    What say you MCA?

  2. glad to hear that parliamentary roundtable reaffirm malaysia is not an islamic state and is a secular state. sometime i dont know why our two BN chinese base party always keep quiet in some significant problem…. is it scare to umno or wat they scare to? like in this islamic state or secular state that two party atleast must declare their opinion and say out the truth….our people want to hear the truth… we all are waiting for ur declaration…keep quiet is not the way to solve the problem right?…keep quiet is only give people to think about u are scare something or affraid to lose something… we hope mca and pgrm wil say the truth to us…

  3. election is coming!
    for time being, ofcourse it will be declare that malaysia is a secular state. wait till after election… things will change again, as long as we have leaders with telor separoh masak mentality.

    aku punya falsampah!

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