PM should invite Raja Nazrin as personal adviser

by Dr. Chen Man Hin

Raja Nazrin’s deep and superb insight and analysis of the country’s political situation makes him eligible to be personal adviser to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

This was demonstrated by his keynote address to students at the first Malaysian Student Leaders Summit 2007 on Sunday.

He deplored the lack of national unity and commented that “..yet, 50 years after Merdeka, we are still grappling with concerns about unity.”

This is happening because of the strains on unity by introducing a bumiputra policy in 1966, the NEP in 1970 and Islamic state during Dr Mahathir’s premiership.

To make matters worse, at the UMNO general assembly last year, the ultras rejected the concept of ‘bangsa malaysa’ and proposed the implementation of a ‘Malay agenda’ where Malays are conferred ‘ketuanan melayu’ status, while the rest are plain or ordinary Malaysians.

Then last month, the deputy prime minister heightened the unease amongst the people when he unilaterally announced that Malaysia was Islamic and not secular, claiming that the constitution did not state Malaysia was secular. This claim was contrary to the declaration by former prime ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein Onn that the Malaysian constitution was secular.

Raja Nazrin called on the students (and the people) to get a copy of the Constitution. He said “the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It guarantees the rights of every Malaysian. The integrity of that document must be protected at all cost.”

This is the constitution which is the basis of the “Social Contract” agreed on by our forefathers. The contract knows only citizens as Malaysians and not bumiputras and non-bumiputras.

There is no mention of an NEP except for an affirmative action clause in article 152 conferring special rights for indigenous ethnic communities without at the same time overriding the rights of other races.

The country needs to re-invent itself to return to a state of equilbrium where there is national unity, political equality, economic justice and religious freedom

Let us start with the advice by Raja Nazrin to respect and adhere to the Constitution.


109 Replies to “PM should invite Raja Nazrin as personal adviser”

  1. Enormous damage had been done to the country in the last few decades…… it unreasonable for the ordinary people to ask for an honest, responsible, accountable, open minded and competent leader/s to protect the country and her ordinary people!

  2. Don’t be surprised if Raja Nazrin is criticised at the next UMNO assembly.
    UMNO will never accept his advice cos the party thinks it knows best what the country needs.
    An arrogant party never accepts advice or criticisms.
    And the PM thinks Khairy is a better adviser than Nazrin.

  3. We seem to wait for Royalty to wake Malaysia up….why wait just unite on this Merdeka and wear Black and line the Streets of Malaysia especially Dataran Merdeka in Support of

    Freedom of Religion
    Freedom From Racism
    Freedom of Press

    After all surely there is no law that is not going to stop that and no Police Permit is required….by stealth we can suddenly be declared Islamic State….then by Stealth we can also show them the Anger of the people……

    Let the live telecast show the world or all over Malaysia what is Wrong…..a mind set thing!!

  4. I have met Raja Nazrin close but once and have watched him from a distance over a period. This man is cosmopolitan, an egalitarian, a man for all seasons, a principled person and one raised well by educated and reasonable parentage, notwithstanding their kingly credentials.

    So I think YB’s suggestion is to be welcome though I wish it had been the other way around – Nazrin as PM and Pak Lah, an elderly statesman adviser. Period.

    No one can argue that this is not the BEST formula for the country at this juncture of Malaysian history. Period.

    No one can come even close to Nazrin’s ability, common sense and leadership qualities. No, not AAB; heck, certainly not Najib, a pale and insulting comparison by far. The rest of the UMNO pack are best left in the sack. PERIOD.

  5. “There is no mention of an NEP except for an affirmative action clause in article 152 conferring special rights for indigenous ethnic communities without at the same time overriding the rights of other races.” Dr. Chen

    I believe it is Art. 153, Dr, Chen.

  6. At this juncture, I don’t even have faith going back to the Constitution actually is that sound. Certaintly most of the original ideals is still there but frankly, its also a compromised document today with inconsistencies, thanks to UMNO ultras.

    Raja Nazrin sounds more like someone with more ideals than actually real vision and plan.

    When the highest office in the land confuses principles over authority as the PM did by declaring Malaysia is not a secular country but a parliamentary democracy, what hope is there that the original ideals can be upheld???

  7. The ordinary people do not need him to hold a powerful and important postion in the government.

    Just let him talk and unite the people. This is what real leadership is all about…..the people will unite and find common grounds to face the challenges and future together and our nationhood sealed.

  8. And Khairi’s statement that “UMNO is not racist” is like saying the Earth is flat, the moon revolves around the sun; there are eight days in a week, thirteen months in a year and it will take light years for Malaysia to become egalitarian!

    So, there are Oxford grads and there are others like Khairi who happened to cross its threshold; the former have their minds polished, the latter have lost their minds.

    To say UMNO is not racist is to say it is not ethno-centred, not bigoted, not parochial, not chauvinistic, not race-biased. KJ, please, “if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck!”. Quacking like a duck and saying that UMNO is not racist is like the ugly duckling insisting that it is a swan with pedigree. FAce it, UMNO is racist, duckfooted and lame for as long as it continues to champion racist policies. PERIOD.

  9. PM should resign, dont think he be around to invite Raja Nazrin. AAB would not be able to understand what Raja Nazrin is trying to explain to him.

    Sorry, it is factual.

    We need a responsible leaders and responsible NEW representative of the people., who will justly apprehend all those whom has erode the people’s wealth.

  10. “FAce it, UMNO is racist, duckfooted and lame for as long as it continues to champion racist policies. PERIOD.” – ENDANGERED HORNBILL

    It is mind boggling for me to hear you going on and on about UMNO being this and that. However, you seem to conveniently turn a blind eye whenever likes of you issued racist statements here.

    I am not saying that you are a blind bigot, what I am saying is if you want to be righteous, at least walk the talk.

  11. “The rest of the UMNO pack are best left in the sack. PERIOD.” – ENDANGERED HORNBILL

    Well, unfortunately that is not your decision alone. The rakyat will decide democratically. PERIOD.

  12. The Constitution is supreme when it is premised that the Govt. practices the rule of law. But when the Govt. renegades and practices the rule of man, the Constitution goes out the window.

    This is precisely what is happening in Malaysia. The Constitution drawn up at the founding of the nation based on the social contract is now a mockery because those in power has chosen to move the goalpost to suit their own interest. The main culprits are UMNO abetted by the eunuchs of the MCA and Gerakan, and the invisible MIC and other BN component parties.

    What more can you say about the rule of law when immigration records that can be used as evidence in a high profile murder case can be conveniently deleted when it could imminently incriminate people in high places? Or special explosives available only to the Govt. authorities can be made available to their own police to be used for murder?

    This country now is under the rule of man, period.

  13. “Enormous damage had been done to the country in the last few decades…… it unreasonable for the ordinary people to ask for an honest, responsible, accountable, open minded and competent leader/s to protect the country and her ordinary people!” – sotong

    Dude, what are you talking about?? It is the rakyat who decide who govern and administer this country. And come the next GE, we are all given the opportunity to select.

  14. “They just know the rakyat are too illiterate to understand or do anything about it.” – lakshy

    Just because the rakyat voted for BN overwhelmingly in the past GEs, you are now saying that they are illiterate?? :(
    Instead of being a sore loser and whinge like a little kid denied of candy, why dont you work a little harder the next GE?

    Branding the rakyat illiterate just show how low you really are. And I bet people like ENDANGERED HORNBILL will conveniently be silent on this.

  15. Why are we making suggestions/recommendations that we know deep in our hearts will never be taken up ? First, Badawi’s inner circle won’t allow this to happen because it could (God forbid!) work against their conscience. Second, I can’t see why Raja Nazrin would even bother getting involved with the leader of the den of thieves.

    Don’t expect thieves to have a conscience or change their stripes. When stealing has become so easy, there is zero incentive to change.

  16. Realworld, as I’ve said in an earlier posting on yr tit-for-tat with Godfather, I can recognise a whore when I see one. And I did say that whether you are a cyber whore or not is yr prerogative, but please don’t parade yr sound-bites here where we want meaningful exchange and comments. All yr sound and no substance bespeaks yr childish pranksterism, not yr brains. Kicking up a dust storm so that others cannot have their say and digresses does not contribute to a meaningful dialogue. You have not verbalised yr arguments; blowing bubbles form a frothy mouth doesn’t come across as either intelligent or worthy of any meaningful engagement. If I were RPK, he’d have said ‘f**k-off”. I am not RPK, so I’d just suggest a modicum of dignity and sense; otherwise, cease and desist.

  17. RealWorld:

    After a day’s absence from strategising with your UMNO masters, what are your orders now ? More of the same ? Deny us the right to vent our views ? Distract us from the core issues ?


    A ‘whore’? That is a pretty harsh word to use especially when one has no idea what it means literally.
    You are truly right, you are no RPK. You are just a nobody who hide in your little cyber world.
    Meaningful exchange of comments?? Well for one who thinks that Godfather’s thrash is gold, I pretty much rest my case. After all, gimps runs in packs.

  19. Godfather,

    Firstly, I dont think Raja Nazrin’s speech alone is adequate enough for likes of you. Seeing you resort to petty insults, I pretty much come to the conclusion that you can take a gimp to Raja Nazrin but you cannot take the gimp out of a gimp. If you seriously think resorting to petty insults will move the people to vote for a regime change then I be more than happy to leave you with your wet dreams (do remember to wash your hands ok?) :)

    Since when will a royal member wanna be active in politics?

    As for Raja Nazrin’s speech, how come I dont see that many malays or indians in DAP leadership? What happened to Msian Malaysia?

  20. Its not just UMNO who is racists, also BN. Why need a party separate for Malays, Chinese and Indians. Why can’t they have a party for all Malaysians. It just goes to show that the govt whether consienciously or otherwise is already dividing the races. Its making a mockery of the Malaysian identity. Even the ex-PM had the foresight to propose the Bangsa Malaysia but was shot down by UMNO Youth..led by the biggest racists of all!

    In govt forms, race is still a requisite field…WHY? Can’t we all be Malaysians? We already speak the Malaysian lingo. Raja Nazrin referral to the Consitution implies that he too wants a Malaysian identity…for all.

  21. “Ignore the cyber-scum form barisan najis.” – ihavesomethingtosay

    See, another one with petty insults.

    I mean if this is the so called standard in the opposition, then no wonder the rakyat gave BN 91% mandate the last GE.

  22. Very good, RealWorld. At least you are contributing to the discussions. At least this UMNO poodle has a position.

    As to whether the DAP is truly Malaysian, given its lack of membership from the Malays and Indians, that is something that Kit has to answer. I am not affiliated to any political party, but I would support an electoral pact that consists of PAS, DAP and PKR.

  23. Sleeping Beauty er, Badawi, in a recent speech, talked about the pride of a bangsa Malaysia, a concept which was previously shot down by his own people like Ghani Othman and the UMNO Youth leadership.

    What do you say to that, RealWorld ? It would appear that you are in favour of a bangsa Malaysia.

  24. “At least this UMNO poodle has a position.” – Godfather

    Name calling again. Apa punya standard la!

    “I would support an electoral pact that consists of PAS, DAP and PKR.” – Godfather

    Errr… you did say that you will not vote for Jeff Ooi. So how?? :)

    Electoral pact of PAS, DAP & PKR … care to elaborate a little. PAS is fighting for an Islamic state. A little inconsistent eh? And how can you govern the country when your idealogies are different and united under a marriage of convenience?

    As for the DAP’s Msian Malaysia thingy, come on dont push it back to Kit, and claiming that you are not affiliated and all. If you support Msian Malaysia, tell me then why the DAP party and leadership consist of very few or none Malays & Indians??? You must at least have a position on this ‘core issue’ , have a back bone and dont be a lalang and push it back to Kit.

  25. It is interesting how RealWorld and its ilk goes on about the fact that the rakyat is the one that has voted in the BN time after time which illustrates that the rakyat (or the majority at least) has done so because the BN is at the end of the day, the true viable govt that the people trusts and believes to be good. So all the diatribes against the BN are really smokescreens, hot air and rantings of the lunatic fringe. This is also amply illustrated by our illustrious MPs who have the temerity to challenge those who criticise them to stand against them in their constituencies. Such is the arrogance and overwhelming confidence that come what may, their victory is all but assured, with the full backing of govt funds, machinery and media. I guess 50 years of incumbency and uninterrupted power do tend to result in that kind of behaviour.

    I don’t believe that this is because the people are illiterate or stupid. It is more a result of fear and insecurity. Fear of a particular race dominating the economy, fear of loss of racial rights, fear of breakdown in law and order should the incumbent lose, fear of religious extremists, fear of globalization and so on. And who but Umno who are the master exponent in the arts of the politics of fear mongering and demonisation. ‘Divide and rule’, so long the strategy used by the Brits is now effectively assumed by Umno. Why have national unity when racial unity is all that is required to maintain power? Because if national unity is achieved, Umno loses its reason for being. Because people will then go beyond the racial and religous veil and ask the tough questions on issues like equality, corruption and abuses, which Umno will find much harder to deflect, as compared to ketuanan and privileges.
    So unity is merely a mirage, something to pay lip service to by the BN, so long as racial politics and entrenched policies of demonization of the non Malays continue to be the order of the day, and the mindsets of the Malays continue to be shaped by such strategies. And RealWorld and other Umno/BN troopers will continue to be smug and confident in their aura of invincibility.

  26. I never said that I would not vote for Jeff Ooi. I said we had a tiff, but it wasn’t big enough to prevent me from voting for him if he were to stand in my constituency. That’s what I was trying to tell all those who had run-ins with Jeff Ooi previously – vote for him since he can keep the BN thieves in check.

    An electoral pact is not necessarily the same as the BN form of politics with a common manifesto. An electoral pact can simply be an agreement not to duplicate contests against BN candidates. Nothing more. These people can agree to disagree.

  27. ethnicmalaysian,

    Of course, I am confident of victory in the next coming GE. The rakyat will return us with a huge mandate again. You can be sore and rant about govt funds, machinery and media for all you want (do you think the opposition will not do likewise if they are in power?)

  28. His Highness, Raja Nazrin, spoke out against corrupted leaders. I, for one, would not expect UMNO to change an iota of their current attitude and behaviour, at least not in this century. If you are a monkey and someone is waving a comb of bananas infront of you, I am sure the monkey will find it irresistable not to grab the bananas. The NCER with the hugh pile of bananas coated in it will prove too much for the corrupts to ignore.

    Keep up the good work. Every thing you say, is a subtle pressure on UMNO to change its ways, although it may akin to pouring water on a duck, but every statement you made these days pose as a beacon to the many lost souls of this nation.

    Daulat Tuanku!!!

  29. Godfather,

    You have still not explain the Msian Malaysia thingy. Nevermind, I will leave it at that as it is obvious that you dont have a position.

    Kinda odd for someone who supports Msian Malaysia and the electoral pact of DAP, PAS, PKR but has no position on the lack of malays and indians in DAP.

    “An electoral pact can simply be an agreement not to duplicate contests against BN candidates. Nothing more. These people can agree to disagree.” – Godfather

    Thank you very much! No wonder the rakyat rejects such an ‘agreement’ and merely see this a wayang or marriage of convenience.

  30. Godfather and all…..let us not get distracted by UMNO Cybertroopers from the “RealWorld”, who may well be paid by our hard earned tax payers cash. RealWorld…get a life….. UMNO may need you to gather more phantom voters in the next GE cause a storm is coming.

  31. Dear achia3,

    Like I have said, petty insults and making wild assumptions aint gonna cut it if you are harping for a regime change. You like to think that I am a ‘cyber trooper paid by tax payers cash’, eh? Dude, do yourself a favour, dont get too ahead of yourself ok?

    Your Godfather wanted to hear my opinion and I responded. You lot wanted a discussion but when things get too hot, you bail. Anyway, I am sure your Godfather is a big boy and thus can stand on his own feet.

  32. Raja Nazrin can be a great and understandable Ruler,
    He has great foresights and precise viewpoints.

    We need this kind of Quality leadership,
    To lead Malaysia to greater heights of Unity & achievement;

  33. Respectfully, I must disagree with the simple approach here. My comments on this matter are lengthy. I suggest interested readers to read my response to Dr. Chen’s posting (just click on the previous comment’s header; i.e “Race, Royalty and Resolve” by Malaysian X). Salam.

  34. RealWorld:

    The lack of Malays and Indians in DAP, and conversely the lack of Chinese in PAS and PKR is not a phenomenon unique to the Opposition. Your own BN practises communal politics. Until we mature as a society, communal politics will always prevail.

    What is important is that PAS should not shout down DAP or PKR in the same way that UMNO shouts down the other component parties. I don’t see PAS Youth shout down LKS or Anwar, unlike those UMNO Youth monkeys that see themselves as superior to the mute poodles OKT and KTK.

  35. RealWorld,

    I am wondering whether you get a steady RM2,750 monthly income from BN?

    We all don’t. It is a kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang thing for the rest of us.

    We don’t work, we won’t get to eat.

    No free shares. No free ESOS. Bonus in private sector is performance based.

    I sure do hope you’re not one of the Cybertroopers here.

    We are already fedup with the SATU LAGI PROJEK BARISAN NASIONAL. Each project, is highly marked up with a lot of commission flying here and there.

    For the juicy bits of news, just go to the more established night clubs. It is a muhibbah over there. Not only non-bumis are there. Bumis are also there. Whether they drink liquor, sky juice or fresh orange – it is their business.

    But lots of private parties over there. To celebrate the raping of Malaysia.

    The rakyat are all raped and sodomized. Front and back.

    And we’re fed up of it. And personally I do not even like to see my fellow Malay and Indian friends subject to such raping by their leaders.

    No more support to BN, unless a wind of change comes. PERIOD.

  36. Raja Nazrin, a royalty and future sultan, should steer clear of involving himself in the daily administration of the country, this being the job of politicians. He should be above party politics.

    Having said this, there is nothing to prevent dialogues and advice being given and taken between the rulers and the leaders of the government of the day. Doesn’t the PM and Mentris Besar have regular dialogues / briefings with their highnesses? Also the regular Conference of Rulers. Make these more meaningful.

    If anything, Raja Nazrin should start his dialogues and advise in his own State, Perak, first. See how he can influence the MB there and also the state mufti and religious officials who have given the state alot of bad publicity and name.

    If he can achieve something positive there, then maybe his brothers in the other states can do the same. There is nothing in the various constitutions to say that the rulers must be silent, docile or subservient to the government of the day.

    In fact, the rulers themselves should take the initiative and ensure their subjects are well taken care of and their states well administered. They too can be fountains of justice and fair play. Its really up to them to play their roles, become more visible, active and involved. A good example and model is King Bhumiphol of Thailand and the Royal Family there.

  37. RealWorld,

    DAP does open its door for all races. If the Malays don’t want to walk past that door, there ain’t anything that can be done…

    On the other hand, why are there no non-Malays in UMNO? Why did Datuk Onn Bin Ja’afar’s wish to open UMNO for all Malaysians go unheeded? Datuk Onn Bin Ja’afar was the founder of UMNO, for RealWorld’s information.

    mateRealWorld has answered RealWorld, now RealWorld please answer mateRealWorld…

  38. We as malaysians can decide what happens to this country. After 50 years, we still only have one party ruling us. And as the famous adage goes, “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

    We as malaysians have the power in our vote to determine the future of our country. And come election day, I am sure we will vote wisely for the future of this nation and for the furture of our children,and their children after them.

    Being responsible citizens we have the power in our vote to vote for and develop a credible opposition. In this way we would create the checks and balances. When a party does not perform, and is corrupt, we vote them out and vote for CHANGE. At teh same time we are devloping alternatives for ourselves. And we are also allowing the newly elected rep to expose the ecsesses of the previous rep.

    And if that happens and a few people end up caught by ACA and get put away, what will it do to the rest of the politicians?

    This is what the politicians should fear the most from the rakyat. And this is what we must work to create in our beloved Malaysia!

    My vote goes for DYTM Raja Nazrin as Leader!

  39. Ha ha, even indonesians who came to Sabah have blue IC. And by the way, if you are muslim, it shows on the front of your IC. So, yeah, no race but religion is shown.

    And I believe the card readers shows your race….hehe…get one for RM20, or use your astro decoder.

  40. if he becomes Pak Lah’s adviser would he become the figure behind the throne ?? i dont think Pak Lah will let His Highness to be his personal adviser la…and as for cybertroopers i think there are at least a regiment or battalion of them…haha

  41. DAP is fighting for a Malaysian Malaysia. They have faught for just causes. Be it for chinese, indians or malays. Weren’t they the ones who said we should all support Rais for Commenwealth Sec Gen? Didn’t they fight the case of the malay girl who was raped (statutory rape) I believe is the word, and spent time in Jail over this issue?

    When has the DAP objected to anything sensible or a meaningful bill that the government has put forward? On the other hand we have standing instructions that BN MP’s cannot support any Opposition motion….which resulted in JB MP’s ouster as BB club chairman!

    With DAP in parliament, we have voices to object the excesses of one eyed MP’s and chauvinistic MP’s and even ministers who spout nonsense everytime they open their mouth.

  42. The leaders especially the UMNO leaders who are running this country are mostly surrounded by extremist instead of people like Raja Nazrin who is moderate and understanding. The main reason is the main parties in BN like UMNO, MIC and MCA are all race based parties. The PM himself has his thinking and view influence by ppl like KHAIRY who is so racist instead of ppl like Raja Nazrin. KHAIRY who frequently uses the issues of racial and also uses other races as punching bag in order to climb his political leader unfortunately is also PM’s son in law and to a certain extent his adviser. With such ppl holding keys position in this country will only quicken the process of turning this country into theocracy instead of democracy. This country is slowly moving towards that direction.

  43. RealWorld the UMNO poodle says:

    “Of course, I am confident of victory in the next coming GE. The rakyat will return us with a huge mandate again. You can be sore and rant about govt funds, machinery and media for all you want (do you think the opposition will not do likewise if they are in power?)”

    This is exactly the BN party line. Don’t vote the opposition because the Opposition will also abuse the power given to them. Vote for the devil you know rather than the devil you don’t. This is of course complete nonsense because (a) it tells you that BN admits that they are abusing govt funds, machinery and media for their own ends and (b) it ignores the fact that any new govt voted in can just as easily voted out at the next elections. Getting elected is not a licence to steal and abuse, but of course that is not in BN vocabulary.

    RealWorld, your UMNO masters can keep repeating the tune “you don’t know what you are going to get by voting Opposition” but we will be singing the tune “We know what we get by voting out the thieves”.

  44. RealWorld : Of course, I am confident of victory in the next coming GE. The rakyat will return us with a huge mandate again.

    Well, I believe the last GE was a freakish result due to a confluence of one-off factors namely the stepping down of TDM and the perceived ‘fresh’ approach of AAB. So it’s difficult to think such an overwhelming majority can ever be repeated, even with the wholesale abuse of postal votes, gerrymandering and phantom voters. But whilst I do appreciate your confidence of victory in the coming GE, please be aware that the BN is expected to win, it’s almost pre-ordained. So anything less than a 2/3rds majority would constitute a heavy defeat in my view. Nevertheless, I’m one who would love to root for the underdog, the no-hoper, the supposedly weaken and beaten. Victory (however implausible) would be that much sweeter.

  45. In today’s mainstream papers were stories on two criminal cases where the accused were discharged by the judges hearing the cases for shoddy prosecution and investigative work by the police. 6 robbery suspects were discharged in Seremban and 2 murder suspects were discharged in Kuantan.

    The rakyat’s level of confidence in the police and the AG’s Chambers has got to be at an all-time low. Only chance to rectify this is to vote out the corrupt and the incompetent. Kick out the Sleeping Beauty !

  46. I am humored by the dicussions and loving sparks between Godfather and Realworld.

    All the best to DAP for obtaining as many seats as possible for the next GE. This is a tikam tikam..guessing future declaration.


  47. Awesome, “loving sparks” between Godfather and Realworld?

    Should we seek to engage UMNO and the extremists within by gentle persuasion, cajoling and reasoning, humouring at the same time, what you call, ‘loving sparks’? Is that the way to preach to the converted?

    It is obvious that the most important advice by Raja Nazrin in his message: “It was very important, he added, to have leaders who were earnest in building unity and did not resort to religious or ethnic posturing to further their careers”.

    It is also obvious that if we love your country and wish to see a better day to come, we should vigorously oppose and fight the likes of such people. They are the first Cause of all problems that we face today. We should know who they are. How to engage with loving sparks with such?

  48. “The lack of Malays and Indians in DAP, and conversely the lack of Chinese in PAS and PKR is not a phenomenon unique to the Opposition.” – Godfather

    So, in other words you are saying the Opposition practices communal politics. Thank you. I rest my case.

  49. ” Don’t worry about the “loving sparks”. RealWorld is just a poodle. I’m a rottweiler.” – Godfather

    Well, if you wanna be like a dog and treated as one, thats your choice dude.

    Good boy! Go fetch my slippers. :)

  50. “Well, I believe the last GE was a freakish result due to a confluence of one-off factors namely the stepping down of TDM and the perceived ‘fresh’ approach of AAB. So it’s difficult to think such an overwhelming majority can ever be repeated, even with the wholesale abuse of postal votes, gerrymandering and phantom voters.” – ethnicmalaysian

    When the win was overwhelming, to you it was a freakish result. Whether it was ‘freakish’ or not, the rakyat have voted.
    Abuse of postal votes, gerrymandering & phantom voters?? Dude, what are you now rambling on about? Lets not bring wild allegations to the discussion table, shall we?

  51. Dear Sir. Mr. Chen

    with all due respect to you, to suggest that DYTM Raja Nazrin to be the personal advisor to the current prime minister of Malaysia is an understatement.

    The intelligent level of DYTM is way far out of the current caretaker prime minister. I beg to differ.

    I would rather that you are less diplomatic and ask the current caretaker prime minister to resign enbloc with the entire half past six cabinet and let DYTM be the Premier of Malaysia. As such the process of cleaning up the corrupts and arrogant so called wakil raayat can be addressed .

    Alternatively, the opposition parties that we have now, FOR GOODNESS SAKE, be resourceful and be a force to be reckon. An introp

  52. Ketuanan Melayu means … you don’t have to earn the respect… You would be a Tuan as long as you are Malay’

    Anyone who has right principles and morality can’t think that this is morally acceptable?

    Non-Malays in Malaysia do not have dual-nationality… Malaysia is their only country.. Shouldn’t they be treated equally as fellow Malaysian?

    If descendant of slaves In USA can become president, why not in Malaysia? Abraham Lincoln was a president….Obama might be running for presidency….as God has created Human equal…. nobody should claim they have better rights then someone else…

    Because in HELL or HEAVEN everybody would be treated equally…

    The Red Indians did not claim ‘TUANSHIP’ of USA…. Let the best men and women become TUAN by earning it….that is the formula that make USA a great country

  53. “The Red Indians did not claim ‘TUANSHIP’ of USA…. Let the best men and women become TUAN by earning it….that is the formula that make USA a great country” – ReformMalaysia

    My dear friend, the red indians in America were hunted, killed by the hundreds of thousands and sent to live in reservations by the white men. Their lands were taken away from them by force. And by the way, the red indians were in America way way before the white men arrived.

    “The Red Indians did not claim ‘TUANSHIP’ of USA…. ” – ReformMalaysia

    Well, kinda tough for em’ red indians to claim tuanship of US of A as they were outgunned by the US 7th cavalry. Bows and arrows cant really stand up to winchester rifles or the gatling guns, dude.

    USA, a great country? as God has created Human equal…. nobody should claim they have better rights then someone else…? Tell that to the africans who were taken by force in their homeland, Africa and sent to work as slaves in America.

  54. RealWorld Says:” Well, kinda tough for em’ red indians to claim tuanship of US of A as they were outgunned by the US 7th cavalry. Bows and arrows cant really stand up to winchester rifles or the gatling guns, dude.”


  55. Aiyah people just ignore RealWorld okay? Please don’t fall into
    RealWorld’s trap. RealWorld will always pop up at the comments and
    write stuff that is guaranteed to bait you all, and if you respond to
    him, then you already fall into the trap. Then he will flood the
    comments with more stuff unrelated to the topic at hand. Just discuss the topic at hand ie Raja Nazrin and ignore his baiting tactics okay?

    To RealWorld, you think I don’t know what you are up to ah? Always baiting people and trapping them in the endless cycle of comments and counter-comments. I have to admit RealWorld that you are one of the better ones I have come across at this tactic, but that is the only compliment I have for you.

    To the rest of the people, starting from this day onwards, ignore and do not reply to anything RealWorld says no matter how it infuriates you. Just be calm and continue with the discussion at hand. When not a single person bother to reply to RealWorld, maybe RealWorld will get bored and go out and breathe some fresh air in the real world, unless of course RealWorld is paid to do this kinda stuff in that case just have more patience and ignore Realworld. Patience is virtue.

    Oh ya where were we? Right, Raja Nazrin. What can I say…he is the only true leader in this country and by leader and leadership I do not mean follow the leader, worship the leader, the leader knows best, trust the leader but instead leadership is this: leaders listen,
    leaders empower those around them, leaders recognize other’s strengths, Leaders recognize the value in other perspectives, Leaders share ownership.

    “True leadership is not about amassing followers, it is about building
    teams, it is about creating social structures that effect change,
    however small or great, in the world. Followers are for demagogues,
    people who want the thrill of being adored and of exercising power over others, people too selfish and too weak to share. If we look at the history of social change, these “leaders” have almost always become exactly what they’ve claimed to replace. Real leadership is about real change, not personnel shifting.”

    Badawi leader? Nope. UMNO leader? Nope. Raja Nazrin leader? Hell yeah!

    Read the full article on leadership here:

    Good day to you all.

  56. it all started with our birth cert then our identity card before we obtained our passport, we are being divided in race and religion.

    How should we explain to our children that we are Bangsa Malaysia?

    Foundamental Error!

    Dear My Government and all opposition parties, please ensure unity in Malaysia. Improve unity and fair envrionment for our future generations. Malaysian has grown up, older generation borned before 1957 base on race and religion to unite Malayisa. Now, those born after 1957 are “pure” Malaysian, to be in politic is not about race and religion anymore, it is about Malaysia.

    Why are you in Malaysia politic?

  57. pak Lah thinks he has the best adviser in the world, KJ!!!! an OXford of an adviser that is screwing this country with racist remarks…a boy that wants to be PM at all cost but dare not debate with DAP or PAS.

  58. I am all for Raja Nazrin and I hope DAP and the other oppositions will gives the full support. The current Prime Minister of Malaysia Abdullah Badawi and his Islam Hadhari plus his corrupted cabinet ministers must be stop to save Malaysia from being destroy.

  59. It seems to me that the end of the matter is that Malaysia under BN leadership has been so grossly mismanaged and so cruelly raped of its resources. It is clear that the common people, both Bumiputras and non-Bumiputras, have been neglected, sidelined, abused, hoodwinked and ridden roughshod by an uncaring and hypocritical BN that pays lip service to good works but where its leaders are too busy lining their pockets with the ill-gotten wealth that they steal from the people.

    Whilst it is almost certain that DYTM RAja Nazrin can make a significant contribution to the affairs of state and management of the nation, alas, we are possibly indulging in mere wishful thinking. The fact there is so much clamour for change and for someone reasonable, fair and honest like Nazrin to helm the nation’s rudders is a damning statement on UMNO and Barisan NAsional.

    I want to suggest that what Nazrin can do, particularly by virtue of his royal status and his well-liked personality, the combined manpower and resources of a PKR/DAP coalition will be able to deliver to the peoples of Malaysia.

    BN has already had its run. They have broken every rule in the race, whacked the referees (judges, public institutions et. al), and placed obstacles and barriers in the paths of other runners to win at their dirty game. Now is the year of reckoning. 2007 or 2008 must be the year to bring down the dirty facade that BN has given to Malaysia, bringing in their wake such untold misery and embarassment – the loss of its competitiveness in the world, the loss of foreign investments, escalating crime rates, endemic and systemic corruption, the deplorable state of its public institutions and universities etc. – and deeply embarassing the nation and its peoples.

    All said and done, REALWORLD is right only in the point that if the majority of Malaysians continue to be lulled and bribed by election lollipops and candies and empty promises, then Malaysia is doomed and will be ignored and consigned to the dirty bins of pariah nations. Therefore, all Malaysians must rise up and unite to bring down BN and the forces of evil and darkness they represent.

    God bless Malaysia and help its people make the right choice this 2007/2008.


    Were they hunted, killed by the thousands and herded into reservations??? Had their lands taken away from them by force?

    Your “Abraham Lincoln was a president….Obama might be running for presidency….” thingy ……. lets talk some facts shall we? USA independence was 4 July 1776 (if I am not mistaken). 2007 – 1776 = 231 years. Ours was 31 August 1957. 2007 – 1957 = 50 years. 231 years – 50 years = 181 years. So, after 231 years of independence, Obama “might” (key word) be running for presidency.

    …. but I bet you still wont get it.

    However, I like your “might” thingy. 231 years kinda long for a “might”, dont you think so?? :)

  61. RealWorld Says:”However, I like your “might” thingy. 231 years kinda long for a “might”, dont you think so??”

    231 years long? If you want to compare that way, you should not be using Airplanes, telephone or car… wait for 231 years later!! You should be using kereta lembu..


    The NEP is a discrimination…. Being a TUAN when not purely based on meritocracy is not honourable

  62. Dear ReformWorld,

    Obviously, you are unable to understand the difference between 231 and 50 years.

    But I am curious, tell me then where is one country with no discrimination?

    And is the NEP a means to be a ‘TUAN’??

  63. It is extremely irritating to have to read such flawed reasoning of this cybertrooper paid 2750 ringgit per month to defend the indefensible such as the plundering the land,nurturing a compliant judiciary,introducing and implementing laws to gag the media and all forms of practices to deny fair play in a big way.Even the discrimination of the orang asli (the true son of the soil in this country—the original people) is repudiated by this warped mine.He cited the red indians of America as supporting his argument that orang asli is not badly treated here at all. What kind of moron is this guy.If any group should be singled out for special treatment it must be the orang aslis who are very weak financially,politically,militarily and much smaller in numbers as a group.Here the biggest group with financial,political and military are singled out for special treatment.So Realworld are you saying we should all wait for 231 years for things to be sorted out and put right here so that all Malaysian citizens are treated as Malaysian. Here we are in the 21st century where 12 men have already landed on the moon and there are at least 5 rovers (from earth) sitting on Planet Mars we are still talking about how to suppress other ethnic groups, ketuanan Melayu,death sentence to be imposed on apostasy. You must be kidding. NIAMAH!!!

  64. What’s more the figure of 231 that you have worked out under a stroke of mathematical inspiration must have been a great finding deserving of being termed another law of nature.I’ve all along underestimated you people for I only thought the mathematics you people are capable of is to work how much you can get out whenever your fingers stick into the till.

  65. He openly admits that the country has discrimination, then he tries to justify it by asking “where is one country with no discrimination?”

    When we complain about the stealing, all he can say is “you think the Opposition won’t do the same if they come into power?”.

    The admission is all there – but the justification is that they should continue to steal because others will do the same, so why not UMNO.

  66. why don’t you guys collectively ignore him since it’s very obvious that he’s bent on calling a crooked road straight.
    Why waste bandwidth when there’s no sensible, logical basis to his discussion rite?

  67. Dr Nazrin as PM’s adviser? Raja Nazrin may well be the next PM if the speculations in the blogsphere are anything to go by and RAHMAN prophesy rings true!

    R – Tunku Rahman(aristocracy, prince from Kedah)
    A – Abdul Razak(descendant of state chieftain)
    H – Hussein Onn(descendant of state chieftain)
    M – Mahathir Mohamad(commoner,paternal forefather from India)
    A – Abdullah A Badawi(commoner,maternal forefather from China)
    N – Nazrin Shah(aristocracy, prince from Perak)

    There are two princes, two noblemen, two commoners, what a circle!! It started with a prince from Kedah and will be ended with a prince from neighbouring Perak!!

    Hang on!

    1986(7th GE) BN won big
    1990(8th GE) BN lost Kelantan due to Ku Li’s Semangat 46
    1995(9th GE) BN won big
    1999(10th GE) BN lost Kelantan & Terengganu due to Anwar
    2004(11th GE) BN won big
    2008(12th GE) BN lost Kelantan, Terengganu , Perak and yes Malaysia due to Dr Nazrin’s involvement in politics.

    Well as history has a tendency to repeat itself, the above may actually come true, only if Raja Nazrin were to enter politics and stand against the corrupted BN; if you like it, you can’t sit back and wait, you have to make it happen!!!

  68. Somebody also mentioned that we have to be careful what we wish for. If the next PM is someone with a name starting with “N”, and if we all wish for Raja Nazrin but somehow the Gods drop the last “N”, we could end up with Nazri.

  69. khoyamliang Says:

    August 9th, 2007 at 21: 31.54

    “2008(12th GE) BN lost Kelantan, Terengganu , Perak and yes Malaysia due to Dr Nazrin’s involvement in politics.”

    Hello, correction please.

    2008(12th GE) BN lost Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, Perak, Penang, Sabah and yes, lost their majority in Malaysia due to Dr Nazrin’s involvement in politics and supporting the opposition PKR/DAP/PAS.

    Malaysians must now think BIG for the 2008 GE! Why keep the carcass of a dead dog like BN with squirming crawlies (worms) and filthy flies around!

  70. Oh, by the way, Tun M, overcome by a sense of remorse and a desire to restore sanity to Malaysian politics, will probably repent of his era of wasted opportunities and vote for Anwar Ibrahim and the Opposition too.

    Hello Tun, it’s better late than never to repent of the sorry mistake in appointing Pak Lah and Najib to helm the nation. At 80+, I guess humility before God must be a virtue. Those blokes you appointed are doing everything except ‘managing’ the country!

  71. /// RealWorld Says:

    August 9th, 2007 at 13: 59.24
    Dear ReformWorld,

    Obviously, you are unable to understand the difference between 231 and 50 years. ///

    RealWorld and ReformMalaysia – I think both of you made the implicit assumption that things improved with the passage of time. This is not necessariiy so. Venice was the one of the greatest city on earth – what became of it. China was once the greatest country on earth. What happened? (though it is now slowly making up for the lost glory). And who can forget the mighty British Empire who conquered almost half the world including the US. And what happened to Britain in the intervening 231 years?

    Obviously the US has made pretty good progress in the past 231 years – by most indictors, not just Obama. Has Malaysia made good progess in 50 years? Would another 50 years make it better or worse? Think!

    Proton is only about 20 years old – and the apologiists have been saying that the protection given is still not enough. Would another 20 years turn it around, or will it mean more billions sunk? Think!

    The NEP has been around for more than 30 years? Are the Malay MASSES better off? Would another 30 years make the Malays more competitive? Or make them more dependent? Think!

    If Mugabe continues to run Zimbabwe, will more years given to him to rule the country be better or worse for Zimbabwe? Think!

    If Kim Jong Il or his ilk continues to rule North Korea, would another 100 years be better or worse for North Korea?

  72. “Here we are in the 21st century where 12 men have already landed on the moon and there are at least 5 rovers (from earth) sitting on Planet Mars we are still talking about how to suppress other ethnic groups, ketuanan Melayu,death sentence to be imposed on apostasy. You must be kidding. NIAMAH!!!” – AhPek

    “NIAMAH”? Hello, my dear fellow Malaysian, there is no need to insult my mother just because I have a different opinion than yours. I believe you do have a mother too and we need to respect mothers.

  73. “I want to suggest that what Nazrin can do, particularly by virtue of his royal status and his well-liked personality, the combined manpower and resources of a PKR/DAP coalition will be able to deliver to the peoples of Malaysia.” Hornbill

    Nazrin should consider abdicating his position as Raja Muda, Perak if he wants to assume a position as a politician or a socio-political activist. Otherwise his actions could precipitate another constitutional crisis. Already the Conference of Malay Rulers are facing off with the Prime Minister.

  74. RealWorld :(August 9th, 2007 at 13: 59.24) “Obviously, you are unable to understand the difference between 231 and 50 years.
    But I am curious, tell me then where is one country with no discrimination? Obviously, you are unable to understand the difference between 231 and 50 years.”

    The different? After 231 year of USA is using 3G phones…after 50years Independence, Malaysian too can use 3G phones… and even sending an astronaut to the space…..So why on earth you think Malaysia would need 231 years to learn ho to treat its citizen fairly?

    You think we need that long to chaNGE a barbaric mentality to civilised mentality?

    As for your 2nd question on discrimination…. You mean it is ‘alright’ to steal or kill if you know someone else stealing of killing too?

  75. ReformMalaysia,

    Barbaric mentality? Can you tell me what ‘barbaric mentality’ is happening in Msia?

    I didnt say that it is alright to steal/kill if another party is doing it. I said no matter what and where there will always be discrimination. Life is never gonna be fair. Suggest you read my posting again, carefully.

  76. Finally I see some light on Raja Nazrin, he indeed ought to be a celebrity. All the while I’ve been seeing the country going towards a worsen side. Now I’d rather we go back to the days when the country was ruled by Raja rather than the so called democratic or constitutional monarchy where we are today.
    I support this brilliant great guy to be the next PM.
    By the way, when is the next election? Planning to fly back to vote.

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