Cabinet must be made collectively responsible for the crime situation with weekly crime report which must be made public

Malaysians are horrified by the brutal rape-and-murder of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Utar) student Tang Lai Meng from Menglembu, Perak at Bandar Mahkota Cheras three days ago, which has again reminded Malaysians on the occasion of the nation’s 50th Merdeka anniversary that they have lost the most precious of all human rights — the fundamental right to be free from crime and the fear of crime, whether in the streets, public places or the privacy of their home.

There is a danger that Malaysians, whether the authorities including the police, and the citizenry have become numbed to the vicious spiral of the crime index in the country as to accept that the escalation of crime is an inevitable part and price of Malaysia’s development.

This is not acceptable and Malaysians from walks of life must make it clear that their most important wish on the occasion of the nation’s 50th Merdeka anniversary is the restoration of a safe country where Malaysians can walk the streets and public places as well as return to their home without fear of being victims of crime.

A crime-infested society knows no race, as illustrated by the case of the Malay woman motor-cycle pillion rider in Johor Bahru two days ago who was abducted, gang-raped and robbed by six robbers.

I call on Cabinet Ministers to be collectively responsible for the worsening crime situation in the country and to demand weekly police report on security situation until the crime rate is brought down to pre-Royal Police Commission period.

When Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi became Prime Minister about four years ago, he promised to make the war on crime one of his administration’s top agendas.

As a result, he established the Royal Police Commission to make recommendations to create a world-class police force which can keep crime low.

In its report, the Royal Police Commission expressed shock that there had been a 29 per cent increase of crime in the eight years from121,176 cases in 1997 to 156,455 cases in 2004, and sounded the warning that unless this trend was checked and reversed, there would be “major social and economic consequences for Malaysia”.

It recommended a major police crackdown on crime and the “immediate target of a minimum of 20 per cent decrease” in the incidence of crime within the first 12 months.

Instead of a 20 per cent reduction of crime in the first 12 months after the Royal Police Commission Report, there had been a 27 per cent increase in the crime index from 156,455 cases in 2004 to 198,622 cases in 2006 — when it took eight years for the crime index to increase 29 per cent from 1997 to 2004 which the Royal Police Commission had found completely unacceptable.

In the first six months of this year, the crime index worsened by 5.11 per cent when compared to the same period last year. Just to illustrate the gravity of the worsening crime problem, there were 8.2 cases of rape a day in the first six months of this year as compared to 4 cases a day in 2003!

This is clear proof that the crime situation had got very much worse after the Royal Police Commission Report, although the reverse should have taken place — as the government had given up to 42% increase in salaries for police personnel, RM2.5 billion for police housing, as well as hundreds of millions of ringgit of other allocations for improvements in police service as recommended by the Royal Police Commission Report.

Yet, the crime situation has continued to escalate, without a word of concern whether by the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister or the Cabinet about this worsening crime problem.

The causes of the worsening crime situation are many, including socio-economic problems of family breakdowns, failure of educational system, drug menace, illegal immigrant presence, police professionalism, etc, but one major cause is undoubtedly the lack of political leadership and responsibility for the escalating crime problem.

As the Internal Security Minister, Abdullah should bear personal and direct responsibility for the worsening crime situation — but as Prime Minister, Abdullah appears to be responsible for nothing even though he is also Internal Security and Finance Minister.

This atrocious state of affairs cannot continue with the deteriorating crime situation which has made life a nightmare not only to Malaysians, but also tourists and investors.

Unless and until the crime index is brought back to the pre-Royal Police Commission period, the Cabinet must collectively be responsible for the crime situation, asking for a weekly crime report to monitor police progress in beating crime, and such a weekly police report to the Cabinet should also be made public.

Beating crime and restoring the fundamental right of personal safety must be the top challenge of the Cabinet and Parliament.

Henceforth, every Minister, regardless of his or her portfolio, must be prepared to answer public questions and concerns as to what the Cabinet is doing to reduce crime to the pre-Royal Police Commission levels, or Malaysians must exercise their right to demand for the Minister’s resignation for evading the most basic responsibility to ensure that the country is safe for the citizens.


57 Replies to “Cabinet must be made collectively responsible for the crime situation with weekly crime report which must be made public”

  1. Malaysia would soon surpass USA in term of crime rate. Developed world status not too far from sight. It is a sad situation. Even the poverty stricken Mumbai slum areas are safe with low crime rate.

  2. Pay-rise for our public servants esp the Police Force and Immigration Authorities supposedly an inducement for them to deliver well and perform better, is afterall a wrong decision! It’s as if their god-given right to salary increment.

    Security and safety of the rakyat have taken a backseat, horrendous crime spiralled to record high while illegal immigrants, unemployed youths and drug addicts are having a free run.

    They’ve got all their priorities wrong, and are more interested in
    in taking sides and intimidating “thinking citizens” like Bloggers and NGOs who do not accept or agree with the policies of the BN government.

    Is this what we call MALAYSIA BOLEH ?

  3. k1980:
    “Put the blame on the ineffective Ministers of Interior Security”
    Numero 1 and Numero 2.”

    It will be wonderful if DYTM Nazrin can join PKR or DAP to give a fillip to nation-building. How about that PKR and DAP? Send some feelers. Nazrin can contest in Kepala Batas.

    See BERNAMA report:
    “Raja Nazrin Outlines Three Essentials For Effective Nation-building
    KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 5 (Bernama)

  4. When are these on going actrocities to innocent people going to end, Mr Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Mr Musa Hassan?

    Do they feel shame for the failing of people’s trust in them?

  5. Instead of stopping the crime using Police force, I think the respective minister should also look into “why” there are so many crimes recently. Are those people desperate of Sex? Money? Stable Job? Sick? Or our environment lack of certain security measure like frequent patrol, CCTV, etc? I think lack of education is one of the main reason but fixing it would take another 1 or 2 generation. Someone has to come out a measure to stop the crimes by at least understand what’s going on wrong. How come these bastard didn’t scare at all when commit crime? (Because they know head of police is also a criminal?) There are just too many questions to answer (and speculate).

    With just less than 1 week two ladies rape-and-murdered, I felt worried and has to instruct my sister who studied alone in KL, to come back to stay with family and give her a car to drive, and teach her how to protect herself. We can’t rely on police to do this. Sometimes I feel envy to Singaporean ladies, where they can feel free to be themselves along every part in the city. No snatch theft. No rape-and-murder.

    What had happened to Malaysia?

  6. Why there are so many crimes recently?
    Because the police has become lax in their duties despite their huge pay raise

    Abdullah’s approval rating has dropped from 91 percent in November 2004 to 73 percent in June this year
    The majority of the Chinese think Abdullah did not keep most of his election promises. They’re less confident with the government’s ability in fulfilling the people’s aspirations…More Chinese also think that the problem of the sluggish Malaysian economy can be addressed by having more opposition leaders in Parliament…

  7. No, we don’t act like the thugs in UMNO Youth and UMNO Putera. We don’t act like your Mat Rempits. We will have our regime change, and we may even take the crumbs away from apologists like you.

  8. Those police and cabinet people will never do concern on this matter unless their own daughter or wife are being rape or murder.

    Malaysia, what it is turn into now?2057 what it is?a vision help more people became a robbery?or is a vision for himself to achived trillion dollar of his own asset?

  9. yb Lim Kit Siang.

    if the government of the day has any iota of responsibility and accountability, they should all resign.

    what has the mca done ? nothing.

    to rub salt to wound, the government controlled media reported that an “untouchable ” taiko was arrested today.Only today.
    since when has gangsters been “untouchable”

    the opposition must wake up and be prepared for the next government. enough of bullshits from the barisan nasional.

  10. “No, we don’t act like the thugs in UMNO Youth and UMNO Putera. We don’t act like your Mat Rempits. We will have our regime change, and we may even take the crumbs away from apologists like you.” – Godfather

    Thugs?? Dude, you are the one here hurling baseless allegations. So, who is the thug?

    Regime change? Well, for a start, put forward concrete facts or proof. Wild allegations are baseless and wont cut it.

    Mat Rempits?? Well, you sure do act like your illegal vcd peddlars. :)

  11. Who knows, perhaps unlike pursuing illegal gambling den towkays, counterfeiters, prostitution rings, smugglers or just plain ordinary traffic violaters, which can be more ‘rewarding’ to our enforcement officers, there’s no ‘incentive’ in pursuing rapists, molesters, thieves, robbers and other crimes being committed on the ordinary citizen.

  12. Petition the King about the sad state of affairs. Get him to sack the Home Minister!

    It’s is so sad that the police are now calling on residents to have rukun tetangga beats! I find that totally amusing!

    In most places, I know that residents leaving for long holidays wont inform the police because they fear the police will inform the crooks! Tell me how many of you would inform the cops? Sorry state of the nation! Cant trust the cops.

  13. And lets remove all those with even some degree of suspicion to their integrity and those who are corrupt.

    But remember guys, we have the power to vote out tehse gusy from their constituencies. The power is in our hands and WE CAN DO IT!

  14. The change starts with us. We can do the nation a great service if we vote out all the corrupt and ineffective leaders to send a clear message to the ruling party. Lets do our part and vote wisely.

  15. If the cabinet were to give weekly crime reports, tourist arrivals would drop. The Minister in charge of tourism would object strongly to this suggestion.
    No God created the crime of murder and no God created sorrow or pain…., because we believe that you can kill someone and end his consciousness forever, then murder exists within our reality and must be dealt with. What is important is that each soul understands its OWN choices and actions and the consequences of their actions. Nothing ever dies – it just changes form. There is always a reason. To realize that each soul is making these decisions is a beautiful, healing and freeing experience.
    For more pictures of this tragedy, her wake & funeral, details at
    Po Kuan was at the wake & Kit was there for the funeral to express his condolences to the family

  16. I am afraid the sad truth is the situation is going to get progressively worse with time. The country is falling apart and Malaysia is going to regress even further in all sphere of human activities. Racial politics, affirmative policies, discrimination, corruption at very high level and probably all levels, globalisation, brain drain, immigration policy base more on race rather then talent and a simply tak apa attitude has sealed the country’s fate long time ago. The only way the country can be saved is through a group of very enlightened, powerful and educated Malays who really know what is good for the country and strife to disentangled all the mess that has been created by the incumbant. The politics got to change first if ever Malaysia stand a chance. In a few years time when Vietnam, China, Russia, Eastern Europe and India goes full steam, Malaysia will acquire complete pariah status. This is really not so long from now.

  17. Does the UMNO government actually care?

    Heck, just say “We don’t know” and that’s the end of it.

    Reducing the spate of violent crimes in the country does not benefit their bank accounts so don’t expect any positive action to be taken except maybe just before the General Election.

  18. “…//..Reducing the spate of violent crimes in the country does not benefit their bank accounts so don’t expect any positive action to be taken…// -..lchk

    It is one thing to say that no positive action is expected to address crime where there is no benefit to their bank accounts – it is quite another if the benefit to their bank accounts has a direct co-relation with the rise in crime and inability to manage the security situation!

    You will note from The Star report on (Utar) student Tang Lai Meng’s rape/murder, it appears that “police are on the hunt for a Pakistani, who worked as a security guard at Bandar Mahkota, Cheras”….The suspect is a foreigner.

    I believe there is always a correlation between the problem of human trafficking here and surge of crime. (The US recently added Malaysia to the Tier 3 category of the State Department’s seventh annual Trafficking in Persons Report, a classification reserved for countries with the worst human trafficking records). Human trafficking here would include both legal and illegal migration flows in to this country which interact with state policies and corruption in their implementation. The problems of influx of foreigners here are difficult and complex to resolve. Many people (including officialdom) have a cut and make money out of this lucrative industry of getting foreigners to work in this country and foreigners, both legal and illegal, flood the country. Our prisons are filled to the brim with them.

    I doubt we can address crime problem effectively just from law enforcement perspective without considering the root causes of the bludgeoning crime directly or indirectly but not exclusively related or attributable in no small way to certain aspects of our state’s policies and the prevailing corrupt culture in the country.

    It should be apparent that if there were a co-relation between corruption/state policies and violent crime, the government’s inability to check corruption or refusal to change certain of its policies will imply a similar inability to significantly improve the security situation and contain the crime problem.

    You can expect such violent crimes to continue if not escalate.

  19. Jeffery,

    You are so right about the influx of foreigners here as one of the root cause of crime. These foreigners are the lowest strata of their society and many are illiterate and have hardly any moral values.

    Some of these are criminals who came here for greener pastures and our unsuspecting Malaysians blindly employ them. Some agencies are also guilty of luring them away from their country with great promises and dumping them here as illegals.

    These agencies need to be checked and charged in court for their crimes. There are many such illegals in these nations. In Kuala Lumpur, Klang, and the surrounding towns are flooded with these people. Even places like Rawang town, Penang. Name it they are there in major cities and towns of this nation.

    You could see them in petrol Kiosk, and many shopping centers. As lay man on the street, we can identify them, it is strange that the police doesn’t know. Or is it ‘the buat tak tahu’ attitude.

    When is this influx of foreigners going to stop? Many of them are Indonesians, Nepalis, Pakistani etc. Indonesians of course top the list as they can become BUMIPUTRA easily. Just say you lost IC and get one as a Malay by forging other documents..simple!!

    Many Malays are not true Malays but Indonesians from the lowest strata of their society who act like hooligans and are criminals. They got imported into the Malay race and the authorities are to be blame for this negilgence.

    Please hear me right, there are some real good Indonesians, but they don’t come here to work as maids, or do hard labour. I know of many Indonesians as personal friends and they are simply excellent . It is the same with the other nationalites.

    So it is not a prejudice against any race or national but the mistake of agencies and government authorities who give approval or who ‘close their eyes’ to this influx of ‘human trafficking’ of criminals and hooligans into this country.

  20. Awesome said:

    “These foreigners are the lowest strata of their society and many are illiterate and have hardly any moral values. ”

    The lowest strata of OUR society has to be all those clowns in UMNO who think they are literate, but have no moral values because they allow such things to happen on their watch. All because of their need to get a few ringgit here and there to feed their greed. And when we complain, they say we whinge, and they try to shout us down or threaten us with physical harm. Animal Farm indeed.

  21. Three foreign security guards held over Utar student’s murder
    The family of the murdered Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman student in her rented home in Bandar Mahkota should sue the apartments’ management committee for hiring
    foreigners to work as security guards.
    Are they illegal immigrants?
    Who recommended them as security guards?
    Were they properly vetted before being offered employment as guards?
    Do they put through adequate training as security guards?
    Did the management committee check on their previous employment records?
    How much money could be saved by employing foreigners rather than locals as guards?
    What is the government going to do about housing management committees which hire foreigners rather than locals as guards?
    Are the management committee members qualified to hold their posts, that is to say, what do they know about managing housing apartments apart from their sole aim of collecting monthly management fees from the apartment dwellers?

  22. Godfather said :

    ‘The lowest strata of OUR society has to be all those clowns in UMNO who think they are literate, but have no moral values because they allow such things to happen on their watch.’

    Hahaha…true! And election coming soon for all the clown to make their parade. :)

  23. It works this way. Crony (“Crony”) has contact with relevant Ministry’s official (“MO”) as well as recruiter (“Local Recruiter”) who has dealings with affiliate recruiter locally based in (hypothetically, say) Pakistan. MO gives Crony a quota of bring in (say) 10,000 Pakistani workers. Crony tells Local Crony who in turn informs Foreign Recruiter. Government imposes levy (say) RM1000 per worker (“Levy”), which has to be paid upfront. There must be somebody financing this outlay upfront which in many cases is Local Recruiter. He pays the Levy of RM10 million on behalf of Crony to relevant Ministry of Home Affairs. Local Recruiter comes out with another (say) RM10 million to secure Foreign Workers Calling Visas from the Immigration Department, pay for the Foreign Workers’ one-way ticket from Pakistan and their medical checkup (and also replacement of those medically unfit) and also for their makeshift quarters. Lets call this Out of Pocket Expenses or “OPE”.

    In authentic cases Crony or its agents will arrange for prospective employers (“Employers”) who will undertake to absorb the 10,000 workers in their factories, plantations and offices. In fraud cases, there are no Employers. Employers would pay RM1000 per worker equivalent of the levy so for 10,000 it would be RM10 million refunded to the Local Recruiter for his initial outlay for the Levy. But how does he recoup the OPE of another RM 10 million and make profit, what about the share of others?

    They get it back from the Foreign Worker, each undertaking to pay (say) RM5000, which times 10,000 amounts to RM50 million in excess of outlay of RM10 million for Levy and RM10 million for OPE giving a surplus of RM30 million for sharing.

    The Foreign Worker obviously has no money to pay RM5,000 at the outset. He pays it in the tenure of his employment contract. It is monthly deducted from his pay. In exchange for the Employer being exempted from paying the Levy (paid by Recruiter) Employer will by legal agreement make sure a deduction of RM200+ is made from each Foreign Worker’s monthly wage if contract for 2 years or RM400+ if 12 months.

    These deductions for 10,000 workers at RM5000 per worker will aggregate at end of 1 or 2 year tenure of employment to RM50 million. Net off 20 million for outlay of Levy and OPE for Recruiter, there is still left RM30 million surplus. Out of this RM30 million,

    The Recruiter makes a profit of (say) – RM15 million for taking the financial risks, leaving balance of RM15 million from which relevant officials helping the Quota get for example RM8 million leaving the Crony with RM7 million.

    Here we’re talking about a quota of 10,000 for easy computation. If it is for example 30,000 or 50,000, one would have to times (x) all figures by 3 or 5.

    Isn’t that big money?

    When you deduct either RM200 (for 2 year contract) or RM400 from a foreign worker whose wage is RM750 per month what disposable income has he got left to survive in this period? This is a kind of servitude and that’s why the US calls it human trafficking!

    And we’re talking of those employed. What about those workers who paid equivalent of RM1000 in Pakistan and have been victim of scans ire having landed in Malaysia are stranded without employment or employer to be seen, no money to engage lawyers and no money to buy a ticket back?

    Whether legal or illegal ther’s much incentives for him to break into your house; robs you and in that process, if opportunity presents itself, he would – as a pure response to opportunity rather than some over endowment of testosterone – also rape your young daughter or wife or old grandmother !

    I am not saying all crimes are caused by such foreigners : some are locals from rural -urban drift, some displaced from plantations by the Foreign Workers and lower wages and some by reason of disparity of income in the cities and others under influence of drugs disseminated by these purveyors of these poisons for money in our towns and cities.

    But it is a fact that foreigners are a high proportion. Of course our law enforcement agencies are still trying to buck up from inefficiency and corruption but even if overnight due to some wave of he magic wand they become efficient and clean, it is still questionable how are they going to address these bludgeoning problem the root causes of which are greed and corruption of both officials and our own entrepreneurs.

    No point lamenting of crime in relation to bogeyman – the police man only – without taking the holistic and systems approach of addressing the main root causes, the principal of which is corruption.

  24. sigh … po kuan n uncle kit attended the funeral wake …

    I wonder whether anyone from the government even bother to do so … or are they afraid of being thrown with rotten eggs ??

    to be honest … I rather have retired policemen or old men manning the security booths than young malays or foreigners …

    no offense to bumis or anyone … but statistically these 2 groups of ppl have a high rate of criminals … it’s a fact …

  25. Sorry, typo error in 4th para from top of posting – ” In exchange for the Employer being exempted from paying the Levy (paid by Recruiter)” should read as “In exchange for the Employer/Crony being GIVEN INITIAL ADVANCE BY RECRUITER IN RESPECT OF the Levy payable to government at the outset”….

  26. They are more interested in Corridors where they can speak of hundreds of billions of ringgit to be spent and it makes them feel good.

    Fighting crime does not appear to be one of the main priorities of the government. Maybe crime is not so good news for all of them. Not much opportunities to make billions here.

    A recent reports say we will have 5 MILLION foreigners, legal and illegals, here in this country in a few years. That would be about 20% of the population. Are we controlling who we let in? What steps are we taking to block illegals? No action, talk only, NATO again, right?

    Lets have another Corridor.

  27. This is the result of decades of bad leadership and governance of the country.

    There was no planning at all for this major import of foreign labour – legal and illegal – to ensure its maximum contribution/benefit to the economy and society in the short and long term.

    Quick and huge profits took higher priority over the welfare and safety of the ordinary people and security of the country.

  28. Histroy has shown that rampant corruption in the officaldom inevitably spells the eminent demise of the State. It easily brought down the once mighty dynasties of Imperial China. Malaysia is hardly anything to reckon with and shouldn’t hold out as an exception to such univeral truth.

    The malaise and ineffectual leadership will require the increasing patronage of a bloated and corrupted bureaucracy to sustain itself and to hang on to power. This cuture of corruption, having found its leverage on the ruling elite, form with them a comfortable symbiotic relationship to parasitise the wealth of the nation. In such a milieu, Anticorruption Agencies are just symbolic. In Malaysia such shameless relationship between the corrupt , powerful incumbant and bureacracy can be easily camouflaged by a clever exploitation of racial politics and fear. So we have strange exhortion from UMNO youth movement that the election is about Malay survival. It is nothing but a clever ploy to play on the innate fears of the Malay Mass that if you don’t stick with me no matter how corrupt I am and in what mess the country has run into during my tenure, you are going to be eaten alive by other races. They (other races) are going to take away the freebies of affirmative action which you have grown addicted to. So all sins and corruption becomes a lesser evil and expunge from record.

    Malaysia can only be saved and the decay reversed if only a strong group of dignified, intelligent, self-righteous MALAYS come forward to say enough is enough. To say that NO, we work as a nation and not as a race and nobody is going to eat anybody. Or if anybody is to be eaten it should be those who has been misleading the mass to fuel their corruption. Throw away racial politics and banish the inept, unshackle the chains that have been holding us back so that we may again race forward into this competitive world where we are going to find our place.

  29. ablastine,

    the only way is to kill off UMNO from ruling the govt. what are the chances when those fat politicians are all waiting for their RM200-RM2,000,000 ?

    its a sad sad situation.

  30. NEP is necessary to correct the imbalance in the society.

    But its extension, let alone its gross abuse and expliotation, is most divisive and damaging to the country and her ordinary people.

  31. “This is the result of decades of bad leadership and governance of the country.” – sotong Says: August 6th, 2007 at 12: 19.08

    and yesrs of silly excuses from BN apologist .

  32. What ablastine wrote on August 6th, 2007 at 12: 50 is right-on. I totally agree with you.

    What we are witnessing today is decades of corruptions, mis-management, discrimination practises, power abuse and apathy.

    We the 40% of the non-bumi population alone can not win this election even if all 40% do not vote for UMNO and its running-dogs. We need conscioutious, educated, rational, impartial malays to be on the side of righteous….. who do the right thing for this nation, not just for one race or one religion.

  33. NEP should be renamed and it should be given to the needy…..regardless of race or religion.

    Meaning that if aid is being given to farmers, then give e.g. fertiliser to all farmers at subsidised prices (Even developed countries do this).

    If aid is being given to fishermen, then let all fishermen benefit, regardless of race.

    If small and petty traders are being given aid, be equal to all. Anyway since the majority of the population is Malay, most of the aid will go to malays/bumi anyway. But with this equal treatment to all malaysians, we are developing people who can compete with other malaysians on an equal basis. We are not developing a dependent class of people as is the case now.

    Meritocracy in all fields is the way forward. But the fact that racism is ingrained in the system means that these measures will still not be carried out equally. Some clerical staff somewhere will make life miserable for the non-malays.

    Due to racism unfortunately even with 50 years of independence we see ourselves as malay, chinese, indian, sikh, iban, kadazan, bidayuh, achehnese, javanese, or bugis first before we see ourselves as malaysian. Hence wherefrom the unity? Where is the integration after so many years? We were closer 30 years ago when my generation were kids! What has gone wrong?

  34. We the 40% of the non-bumi population alone can not win this election….
    True, but then with the loss of a two-thirds majority in Parliament, all the nonsensical bills and laws would not be passed, and umno slurs such as the “bocor” issue would be shouted down by the opposition. And denial of a two-thirds majority to bn would be the first step towards the burial of that racist and corrupt coalition.

  35. It will take more than the DAP to deny the thieves the two-thirds majority. Denying BN the two-thirds majority will be enough to cause the den of thieves to implode and this is what we should strive for. There will never be a better time for us to come together and make it happen. These people are so blatant they have no integrity, no responsibility and no accountability.

    Just like the poodle RealWorld, the minute you bombard them with the hard questions and revelations, they just run away with their tails in between their legs.

  36. Prostitution,human trafficking and drug trafficking are all time big business and of course there are people who walk this Corridor well aware of this fact and well positioned to take advantage of this.This is precisely why Jeffrey has to come to this statement.”No point lamenting of crime in relation to bogeyman-the policeman only-without taking the holistic and systems approach of addressing the main root causes, the principal of which is corruption.” And if I may add “plus insatiable greed.”.
    In short the root cause of this whole security mess is state policy compounded by an inefficient and highly corruptible police force making this problem insurmountable as long as the current set of power brokers stay in charge.What we need is a tsunami of change sweeping the to alter the political fabric of this nation.This must boil down to 74 parliamentary seats for the opposition to deny two thirds majority and mind you this is no easy task in Malaysia whose population at large are more tune to bread and butter issue and thus can also easily be bribed into voting for BN.Remember the resources of BN is overwhelmingly superior to any opposition in the country. Question now is how would we help to make this change?What we’re doing right now is convincing the convinced.Won’t do at all for a change to take place.Over to you all in blogosphere.

  37. First of all, my condolences to the family and closed one concerned.
    Many education institutions have what they call a students affairs body which help the students in many things including safe accomodation. They should have addresses of accomodation which they can recommend to students and also, they know who the landlords are. It is indeed very tragic for this hideous crime to happen to one who was supposed to have a very bright future. This particular education institution should now come up with ideas on how to keep their students safe.

  38. ”What we need is a tsunami of change sweeping the country to alter the political fabric of this nation.”
    Over 60% of the voters currently enjoys the privileges that come with the NEP. Do you seriously think they are dumb enough to vote away these privileges which put thousands of ringgit in their pockets each year?

  39. I’m so tired of all these types of news and friend from home telling me that M’sia is a dangerous place to stay now.

    Yes, in Shanghai, I need to beware of pick pockets. But not rapist and murderer, still quite safe to be out late at night. The policeman would be very fast in catching the criminal if such a terrible crime ever happens. And I had never heard of robbers encountered by anyone I know here so far (I stayed near Shanghai JiaoTong University), whereas during my schooling days in TARC, almost 20-30% of my fellow friends had encountered with motorcyclist robbers.

    And now even worst, rape and murder. I feel really bad for my fellow juniors who need to suffers all these. I’m now rather worry about my safety if I plan to go back to M’sia. I feel endangered.

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