50 Years of Merdeka – rumblings, rantings, reflections

This 50years independent of my country Malaysia …
by Nizam Mashar

What else should we expect from this country of ours …
50 years of independent, even 50 years of independent,
when a child sees frogs and birds as monsters,
and McD, Big Bird Sessame, Sinchan and Barbie as their friends and buddy,

when man and women, “car”ing while the hens are sleeping and back when the owl had rest,
for the dime, dollars, cent, ringgit and rupiah,
and more more more more,
for what ever cost; friends, family, corruption, nepotisme, oppression
… are another bussiness plan of the day,

when the academia, write and research, -for the sake of the world NOOOOOOOOT,
its for the three little word,
read me PhD, spell me PhD, write me PhD,
and the glitters that comes with it,
the benefit of my studies are for the TNCs whose paying me,
or the government who spend money to put me unreadable thesis in the library,
what farmers? what fishermans? what people? … they are no scholars who intellectually capable to pronounce PhD.

When business maintain…
Business as Usual…
The word “sustainable development” can always be put anywhere in the “EMP” (“environmental managment plan”),
The independent scientist in our payroll; says them; can always put the label on our containers saying “Safe and Healthy ” with enriched vitamin C,
and of course nothing to worry …
As the man, woman, tua, muda, child, youth, have been cast the make believe spell of our Advert Mania and “Macam-macam ada”

when the sivil servant is read as political servant,
which eat, drink and what ever had been “aku janji”,
and the fear of demotion, salary cut, transfer, ISA, AUKU, and macam-macam lagi,
is far ever important than the nation, the people and their least dignity
… if ever they still have one …

when the UMNO is still,
using race and religion to run the country,
with fear and subsidy,
sleepy and stupidity,
of i dont know and ZZZZZ,
while the Khair I, is all about his cronies,
when the time comes “he say”
I will bring my PEMUDA on the street,
for a stooge show on Palestine, against USA colonization of IRAQ, and apa lagi u want ?
I can stage u of what u please …
Irony … a leader with not a tear shed, sweat fell, and too much to request a stain of blood … for Malaysia, for Malaysia …

I wish i dont have this fear,
of the greens of my country, bulldozed,
the malays, chinese, indians etc asking each others blood,
death and hatred under the name of religion,
the wealth of the Nation … is not ours, not ours,
How i wish, i dont have this fear,
Go away bogey man … I want to sleep, and cast this nightmare way,
to the far-far away land, away from the Boleh land …

i just wish …
[zamashari write,
looking at the sun set at the rice field of NOrth Corridor for might be the last time, which will soon be owned by Monsanto, Syngenta, Sime Darby and others …]

20 Replies to “50 Years of Merdeka – rumblings, rantings, reflections”

  1. well, he may just be writing in broken english purposefully to subtly stress how bad education is in bodohland. He did not say anything about education being bad in his writings right? it would be implied by how he wrote it. quite funny actually.

  2. Hello, this is not supposed to be “atrocious English” (Godfather) or “writing in broken english purposefully to subtly stress how bad education is in bodohland” ( ahkok1982 ) of a writer who “has forgotten to take his medication” (Undergrad2). This is a valiant attempt by Nizam Mashar (probably an aspiring Malaysian Shakespeare or Keats) at creative political poetry ‘ala Malaysian style and flavour (with deliberate misspelling of “sivil” instead of civil, mix of BM and English)’ of the state of our nation (from angle that only Malaysians in the mixed up stage can understand it). It is not supposed to be looked at as if it were “prose” with bad punctuations – but a kind of poem with rhyme, alliteration, assonance and consonance to create repetitive patterns of sound consistent with poetry. Ask literary accomplished Endangered Hornbill, he should be able to see it but whether he thinks that the attempt has been a good or a half past six one, only he can speak for himself on that.

  3. 50 years of hard-work by the Chinese and Indians to raise 3 generations of handicapped children under a unique system of administration, and proudly producing a new breed call “bangsa-tongkat” with special priviledges, but can only survive in their native land call bodohland, where recently there seems to be an influx of monyets, cyber-troopers, lesbian-troopers, and all kinds of exciting events and happenings including the blowing up of a Mongolian girl, and more recently, an attempt by an ex-cm, to send a missile aim at Malaysia-Today, but back-fired, and exploded in his own compound. Hopefully the pee-M will wake up by 31st August to attend the celebration. He has been sleeping for the past 4 years, while his sil runs the country for him.

  4. “….producing a new breed call “bangsa-tongkat” with special priviledges…” hornypok

    Hope you’re not referring to ‘tongkat ali’ or ali’s tongkat. When they look for somebody to blame it is always the ‘blind Chiinaman’ (‘Cina buta’ a convenient concept for those who have had three strikes and want to marry his ex-wife again!) and when they are happy and not suffering from erectile dysfunction, Ali gets all the credit.

    This is not fair.

  5. Good God. Holy cow. After 50 years of independence, we must sit and watch the ‘independence’ of Maklaysian Police!!!

    From Malaysiakini:

    “Legal advisor to Police Watch and Human Rights Committee N Surendran who is monitoring the case (Sujatha’s death), claimed that the police were slow in investigating the matter as it had almost been a month since Sujatha’s death.

    “We are asking why did the police sit on this particular case,” said Surendran, who accompanied Manikavasagam to the Bukit Aman federal police headquarters yesterday.

    “We are disappointed with the attitude of the police. They can call in a blogger within days of receiving a police report on sedition, but where in the case with the possibility of murder, they were sitting on it for more than a month,” he said.

  6. Jeffrey says:
    “Ask literary accomplished Endangered Hornbill, he should be able to see it but whether he thinks that the attempt has been a good or a half past six one, only he can speak for himself on that.”

    That’s flattering! But I do appreciate Nizam Mashar’s attempt at poetic art. The ‘beauty’ of any poetry (or doggerel) lies in its effect upon readers. I agree with Jeffrey’s comments that Nizam’s purposeful but unusual jumble of prose and poetry with imagery skewed and screwed up, yet sensible and sensitive can only appear meaningful and enlightened to a Malaysian readership fed on a mishmash of “nightmares” and “hallucinations” where “a child sees frogs and birds as monsters.”

    Without attempting to dissect Nizam’s poetic art too much, as it isn’t meant to be, I’d just say that there is utter frustration and anger with the miscreant administration and misprision of the BN leadership.

    Would I be presumptuous to say, therefore, that Nizam, Jeffrey, Undergrad2 and I are so disgusted with this BN administration that we’d even sleepwalk through our ‘nightmares’ (if we have to), to the polling booths to vote for DAP/PKR and vote out BN, eh?

  7. Instead of spending billions on unproductive and wasteful mega projects, it is long overdue to channel more resources to promote the unique art and crafts of the bumi, including protecting their culture and traditions for the benefit of generations to come.

  8. Theme for the coming 50th birthday celebration is “Hapuskan bangsa-tongkat, masukan tongkat-besi”.
    I pray to the heavenly god of mercy to free the people of bolehland from the discrimination.

  9. “…. Nizam, Jeffrey, Undergrad2 and I are so disgusted with this BN administration that we’d even sleepwalk through our ‘nightmares’ (if we have to), to the polling booths to vote for DAP/PKR and vote out BN, eh?” HORNBILL

    Yes, and make sure nobody ‘wakes’ you up from your sleepwalking because it is dangerous to do so. Sleepwalkers have been known to vent his anger and kill the person who wakes him up from his sleep walking!

    Yes, Jeffery and I plan to run over hot burning charcoals to get to the polling booths. Just tell us which booth to go to.

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