Peer-moderated blog

This blog will adopt peer-moderation for comments. As word filters and other measures are not bombproof, on the odd occasion malicious comments can still slip through. You are invited to be the blog’s final line of defence against possible sabotage by malicious comments. If you spot a comment that you feel is inappropriate, please send an email to [email protected] pointing out which comment may be offensive. Let’s work as a team. Thanks.

26 Replies to “Peer-moderated blog”

  1. Excellent move, YB.

    However, you might want to include certain guidelines if possible. Not everyone might know what is acceptable and what is offensive as we have become so used to the kind of language and insinuations used in blogs.

    You don’t want your mail account to be overwhelmed to the point where you won’t have time to read them AND moderate your blog as well.

    Let’s work together for a better Malaysia.

  2. Honestly, I think, almost all visitors to this blog are “well-behaved”. I would say the same for Rocky’s, Jeff’s, Marina’s, Ronnie’s blogs.
    I believe most rude comments come from trouble makers who deliberately make incendiary posts to discredit the blog owner.

  3. On blog repression, hear, hear. Nazri says Parliament will pass new laws. Would Nazri’s suggested laws be like this?

    Over the centuries many repressive governments have sought to clamp down on the freedom of expression, even the simple joys of reading. In Cuba in the mid-19th Century, such a crackdown occured when the authorities perceived that growing literacy amonst the tobacco workers would imperil their authoritarian control over the populace.

    “On 14 May 1886 the political governor of Cuba issued the following law:

    1. ‘It is forbidden to distract the workers of the tobacco shops, workshops and shops of all kinds with the reading of books and newspapers, or with discussions foreign to the work in which they are engaged.

    2. The police shall exercise constant vigilance to enforce this decree, and put at the disposal of my authority those shop owners, representatives or managers who disobey this mandate so that they may be judged by the law according to the gravity of the case.’

    Hello, Nazri, are you still reading. Keep reading. Cuba Boleh. Malaysia pun Boleh.

  4. I don’t see signs of the agent provocateurs on the blog. Even RealWorld, who comes across as an UMNO apologist, is prepared to debate the issues on hand and does not resort to name-calling.

  5. Yes! We must be responsible enough not to pass untoward remarks especially on racial matters.

    But the rationale behind is the government trying to control the internet?

    Please do not forget “MSC MALAYSIA BILL OF GUARANTEES” No.7 promises


  6. A brilliant solution! I support the approach of peer-moderated blog. It empowers us to be responsible bloggers. It helps make this blog a legitimate blog for serious and concerned citizenry to debate issues rationally.

  7. Agreed. But its hard to detect any ‘spy’ or ‘cybertrooper’ in here as the spy also may give constructive comments on a particular issue.

    Anyway as long the comments are properly done within the boundaries of the law and not sensitive, it should be fine though coming from the ‘spy’ as well.

    The ‘spy’ who post constructive and favourable comments in here is actually ‘backstabbing’ his own ‘master’ who maybe all out to conceil the truth of any wrongdoing. This is eventually good news to all… he he.

    However, if the spy comes in here to only create havoc with malice intentions, he should be banned from entering…to save the good truthful intentions and genuine work of the blogger and his members at large.

  8. UMNO will censor it for you, the minute they feel that there are too many unpalatable truths to come out of any blog. Don’t underestimate them. They have the means to disrupt, to intimidate, and to provoke.

    I can foresee a situation where all the independent blogs and websites are under attack for the duration of the election campaign.

  9. “Whilst many of us are grateful that we have a person like RPK with balls of brass …” Jeffrey

    I am afraid I will have to disagree with you in your characterization of RPK as a man with “balls of brass” – I would like to believe that ours are not made of brass. Imagine walking with balls made of brass weighing you down each step of your way in search of justice and truth and equality for all mankind.

    Thank you, but no thanks!

  10. Comments posted by bloggers should be factual, well analyzed, knowledgeable etc… not some personal feelings or vicious attacks on others, name-calling etc…which do not serve any purpose other than one’s own but drag the rest into disrepute.

  11. I think this thing against bloggers by the Malaysian government is a great blessing in disguise. Now we know they are reading blogs. And let us use this golden opportunity to tell the government in a politically accepted way how we feel about certain things. Few guidelines in addition to the ones already reported via the official approved mass media are: no obscenities, no spam, be objective, have a researcher’s mind, use of choice words, have some genuine concrete evidence and a certain degree of common sense. You need to be able to defend yourself in you are questioned. If blogs work better than all the feedback column in all the government’s websites, let us use blogs to our fullest advantage.

  12. undergrad2 Says:

    July 29th, 2007 at 01: 55.21
    “Careful, there are provocaters …” lakshy

    You mean Endangered Hornbill is an agent provocateur??

    Ha, ha. My only goal is to provoke all parties to good works, to a sense of fairness and rationality, to virtues like integrity, transparency and accounatbility and to live like a brotherhood of men. I cannot suffer fools in private, what more fools who hold the reins of the nation and who are fast precipitating its ruin. I am a dreamer, an idealist. If I am just a wee bit influenced by the values of people like MArtin Luther King, Gandhi, Mother Theresa etc. etc. …it’s because I am human and I don’t belong in any ANIMAL FARM. Neither should any other reader.

    Beyond that, please leave me alone to finish my roti canai!

  13. Rita Sim’s analysis :-

    The more mature generation vented their frustration against political arrogance, corruption and inefficiency in government. Many of these sentiments are “postponed feelings”, accumulated over the years.

    The Chinese are not angry with the Malays but they are angry with Umno’s arrogance

    At another level, it was a generational shift of younger voters who do not share the historical baggage of their parents’ generation.

    Tan Sri Dr Sak Cheng Lum’s analysis:-

    The younger voters were looking at more universal aspirations like fairness, an equitable and open society, media freedom, accountability and economic issues.
    The writing is on the wall. We cannot hesitate over reforms. I won’t say the Opposition will do much better than us but they can’t do worse than us.

    DAP strategist and Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong’s analysis:-

    The key word is equal opportunity be it in education, politics or business. The demand for equal opportunity will be the driving issue in future elections as more young Chinese Malaysians come of voting age.

    Prof James Chin of Monash University said :-

    Despite the limelight surrounding issues like Chinese schools, pig-rearing and scholarships, Chinese interests are also largely national issues.

    Solving problems behind closed doors does not work for today’s generation.

    They want fair treatment, a level playing field and they are critical of corruption. They want to see sustainable economic growth and less interference by the government in the private sector. The Chinese business sector believes that too much interference leads to inefficiency, corruption and does not encourage a level playing field. They want their leaders to articulate a vision for not just Chinese Malaysians but all Malaysians. That’s why a significant number went for PKR which, on paper at least, speaks for all Malaysians. And it is quite clear by now that the MCA and Gerakan style of solving problems behind closed doors does not work for today’s generation. They want vocal leaders who speak out when there is injustice and in a rational and intelligent fashion. Speaking out and justifying what you do is part of being transparent. The Barisan Nasional’s formula of consensus politics is fine except that over the years, the Chinese feel it is more about giving in to the demands of Umno.

    Penang Gerakan politician Teng Chang Yeow:-

    Even Gerakan, which started off as the voice of conscience, lost its way when it allowed the politics of the day to take over. We keep asking the Chinese for full support so that they will be well represented in government. But wasn’t that what they gave us in 2004, total support? Now you know why they’re fed-up,

    Leaders like Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein and Khairy Jamaluddin must realise this. People equated their behaviour with Umno’s inability to change with the times. If an Oxford-educated guy still talks like an Umno politician of 10 years ago, what hope do we have for the rest of Umno?

    The Chinese were disappointed that well-educated Malay professionals in Umno Youth, beneficiaries of the NEP, were still speaking the political language of a decade ago. It is time Malay politicians keep the keris out of politics. The message from the voters is very clear. They are prepared to put the opposing side in power. Not all the Chinese votes were strictly about protest, as evident from the nasi kandar boycott in Penang. Locals were disgusted with the demonstration against the new state government by Umno members and supporters and nasi kandar shops run by Indian Muslims have reported slow business in Chinese areas.

    These comments are also a good for the PR representatives to guide them in the formulation of their own policies. They are what brought them vicitory but it is a ‘two-edged’ sword. It can bring them their political death if they fail to live up to the expectations.

  14. Pingback: consensus politics

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