Forum: An Islamic State after 50 years?

Forum:An Islamic State after 50 years?

Date: 25 July 2007 (Wed)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue:KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall


Ambiga Sreenevasan, Bar Council President;

Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, HAKAM President;

Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, PKR Secretary-General;

Lim Guan Eng, DAP Secretary-General;

Lim Kit Siang, Parliamentary Opposition Leader.

Enquiries, call 03-79578022 (Lau Weng San)

17 Replies to “Forum: An Islamic State after 50 years?”

  1. After the warning to the media by a small time, low level government functionary, I just wonder whether you have already got a permit to hold this gathering? If so, I would like to come back and attend.

    And make doubly sure there will be no spoilsports a la APCET II.

  2. They are obviously exploiting Islam to the maximum for political mileage. This guy is trying to depict TDM’s stunt because it has proven successful and election is near. I do not see any Islamic virtues in them for all the sins they have committed; Corruption, Cheating, Discrimination, Abetment to gambling and a host of UnIslamic activities. “Hypocrites” is the best word to describe them.

  3. “Saya juga sanggup berdebat dengan sesiapa juga yang terus-terusan mengatakan Malaysia adalah sebuah negara sekular. Bagi saya, Malaysia negara Islam,” katanya.

    I think someone in DAP should be accepting a challenge by KJ.

  4. During this 50th National Day – concerned citizens should observe a moment of silence as a respect for the demise of democracy, equality amongst Citizens of Malaysia and the ideals that were borne during Tunku’s days.

  5. Uncle Kit,

    To be honest, I am slightly disappointed looking at the panel speakers invited. Need not say, it will definitely be a 5-0 “verdict” that Malaysia is a secular state. DAP should have invited speakers with opposing views, perhaps someone from ABIM or some public university lecturers especially Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari or Prof Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi and also maybe someone from BN!

  6. Does Najib want this in Bolehland?
    …abducting women who are deemed to be showing too much skin from beneath their full-length black abaya gowns in public. Such women will then disappear for hours or even days to a commission office for interrogation. If you are unlucky enough to be the male driver of a woman accused of exhibiting loose morals–women, you’ll remember, are forbidden from driving in Saudi Arabia– you may get beat up in the course of the woman’s arrest.

  7. WE ARE TRULY More advanced than Pakistan and Afghanistan in MORAL POLICING….. WE ARE heading towards TALIBANISATION in Warp Speed………….

    Saturday July 28, 2007

    Love-making teens flee in the nude

    A GROUP of teenage couples fled naked when caught making love in their cars by several state religious department officers, Harian Metro reported.

    It was reported that the teenagers sped away without putting on their clothes when the officials knocked on their cars.

    “Most of them did not realise we were approaching until we knocked on their cars,” said a source from the Selangor Religious Department.

    “Some of them were brave enough to even ram the officers’ car and use foul language during the escape,” he added.

    He said it was believed they drove a few kilometres before stopping to put on their clothes.

    However, some of the couples were caught by the officers, he said.

    “Their act is a serious offence,” he added.

    Those caught were taken to the religious department for action and counselling.

  8. Inandty says ” Urging all Chinese voters not to support any Malay candidate in the next General Election, only support Chinese candidates (no matter it is MCA,DAPorPKR).
    Inandty,do you know what you are talking about in the first place? A vote for MCA, a vote for MIC,a vote for Gerakan, a vote for PPP or for that matter a vote for any component party of BN is a vote for NEP, a vote for islamic state, a vote for ketuanan Melayu a vote for BN and for BN boss,UMNO.I am completely disappointed that up to this stage of Malaysian history you still have the mindset that voting for MCA means voting for Chinese rights as Malaysian citizen.It beats me that you do not have any understanding of what is going on in this country. Get it straight now–Mca candidates for election first and foremost are there for their self interest.All of them are there to pick up the crumbs thrown from the UMNO table.
    There are plenty of non Malays like you in this country who are blissfully unaware of what is their best interest. No wonder when the DAP declared that they are going to join forces with PAS in the last 2 elections the result is that both Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singth got booted out by the Penang Chinese.They were beaten so badly thatit has stuck in their heads never to join forces with PAS again which to me is a great mistake.My understanding of the political siyuation in this country is that to face BN the opposition must fight them as one united opposition front.But the Chinese community for some reason fear PAS more than they fear UMNO.Between the 2 evils, let’s face it PAS is the lesser one.UMNO has immence power( remember the saying ‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely),immence influence and finance.PAS has none of these and so they are less dangerous.

  9. It’s LP & PL. When they need non-Malay votes, Malaysia is secular! When they need Malay votes, then Malaysia is Islamic! They get the best of both worlds.

    If Malaysia is Islamic, then throw out all the non-halal cabinet ministers and MPs from BN. They have not been circumcised, they are not halal, they still eat PORK!!!!!!

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