NEP – about time the government wakes up

AY forwards an incisive critique of the NEP in the wake of the ruckus over EC Ambassador to Malaysia, Thierry Rommel’s public spat on NEP (reproduced below) ending with this very perceptive observation:

“I tell my clients that in Singapore, everything from education to jobs to business and government contracts, we have to compete with the rest of the world. In Malaysia, the Malay only needs to be better than other Malays.”

I refer to the malaysiakini report EU envoy summoned to explain NEP criticism. After reading the comments made by the European Commission’s top envoy to Malaysia, I cannot help but put my two cents worth into the fray.

I have worked and lived in Malaysia and am well accustomed to its social fabric and political system. As a foreigner, I have a better understanding than Westerners on this issue because I speak Bahasa Malaysia and have been exposed to Malay culture and traditions from young. Still, I am perplexed by the NEP and its predictable ills especially coming from an environment where meritocracy is, to a small extent, worshiped.

Essentially, all societies are unequal in some form or other but few in the developing world would attempt to make more equal by legislating a heavy-handed unequal-ness. This is what Malaysia has done. The extreme of this ideology has to be Mugabe’s confiscation of white-owned farm lands in Zimbabwe.

To me and others who swear by free competition, the NEP is flawed from its conception in 1970. What baffles me is that the Malay political elite remains adamant that a redistribution of wealth via such means is the one and only solution.

In my dealings with the Malaysian government, I have learnt that there is a feeling of ‘entitlement’ among Malays that makes for a curious insight.

Their behaviour can be as patronising and feudal as kings of old who place themselves above all others on a misguided notion that they were born into the ‘right group’.

All throughout history, when a group of people are content with the status quo, it is only because they are its prime beneficiaries! To the point that even when they see injustice in the system, they are unlikely to get rid of it.

And believe me, education does not change a thing. Human nature is such that when one enjoys unfair advantages – be it through the NEP, farm subsidies from the EU or simply having wealthy parents – one is somehow driven to rationalise these advantages as deserving and good.

Malaysia is now experiencing its second generation of NEP legislation and this is where grave danger lies, for it will, if not already, be deeply entrenched in the psyche of the Malay. Far from being more even-handed in its application, the young educated Malays will hijack the NEP. There is already much rhetoric coming from Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s own son-in-law towards this end.

Efforts by the present government to weed out corruption (smokescreen or otherwise) will be seen in some quarters as depriving new Malays from benefits their parents enjoyed. The late Peter Drucker once famously said, “It is foolish to expect change from those who have benefitted from the old order”.

This development, nay, stubborn continuation of a poorly-conceived set of laws, does not auger well for Malaysia among its non-Malay citizens. And although they have put up with it, foreigners and foreign capital do not always have to. The moment profits are not good enough and the NEP erodes margins, they will pack and go. Thus, the government now finds itself in a quagmire – expectations from both sides are beginning to exceed the ability to deliver.

While there is strong political will to maintain the NEP, the system itself is headed for collapse in the foreseeable future. Fast-forward 30 to 40 years and you will arrive at the same disturbing scenario as a few socialistic European governments of today – overblooated and inefficient civil service, pension schemes defaulting, government subsidies propping up unsustainable businesses, high unemployment from lack of new jobs, healthcare crises, etc, etc.

The lesson here is a simple one. When you do not allow the best and brightest to rise or lead, then you degrade society as a whole.

My assessment of this issue is that the Malay-educated is obsessed with getting a bigger slice of the domestic pie that this outlook seems insular and resentful. His perception of the NEP is nothing short of ridiculous – a sense of righteousnness amidst misplaced ideology, borne out of fear and resentment towards others who seem better off economically. It lies somewhere along the lines of, ‘If the Chinese and Indians are unhappy with it, they can leave Malaysia’.

And this belies one of the tragedies of Malaysian society – it is never short of able and bright minds, but ethnic suspicions make all Malaysians under-perform as a collective. Perhaps the NEP should be phased out to blur the lines of ethnicity in the country, albeit gradually to lessen the shock impact.

And my conclusion is that as long as the NEP remains in its present form, the Malay-educated can never rise fully. At best, they become ‘big fish swimming in small ponds’ and will never be able to compete at an international level. Hence, I will not be surprised if Malaysia’s economic pie vis-a-vis the rest of the world’s grows insignificantly. After all, fish in ponds will drown in the ocean.

I use a business pitch when differentiating from Malaysian firms and companies. I tell my clients that in Singapore, everything from education to jobs to business and government contracts, we have to compete with the rest of the world. In Malaysia, the Malay only needs to be better than other Malays.

54 Replies to “NEP – about time the government wakes up”

  1. The government will never wake up so long as the voters keep voting them into power.

    The general population must wake up first and vote them in but with a much reduced majority; perhaps 55% of the seats.

    Only then will the BN parties start changing.
    It would also to let the opposition run a few state governments so we can compare the performance.

  2. No party in power will change willingly unless there is some sign that they might lose that control.

    Just look at the fast and furious response to the public show about the high JB crime rate – almost overnight action.

    No one likes to change and people become comfortable especially after 50 years in power.

  3. I believe in ‘affirmative action’. Even China has it in order to protect the minorities. Such a measure is necessary to address serious social anomaly.

    Therefore, the notion of ‘affirmative action’ is noble in its simplest form.

    In Malaysia, the affirmative action takes the form of NEP. The UMOs believe social equality can be achieved by addressing economic disparity among the races.

    That would entail majority of the people, the beneficiaries of such a policy, would no doubt vigorously espouse such an arrangement which benefits them.

    However, many people believe the NEP had been hijacked and deviated from it noble cause of creating equality. Instead of creating true equality, it imposed unequal conditions on certain quarters of the society.

    But you can’t remove the NEP that easily as it runs contrary to the wish of the majority. Calling for it to be abolished would not go down well with the recipients of the policy.

    An alternative approach to this problem is urge for the reform of the NEP. Policy makers of the NEP must include the non-Malays. Every sections of the society has to have a say in the NEP. Everyone need to participate and cooperate in drafting the policies.

    It has to be noted the BN is not such a mechanism.

    Tell them – the Malays – that we want to help them too not tell them to earn their own rights by themselves. Allay their fear and worry.

  4. This is the 21century and yet these malays (still living under the coconut shell I guess) still think the whole world owes them a living! Wake up man before you are like the “frog in the boiling wok”

  5. The majority race have been enjoying all the freebies, do you think they want change? Of course not. So the rot will continue until the economy collapse and massive unemployment happens.
    But already many Malay leaders, esp TDM realise the NEP will harm their race more than it helps them. He tried to change their mindsets but without success. To compound the problem we now have a very weak leader who doesn’t seem to be able to rein in all the excesses of the Malay leaders. Malaysia is inevitably falling apart, the Club of Doom prophecy is becoming true.

  6. // Taikor Says:
    June 30th, 2007 at 15: 46.09
    I believe in ‘affirmative action’. Even China has it in order to protect the minorities. Such a measure is necessary to address serious social anomaly //

    Taikor – you should read your own words carefully. Agree with what you wrote above. But note the word “minorities” – that is KEY. Everywhere in the world, affirmative action is to help the the MINORITY. But in Malaysia, it is there for the MAJORITY. Go figure.

  7. This is one of the best overview of the NEP.
    But people with no shame will still walk with their nose high.
    Did Dato Tun Dr Ismail say something like the NEP is a slug on the race?
    Slur or no slur these shameless people will want to keep it as they are benefiting unfairly from the system.

  8. /// As long as business is good, who cares what the NEP is; who cares that the 30% equity target for bumis has been surpassed; who cares paying 7% more for a house; who cares meritocracy is manipulated; who cares matriculation is not on par with STPM; who cares if government banks discriminate against non-bumi SMEs; who cares if UM’s academic standard is declining; who cares if crony companies continue to be patronised despite their inefficiency and who cares if government projects are awarded with an inflated price? ///

    The author of the letter has listed the abuses of NEP, and the rich businessmen might have the money to ignore the higher cost of everything because of the NEP, the non-Malay salary earners and small time traders care very much, and they have to struggle to pay for the higher costs in living such as education because of NEP. These people who have every reason to be bothered by the NEP are the persons who are said to be rich, and because some people from their communities are rich, they have to pay to subsidize others when they themselves should have received government assistance in the first place.

    ///The prime minister feels that more top level Malay managers are needed to achieve 30 percent bumiputera equity:
    Work harder to achieve equity
    ‘Proud of Petronas’///-Malaysiakini

    More than 7 months ago, PM AAB said that government would reveal the methodology used by EPU to prove that EPU was right and that ASLI’s report was incorrect that the equity owned by Malays has exceeded and surpassed the 30% target, a threshold to dismantle NEP.

    AAB has not kept his words. He now talks about Malay managers. There are two important issues. First of all, there was never an issue of Malay managers tied to the 30% target. AAB is adding another factor, number of malay manager, to the 30%. The government has been delaying the termination of NEP using statistics to lie on only the equity value. That item alone gave NEP 17 years extension. AAB is adding now ‘Malay manager’ to the condition. That should delay NEP for any 17 years, much longer than AAB’s lifetime as PM, if not his natural one.

    50 years into the formation of Malaya and Malaysia, the PM is still talking about performance by race. How should the equity share owned by Malays be any different when the managers of these equity were Malays or non-Malays? Obviously, for statistical lie, they would be most useful, since the governemnt can then include only the companies with Malays manager and exclude those that were not. That has been done by the EPU statistics, where the networth of FELDA scheme which earns an revenue of about RM 10 billion a year counts to zero per cent to the 30% target. The FELDA’s worth RM zero as far as the computation of Malay share capital is concerned. It is deja vu as fr as the technique of excluding relevant statistics to lie, by the government.

    PM AAB is still pretending not to realise that the poor services in government administration, the high crime rates and the dismal law and order situations in the country, and the low standard of our education institutions are because of the fact that the government prefers to accord priority to the race of the performers over the performances; the singers over the songs.

    If AAB is sincere that he would feel proud that Malays should stand tall, and can usefully contribute to the society, the country, and mankind, then he should have disbanded NEP on the day he became PM, and allowed meritocracy to rule. As it is, Malays only stand tall in Malaysian stage, using Malay standards.

    Yes, let us assume that Petronas performs well, and let us see Petronas accounts.

  9. The late Peter Drucker once famously said, “It is foolish to expect change from those who have benefitted from the old order”.
    That is exactly where the problem is. The nons and many unconnected Malays are in this catch 22 situation. Changing this democratically is almost impossible as we had witness how they play dirty any elections. Either we bear with it and see the country going to the dogs or use the people power like the Philippines, but the latter is also impossible because they had effectively divide the races. That why they can stamp their marks and do whatever they want.
    We had to bear the brunt of it now because of the shortsightedness of our forefathers. Nothing will change and nothing can change in the foreseeable future judging at the tantrums they are throwing when somebody just touch on this matter.

  10. In a so called democracy of one man one vote, the majority’s will would always prevail over the minority no matter how “wisely” the latter vote, and they (the majority) will repeatedly vote the government of the day in no matter what its failings are as long as it promises and delivers the unfair benefits of affirmative policies targetted at the majority’s benefit. Which leaves the minorities with only three options when faced with a bad situtation that they cannot change : (i) bear with the situation; (ii) leave the place and (iii) try to work around the NEP and benefit by the right connections by it over others, either of the options not being ideal or commendable but that’s reality.

  11. ///An alternative approach to this problem is urge for the reform of the NEP. Policy makers of the NEP must include the non-Malays. Every sections of the society has to have a say in the NEP. Everyone need to participate and cooperate in drafting the policies.///

    It is the duty of any modern government to work towards the social and economic development of its people. When the government serves all its people irrespective of race, it will be providing support to the people based on needs. The NEP was a policy where race was an important consideration. The past decades have proven conclusively that when race was a legitimate criterion, it has been exploited. Consequently a democratic government for all the people became one for some of the people to exphasis the special favour bestowed to that privileged group. That group would then in return ensure that their ‘saviours’ remain in power, not withstanding the fact that the powers-that-be used their public offices to enrich themselves. That stealings casued the beneficiaries to lose more, but they had the consolation that there was a minority group who were worse off. The powers-that-be were shrewd to change the mindset of their followers that righteous and fairness should be cast aside, or even the teaching of the religion could be temporarily suspended so that the race would not disappear from this world. They made the Malay race appeared an endangered species. Of course the Malays who were proud of their ‘race’ have to now accept the new Malays who share with them only the common religion.

    When government policies are based not on race and religion, then implementation will be based only on performance and results. The government has no excuse to claim that any issue could be classified as sensitive, and they have no choice but to be transparent.

    NEP should be buried. period

  12. When you don’t benefit from NEP, of course you will speak against it. When you benefit, would you speak against it? See how Rafidah defended NEP yesterday. Do I have to tell anybody whether she benefitted from NEP?

  13. A very well-written piece, in terms of language, perspective, analysis, I read it a couple of times.

    It struck the chords of many Malaysian’s hearts, but as said by Peter Druck, “It is foolish to expect change from those who have benefitted from the old order”.

  14. ///esp TDM realise the NEP will harm their race more than it helps them.///

    I assume that the statement was made based on recent pronouncement of TDM. To me, TDM provided the concept for NEP based on his book ‘the Malay dilemma’. Razak used his authority to give a million acres of FELDA planation to exclusively when article 153 did not have that provision. NEP was a cover-up, and a legalised means to ensure Malays vote for UMNO. TDM used NEP to put public funds into private pockets, and created billionaires from his cronies. The billionaires have the cash, and TDM needed to indicate his wishes, and that would be his cronies command.

    Well, whether or not TDM realises NEP was harmful to Malays, he benefited tremendously from NEP. NEP allowed him to stay in power for 22 years. Did he bury NEP when it should have ended during his watch? He did not. Yet he said that AAB as PM had not done enough for Malays. TDM could only mean that under the auspices of NEP. So, does TDM wants NEP to end? No, he only wanted NEP to end the career of his successors whom he does not like.

  15. NEP is a sin…… from Islam teachings & other religion teaching..

    Is started from laziness of a group of people….. it is a sin

    The, they were less successful then others
    who worked hard… they become jealous of others —-it is a sin

    The the created chaos, murdered innocent people
    … murdering is a big sin

    hen they created the unfair NEP policy,
    marginalised the minority group …… It is a sin

    So if you support the people creator of
    third unfair policy by voting them …….It is a sin too, isn’t it?

  16. “And my conclusion is that as long as the NEP remains in its present form, the Malay-educated can never rise fully. At best, they become ‘big fish swimming in small ponds’ and will never be able to compete at an international level. Hence, I will not be surprised if Malaysia’s economic pie vis-a-vis the rest of the world’s grows insignificantly. After all, fish in ponds will drown in the ocean.”

    Interesting analogy.

    Defenders of the NEP would say philosophically, “Big fish small fish and small ponds and big ponds, at least there are among us big fish which swim in big ponds and small fish which swim in small ponds i.e. fish which would not be able to swim at all if there are no ponds for them to swim in. The real trouble comes when big fish swim in small ponds.”

  17. As for the more equitable distribution of the national economic pie, it is only meant for the consumption of the masses. It is a concession to the Malays. It is a fair bargain. It is the price of leadership within their own community. It is a fair trade-off. It is the price non-Malays will just have to pay.

    Everything has a price. Corruption is the price of leadership – made legitimate by the grand bargain some call the social contract.

    This has been the view of the UMNOputras and still is.

  18. The NEP is here to help the MINORITY.

    The minority rich to become FILTHY RICH to last beyond 3 generations and for lasting shopping spree from Paris to New York. And houses from Melbourne to London.

    Hence, it has been successful from the start to help the minorities after all.

    Don’t we have second doubts on it.

  19. Once upon a time, there were two good neighbours who lived in a village. Ahmad & Ah Chong I name them. One day the village was hit by a terribly life-threatening plague, many had died. Ahmad woke up one morning to find a bag of antibiotics at his doorstep. He ate one pill a day, with that he survived throughout the period without getting sick. A “mystery man” delivered and replenished his antibiotics every time he ran out of them. His body’s immune system became weak one day after another for he relied too much on the artificial drugs. Finally, the plague was over, but his supplies continued. He stopped eating them and with the excess, sold them to others and made a handsome profit.

    On the other hand, his neighbour Ah Chong was not as fortunate as him, nobody delivered antibiotics to his doorstep, not even a single pill. He decided to work extra hard by planting more vegetables and fruits in his farm and he consumed more of them and exercised everyday to stay healthy as to build natural antibodies in his body. When he had the extra vegetables & fruits, he would sell them and made some pocket money. He saved up the money and at times bought some antibiotic pills from Ahmad and kept them for rainy days.

    As we all know one day, the “mystery man” had finished distributing his goodies to people like Ahmad in the village. Little did Ahmad realise that the “mystery man” was so generous that he also delivered the antibiotics to many of the so-called “chosen” ones.

    One fine day, the village will be hit by a plague or another epidemic again…My fellow Malaysians, the moral of this story needs not be taught in schools for it has lived with us for the past 50 years.

    For those who don’t know what the “mystery man” represents, he is our very own Government in disguise. Ahmad and Ah Chong live in a fictional world. But in the real world, the antibiotics or the goody bags come in the form of Land titles, Approved Permits, University scholarships, 7% discount on properties, subsidized loan rates, etc…you name them.

    The plague was the 97 crisis we all went through together my friends.

  20. Well, it is all about the survival of the fittest whether one likes it or not. Let’s face facts! If those failed Bumis can’t compete, it simply means that they are not cut out for it. So just quit and move on. They came in just for the sake that they were given the privilege to attain those licenses easily. Most are inexperienced and lack qualifications. Now they are eating dust.

    Instead of looking for scapegoats, the Bumis should blame themselves and the govt for giving them handouts. The govt has been a Santa Claus to these Bumis all this while. TDM practically wasted 10x more resources just to bring out the elite and ambitious Bumis (aka towering Malays), but he thinks it is worth it. These Bumis were given a fishing rod each. Nobody taught them how to fish. The govt realised that they were just hoping for other successful Bumis who had reaped rewards and feed them.

  21. Mahathir failures:-

    1) Unable comprehend what business and economy are all about.

    2) Thought that you can build talent and economy by emptying the nation’s coffer.

    3) Thought that the more great buildings you have, the more respect you gain from the west.

    4) Thought that by erecting monuments like Putrajaya, KLCC, and etc. can develop Malays entrepreneur skills.

    5) Thought by giving all the govt projects to the Bumis, they would learn about the business trade and etc.

    6) Unable to create a level playing field not only for all Malaysians, but for the Malays as well.

    7) Did not have open tender policy for all govt projects as they are only restricted to his well-connected bumi and non-bumi cronies.

    8) Malay business fail to go through the most important cycle of being a strong businessman, which is trading and competing. From hardware, cement, plastic, furniture, food, farming and agriculture, Malays didn’t develop the trade, industrial and entrepreneurial skills to survive. And Dr.M has promote them to Automobile manufacturing.

    9) Thought that by spoon-feeding them, you can create world-class Malay Entrepreneurs.

    10) Unable to create a strong civil institution to check and balance the police and the govt.

    11) Didn’t trust Malaysians.

    12) Thought that by putting all your resources in the car industry, Malaysia will be elevated to become a develop nation by 2020.

    13) No equal finance resource was distributed equally across the board.

    14) Failed to catch the IT technology boom. Because focused too much on Proton.

    15) Many more technologies and FDI in the world had passed Malaysia by and Mahathir, while Mahathir is fighting with those greedy UMNO leaders.

    16) Failed to understand what free economy is.

    17) Spoilt his children too much. A trend very common among the Malays.

    18) Always wanted to gain respect from the world and yet criticize the world.

    19) Criticized USA and yet paid millions of dollars just to meet George W. Bush. In the end he was humiliated.

    20) Made corruption a way of life in all levels of the society.

  22. Yes, Takazawa..

    There was this guy Mohamad. He beat up Ah Chong and cut him into small pieces and sell them for beef. The moral of this story is that where there is demand there is always supply.

  23. The title implies that somehow the government is NOT aware of the ills of the NEP. In a funny way, it insults and indulges the government. At the corner of even the most weak minds, they are aware of it.

    What its about is just a lack of will, courage and ability in a benign although unjust environment. That is the scary part. After 40 years, the leadership is still lacking, maybe worst, in dealing with the biggest issue of the day – how to phase out the dependency of its masses.

    Lets just assume, that we all agree that the NEP is bad for almost all of us? Will UMNO eliminate it on its own? No. Because how else are the rent-seeking-via-politics going to keep themselves in power and wealth? In other words, the Malays not only have to agree to eliminate the NEP, they have to actually have the courage to tell UMNO to do so. So long as UMNO don’t have to them, won’t. In other words, the NEP is also about political funding. Without a way to change political funding, its not going to happen in a politically feudalistic structure.

  24. One major part of the NEP is political funding. Our political elites have perfected the way. To deal with the sophistication of methods used, one can really write a thesis on this. The Americans have upped the ante by redefining corruption through their lobbying system for political financing, building into the system rules and regulations so that within these rules, its so called not corruption but outside them one could go to jail – but even there, like here, those in power and are protected seldom get implicated : it is those expendable like lobbyist Jack Abramoff (whose services TDM used for his photo operation with Bush) who face the music for breaking the rules.Transparency International ranks the US lower than last year in the Corruption Perceptions Index.

    Transparency International lately lowered the United States’ ranking, based on political funding and business (Enron and Worldcom) scandals, from 17 to 20, with a 7.3 mark.

  25. The “special” malays are dragging the whole country down. So are you gonna stand aside and watch them do it? ANd this goes out to the “not so-privileged” malays who get nothing from this dubious NEP.

  26. On June 30, 2007 postings Loh’s last sentence was “let us see Petronas account”.

    How many of you out there have any idea how much money Petronas is raking in everyday and every year. Most of the money has to go to the UMNO cronnies.

    For starter, Malaysia produces 720,000 barrels of oil per day. Assume each barrel is US$60 (or equivalent to RM 216 per barrel). This means every day Petronas revenue is RM155, 520,000.

    The cost to produce one barrel is US$2.50 for Petronas and this means the net profit is RM149,090,000.

    Multiply this daily profit by a year and you get RM54,399,600,000 For 54.4 Billion ringgit every year do you think UMNO wanted to give up the NEP?

    Who has the power to open up the (account) books of Petronas to see where all the money gone to? We do. We the Rakyat. We the people of this country – bumi, second and third class citizens own every single drop of oil.

    We have to speak up!

  27. Imagine Proton car project.

    With all the advantages given, Proton survived but only locally, it still could not succeded internationally.

    Imagine taking away the advantages from the Proton car project. Is it going down hill now ?

    Imagine Proton is Melayu and take away the quotas, …

  28. I heard DPM say that 400+ years of colonial rule cannot be corrected in 30 years of special rights. So NEP will continue!

    So there is no end to NEP. Even when malay equity stands at 70%, special rights will continue. The faster the non-malays realize this and leave the better!

  29. What makes us think that the Malays want to compete in a borderless world ? There is only a small minority that wants to do that, and the vast majority want the world to revolve around their kampung lifestyle. And it is this minority that gives crumbs to the majority as they know that the majority is easily satisfied, and is not likely to rock the boat because of the lack of ambition.

    Who cares if University Malaya has gone down the drain ? Down the drain based on whose benchmark ? Their sons and daughters will still graduate from UM and find government jobs.

    Why is it that the Chinese keep pushing the Malays to change and compete in the real world ? Why is it that the Chinese are so smart and diligent that if there is no affirmative action, all properties in the cities would belong to the Chinese, all key university places would go to the Chinese, all businesses will be dominated by the Chinese ?

    Believe me, the majority of the Malays don’t want this sort of pressure, and the minority representing the rich UMNOputras in partnership with the rich Chinese are simply throwing them crumbs knowing that it is enough to sustain the status quo.

  30. “In my dealings with the Malaysian government, I have learnt that there is a feeling of ‘entitlement’ among Malays that makes for a curious insight.”

    A most astute observation and I totally agree.

    The Malays feels that they are “entitled” to:

    1) A share of whatever you have earned
    2) the lion’s share of the university places
    3) the lion’s share of the banking, plantation,financial sectors
    4) to kickbacks to any massive purchases made with taxpayers money such as the USD100m commission for the submarine purchase
    5) all the senior positions in all the GLCs
    6) all the top positions in the civil service, police and armed forces.
    7) all the lucrative construction projects awarded by the Govt.
    8) all the privatisation projects

  31. Are non-Malays really that well-off? There are a lot of non-Malays that “kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang”. Look on the road, who are the majority who drive big cars? Who are majority who patron the designer boutiques in KLCC? It is the Malays! The datuks and the datins. Non-Malays have to save for their children education, save money to either buy property or plan for investment. We may also need to set aside a sum of money to leave the country in case 513 re-occur – if we dare to question the bumi’s priviledges! We have lived under this threat long enough and we tolerated it for 50 years. Is it not enough?

  32. The whole world knows about the discrimination that exist in this country. Why do you think the FDI are not coming in. Its the foreigners way of telling us that they don’t agree with our policies and are using economic power to protest. Reason is simple…any country practising discrimatory policies against their own is bad for business.

    Thailand is having militant activities in the south, yet their ariports boast more traffic than KLIA can ever imagine. Our politicians harp about the racial tolerance and harmony but this is hogwash. True undercurrents belies thatfact that our social system is on the verge of collaspe.

  33. Agreed, agreed, my dear prophets of doom! There is rank injustice and manipulation of facts to maintain the mother of injustice (the distortion of NEP). However please bear in mind that when we relate with each other, we relate as individuals, whatever our race. The other fellow is my brother or my sister, not at all responsible for the injustices pepetrated by rich and powerful politicians. So, at the level of the individual Malaysian, let us show some “muhibbah”, no matter how difficult it is to do so.

  34. Quote:
    The lesson here is a simple one. When you do not allow the best and brightest to rise or lead, then you degrade society as a whole.


    I love this one. The quality of education in public school has dropped so much in recent years. You could hardly see new non-Malay teachers these days. And if you are a Malay teacher, you are always guaranteed to pass your probation even if you do not know how to teach! The demise in education quality is the sign of many future problems to come!

  35. if the present beneficiaries of the NEP (bumis) believe this is the way forward and that they are entitled to by virtue of thier birth right, what more can we say.
    others like me can only see pathetic futures awaiting them including thier generations to come.
    We can only point out to them that that it does not benefit them anymore and the current NEP policies has outlived it’s intended use, all with good intentions for our bumi citizens in this globalised and borderless new world.
    but will they take heed, no of course not, they are living in this comfort zone not realising that the next generations will suffer because of thier lack of foresight.
    they want to believe that non-bumis or taking away from them thier rights.

  36. the Malaysian Bumis’ DREAM…..
    macam katak dibawah tempurung
    waking them up from thier Dreams equates to challenging thier birth rights.
    Ask my kris before i concede you an inch!
    thats being engraved in almost everyone of them.

  37. This is sort of a curse that has befallen on the present government and their majority which I believe has made them complacent, arrogant, greedy, selfish, self-centred and left them in a state of tranquil. This is what will happen to a nation when the government becomes lopsided and arrogant.

    We have read history didnt we? What happened to the Pharoahs? what happened to Hitler? and why not, what happened to the powerful Muslim Caliphate? Read in between the lines and your hair will stand on ends when you realise what will happen to our country? What history has taught us, it is only repeating itself?

    Simple factor, when a government becomes, self-centred, arrogant, corrupt, falsifying truths for the benefit of chosen ones,

    The present government wants to learn its lesson the hard and painful way. The consequenses for the above characteristics are going to be disastrous and no way of an immediate remedy if at all it happens and it is going to happen.

    Man wont be able to teach man and/or correct his wrongdoings.

  38. Why the Malays need NEP protection?

    Is this subspesies of human is genetically inferior, so that it can’t survive in the natural competition?

    If they talk about fair distribution of nation’s wealth – perhaps Communism do that better!!

    WE should let the fittest to survive, as to eliminate the mediocre genes naturally, so that the nation would be populated only with the good genes people..and could compete globally!!!

    Hang Tuah once said : “TAKKAN MELAYU HILANG DI DUNIA” …. ONLY TAK HILANG WITH NEP? What a shame!

  39. ///Hang Tuah once said : “TAKKAN MELAYU HILANG DI DUNIA” ///

    Hang Tuah definitely had a definition of MELAYU different from Article 160(2), as interpreted currently. The Melayu that he knew was quite safe until 1981, before the new Melayu became all powerful. Now, the name melayu remains, just like democracy is alive in bolehland.

  40. They way the lot of them talked about race supremacy is like what the Ku Klux Klan did.
    Hate politics and race supremacy propaganda.

    If they want to live in the Hang Tuah age in these modern times may God save Malaysia!

  41. It is so sad to see a country falling into such a high crime stage. We need to hear idea how it can be improved. All should stand up and say we no longer can tolerate this. Any idea how to voice opinion that will have impact to cause improvement in crime rate?

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