The people of Johor Baru and Johore state should make full use of the public hearing of the Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights in Johor Baru on Sunday, 8th July 2007 to voice out their hopes and fears about the crime situation in the southern capital and state.
The 250% exceeding of the target of the 100,000-signature campaign launched by the Johor Baru Chung Hua Association for the restoration of safety, law and order in the Johore capital, with 350,000 signatures collected from all over the country, including online, from all races, religions, classes, gender and age group, illustrates the gravity of the problem of the crime situation in JB, Johore and Malaysia.
It is commendable that the top police leadership is showing serious response, with the visit of the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan to Johor Baru yesterday and the Johore Chief Police Officer, Datuk Hussin Ismail himself going down to the “black areas” of crime in JB on night patrol.
There must be all-round determination that this time, the public revulsion against the high crime rate and rampant lawlessness in JB, must be a sustained and long-term commitment and not a short-term response to the public outcry. This is for the safety of all Malaysian citizens and their loved ones, tourists and investors.
The notoriety of JB as the capital of crime must be wiped out, and the self-deprecating and shameful definition that a person who had not been robbed is not a genuine resident of JB must be a thing of the past.
The Police should announce the “black areas” of crime in JB, Johore and the country which will enable the public to monitor the success of the police drive to turn them into “safe” crime-free and low-crime areas.
I hope the public hearing of the Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights in JB on July 8 can help to wipe out such a definition of a JB resident — a person who had been robbed at least once.
Johore Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Gani said yesterday that in the next two to four months, 1,274 new cops would be deployed to Johor Baru, improving the police-population ratio in Johor Baru from 1:1,500 to 1:650.
I had commented last week in reaction to the earlier announcement of an increase of 400 new cops to Johor Bahru that what JB needed is an immediate deployment of at least 1,000 more cops and not just 400.
I am glad that the Johore Mentri Besar has agreed with my assessment, although I am surprised by his figures of an improved police:policement ratio to 1:650 from the current 1:1,500 with an increase of 1,274 new cops by August.
At present there are 1,843 police personnel in Johor Baru with a population of 1,690,069 people or police:population ratio of 1:917 — made up of Johor Baru Selatan with a population of 1,159,079 and 1,159 cops or policemen:population ratio of 1:1,000 and Johor Baru Utara with a population of 530,990 and 684 cops or a policemen:population ratio of 1:776.
With an increase of 1,274 new cops to the 1,843 present police contingent in JB, the police:population ratio will be 1:542 or more than double the national policemen:population ratio of 1:275.
May be the Inspector-General of Police or the Johore Chief Police Officer can straighten out these confusing and conflicting figures of policemen-population ratio for JB at present and in a few months time when another 1,274 new cops are deployed to JB.
This is essential to establish the professionalism of the police, which has a bearing on public confidence in the police.
The Johore Chief Police Officer, Datuk Hussein Ismail himself went down to the “black areas†of crime in JB on night patrol. Of course, it is not mentioned that he went surrounded by a few dozen armed cops along with numerous news reporters and TV camera crews. No criminal in his right sense of mind would ever assault Datuk Hussein under such circumstances. However, I will be the first to salute him if he goes there again, this time alone on his own without any escort.
I’d been robbed more than 3x and I wasn’t even living in JB. KL is equally unsafe nowadays. I have no confidence with the way the police is handling the situation, macam sudah bakar baru mari padam api.
Oh Mr. Kit, must we be robbed to be a true JB-ite. Got friends there that were not yet as yet. Hopefully never will be. Many are robbed but some are not.
I am a kl-ite since I was born but never got robbed either. Now away – lo so I am thankful! Sorry for all you guys who get robbed so many times. Can imagine the trauma!
I emphatise with you. You perhaps need special bodyguards. Can’t afford ask God for Malikat or angels….
Our police force is a remnant compared to the criminals on loose. Either need a revamp or need help for special forces or army. What do you?
sorry typo error : I meant what do you say?
Time for change of G………
Time for change of P…. ……..
As a JBian since 1987, my family has been affected twice.
The first incident was when we were distracted by my 2-year old son when my wife was trying to get him out of the car. We had parked outside the church and 2 guys on a bike cooly lifted her handbag from her shoulder.
By the time we realised what was happening, the guys were already 20 feet away. Luckily they were not the slashing type. That was about 16 years ago.
The second incident was when we left the home unoccupied for a week. There were workers next door doing renovations and we suspect they noticed used loading the car.
When we got home, we found someone had removed some tiles and cut a hole in the zinc sheeting. The police came and checked out the place.
They removed a drawer from which cash had been stolen. So far we have not heard anything from the cops. Meanwhile there is a hole where the drawer once lay.
Some simple tips:
Don’t dawdle in front of your gates. School children are very vulnerable as they wait for the school bus. Better to wait with them inside the gate. It takes only 10 seconds to unlock a gate.
Keep your car doors locked.
Be alert as who is around you all the time and stop talking on the mobile when you are about to enter your car.
Remember some years ago when Singapore straits times wrote about the high crime rate in JB. The response from local politicos was loud and the ST was accused of trying to discourage Singaporeans from visiting JB. Some one even said the crime rate in Singapore is actully worse.
I hear that crooks from both countries like to operate cross border .
where are the policemen? Are they also afraid to come out ??
Stop complaining…. Solution is our answer? Possible for us to work out a plan and purpose to participated authority?
Uncle Kit : Are you involving in this particular meeting? They will listen to leaders like you, we commoner unable to suggest effectively due to humanity false belief in superiority and separation. Please help to voice our views, for the bettermen of every M’sian disregarding race or gender.
[Yes, I will be in JB with the Parliamentary Caucus for the public hearing on Sunday, 8th July 2007 at 2.30 p.m, – venue to be finalised. Hope to see everyone concerned about crime in JB and Johore. Any idea about the proper venue for the JB public hearing? – Kit]
YB said….
///….With an increase of 1,274 new cops to the 1,843 present police contingent in JB, the police:population ratio will be 1:542 or more than double the national policemen:population ratio of 1:275….///
I was never good at maths, in particular “ratios”. but your above statement – shouldn’t it read “.. ratio would be 1:542, or LESS THAN HALF (not “more than double”) the national……….. 1:275..” ???
Please correct me if I am mistaken. If I am incorrect, I do humbly apologise.
Do you think you could fly over and see me?
[I can see you in JB on 8th July though I might not be flying. Anything private, please email me: – kit]
After my wife was robbed, we went to the Police station to lodge a report – not thinking about recovering anything, but just to obtain a police report so we could make new I/C, driving license etc.
When we reached the entrance of the police station located near Giant Plentong in JB, a lazy looking corporal asked us why we were there. After hearing from us, he csasually said “Pergi masuk beli report.”
So you see, the more people got robbed, the more money the police can earn by selling the police reports. Cool.
Mr Kit, give the police 3 mths to flush out those bastards!!
If this “war” is finished, don’t pull out, u know!! If u all go away then the place is back to sq 1 .. same different!!
Then they will start balming the JB-lite for “inviting crime,etc…
Increasing the number of policemen helps only to a certain extent.
Are all of them dedicated?
YB Kit,
WRT your question for an ideal venue for the Parliamentary Caucus hearing, following are some suggestions:
1) New York Hotel where TDM had his AAB bashing meet recently.
2) The Diamond Jubilee Hall though I am not sure if they will let you hold the hearing since it is bashing the police and BN govt.
3) The same Tionghua Assoc. where they had the protest meeting though parking here would be a problem but I suppose it is ok on a Sunday.
There are other possibilties but I do not think they would welcome this function.
[Problem about finding venue for the public hearing on crime situation for the Parliamentary Caucus for Human Rights in JB on Sunday, July 8, 2007 at 2.30 pm. All these above three venues are not available, as well as other major hotels, including Crystal, Eden and Hyatt. Further proposals? – Kit 28.6.07 5.25 pm]
Increase in number of policemen only helps at most for 1 year. After, policement probably be deployed elsewhere.
Look at Cheras / TAR College area. After all the hoo-hah died down, do you still see policemen on patrols?
This is Plain truth!
My cousins in JB got robbed 3 times and had to undergo the same tedious, time consumin’ procedure for I/C replacements for ‘NEW’ I/C every year for the past 3 years!
Also, the fee goes up, n up, n up…
Well, we could always make up for monetary loss. But the impact of post-traumatic stress is not so compensable. My couz still experience intense fear and dread at times when they’re haunted by flashbacks and nightmares.
Uncle Lim, I had been your blog reader for many months now. I register in this site just for the sake of commenting to this post!
There is a famous in JB just like what you mentioned:
If you have not experienced being a snatch theft victim, or being a theft victim, being robbed or even raped, you ain’t live in Johor Bahru yet!
You must satisfy one of the requirements to be accepted as Johor Bahru citizen and experience the life of living in this vibrant city. My wife and I already had – we are theft victims in 3 months living in JB. I have been a Malaysian since 1981, and in only 3 months in Johor Bahru, I made the first ever phone call to the police in my life. Fast enough? It is a record to be proud of! Malaysia Boleh!
The person who answered the phone talked so casually and slowly, without any sense of urgency and confirming your address a million times, you knew you made a mistake and wasted your time calling them. It is nothing like the fast response portrayed in the TV shows of 911. The efficiency was far too top notch. Two policemen did come to the scene of the crime 20 minutes later with live ammo all over their belts and a new Wira car where the plastic sheets were still wrapping the seats. I wonder the live bullets are still there today for display only and probably the plastic sheets too.
They stood there chit chat a while before leaving. Actually, I did not even want to bother to call them in the first place but I heard the siren sound just 10-15 minutes after the thief left later behind my ex-rented house. The police confirmed that the way the thief stole the items from the crime scene behind my ex-rented house fit very much my description and did not disregard the high possibility that it could be the same person. I thought by reporting to them, I could help them in any possible way since it could be a related case. I was totally wrong! Until today, nothing is solved and heard, the case is automatically closed. Nothing happened, life goes on. It also proven my assumptions wrong that living nearer to the police station is safer (I live in an estimate of 300-500metres from the Johor Police HQ! It is not a Polis Pondok which can fit in only 1 person!). The safest place is always the most dangerous place!
I totally agree with the creation of a map to highlight the high, medium and low crime zones! It is time we are given this fact! I am sure many more crimes are unreported in the newspaper because people know how ‘efficient’ our police is. I have decided to buy baseball bats to put inside the house and the car. It is time Johor starts its own amateur baseball league. We need to teach people how to use the baseball because there are just too many parangs around the city. We have lost faith in the police! I have heard many cruel stories of robbery even among close friends in JB now that I live close to 6 months here.
Have you guys watch the movie 300? Daxos, the leader of the Arcadians and an ally of the Spartans felt insulted when King Leonidas only brought 300 men to the war against the Persians. To this Leonidas said he brought more men to war because the 300 were really true battlefield fit soldiers while among the men brought by Daxos were normal citizens who held normal craftsmen job like potters and sculptors. What I want to say is quantity is nothing if there is no quality. Even if the ratio is going down to the unbelievable 1:1, I doubt the war against the criminals (Persians) will be won because of lack of quality. On top of that, with popular Malaysia culture, I don’t think this action will last long.
As for the venue, I am not too familar of JB to suggest a good place. However, JB has its more Chinese populated and Malay more populated zones. Everyone knows where they are. All I want to say is hopefully this event will be a fruitful one. I will certainly attend and to be able to see Uncle Lim LIVE!
So, if combating crime is a failure in JB, what about other jobs of the police? Apart from seeing them interested to hide in some junctions to catch people overshooting red lights and blocking roads to check vehicles and catching cars with tinted windows (especially the Singaporean cars – no need to guess why), I don’t see them around anymore. To their credit, they do control the traffic light junctions during peak hours.
Last time, after a heavy rain with thunder, a huge portion of traffic lights were not working because they were struck by lightning. We were caught in the heavy traffic jam to the airport, stuck through over 5 traffic light junctions. The coolest jam was in front of a traffic light which has a police station overlooking it! The police station is just in front of that traffic light junction and you see no policemen coming out to direct traffic. How cool is that? Where were they? The rain had stopped so there are no excuses not to carry out duty by fearing of getting wet. The distance from the police station to the traffic light is easily 10 meters away, although this one is not as big as the headquarter that is near my ex-rented home, but it is enough to fit in 100 men with a lot of space to breath. The jam caused 2 hours of delay of my journey to the airport to take a flight home.
Crime prevention is important though, solving crimes speedily and to secure convictions in the courts of law is vital to the whole process. The court should mete out appropriate and serious punishments to deter potential criminals.
Problem about finding venue for the public hearing on crime situation for the Parliamentary Caucus for Human Rights in JB on Sunday, July 8, 2007 at 2.30 pm. All these above three venues are not available, as well as other major hotels, including Crystal, Eden and Hyatt. Further proposals? – Kit
I wish to propose the sport complex with a large badminton hall at Johor Jaya next to the driving range and swimming pool. It is located on Jalan Dedap 4 just opposite Tee Store shopping center.
Ample carpark space around the premises. Easy access to food and drinks from nearby shops and food courts. I apologise I do not have the phone number nor the registered name of the building for reference. Perhaps someone can assist here.
Now they have 16 towers to hide the policemen…Oops! for the policemen to hide in….
With all the modern remote sensing technology available do you really need to hide the policemen on the 16 towers? Will they work or will they sleep there? What is their job scope anyway? To position cameras? To take pictures? What???
I wonder how will the Police Force account for the efficiency of these towers? It sure looks like this is gonna be another failed publicity stunt
Uncle Lim, A weekend in Johor turn into a nightmare, First after clearing Custom I was book for beating a Traffic Red Light, I remember clearly I did not beat the red light at the junction of Jln. Ibrahim as there is no marking on the road, No use arguing with the cop who book me say whatever he want.
Next I went to the Traffic Headquarter to pay my summon, I waited for 25mins before a officer on duty ask me to go to a staircase landing demanding MR200.00 to compound the summon, saying should I waited till the next day the summon will be RM300.00 ridiculous, since making another trip & time is precious I gave in.
Next, after paying the summon I went to pick up my wife in Taman Sentosa, In broad daylight you believed I have to struggle with a snatch thief on a motorbike, luckly I did not loose anything to him. Where are the police, or are they out to make a quick buck fm S’porean.