IGP – come out with “safe JB”, “safe KL”, “safe PJ’, “safe Penang”, “safe Ipoh” policing action plans

While the increased police visibility in Johor Baru is greatly welcomed and has brought relief to the long-suffering people of JB who had suffered for years from the runaway crime and lawlessness problem, the police and government should realize that this is only a short-term measure and can be no substitute for a sustained and long-term strategy to make the southern capital a “safe JB”.

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I call on the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan to announce a concrete national policing action plan with a time-line to transform the crime “black areas” in the country into “Safe JB”, “safe KL”, “safe PJ”, “safe Penang”, “safe Ipoh” to restore the confidence of Malaysians, visitors and investors that the police has regained control of the crime problem.

The crime situation is no more just about the fundamental right of Malaysians to feel safe in their own country, whether in the streets, public places or the privacy of their homes, but will affect the country’s economic development and prosperity.

This is because police control of the crime situation has become a negative factor for Malaysia’s competitiveness, turning away FDIs and tourists.

Crime and the lack of physical safety is one of the six factors cited by the European Commission Ambassador, Thierry Rommel, in his controversial speech on Thursday for dampening Malaysia’s investment climate and a reason for the decline in FDIs to Malaysia. Continue reading “IGP – come out with “safe JB”, “safe KL”, “safe PJ’, “safe Penang”, “safe Ipoh” policing action plans”

Urgent parliamentary debate on EU Ambassador’s critical speech on NEP, productivity and competitiveness

I have given notice to the Speaker, Tan Sri Ramli Ngah to move a motion of urgent definite public importance on Wednesday on the controversial speech by the European Commission Ambassador to Malaysia Thierry Rommel critical of the New Economic Policy and the country’s declining FDIs and competitiveness.

The motion I have submitted is as follows:

“That under Standing Order 18(1), the House gives leave to Ketua Pembangkang YB Lim Kit Siang to move a motion of urgent definite public importance, viz: the speech by European Commission Ambassador to Malaysia Thierry Rommel critical of the New Economic Policy (NEP) and the country’s productivity and competitiveness losing out in foreign direct investment.

“Last Thursday, speaking at the EUMCCI luncheon talk of local and foreign businessmen, Rommel said the NEP was discriminatory and amounted to protectionism against foreign companies.

“He added that the Government was using the NEP as an excuse to practise ‘significant protectionism of its own market,’ including the automotive sector, steel, consumer goods, agricultural products, services and government contracts.

“In his speech, Rommel also gave a ‘factual, non-emotional’ six-point critique of Malaysia’s productivity and competitiveness, viz:

  • human capital development and the public education system;
  • the public service delivery system;
  • transparency and predictability in the ‘rules of the game’ concerning government regulations, decisions affecting business, public procurement;
  • corruption;
  • the rule of law to everyone; and
  • security – physical, administrative and legal.

“The Deputy Prime Minister, the Education Minister and the Foreign Minister have accused Rommel of meddling in the internal affairs of the country and of being ‘arrogant’ and having ‘overstepped his authority’.

“Although the Deputy Prime Minister said Rommel’s speech was ‘factually disputable’, this has not been done. What does the government propose to do if Rommel can factually back up his criticisms when summoned to explain his speech?

“It is more important for Malaysia’s international image as a democratic and progressive country prepared to face the challenges of globalization that Rommel’s speech should be openly disputed than to shut him up.

“Parliament should have an urgent debate to show the world that the nation and government is prepared to face criticism.”

Continue reading “Urgent parliamentary debate on EU Ambassador’s critical speech on NEP, productivity and competitiveness”