Nazri acting as Super-ACA and Super-AG to declare Johari innocent of RM5.5 million corruption allegations

The “bohong” and “bodoh” outbursts of the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz in Parliament yesterday during question time on corruption in Malaysia (video clip here) was most shocking, but even more shocking should be his “day-dreaming” that Malaysia is in the “premier league” among the 50 countries with the least corruption in the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2006 when it is actually in “Tier 3”.

What should be most shocking of all is his mental preparedness for Malaysia to plunge further in the TI CPI 2007 towards the 50th ranking on the occasion of Malaysia’s 50th Merdeka anniversary.

This is the Bernama report of what Nazri said during question-time yesterday:

Malaysia In The `Premier League’ Of CPI

KUALA LUMPUR, June 21 (Bernama) — Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said although the preception on corruption in this country is considered to be unfavourable, Malaysia is still included in the `premier league’ comprising 50 countries with the least corruption.

“When we have reached (the group of) 50, how can we go up further? We are already in the premier league, it is not easy to improve,” he said in the Dewan Rakyat when responding to a question from Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (Keadilan-Permatang Pauh) who wanted to know the measures taken by the government in view of the decline in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for Malaysia prepared by Transparency International compared to countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore.

In the first place, Malaysia’s is not in the “premier league” of TI CPI 2006 — which can only be reserved for the Top Ten countries regarded as least corrupt, namely Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Denmark, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Australia and Netherlands.

Tier 2 will be the band of 20 countries led by Austria, Luxembourg.and United Kingdom ranked from No. 11 to No. 30 while Tier 3 for the countries, including Malaysia from No. 31 to 50 as Malaysia’s ranking is No. 44.

Secondly, Nazri appeared to be quite proud that Malaysia is ranked No. 44, even if lower so long as among the top 50 countries. Continue reading “Nazri acting as Super-ACA and Super-AG to declare Johari innocent of RM5.5 million corruption allegations”

Rampant crime and lawlessness – I apologise to JB people that Parliament has failed them

As Parliamentary Opposition Leader, I apologise to the people of Johore Baru that Parliament had failed them abysmally in the past week to articulate their deepest fears and anxieties about their personal safety and those of their loved ones and the loss of their most fundamental citizenship right to be able to feel safe whether at home or out in the streets.

In my 33 years as Member of Parliament, I had never felt more ashamed as a MP when my urgent motion to get Parliament to debate the rampant crime and lawlessness in Johor Baru was rejected, for I felt that I had terribly let down the people of Johor Baru and Malaysia as Parliament has again proved to be utterly irrelevant and even indifferent to the most burning concerns of the people.

I had tried not once but twice in the first week of Parliament which ended yesterday to bring the crisis of public confidence in police failure to control and reduce crime to the floor of Parliament for emergency debate by way of two urgent motions, but both were rejected.

When the Speaker, Tan Sri Ramli Ngah, rejected my urgent motion yesterday, I felt a great sense of personal failure.

I also could not believe or understand why Barisan Nasonal MPs, particularly those from Johor Baru and Johore, could be so indifferent to the recent spate of brutal crimes such as robbery-cum-gang rapes that they do not want Parliament to be in the forefront to demand an immediate and concrete action plan to restore law and order to Johor Baru and wipe out its notoriety as the nation’s capital of crime.

These MPs from JB and Johore have not uttered a single word in Parliament for the whole of past week on the rampant crime and lawlessness which had become a daylight nightmare of everyone in Johor Baru and Johore? Can they explain why?

My sadness and sense of failure as an MP when my motion was rejected yesterday was compounded by two other factors:

  • the media reports yesterday of another two brutal crimes in Johor Baru the day before, involving gang rapes of a Malay and Chinese girl, bearing out the truth of a media headline “Any race could be a victim”, that this is not a race or political problem but one of fundamental human and citizenship right; and
  • the disappointing result of the Wednesday Cabinet meeting which did not declare anything new apart from talk of a crackdown on crime in JB, as the announcement of 400 more cops in the streets in JB and new temporary police stations had already been announced two days earlier in JB by the Health Minister, Datuk Chua Soi Lek.

What the people of JB and Malaysia want are no more verbal assurances from the Cabinet that actions would be taken but immediate and concrete action where they and their loved ones could immediately feel safe in the streets, public places and the privacy of their homes — today and tomorrow and not in the future, whether three or six months’ time! Continue reading “Rampant crime and lawlessness – I apologise to JB people that Parliament has failed them”