“Bocor” scandal – spread of culture of impunity

All Ministers and Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs should digest the statement of the European Commission Ambassador to Malaysia, Thierry Rommel that there is no proper closure of the sexist “bocor” outrage in Parliament by two Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusuf (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mohtar Radin (Kinabatangan) and that it is most damaging to Malaysia’s international reputation.

In a letter to Malaysiakini yesterday, Thierry wrote:

I would wish to convey a third party opinion, prodded by internal discussions, on the possible effects of sexist remarks made by prominent Malaysian citizens on Malaysia’s international reputation.

The short answer to this pertinent question is yes, for a number of reasons.

It is a violation of the spirit of the Universal Human Rights Declaration more so coming from persons who are in a position of influence and power.

Malaysia is a member of the UN Human Rights Commission, further raising expectations of exemplary and ambitious approach to upholding human rights, including gender equality, and fundamental freedoms.

Finally, such remarks have a far greater and adverse impact than some people in position of power care to admit. Witnessing moreover the impunity that has accompanied such remarks, astonishment and disbelief prevail.

This is one further example rebutting the answer by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz to my question in Parliament on Tuesday that the Cabinet regards the “bocor” scandal involving Mohd Said and Bung Mohtar as settled is wrong, ill-advised as well as completely unsatisfactory and unacceptable. Continue reading ““Bocor” scandal – spread of culture of impunity”

Abdullah leading a government in disarray

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz is guilty of the height of Ministerial irresponsibility in Parliament when he defended the Deputy Internal Security Minister, Datuk Johari Baharum from RM5.5 million corruption allegations while admitting that he knew nothing about the outcome of the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) investigations which have been sumitted to the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail.

I am shocked that Nazri could also turn Ministerial responsibility to Parliament “upside down” when he retorted to my query as to the Attorney-General’s decision on the ACA investigations into the RM5.5 million corruption allegations at Johari, by asking why he was being asked in Parliament about the Attorney-General and why I could not ask the question outside.

This is the first time in my experience in Parliament where a Cabinet Minister could be so brazen in his irresponsibility as to challenge an MP why he is posing a question to him on a matter which comes directly under his Ministerial and parliamentary responsibility and why he did not pose the question to the officer concerned outside the House.

This is a most deplorable precedent in the development of parliamentary democracy and accountability on the occasion of the nation commemorating 50th anniversary of nationhood. Continue reading “Abdullah leading a government in disarray”

Third urgent motion knocked out — no debate on rampant crime and lawlessness in JB and Malaysia

My third of three urgent motions for Parliament this week was rejected by the Speaker Tan Si Ramli Ngah this morning.

My motion today is to have an urgent parliamentary debate on the recent spate of brutal robbery-cum-gang rapes in Johor Baru which had sparked public outcry nationwide over police failure to control and reduce crime with Malaysians feeling very unsafe in the streets, public places and the privacy of their homes.

I have never felt more ashamed as a MP when my urgent motion was rejected.

For the past week, Malaysians had been haunted by the spectre of rampant crime and lawlessness which had been highlighted almost on a daily basis by the brutal crimes in the nation’s capital of crime — Johor Baru.

The Cabinet yesterday discussed about the problem of crime and lawlessness in Johor Baru and the country. Everyone is concerned except Parliament!

Why is Parliament so blissfully unconcerned and indifferent about the rampant crime and lawlessness in JB and Malaysia?

All responsible and conscientious MPs regardless of party must feel very ashamed that Parliament has proved to be so irrelevant and impervious about the crying concerns of Malaysians regardless of race and religion, whether in Johor Baru or anywhere in the country — about their personal safety and those of their loved ones, not to be victims of the crime wave and lawlessness sweeping the country.

Today’s press reported another two brutal crimes in Johor Baru yesterday — gang rape of a Malay girl and a Chinese girl, bearing out the headline of Sin Chew Daily today “Any race could be a victim”!

The Cabinet was a great disappointment yesterday, as apart from newspaper headlines of Cabinet orders to crackdown on crime in JB, there was nothing new.

The announcement of 400 more cops in the streets in JB and new temporary police stations had already been announced two days earlier by the Health Minister, Datuk Chua Soi Lek.

The people of JB and Malaysia had expected more concrete action from yesterday’s Cabinet meeting but none was forthcoming. Continue reading “Third urgent motion knocked out — no debate on rampant crime and lawlessness in JB and Malaysia”