“Bocor” scandal not ended – Mohd Said and Bung Mohtar must apologise in Parliament

The answer by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz yesterday that the Cabinet regards the “bocor” scandal involving Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mohtar Radin (Kinabatangan) as settled is completely unsatisfactory and unacceptable.

In a written reply to my question, Nazri said:

“The government has reminded everyone, especially members of parliament, and those in high positions to always be mindful and responsible in their actions.

“We hope the issue will serve as an example to all. We regret that the episode happened but we regard this matter as closed.”

It is no use the government expressing “regret” for the episode when the two culprits, Mohd Said and Bung Moktar are openly defiant and unrepentant as evident from their fake apologies, on six grounds:

Firstly, Both of them refused to make a personal apology to Fong Po Kuan (MP for Batu Gajah), the target of their crude, derogatory, sexist and gender-offensive remarks which women groups have described as “sexual harassment in Parliament”.

Secondly, there was no remorse or contrition in making the apology, even to Malaysian women. Both tendered their apology “if women were offended” — implying that there was nothing wrong with their remarks but with women if they were offended!

Thirdly, they justified their sexist and male-chauvinist attacks at Po Kuan on the ground that they were necessary to defend the government during debates.

Fourthly, the above statement was as good as a declaration that they would have no hesitation in repeating their crude, derogatory, sexist and gender-offensive remarks in similar circumstances in future if they deem it necessary to defend the Barisan Nasional and the Government.

Fifthly, both had lied when they claimed that they had been “provoked” to make the crude, derogatory, sexist and gender-offensive attacks on Po Kuan. The video footage of this disgraceful parliamentary conduct is up on YouTube, Google and many blogs. On YouTube alone, which received a four-and-a-half star rating, it was viewed more than 61,551 times. Continue reading ““Bocor” scandal not ended – Mohd Said and Bung Mohtar must apologise in Parliament”

Malay keris – Hishmmuddin does not know he was subtly criticised by CYCL 1st Sec Hu Chunhua

During the debate on the Environmental Quality Act Amendment Bill this morning, I had raised the episode during the recent visit to China by the Education Minister and UMNO Youth leader, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and his meeting with the First Secretary of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC), Hu Chunhua, when the issue of Malay keris was raised.

As the BN MP for Ketereh, Datuk Md Alwi Che Ahmad had again raised the issue of the Malay keris, particularly about its cultural significance, I referred to the Sin Chew Daily report of 26th May 2007, on Hishammuddin’s hour-long meeting with Hu in Beijing.

During the discussion, Hishammuddin explained that the Malay keris symbolized leadership and unity, and Hu responded, saying what was important was not the Malay keris but the one who wielded it.

This account of the exchange between Hishammuddin and Hu was given by the MP for Puchong, Lau Yeng Peng, who as Gerakan Youth Education chief, was also present at the meeting in Beijing.

This report was taken by readers as a very subtle and pointed criticism of Hishammuddin by Hu, who had clearly been briefed of the raging and divisive controversy surrounding Hishammuddin’s unsheathing the Malay keris at two recent UMNO Youth general assemblies heedless of the rights and sensitivities of different communities in the country.

However, it is clear from the exchanges in Parliament this morning, Hishammuddin, Lau and the BN Youth leaders and MPs did not realize that Hishammuddin was being subtly criticized by the First Secretary of the Communist Youth League of China, but took it as a compliment.

I am told that Hishammuddin and the BN Youth leaders were very proud of Hu’s remark. Continue reading “Malay keris – Hishmmuddin does not know he was subtly criticised by CYCL 1st Sec Hu Chunhua”

Second urgent motion knocked out — no debate on Malaysia listed as “worst human traffic offender”

My second of three urgent motions for Parliament this week was rejected by the Deputy Speaker Datuk Lim Si Cheng this morning.

My motion to urgently debate Malaysia’s inclusion in the United States Government’s 2007 Trafficking In Persons (TIP) Report in the Tier 3 list of the worst human trafficking offenders together with 15 other nations including Burma, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Sudan and Saudi Arabia.was rejected on the ground that it was not urgent.

Most shocking of all, the rejection was received with table-thumping by Barisan Nasional MPs as if they were overjoyed that Parliament is denied an opportunity to clear Malaysia’s good name which had been stained internationally by the shameful listing of the country mong the worst human trafficking offenders.

When Dewan Rakyat debated the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Bill on May 9, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, who piloted the bill through Parliament, referred to Malaysia’s being ranked as Tier 2 Watch List in the US Government’s 2006 TIP Report released in June last year.

Nazri did not condemn or challenge the right of the US Government to issue any TIP Report.

In January 2007, the US Government issued a Trafficking in Persons Interim Assessment “to serve as a tool by which to gauge the anti-trafficking progress of countries which may be in danger of slipping a tier in the upcoming June 2007 TIP Report and to give them guidance on how to avoid a Tier 3 ranking”.

Yet, despite the TIP Interim Assessment and guidance, Malaysia fell into Tier 3 ranking in the TIP 2007 report.

The Malaysian government is not bounden to justify its record to the US Government but it is duty-bound to vindicate its record to Parliament and the Malaysian people. Continue reading “Second urgent motion knocked out — no debate on Malaysia listed as “worst human traffic offender””