Lim Kit Siang

University student intake – season for frus and despair

University intake for this year is out and its a season for frustration and despair at the injustices of the system.

I received the following sad letter from Clare:

I am writing to voice my dissatisfaction towards the Ministry of Higher Education who rejected my brother’s application into a local university.

When my brother told me that his application was “tidak berjaya”, I was very disappointed. Not that his result is bad, in fact, his result is very good compared to many other students (even better than mine). He got a CGPA of about 3.2 (I got 2.9 back then) and applied for ‘not-so-popular’ business-related courses and he was rejected.

I do not know what to tell my mum when she called to announce the result just now. My parents must be very disappointed, not with my brother, but with the higher education ministry. My brother has gone into exile because of that. I am not surprised if he has developed a mentality that the government is biased towards the handicapped (my brother is handicapped with cerebral palsy-as stated in one of the links in my post)

I do not know who else to turn to, Uncle Lim. Please advise.

I will write to the Higher Education Minister and hope he could do justice in this case. What is needed is an overhaul of the university student intake system which is just and transparent and not a scandal of a fraudulent system of meritocracy.