Samy Vellu playing the fool as Works Minister for 22 years?

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usWorks Minister, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu told Parliament during question time that he would not allow any person to “play the fool” whether in the Public Works Department or among contractors after the disgraceful litany of government building defects and public construction mishaps – with collapsing ceilings, cracking walls and floodings in new buildings from burst water or sewerage piping.

This prompted me to ask Samy Vellu whether he had been “playing the fool” for 22 years as Works Minister to explain the nation’s regression from “First-World Infrastructure, Third-World Mentality” to “Third-World Infrastructure, Fourth-rate Mentality and Ninth-class Maintenance”, with Malaysia facing shocking drop in public delivery standards which were unimaginable two or three decades ago.

Samy Vellu had been a Cabinet Minister for almost 28 years, with 22 years as Works Minister.

I asked Samy Vellu whether it was not time for the country to have another Works Minister.

At my supplementary question, Samy Vellu blew his top, exclaiming that Ipoh Timur should appoint a new Member of Parliament.

He boasted that whether he had been a Minister for 22 years, 28 years or even 48 years, it was all because of his capability.

I shot back to remark that whether Ipoh Timur should have a new MP is not for Samy Vellu to say, and this cannot be excuse for Samy Vellu to run away from his responsibility to be a competent Works Minister instead of seeing standards of public works falling year after year.

I also pointed out that under his leadership, the Indians have become the new underclass in the country with the most political, socio-economic, educational and citizenship problems.

I had earlier accused Samy Vellu of misleading Parliament when he had claimed that the government had not suffered any additional costs as a result of the numerous problems faced by government buildings.

I asked how Samy Vellu could make such a claim when he had earlier said himself that it would cost RM22 million to inspect new government buildings in Putrajaya for defects, and the bill would be much higher now that the scope of inspection had been expanded to include government buildings outside Putrajaya.

Why was it necessary for such inspections to take place when it would be unthinkable two or three decades ago?

103 Replies to “Samy Vellu playing the fool as Works Minister for 22 years?”

  1. In India this fellow, at best, can only make it as a supporting actor in a third rate Tamil Movie.
    Somehow in Malaysia he can become an Indian Party leader and a Cabinet Minister to boot.
    Even in Africa, he could not have made it so big.
    So what can we expect. from him.

  2. Semi’s standing within UMNO is now so strong that it will take more than leaking buildings and flash floods to remove him from his post. For years UMNO tried to rely on a succession of “debt collectors” and they found out to their cost that their fellow Malays usually ran away with the money, and that UMNO could depend more on the non-Malays. Enter the enforcer-extraordinaire who knew that his personal purposes could co-exist with those of UMNO.

    “One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me…” as Semi continues to chant while we all continue to rant.

  3. Uncle LIm, lest we forget, can you help list down all the broken/uncompleted/cost overun project over the last 10 years. Just want to know how much it really cost the tax payer.


  4. All right thinking and sincere Malaysians will agree that this Samy Malu will only fit to be small time actor or maybe a debt collector but in Bolehland he fits in well as he can act and can collect all dues for his UMNO masters without fail. And of course he is happy because he will be given a share for the loot.
    So as you can see in this country UMNO just do not want those who are capable because they will not fit their bill as these class of people will not be easy to manipulate.The result ,there are countless failures everywhere, ranging from infrastructures, banking,transport,etc, but the wonderful thing is that they are very happy about it as every failure is a blessing in disguise for them, it just means more money into the pockets.

  5. YB Kit, you should have ask Semi-Value to go look at your blog and blogs at MT to see how popular he is.
    Why is he always in Parliament when the PM and DPM is cuti cuti eropah and AWOL? what is it so urgent that the DPM cannot come to Parliament?
    You are then left with the mad dog barking all the time, defenseless coward who takes criticism as personal insults.
    What does asking Ipoh Timur to have a new MP do?
    Can I ask you something, do you think if not for the coming GE, the toll at SMART would be higher than the RM2? i think its a farce and i think after the election, when they win (again ) that toll will go up along with the kerinchi link…
    there is this suspicious feeling that i have, and to stop it please dont vote that dumbass dacing sign, its already berat sebelah already….

  6. Samy survives because of our “democratic” system, somehow he is able to bluff the indians community that he is their only saviour and only he can help them in our bolehland!!! he is also very good in gettting UMNO in believing him that he can get the indians’ votes in the election and thus helping the BN to win in those areas that the indians’ votes decide the winners even though they are minority there!!! in order for him to help UMNO, UMNO has to give him the post even though UMNO also want to grap this Works Minister’s post!! why? lots of mega projects and dont have to be answerable for any failed project!!!
    Samy will be minister as long as he is alive and as long as he wanted!! why? because he is indispensable as he is very good in twist and turn!!!

  7. Leaking building and collapsing ceiling used to be something alien. Nowadays, when a gov building is completed, the questions we should ask are:
    – where leaking will start
    – when will it collapse
    – how much to repair

    Worldwide, Semi is the only minister cum architect who is able to deliver with such consistency!

  8. Samy say more problem the better… More repairs = More money in my pocket! I can’t believe how corrupt the Malaysian government is! Already make a mistake, ministers can later exploit their own mistakes for personal gains! What the hell is this!

    Uncle Lim, no point arguing with people who don’t know the meaning of face and shame. Let Samy hide behind UMNO/Parliment and live like a dog… Woof Woof…

    Seriously I give credit to Uncle Lim who can actually stand all the 10-year old kids in the parliment for so long! In fact, they are more like morons than 10 years old children!

  9. undergrad2

    i have read so many comments here that insult other races especially the malays…and now you insult the indians. you must be an undergrad in a half past six university (or maybe you’re just in the process of purchasing your degree which is on “best buy” at a chow kit side lane?) Pls dont generalise. By the way, it seems to me from reading all the comments here that the chinese in malaysia are absolutely faultless and have a right to put down all the other races while bringing up an issue here and there…while putting in a couple of “i am championing equal rights ” here and there. pls be more responsible. while i consider myself a patriotic malaysian and i feel comradeship with all malaysians (including the chinese), it is one thing to genuinely criticise constructively (even if it appears to be of no avail) and another to use the facade of caring for malaysia to bring out the barbarian in you. pls do respect others…no wonder a lot of comments here hardly mean anything to anyone out there…they would dismiss this as rubbish overflowing uncontrollably…..thanks to ppl like undergrad2.

  10. how nice if the Parliamentary Session was carrried life on TV

    then we can see how much value is Samy.

    but then one Minister said Malaysian public not as cleaver as BBC viewers, that’s why no life coverae

  11. I wonder how much that silly toupee cost,

    I also wonder if that toupee leaks,

    I wonder how thick his skin is,

    I wonder if his skull too is thick.

    I also wonder if anything, at all is underneath that thick skull.

  12. Samy Vellu is a bloody fool.
    By that I mean a bloodthirsty, blood-sucking fool.
    Why, you ask? Every fair question deserves an equally fair answer.

    Why, you ask? This bloody fool of a Samy Vellu sucks the blood, sweat, toil and tears from the poor labourers of this country whose honest wages and taxes are made to pay dishonest prices for tolls and other infrastructure like broken-down hospitals, leaky Parliament and so on.

    Samy, if I have not been fair, then defend yourself and explain why you should not be called a blood-sucking, bloody fool. Or else, forever maintain your silence, resign as Sg Siput MP and Works Minister. For once, do your God a favour. You are such a bloody disgrace.

  13. let us again not forget how he still become so strong, money. Whenever he balik sg. siput, he will come out from the mercedes benz will 2 bags. All full of cash. Then give to whoever comes near him.

    Semi will be remove under 2 conditions, one strong MIC overturn him or PM sack him.

    Never in political history in our country where number 2 man beat number 1 in party elections. (there are once in MCA)

    PM have not enough reasons (guts) to sack him.

    Therefore he stay. Even the smart tunnel collasp he will point the finger to gamuda.

  14. “Samy Vellu had been a Cabinet Minister for almost 28 years, with 22 years as Works Minister.

    I asked Samy Vellu whether it was not time for the country to have another Works Minister.”

    Well, when TDM left his post of PM, by right all his cabinet ministers should resign en bloc and be replaced with a group of young bloods. The old ones are experienced but they don’t move with time. Live stems have been used for hair transplant, and that Pundek Value still wearing his wig. Sigh…

  15. I would like to tell this joke I heard.

    When Mahathir mooted his Vision 2020, the first person he called was Semi Value, being the Works Minister. “Samy, I have this grand scheme to turn Malaysia into a developed country. To do this, we’ll build the tallest building, super highways, brand new administrative centre (putrajaya) that no one can rival, a new airport that will make the Singaporeans’ eyes turn green and other mega projects that will run into billions of ringgit. I’ll called this Vision 2020. What say you Samy?” Semi Value answered “very good, Boss. You mean last time 10% for you, 10% for me. Now, 20% for you, 20% for me. I like your Vision 2020 very much, boss”.

    By the way folks, I just discovered an interesting (uncensored) website about the facts and figures of Bodohland. Here’s the link to the Uncyclopedia of Malaysia.

  16. “Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come
    from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history
    of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of
    governmental power, not the increase of it.” —Woodrow Wilson

  17. Uncle Kit,
    Thank you for taking his up and I am and people are all the way behind you on this. Uncle Kit, perhaps you should suggest to this s-velie creature that the bocor and roboh was perhaps his way of legitimising the extra spending of rmxx million so that he could top up his account before he retires.
    Way to go, uncle Kit.

  18. Samy must tell JKR bosse to the manual of technical specifications and compliance procedure in every JKR officers table instead of Holy books like koran on their table. That’s what I saw in a JKR department, every table .Public pays them to do supervision of all public works and not read/watch holy books during working time at public expenses. Tell them to take home (but pay first as that would have bought with that departments money) put in their bedroom.

  19. In response to the comment by ‘the archer’ about the behaviour of some ppl here, i totally agree with you! it is really tragic that while YB Lim is sticking to purely issues of national interest, there are ppl in this blog that somehow twist these issues into issues with racial undertones.

    You guys should be more aware that while you guys are raging againts the machine, you guys somehow have become what you most hated in the first place… racist.

    So, do try to stick to the issue YB Lim is commenting on, and stop turning this blog into a racist blog… coz i know YB Lim do not wish this to be one. Its for Malaysia for Malaysians, not for malay, chinese, indian, dayak, kadazan or some blue men from mars.

  20. “undergrad2 Says:
    June 19th, 2007 at 20: 30.35
    Samy Vellu has been successful in his career because he is an opportunist like all Indians are.”

    Speechless. If ever there is a most sweeping statement, this is it. If ever there is a most racist statement, this is it.

    If the culprit has any sense of decency and honour, he should apologise unreservedly.

    BTW, I am not Indian.

  21. During the last state election, SV came to support his friends in Sarawak BN. Again, the people in Miri asked him about the important trunk road linking Beluru, Bakong to Lapo in Tinjar. He promised to tar-seal the road immediately. He said the budget for it was already approved. But up to this day, more than a year later, nothing is done yet. Why does he keep on telling the people so much rubbish? Why are the people in these area not taken care of? Most of the timber from Sarawak are from these areas. Why are they not remembered in the development plan? Representatives from BN often said that they do not neglect anyone in their development plan. But from what happen on the ground, it does not look that way. BN never keep his promise.

    For those who are not familiar with the so-called roads in Sarawak, this is a very important link for a lot of the remote settlements in the rural ares of areas like the whole lengthe of the Baram, Tinjar, Belaga and Bakong rivers. The road was constructed at least 25 years ago but never been tar sealed. The people of the areas including the MP for Baram has been harping about it for years but nothing done.

  22. Kit, please help us. Please ask the minister concerned why this road is neglected so long? What happen to the budget which they say was already there for the road? Would you please bring it up in the Parliment session this time. If not come to Beluru in Bakong yourself and see the condition of the road. Get your Miri office to bring you to see it. We need your help. The BN in Sarawak do not seem to care for us. Would you?

  23. Not fair to attack SV..He only heads the Ministry loh…the real crooks are below him and at times his hands are tied mah…He has to kow tow to his superiors and colleagues to keep his post. How he screws up MIC is between him and the MIC members. He is the one eyed jack in the land of the blind so let Jack or Sam in this case to lead the blind lah.

  24. Here is an example the Datuk Bandar of KL may wish to follow!
    Bloomberg’s Statement on His Switch Wires
    Wednesday, June 20, 2007

    New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg explained his decision to leave the Republican Party on the Web site

    “I have filed papers with the New York City Board of Elections to change my status as a voter and register as unaffiliated with any political party. Although my plans for the future haven’t changed, I believe this brings my affiliation into alignment with how I have led and will continue to lead our City.

    “A nonpartisan approach has worked wonders in New York: we’ve balanced budgets, grown our economy, improved public health, reformed the school system and made the nation’s safest city even safer.

    “We have achieved real progress by overcoming the partisanship that too often puts narrow interests above the common good. As a political independent, I will continue to work with those in all political parties to find common ground, to put partisanship aside and to achieve real solutions to the challenges we face.

    “Any successful elected executive knows that real results are more important than partisan battles and that good ideas should take precedence over rigid adherence to any particular political ideology. Working together, there’s no limit to what we can do.”

  25. as for bloomberg success, he is going to run for the US president soon, and it also helps very much that he got US 5 billion of his own money to spend for the campaign.

    that way, he do not need sponsors nor contributors. it is amazing how politicans overseas are able to adapt to the changing world and put the interest of the ppl who voted them into power first above all.

    i remember the last time i was in uk, tony blair was being grilled on national tv by ngos with concrete issues that needed concrete answers. and while tony blair was unable to make everyone happy, i was amazed at his ability to understand local issues and confront them, and at the same time tackle international ones.

    i wondered, can we put ANY of our ministers in such place, and ask ngos and common ppl to ask them questions regarding their ministry? what about debates between candidates? i remember in Ijok PKR challenged BNs’ candidate, to which BNs’ candidate chickened out. Same thing with Tony Pua who challenged KJ, to which also no reply.

  26. Undergrad2, I took it out on Samy Vellu too because he is so much of a slippery eel and is so pathetic and pitiable as a political leader.

    Many Indians I know don’t even have a chance. Some are so deprived and marginalised. It is conceivable that the few who become snatch thieves, for instance, are more the ‘cornered’ victims of circumstances and those left straggling at the impoverished periphery of society. Samy wasn’t there to be their champion. He champions only his cronies and does a few roadshows for the elections.

    This time, I think, Undergrad2, you have left your moorings and lost yr bearings. Perchance it was just a slip of yr pen as yr eyelids closed on yr beauty sleep, I hope.

  27. /// marmitecrab Says:
    June 20th, 2007 at 10: 38.34
    tsk, tsk, undergrad 2.
    Sometimes you say the smartest things and sometimes….. ///

    Sorry marmitecrab, you should have said “sometimes you say the smartass things and sometimes… As you can see from the compilation below, most of what he says are either Asinine, Bigoted or Crass. If you think his posts are the smartest things, I shudder to think what are his dumbest posts.

    The problem with this kid is that he tries too hard to impress, and ended very trying.

    He thinks his posts are witty, but he ended looking like a half-wit. It is people like him that makes me wonder which is worse – a foolish wit or a witty fool?

    He thinks he is being clever by posting these one or two-liners and passing snide remarks, but ended showing the whole world what he really is – too clever by half.

    He thinks he is smart, but his postings mark him out to be a smart aleck and a smartass.

    He is full of himself, but he doesn’t realise that he is full of sh1t.

    I have been restraining myself from commenting on his uncalled snide remarks and antics for the past few months and be contented with just watching this kid making a fool of himself. Give him enough rope to hang himself. But his latest bigoted racist remark is the last straw and cannot be left unchallenged.

    Just to let you know what I have concluded about this guy
    1) A deprived and depraved kid who is obsessed with sex and sexual innuendoes.
    2) A hypocrite
    3) A spines weasel
    4) An attention-seeking whore.

    Before he switches on his injured-pride mode and go crying to the Uncle Kit for help like a typical school-yard bully (mummy, mummy, my classmate hit me. Why did he hit you? Because I hit him first), let me pre-empt his hypocritical appeal to freedom of expression and respect for the blog and blog owner.

    Talking about respect, if there is one person here who shows no respect and utter contempt for this blog, it is undergrad2. Just look at his inane and puerile postings. Just look at his postings for the past weeks and see how many are deleted or censored. And he wants to talk about respect.

    Next, he will invoke freedom of speech. Let me state categorically that I am all for freedom of speech. But this freedom must come with responsibility and maturity. The problem is that people like undergrad2 wants freedom to take pot shot at other people, but will cry foul and others take his sh1t (notice his own sh1t as you can see from his postings) and throw it back at him. He is too immature and irresponsible for freedom of speech.

    I was tempted to ask Kit to delete his post or reprimand him. But that would be the wrong thing to do. This is one of the few places where people can make comments freely and it goes against Kit’s advocacy of free speech if he censor or censure too frequently. Yet Kit saw fit to delete many of undergrad2’s posts.

    I think it is better for this site if it is self-moderated. It will be better if fellow posters can take posters who go out of line to task. One good thing about this site is that posters cannot edit or delete their own posts, and the wisdom or otherwise of posters are there for the whole world to see. I think I will start compiling this self-appointed resident sage’s sayings for future reference. The sayings below are only a limited selection of his very recent posts. I have in my record his more salacious and hormone-laden comments. But I shall do him a big favour by refraining from publishing them again to save him from further embarrassment.

    * * *

    undergrad2 Says:
    June 19th, 2007 at 20: 30.35
    Samy Vellu has been successful in his career because he is an opportunist like all Indians are.

    undergrad2 Says:
    June 18th, 2007 at 22: 30.05
    Profit?? Don’t realize there were costs involved.
    There are people who will sell their daughters, yes. I don’t know about mothers. They are a bit old. Don’t you think? Mine is almost 90 years old.

    undergrad2 Says:
    June 17th, 2007 at 21: 08.15
    Does the Code of Ethics say “You cannot play badminton with judges”??

    undergrad2 Says:
    June 18th, 2007 at 17: 11.49
    //“I pray to Allah for right to be done. I don’t want justice. I want right to be done,” – Mrs Razak Baginda. She said just before the trial began.
    Does anyone know what she meant?” Jong//
    This shows this woman does not know her left from her right.

    undergrad2 Says:
    June 18th, 2007 at 20: 54.53

    undergrad2 Says:
    June 20th, 2007 at 10: 22.42
    “If one must take a bath in Cambodia, never use a bath tub.”
    Yes. Use the river instead.

    undergrad2 Says:
    June 19th, 2007 at 07: 49.29
    “She persuaded the robber to let her ride him and so he syok sendiri let her get on top of him …”
    So where’s the rape or attempted rape?? This is more like consensual sex.

    undergrad2 Says:
    June 15th, 2007 at 18: 17.31
    “The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is also Internal Security Minister, but he is an absentee Minister.”
    Now that he has a new toy to play with, we should not expect him, a honeymooning Prime Minister, to be present any time soon. Let the guy catch up with lost time. We do not want to have a sleeping-on-the-job PM looking tired, do we??

    undergrad2 Says:
    June 16th, 2007 at 07: 02.13
    “The situation is so bad, maybe they should castrate rapists and amputate snatch thieves. And those who use their brains to steal from government coffers….” HORNBILL
    If you castrate rapists and amputate other bits of the human anatomy, you’ll find a lot of angry and unsatisfied wives walking the streets. We don’t want that!

  28. # anakbaram Says:
    June 20th, 2007 at 11: 39.41

    “Kit, please help us. Please ask the minister concerned why this road is neglected so long? What happen to the budget which they say was already there for the road? Would you please bring it up in the Parliment session this time. If not come to Beluru in Bakong yourself and see the condition of the road. Get your Miri office to bring you to see it. We need your help. The BN in Sarawak do not seem to care for us. Would you?”

    I think that Uncle Lim will be too happy to help but the fact that remains is whether the BN government is willing to entertain his wish.
    We frequently read about legitimate and urgent matters that the DAP raised in Parliament but the BN just refused to discuss them. End of story!
    Malaysians also frequently see the opposition parties like the DAP as being ineffective in getting things done. Well, the above is one of the main reasons.
    The sole purpose is to make the DAP looks impotent in the eyes of the electorate.
    However, with the help of all of us who are visitors to this blog, I am sure the situation can change drastically.
    Do your part to spread the word about the type of government we are having in Malaysia.
    I know that those in the cities who are computer literate and well read will not have any problems realising this but the rural folks will not be so knowledgeable; so spread the word to them.
    You’ll be doing yourself and the country a big favour!

  29. Actually pretty good acting since he got away without answering YB Kit’s question. Typical of him. He is a seasoned politician.

    Teh way to help the nation is for opposition to place a good candidate in Sg Siput to beat Semi Value. Then AAB has got the option to drop him from the cabinet line-up saying the rakyat has spoken! MAy not happen, but the message to Semi Value should be loud and clear. A sound thumping is what he deserves in Sg Siput!

  30. confusedcious,

    Wow! Your post was certainly well written. With lots of stinging remarks. And so eloquent.

    The thing is, the nature of blogs like these allows anyone to just about say anything and then wait for the appropriate response, if any. For attention seekers like undergrad2, you certainly fulfilled his quota for the day!

    But to be fair, he is not the only one who has displayed a lack of finesse. Others can be found guilty, yours truly included. And like you say, we cannot edit/retract what we’ve posted and we’ll just have to live with the things we’ve said. The only difference I suppose is that he’s said a lot of things on a wide range of topics and that’s probably why you singled him out.

    But I tell you what, don’t hold back only posting your comments. I don’t want to sound patronising but you’ve got skills and what better way to exercise them by letting us peeps here know what you think from time to time.


  31. You need money to gain power and power to protect your money.

    Nobody cares about the ordinary people….always being manipulated, exploited and used for selfish and narrow political purposes.

  32. /// But I tell you what, don’t hold back only posting your comments. I don’t want to sound patronising but you’ve got skills and what better way to exercise them by letting us peeps here know what you think from time to time. ///

    marmitecrab – I used to contribute views and analysis, but that spineless weasel will take pot shots at me because I have in the past caused him to look like a fool, even though I politely pointed out his errors. He was too proud to ever admit he is wrong. He will back off for a while, and the whole nonsense will repeat itself. I have no issues with anyone here, only ONE person who proclaimed himself to be a cunning linguist.

    Like I say, I will rather sit back and see that kid talk to himself and run others down. I will only react when he crosses the line.

    I rather think my post is relevant instead of eloquent. Every noun and every adjective applies to him – just check his old postings.

    Enough said.


  33. undergrad2 Says:

    June 19th, 2007 at 20: 30.35
    Samy Vellu has been successful in his career because he is an opportunist like all Indians are.

    Sorry, I took it as a compliment to the Indians. What’s wrong being an opportunist? Can someone enlighten me?

  34. So angry!

    I am thankful for this blog in that it allows us to express ourselves. I consider it a privilege as well as an outlet to vent our thoughts and frustrations. Thank God for new technologies, eh?

    Being able to express oneself nowadays seems inadequate. We must also stand up for what we believe in and at times fight for it as well. There is nothing wrong in defending your argument, even if it is to people like undergrad2. If it gets personal, then let it go. People who read and post here are mature enough to know what is fair comment and what is not. There have already been a few posters who have kindly censured undergrad2 earlier and I’m sure he gets the point.

    But enough about him. I’m also getting tired of it. Malaysia needs politically matured people to make a difference. And what better place to start learning and spreading the word than by letting people know your thoughts.

  35. For dawsheng,

    op·por·tun·ist (ŏp’É™r-tōō’nÄ­st, -tyōō’-) Pronunciation Key
    n. One who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences.

    Taken from

    As you can see, an opportunist is not someone to be complimented. I can’t fault you if you don’t understand the meaning of words but it would be prudent to look them up first.

  36. undergrad2 Says:
    June 20th, 2007 at 10: 22.42
    “If one must take a bath in Cambodia, never use a bath tub.”
    Yes. Use the river instead.

    Who is the one who suggested never use a bath tub in Cambodia. Why? Undergrad2 merely suggested a solution, and is quite logic since the bathtub is not recommended. Any better solution to Cambodia’s bathtub crisis?

  37. undergrad2 Says:
    June 19th, 2007 at 07: 49.29
    “She persuaded the robber to let her ride him and so he syok sendiri let her get on top of him …”
    So where’s the rape or attempted rape?? This is more like consensual sex.

    I think Jeffrey QC can verifiy this.

  38. undergrad2 Says:
    June 15th, 2007 at 18: 17.31
    “The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is also Internal Security Minister, but he is an absentee Minister.”
    Now that he has a new toy to play with, we should not expect him, a honeymooning Prime Minister, to be present any time soon. Let the guy catch up with lost time. We do not want to have a sleeping-on-the-job PM looking tired, do we??

    undergrad2 Says:
    June 16th, 2007 at 07: 02.13
    “The situation is so bad, maybe they should castrate rapists and amputate snatch thieves. And those who use their brains to steal from government coffers….” HORNBILL
    If you castrate rapists and amputate other bits of the human anatomy, you’ll find a lot of angry and unsatisfied wives walking the streets. We don’t want that!

    Both comments was not deleted by Uncle Kit. So?

  39. Dawsheng,

    As I understand it, to be “opportunistic” is to never fail to seize immediate advantage, of any circumstance of possible benefit to self regardless of principles of right or wrong and consequences to other others, good or bad, fair or unfair because the opportunity to do good to one self overrides all other considerations of principles or consequences.

    Although there may be instances where a person may be opportunistic without violating principles and harming others, the fact that it is an overarching trait and almost reflex response to seizing opportunity without factoring other considerations or competing priorities inconsistent with it, it would be fair comment to say that often – though not all times – the expression “opportunistic” is generally, in common parlance, regarded derogatory as it implicates a certain want or lack of ethical considerations on the part of the person described so.

  40. And Dawsheng, since you got me talking, I am neither QC (Queens Counsel) nor SC (Sex Counsellor) but it seems common sense to me – which woman, in consensual sex situation, would tell, of all persons, an abductor/robber that she would want to ride him and instead of riding him, run away (if it were not actually to avert rape)?

    [On this particular posting, I don’t think Undergrad2 meant any offense to anyone : it was just his way of occasionally making some wise cracks (whether or not relevant to topic at hand) to infuse his version of lighter humour into comments made and taken seriously here – too seriously probably in his mind].

    Take another a case of a woman walking alone in a big park at 7 pm with no one around being trailed by a man pacing nearer and nearer as if to grab her. She fell to the ground, behaved like a lunatic, eating and munching grass that so put off the man trailing her (whether or not he was actually intending to rob or sexually assault her, he would never know) that he immediately turned and walked away. Was she crazy?

  41. Nice explanation, Jeffrey.

    Unfortunately, it all seems lost on dawsheng, whose sole preoccupation seems to be associating the word with something positive.

    Dawsheng, if you want so much to be an opportunist, go ahead. No one can stop you. Better yet, if you feel that the main political parties are where it’s at, then join them. By all means, denigrate politics for all you want. That is your prerogative.

    But you know, once upon a time, poiltics was seen as a noble profession for people who wanted to make a difference, not for themselves but for the greater good. But I’m sure you didn’t know that, right. After all, according to you, they’re all opportunistic.

    By the way, I’ve included this site in case you want to check on the meaning of some words:

  42. uncle kit
    i have followed most of the postings here and read most of the comments but refrained from making comments myself until i read the ” stupidity at it;s peak” posting from undergrad…but since i am already here, maybe i should say a little more about you, the dap and the ooposition in the lead up to the GE.
    Firstly, i sure think you have a wonderful job….it must be nice standing there in parliament and picking on every bn minister, making fun of samy vellu and all the others and it must be especially nice to be the one who just points out the shortcomings of others….which leads to all sorts of jokes and humiliating remarks from people who read those and post comments short you must be having a ball putting others down which is perhaps one of the easiest things to do in life…whether it be in the name of moral courage, a deep sense of patriotism or as a reflex action as leader of the opposition. many ppl who post comments take it from you leave it and continue to “greater heights” with their degrading comments. maybe you are sincere and i’d like to think you are.
    but please tell me something….the ge is around the corner…you obviously want malaysians to vote for you, and the opposition in as many seats as possible..maybe even vote you and the opposition in to form the next govt..i have absolutely no qualm about that. but what are you, who are you…tell us your plan.
    tell us who will be prime minister if the opposition is voted in, tell us your list of ministers(a shadow cabinet)..tell us what economic policies you would put in place if you are eleceted..tell us how you plan to bring malaysia to greater heights..tell us what your vision is for our beloved nation…tell us if you will abolish the tolls, tell us how you will overcome the problems of shoddy construction…tell us how you will overcome a lacadaisical civil service…just tell us all your plans for the country..and who your team members will be…are you going to be the prime minister, is kula going to be the education minister, is karpal going to be the law minister…who and where?
    then you will give us a true option…to choose and as malaysians, if we feel that you are of substance, then i will be the first to vote for you and im sure many many more will vote for you and the ooposition…otherwise what do you present to us as a basis for voting you in….the fact that you are good at pointing out the shortcomings of others? i am afraid that just aint good enough especially since whether we all like it or not, agree or not, the bn is ingrained in the power position…
    so uncle lim, pls do takke some time out from pointing out the mistakes of others and causing ppl here to belittle our leaders….just tell us and show us your plan…otherwise even i can be the leader of the opposition….
    for the love of our beloved nation…cheers

  43. “so uncle lim, pls do takke some time out from pointing out the mistakes of others and causing ppl here to belittle our leaders….just tell us and show us your plan…otherwise even i can be the leader of the opposition” the archer

    You are most welcome to be the leader of the opposition. Why didn’t you?

  44. “She fell to the ground, behaved like a lunatic, eating and munching grass that so put off the man trailing her …” Jeffrey

    Munching grass?? Careful there, Jeffrey! ‘Carpet munching’ is something else you don’t want to know.

  45. Every reader in this blog has been guilty of some kind of Samy Vellu bashing. It seems it is a national pastime. It is also done in light hearted humour.

    I wonder why this confused person wants to take on Undergrad2 for his light hearted humour. Some of his comments were partially deleted and sometimes wholly deleted because they touched on sensitive issues on Islam and the Malays which could put LKS in hot water with the authorities and were deleted for that reason and not because of obscenity or whatever.

    We do not need to hear from this confused person as to what he thought of other readers. If you have nothing to contribute, then don’t. This space is not provided for you to even the score with any reader. Don’t be personal and call others names. Undergrad2 never called you names. You pollute the blog by transforming it into your personal instrument to vent your anger – and by so doing you are doing injustice and showing disrespect for the blogger LKS.

    So go away Mr. Confused.

  46. the archer,

    You obviously spent some time thinking and that in itself is something a lot of people don’t spend enough time doing.

    I agree with most of what you said and I’m also sure you have said what a lot of people are thinking regarding a viable opposition coming into power.

    However, as you realistically know, there is no decent opposition to speak of (my apologies, YB) as we have had the BN in power for so many years. This is the reality of our political climate and the questions you asked just reinforces it. As far as I’m concerned and I believe many will back me up on this, is for the ruling party to be denied their two thirds majority come the next election. Because with more than two thirds, any bill can be passed without opposition.

    For a truly viable opposition to exist, much, much more need to be done by the DAP. As for what exactly, only those in position would know. Me, I’m just a bystander offering my two cents worth.

  47. If undergrad2 is guilty of anything it is trolling – some of the time when he is bored with reading some of the comments here. I don’t blame the guy.

    He is capable of making good, meaningful contributions to this blog – , thought provoking though I am not sure if they are always constructive. The deletions made by the moderator appears to be based on their political sensitivity.

    So you don’t need to get personal with that, confusedcious. If you don’t like to read his postings, don’t read it. Are you being forced to read? Do not use this blog as your personal platform to nurse your damaged ego.

  48. Some of the “commentors” here are of no better quality than the subjects that they wanted to earnestly comment on. No names calling, address the issues if there are with depth and intelligence. Shouting and names calling will only reflect on one ownself, not others. Take the cue?

  49. Sheeesh! It has been some time since I get to read such a long tirade of abuse directed against one particular reader.

    Confusedcious is being personal and obnoxious.

    Like DiaperHead said if you don’t like to read his postings do not read it. That is not a reason for you to launch this tirade.

    We can decide for ourselves when a reader has gone over the line. I am sure when Undergrad2 said all Indians are opportunists he is merely expressing his opinion – right or wrong. And I think he spoke the minds of many, including many Indians whom I know i.e. that Indians tend to be opportunistic in their approach to life and politics. Indians after all are a marginalized race and they do that to survive.

    There is nothing wrong with wanting to survive. Nevertheless, one hopes that the Indians would one day rise above the politics of opportunism and be less self-serving.

    As for confusedcious, you ‘d do well to limit your comments on the topic of the thread rather than on the posters.

  50. “But you know, once upon a time, poiltics was seen as a noble profession for people who wanted to make a difference, not for themselves but for the greater good. But I’m sure you didn’t know that, right. After all, according to you, they’re all opportunistic.” Marmitecrab

    Yes, I think to a certain extent they (politicians) all are opportunist, and if generally speaking, I think eveyone is one as well. We all know most people are selfish but how many people are selfless? Would you be an opportunist if let say that the opportunity arises where you can do a greater good for the people? Not for a bystander I am sure.

  51. For illustration of a point, I said there was one woman when in actual fact, as it really happened, there were actually two women in the incident but I thought unnecessary to say it, knowing fully in advance, some people have overstimulated imagination!

  52. Wow so much energy here – lightning bolts and thunder claps, great happening eh?! What a surprise, I thought I just take a peep on this thread as I have nothing nice to say about this disgusting Semi bloke.

    Let’s all be more careful, avoid any unnecessary sexual innuendoes that might offend others. At the same time, let’s be more open-minded and accepting without the need to use filthy language or call each other names.

    Undergrad2, I don’t think you crossed the line with your remark on “opportunist” . I think it’s ok, not a derogatory.

    To confusedcious (what’s that in a name?), you made your point and we are all take note of it. No hard feelings and let’s move onnnnnnnnnnn!

  53. DarkHorse Says:

    “If there is an argument between a Malay and a Chinese, to whom would the remaining party, the Indian would give his support? The Chinese?”

    pls tell us the answer…also tell us the answer to the other question of who a chinese would support if there was an argument between a malay and an indian…both here and if the argument were to take place in india…i’m dying to know your power of reasoning….!!!

  54. To the archer,

    Oh, that is quite easily done.

    If the Chinese is an MCA member he would support the Malay UMNO member. It does not matter which country has jurisdiction – China or India or Timbuktu.

  55. Went back home for 10 days after 2 years not being back and what I see is not much of a change : The roads are still on construction, still in progress which I don’t see functioning to solve the dreaded traffic that we see everyday. Anyway, for the first time in my life, I’ve heard my Dad saying out Samy Vellu’s name for so many times. The criticism in the mass media and yours, Uncle Lim, hopefully this 22 years minister shows his professionalism a bit more being in that area, spending awful lots of money which ain’t bringing an inch to improvement.

  56. /// Godamn Singh Says:
    June 20th, 2007 at 20: 20.27
    Don’t be personal and call others names. Undergrad2 never called you names. You pollute the blog by transforming it into your personal instrument to vent your anger – and by so doing you are doing injustice and showing disrespect for the blogger LKS.
    So go away Mr. Confused. ///

    Godamn Singh – you are godamn right that it is personal. This is personal between undergrad2 and me, or why are you butting in? What started off this round is undergrad’s insulting the entire Indian race (and I presumed that includes you). You are new here and will do well to find out more before you give advice. Undergrad2 never called me names? Just go and check the old archives. Unfortunately, the reformatted blog has no records of the previous postings on the old format. But I have kept some of the records. You are exactly like undergrad2, invoking injustice and showing disrespect for the blogger LKS. My quotes of undergrad2’s posts are to show that he is the one doing injustice and showing disrespect. Please find out more from the old timers here before you show your ignorance. And I was under the impression the LKS owns this blog, not you. Who are you to tell me to go away? I don’t even tell undergrad2 to go away. He is entitled to his nonsense, and I am entitled to show up his recalcitrance.

    Sorry I have to disagree with you – it is not light-hearted humour. He just insulted you and your entire race and you think it is a joke? Sheesh! If you know this guy as well as I do, you will see that this is one of his many attempts at being too clever by half and it back-fired. Just go through all his previous posts and you will see the pattern. And it is not a slip of the pen (finger) either.

    /// DiaperHead Says:
    June 20th, 2007 at 21: 00.10
    If you don’t like to read his postings, don’t read it. ///

    /// DarkHorse Says:
    June 20th, 2007 at 22: 01.33
    Confusedcious is being personal and obnoxious.
    Like DiaperHead said if you don’t like to read his postings do not read it. ///

    DiaperHead and DarkHorse, just look at your posts. Wow – how come I never thought of such simple and elegant solution and apply it myself? Can you see the supreme irony of what you just said, now that I have pointed it out to you? Not practicing what you preach. Your unsolicited gratuitous advice is oozing with irony and self incrimination. Now if I were to call you a hypocrite, will I be labeled “obnoxious” again?

    Yes it is personal, because that is what undergrad2 did to me. Obnoxious? Let’s analyze this a little bit, shall we?

    Now, back to the topic at hand. This brouhaha started because undergrad2 in his infinite wisdom just condemned the whole Indian race. For the record, I am the equal of anyone here in my disgust for Samy Vellu’s perceived incompetence and alleged shenanigans. He may be an opportunist. But to tarred an entire race with an astounding sweeping statement that all Indians are opportunists – now that is what I consider obnoxious.

    Here are the facts. Person A makes an asinine, bigoted and crass remark, totally uncalled for. Person B says Person A’s remarks are asinine, bigoted and crass. Yes, the words used are strong. But are they correct? Are they the most appropriate nouns and adjectives? If the words appear obnoxious, but they are an accurate description of the person, what or who is obnoxious?

    Perhaps an unrelated example will make this very clear. Suppose a surviving relative of a victim of the Holocaust were to say “Adolf Hitler was a crazed mass murderer.” Now, that is a very obnoxious thing to say about a person, especially a dead person. But, supposing that Hitler did cause 6 million Jews to be slaughtered. Now, who or what is obnoxious? The act of mass murdering 6 million people and the person responsible for it? Or the person who used the obnoxious words “crazed mass murderer”?

    DarkHorse – take your own example. You tell me not to read undergrad’s postings if I don’t like them, and yet you are not able to apply this gem of advice to yourself. If I call you a hypocrite, would you again label me “obnoxious”?

    For those who do not know the history between undergrad and me, do find out more before you take sides. Undergrad2 is fully capable of defending himself. And he is not dead yet.

    Just a few choice quotes “Where East is depends on where one stands” – is this not a statement from a half-wit? (And this was undergrad’s response to someone’s post which was totally out of context and done to show his superior wit.)

    Undergrad2 categorically stated that he could tell that Lee Kuan Yew was an Indonesian from Surabaya because of the type of Malay he spoke and his facility with the Malay language. Is this not a self-proclaimed cunning linguist?

    I tried correcting him politely on his errors. Instead of thanking me, he launched a personal attack, calling me names. From then on, each time I made a post, he will snapped at me and pass snide remarks. But I didn’t tell him to go away, like what Godamn Singh (the owner of this blog) tells me to do. I threw back the sh1t that Undergrad2 dropped all over the price. Once he loses an argument, he will go crying to LKS and invoke respect, justice and freedom of expression, exactly what Godamn Singh is doing now. Undergrad2 started the fight. He lost the fight. And he goes crying to Uncle Kit. Now, what do you call such a person? I call it a spineless weasel.

    Please go through my initial post and tell me which word is obnoxious. If the most appropriate word to describe a person is an obnoxious one, what does that tell you?

    As the wannabe lawyer is wont to flaunt: “Your Honour, I rest my case.”


  57. oh well darkhorse, if this is the standard of your reasoning power, i’ll just leave you to it…i should have just followed my hunch and let you be judging from the post you made.. which i will do from wonder you say it’s quite easily done…your answer doesnt reflect any reasoning power at all….enjoyyy!!!!

  58. Everybody has a point.

    Everybody is entitled to their opinion.

    Better still, everybody is entitled to MY opinion. Or Undergrad2’s. Or Confusedcious.

    Go ahead, score yr points. Nobody is an idiot here to lap up sour milk. We’ll all make up our own minds in the end. But it is wonderful to see how our own ideas congeal from the spicy speculations that curdles in the melting pot.

    At least, we have a free press here unlike BN’s frigid state. It does get hot here but when the dust settles we would have seen through the mist and the smog. With BN…you are entitled to ONLY BN’s crap. And that makes us all puke. That’s why we are here, courtesy of YB KIt.

  59. “//…That’s why we are here, courtesy of YB Kit..// – Endangered Hornbill

    Ironically at the courtesy also of the BN. Try saying what is said here in Singapore and see if you have to worry about midnight knock from Special Branch or a defamation suit from those you ridicule. At the hotspots in S’pore, can’t even go through the gateway to broadband internet without registering with SingTel!

  60. You know, if we are as critical of the goverment as we are of each other here, then we are in big trouble. It seems we are just preoccupied with running each other down, undergrad2 in particular.

    What the country needs are intellectually savvy politicians who have the good of everyone in their hearts. Let us not forget what this thread is about – Samy Vellu!

    If we can pool our resources and intelligence and help YB come up with some credible manifesto, then there is still hope for the country yet. I for one want to see my children grow up in a country they can call their own, run by people who care about the nation and not just their own backsides.

    I’m not an idealist. Far from it, I’m a realist and at the first opportunity I can get, I’m outta here. But what happens if I can’t leave? You can be sure I’ll fight for my rights.

  61. i reckon, since the GE is around the corner, DAP should come out with a short political movie or political pitch that can be downloaded from the various DAP website.

    Coz the government will never give opposition party the light of day when it comes to airing their views in the mainstream. that way, many of us can download these ‘hot’ issues and political ptiching and present them our friends.

    many of my friends truly do not know what does DAP or PKR stand up for and just vote BN in anything. so at the end of the day, ppl are more aware of the politics in malaysia, and perhaps make a wiser vote, whomever they wish to vote for.

  62. confusedcious,

    Like you I have not written here before but have been following the comments in this blog.

    You have said to Godamn Singh “You are exactly like undergrad2, invoking injustice and showing disrespect for the blogger LKS”. Then you have gone taking issues with DiaperHead and DarkHorse for their defence of Undergrad2.

    Let me tell you this that where there are various conflicting explanations, always take the direct and obvious one. It is most likely true.

    Has it occurred to you that you are fighting at different fronts with different persons because all of them, Godamn Singh, Diaper Singh, (earlier on) Darkhorse and Count Dracular are the same person who is Undergrad2 using different handles and nicks for different purposes but mostly to speak his cause?

  63. Indians – opportunists, snakes
    Chinese – manipulative, conniving, thieving and leacherous
    Malays – lazy, stupid etc

    Hey, this is the reality…we are a nation of bigots and racists.

    and yes, I am being light hearted…

  64. This is very interesting:

    “Godfather Says:

    June 19th, 2007 at 17: 22.18
    Under Mahathir, he was described as a qualified draughtsman. Under Badawi, he is now a qualified architect. Kit, you should ask him where he obtained his architectural degree ”

    I thought he was an office boy, then got himself a draughtsman job. Since when he became a “qualified” architect? Did he go back to school when he became a minister, or did money do the talking for him?

  65. oedipus Says:

    June 21st, 2007 at 11: 56.57
    “i reckon, since the GE is around the corner, DAP should come out with a short political movie or political pitch that can be downloaded from the various DAP website.”

    yes yb kit, i agree…as i said in my earlier posting, pls give us a viable option of substance. highlight your plans and that of the opposition to all of us. i am very confident that with all your years in the opposition and in malaysian politics, with the thousands and thousands of rakyat who have come to you and whom you’ve met otherwise, coupled with your wisdom that is evident, this will not be a problem…chances are you already have a concrete plan for the country but unless you avail these plans to the rakyat either through speeches or this media(internet), no one will know..and then who is to blame the rakyat for voting in “the devil they know instead of the angel they don’t”?
    i would look at these areas:
    (1) economic policies and education policies-why dont you prepare a shadow cabinet, ashadow budget and how you intend to channel funds and to whicheconomic areas..tell your newly appointed shadow finance minister to present it to the rakyat..

    (2)your stand on the nep and what you will do…abolish it, modify it, ensure the current nep stays but instead enforce proper implementation in the true spirit of it’s inception?

    (3)meritocracy? and how this will be implemented whilst being fair to all?

    (4) your stand on the civil service?

    (5) tolls and privatisation in general…how will you remove the burden on the rakyat and how you will overcome past failures and what you propose for the future?
    etc etc etc
    it may be true that the bn is surviving and in fact thriving despite not addressing these issues..however they have the advantage of being well embedded in the power position and have consolidated their power position very very strongly..unfortunately the opposition has no such advantage and it seems like mountain after mountain is before you…but the rakyat has the power to move these mountains and make them vanish if you give them a viable realistic progressive alternative. to do this, i guess all opposition parties must get their act together and show us a solidarity that can be relied upon…otherwise no rakyat is going to take the plunge and gamble away relatively good fortunes especially the malays…the rakyat would just hang on to the ” devil they know and not the angel they don’t”…and for ge after ge after will only be always good enough for a few seats here and there until maybe at the turn of the century , you might get the two thirds majority and at the tirn of the following century, form the govt..if it happens..
    now is the time…..the rakyat are unhappy…give them a truly viable alternative
    for the love of our beloved nation…cheers

  66. …and another popular all encompassing issue is the issue of CORRUPTION….show the rakyat how so much of our national financial resouces are being wasted……and what specific steps you would take to overcome this sickness…but how you would be diferent from the earlier “promiser” who promised to stamp out corruption…etc..etc…
    just my two cents worth for the leader of the opposition from a simple practical rakyat..
    for the love of our beloved nation…cheers

  67. TruthEquirer – thanks. Yes, I realized that. That’s why I rather sit back and hear him talk to himself. He gave himself away with the identical whining appeal to respect and injustice. Also, Godamn knew what the contents of Undergrad2’s posts were when they were deleted by the blog administrator. He can read an unposted post – real weasel. Pathetic.

  68. Dear confusedcious,

    I’m not too sure about this

    “when they were deleted by the blog administrator. He can read an unposted post ”

    because when he responded to my posting re Mrs Razak Baginda and commented with remark on “72 virgins in heaven”, I got to read it before it was deleted by the blog administrator.


    Oh well undergrad2, you’d better watch out, all eyes are on you now so please behave yourself!

  69. Sometimes I wonder if some of you took the contents Uncle Kit posted in his blog seriously? Haven’t you noticed that it was all about the problems facing Malaysia? But what to do? Some are just plain opportunist who will seize every opportunities to advance their personal agendas, do we really want to know all about it? Be a man and forget about it, or else keep on whining and let everyone know you are a sissy.

  70. Thanks Jong. That may be much earlier when there was “live” postings without the administrator taking a look at the comments first. Nevertheless, you may be right. But he seems to think that deleted posts are okay as long as they are not obscene. Poking fun at religion or race is equally abusive of this blog, if not worse. The fact that many of his posts are deleted show that he is the one polluting and abusing this site. And not showing respect to the blog owner. Worse, it will get LKS into trouble. And yet he has the gall to accuse me of these infractions. Just confirm that this guy is a real bigot and a racist.

    Chances are “they” are one person showing support to one another.
    1) Same whinny appeal to justice and respect
    2) Gratuitously advising me to ignore his posts, yet at the same time not following his own advice.

    I have crossed swords with him before, and that’s the very essence and signature of this too-clever-by-half kid. He will accuse others of sins of which he is the biggest culprit. I don’t mind people going off tangent and off topic. But he will sieze on others’ comments to come up with some smart alecky remarks which is completely unrelated to the topic. That’s why I don’t have to do much – just take his own remarks and throw it back at him. Can you imagine that – he got hurt by his own remarks!

  71. dawsheng, will you please shut up!

    You can skip reading what we have to write here. If we don’t get to clear things here, where else can we do?

    Have some manners please. We are not hogging anyone, not even you. If you want to post any comment on Samy Vellu, just go ahead and stop antagonising. period.

  72. That’s right Jong, let’s be greater than magnanimous. Whoever know what is more important should know what to do. And let’s all gear up now, Malaysia is in danger. Are you ready to save Malaysia or you are here just to benefit yourself?

  73. You guys are all unbelievable. The GE hasn’t been announced, and the in-fighting has already begun !

    This thread is about the shamelessness of Semi Value. It has nothing to do with Indians, although a large part of the blame about Semi Value’s seemingly untouchable status is due to the votes that he gets (or steals or coerces) at every MIC General Assembly. Sometimes our fingers are faster than our brains we type things that we don’t really mean, just like sometimes Semi Value’s mouth is faster than his brain, and he utters words that he has had to backtrack. In short, we are all human. That includes Undergrad2.

    There is no need for anyone here to push his/her point across so loudly that it makes him/her obnoxious.

    The words that we must spread around are “REGIME CHANGE”.

  74. Upon advice by the Confused One I delved into the archives and found this:

    Confusedcious to Undergrad2: “Yes – don’t be so pig-headed you swine” and “Do you want everyone to know how I was stupid enough to bring you into this world, despite being brain-damaged?” and “What insult have I hurled? If you object to the word swine, I take that back – after all this is the year of the pig, and I shouldn’t be insulting the pigs.”

    What was that all about?? Calling another poster worse than a pig?!

    The Confused One then tried to justify his use of the word “swine” to no avail.

    Then apparently when he failed to get the support he sought from other posters here, he retreated to a corner to sulk and delivered these parting words:

    “If this is your priority of things here, I am quite happy to part company. Bye now – I will leave this site for Undergrad2 to dominate…”

    What’s that all about?

    Apparently he disappeared never to return. I checked there is not one contribution by him to this blog since.

    Then many months later the Confused One suddenly emerges from the woodwork to unload his tirade of abuse all over again. That is his ‘contribution’ to the blog over a good part of the year!

    It is the same kind of behaviour that has frightened away one Shirley, a student studying political science at the London School of Economics (LSE). She wanted to shield her English room-mate from the abusive remarks made by this particular poster. It drove her away for good.

    The Confused One has only this to say to her: “Shirley, for someone who does not know head or tail, you are very quick to take sides, aren’t you? Is some coward hiding under your skirt?” and,

    “Anyway, I have already taken back my use of the word swine to describe the culprit – it is an insult to the swine, not the other way round.”

    These posts are self-explanatory and do not need further comments. If you are by chance reading this Shirley, I am so sorry. But I assure you such emotional and irrational outbursts are not encouraged by the blogger who has provided this platform for contributors unlike the Confused One to make their contributions, to share their thoughts on issues affecting this nation about to celebrate its 50 years of independence.

    It is hoped very much that the Confused One has made his final exit as suddenly and quickly as he made his entrance. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

    By the way I am not undergrad2.

  75. You find swine obnoxious?

    Yet you don’t find an extremely racist and bigoted sweeping statement condemning all Indians as opportunist obnoxious?

    Don’t be a spineless weasel – stop pretending you are someone else. No wonder you think it is joke. Make up you mind undergrad2 – are you a boy or a girl? Are you a Chinese or an Indian? It is really pathetic when one has to use one’s brain-damaged split personalities to defend oneself.

    I chose to stay away to watch you (Godamn) talking to yourself (undergrad2). And undergrad2 making a fool of himself.

    As I said earlier, who the hell do you think you are? Do you own this blog? If the blog owner thinks my posts are okay, who the hell are you to tell me to go away. I never tell all versions of your multiple split personalities to go away.

    undergrad2/Godamn can say anything. I can rebut. You don’t like it? Remember your wise saying “Don’t read if you don’t like it”!!! You know why you reveal yourself? Only a bloody hypocrite and spineless weasle like you will give advice which applies most to yourself. Only a bloody hypocrite like you cannot see the log in your eyes, yet you can see a speck in others.

    I am always here and will always be here. But I will only comment when the smart-aleck, too-clever-by-half, trying-too-hard, full-of-sh1t pseudo-half-wit crosses the line.

  76. Hello, Confused!

    You’re so full of shit yourself. Your infantile attitude obviously failed to get the support and attention of bloggers here. Go lick your wounds somewhere else.

    Don’t cower under an obsolete thread. Come and repeat your filth in a new thread for all to read.

    By the way I am not Goddamn Singh or Undergrad2.

  77. No wonder you talk like this. Is the diaper too tight on your head? Brain damaged. Next time, ask your mummy to clean up the sh1t on your diaper before putting on your head. Sounds just like that brain-damaged kid who does not know who his father is. Still fantasizing about Sharon Stone?

  78. Blogs lioke this one are playing their own roles in realising one way of freedom of speeach. But how many people are computer literate? How many people actudally can access the blog? I still wish that we can use the other medias.

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