Police lost control of crime – JB & Malaysia: Notice for urgent motion

19th June 2007
Yang di Pertua,
Dewan Rakyat,

YB Tan Sri,

S.O. 18 motion of urgent, definite public importance: Recent brutal robbery-cum-gang rapes in Johor Baru sparking public outcry nationwide over police failure to control and reduce crime with Malaysians feeling very unsafe in the streets, public places and privacy of their homes

This is to give notice under S.O. 18(2) to move a motion of urgent definite public importance for the Dewan Rakyat sitting on Thursday, 21st June 2007, as follows:

“That under Standing Order 18(1), the House gives leave to Ketua Pembangkang YB Lim Kit Siang to move a motion of urgent, definite public importance, viz Recent brutal robbery-cum-gang rapes in Johor Baru sparking public outcry nationwide over police failure to control and reduce crime with Malaysians feeling very unsafe in the streets, public places and privacy of their homes.

“In the campaign for 100,000 signatures to restore to the people of Johor Baru their fundamental right to be free from crime and the fear of crime, some 80,000 signatures have been collected from all over the country from Malaysians in a matter of three days — an expression of frustration and despair that despite repeated promises of a war against crime whether by the Prime Minister and the Inspector-General of Police, the establishment of the Royal Police Commission as well as increased allocations and salary revision for the police, the violent crime index had worsened in the past three years.

“Unless the rampant crime and lawlessness not only in Johor Baru, which has become the capital of crime of the nation, but also in the various ‘black areas” like in Klang Valley and Penang are wiped out, even Visit Malaysia Year 2007 and all programmes to attract foreign investors, especially as multi-billion ringgit Iskandar Development Region project will be undermined.

“The anti-crime campaign is not racial or political issue but a concern of all Malaysians. Police must not be deflected by some racialistic SMS to lose focus on the war against crime, even to penalize innocents like arrests of SUARAM activists Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Mun, but must work in co-operation with NGOs and civil society to end the reign of terror caused by rampant crime and lawlessness in JB and Malaysia.”

Thank You.

Yours sincerely,

(Lim Kit Siang)
Ketua Pembangkang
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28 Replies to “Police lost control of crime – JB & Malaysia: Notice for urgent motion”

  1. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: In 5 – 10 years from now, we will be like Johannesburg or Manila. The upper middle class will live behind barbed wire, and gated communities will have armed guards. Nobody will go out after 8 pm unless they have bodyguards or they move about in groups. All private vehicles will have blacked-out windows.

    Such is the slippery slope we are on right now with this incompetent government.

  2. “The anti-crime campaign is not racial or political issue but a concern of all Malaysians. Police must not be deflected by some racialistic SMS to lose focus on the war against crime, even to penalize innocents like arrests of SUARAM activists Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Mun, but must work in co-operation with NGOs and civil society to end the reign of terror caused by rampant crime and lawlessness in JB and Malaysia.”

    I’ve said it before, if the police cannot protect us we will have to protect ourselves. Is just matter of time if condition detioriates further that we have no choice but to have a force of our own since the police will not there for us. Anyone of us can be the next victim.

  3. “In his column in an English newspaper on Sunday, Hanif who had described the allegations as “exceptionally defamatory” and that ” it won’t not do for the maligned authorities to merely wish them away”. – taken from here:-


    “Former IGP Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar said today Musa should be concerned about recent allegations highlighted in a political website as the credibility of the police force will be damaged by such allegations.”

    why no action? This is becoming worrisome.

  4. “Godfather Says:
    June 19th, 2007 at 10: 58.55

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: In 5 – 10 years from now, we will be like Johannesburg or Manila.”

    No need for five to ten years.
    Gated and guarded communities are fast becoming the norm rather then the exception NOW.
    The rot started during the previous regime that completely ignored the needs of the public. Needs like health, security, judiciary and others.
    Most Malaysians are either blind or stupid to continuously elect a government of similar ilk for so long.
    They suffer for it but the worst part of all this is that those who don’t want such a government also suffer along with them!
    It’s long,long past time to change the government if we don’t want to suffer needlessly.
    I hope that all those who visit this blog will do their utmost to garner votes for credible opposition parties like the DAP.
    Be wise, don’t continue to suffer needlessly!!

  5. We can no longer leave the rampant crime incidents to police alone. By just pushing to them we are leading to a worse crime rate. Economist, social scientists, police and politicians should come forward collectively to come out with a long term solution.

    Whereas as likely victim,every Malaysian has to use a little bit of their right brain and most important at all willing to change our long established pampered lifestyle. We have to be ready to let go the services of foreign cheap labour, gone with the days of maid opening the gate, washing school shoes for your children. By allowing thousand to million of foreign cheap labor to our country we have pushed our very own unskilled people to no corner to turn, denying them a minimum standard of life, jealously peeping to those rich and posh eating with unnecessarily cutlery, but they are not even engaged to clean the forks and spoons. Who is so dumb to engage a local to work if a foreign worker can be employed with a fraction of a local wages.The government should rebut the crying of lack of workers, locals refuse to work. At the end of the day is how much you are paying for locals to work for you.Well if after paying the higher local wages, your business can’t survive, then just close it up and you yourself working as a local worker earning a decent wages to survive.

    We need to have a total and long term approach, you and me could be the very next victim of crime.

  6. it is a fact that the majority of the victims were chinese. its just part of statistics and not some racial agenda. facts is facts. it can only be turned into a racial issue by those who want to abuse this fact. approach ANY chinese in jb, and i guarantee you they have a personal story of crime to tell you. if not 1, there could a few stories to tell. i am NOT trying to elicit racial sentiments, but just stating a fact!

    the police should be ashamed that instead of giving out figures and percentage to rebutt these ‘allegations’ in terms of the racial breakdown of victims of snatch theft, they are instead blaming the press for publishing cold fact facts collected from the streets. they should also just blame the victims for being … a victim!

  7. Bad, incompetent and irresponsible leaders at all levels are the cause of this problem.

    Increase in voilent and hedious crimes is attributed to ineffective enforcement of law and order and breakdown of the society’s and family moral values.

  8. Forget about waiting for police or government to solve this problem. We johorians have to group up and fight crimes together.

    How to do it. Use Sun Tze the art of war to do it. Do not wait for crime to happen. Be active and find the criminals. Group up and go direct to them. If we have a big group of people, we can do all these just by ourselves.

    Use baits. They will come out and we nail them one by one.

  9. Proudmalaysianshamejohorian.Your suggestion can only happen in books and the movies.The police will tell you that they do not need your help and will warn you not to take the laws into your own hands.Recently a snatch thief was caught by the public.In their over zealous moment they killed the thief.The police classified the case as a murder case.So how to nail them one by one?
    All the good samaritans will end up in jail.

  10. I hope the PDRM realise that through their failure to combat the rising violent crimes rates(on the rise as opposed to the overall crime rate which is on the decline as claimed by the PDRM), they have caused it to become a racial issue. You cannot blame the public for reacting as such because it is a fact that the majority of victims are from one race while the majority of the perpetrators of the violent crimes are from other races or illegal immigrants. If the PDRM had listened to the public and been effective to curb this rising violent crime rates, it would not have escalated to the level it is today with a racial slant to the problem.

    The elected representatives of the BN GOvt. in JB are also equally guilty. If they had been in touch with their constituencies they would have felt the groundswell of resentment and anger at the rising crime rates. As elected representatives they should have brought this matter up in the early stages and in the strongest terms to the relevant authorities and nip this problem in the bud. Instead, they betrayed their voters because they are afraid of ruffling the feathers of officialdom and allow the situation to deteriorate to the stage where the people has to take the matters into their own hands. And they are now trying to frighten the public by threats of “playing with fire” etc. Do your job like the Sibu MP and the people would not have to play with fire. Push to the wall, and the risk of fire will be the lesser of two evils.

  11. Please dont take over the job of the police, else they will be out of jobs!! We always fail to understand this by doing other people jobs!!! that’s why so many graduates are jobless!! we need to “isi penuh” !!!…:) Senyum lembu

  12. QUote:
    “i_love_malaysia Says:
    It is a very simple equation =

    Gov. lost control over police, so police lost control over crime!!”

    Wrong… Should be Government themselves couldn’t careless about its own people, why police should care for the people?

  13. Flood Problem – The solution is to
    Spend Millions to Deepen & Widen the rivers!!!

    Ceiling Problem – The solution is to
    Spend Millions to check and rectify!!!

    Crime Problem – The solution is to
    Increase Manpower and increase pay!!!

    Sounds familiar?

  14. Utopia,

    So it is not a matter of lost control but should be rephrased as “Gov. dont control over police, so police dont control over crime!!”. If this is the case, why should we have this Gov.??

    Time to Change!!!

    But please dont tell me that voting PAS is the same as voting DAP or any other opposition parties!
    Do remember PAS’s final objective is to turn this country into another hell on earth!!! Please dont be fooled by what they do in one state where there’s only a handful of non-Muslims in that state that is still in PM’s 1957 dream!!

  15. Final equation is:-

    People dont control over politicians, so politicians dont control over government. When Gov. dont control over police, so police dont control over crime!!

    Why people dont control over politicians? is it because they dont want to or dont know or too busy or what??

    The 1 million ringgit question now is:-

    How to control politicians???

  16. I would think it is time to get Malaysia on the track of a 2-party or 3-party system where there are no race-based parties.

    The present system was useful to gain independence but now ALL Malaysians must learn to think a way out of the present quagmire of racist politics that has slowly brought the country to the brink.

    We are surely regressing as a nation.

  17. HI Uncle Kit

    The police should follow the Armed Force procedure to transfer every two years. I understand Singapore Armed Force was given certain power like Police to fight the crime even thou Singapore Police carryout their Job. Malaysian Police should mix racial in the police force. Now I see Most of the Police department wrote Jangan rasuah that is worng statement. They should put notice Jangan ambil Rasuah. PM and IGP and the CID Director to sit and carryout brain storming. I tell true story happen to me. As one time one drug addict cut my fancying entered my house infront and that time my neighbour just came back from work he saw that drug addict and shout and he ran away. This happen about 3.00 am my wife and my son plus neighbour put back the fancying at that time Police patrol passing by but they cound’nt bothered to inquire a=or what is happening. Will it solve spend million of public money to purchase car etc. The Police force should sharpen up. In my area public still riding motor without helmet.

    Most of the Singaporean complain JB Police stop Singapore vehicles to pretend to issue traffic offence so that they can get some Singapore Dollars. Police in JB are not do their Job I believe the entire JB Force to transfer out or sack who are not performing their Job. IGP should wake and place more mix race and Police wearing civilian cloth to catch uniform police how their perform their job.

  18. Malaysia in 2020 is going downside compare to other Asian countries. Now the crime, corruption getting worst here. I use to go kulai for business trip, everyday I didnt see any police here patrolling but every morning you sure can see alot police especially in coffee shops. The police here if they know any robbery they wont come immediately until 30 mins later they only will come maybe waiting for the robbers more time to rob. Because they dont dare to take a risk. Earlier JB is a notoriety & crime area but our government always denied this & that. Hey not malu meh? the whole world put spot light on you. Soon malaysia will be like cowboy town.

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