Lim Kit Siang

Internet allegations of top-notch graft – notice for urgent motion

15th June 2007
Yang di Pertua,
Dewan Rakyat,

YB Tan Sri,

Notice under S.O. 18 — Serious allegations of corruption and abuses of power against Deputy Internal Security Minister, Inspector-General of Police and top police officers on the internet by both named and anonymous websites and the failure to take satisfactory action to protect government credibility, integrity and authority

This is to give notice under Standing Order 18(2) to move a motion of urgent, definite public importance for the Dewan Rakyat sitting on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 as follows:

“That under Standing Order 18(1) the House gives leave to Ketua Pembangkang YB Lim Kit Siang to move a motion of urgent definite public importance, viz: serious allegations of corruption and abuses of power against Deputy Internal Security Minister, YB Johari Baharom (Kubang Pasu), Inspector-General of Police and other top police officers on the Internet by both named and anonymous websites, and the failure to take satisfactory action to protect government credibility, integrity and authority.

“Some 14 weeks ago Malaysians were shocked by news reports of RM5.5 million ‘Freedom for Sale’ allegations accusing the Deputy Internal Security Minister of releasing three men held under the Emergency Ordinance which appeared on an anonymous website with the heading: “Datuk Johari — The Most Powerful But Corrupted Deputy Minister”.

“Immediately, the IGP called for an ‘open and fair’ investigation into the allegations, declaring that the allegations cannot be dismissed as baseless, until the investigation was completed.

“However, although the Anti-Corruption Agency had completed its investigations into the RM5.5 million ‘Freedom for Sale’ allegations ‘shortly after’ the deputy minister was questioned by ACA officials on March 19 and that the investigation papers were in the hands of the prosecution division, and the Deputy Minister himself had repeatedly called for the outcome of the investigations to be made public, the country is still kept in the dark about the outcome of the ACA investigations.

“On June 3 and 9, 2007 the Malaysia-Today news portal carried two articles by Raja Petra Kamaruddin in his seires ‘The Corridor of Power’ on organized crime and the Police, alleging corruption and abuses power implicating the IGP and top police officers, including a RM2 million corruption allegation against the IGP.

“What actions have been taken to investigate the serious allegations against IGP and top police officers in the Malaysia-Today articles?”

Thank you.

Yang benar,

(Lim Kit Siang)
Ketua Pembangkang