Abdullah’s Vision 2057 – do the imaginable before talking about unimaginable

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The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi could not have chosen a worse time to broach his Vision 2057 for the nation to achieve the unimaginable, when what is imaginable seems beyond the grasp of the Abdullah premiership.

Abdullah is suffering from a grave denial syndrome if he is not aware that Malaysians are increasingly concerned that under his leadership, Vision 2020 is not only out of reach, he has also reneged on his 2004 general election promises to lead a clean, efficient, incorruptible, transparent, progressive, just and people-oriented administration prepared to hear the truth from the people.

This is the Vision 2057 that Abdullah painted last night:

“A hundred years of Merdeka would see this society, this nation achieve the unimaginable. We will have Nobel laureates, truly global corporations, respected and market-leading brands, internationally acclaimed poets and artists, among the largest number of scientific patents in the world and even the best football team in Asia.

“Our students and professors will dominate Ivy League universities and our own universities will be citadels of excellence for international scholars.

“We will be pioneers in alternative energy, drawing on our strength in biofuels. Our cities will be the most liveable on the globe, blending cosmopolitan facilities that are rooted in a tolerant and just societal ethos.

“This is the Malaysia in my dreams for 2057. One hundred years of independence, one hundred years of advancement.”

Abdullah has been badly served by his advisers, who do not seem to realize that the Prime Minister is stretching to the limit the credulity of Malaysians to paint a visionary picture of Malaysia in 2057 when things in more and more fronts seem to be falling apart, best illustrated by the nation’s failure in the past 44 months to make the transition from “First-World Infrastructure, Third-World Mentality” to “First-World Infrastructure, First-World Mentality” or to prevent backsliding to “Third-World Infrastructure, Fourth-rate Mentality, nine-rate Maintenance”.

Yesterday, Abdullah let down Malaysians for more reasons than one.

Firstly, he disappointed Malaysians who had expected him to honour his public announcement two weeks ago that a new government delivery system would be launched and implemented yesterday.

Addressing Kuala Lumpur City Hall officials during a one-day tour of the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 1st June, 2007, Abdullah said he had instructed the National Physical Planning Committee attended by all Mentris Besar, Chief Ministers and several Ministers in Putrajaya two days earlier “to ensure that the government machinery is prepared to implement the new government delivery system in 13 days”, i.e. on June 14 yesterday.

The Prime Minister said:

“I hope the ministers will follow up on this matter. This is important as we only have 13 days to go. We want them to monitor the state of preparedness to carry out the new government delivery system.

“We want them to call up department heads to make sure that everything is in place for the implementation.”

Abdullah said that it was necessary to ensure there were no glitches that could frustrate the people who harboured high hopes following the government’s announcement two months ago that the delivery system would be improved.

Where is this new public service delivery system which Abdullah promised two weeks ago?

Secondly, Abdullah shocked Malaysians with his response to the United States Government listing of Malaysia among the human trafficking offenders, saying that the government had drafted a Bill on human trafficking that would impose severe penalties on the perpetrators of the crime and that he hoped that the Bill would be passed in the forthcoming meeting of Parliament beginning on Monday.

In actual fact, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Bill was passed by the Dewan Rakyat on May 9, and among the MPs who took part in the debate were DAP MPs Dr. Tan Seng Giaw (Kepong), M. Kulasegeran (Ipoh Barat), Fong Po Kuan (Batu Gajah) and Teresa Kok (Seputeh). The Bill was passed by the Senate on May 24.

How could the Prime Minister be so misinformed as to make a faux pax as to publicly state that the Bill has yet to be sent to Parliament for passage?

Although the Prime Minister’s mistake was corrected by the mainstream media in the newspapers today, the error had been carried worldwide by international news wires yesterday and reported by the media in foreign countries.

Thirdly, it was also reported yesterday that the Prime Minister will be making a nine-day official visit to Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Italy starting next Monday.

This is most shocking as Monday is the reconvening of Parliament. Shouldn’t the Prime Minister be setting a better example to the Cabinet Ministers about giving priority attention to their parliamentary duties instead of escaping from their parliamentary responsibilities by going overseas? Where is all the talk and commitment to have a “First-World Parliament”?

Fourthly, why the complete silence and inaction from Abdullah, who is also the Internal Security Minister, about the horrendous reports of crime and lawlessness in the country, particularly in Johore Baru — creating fear and alarm among Malaysians, visitors and investors that the Police have lost control of the crime situation despite the recent RM8 billion civil service salary revision where the police are given an additional 20% increase?

109 Replies to “Abdullah’s Vision 2057 – do the imaginable before talking about unimaginable”

  1. who ever wrote the speech for him must be in a state of shock or high on something..2057???? I read this news today mornin in the papers and he has never to many being an IMAGINATIVE person and thought he has the power to look into the future 2057 what would Malaysia be by then.

    Current situation he cant handle and he could look into the future that far ahead. Well, the whole nation knows what is going to happen if he keep this up.,

    If he was giving a speech on environmental impact or global warming or about the rain forest..I believe many would know what would happen by 2057 BUT about Malaysia’s progress?? LOL!

    With this speech, AAB joins the ranks of [deleted]..like many of his cabinet members are today.

    Just stick to vision 2020…dont have to look at crystal balls to look into the future, Just LOOK at the RAKYAT’s eyes!

    I am beginning to find our current prime minister to be annoying, the more limelight he gets from publicity or exposure or coverage, the more I find him not suitable to lead the nation soon.

    General Election is coming..I dont know when but when it does, Rakyat should vote the PERSON not the PARTY! Hope we would be wiser this time around!

    Good luck to us all!

  2. A better “jual ubat” claim would be:–
    “A billion years of Merdeka would see this society, this nation achieve the unachievable. We will have bases on the Moon and on Mars, sapuing all the Nobel Prizes every year, the largest number of scientific patents in the universe and even the best football and netball teams in the galaxy. And the NEP will still be in place”

  3. i noticed the PM is forever running away from parliament
    uncle lim, can you get him to come for a meeting? last time he came to parliament was i think for budget talk… does he always need to go for lawatan sambil belajar at rakyat’s expense?
    wow italy somemore… shopping la.
    we are a doomed country if this continues.

  4. What a man AAB has become! I use to defend him and hope for the light at the end of the tunnel turning to be something that will clean up the mess left by TDM. Now as I get closer to that light, it’s becoming clearly that of an oncoming train – no stopping the disaster of the country reverting to a third world status. TDM thought he has brought the country out to compete with the rest of the world. He was until he thinks he is the country and the world no longer matters. Now AAB tries to show that the world is still there and the country is just an illusionist trick which he is trying to bring out into a real state of political correctness. But he bundles as he trudges on, and keeps on bundling to such an extent that he is now talking gibberish to obscure all the mistakes. Look like the sagas of “The Emperor wear No Clothes” and “The Cyclop is the King in the Kingdom of the Blind” will continue for a long while yet. “MALAYSIA BOLEHHHHHHHHHH” I scream as I plunge down from the Petronas Towers. Fine.

  5. Aiyah, why batter the poor man. He already said it very clearly mah “This is the Malaysia in my dreams for 2057. One hundred years of independence, one hundred years of advancement.”

    Dream only okay – not reality!!!

  6. Carry on dreaming, Mr Prime Minister. In 2057, Bodohland will be known for sending their womenfolk to work as maids in Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and this will be Bodohland’s main source of earnings.

  7. Pak Lah can’t even see around the corner, let alone 2057!

    Never heard of anything so mad (and that’s literal) in all my years of management experience and education. One speaks of an annual plan, a half-yearly or quarterly review; long-range plans of 5 years, maybe 10 years at the longest. Beyond that, it’s so dark; to borrow (or paraphrase) Ben Carson’s (that world-famous paediatric neurosurgeon who separates Siamese twins) words: it’s like trying to see through thick and dense jungle in pitch darkness without a light.

    So, Pak Lah – don’t call it a Vision. That’s an awful misnomer. I don’t know which stupid Oxon nut coined that nonsense. Call it a Dream. Say like Martin Luther King Jr: ‘I have a Dream…I dream that in 2057 Malaysia will be…”. And then set yourself to work on it. Don’t just dream and drool like a couch potato!

    It’s fine to dream…it’s better to act…PROACTIVELY now! There’s so much garbage and shit in the BN’s backyard and in the Malaysian government. There is no need to dream about cleaning up the shit. Just take the shovel and get to work. Dreams don’t get you anywhere when there is work at hand.

    Pak LAh, the honeymoon is long over. GET REAL…you have nothing to show after 4 yrs of prime ministership. You have nowhere to hide yr face now. And now there is Jeanne…there is no more excuse. Step down from yr dream world and step into the real world where difficult decisions must be made and clever decisions have to be executed.

    Get REAL, Pak Lah. Shame on you, old man!

  8. I have written before that the PM is a lousy public speaker, especially in English.

    That speech was really painful to watch – he was really fumbling with simple words and also using vague and visionary(?) words like “ethos”.

    He should get a new speechwriter who can write more simple speeches. Unless really you understand a speech drafted by someone else, you will appear foolish delivering the speech and can even appear ridiculous.

    If I were the PM with a similar speech problem, I will cut limit such speeches. Maybe a maximum of one speech a day and get competent ministers and deputy ministers to do more speeches on my behalf.

    That speech was a major PR disaster.

  9. The grave security situation in JB has prompted the Chinese community there to stage a 100000 signature campaign calling the government n the police to act fast n effectively to control the situation.This news is the headline in all Chinese dailies reflecting the seriousness of the security problem in JB.Surprisingly I failed to see this news item in the Star.Any explanation?

    The police has been blamed again for their incompetence.On Tuesday 12.6.2007,a young Chinese couple was robbed in JB.The man was severely wounded and the woman was gang raped by four Malay robbers.One good samaritan nearby tried to call the police.But he was made a turnaround from the Larkin police station,and to Tampo P.S. and then to the Central P.S. in JB.On the way this samaritan even alerted a patrol car on duty at a roadside.They also failed to act .Please read the details carried by Sin Chew Daily on 13.6.07.

    Despite the steep salary hike for the police,they are still so inept and inefficient.So what can the public do? Stay indoor all the time, try to protect yourselves and play safe.So is 2020 still relevent?let alone 2057.

  10. By 2057, aab would have already been dead. no need for accountability then. now can talk about being the hub of this and that, the best of this and that, all syok sendiri only.

    Analyzing what he said:
    1) We will have Nobel laureates – Brain Drain la. Nobel Rempits OK.
    2) Global corporations, respected and market-leading brands: With how the economy of bodoh-land is going, dream on.
    3) Internationally acclaimed poets and artists: Like semi value?
    4) Among the largest number of scientific patents: Kelapa sawit again?
    5) best football team in Asia: they play like school kids. best my ass

    6) Our students and professors will dominate Ivy League universities: Most malaysian students and profs in Ivy Leagues are there on their own accord and hard work. None of your NEP rempit churning schools have anything to do with this. Dont leech on others’ hard work and success.
    7) universities will be citadels of excellence for international scholars: Has he been sleeping all the while when so many people are talking about our uni slipping down a slope?

    8) biofuels: burning your crap to cook is not the type of biofuel that we have in mind.
    9) Our cities will be the most liveable on the globe: does he not know that crime rate is shotting sky high and soon we may hear about his mansion being raided by robbers and looters.
    10) rooted in a tolerant and just societal ethos: racial and religious discrimination is at an all time high.

    Seriously, everything that comes out from his mouth is all syok sendiri without having even the slightest idea of what is at ground zero.

  11. I agree with yokozuna58 – “Dream only okay – not reality!!!”

    Our PM’s role in the country is to create a FEEL GOOD factor without having to be resposible for what he said. Guess where he will be in year 2057? Rakyat Malaysia will never be able to hold him accountable for his ‘Vision 2057’…

  12. We are on a slippery slope to oblivion with the incessant brain drain, the tilted playing field, the bloated civil service, the enforcers of the law in cahoots with criminals, the merciless theft of public funds by the ruling party, a shaky judiciary, etc etc. If there is any Malaysian who becomes a Nobel laureate or a professor par excellence, it is in spite of the broken system, not because of it.

    Asia’s best football team ? Maybe if we can’t beat the rest, we can always buy them off.

  13. Kit,

    I think this is more than pedantics.

    // A hundred years of Merdeka would see this society, this nation achieve the unimaginable. //

    Clearly, the ghost writer for the PM is able to imagine the unimaginable.

    // “We will have Nobel laureates, truly global corporations, respected and market-leading brands, internationally acclaimed poets and artists, among the largest number of scientific patents in the world and even the best football team in Asia.

    “Our students and professors will dominate Ivy League universities and our own universities will be citadels of excellence for international scholars.

    “We will be pioneers in alternative energy, drawing on our strength in biofuels. Our cities will be the most liveable on the globe, blending cosmopolitan facilities that are rooted in a tolerant and just societal ethos.” //

    As can be seen from the above quotations, the ghost writer has a fertile imagination, and is able to come up with these lofty, ludricous, laughable, loony list of wishful wishlist. The spin master is certainly able to imagine these far-out hopelessly unattainable targets – so they are not unimaginable.

    The key question is – are they do-able?

    So, I suggest you twist your topic heading around to say “Imagine the Do-able” instead of “Do the imaginable”.

    After all, it is very easy imagine. I can imagine myself flying through the sky by flapping my arms – but is that do-able?

    Malaysian umnonauts landing on the Sun is also imaginable…

  14. This need to paint glorious pictures periodically seem to be a permanent character of our political leadership. There is nothing wrong with a bit of day dreaming I suppose. The problem is when the day-dreaming and the reality start mixing together and what you get is well, always something wrong.

  15. its very sad that the poor chinese girl is a victim. that one incident will scar her for life. how can people with power here continues to be the one holding the power when they do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Ong Kata Nothing of MCA… what are you gonna do for your chinese people?? i really feel scared for my female relatives in Msia. what kind of a country is this when people are not safe to go out at night? im very unhappy with the situation and our pak dont know lah just jalan2 lawatan sambil belajar while your countrymen are either getting really fanatic or becoming fearful of staying here.
    Its no wonder the majority of the non-malays are leaving.. the Govt has not bothered about its people but only wants to help its own pocket.
    its a sad sad situation. very sad

  16. What did Jeanne cook for him to eat until so high like that???

    Also, Russia? Italy??? Going there for honeymoon and buy Gucci beg his new wife maybe???

    Aiya with this kind of thinking, sure die 9 9.

    Seems very obvious that he know 2020 will not happen, so he do an early diversion and throw the benchmark to 2057 lor…

    But suspicious on why he do this…Maybe he can be sure that he will still be PM by 2020? So that he make the news now, so later no need hassle to explain much?

    But what if he can’t tahan that long? What if by 2019 he kantoi?

    Maybe he have his son to replace him by then?

    So many questions…But all is one answer…haiz….

  17. Talking about the JB case, it’s a real sad case. Our enforcement officers are at fault here.
    There are nothing much as citizen or Malaysian can do, let alone to those Johorean. It’s been like a cowboy town since the past few years. News like these are quite common too.
    Nowadays, they just getting out of control.
    In this country, color of the skin do matters. The main important survival skill we need is who you know.
    I used to travel down to JB on a monthly basis dueto business dealings and lately, businesses are rather slow that most of my dealings are through phone calls only.
    Honestly, Johorean non-Malay should really take care of their own security abd stop relying on authorities.
    I still remember about a case whereby a top police officer were robbed and murdered in his home in Kulai a few years back. In matter of a few days, the police rounded up almost 700 illegals as suspects. The case become a top priority because it’s involved their own kind and own team. What if, it’s just a Mr Ah Kau or Mr Thamby ?
    I’m not trying to raise a racism subject here. However, as all fellow Malaysian would agreed, that’s life here.
    I believe that all Johorean that felt that they need full attention from the Government on this matter should start their own safety campaign and curfew.
    Seriously, don’t go out after 7.00pm everyday unless nessecary.
    Keep away from public activities and stay within your own community.
    Do that for a month. Enough effects will then invites authorities to act.
    This will never happens in the case of Johorean.
    It’s just a plain sad situation…
    God Bless.

  18. AAB’s vision is a fantastic joke of the century,
    Uncle Kit’s saying is the down to earth wisom of the millennium.
    When a man has not brain to sort out the hard reality of the present
    He fantasizes about the nebulous dreams of the future.

  19. dream on mr pm, you are very high up in the skies when you made this speech. you will need to drop down to the ground, and will need to drop down hard to wake yourself up. dream on that you will still be around and in power to see this dream of yours.
    kit-san, you are very right, the people in power are suffering severely from denial syndrome, fed by the power crazy lots who write beautiful speeches for the pm. the ge is coming and i am sure, i want to bet my last ringgit, that a reform is due. the people’s voices will be heard.

  20. Unfortunately, he doesn’t come across as if he knew what he is talking about.
    “… the largest number of scientific patents” makes no sense. To introduce the adjective ‘scientific’ to ‘patents’ must be his invention; there is nothing like that.
    Also, why should we ‘ketuanan’ other countries’ universities: “Our students and professors will dominate Ivy League universities” ? Would it not be more than enough (and even more) to have our own institutions as respected as those of the Ivy League ?

    In principle the PM is irresponsible here. Offering castles in the sky over two and a half generations does get some citizens glowing in the dark. But the implied promise of the land of milk and honey is overstepping the humble attitude that I personally had always attributed to him.

  21. To my belove Prime Minister, before you dream about the year 2057,
    let us talk about present, what happen to JB which Jimm bring out?
    What is your Police Force plan to do or dream to do or still dreamming? And what about the Police car, where 3 police officer refuse to help the victim’s brother who seek their help?
    Or is it its only and isolate case, because everywhere in the world may also happen?
    I believe, if this case is not taken seriously, by the year 2057, hand gun will be like hand phone selling at every corner of the shopping complex. Every one need to keep their own hand gun to protect themself.

  22. As for PM, he just renew his youthful life with JA. He is trying his best to be the man of the year. I believe most of us have these kind of ‘feel’ before , right ??
    PM just seek to have a second chance to do things all over again.
    All we should do is to pray for his quest to be a adventurous one and able to keep all Malaysian moving forward rather than lost of direction.

  23. “This is the Malaysia in my dreams for 2057. One hundred years of independence, one hundred years of advancement.”

    – Hey, he did say that’s his dreams for 2057. He has lost all credibility, lost all control of the day to day running of this nation, so all he can do now is, dream on……..!

    I gave my fullest attention, watched him read his speech and was aghast! Agree he is badly served and ill-advised by his 4th floor boys. They have made a fool of the Prime Minister. They should all be sacked, what an embarrassment!

  24. To all johoreans, keep a baseball bat or crowbar or anything which can deal serious damage to any assilants within the driver’s reach. you would not know when these sex crazy gangs will come and haunt you again.
    anyway, juz going on a guess here, it seems like this problem of thugs, robbers and rapists are so abundant in johor which coincidentally is umno’s stronghold. are they actually letting these scums out to terrorize the non-bumis so that they will leave and so there will be less voters for the opposition?
    sounds quite similar to project M of letting more indos into sabah. i wont b suprised if it is true.

  25. 2057 he wont be around. Some of our kids will. Tough bananas. You think he cares? You think you care? If you do, then you should be doing something about it besides passing comments here. All of you have to shoulder the blame for putting an ineffective individual as PM.

    Any PM would outline the steps to get to teh destination….this guy instead stumbles through his speech and eventually…..zzzzz

  26. you know wat, i rather paying protection fee to gangster to look after the city than relying on police. They’re ruthless but quick, efficient and reliable, if they got paid. I think if gangster handle the case, it will take very soon all the culprit got caught and get quick very “deserving” punishment.

  27. It finally happened. He lost it.

    This is what happend when a not so bright man is surrounded by a bunch of not so bright men. You get a dark room with no light. all they do is close their eyes and get high on pretty pictures they conjure up in their mind. Maybe they will open their eyes when somebody shine bright light in their faces.

    Will it happen when the next general election comes?

  28. //Prime Minister will be making a nine-day official visit to Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Italy starting next Monday.//

    This is Bad-awi honey moon!
    How nice, flying in a big plane, staying in 5-star hotels and every cent is paid by the rakyats!

    Would be interesting to know who else are accompanyng Bad-awi besides Jean.

    Also, wonder what kind of issues he will be discussing with Bosnia and Herzegovinia leaders, more aids?

  29. hey hey… we still have another 13 years for 2020, right? can’t he just at least try to get half of the challenges done first before aiming for the moon? wait… he’s aiming for the black hole right now! as i said, we need a new cabinet filled with new blood. new YOUNGER blood. now new people who are decrepit and senile. oh Lord, somebody stop these fellas!

  30. Pak Lah can dream Malaysia up as an Utopia on earth (for the malay) and the second and third class citizens who pay all the taxes……. he should wake up and do something right now….

    A whole lot of people are dreaming along with him.

    As saying goes, “keep doing the same thing, don’t expect different results”

    That Pak Lah to start doing something right is just a wish… it would not come true.

    UMNO is a corrupted mechinery that exist from one supporting another to keep the status quo, benefiting thier own self interest.

    Come on everyone, treat his speech as just a joke and you will get some laugh out of it.

  31. When this old man cannot solve the critical problems faced by the nation, what he can do is to keep dreaming and telling its people his sweet dreams. It’s a cheap strategy to gain votes from the citizens without brain. Pak Lah is totally hopeless………

  32. Bravo ! Bravo ! What a visionary speech that is ! I feel like I am in some starship with the Commander saying ” going where no man has gone before “. Wow ! So very uplifting ! Something new instead of the everyday boring routine. Nothing like dreaming when things get tough. I keep wondering why must people say things that are so out of this world. May be only a group of people will get to experience the reality of the vision / dream and the rest will just be left out of the picture without ever asking why. There are more common people on the street than the uncommon ones who make it to the stage. Which one of these two groups of people actually represent the population on the whole ? But mind you, many more are joining the UMNO, many more are joining the Barisan Nasional in the hope that one day we will live in such a dynamic society where there is not even one single problem. Sounds like heaven, don’t you think ? Oh yeah, some 24 year old being the leader. 24 years of rice intake compared to 80 years of rice intake. When you put a presenile 50 year old together with an inexperienced 25 year old together, you have the greatest party here on Earth. So let’s partyyy !!!

  33. Hey people, he has already achieved the unimaginable?!!!
    1) unimaginable incompetent ministers
    2) unimaginable crime
    3) unimaginable corruption
    4) unimaginable cronism
    5) unimagineble floods
    6) unimaginable ……………please continue!

  34. Yeah,,,,,sotong said it rightly,,,,the PM is still on his honeymoon and not thinking right. Hopefully, when he is, he will realise the numbers in his goal setting are wrong. It should perhaps be: My plans to take on my cabinet ministers and ,,,,,,,,,,,,

    ,,,,,these are gettng very much on my nerves. Kit-san, do you have any vacancy for a middle-age politician like me? I have lots to say, voice to shout, minds to prick, and lots more ,,,,,

  35. 6) unimaginable racism
    7) unimaginable discrimination
    8) unimaginable arrogance
    9) unimaginable ignorance
    10) unimaginable stupidity
    11) unimaginable Map Rempits
    12) unimaginable water leaking
    13) unimaginable inefficiency….

  36. My God! Pak Lah’s PR boys are making him look more and more stupid with each passing day!

    He looks so stupid on TV trying or straining to look as if he knows what he is talking about…straining to look as if he is in control.

    Malaysia is on auto-pilot downhill!

    PR boys – listen. Just issue the Press releases. And let PAk Lah kiss and hold the babies for photo-opps. That way he looks better.

  37. When one fails to think, one imagines….
    When one fails to imagine, one dreams….
    When one fails to dream, one dies….
    When one still fails to die after failing all the above,
    One lives in a LIE….

    My father taught me that.
    Although I can’t wish him this to him anymore, since he’s gone.
    I’m sending my best wishes to all fathers of the world….

    PM forgot to mention in his speech that by 2057, Malaysia’s cyber technology is so great and outta this world, Malaysians can send emails to their loved ones in Thy Kingdom Come.

  38. Let’s help him with an excuse – He is overworked, he badly needs rest. Let him have his honeymoon and come back hopefully a “happy” Prime Minister who will turun padang. But before he goes off, he needs to sack all those idiots around him.

  39. BODOHland can spend RM500 million each as yearly Donations to
    both Cambridge and Oxford Universities in order to secure seats for
    the BODOHs…

    One can also spend RM1000 million (RM1.0 Billion) as yearly Donations to Nobel Prize Foundation to secure seats for BODOHland
    Scientists and Professors…. What say YOU?

  40. “We will have Nobel laureates, truly global corporations, respected and market-leading brands, internationally acclaimed poets and artists, among the largest number of scientific patents in the world…
    our own universities will be citadels of excellence…We will be pioneers in alternative energy…Our cities will be the most liveable on the globe…”

    Question: How can Malaysia achieve all these while other countries cannot?

    Answer: Other countries do not have the NEP

  41. -He is overworked, he badly needs rest.-

    in peace, may i add?

    i bet che det is laughing his underwear off when he heard that. if you want to develop a country, develop the people first, starting with yourself. that is what i believe. that means we have to eradicate all the mat rempits and mat gians, we have to flush all the corrupted politicians (pas, bn, dap, keadilan, whatever. if you’re corrupt, face the axe!), we need to kick sammy blue out of the country, and make sure there’s a price on kj’s head.

    then we need to eradicate poverty, establish better education policy, launch a genocide against these contractors who managed to embarrass us with the leaking and flooding incidents, revise the constitution for a better racial and religious integration, and so on, and so forth. THEN only we talk about nobel prize, harvard and cambridge. you don’t expect to have a harvard graduate who spends his time perfecting the art of rempit, do you?

    now, do i talk like a decent politician? vote for me then hahaha

  42. Let’s be understanding: New Grooms don’t sleep clean! Jeanne has to take a fair share of the blame. Give him more time. By the way, in fifty year’s time, Lina Joy can be Malay and Muslim. It would take us that long to progress that far, but arrive we will!

  43. ///This is the Vision 2057 that Abdullah painted last night:

    “A hundred years of Merdeka would see this society, this nation achieve the unimaginable. We will have Nobel laureates, truly global corporations, respected and market-leading brands, internationally acclaimed poets and artists, among the largest number of scientific patents in the world and even the best football team in Asia.

    “Our students and professors will dominate Ivy League universities and our own universities will be citadels of excellence for international scholars.

    “We will be pioneers in alternative energy, drawing on our strength in biofuels. Our cities will be the most liveable on the globe, blending cosmopolitan facilities that are rooted in a tolerant and just societal ethos.

    “This is the Malaysia in my dreams for 2057. One hundred years of independence, one hundred years of advancement.” ///

    AAB has not said that the Malays, the towering ones that he sees in his dream, are not home grown Malays. Of course with the policies that he adopts for the BN government, he does not see a role for non-Malays in his dream. Indeed come 2057, non-Malays might account for not more than 10% of the total population.

    With Mohd Rustum Ali’s statement about the ease in the entry into the Malay race, Bolehland can expect to draw from over a billion muslims around the world, those who have achieved success in life through the so-called silver hair programme, and call them Malays, and then feel proud that Malays are ‘on top of the world tower’.

    Malaysia has wasted fifty years and has not started on the correct steps for the next fifty years to become a country where the people can live without the threat of social unrest out of jealousy. [deleted]

  44. Actually, what Loh said above, just got me thinking. Perhaps what AAB said might just come true, except they will be done by ex-Malaysians.

    “Our students and professors will dominate Ivy League universities and our own universities will be citadels of excellence for international scholars.”

    The first part is already true to a certain extent. Malaysian students can be found in the Ivy League universities, in Oxbridge, etc. There are top Malaysian professors in Australian university. The late world famous heart surgeon Victor Chang was a Malaysian.

    Ex-Malaysian Olivia Lum invented NeWater…

    The second part, nah…..

  45. The problems and issues of yesterday & today pertaining to bread & butter have not, could not yet be resolved, and yet Abdullah is dreaming up his dream in the year 2025, what a mockery and ridicule. Just like the characteristic of certain race here, they like to day dream (berangan-angan), and manna will drop from heaven.

  46. Maybe in 2057 the nobel prize committee may decide to set a certain quota for malay every year. By then this bodohland may be very influential and can dominate the bodoh Umnoputera to win the ‘piss’ prize

    “A hundred years of Merdeka would see this society, this nation achieve the unimaginable. We will have beggars on the street, bankrupted corporations, clones of respected and market-leading brands, self-proclaimed poets (Samy Vellu) and artists, among the largest number of scientific patents breached cases in the world and even the worst football team in the world.”

    “Our students and professors will dominate the poorest standard among the Afrika League universities and our own universities will be citadels of pain and torture, for other scholars of other race.”

    “We will be pioneers in medieval energy, drawing on our strength in illegal logging. Our cities will be the least liveable on the globe, barren land that are rooted in a pathetic and racist societal ethos.

    “This is the Malaysia in REALITY (Couldn’t agree more with Badawi here by using the original word ‘dreams’! It’s in fact a dream, else he would have said this is my goal!) for 2057. One hundred years of authoritarian leadership, one hundred years of backwardness.”

  48. Twenty over years ago we talk about a develop Malaysia in 2020. Now that 2020 is getting near and with a new PM which from day one is having a honeymoon, and who promise us heaven but lead us to hell now needs another 37 more years (2057) to do it. The next PM if he can survive near to 2057 will change it to 2107. UMNO is good only for chasing rainbows.

  49. don’t know if he will remain PM much longer…All he needs to do is to paint some pretty “visionary” goals to lift the ego of the party members of U and naturally the people on the ground for the coming elections.

    Whether its achievable or not is the problem of the next PM whoever that may be.

    Maybe his son-in-law is trying to make him Bush like i.e. no grey matter in the head just open the mouth and talk. Difference is Bush has a big team of capable people whereas the current government is filled with mostly morons-whose abilities and intellect are summarised by a big question mark!

  50. Bodohman does not know how to count.

    100 years is the year 2056, and 2057 would be 101 years.

    I am going to use 10 years as a simple demonstration, let’s start from 1957, 10 years down the road (I use 10 because bodohman can still use his 10 little fingers) will be 1966.

    Will bodohman wake up and stop being the NATIONAL JOKE?

  51. Unc Kit, I thought I just stayed behind and enjoying the reading. Somehow, I think its dangerous without giving a shared thought or two to the existing perennial problems.

    There is always some kind of basic data for you to work on long term scenario even up to 50 years. For someone of the that stature, its unthinkable to opt for such ambiguous “remark” plugged from the sky! A wishful thought out of nothing, I would say-nothing of substance.

    But, the underline is important politically. The diversion -sublime topic is that 2020 would see something of an environment not better than Indonesia. 50 years down the road would be somewhere between Afgan and with proper “planning” could landed with an Asean “Iran” or “Iraq” of the present condition.

    The dreams had diverted the public from this highly probable scenario of chaos, and public insecurity right down to superficially boasting human resources (whitewashing)to be par excellence. A very strong sense of societal denial and superiority complex. Up todate, most…ALL “achievables” are superficial without substance. Across the board from ministerial work to students are sadly without substance. We can cheat people sometimes, but not all the times. We can cheat Malaysians most of the times, but not proven people even one time!

    You have questioned that for the last 50 years, there are 1 million Malaysians who had mirgated due to “push factor” and not “pull factor”. What had happened in the last 50 years? What had been done to the human resources in the basic learning? If you look around you will see graduate of zombies with a chop on the forehead signifying he was trained in that “mental institution” and nothing more than that!

    Having just these two factors, how else can you move forward? With the present of less than mediocracy works (is “less than” and not just mediocracy per se)- you see everywhere from toilets to highways, from student performance to ministerial performance, its

    The list will not end. The dreams will not end. Migration will not end and even greater. The discrimination will not end. The end will not end! I am losing myself now…

  52. ““Our students and professors will dominate Ivy League universities and our own universities will be citadels of excellence for international scholars.” Prime Minister of Malaysia

    I’d say “Dream on Mr. Prime Minister”.

    I am a product of both and I know where the difference lies. Assuming that standards of Ivy League universities in the U.S> stagnate for a hundred years, Malaysia would still not be able to catch up!

    We know why for the last twenty years and yet we let our institutions of ‘higher learning’ deteriorate to nothing better than institutions of ‘no-learning’. Ministers know why since they keep sending their sons and daughters overseas. They have no confidence in the system of education they themselves set up, politicized for the last three decades or so as it has been. It has played havoc with standards and will continue to do so unless there is a change in government.

  53. “We will be pioneers in alternative energy, drawing on our strength in biofuels. Our cities will be the most liveable on the globe, blending cosmopolitan facilities that are rooted in a tolerant and just societal ethos.” Prime Minister

    Did someone put kas-kas in his curry??

  54. In keeping with the dream(nightmare) of the Malaysian Prime Minister, it is henceforth announced that starting from 2057, in accordance with the requisites of the NEP, 50% of the annual presentation of the Nobel Prizes, that is the awards for Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and Economics, will go to Malaysians, however undeserving they might be. The rest of the useless world will get the remaining 50% of the 6 prizes.

    By order of
    The Nobel Prize Selection Committee,

  55. Uuummm, I wonder if the Prime Minister ever read the news – the newspapers or the internet. It’ll be interesting to know if he is aware of the embarrassment that he has caused? He should keep up with the times, visit blogs to read our comments, hilarious or otherwise …stinking. It will do him alot of good.

  56. Yes, you can have dream, but please show us some workable plans first. How you achieve all these within 50 years from now on when we are still so far behind others!! unless you are using the same tactics again as usual i.e. holding others back and refuse others the opportunity to study, to do business, to do any other things other than letting your same stock to do so, this dream will definitely come true as there’s no competition at all, only competing among yourselves!!
    As the saying goes, Rome is not built in a day, so be realistic! please dont think that others will sit back and relax while you progress or dream!!! May be this will happen sooner than later if only Malaysia is left on this earth!!! read my lips.

  57. 2057? HAHA….What I do know is India and China is far far ahead of us and if you compare Bolehland with Kiasuland it will be like comparing Ethiopia and Sweden now and of course everyone also knows AAB is 6ft undergound.

  58. “A hundred years of Merdeka would see this society, this nation achieve the unimaginable. We will have Nobel laureates, truly global corporations, respected and market-leading brands, internationally acclaimed poets and artists, among the largest number of scientific patents in the world and even the best football team in Asia.”

    Haha….if our football team can’t beat Singapore and Thailand, AAB dream of beating Japan, Korea and China? Haha…what a joke.

    Artists? P Ramlee is still the best, you can’t have another better.

    global corporations? Yes Robert Kuok is truly #1 but he live in HK.

    market-leading brands; AAB brother’s Nasi Kandang stall in Perth? but that already closed shop isn’t it?

    “Our students and professors will dominate Ivy League universities and our own universities will be citadels of excellence for international scholars.”

    Haha…another stupid joke…a real dreamer! Ivy of the African League…he missed the word “African”.

    “We will be pioneers in alternative energy, drawing on our strength in biofuels. Our cities will be the most liveable on the globe, blending cosmopolitan facilities that are rooted in a tolerant and just societal ethos.

    Yes! most liveable to Mat Rampet and the rats of course…haha!

  59. Gosh, Badawi has this magnificent gift of creating Badawism’s, just like how George has this uncanny ability to create Bushism’s. Are they long-lost twins or something?

    In 2057, none of us will be around. So let’s preserve Badawi’s words in a time capsule, so that future generations can have a good laugh!

  60. I am not sure during 2057 = 100 years of Merdeka !! Even now 50 Tahun Merdeka also less promotion.

    2057 all of us will be dead. Those new generation taking over. Who going to remember all of us one day.

    Can malaysia Football Team compete in World CUP? or maybe can stage world CUP.

    2057 years….All Hitech world!!! No food..just taking pills..no more excercise. Internet speed 900mbps. I think no more airasia. All having private jet.

    I agree with you 4th_wife. Maybe Sudirman the best artis and most creative artis ever with P.Ramlee.

    Lets Rock all!! 2057 MAn!!!! This we call Wawasan 2057

  61. “This is the Malaysia in my dreams for 2057. One hundred years of independence, one hundred years of advancement.” PM Abdullah

    Thank you. Now please step down.

  62. LOL I think our dear PM needs to check his eyes. Surely his Vision is getting bad – cant see how else he would ‘see’ things so distortedly. If he wants I can recommend him the guy who does my specs.

  63. It looks like the country’s Penal Code has to be amended yet again – and this time to introduce a new offense i.e. the offense of having visions and misleading the public into thinking that a dead man could dream and have visions, when the only vision he sees is the wife next to him.

  64. LoL! wtf2,what u said I agree. Our current government is really filled wif morons-whose abilities and intellect are summarised by a big question mark!

    Wants to know about their education level is? Go my blog


  65. Before we start “planning” for Nobel Laureates and creating professors to “dominate” Ivy League universities
    and before we start beguiling ourselves of our educational institutions of becoming “citadels” of international scholars – let the PM and his government send his well paid government officers down to the roads when it rains heavily in Kuala Lumpur to find out where proper outlets have to be made to allow rain water to drain out – so that we will stop having flash floods NOW and not in 2057 or ever !!! I can personally issue a challenge to his overpaid govt officers who sit in the lap of luxury in their well cloistered offices at Putra Jaya – that if I am given just RM 10,000 to clear all the blocked drainage outlets – I can remedy the problem in less than a month – no need to wait another 50 years.

    “We will be pioneers in alternative energy

  66. There are two types of visionaries/dreamers:
    (1) Those who peep into the future, saw something that others could not have forseen, and then set out to realise that future through their own efforts;
    (2) Those who nod off with a full stomach, daydream of some impossible feats such as having the largest number of scientific patents in the world when university grads there are mostly unemployable, and then expect others and not himself to achieve that dream

  67. Samy vellu what la you
    Why your poem and his the same?
    Thought I heard the worst from you
    You go and bring another shame.

    I don’t mind if your hair a sham
    I can try to look away
    ‘Works’ only in name
    Never see you work one day

    I think I can read your mind
    You must be saying “you so free
    Nothing better to spend your time
    Than writing poem about me?

    Go out and get a life!”
    Pointing finger you’re famous for
    I will when my gun arrives
    Streets not safe like before

    So scared the police take their time
    Can you tell me which number to call?
    Now I brush my teeth at nine
    No need give me morning call

    But PM lifted my spirit somehow
    Two-O-five-seven sounds like fun
    Still it’s a long long way from now
    So I’ll wait for my sampan and gun

    Sampan can bring me home in time
    In case someone outsmart the tunnel
    Buy cheap stuff and keep the dime
    Money instead of water gets funneled

    The Parliament floor is easy to reach
    If you are water raining down the land
    DPM got a thing or two to preach
    About humor in bocorland

    I suspect it takes more than lovely poems
    To overstay your welcome
    The prosecutors’ seat is never warm
    Pray you teach them how to overcome

    Wish I can dream the crime away
    Think I better leave it to PM
    While he slowly drifts away
    You can dance from AM to PM

  68. PM won the most ridiculous dream prize, worthy of a Nobel Prize. [deleted]

    50 years from now – our population size is so out of control that we will receive a Nobel Prize for sending cheap labour and maids with degrees to other countries.

  69. lo an behold……………………
    the viagra start taking an effect!
    yepp.. why don’t make it a vision like 500 years from now?
    first and foremost..bloody clean up the all corrupt loyalist!
    then can talk about plan and so on …..
    2057…foreign media will have anyother fun day at work!!!!
    50 years…isk isk isk….

  70. The kind of leader we are having make everyone sick, Deng XioPing or LKY never speak like him but you can see real progress during their term and beyond. Even a man like the Klang’s Abang Satay house he can’t fire and he think he can make you and me believe in his dream. I don’t know what that sister-in-law of his did to him but certainly make him rejuvenated so he is dreaming he is one of the superhero. Oh God, please help Malaysia.

  71. Vision 2020 was mooted by Tun M,
    he passed the baton to Abdullah,

    Abdullah might felt time too short for him to achieve the vision,
    So he comes with a new EXTENSION vision… vision 2057,
    whether it is achieved or not…not his problem anymore… because the baton would be passed to Najib….or other Mr. PM……

    Then Najib or Mr PM would create another extension for Vision2057…
    his very own VISION 2088… OR VISION 2121?


  72. No surprise about that!

    Vision 2020…..get extension…… = vision 2057

    NEP also got extension…….until ….maybe forever……. as long as the people with the same mentality hold the power….

    So there is consistency……..the ‘kesinambungan’ they had been talking about from one election to another…..

  73. The Malaysian PM most ridiculed by his own people. That is the legacy that he is going to be remembered by. What a shame. We were expecting too much from him and we gave him a big mandate to rob us blind.

  74. “Vision 2020 was mooted by Tun M, he passed the baton to Abdullah”ReformMalaysia

    ..and then Abdullah dropped his baton, picked it up but dropped again and so it goes on. Now that he is a married man, we should expect him to drop his other baton.

  75. I think this Vision 2057 is another cheap talk to excite the mis-guided public and rural folks for the coming GE. Nothing the BN govt puts in place right now shows that we are moving in the right direction. AAB can’t even arrest the crime problem in JB and the flood in KL, let alone leading a nation towards achieving his day dream of 2057.

    Malaysia wants to go after the Nobel Prize? Sorry and dream on lah AAB, Nobel Prize does not have a NEP-quota for this award.

    Why would our students want to dominate the Ivy League when our deputy PM already said our universities will be like Ivy standard in a not too distant future? So what happens to this plan now?

    Want to be a leader in renewable energy? How much Petronas has achieved on this front? What the public can see is Petronas has always wanted to be associated with its so-called F1’s “technology” and nothing else for the environment. And with BP “Beyond Petroleum” now in the hand of a local company, I can’t wait to see their future plans , if there is any, for renewable energy.

    Talk is cheap, everyone can dream, you can have a dream AAB but that alone does not put you in the same league as Rev Martin Luther King and make you a legacy. He was a fighter for his people and a champion for the cause, and you are not. You are not at all…..dream…….dream……dream……..

  76. You guys are so weird! Some time back many of you
    suggested the PM needed to find himself a wife to pep up his spirits, so that he could get down to work, turun padang as expected of him. Well, now that he has surprised many with his great taste and choice of a life-partner and married her, she is now being blamed for his falling testoterone levels and “nyanyokness” ? Poor Jeanne.

  77. Dream on, PM, your impossible dream – a wet dream that gives you a temporary siok. Have jean will travel and a brain drained of blood, that’s what our PM has become. Also, an international joker and clown – boastful without substance.

  78. “You guys are so weird!” Jong

    Are you married, Jong? Our PM now that he is married is all pumped up. The adrenalin should flow freely. He is no more the soccer captain always warming up but never really kicking any ball except his own.

    Let’s hope he scores a few goals this time!

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