Malaysia in US govt list of human trafficking offenders – Hamid should give full details in Ministerial statement to Parliament

Foreign Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar should present a Ministerial statement in Parliament on Monday giving a detailed rebuttal to the United States government’s inclusion of Malaysia on its list of human trafficking offenders.

It is not enough for Syed Hamid to brush aside the US government report as one-sided for not taking into account what Malaysia had been doing or just to express amazement as to how the US government could come up with such a report.

The listing of Malaysia in the US government list of human trafficking offenders must not be taken lightly.

Malaysians should not be left with having to accept either the Malaysian government or the US government claim without the facts, and this is why Hamid should present a detailed Ministerial statement in Parliament fully stating the case for Malaysia as to why it should not be included in any list, whether US government or otherwise, of human trafficking offenders.

In the Ministerial statement, Hamid should give a full report of the exchanges between the two governments on the issue, as there must be considerable interaction between the two governments before the inclusion of Malaysia in the US government list of human trafficking offenders. Let the entire file of the bilateral exchanges be made public. Continue reading “Malaysia in US govt list of human trafficking offenders – Hamid should give full details in Ministerial statement to Parliament”