Lim Kit Siang

Land Premiums for renewal of leases in Sarawak

by Sara Wak

The state BN leaders have already lost RM billions in First Silicon and Borneo Paper & Pulp projects, on the other hand they are trying to penalise the people for the mistakes that they made by imposing high land premiums for renewal of their lands.

How much has the State lost in the First Silicon and Borneo Paper & Pulp projects compared to the land premiums to be imposed by Taib and his government for land lease renewal?

Will the land premiums to be collected be sufficient to cover the RM billions which Taib and his government have lost in First Silicon and Borneo Paper & Pulp?

Who are to be held accountable for the losses? CM? The whole state Government?

Who were those responsible for making the decisions to invest in these projects?

Who were the ones who drafted the agreements not to cover Sarawak but to make the Government of Sarawak responsible for the loans taken out and having to pay the banks when the partners do not pay ?

The people of Sarawak have a right to know.

Where is the accountability? We demand an answer.

Let’s be transparent. We do not want to be continued to be cheated.

The RM billions lost belong to us just like shareholders in a company. The money does not belong to Taib and his cabinet.

If the cabinet made the decisions for the investments, they should resign honourably like directors in a company where they are entrusted by the shareholders to manage the company.

If Taib and his ministers have mismanaged Sarawak, they should resign and do not need to wait till the next election and continue to cheat the people.

We want our money back, the money belong to us and not Taib and his ministers alone.

Let’s have a profit and loss accounts for the years that Taib has been in power and see how well he has managed the financial resources of Sarawak. If he fails to manage properly, he must not be allowed to be the chief executive of Sarawak.

We know that the people cannot ask him to reveal how the resources of Sarawak have been managed, but I am sure the YBs from DAP and PKRs can demand it to be revealed on behalf of the people of Sarawak.

Taib and his ministers cannot refused not to disclose the figures.

Let’s see them NOW. If the local media do not dare to publish what the people are asking, then let’s ask the foreign press to publish them worldwide.

We are only asking for information which we are entitled to know and not accusing anyone at the moment. WE want the TRUTH.