Dewan Rakyat House Committee – 5 BN MPs not fit and should resign

Before I left Kuala Lumpur last Sunday for Tokyo for an international conference at the Japan Diet, I had issued a media statement calling on the Dewan Rakyat House Committee under the chairmanship of the Speaker to come out of its hibernation and hold an emergency meeting to take ownership of the many deplorable problems of Parliament House — roof leaking and even fire risks from short circuit despite a RM100 million renovation two years ago — and to resolve them once and for all.

The sole Opposition MP on the House Committee, Tan Kok Wai (DAP — Cheras) wrote to the Speaker, Tan Sri Ramli Ngah as Chairman of the House Committee on Monday asking for a House Committee meeting to discuss matters concerning Parliament’s leaky roofs, wiring, details of the building’s renovation and upgrading, its progress and the contractor’s inefficiency.

I just checked with Kok Wai and he told me that no meeting of the House Committee has been convened.

The other members of the House Committee apart from the Speaker and Kok Wai are all from the Barisan Nasional: the Chairman of Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club, Dato Raja Ahmad Zainudin bin Raja Omar (BN — Larut); P. Komala Dewi (Kapar), Datuk Goh Siow Huat (BN – Rasah), Datuk Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar (Santubong) and Datuk Suhaili bin Abdul Rahman (Labuan).

Malaysians are seeing a disgraceful aspect of Parliament – MPs of the Dewan Rakyat House Committee who are not in the least bothered about the scandals of leaking roof and fire hazards in Parliament despite RM100 million renovation. Continue reading “Dewan Rakyat House Committee – 5 BN MPs not fit and should resign”

Don’t interfere in doctor transfers

by J Martin

I read with interest in the mainstream media regarding Lee Kah Choon’s reply in parliament and appeal to politicians from interfering with doctor’s transfers.

This, of course, is a long standing problem in not only the Health Ministry but almost every ministry in the country, especially when it involves the transfer of senior officers.

However the Health Minister should also look into other areas where politicians have been known to be a nuisance.

Politicians should further:

1. Not interfere where hospitals are to be built. We have frequently multi-million ringgit hospitals in constituencies where there are actually more cattle than people just because the ruling party candidate there wants a leg-up to win the election.

This is an absolute waste of health resources. Even recently the MOH suddenly allocated RM16 million for a “health clinic” for Ijok which has a total population of less then 15,000.

2. Not interfere with who gets the equipment contract to supply the MOH.

3. Not push their own favored, frequently incompetent contractors, to build hospitals.

4. Not interfere with who gets to supply pharmaceuticals and consumables.

5. Wives or husbands of politicians should not be promoted for positions when there are other more loyal and dedicated employees who have been waiting for ages to be promoted. Continue reading “Don’t interfere in doctor transfers”

Malaysian heads Fiji Anti-Corruption Commission?

(1) Radio New Zealand International

Head of Fiji’s Independent Commission against Corruption to remain head of LAWASIA

Posted at 01:33 on 26 May, 2007 UTC

The newly appointed commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption , Mah Weng Kwai of Malaysia, says he will remain the president of the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific.

As well, Mr Kwai has told the Fiji Times he will maintain his law practice in Kuala Lumpur.

He says he did not apply for the job but was offered it and accepted because of concern about allegations of corruption.

Mr Mah says he deems his appointment valid and questions about the validity of the commission would be best dealt with by the courts.

He says there is a need for foreigners to take up the reigns at the anti-corruption commission because they are not connected to local politics.

Continue reading “Malaysian heads Fiji Anti-Corruption Commission?”