World’s second largest court complex – most mishaps and no CF!

For two consecutive days on May 9 and 10, 2007, I had asked in my media statements whether a certificate for fitness for occupation (CF) had been issued for the second largest court complex in the world in Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur in view of its many mishaps, and if so when.

If no CF was issued, why was the court complex allowed to be used; and if there was CF, whether actions would be taken against those who had been so negligent as to issue the CF when there are still so many defects, including structural ones, which had to be rectified?

There was silence from the relevant authorities for a fortnight, until Berita Harian front-page headline today screamed: “Mahkamah tiada CF — DBKL belum terima sebarang permohonan: Datuk Bandar”.

I am surprised that Datuk Nazri Aziz, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of the law portfolio, had not acted with dispatch following the alert I sounded on May 9 as to whether there was any CF for the Jalan Duta court complex.

Nazri should also explain why two different figures for the cost of the court complex had been quoted by the media in the past month — RM270 million and RM290 million. Or have we reached a stage where RM20 million is chickenfeed and is not worth any bother, when damages, losses and criminal misappropriation are in the region of hundreds of millions or even billions of ringgit?

The spanking new complex at Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur has been hogging the limelight this month for all the wrong reasons — ceiling collapse, cracks on the walls, faulty toilets, air-conditioning breakdowns, power disruptions, ankle-deep flood in the cafetaria caused by burst pipe, overflowing sewerage manhole in Level II basement storeroom damaging court files and documents, and the latest, the entry of the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) to investigate the entire construction scandal with nobody having any confidence that the ACA would not be wasting its time and resources.

But there has been no end of troubles for the spanking new court complex, as today’s press reported that more than 50 court staff and lawyers were stranded outside the new Jalan Duta court complex for several hours yesterday after officers from the Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board (CVLB) and the Road Transport Department (JPJ) ordered the court’s shuttle service to stop operating.

Imagine this happening a week after the Chief Justice, Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim declared himself satisfied after a surprise visit following complaints of parking woes and transport arrangements ferrying people using the court complex!

The spanking new court complex in Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur, the world’s second largest court complex, is now the main and very productive source for the Malaysian judiciary and nation becoming the butt of international banter and jokes.

Reduced to the same level of ridicule is the Transparency International’s latest global report on corruption in judicial systems where Malaysia is ranked very highly — No. 9 in the world!

This ranking is so ridiculous that Malaysians, whether in public or private sector, reacted in disbelief and incredibility and no Cabinet Minister dare to come forward to boast about it, knowing he or she will become an instant national joke.

The court complex in Jalan Duta, KL was built by the Public Works Department, and this was why there was the grand handing-over ceremony last month from the Works Minister, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu to Nazri, before it was handed over to the judiciary.

Samy Vellu should go on public television to be questioned by a panel comprising MPs and NGO representatives as to why he handed over the RM270 million court complex in Jalan Duta, KL to the Prime Minister’s Department when it was so sub-standard and full of mishaps — and even when there was no CF?

If he dare not appear on television to subject himself to a public grilling on the greatest building scandal in 50 years of Malaysian history, Samy Vellu should do what is honourable, accept full responsibility and resign from the Cabinet!

35 Replies to “World’s second largest court complex – most mishaps and no CF!”

  1. Why should Semi Value quit? He can award more contracts now, and make more money. What does he bother about honour? Look at his life: his marriage is in shambles, and so is his sons. People who cant manage their own home affairs cannot be good leaders. You have to put your home in order before…..

  2. Looks like we operate with a different set of rules for Government, and another set for private citizens and companies. If a private company had occupied a building without CF, they would be slapped with fines, wont get water supply etc. But for the govt building, anything goes.

    Same goes with govt vehicles that all dont have insurance, while we private citizens all have to buy insurance. Wont it mean lower premiums for all of us if all govt vehicles also had to pay premiums?

  3. “Reduced to the same level of ridicule is the Transparency International’s latest global report on corruption in judicial systems where Malaysia is ranked very highly – No. 9 in the world! This ranking is so ridiculous that Malaysians, whether in public or private sector, reacted in disbelief and incredibility and no Cabinet Minister dare to come forward to boast about it, knowing he or she will become an instant national joke” – YB Kit.

    As reported, according to the judicial corruption report, 59,661 people from all the countries were surveyed between June and September last year. TI did not indicate the number of respondents per country. “We also don’t know who these people are. Are they foreign investors in other countries or are they residing in Malaysia? What is the ratio of foreigners versus locals?” said TI Malaysia chairperson Ramon Navaratnam.

    But it may also be a joke on us who have criticized the government that in spite of the rhetoric on war against corruption, corruption has become or perceived more rife based on TI’s Corruption Perception Index, which recorded Malaysia’s falling in rank to 44 out of 163.

    Whilst (a) TI’s Corruption Perception Index is not the same as or to be confused with (b) TI’s survey (perceived judicial corruption) as Ramon pointed out, why are however the methods used and conclusions in (a) accepted without question by critics of the government but not (b)?

    What possible reason could be Malaysia perceived ranking very highly – No. 9 in respect of the survey on judicial corruption?

    Maybe it’s because this is the ONLY country whose judicial head – the Chief Justice Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim – was so transparent and honest to (YB Kit’s words) “drop a bombshell at the swearing-in ceremony of eight new judicial commissioners in Putrajaya on Thursday when he exposed gross judicial misconduct in the judiciary, including:

    • Judges who accept bribes;
    • Judges who were often seen socializing with lawyers, prosecutors and corporate figures while hearing their cases in court; and
    • Judges who were “constantly angry and foul-tempered”.
    See Blog thread “Judges who accept bribes” Ahmad Fairuz must take action or step down as chief justice in link –

  4. The court occupying the building illegally? Shouldn’t the court set a good example by adhering to the laws set? If anything should happen to members of the public while they r in the ‘2nd’ biggest court building in world, will their insurance cover them if indeed no CF yet? Did someone forgot to do his homework before giving the green light?

  5. Off topic. Changing horses in mid-stream again

    A Bernama report today states that all medical graduates who studied overseas may have to sit for a local examination before they are allowed to practise in Malaysia.
    Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said the ministry planned to introduce the examination and was discussing the matter with the Malaysian Medical Council….

  6. This is cowboy land or Bodohland, better not ask for CF or Samiboy will ask cabinet for another RM20M to get this CF done and we the tax payer will have to pay eventually.

    For the record BN is so proud that they are able to build the world 2nd biggest court complex. I am sure they can build the world biggest jail or the biggest toilet next.

  7. Samy Vellu should not be given the privilege to resign. He ought to be sacked. I think we Malaysians are just too nice. Thats why these moronic Politicians are taking us for suckers. Those days, we could ignore 10% kickbacks as we were still getting what was worth. Nowadays, the kickbacks are no less than 50% and of course, contractors are also giving sub-standard works. The “close-one-eye” culture has become a disease.

  8. Hi guys!

    There is an ongoing debate on what is seditious material or material with seditious tendencies, on the “Mufti” thread.

    Any input from advocates of free speech is welcome.

  9. Well… the repair works or any construction works should be awarded to contractor that at least 50% owned by B……. Capability and quality is not the prerequisite requirement….This is the ‘DASAR’ ……… & ketuanan ……

    This dasar only make Malaysia less productive and producing many jaguh kampung….

  10. DBKL enforcement officers are experts in finding the slightest violation to fine (or should I say looking for reasons for other ill intentions) contractors and owners of even the smallest development projects in town. How could they have missed the huge court house at Jalan Duta which you can spot from miles away? Can somebody please check whether this court house has got its planning and building plan approvals?

    Selective enforcement and punishment is a form discrimination. I do not mean to divert the issue here, but one can’t help to notice that this “close one eye” privilege is always given to the government departments, those in the power and their cronies and the bumi interests.

    The KL mayor has got the guts to say that this court does not have a CF. He should be sacked. He has failed his duty and responsibility to ensure that this stupid court house complies with the building by-laws. Or maybe it is true that the government departments are the dumping ground of poor performers (including the mayor himself) who in turn provide sub-standard services to the public.

    Does he and his enforcement boys deserve the pay rise ? Isn’t it HARAM to receive remunerations and neglect your duty that is entrusted to you by the people of Malaysia??

  11. Who do we sue should the court complex falls one day and people are hurt and worse still, dead? Ahh, how to sue… more court also.

    Good luck Msia! WORLD’s 2nd largest Court built for the Jesters.

  12. Another case of the law breaking the law. Knowing very well that the building is still without a CF, why would the courts which are suppose to administer justice and uphold the law break the law? This will become the laughing stock of Malaysia.

    So, who gave instructions for the courts and the judges to occupy this illegal building?

  13. To add in some other places, there are some facts that the Menara MPAJ in pandan indah also do not have CF. Yes, the one beside Hospital Pantai Pandan Indah.

    YB, we already mad and furious how the govenment give contracts to their cronies. But still we, maybe, ‘close one eye’ as for the sake peaceful and economies driven. However, how can we sit here somemore and listen to the craps like rm 270mil project building delivered without Certificate of Fitness?

    BN – Cemerlang, Gemilang, Temberang

  14. Seems like the law only applies to the RAKYAT.

    BN and the government are above the law!

    Therefore, we need to get rid of BN tyranny and establish a level playing field where nobody is above the law, where the same rule of law applies to the hawker, hooker, the ‘honourable’ parliamentarians, ‘honest’ policemen or horrible Ministers.

  15. We are getting half the value of projects built by the governement based on the contract sum. If the goverment spend one billion, the actual value is only 500 million. Hence SEMI-VALUE!

  16. CFs are an issue, not only in Jalan Duta.
    Working with a daughter of a GLC, we used to have a single door for entry and exit for some 60 staff. My question about fire exit and CF went down badly; I was the ‘troublemaker’. We were ordered to keep quiet, and the property division to ‘look into this’. That was 3 years ago. In between we moved to a new building, to my knowledge also lacking CF, with around 1000 people in it, and the emergency exits partially locked, for ‘security reasons’. Asked again, and answer given was that in case of an emergency we could collect the key from management.
    My colleagues are okay with the situation. This is the core of the problem: anything from ‘above’ is accepted without questioning it. The hallmarks of a communal, feudal society.

  17. Tell me. Since when has the issue of the certificate of fitness or CF been a problem in a country like Malaysia – where everything is up for sale. Even a woman’s virtue is for sale.

    Houses have been built and their construction financed by banks and financial institutions by way of bridging loans and end-financing ever since the first bank was established and the first house occupied. Since when has the non-issuance of the CF which legally declares the building fit for occupation been an issue?? Not to their financiers. Not to the purchasers and occupiers. The latter put their lives at risk.

    Life is cheap in Malaysia. Money is everything.

  18. “If no CF was issued, why was the court complex allowed to be used?”

    Maybe (speculation, not sure) the issuance of CF requires many govt departments and agencies to give the Ok and for one reason or another govt need to commission the use of court complex without further delay.

    But at levels of each of the many departments want their kopi money before approving or taking the approval to next tier or department.

    Surely the government cannot pay kick backs to its own employees, so better dispense with the CF, not realizing it is the same corruption that has made contractors and sub-contractors give shoddy materials and workmanship.

    It is the same cancer. Now many of you may not believe it, but it is could be so bad that if a powerful cabinet minister wants to expedite certain application requiring various departments’ approvals and cooperation, even he (plus PM’s written directive) is not assured he would get a quick response without greasing the palms at all relevant levels.

    Bureaucrats are experts in finding excuses why this or that ought further to be done, file misplaced or application not in correct form and does not provide complete annexure of supporting documents whatever but magically everything Ok once money is paid.

    That is why the PM called them little Napoleons. They don’t defer to his or other ministers’ authority. Everyone takes the view that where they are – the particular corner in which they operate within the department – is his fiefdom : everyone else going right up has their niche and fiefdom to be subsidized for their work and exertion. This is to correct the historical imbalance caused by the colonials.

  19. “But at levels of each of the many departments want their kopi money before approving or taking the approval to the next tier or department.”
    This comment is made by the wise one, Jeffery.
    Jeff, the blame,always is, “China bagi rasuah, itu pasal Melayu makan rasuah.”
    One thing I admire those people who take kopi money or politik wang – they honour their obligations after the greasing.

  20. “They are honorable people, are they not?” – bbtan

    Yes, they are ‘honorable’ Napoleons, within “restricted” meaning that they don’t discriminate on race, religion, political affiliation, creed or gender, whether minister or ordinary rakyat, direct or through agent/proxy (semua dipersilakan) and give equal opportunity to all to subsidise and help in meeting their entitlement arising from privilege of office/fiefdom…………

  21. Honour is important, even amongst theives and the corrupt. If you don’t honour obligations after Duit kopi, when is the next one coming? Referrals I mean? Then you have guys who follow the law, do nothing illegal, and are not engaged in corruption but who don’t honour any promise they make that is not legally binding! I don’t know who is worse.

  22. “China bagi rasuah, itu pasal Melayu makan rasuah” – in a sense true, in a sense not true, in the former case it is not polite to ask one another, in the latter, nothing gets done, when there is no payment. That is why in Bolehland’s economics, Orang China always have an intermediary role in the business equation (Orang melayu iner-se), and often a pivotal role in delivering goods and services (whether or not shoddy depending on size of “mark up”) whilst the other uses privilege to get the licence and contracts. That’s division of labour in Bolehland economics and a symbol of Sino-Malay symbionic cooperation good for harmony of the country!. :)

  23. looks like you dont have to attend court as the court house is not fit for its intended purpose, use or occupation.
    Therefore, its valid reason for non appearance and attendance in court.
    what if they compel and subpoena you to appear before them…???

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