RM100 million Parliament “House of Leaks” – Is Abdullah heading a shambolic administration?

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said in Tokyo yesterday that the Public Works Department (PWD) is responsible for maintenance of government buildings and there should be no “finger-pointing” whenever a defect occurs.

Abdullah said: “I’ve told Samy Vellu that the PWD was responsible for matters related to maintenance, don’t quarrel among yourselves, it’s embarrassing.

“It’s alright if you want to talk it over and carry out the repairs jointly …what’s the point of quarrelling with each other to the extent of the people knowing.

“If there’s something wrong, talk to each other, cooperate and do it quietly… what’s the point of quarrelling in the newspapers, one says they’re responsible, the other says it’s your problem.

“Already people are unhappy with what has happened, who is to take responsibility and who is responsible have also become a public issue, two agencies quarrelling…this is not good.

“Whoever is responsible must have the sense of responsibility to make sure what it was responsible to do. It takes action, it carries out its responsibility.”

While the first public reaction is one of relief that the Prime Minister has finally broken his “elegant silence” on the RM100 million Parliament leaks, the latest in the litany of government building and public construction defects, Malaysians’ concern and even alarm about the effectiveness of the Abdullah premiership has not been addressedl

This is because Abdullah’s comments have only served to aggravate increasingly widespread public disquiet about the shambolic administration and the lack of effective and dynamic government leadership in the country, with many questions jostling for answer, such as:

  • Why has Abdullah taken two full weeks before making his first public comment on the RM100 million Parliament leaks on May 9 and six days after Samy Vellu blamed everybody but himself for Parliament becoming “House of Leaks”?
  • Why has the Prime Minister have to go all the way to Tokyo to make his first comment on the two-week-old RM100 million Parliament leaks scandal?
  • Why has Abdullah still maintained his “elegant silence” on a direct consequence of the RM100 million Parliament leaks scandal – the sexist “bocor” scandal of the two Barisan Nasional MPs, Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar who had compounded their offence of sexual harassment of DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan and dishonour of Parliament, Malaysian women and the nation’s international reputation with fake apologies to the Women, Family and Community Development Minister, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

In the past few days, apart from Parliament’s leaking roof, the Speaker, Tan Sri Ramli Ngah has expressed a new fear over the electrical wiring which could result in a short-circuit and Parliament House catching fire.

More and more Malaysians are asking whether the recent litany of government building and public construction defects are symbolic of a systemic collapse of the government machinery under Abdullah’s premiership, resulting in an increasingly shambolic administration.

In Tokyo yesterday, Abdullah said he was impressed with the maintenance culture of the Japanese people who are known for their efficient maintenance practices, cleanliness, public courtesy and high civic-consciousness.

He believed that the 14,000 Malaysians, who have studied in Japan, would have been “influenced” to emulate the noble cultures of the Japanese in their daily lives.

Are the 26 million Malaysians to await for the return of all the 14,000 Malaysians currently studying in Japan before we can arrest and reverse the slide towards a shambolic administration and systemic government collapse?

Abdullah gave the impression that the maintenance culture is an alien concept to Malaysians, when such shambolic administration and systemic collapse of the government machinery as illustrated by the spate of government building and public construction mishaps were not only unheard-of but would have been completely unthinkable in the early decades of independent nationhood.

What has gone so terribly wrong in the past five decades of nationhood in terms of the quality, standares and professionalism of governance, both public and private?

It is not enough for Abdullah to break his “elegant silence” to lecture Samy Vellu to stop “finger-pointing” about RM100 million Parliament leaks as Malaysians want to know whose heads will roll for the scandal or has Malaysia a Prime Minister whose writ does not run in his own shambolic government?

The impression that the Abdullah’s writ does not run in his own administration was reinforced by his answer in the Dewan Negara yesterday, where he asked members of parliament and senators to tick off people who smoke at Parliament House which has been gazetted as a non-smoking premises.

The Prime Minister said the ban on smoking was gazetted under Regulation 11 (1) (h) of the Tobacco Revenue Control Regulations 2004, which clearly states that smoking was prohibited at any government premises.

“If you find there are people still smoking inside Parliament House, they’re smokers who don’t obey regulations.

“I’m seeking your cooperation to tick off these hardcore smokers to respect the ban.”

Is the Prime Minister aware that Ministers and Deputy Ministers are among the chief culprits in turning parts of Parliament into “smoking chambers” despite the 2004 gazette of Parliament as non-smoking premises?

Had he ever directed members of his Cabinet and administration to set the example in ensuring that Parliament is a model of “non-smoking premises” in the country?

Had he ever directed the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department with specific responsibility for Parliament, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, to monitor and penalize members of the Cabinet and administration for violating the “non-smoking” gazette in Parliament?

35 Replies to “RM100 million Parliament “House of Leaks” – Is Abdullah heading a shambolic administration?”

  1. If public and tax payers money are wasted, the person/s responsible should take full responsibility and resign immediately.

    If one is responsible, one is accountable.

    The buck stops with the Minister for not getting the right people to do the job in the first place…..this is not the only case of wasting tax payers money and the country and her ordinary people will be the ultimate victims.

    The government is too complacent for various reasons.

  2. Mahathir’s was a more effective and dynamic government leadership.

    Yet “what has gone so terribly wrong in the past five decades of nationhood in terms of the quality, standards and professionalism of governance, both public and private?” YB Kit asked. Accoding to Sotong, “the numerous problems confronting the country today are the result of decades of bad leadership and administration”.

    Does this not suggest ineffective and what Kit describes as ‘shambolic’ leadership of Abdullah is not the main cause of poor quality, standards and professionalism of governance, both public and private, which have been like that for a long time but only now thanks to ‘shambolic’ leadership are exposed or shown to the people ?”

    No wonder he suggests to Samy Vellu to keep matters low profile and quiet and not to engage in public fingering which will only expose more of the weaknesses of his administration, whether inherited or aggravated.

    Well then I think we should encourage Samy to talk louder so that more will be disclosed.

  3. During TDM tenure, things are still under control as those ‘old dogs’ still can bark at those ‘puppies’ Now that these ‘puppies’ have grown and demand more territory for survival. Then, we are in for the ride of the century.
    AAB have just received the clearance from KJ to speak to the media and the scripts. Why ? Because SV is still the ‘old dog’ that keeping barking for territory where these ‘puppies’ are trying to ‘secure’. So, it’s now that we can see the real results from the TDM era policies and practices. Why so unmanageable? Because ‘puppies’ too can bite now ….. ha …ha … they all want to have a bigger bite than those ‘old dog’ . So, SV have to ‘built in’ all the stake holders request and come up with a final figure. This will give every stake holders a peaceful mind to focus on that next ‘meal’.

  4. While in Japan, AAB should learn the Japanese way of maintaining one’s honour. No need for hara-kiri, but resignation for something that went wrong and that you are responsible for is the time-tested tradition of the Japanese.

  5. One incident after another, events are taking place to rub mud on the faces of the ministers and government department. When is it all going to stop. If Malaysia is to prosper and become a developed country then everyone should shed the mentality of “Only I must become rich, Only my company and my friends must prosper” And Think for the improvement of the nation and every citizen in it. The govt is trying very hard to restructure society but the citizens are not in tandem with the aims of the nation. Just imagine the suggested RM22m to be spent to maintain and check defective Govt buildings due to sub-standard workmanship which should not have taken place in the first place. RM22m is alot of money which could be spent on other beneficial projects for the “Rakyat”. RM90m spent on the Parliament renovation. why didnt the parties/department concern include the leaky roof and wiring together in their estimate. Maybe, they had the foresight that, they can make another “harvest” when the roof leaks and wiring goes faulty. Every instance of slipshod work is an opportunity for the fat cats to make more money. Those who carry out substandard work should be punished heavily for wasting public funds. Not given a pat on the back and additional funds given to rectify the fault. Just walk into any housing project and ask housebuyers about the defects and poor workmanship. Buyers cant take action because developers are “well connected” and couldn’t careless about the buyers. Poor workmanship, and irresponsible people appears to be at all levels of the system. Its like “malignant cancer” spreading in society. Take your car to be serviced at the authorised service centres, parts are not changed but charged to your bill. then the parts meant for your car is sold to outside workshops by service centre mechanics. your car breaksdown who is in deep shit, the innocent car owner. Its all in the mentality. Unless mentality changes, nothing changes, no matter what happens or is done.
    AAB appears to be fighting a losing battle. Just, look at the lifestyles of the rich and famous ministers, top officers. A layman can figure out what is happening. Its all a hand in glove activity. No one will get caught as the saying goes ” The dogs will rarely bite the master’s hand” Unless the master stops feeding them. So a few dogs get well fed all the time with the juiciest “meat” and the dogs and their masters get fatter and richer. Unless strict action, punishment, sacking, resigning takes place there will be no change.

  6. FACT OR FICTION? http://malaysia-today.net/blog2006/corridors.php?itemid=4805

    “…it is a matter of time before Abdullah swings his sword and separates Najib’s head from his shoulders. There is very little Mahathir can do to prevent this. But it is not going to be Najib’s head alone. ..It has demonstrated what Mahathir has said this last one year, that Abdullah is incompetent. Now Mahathir no longer needs say this. The Umno warlords themselves are echoing these same sentiments. They finally realise that the court jester is sitting on the emperor’s throne. Another circus has come to town.

  7. I was not too impressed with AAB’s “Blame Game Must Stop” stance. Isnt’s that the way it is under his administration? Let the “Leaky House” be as it may. But what caught my was his “Inter-cultural dialogue ‘is the way forward'” speech where he has stressed the importance of government(s) support for inter-cultural or inter-civilizational dialogue for the root cause for conflicts is Not religious but political…
    “The role of government remains critical because government(s) have the power of ENFORCEMENT….”
    Would his government “enforce” by arresting hooligans who distrupt legitimate indor discourse on Inter Faith matters in our country? Would our government encourage and ensure Inter-Faith discourses among intellectuals from all religious groups to take place without fear or possible distruption? Would our government give full support to INSAf,MCCBCHST and other legitimate organizations which encourage inter-religious, inter-faith intercourse in the country.
    Let’s hope “dia buat macam cakap”

  8. # sotong Says:
    May 23rd, 2007 at 7:36 am

    “If public and tax payers money are wasted, the person/s responsible should take full responsibility and resign immediately.

    If one is responsible, one is accountable.

    The buck stops with the Minister for not getting the right people to do the job in the first place…..this is not the only case of wasting tax payers money and the country and her ordinary people will be the ultimate victims.

    The government is too complacent for various reasons.”

    The trouble is that no one is responsible for anything in Bolehland.
    The PM has allowed his ministers to do what they liked and they have adopted an attitude that they are untouchable.
    The only way to touch them or even to sting them is to boot them out; there is no alternative.
    So, spread the word around that we cannot afford this government. That we need a brighter and better future.

  9. Do you know why BN Government hired put a quota in hiring workers under their bodies ? Because it’s always easier to control them rather than others. They have engaged religious motivators to conduct talks every week to drilled a simple mindset and good perception about Government and what have they enjoy all these while. This policies were drafted since 1957 and enhanced soon after that to make sure that BN can ‘win’.
    We should try to look at the bigger picture that BN is drafting out into their ‘peoples’ mind’ daily.

  10. Look at all those public sector workers, majority of them are average wage earner with ‘enough’ priviledges provided especially in community and religion activities. We all know that most Malaysian can be easily contented with their ‘safe’ environment especially those sticking with the public sector. As long as they come to working place and stay through the engaged time, they will be paid.

  11. “Whoever is responsible must have the sense of responsibility to make sure what it was responsible to do. It takes action, it carries out its responsibility.”

    – PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

    Since when has anyone in his government take responsibility without finger-pointing or a fight? Luckily the Works Minister is a thug, he won’t allow the blame to get to him or his ministry. To be fair to SamyV, they are inherited problems that did not only occur just yesterday. Is he to blame?

    It all boils down to corruption. Every ministries, their ‘little napoleans’ top to bottom want their bite and share of the cake so they build their own. When it gets down to the real contractor physically doing the job, he is paid pittence. What to expect? When you pay peanuts, you get monkeys!

  12. Lim Kit Siang asked

    “Why has Abdullah taken two full weeks before making his first public comment on the RM100 million Parliament leaks on May 9 and six days after Samy Vellu blamed everybody but himself for Parliament becoming “House of Leaks”?”

    ANSWER: Because Abdullah was asleep all this time. Upon waking up he need to understand the issue!

    ” Why has the Prime Minister have to go all the way to Tokyo to make his first comment on the two-week-old RM100 million Parliament leaks scandal?”

    ANSWER: Because he could not speak to his own people. He could not understand his own people. He is afraid of MIC

    “Why has Abdullah still maintained his “elegant silence” on a direct consequence of the RM100 million Parliament leaks scandal – the sexist “bocor” scandal of the two Barisan Nasional MPs ”

    ANSWER: Because he was pissed.

  13. We all know that this is a shambolic administration, with or without the leaks. This is an administration where the head falls asleep, does not have a grasp of the issues at hand, and is totally out of place in his current position. This is an administration where the head is not revered or respected by those below him, hence nothing gets done as orders are not respected or followed through.

    Who wants to bet that Semi Value will come out with his guns blazing, continuing to defend his position in public in contravention of the orders of his boss ?


    The writer of an article featured on another thread chose to criticize the Raja Muda including DYMM the Sultan for not dismissing the state Mufti and suggested that the Raja Muda was flippant in not matching words with deeds, casting doubts on his integrity and fitness to hold the position of Raja Muda.

    The last three paras of his article clearly have seditious tendencies meeting the definition of what “sedition” is under the country’s Sedition Act.

    We should take our cue from Singapore, serious in enforcing its sedition laws to preserve racial harmony, and make writers who break the law, accountable for his actions. It is time the authorities make an example of what blogger cannot do or say on the internet.

    The writer Richard Teo in his posting, has by hinting that the Perak Sultan as head of the religion of Islam in his state by not pursuing action or actions to have the state Mufti dismissed as a person unfit to hold the office of state mufti invited at the very minimum public scorn, and at its worst encouraging hatred and by so doing exciting disaffection against the Sultan of Perak promoting ill-will and hostility between the races.

    Further, the writer Richard Teo in his reference to the Raja Muda in his conduct of affairs of state as having failed to match words with deeds and is therefore flippant, invited public scorn, encouraging hatred and by so doing exciting disaffection against the Raja Muda promoting ill-will and hostility between the races.

  15. “While the first public reaction is one of relief that the Prime Minister has finally broken his “elegant silence” on the RM100 million Parliament leaks….” Kit

    Whilst that may be true, this PM has seen it fit to travel thousands of miles to the Land of the Geishas to make a statement best made at home and in Parliament.

    It is fast becoming a practice for this PM to do so and should stop. The question is likely to have been asked by a Malaysian reporter but what relevance has it got in the context of his trip to Japan?

  16. HORNBILL: “Pak Lah – somebody called him a court jester! Does anyone disagree?

    Hornbill, please don’t insult the court jester of old! Court jesters do play a role in the Royal court when a politically incorrect statement made at the wrong time could mean having your head at the end of a royal spear in the Tower of London.

  17. Repairs need money, money comes from the taxpayers. I say don’t repair the leaks, but rather improvise like say, covert the leaking part areas into a mini botanical jungles and name them The Malaysian Parliament ‘Leaking Park’.

  18. how simply the minister say use the hundreds million to repair this and repair that? n no ppl want to ask the usage of the amount? are the budget that used to repairs are really used for that purpose…why no just show out the total used for the repairs?

    are the ministry really DOING their job???

  19. wah, so senang! pakai implement aje.
    bila hujan lebat, 4 tingkap rumah aku masuk air. nak repair kena tunggu. yang penting kena bayar perbelanjaan bulanan, takut takut kalau tak cukup! nak repair pun keno, 4 ribu. kalau simpan tiap tiap bulan RM250, nampaknya tahun depan baru dapat repair.
    nak saman developer, tak boleh, komponi dah jadi 2 rinngit… MBF! pemilik MBF jadi bangkrap, tapi simpanan pemilik kat bank, berjuta. kementerian perumahan talk and talk, no action! pemilik MBF ketawa sambil melancong kat luar negri!

    gomen! kalau tak bayar cukai tanah pintu, kena sita. tak bayor income tax, keno saman atau penjara. ko ingat, semua rakyat ni cop duit!

  20. Abdullah said: “I’ve told Samy Vellu that the PWD was responsible for matters related to maintenance, don’t quarrel among yourselves, it’s embarrassing.

    “It’s alright if you want to talk it over and carry out the repairs jointly …what’s the point of quarrelling with each other to the extent of the people knowing.

    ”If there’s something wrong, talk to each other, cooperate and do it quietly… what’s the point of quarrelling in the newspapers, one says they’re responsible, the other says it’s your problem.

    “Already people are unhappy with what has happened, who is to take responsibility and who is responsible have also become a public issue, two agencies quarrelling…this is not good.

    “Whoever is responsible must have the sense of responsibility to make sure what it was responsible to do. It takes action, it carries out its responsibility.”

    The display of epitomes of the great malay dilemma. The greatest enemy is within oneself and Abdullah totally lacking the will to clean up a pile of shit in his cabinet. The world didn’t wait on us and we are losing out as a country, can we still wait for Abdullah? Now he has broken his elegant silent, naturally it should be follow up by stern actions, but Abdullah got guts to do it? He is our dilemma.

  21. What is the use of responsibility without accountability?????

    Like Semi Value loh, he is responsible, but not accountable, even untouchable, some say blood thirsty.

    Pak Lah oh Pak Lah, jangan cakap banyak-banyak Lah… tak usah seribu dalih Lah… this is YOUR WAY of incompetence, and we all know that. Balik kampong Lah… jangan asyik jatuhkan nama Malaysia aje.

  22. A Parliament is the symbolic representation of the state of a nation.

    A leaking parliament (after a hefty RM100 million expenditure) is equivalent to the state of a country where corruptions, power abuse, mismanagement etc are so rampant that millions and billions of ringgit lost to the cronies every year.

    And the irony is our honourable Mr PM comment is:- “Just do it, stop quarrelling. ” As simple as that. Sounds like another case being to be swept under the carpet with no parties being charged and held accountable and we poor taxpayers going to bear for another few hundreds of millions of repair cost.

    How to respect a man who call himself PM like this?

    It will be good when one fine day the old wiring covered by the beautiful wall papers and hidden above the ceilings short circuit, catch fire and burn down the whole Parliament, that will be the day when WE FELLOW MALAYSIANS irrespective of race, poor and rich, young or old will be celebrating our INDEPENDENCE DAY from the CRONIES!


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