Two sexist BN MPs — apologies that never were

In conjunction with the Cabinet meeting today, the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) were expected to make amends for their crude, vulgar, sexist gender-offensive remarks directed at DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan in Parliament last Wednesday, not because they are truly contrite and repentant but because of escalating adverse public opinion and political pressures from some BN Ministers and MPs who have found life quite uncomfortable and unpleasant in the past week because of the controversy.

I was not completely surprised when shortly after noon, SMS were flying around that Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar had apologied to Po Kuan and Malaysian women for their sexist and male-chauvinist remarks.

The Star online was the first to file the following four-paragraph report:

MPs apologise for sexist remarks

KUALA LUMPUR: The two MPs at the centre of a storm over their sexist remarks have apologized.

Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin and Jasin MP Datuk Mohd Said Yusof apologised to Batu Gajah MP Fong Po Kuan and all Malaysian women for the remarks made in Parliament last week.

The furore started in the Dewan Rakayt when Opposition MPs tried to raise a motion on the leaking ceiling near the media centre at the Parliament building.

Bung and Mohd Said then said: “Mana bocor? Batu Gajah pun bocor setiap bulan. (Where is the leak? Batu Gajah [MP Fong Po Kuan] also leaks monthly).”

Some two hours later, Malaysiakini carried the Star report but raised the question whether there was such an apology. It reported:

However when malaysiakini contacted Mohd Said for comment, he denied making any apology.

“Why should I apologise? This was a matter raised during a debate in parliament. This is usual,” he added.

He also said he would be meeting Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil this Friday to explain to her the remarks he had made in parliament.

Bung Mokhtar did not pick up his telephone when contacted.

Later, Star online modified its report to remove all reference of apology to Po Kuan by the two sexist BN MPs, as follows:

MPs apologise for sexist remarks

KUALA LUMPUR MPs Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin — BN) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan — BN) have apologised to all Malaysian women for making the now infamous bocor remarks in Parliament last week.

The remarks caused a nationwide furore, leading various women’s groups to protest against the two MPs outside the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry on Tuesday.

“I am very sorry. I apologise to all women. It was a slip of the tongue, said in the heat of the moment,” said Mohd Said, adding, “I respect all women and the liberation of women.”

In Kota Kinabalu, Bung Mokhtar also expressed his apology to all women for his “unintended remarks.”

“It was not my intention to hurt any woman.

“I said it in the heat of an argument with DAP members, who were calling me binatang (animal) and accusing the Barisan Nasional of corruption.

“I strongly feel that women’s feelings should be respected,” he told The Star.

Both MPs got into hot soup when they remarked, “mana bocor? Batu Gajah pun bocor setiap bulan” (Where is the leak, Batu Gajah [MP Fong Po Kuan] also leaks every month) during a heated argument last week over a leaked ceiling.

Both Mohd Said and Bung Mohtar have compounded their crude and vulgar exhibition of male chauvinism in Parliament last week by saying “sorry” to all women when they manifested not a single iota of being sorry, particularly in the deliberate exclusion of Po Kuan from the apologies.

What is worse, Bung Mokhtar also proved himself a liar when he claimed that he was provoked into such a “male-chauvinist” outburst because he was being called “binatang”.

Is Bung Mokhtar alleging that Po Kuan had called him “binatang” to justify directing derogatory, crude, vulgar, sexist and gender-offensive remarks at her? Po Kuan never used the word and I can personally vouch for it.

Can Bung Mokhtar prove that the word “binatang” had been used by Po Kuan or any other DAP MP against him, when we can prove that he and Mohd Said had used derogatory, crude, sexist and gender-offensive remarks?

Nobody would believe that Bung Mokhtar or the Parliamentary Mat Rempits would take it so docilely if Bung Mohtar had been called “binatang” as it would be full justification for them to go on a rampage to demand that it be withdrawn and apology tendered.

There is still a lot of confusion as to what exactly Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar have been forced to do and say in conjunction with the Cabinet meeting today, but one thing is clear, there is totally no compunction, contrition or repentance by both of them about their male-chauvinist spree in Parliament last week, which was why they had been defending their actions to the hilt the past one week!

52 Replies to “Two sexist BN MPs — apologies that never were”

  1. Confused. Confused.


    Throwing remarks around while wrestling at their own mistakes to other people is not a right thing to do.

    The Star had also propagated Bung Mokhtar’s Binatang derogative remarks as if MP Fong had said. If this is untrue, Bung is a liar.

    A LIAR.

    A LIAR.

    Don’t deserve to sit in parliament. Please take note.
    Even MP Lim KS yourself would not be tolerated.

    Nobody will vote for a liar.

    And…That’s how Bill Clinton got impeachment.

  2. Here come our Joker MPs, Bung Mohtar MP and “Close 1 eye” MP to apologise…

    A arrogant person at last also need to appologise, i am not mention that is our Yang Berhormat MPs oh… MPs always have to hormat what…

    What a MPs are they, no stand at all. If you apologise early we can not make issue ma, now just want to do it. we already finish make issue lo… so sorry to both of them…

    Both Kinabatangan & Jasin rakyat, if you still vote for both of the jokers, he will continue to make our very very very 1st class parliment full of fun… trust me, the full of humorist

    A Parliment should be a place to discuss our rakyat matters, and discuss the law… Now the parliment come out a new agenda, make joke to all the Malaysian Rakyat….

    Both joker MPs, if i at your place sure I will give you a “BIG BIG vote”, but I am not… so maybe next time both of the MPs, i can’t address both of you all as YB (you all should get what i mean).. too bad (hopefully this “not happen”) because i like to listen to joke what….

    Malaysia always boleh… cakap joke pun BOLEH!!!

  3. I don’t see why the two “bocor MPs” should take offence to the word “binatang” even if Fong Po Kuan had used it to describe them? They should be thankful ‘coz binatangs definitely behave better than them.

  4. Real incorrigible and so thick skinned to tell lies in broad daylight.This only serves to prove how arrogant and kurang ajar certain people are in this country.These people think they are privileged to do whatever their peanut brains think fit to do.Sigh…….

  5. —-The reason why malaysia is going down—-
    Below is a conversation with the wife of one of the best businessman in malaysia today(the english used is casual between 2 good friends, hope you guys do not mind the grammer):

    Secret says:
    mostly he use all project all over the world to dump at china project’

    ~SECRET2~ says:
    china got what project?

    Secret says:
    charity and electric pump station

    ~SECRET2~ says:

    Secret says:
    make highway…north western and southwestern of china

    ~SECRET2~ says:
    wahhhhh… now I know why malaysia is going down the drain liao

    ~SECRET2~ says:
    all money go china

    Secret says:
    but mostly he make charity more

    Secret says:

    Secret says:
    that day have some MCA people come to look for my hubby

    Secret says:
    Ask my hubby to switch some project back to Malaysia

    Secret says:

    ~SECRET2~ says:

    Secret says:
    My hubby scold them

    ~SECRET2~ says:

    ~SECRET2~ says:

    ~SECRET2~ says:
    happy to hear that

    Secret says:
    Because government make my hubby lose of 400m of transport fee to make the 2nd Penang Bridge

    ~SECRET2~ says:
    MCA very chicken… now they need people’s help

    Secret says:
    Government actually accept to let my hubby do de,but last minutes reject

    Secret says:
    Stupid Samy only let Malays tender

    ~SECRET2~ says:
    very bad larr

    Secret says:
    So my hubby just let all the malays tender and do lo

    ~SECRET2~ says:
    oooo means the 2nd penang bridge will be made by malays?

    Secret says:

    Secret says:
    so my hubby just make money from oversea and without going through malaysia

    Secret says:
    all money save at China Bank or Swiss Bank

    Secret says:
    Make government cannot charge tax from us

    ~SECRET2~ says:
    now I know how to do buSecret2ess in malaysia… haha…

    ~SECRET2~ says:
    ooo like that one horr…

  6. No matter how much they would wanna whitewash themselves or make e opposition look bad through gov controlled newspaper, some arrows will definitely be shot back at them. For example:

    “I said it in the heat of an argument with DAP members, who were calling me binatang (animal) and accusing the Barisan Nasional of corruption.

    This just shows that he refers to MPs from other political parties as a member of the opposition and not an MP. There should not be a seperation of political parties as all are supposed to be serving the rakyat as a whole but then knowing BN binatangs, they do not have the ability to seperate what is right and wrong but only able to discern what is “my gang” and “your gang”.
    Calling them retards will be an insult to those who are mentally challenged.

  7. Sintiansai, haha… this is a good example…

    But if let say i’m a businessman, and want to get Malaysia goverment project, I do not mind to be a sub-contractor do for the main cont.

    In business world perspective is to earn money, of cause do not forget Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

    2nd bridge in Penang, get by UEM World… [UEM World who is the major shareholder??? Then who will benefits much…] We rakyat also got chance earn money 1, who ask you don’t to buy UEM shares.. Listen in Bursa what… haha… lol….

    YB Lim, do you do some investment?

    Now Malaysia competition is great, Malaysia corporate better work outside Malaysia… Just to let you all know, what ever money earn outside Malaysia and remit back to Malaysia is totally tax free according to Malaysia income tax Act… If you need in details, just let me know.. i will get more info for that…

  8. Well, someone reading this powerful blog has taken heed of my advice after all.

    The way out of this BN predicament would be (as posted earlier in another thread):

    “Must everything be politicized? Both sides are guilty.

    This is a case simply of bad behavior that cannot be condoned. There are numerous examples of similar bad behavior by MPs. What are we i.e. the people who put them where they are to do about it?

    It is time MPs play their role they are supposed to play and represent their constituents in the country’s lower House.

    Let the intended victim of those remarks demand an apology from the two. The two should apologize directly. There is no need for Parliament to be involved. No motion to censure needed. No ruling by the Speaker that any motion to be moved should have been done the same day.

    Why have we let Parliament deteriorate to a circus that it is today?? Clowns would go being clowns if they continue to be goaded by the audience into doing so.”

    So keep on writing guys! It does rub on them some of the time if not all of the time!

  9. Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar, when people call you guys binatang, they are actually praising you and insulting the animal kingdom. I would have called you maggots, you bleeding parasites.

  10. “Can Bung Mokhtar prove that the word “binatang” had been used by Po Kuan or any other DAP MP against him, when we can prove that he and Mohd Said had used derogatory, crude, sexist and gender-offensive remarks?” Kit

    I think there was one DAP MP who stood up and said, “Let’s settle this over a bottle of bir bintang” rather than “you binatang”.

  11. all the spindoctors are going at full speed.

    Here in our country, we have 10 holes. The metal thieves stole 3 hole covers. Hence, we have to interchange placement of the metal hole covers to cover all holes. But then again, the thiefs are getting more daring. More metal covers will be stolen in broad daylight. By then, how to cover all holes?

    We will all fall down and get drown irregardless of race, religion.

    The wealthy ones, well – they have their funds parked everywhere except for Malaysia. These including our corrupt politicians. All commissions goes offshore. Near election time, the money will come back.

    So, how can the opposition win? No way. Just deny them the majority. And bring back election to local councils. Put a stop to corruption from the lowest level.

  12. Blloocks!!! No shame! What kind of people representatives we have from BN? This just reflects badly on the folks in Jasin and Kinabatangan, they are the one who should repent and be careful when choosing their MPs in the next general election.

  13. There is this argument that if the Opposition is voted into power would they have enough of the right people to govern the country.

    If this two lumps [deleted] is any example of the quality of the BN’s MPs, and coupled with their BN comrades who brainlessly thumped tables in support plus the dumb remarks made by Nazri and the DPM, what have we got to lose?

  14. If they make a public apology in front of everyone (especially in Parliament) and they show some remorse on their faces and in the tone of their voices and taking into consideration the words that they use, that I think is a punishment. Whether it is sufficient or not, well it will be a moot point.

    What is in their hearts only the Almighty above knows.

    But it would appear they are still recalcitrant and unrepentant as latest news shows. How Shahrizat will “scold” them this Friday and what will be the outcome, we shall wait and see.

    It would appear Puan Shahrizat is now trying to steal the limelight when all along she has been very silent, very silent, but is now trying to make full use of the groundswell that has built up against these two sexist MPs. She pretends to be a champion and heroine when she and other BN female MPs had been silent all along. The Women and Family minister has kept quiet on the Subashini and other similar cases and dare not make a stand or take a lead.

  15. I am mystified that people ( with due respect I still call them people though they behave like binatang) with such despicable characters are low mentality ( probably with an IQ that cannot even match my dog) are chosen as candidates to represent the rakyat.

    Thinking positively, this incident had brought other BIGGER ISSUES. Relating to the incident, we can see clearly that the choice of picking the right person for the right job is more of a concern than the “bocor” issue and obviously UMNO had neglected this (for their own benefit rather than for the benefit of the country). This malady is widespread, from top to bottom and finally filtered into the whole government sector and that is why we can never improve the civil service; it can only deteriorate and you don’t need a crystal ball to see it.

    Hope this issue will be a blessing in disguise for the country as we hope UMNO can wake up from its slumber and be fair to the rakyat by picking the best and the most competent for the job and not just a blind selection basing on the color of skins.

  16. At the next GE, Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar will still be nominated to contest their seats, they would still go around kissing babies’ bottoms, and they would still be reelected.

    All the thieves, cheats and liars will be reelected. Bodohland will get the government it deserves. Then the circus starts all over again.

  17. Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) have history of degrading the opposite sex. Their remarks have constantly been condoned by Umno MPs, including our cabinet members. Is it because in their culture females are regarded as lowly objects for males to tread upon? Don’t they respect their females – grandmothers, mothers, wives, aunties, daughters, nieces, fellow female MPs, etc? How sad our Datuks are so kurang ajar! Worse than animals which love their females.

  18. Let us hope they ask Shahrizat “You bocor tiap-tiap bulan lagi tak?” and lets see what she says or do.

    But I think they will all just have a cup of tea and kueh-mueh, they will have good laughs and semua-nya will be OK. Don’t expect any fireworks. BN will solve all matters “behind closed doors”, it has already been decided.

    After all, the two little naughty wayward boys, one from the jungles of borneo and the other one-eyed, were irritating the DAP. Shahrizat will understand and know how to cover-up and she will declare herself a ‘heroine”. Fong Po Kuan who? DAP who?

  19. another drama in the making!
    BN care! BN listen! BN for all malaysian!
    tapi, beli rumah lebih mahal dari ketuanan!
    tapi, business diberi tumpuan lebih pada ketuanan!
    tapi, masuk U diberi tumpuan khas untuk ketuanan!
    tapi, bila masa undi, baru kerja nak jalan!
    tapi, cepat lupa kata kata “nak mandi keris dengan darah cina!
    tapi, semuanya boleh, tapi, semuanya lingkup!

  20. “So, how can the opposition win? No way. Just deny them the majority. And bring back election to local councils. Put a stop to corruption from the lowest level.” Jonny

    Deny them the majority?? If you deny them the majority then you are running the government!

  21. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. On the SMS news alert, he said he withdrew the apology statement for the time being. He had also told the Sun in the morning he apologised to women “if he actually hurt their feelings” If he is NOT an animal then what is he? A vegetable?

    Watch edited Video Clip (2 min) – Protest by Enraged & Scorned Women – Denying the Apology. NO Apology Yet from the 2 BN Sexist MPs; Friday Dressing down by Shahrizat? at:

    And comments by Shahrir: Apologise outside Parliament; Nazri; Beyond Control Already: Najib Wait for outcome of mweeting with Shahrizat

  22. “April 25, 2006. Location: Lower House of Parliament (Dewan Rakyat). Member involved in the incident: Mr. Abdul Fatah Harun (PAS-Rantau Panjang). He claimed most single mothers, with the exception of widows, were divorced because they were “gatal” (flirtatious) and therefore will not be pity by the society. “Gatal” means lewd or lustful in Malay and is usually used in a derogatory context. Abdul Fatah later withdrew the word ‘gatal’ but maintain that what he said is a fact.”

    Correction. “Gatal” means itchy – like mopiko itchy.

  23. Until they unreservely and sincerely apologise to Po Kuan in particular and the women in general, this issue is not properly and satisfactory closed.

    Shame on the BN MPs who came to the support and defense of these behaviours…..they do not have any basic morals and principles.

    This is a small but important victory for women and Po Kuan should focus on the many critical issues affecting women and their basic rights which had been neglected by the male dominated world.

    Po Kuan, you will never be alone when fighting for women rights…..there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of supporters out there who will come to your support to ensure their basic rights and dignity are properly respected.

  24. Bung Mokhtar said “I did not make the remark to all women, I only addressed it to Fong” (Page 4 of The Sun 17th May). That shows that he still did not get it. Neither is it contrite. He genuinely does not grasp what is the issue all about!

    He thinks his position is still OK as top ministers have been apologists for him. Party Whip deputy premier Najib said that the 2 MPs had not intended to hurt or insult women. “They uttered the words during a debate as they were angry with the speech by the Batu Gajah MP”, he added. I am confounded. Why should they be angry at the speech by the Batu Gajah MP? And is it OK for the 2 MPs not intending to hurt or insult all women but one woman in particular on such terms in parliament? Nazri explained it another way, “ You cannot control people’s emotions all the time. This (parliament) is not a place where you have an academic exercise. These are unguarded moments …I don’t condone but they’re all human beings”.

    He does not condone and yet he said it was “unnecessary for the 2 MPs to apologise as it would be difficult for MPs to debate in the house in the future”.

    I though Nazri in charge of parliamentary affairs has evinced an intention for our parliamentarians to speak facts and improve the quality of their parliamentary debates?

    Does speaking facts and improving quality of parliamentary debate include telling Batu Gajah about her menstrual cycle?

  25. In The Star today,

    “What is important is the two MPS have to explain to Shahrizat,” he told reporters when met at the Parliament lobby yesterday.
    However, Nazri, who is in charge of Parliament affairs, said the two MPs should not apologise to Fong or the DAP for their remarks.
    “To apologise to Fong is not on. I don’t agree.
    “This is part of parliamentary debates. Both MPs uttered the words during the heat of their debate, and you cannot control people’s emotions.
    “The two MPS were not giving speeches in the House, in which they can be accountable if their speech text had the offending words.
    “I’m sure they didn’t have an agenda against Fong.
    “But if they had offended women in general, that is another matter altogether. Then it’s up to them to apologise to women in general,” he added.
    Nazri said it was unfortunate that the press had played up the incident, adding that it was part and parcel of parliamentary debates, and parliamentarians should not be easily offended by the heckling between one another.
    Such unguarded outbursts always happen during debates and unfortunately the press had played up the issue, he said.

    So YB, are you condoning the actions of the 2 chauvinists under your wing? All because “it was part and parcel of parliamentary debates”? And that “such unguarded outbursts always happen during debates”?

    YB Fong is not a woman? If they had insulted women, then they had insulted YB Fong. But their “words” were directed specifically at YB Fong and indirectly at all women in general.

    Don’t be such a contradiction, YB Nazri! How did the press “blow it out of proportion”? Did the press add any words other than those uttered by your 2 YBs? The press were just doing their job, REPORT! Is the “esteemed” YB Nazri now saying that the press should report half truths so as not to “blow it out of proportion” or maybe even better, not report at all?

    The 2 “YBs” should be MAN enough to take responsibilities for their actions. And since YOU are speaking for them, be MAN enough too to apologise for them!

    Assuming that in another debate at The Dewan, a YB , while not engaged in a debate, but while interrupting one, uttered “f#+k your mother”, diirecting it at you, YB, what would you do then? Sign it off as another “uncontrolled emotional episode”? Then say that this person should apologize to all mothers but don’t need to apologize to YOUR mother, whom he specifically insulted?

    YB Nazri is, firstly, an elected MP, and secondly, an appointed Minister. Act your position!!! Don’t make our circus even more entertaining by adding another clown (or village idiot) act into the programme that is being vastly enjoyed by everybody!

    That’s my 2 sen worth. If I have inadvertantly offended anybody in general, I APOLOGIZE. However, if the 3 YBs concerned feel offended, I don’t think apologies are in order as “parliamentarians should not be easily offended by the heckling between one another”.

    Malaysia Boleh!!!

  26. I think we should all be pre-occupied with the comments of Nazri Aziz who said the two clowns in his party should not have to apologise to Fong “as these sort of things happen in Parliament”. Can everyone write a note in any of the popular blogs to condemn Nazri ? Swear at him, abuse him, scream at him….as these sort of things happen who our elected representatives are nothing better than animals and don’t deserve any respect.


  27. “……//…….Why is everyone here preoccupied with the woman’s menstrual cycle??….//…….” – Diaperhead.

    This is not about woman’s menstrual cycle. (For if you say to a woman she does not ‘bochor’ it is equally insulting as you imply she is either pregnant or menopausal!)

    It is not even entirely about using sexist unparliamentary reference of menstrual cycle and all things howsoever relating to sex on a woman MP of Batu Gajah or any other woman MP.

    It is all about the arrogance with which BN’s MPs say (whether in Parliament or in other forums like UMNOI Assembly) whatever they feel like saying as it suits their convenience without sensitivity of others outside the circle of protected power – and get a rapturous applause of endorsement from the audience!

    Today we have menstrual cycle. (When the motion to commit the duo to Privileges Committee, there was thunderous thumping of table and applause).

    Sometime back when Pak made his first address to UMNO Assembly and talked about Malays should dispense with their crutches, Jerai MP (Badruddin) said, “let no one from the other races ever question the rights of Malays on this land. Don’t question the religion, because this is my right on this land.” He warned those who opposed such (Ketuanan policies) and brandished the May 13 book to rapturous applause of those at the Assembly.

    Instead of debating or arguing in a civil way with Batu Gajah MP, the same chaps make a mockery pf parliamentray debate and diverted the issue by asking, “How long can the Yang Berhormat’s husband stand her?”

    Instead of rebuting, the same chap referred to YB LKS the “the damned, bloody stupid old man!” and followed this up by shouting in Hokkien, “Ah Pek (old man), sit down and keep quiet!”

    When Kit stood to debate with Badruddin on the tudung issue, he said “This is the fasting month (of Ramadhan, when Muslims must fast during the day). I don’t want to argue with people who don’t understand, who don’t fast.”

    He called Indians as keling as in same vein as JJ, Sheena Moorty.
    All these remarks are public record reported in news and in this wikipedia link :

    So the issue is not just about woman’s menstrual cycle. It is about the arrogance of power. It is about being civil and sensitive to others, their feelings and rights especially those of non malays and Malaysians in general outside, as I said, the circle of power and official protection.

    It is about making those within the circle of power accountable so that they would be more responsible in making public statements as befitting the image of parliamentarians, ministers etc.
    If there is no momentum picked up for the public to object (using the menstrual cycle as the rallying point) – like the way it is done to make Maybank retract on its 50% Bumi policy for legal panelship – when will the accountability by power begin and riding roughshod over the rights of powerless Malaysians end?

  28. Let orang utan sits in the parliment. At least the orang utan will not talk nonsense.

    Everyone is pre-occupied by this bocor issue now. What about the real issue of leaking parliment? Are we going to let semi valued off and his request of 22mil tax payer’s money just to inspect leaking buildings?

  29. One thing for sure that these 2 men reflect their shallow mind & incapabilities to become representatives of the people…..

    Nowdays, people vote for candidate who can give them a good time like making them laugh through speeches rather than those who can do work and deliver on promises made…

    well malaysians are malaysian…..mudah lupa and maaf…

    Wake up all malaysian….let us vote for change or at least no 90% control….

  30. Mohamed Nazri Aziz has said “to apologise to Fong is not on”



  31. Should BN gain less majority seats in the Parliament in the next GE, NA and the clowns will definitely create a healthy debates. Let see how would they behave under the new environment.

  32. Isn’t it weird, he was answering about leakage within the parliament building and out sudden due to the provocation from MP Batu Gajah (as quoted by him) he talks about a woman’s “Kebocoran”… what was he thinking?

    And by the way this should be called a sexual harassment although most ppl said the statement is a joke!

    Quoted from the Code of Practice on Sexual Harassment at the Workplace 1999:
    8. Sexual harassment encompasses various conducts of a sexual nature which can manifest themselves in five possible forms, namely:
    (i) verbal harassment:
    e.g. offensive or suggestive remarks, comments, jokes, jesting, kidding, sounds, questioning.


  33. “Isn’t it weird, he was answering about leakage within the parliament building and out sudden due to the provocation from MP Batu Gajah (as quoted by him) he talks about a woman’s “Kebocoran”… what was he thinking?”

    He was thinking of the “kebocoran”.

  34. About “the jokes” being classified as sexual harassment it was just being quoted out of the Code of Practice on Sexual Harassment at the Workplace 1999. No offences to everyone. It just that ppl like the MPs would have know about the codes more than a normal citizen like us, why would they utter such statement? And, “Kebocoran bangunan” dan “kebocoran wanita” I think words are completely hard to define.

  35. There was a female commented that the 2 MPs were typical Malay chauvinist. Then, came the term MMCP – Malay Male Chauvinist Pig. Now, I am sure many will take offense. Sabar dik … lets look at the situation in a civil manner and evaluate the backgrounds of this claims. Also it is good to be objective if there is any improvements needed for the good of Malaysia.

    1. Do Malays by tradition and custom plays women on a lower ground than men?

    2. Do Malays by tradition find it funnier to raise gender insensitive jokes?

    Since this is a topic of male treatment towards female, let us talk about tne comment about “typical Malay chauvinists”. The question is do Malays put women on equal grounds with men.

    1. Are there women leaders in the mosque/surau?

    2. Why do women cover their heads? What does that symbolise? Does it symbolise a lower position?

    3. And if that is ingrained in Malay culture, what are Malay male response towards this culture especially in growing feminism trend throughout the world? If it is based on a culture and tradition, at least it takes modern minds to break out of this tradition and give women the equal grounds they deserve.

    Maybe the female blogger made the remark about “typical Malay chauvinists” from experience. Let us hear from other bloggers.

    ARE MALAY MALE MORE CHAUVINIST THAN OTHER RACES? This may seem like a racist discussion but how can we improve Malaysia if we do not think, discuss and share our opinions so that others may hear the opinions and buck up and make Malaysia a better place.

  36. “Male chauvinism” would be a misnomer if applied only to the Malays on the strength of their culture alone. There is no dearth of “male chauvinist pigs” for want of a better term among the other races. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with religion and its impact on culture and tradition.

    You can accuse, for example, the Jews and the Mormons of being the same. The Mormons look upon their women as less than their equals, as weak and needing protection from the men, depending on their men for leadership and be their teacher in life. The Jews look upon their women as being different from the men. Values such as these can be found among orthodox Jews who feel that the place of women is in the home, raising their families and educating them – working outside the home only when necessary.

    In Jewish synagogues you find the women physically separated from the men. Muslims likewise treat their women “as not their equals” – for want of a better term. In mosques and suraus you see women praying in different parts of the hall physically separated from their male counterparts – much like the Jews do. They are not allowed to pray together with the men. The way they treat their women is the same way women have been treated through the ages – according to the teachings of the Old Testament.

    The Mormons are polygamous taking on many wives, marrying under aged children of their wives who are not their daughters, and taking care of the wives who have lost their husbands etc.

    As far as Jews and Muslims are concerned, it is not a matter just of culture and tradition but religion. Both believe in the Old Testament. The Torah is the first five chapters of the Christian Bible. In the chapter on ‘Genesis’ there are references that God did not create Eve to be Adam’s equal.

    Chinese are none of the above i.e. neither Christians, Jewish nor Muslims. That does not mean they do not take on multiple women as their partners. They may marry only one wife but may have as many as a couple mistresses if they can afford it. This tends to be the norm among successful businessmen. Religion has no role here.

    Confucianism, Buddhism and Hinduism and Taoism are not religions in the way Christianity, Judaism and Islam are. Christianity, Judaism and Islam share the same Old Testament prophets.

    This equality of the sexes, some would say, is a fairly recent ‘invention’. Remember that women were never given the right to vote until the turn of the last century – in the 1920s in the U.K. That is very recent. Prior to that they are treated as less than equals.

    Christians were marrying cousins until the last century – like Muslims today. Polygamous marriage is allowed in the Old Testament (Koran) and Jesus Christ in the New Testament did not say anything about monogamy or polygamy or women being equal to men.

    It has nothing to do with race.

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