Sexist BN MPs duo – strip their “Datuk” titles which they have disgraced and dishonoured

This morning in Kuala Lumpur, political parties and NGOs led by the Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) held a protest at the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry to protest against the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) for their crude, vulgar, sexist gender-offensive remarks and calling for an end to sexism in Parliament.

I am glad that after failing to stand up in Parliament in solidarity with the DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, who was the target of the male chauvinist attacks of the two sexist BN MPs, some BN Ministers and MPs are bowing to public opinion and are speaking up to dissociate themselves from the abominable conduct of Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar.

However, they must do more to make up for their regrettable failures on three critical occasions spanning 24 hours in Parliament last Wednesday and Thursday to denounce the two sexist BN MPs — for Parliament and the nation would not have become objects of international ridicule and mockery if there had been BN Ministers or MPs who dared to stand up in Parliament to speak and act according to their conscience of what is right and wrong!

Even worse, there had been no shortage of BN Ministers and MPs who openly supported or condoned the two sexist MPs in their disgraceful exhibition of male chauvinism in the House, for instance the statement by Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak that “it was not supposed to be taken seriously”, that it should be dealt “with a sense of humour” and alleging that “But of course people are making a big meal out of this issue”.

The issue at stake is not simply about Po Kuan’s dignity and self-respect, but also the dignity and self-respect of all women MPs and Malaysian women, Parliament as a “first-world Parliament” and the honour and international reputation of the nation, as this issue has again put Malaysia in the international limelight and news but for all the wrong, negative and bad reasons.

All are waiting to see whether the Cabinet meeting tomorrow will do justice to Po Kuan, Parliament, Malaysian women and the nation by coming out with a clear stand to condemn and punish the two sexist BN MPs as well as extending an apology over the disgraceful episode.

When Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi became Prime Minister, Malaysians were promised a “First-World Parliament” but we have instead a ninth-class Parliament.

I will convene a Parliamentary Roundtable of all political parties, NGOs and concerned Malaysians to demand a “First-World Parliament NOW” where there is no sexual harassment and where “male chauvinist” sexist remarks will never be heard again in the highest legislative chamber in the land.

I want to make two calls tonight:

1. Firstly, to call on Najib to apologise for his insensitive remarks condoning the disgraceful conduct of the two sexist BN MPs when he said that their “male chauvinist” attacks on Po Kuan and all Malaysian women should not be taken seriously but “with a sense of humour”, which had compounded the offence committed by the two errant MPs.

2. Secondly, to call on the relevant states and awarding authorities to strip both Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar of their “Datuk” titles which they have disgraced and dishonoured by their abominable conduct with their crude, vulgar, sexist, offensive, “male chauvinist” attacks on Po Kuan and all Malaysian women as well as bringing shame and dishonour to their state and nation, casting a dark shadow on the nation’s 50th Merdeka anniversary celebrations.

(Speech a DAP ceramah at Kampong Simee, Ipoh Timur on Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 9pm)

36 Replies to “Sexist BN MPs duo – strip their “Datuk” titles which they have disgraced and dishonoured”

  1. I can probably excuse Bung Moktar and Mohd Said, for they are probably uneducated and could never be rehabilitated. What I cannot excuse are the various BN MPs and Ministers rushing to the defence of these uneducated baboons with all sorts of excuses. Najib said it should be taken as a joke and nothing more, Nazri said that the baboons didn’t really mean what they said, and even a woman MP said that the baboons were provoked (which was why they bit the DAP MP).

    This country has clearly gone to the dogs – when transgressors of the law such as Zakaria and Mat Said have been let off, when thieves in the cabinet conveniently award concessions and contracts to themselves and their relatives and cronies, when uncouth Parliamentarians show that it is OK to demean a particular gender or race.

    I still don’t understand it – why is it that the majority still put up with these people and do not contemplate change?

  2. If YB Najib still taking this as a joke, unable to act on behalf of AAB and all Malaysian women, we fellows Malaysians will like to see him stepping down as DPM with immediate effect. He is not fit to be a DPM, must be out of his dream to even think of becoming future PM! These kind of leaders are bring the NATION into destruction!

  3. Y.B. Lim, I strongly support your action to make the above two calls. I am a person who do not support blindly on BN nor Opposition party.

    But this case make me feel dissapointed against YAB Najib feedback. Both of the MP, consider themself full of humorist MP, can such a “stupid joke” in the parliment.

    MP are law maker, can a law maker do such a thing.

    What is the definition of Sexual Harassment defined? I may not able to get it online under Malaysia law, but i get it from

    Sexual Harassment consist of:
    1. Sex harassment is a type of sex discrimination
    2. Quid pro quo harassment
    3. Hostile environment harassment

    Can a guy sex harassment a gal, then say it a joke…

    what the MP mindset…

  4. Very unlikely the ruler or UMNO will do in the case of these two MPs. After all, both roles are more ‘tough and rough’ accordingly to scripts.
    Datukship are financial planner representing the state. They have heavy obligations to fulfill the state fund accounts.

  5. This is supposed to be Islam Hadhari country. I can’t believe these 2 uncouth MPs represent this Hadhari Government. Worse of all the Hadhari leader and his deputy seem to condone the acts of these 2 idiots. Have our country gone to the dogs?

  6. well, now we have mini zoo in the “First-World Parliment”. Baboons and monkeys. What’s next?

    so that’s how the rakyat vote ended in a zoo? come on ppl of malaysia. wake up. don’t waste your votes on baboons. Now who is the biggest baboon? I guess you all know the answer

  7. It all shows that our leaders are not up to mark to lead. The Speaker took the easy way by protecting the culprits and swept it under the carpet thru a technicality. If it is the opposition who made this type of remark, the full book will be thrown at him. As for our DPM, he cannot differentiate between a joke and sexual harrasment statement. So how can we expect our future PM to decide on big issues? The Parliament is meant to discuss serious national issues and not a stand up comedy. These 2 MPs are the usual trouble makers, making rubbish statements instead of contributing to national improvement. They should be kick out of Parliament. Just imagine the whole world think our Parliament is a bunch of pussies

  8. Dear Uncle Lim,
    I, for one, am not surprised at the attempts made to belittle this incident. I mean when murders can be pushed aside…..but that doesnt stop me from feeling angry and frustrated at the direction of mayhem and destruction that our country is taking, and the alarming rate at which it is doing so. As a woman, a mother of 3 and as a working professional, i fear the day my daughter will encounter such callous remarks from her colleagues. And mind you, if i remain in Malaysia, i know that sooner or later ( sooner the way things seem to be heading), this will become a reality. I am currently in Australia, working in a hospital here, and i cant dream of even the security guards here making such a remark, as they are all such decent people. So at the end of the day, i suppose it comes down to the ability to react with others with some amount of decency and decorum, which is so glaringly lacking in our Parliament. Pls convey my support to Po Kuan and tell her to continue her excellent work. God bless.

  9. Come to think, i was wondering how come the Parliment are such a mess? Why do everyone speak/interrupt when someone is giving a speech?
    If, activity inside the Parliment are not to be questioned..i was wondering, what had i learn in Moral – Manners?
    I could see it clearly today, that our leader doesnt even have manners.. is it sad? are we suppose to follow from them?

    And as for this issue.. could things speak inside of the Parliment be taken lightly?
    Aren’t they suppose to be SERIOUS?
    Come on MPs, you are representing the RAKYAT.
    Can you just keep this stupid jokes inside of you for even a second?

  10. Najib Razak will also joke that “it was not supposed to be taken seriously”, that it should be dealt “with a sense of humour” and alleging that “But of course people are making a big meal out of this issue” when asked why Altantuya was blown apart with C4 by his personal bodyguards

  11. Those 2 are no-brainer. How did they get into the parliment anyway? People vote with their eyes closed?

    Maybe we should let the rempits represent us instead. Wasnt the best choice.

    But hey, which is worst? Rempit or a no-brainer?

  12. Please do not share any blaming on those eligible voters of the specific constitution. For all you know, they are also totally ‘lost’ when result are announced.
    States that both come from have no ruler.
    How sure are we now that the margin that they won are voted by people there and not plotted by ??

  13. Ironically, while all this is going on….latest in the news…

    PUTRAJAYA: Employers will face a RM10,000 fine if they fail to act or investigate complaints of sexual harassment in the workplace.

    Shifting attention?

    If employers need to face a fine, then what happens when the govt/ministers do this? Fine, strip title etc? Where’s the fair judgement here?

  14. Ok. This only meant one thing. The type of sense of humor BN’s MPs feels really laughable about is women’s menstruation and they joke about this in the parliament. The next time Abdullah and Najib appear in parliament, let them show us their sense of humor. Perhaps this time, they can joke about man’s anatomy. Lets not call it parliament anymore, call it comedy and this is how our country became a joke.

  15. “Employers will face a RM10,000 fine if they fail to act or investigate complaints of sexual harassment in the workplace.”

    Who will investigate the boss if he did the harassment?? Will he convene a meeting to have himself disciplined or sacked. If the boss who owns the company sacks himself then who is going to pay staff salaries?

    What if the boss is female and she harasses her male secretary? Do we still proceed?

  16. What constitutes “sexual harassment”?

    Is mere flirting with your female boss in the hope of getting extra bonus “sexual harassment”? Is doing the boss a favour when she is lonely and facing divorce “sexual harassment”.

    What of the jaga who greets female workers doing late night shifts with more than just fond affection? Is that “sexual harassment” or good jaga work?

  17. What if the employer reports a case of sexual harassment among his staff but the victim then denies there is ever a case i.e. she’s never been harassed by anybody?

    Isn’t this a waste of time?

    It is for the alleged victim of any crime to report – not for the employer.

    The employer reports to avoid a possible fine but then the alleged victim of sexual harassment denies there ever was harassment of any kind.

  18. Undergrad2: Change from within UMNO ? NFW ! Every time we see a shining light within UMNO, the light either gets dimmed by $$$$ or by trumped up charges so that nothing gets in the way of continued theft of public funds. UMNO can only implode if BN lose the two-thirds majority, and that’s all we can hope

  19. “UMNO can only implode if BN lose the two-thirds majority, and that’s all we can hope” Godfather

    And we can all help ignite the fuse which will lead to its explosion. Leave the matter of implosion to them.

  20. “The only apology women in Malaysia should accept is that the 2 MP’s resign willingly or be sacked……nothing more, nothing less. This issue has nothing to do with politics.”

    They cannot be sacked as they are elected representatives of the people from their constituencies.

  21. There was a female commented that the 2 MPs were typical Malay chauvinist. Then, came the term MMCP – Malay Male Chauvinist Pig. Now, I am sure many will take offense. Sabar dik … lets look at the situation in a civil manner and evaluate the backgrounds of this claims. Also it is good to be objective if there is any improvements needed for the good of Malaysia.

    1. Do Malays by tradition and custom plays women on a lower ground than men?

    2. Do Malays by tradition find it funnier to raise gender insensitive jokes?

    Since this is a topic of male treatment towards female, let us talk about tne comment about “typical Malay chauvinists”. The question is do Malays put women on equal grounds with men.

    1. Are there women leaders in the mosque/surau?

    2. Why do women cover their heads? What does that symbolise? Does it symbolise a lower position?

    3. And if that is ingrained in Malay culture, what are Malay male response towards this culture especially in growing feminism trend throughout the world? If it is based on a culture and tradition, at least it takes modern minds to break out of this tradition and give women the equal grounds they deserve.

    Maybe the female blogger made the remark about “typical Malay chauvinists” from experience. Let us hear from other bloggers.

    ARE MALAY MALE MORE CHAUVINIST THAN OTHER RACES? This may seem like a racist discussion but how can we improve Malaysia if we do not think, discuss and share our opinions so that others may hear the opinions and buck up and make Malaysia a better place.

  22. Answers to some of your questions:

    !. No. They are just shorter than the men. Most of them at least.
    2. I don’t know about it being funny but they like to see their women under them rather than on top of them.

    1. Women have no locus standi in the mosques and suraus.
    2. Women cover their heads to keep their hair from falling out and because men do not have hair that is as long. Also women cannot pluck their eyebrows. Men are encouraged to keep their facial hair. Both are preoccupied with the length of their hair.

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