Sudden cancellation of PSCI meeting – connected with proposal to invite Mahathir to talk about “Project False I/Cs” and corruption?

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity was to meet this morning in connection with the subject of “Project False I/Cs” in Sabah, which had also been termed by some as “Project Mahathir”, resulting in the extraordinary increase of foreigners with their numbers exceeding Sabahans in the state population.

Yesterday morning, members of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity received SMS from Parliament reminding them of the meeting which was fixed three weeks ago at its previous meeting on April 24.

Last evening, the morning SMS was countermanded by fax and SMS from Parliament postponing tomorrow’s meeting to an indefinite date. No reason for the sudden postponement was given and until now I do not know the cause for the cancellation of today’s meeting.

Earlier yesterday, I had proposed that former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad should appear before the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity to throw light on the “Project False I/Cs” which had been described by some as “Project Mahathir”, alleging that Mahathir was the mastermind when he was Prime Minister in the massive and deliberate issuance of Malaysian I/Cs to foreigners based on false statutory declarations. Continue reading “Sudden cancellation of PSCI meeting – connected with proposal to invite Mahathir to talk about “Project False I/Cs” and corruption?”

I never felt more mortified in my 33 years as MP – with “rubbish-bin” Senate “rubbishing” Dewan Rakyat

I have never felt so insulted and humiliated as an elected Member of Parliament for 33 years when the Dewan Rakyat became the subject of scorn and ridicule by the Dewan Negara yesterday because of two reasons:

  • another disgraceful and disgusting episode of crude, vulgar, sexist and “male chauvinist” outbursts by Barisan Nasional MPs in the Dewan Rakyat last week, though directed at DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan but had also shamed Parliament, Malaysian women — all mothers, sisters and daughters — and the nation; and
  • the abject failure of Parliament to protect and redeem its honour and those of Malaysian women and the nation by taking instant action to punish the two BN MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) in order to spare Parliament, Malaysian women and our international reputation from shame and dishonour.

I had in the past described the Dewan Negara as a “rubbish-bin for political has-beens, rejects and deadwoods” and I am mightily mortified that the Dewan Rakyat has given the Dewan Negara the opportunity and justification to “rubbish” the elected chamber.

During question time in the Dewan Negara yesterday, Senator Datuk Yip Kum Fook wanted to know what measures were put in place to ensure women had a conducive working environment at the working place, adding: “Take, for example, the Dewan Rakyat, where prejudicial and sexist statements are being made at women MPs. Is this not setting a bad example?”

I feel awfully ashamed and I can speak for all the DAP MPs that we feel terribly humiliated, but have the BN MPs – who had thumped the table in glee and celebration when Po Kuan’s motion to refer the two sexist BN MPs to the Committee Privileges was rejected –any sense of shame? Continue reading “I never felt more mortified in my 33 years as MP – with “rubbish-bin” Senate “rubbishing” Dewan Rakyat”

Urgent fax to PM on 3 issues which Cabinet must address tomorrow

I have sent an urgent fax to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi highlighting three issues which the Cabinet must address tomorrow – the racist and sexist conduct of Barisan Nasional (BN) Ministers and MPs and support of the Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Nazrin’s exemplary conduct on moderation and simplicity by launching a nation-wide campaign to slash government extravagance and ostentatious ceremony.

The three issues which I conveyed to the Prime Minister are:

1. The complaint by third-year CalyPoly Biotech Malaysian student Sheena Moorthy of the disgraceful conduct of the Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation Datuk Seri Dr. Jamaludin Jarjis in making racist and derogatory remarks about Malaysian Indians when he met Malaysian students in Los Angeles, California a fortnight ago on 30th April.

I had raised this issue in Parliament last week and Sheena had emailed complaints to the Prime Minister and various Cabinet Ministers, including MIC President and Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu but she has not received a single reply as if the Malaysian Cabinet and Government is totally IT-illiterate in this era of instant communications. Furthermore, Jamaluddin has yet to make a public apology for his “totally uncalled-for racial insults” to Sheena at a public meeting in Los Angeles.

2. The derogatory, crude, vulgar, sexist and gender-offensive remarks by the two BN MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) in the Dewan Rakyat last week, bringing shame and dishonour to Islam Hadhari, Parliament, Malaysian women and Malaysia’s international image and reputation. Apart from punishing the two sexist BN MPs, the Cabinet should come out with a public apology to Parliament, Malaysian women and the nation for the disgraceful and disreputable episode which had attracted a new round of negative international publicity for the country. Continue reading “Urgent fax to PM on 3 issues which Cabinet must address tomorrow”

Come one, come all – let’s teach the two sexist BN MPs a lesson!

Public Forum Respect Women’s Dignity, Towards A 1st World Parliament

Speakers –

1. Ambiga Sreenevasan – Bar Council President
2. Maria Chin bte Abdullah – Executive Director of Women Development
Collective (WDC)
3. Zainah Anwar – Executive Director of Sisters in Islam
4. Azmin Ali — Vice President, PKR
5. Lim Guan Eng – Secretary-General, DAP
6. Lim Kit Siang – Parliamentary Opposition Leader
7. Teresa Kok Suh Sim – MP for Seputeh
8. Fong Po Kuan – MP for Batu Gajah
(Chair – Tony Pua)

Date: 17 May 2007 (Thursday)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: YMCA Hall, Kuala Lumpur.
No.95, Jalan Padang Belia, Off Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470 Kuala Lumpur
(Opposite of the KL SENTRAL Station)

Why the forum? Explanation of organisers:

Parliament has failed in its duty to the nation and people, in particular Malaysian women. It has shirked its responsibility to redeem itself and punish the two sexist BN MPs who have brought shame and dishonour to Parliament by the use of derogatory, crude, vulgar, sexist and gender-offensive attack on Sdri Fong Po Kuan and all Malaysian women on Wednesday, 9th May.

“Since Parliament is not prepared to do what it should do to redeem its honour and those of Malaysian women and the nation, it is now up to the ordinary Malaysian public to do what Members of Parliament and Ministers have failed to do — by making their condemnation of the sexist conduct of the two BN MPs loud and clear to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the country!”

COME ONE, COME ALL – LET’S TEACH THE TWO SEXIST BN MPs A LESSON! Continue reading “Come one, come all – let’s teach the two sexist BN MPs a lesson!”

Malaysia 2007 – export brains, import brawns

Malaysia is celebrating 50th Merdeka anniversary – half-a-century of nationhood. But things are going wrong all over us, whether macro or micro, from long-standing protracted ones to unheard-of scandals and outrage of public services.

The cry of Ooi C.H.’s plaintive email can be summed in one sentence – why is Malaysia continuing to export brains and import brawns? Read Ooi’s cry of a Malaysian patriot and nationalist:

I’m a former student from a famous high school in Bukit Mertajam. Each year, my school ‘produced’ many excellent students and intellectuals such as doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc, for the community and nation.

This year also the same. My school achieved most satisfactory results in both SPM and STPM. But sadly, among those ‘good’ students, more than half will pursue their studies at private colleges, such as Inti, Nilai.

After 1 year of study at these colleges, they will further their study overseas if their financial situation allows them to do so. It’s not only loss of human resources, it also a huge loss in terms of money. Let’s say, if a student spends RM200k to go to Australia, Canada, etc. Imagine how much it wil be if this involves 1000 students a year?

When the STPM results were announced, yes my school did it again. 6 students got 5As and 1 of them was among the best candidates in the country. 38 students gained 4As.

Most of them have done the same thing after receiving their results. Guess what? Yup, they applied for Singapore’s universities. I guess about 15 people got the offer from Singapore. I think all of them will accept the offer, no doubt. What is so surprising about the small number of 15 students?? All of them are top students in my school!! According to the Singapore government’s policy, they will be bonded for 3 years. As they will receive attractive salaries and stable permanent jobs in Singapore, few of them will come back to develop their career in Malaysia. Continue reading “Malaysia 2007 – export brains, import brawns”