Ipoh Timur kicks off support for Po Kuan and condemn two sexist BN MPs

The people of Pasir Pinji and Ipoh Timur parliamentary constituency tonight stand in the very national forefront to give full support and solidarity to DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan and condemn the two sexist Barisan Nasional (BN) Members of Parliament, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) for their derogatory, crude, vulgar, sexist and gender-offensive attack on Po Kuan and all Malaysian women, making an utter mockery of Mother’s Day tomorrow.

I thank the people of Pasir Pinji and Ipoh Timur for their public-spiritedness and sense of justice in just supporting by an unanimous show of hands a four-point resolution over this issue, viz:

  • CONDEMN the two sexist BN MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) for their derogatory, crude, vulgar, sexist and gender-offensive remarks against a woman MP, Fong Po Kuan (DAP — Batu Gajah) bringing shame and dishonour not only to Po Kuan, but also to Parliament and all Malaysian women.
  • URGE all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, political belief, sex or age to come forward to stand as one to give full support to Fong Po Kuan and demand that the most severe punishment must be meted out to the two sexist BN MPs for bringing shame and dishonour to Po Kuan, Parliament and Malaysian women.
  • REGRET that not a single Barisan Nasional MP, whether Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, man or woman, had the political principle and courage of conviction to stand up in Parliament to support Po Kuan to condemn the two sexist BN MPs for their shameful and abominable conduct in Parliament; and
  • CALL on the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to honour his 2004 general election pledge to “hear the truth” from the people and to be modern-day Justice Bao by taking severe disciplinary actions against the two sexist BN MPs for their derogatory, crude, vulgar, sexist and gender-offensive remarks which have brought shame and dishonour to Parliament and all Malaysian women, making an utter mockery of Mother’s Day tomorrow.

BN women MPs owe Malaysians an explanation as to why they chickened out and abdicated from their responsibility to defend and uphold women honour and dignity when they came under attack by the two sexist BN MPs in the last two days of Parliament. They must in particular explain their spineless conduct in three instances:

Firstly, when Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar made the derogatory, crude, sexist and gender-offensive remarks on Wednesday (9th May) when DAP MPs sought to highlight the scandal of Parliament leaking after a RM100 million renovation, Po Kuan and other DAP MPs did not hear the disgusting remarks because of the din and pandemonium in Parliament at the time. Another reason was DAP MPs and the sexist BN MP duo were seated at the furthest distance from each other in extreme positions in the House.

However, BN men and women MPs who sat close to the two BN MPs heard the sexist remarks. Why didn’t anyone of the BN women MPs stand up to instantly protest against the sexist remarks which are an affront not only to Po Kuan, but to themselves and all women MPs, as well as Malaysian women in general.

Secondly, when Po Kuan stood up in the House at 10 am the next morning (Thursday 10th May) after reading press reports about the sexist remarks by Mohd Said and Bung Mokhtar, and tabled a motion to refer them to the Committee of Privileges, why no BN women MPs stood up to support Po Kuan?

Instead, one BN woman MP quickly scurried out of the Chamber when she heard Po Kuan raising the subject of the sexist conduct of the two BN MPs. I will not name her now, but if BN women MPs dare to deny and challenge me to name names, I am glad to do so.

Thirdly, when the Speaker, Tan Sri Ramli Ngah Talib returned to the House at 2.30 pm to announce his decision — throwing out Po Kuan’s privilege motion on a technical ground though expressing regret at the offensive language used by the two sexist BN MPs — all the BN women MPs, including Minister, Deputy Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, conspicuously stayed away from the House when they should have made it a point to attend to show support and solidarity to Po Kuan as they had more than four hours’ notice of the Speaker’s ruling.

When at the most critical time to stand up for women rights and dignity, BN women MPs decided to hide themselves away from the Chamber! Can they account for their conspicuous absence despite more than four hours’ notice of the Speaker’s ruling at 2.30 pm the same day?

Parliament has failed in its duty to the nation and people, in particular Malaysian women, in shirking from its responsibility to redeem itself and punish the two sexist BN MPs who have brought shame and dishonour to Parliament and Malaysian women.

Since Parliament is not prepared to do what it should do to redeem its honour and those of Malaysian women and the nation, it is now up to the ordinary Malaysian public to do what Members of Parliament and Ministers have failed to do — by making their condemnation of the sexist conduct of the two BN MPs loud and clear to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, the country and the world!

If Parliament cannot protect its own honour and those of Malaysian women and people, then the time has come for ordinary Malaysians to stand up to protect their own honour and those of Parliament!

(Speech at Pasir Pinji ceramah on Saturday, 12.5.07 at 9 pm)

57 Replies to “Ipoh Timur kicks off support for Po Kuan and condemn two sexist BN MPs”

  1. There is a right and there is a wrong. When politicians no longer understand the difference between the two, that’s when law and order breaks down, and changes MUST be made. That’s when the stealing and the abuse get out of control and if we don’t do anything about it, the country goes to the dogs.

    Make a difference – vote out the thieves and the clowns at the next GE and pass on the message to as many people as you can.

  2. Dear Mr Lim,
    My family hold you and your collegue in high esteem. The way you fight for justice for us, poor helpless rakyat is very much appreciated. You loose your temper in parliament against BN misisters and MPs who do not actually know what their duties are. You prepared data and statistics to back your points. But sad to say, many of the Ministers and BN MPs do not even care to know.
    As I see it, most of them are just interested in fooling around by calling you and colleagues bad names. The latest being levelled at Po Kuan.
    In my opinion, you and co., are not actually dealing with intellect or sober people. They are more or less like imbeciles or clowns.
    I believe it is very difficult to deal with people with such low mentality. I am praying that God will bring those people to their senses and realise that they have a heavy responsility in the Dewan Rakyat .

  3. The behaviours of Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) only bring SHAME to UMO, to Islam, to their family members and to Malaysia! Do these idiots have wifes, mothers and daughters too?

    This year is Visit Malaysia Year and the year Malaysia becomes 50 years old. Go imagine how the world will act if the world knows we have so many low-level MPs and ministers fooling around?

    Bad-awi is totally hopeless. He is the laziest PM Malaysia ever have (I have been declaring this statement again and again). He needs to do something strongly against such issues and he chose to snore!

  4. What do you all expect from the Bung(hole) of kinabatangan? From Wikipedia, the definination of bung
    The terms bung and bunghole have been used as slang for anus as early as the 13th century. A translation of Dante’s The Divine Comedy to English from the original Italian uses the term bung when describing the grotesque appearance of a particular sinner who has been split from head to crotch, with his bowels trailing behind him:
    Between his legs all of his red guts hung with the heart, the lungs, the liver, the gall bladder, and the shriveled sac that passes shit to the bung.

  5. Asking the snoozy PM to act is like asking the cow to fly. But I do believe that animals will evolve and one day the cow will fly but then again if our snoozy PM is still alive he will still be in dreamland snoring away.

  6. Truly sad that BN MPs are of such low quality and level of mentality. Such immature BN MPs will not bring Malaysia anywhere closer to Wawasan 2020. I seriously think that Wawasan 3030 will be a more feasible target.

  7. I wish to take this opportunity to wish all Mothers and Mothers to be, a very Happy Mothers Day. You have my utmost respect and admiration. My respect also goes to the mothers of the 2 monkeys who were brought into the parliament house by our irresponsible PM. It is no fault of theirs to bear such deformed sons (one with just 1 eye, and the other without testicles). although some might say that its better they were born mentally retarded, at least they wouldn’t bring so much shame to the family and the Nation. They have brought enormous shame and pain to their mothers and I feel sorry for them. They are just like any mothers with feelings and emotions, and they have had their regular menses too although their 2 monkeys didn’t know that.

  8. Don’t expect any actions to be taken by our sleepy and corrupt PM. The only solution is to vote BN out and throw all these UNMO donkeys into rubbish bin. Until then, Happy Mothers’ Day!

  9. Since time immemorial men (including women) relish in the art of verbal warfare (insults) where, with the advance of civilisation, the physical is prohibited.

    This is especially so in an institutional setting like Parliament in which debators on opposite side of the political fence are supposed to deliberate, argue and discredit one another’s position in order to bring about certain agreed upon policies for changes in society. For this reason parliamentary privilege is accorded to parliamentarians whose freedom of speech within the house may be exercised without fear of being sued for defamation outside.

    But this freedom is not absolute. It stops where sedition begins. Insults and accusations are allowed up to a certain point and provided that they fall within the boundaries of acceptable behaviour and language within the august chambers.

    This is why members of Dewan Rakyat have a general duty to act on all occasions in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament. They are not supposed to use `unparliamentary’ language. In serious and persistent violations by a member, there is a case to refer him to the Committee of Privileges.

    But what is parliamentary language and what is not is, more often than not, itself a matter of contention and debate.

    I think the line is drawn on what is fair to be distinguished from what is blatantly unfair and uncalled for in the views of common thinking people.

    I suppose if one insults a political opponent for making a perceived stupid remark or taking a stupid stand (whether or not it is really stupid) it may well be considered fair or acceptable because here the parliamentary insult is focused on the intellectual characteristics of the MP targeted for insult and justified by his display of a lack thereof.

    “Batu Gajah pun bocor tiap-tiap bulan pun bocor juga” is poking fun in a sexist way at women’s menstruation.

    It is unparliamentary because it is unfair and insensitive. It is so that menstruation is a natural biological process. It is also true that it is a subject not openly discussed because there is a degree of shame attached to it by many women who view it a periodic ‘curse’ or an embarrassment that men like the members of Kinabatangan and Jasin do not have to go through but yet have the insensitivity to make fun of their vulnerability in these respects.

    If unstopped, they would persist in the insult of not only the Opposition women members but also all women.

    Shahrir Samad does not think such sexist comments are not unparliamentary. I am sure he thinks they are but he disagrees on proportionality of reaction and response. He is of the opinion that an apology will suffice. It need not be escalated to the Committee of Privileges.

    But what riles Kit and the point of contention lies in this :

    · the fact that BN deliberated on the issue a few hours and then came back with the Speaker dismissing his motion to commit the offenders to Privileges Committee on the merest point of technicality on meaning of “when it occurred” showed the triumph of form over substance and evinces the triviality with which the BN views such sexist remarks;

    · the fact that the motion was defeated with a chorus of thumping and cheering added salt to wound and demonstrated clearly that there is group solidarity amongst predominantly male MPs on BN side to empathize with members of Kinabatangan and Jasin’sw actions based on mutually shared background knowledge and values;

    · which, of course, would not only tend to limit the boundaries of unparliamentary language to exclude sexual innuendoes but also serve to encourage the offenders to repeat and persist in their offence with impunity in the future considering the litanies of sexist remarks and sexual innuendoes they have contributed by way of debate in the past without contrition.

    To be sure the escalation of this issue by the Opposition by taking them directly to the people would serve two political ends of the Opposition:-

    First, it shows the hollowness of the BN’s rhetoric to promote a First World Parliament and the disjunct between what it professes to achieve and the reality of the kind of kampung material it has to work on. To acquiesce with such remarks unpunished is to undermine the image, respect and moral authority of our highest legislative institution.

    Secondly if this kind of gender sensitive issue can successfully galvanise women voters against the BN, it is something the BN cannot afford. It has to either discipline its members to toe a more gender sensitive line and prevent future abuses of parliamentarians’ freedom of speech or pay the price of facing the wrath of ½ of the electorate.

  10. YB Lim,

    Although I am not much younger than you are,I can feel the stress in blogging here since the incident caused by the two morons.I really salute you and your colleagues in DAP for your continuous dedication for decades.I hope you are always healthy.

    Looking back,this beloved nation of ours would have even dropped further down the global ladder without your consistent and tireless prodding on the big n clumsy BN.

    Keep it up.

  11. To our Prime Minister,

    The people has spoken loud and clear. The actions and behavior of these 2 Wakil Rakyat has disgrace the country.

    To uttered those words is shocking but after watching the parliamentary proceedings when it was uttered, one comes away with a feeling of disgust and shame. The way they laughed and their antics is just simply unbecoming of a Malaysian, and mind you, they are the Wakil Rakyat (Representative of the People).

    In case, you have no idea what is a Wakil Rakayt stands for;

    1) They stand for all things Malaysia

    2) As the tittle implies, They Represent the People thus they are expected to maintain a behavior that will do the nation proud at all times

    4) They are expected to carry themselves with a sense of fairness and dignity.

    These are but a few of the basic expectations of a Wakil Rakaat.

    Even our nation sportsman and sportswoman are reminded to be on their best behavior when they are on and off the field.

    Even our tourist guides and tourist bus drivers know how to behave when they are with the tourists.

    I don’t see why these People Representatives are not able to behave decently too.

    Mr Prime Minister, DO THE RIGHT THING for the next time when you call on our nation sportsman, sportswoman, tour guides and tour bus drivers to do our nation proud, you do so without any authority and i believe the term for that in the political arena is LAME DUCK.

  12. Firstly, Happy Mothers Day to all mothers out there. In my opinion, being a mother is the toughest of all jobs out there.

    As an active UMNO member, I condemned the sexist remarks issued by two uneducated mongs in Parliament recently. I am ashamed, as a Msian first, that we have some baboons in Parliament.

  13. Next time before nominations for a YB, we must have a minimal standard of tests to evaluate their sanity and IQ level. This is to deter ‘mentally-challenged’ lackeys from making a presence at Parliament.

  14. Isn’t there a code of conduct for MPs?
    What were they swearing when they took office?
    That their title YB stands for ‘yatim beruk’? and that they should play the part. Their behavior definitely contradicts the simplest practice of any sane person who upholds the respected office of a wakil rakyat.
    But these two retards really insult the people of Kinabatangan and Jasin by showing off how their “no-mother borned” YB yatim beruk behave in the august house.
    Both the Sabah Dung and “Close one eye” cannot see nor hear nor feel the water leakage in parliament. Really trying to behave like the proverbial monkey who see no evil, hear no evil but these two monkeys TALK PLENTY EVIL.

  15. We should start a wiki page on “The Hall of Shame of Dewan Rakyat”. To show more people who they should vote in the coming election. These MP should not be allowed in DR anymore! It is a sickness to the country.

  16. By the way, what did all MCA and Gerakan MPs respond to the two monkeys at the Dewan Rakyat last week? Did they say a word to condem the 2 monkeys at all last week?

    Where are their balls?

    They have no guts to go against the 2 monkeys?

  17. I am telling you, this country is going haywire!!! Two idiotic MPs who should have been sacked and banished was instead left unpunished.

    A vote for BN is now a vote for these 2 SEXISTS, think about that!

  18. BN has and is abusing their majority in parliament. Shame on you BN women MPs, running away from helping another sister. Shame on you.

    Inilah keCemerlangan kerajaan BN..Gemilang sungguh pemimpinan Pak Lah dan BN….memang TerBilang MP BN hingga memalukan parlimen!!!

  19. to the 2 MPs (Menghina Perempuan) wives, mothers, grandmother, sister-in-laws, mother-in-laws, nieces, aunties, sisters and daughters. GIVE THEM A BIG SLAP IN THE FACE to remind them that their mothers are women too.

    To PM, fire these two ‘stupidest’ morons, they are a disgrace to Malaysians and parliament. Let that be a lesson to others who were chuckling over the remarks in parliament. And that’s not enough, chrage them in court for sexism remark. This is sexual harrasment in parliament.

    To women in Malaysia, stand up and be heard.

  20. to me this two MPs are low lifes without any education.just imagine…minister of parliament…acting worse off than a pariah(which they already are i suppose).u dun get ur tongue sharp by responding these type of comments in a parliament especially to a lady.its plain childish and stupid.i wonder how many MPs really knw how to behave whn they are really in parliament.and which idiot appointed them to ministership without checking their education background and then acting like a monkey in parliament.we need solid and constructive MPs to answer and solve problems for the people…not to act in such an uncalled manner in a parliament.to these 2 MPs and the speaker who turned on one eye shut for these 2 monkeys….u people are morons of the morons.thats one of the best example why the best brains are not in malaysia…the ones left are [deleted] in parliament whr they cant come up wif ideas in serving people but wasting time getting attention by behaving so childishly.

  21. “Shahrir Samad does not think such sexist comments are not unparliamentary. I am sure he thinks they are but he disagrees on proportionality of reaction and response. He is of the opinion that an apology will suffice. It need not be escalated to the Committee of Privileges.”

    I agree with Shahrir.

    Such misbehavior should have been handled in a bipartisan manner. Instead, we are being distracted from the real issues.

  22. “… which, of course, would not only tend to limit the boundaries of unparliamentary language to exclude sexual innuendoes but also serve to encourage the offenders to repeat and persist in their offence with impunity in the future considering the litanies of sexist remarks and sexual innuendoes they have contributed by way of debate in the past without contrition”.


    Thank you.

  23. “Secondly if this kind of gender sensitive issue can successfully galvanise women voters against the BN, it is something the BN cannot afford.” Jeffrey

    That sounds condescending!

    We need to give our women voters due credit for their intelligence. They are not about to trade political loyalties over such issues. They know what is relevant and what is not.

    They are not about to jump the political bandwagon because of the misbehavior of a couple of rude country bumpkins who need to attend a course in grooming on how to behave in the company of women. I bet these two do not know the meaning of ‘sexist’.

  24. “Undergrad2, I have always learned from your comments and I do appreciate your angle on Shahrir, but this issue is hardly in the category of ‘womens’ rights’ nor is it partisan or political, period.” Peters

    I am a supporter of human rights – and that includes women’s rights. My comments are not meant to diminish the importance of the matter of women’s rights. But neither does Shahrir whom I know, and his mentor whom I know more, mean to diminish the dignity of women.

    The two country bumpkins should have been dealt with by the Speaker of the House soon after. Instead by the refusal of the Speaker to allow the motion to be moved the next day, the debate has plummeted to a new low.

    Both parties are guilty of harboring condescending attitude towards women. Both think that women are naive.

  25. A decade ago I was in the reservist and there happen to be a few woman in the group in training. During foot drill this malay women was all smiles and the drill sergeant a malay retorted loudly ‘apa nampak ke aku punya?’ literally ..you have seen my private part ye!
    They bother two hoots in uttering them. Only voters can see and act .Happy mothers day.

  26. Some ‘abuse’ has to be tolerated when you are in the military. If you cannot take it, then you have no business being there. Women’s rights are not in their minds when you are being interrogated by the enemy!

    Get real.

  27. “Women’s rights are not in their minds when you are being interrogated by the enemy!” – Diaperhead.

    Neither are men’s rights when dealt with by female interrogators.

    You would have heard of a manuscript containing an insider’s written account, obtained by The Associated Press, classified as secret, pending a Pentagon review which revealed female interrogators, wearing a miniskirt and thong underwear, tried to break Muslim detainees at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by sexual touching, rubbing her breasts against the prisoner’s back and commenting on his apparent erection and thereafter smearing a Saudi detainee man’s face with what he had been told to be menstrual blood (fake). The detainee looked up and spat in her face.

    This underscores the fact that to Muslim, menstrual blood is culturally taboo.

    Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil finally broke her silence on the issue yesterday.

    Which is why I wonder at what Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said when she finally broke her silence on the “Batu Gajah pun bocor tiap-tiap bulan pun bocor juga” remark attributed to Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) – “Even in jest, it should not have been done. I would like to request all MPs to show exemplary behaviour, especially on gender issues,” Shahrizat said in a Star report on May 12th.

    Is it just jest? Isn’t she minimising and understating what Bung Mokhtar Radin had done to Fong Po Kuan? I think it is, and intended to be, a wicked insult borne from deep scorn of the Opposition especially its women members.

  28. Kit, what you should bring to the PM are these:
    1. Is this what Islam Hadhari all about? and
    2. Is this what Ketuanan Melayu all about, bringing shame to the entire race because of two morons who decide to show how perverted they are in the way they view the female gender. This further compound the negative perception we have on the Malay males that they are so prone to rapes, incests and related sex crimes.

    And for the lady MPs in the BN, if there is any dignity left in them, they resign enbloc today. If not, they’ll be shamed forever because by keeping silent, they are indirectly condoning the acts of these two country bumpkins.

  29. I watched the video clip in youtube. This Bung-guy tried to be funny. On the contrary, he looked very stupid and low intelligent. The Jasin MP is another mockery. He still joked about his “close one eye” policy. How could these clowns be allowed to sit in the Parliament? A true disgrace to the nation.

  30. I agree with you totally,Billy.The women BN MPs behaved as if [deleted]. You know how hypocritical one of them was when asked about the Maybank 50% partnership for law firms.She was also a deputy minister replied she had no right to deal with the issue.But what if Public Bank were to impose 50% partnership ruling on Bumi law firms?Would she still say that she has no right to interfere.

  31. Rights, human rights or dog rights !

    Since time immemorial, the weaks are the meat for the strongs. Since when we are talking about equality for all. Just look around, you will convince yourself that some are more equal than others. All may miss some, especially, the leaders.

    So, you and I are not those type of leaders, no say loh !

    See how weak Po Kuan is !

  32. “URGE all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, political belief, sex or age to come forward to stand as one to give full support to Fong Po Kuan and demand that the most severe punishment must be meted out to the two sexist BN MPs for bringing shame and dishonour to Po Kuan, Parliament and Malaysian women”

    how can i help?

  33. “…inter-religious relations in Malaysia have plummeted to an all-time low and Malaysia’s state-appointed religious authorities have begun to behave like a law unto themselves, raiding the homes of Malaysians at night in the name of ‘moral policing’, splitting up Malaysian families in cases where the spouses are not of the same religion and taking children away from their parents…Religion has entered the public political and discursive domain in an all too glaring manner. While public debate in Malaysia during the 1960s and 1970s was focused more on issues related to the economy and nation-building, it is now practically impossible to discuss anything in Malaysia – be it pop culture, the media, consumer trends or even political activism – without going through the prism of religious discourse in general and Islam in particular.”

    Quoted from http://malaysia-today.net/blog2006/index.php?itemid=4602

  34. Most of these BN MP going to the parliment to highlight nonsense issues, making jokes and sick remarks. They have no passion for the people interest.

    [deleted] Look at these clowns act when opposition throw them a question- they become monkeys to a banana, jumping everywhere.

    They too shallow too stupid to understand the people’s needs. Yet we let them- millionaire goverment servant, representing the people.

    Or is it Malaysian that are too shallow too stupid to VOTE THEM IN.
    A few days from now Malaysian will forget this issue and these monkey will be serving the people again.


  35. Our Opposition must stay and make sure that all Malaysian can see the real “Monkey” that been captured by BN coalitions to lead this country. Please don’t walk away. Sit back and relax. Enjoy the “PAID” HBO from BN coalition parties. We. Malaysian will make a better decision in the coming GE.

  36. To be fair I think there are some BN female MPs who did voice their concern on such gender prejudice. Yb Chew Mei Fun and YB Tan Lian Ho did say something against the derogatory remarks.

  37. Politicians, to be exact, wakil rakyats, should be well-educated but the way this politician is putting it disgusts me. Is there nothing else to remark in parliament itself that this politician has to make fun of this natural phenomenon? Or has he forgotten that his mother too is a woman and subject to this phenomenon? Or his wife for that matter.

    I think this politician owes every woman in this country a solemn apology.

  38. BN leaders have absolutely no principles. As long as they don’t offend the powers to be, they will sell their mothers, daughters etc to achieve their purpose and in this case to insult the opposition. Only in Malaysia can such a disgusting incident be upheld by the government. To even say it in public is a no-no, but this was said in PARLIAMENT!!!

    Is it a coincidence that so far all deragotary remarks made against women were uttered by Malay male BN MP’s?

    Instead of solving the countries many problems, they make a joke of everything. This only means one thing. The BN have no solution to move this country forward.

  39. The sexist and frequent derogatory remarks like the previous ‘masuk sedikit ‘ only serve to reflect the high incidence of sexual related crimes and incest that happen among one community in this country.Many of us are wondering despite their professed adherence to the teachings of their religion.Such despicable behaviour still persists.Can anyone throw light on this problem?

  40. Can we also refer these BN MPs to a psychiatrist for the innumerable times they have fouled up suggests that they suffer from some psychological aberration?

    We don’t want a case where theese 2 MPs later turn up as rapists in some freakish outburst like the Virginia Tech College incident involving the explosive outbursts and killings by the Korean student!

  41. We should see the two for what they are i.e. out-of-control country bumpkins unfit to hold public office. But this is best left to their constituents to decide.

    “Can we also refer these BN MPs to a psychiatrist …” HORNBILL

    Why only the two?? There are lots more from where they come from.

  42. I wonder why they behaved like that? this is a very good case study for pschology students and experts. As i understand a little bit of pschology, information received through ears, eyes etc. will be processed through the brain, and the mouth will utter words that the brain agreed to let go i.e. after the necessary conditioning process. So in this case, the brain told them that it is ok to say these words as it is acceptable by the conditioning process. I believe this is most likely due to their believe system, that it is ok to poke fun at woman on thing such as monthly period, even though it is part of God’s creation and there’s nothing shameful about this and should not be used to compare with leaking roof! i wonder what they will do in the dark when they dared to do this in the open as in the parliament!! dont playX2 in parliament, we are paying u tons of money to formulate policies and to improve our living standards in malaysia! if u want to play, please play with sands by the beach side and no one will complain other than your wife and mother. U ingat u masih budak2 main di longkang tangkap ikan??

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