“Bring On United”! “Bring On Building Bridges Conference”!

The New Straits Times front-page today screamed the message of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi – “BRING ON UNITED!”

Its Page 2 lead story “I want Red Devils here” reported:

KUALA LUMPUR: The prime minister wants Manchester United to play in Malaysia in July despite opposition from football officials.

“This is Visit Malaysia Year and we want Manchester United to come here. This will attract the team’s fans from all over the region, such as Singapore and Thailand, to come over to watch the match.

“We know how great the club is and they will be a big attraction to football fans here,” Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said after the 61st Umno Day celebration at the Putra World Trade Centre yesterday.

This is great news. But Abdullah should also have said: “Bring On the Building Bridges Conference” and overrule the last-minute cancellation of the international Muslim-Christian conference this week. This would be even greater news.

The last-minute cancellation of the international interfaith conference is very bad advertisement for Malaysia and Islam Hadhari promoted by Abdullah — as its sends out the message that Malaysia has become increasingly intolerant of inter-religious dialogues to promote inter-religious understanding, goodwill and harmony.

Has Malaysia, on the occasion of the 50th Merdeka anniversary, turned its back to the past of over four decades where Malaysia held itself out to the world as a successful model of inter-religious understanding, goodwill and harmony?

The last-minute cancellation of the international Muslim-Christian dialogue in Malaysia is an open slap in the face of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Unity and National Service, which submitted its interim report to Parliament on Tuesday.

The interim report of the Select Committee chaired by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili called on the Prime Minister’s Department to organize inter-faith dialogues among religious leaders to promote harmony among the races.

The select committee report said: “We feel religious representatives should always be given the opportunity and space to hold dialogues among themselves in a harmonious environment.”

The last-minute cancellation of the international Muslim-Christian dialogue has made a total mockery of the work and report of the Select Committee on Unity and National Service.

The Building Bridges conference, chaired by the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams, had previously been held in London, New York, Qatar and Sarajevo. What is the objection to the holding of its latest international inter-faith dialogue in Kuala Lumpur when it could be held in Qatar and Sarajevo?

Let Abdullah declare “Bring On the Building Bridges Conference” apart from his call “Bring On United”!

36 Replies to ““Bring On United”! “Bring On Building Bridges Conference”!”

  1. It has to come to this….Our PM putting in his 2 sen worth to speak out on behalf of the Red Devils.

    I am a football fan and even though i support Liverpool, i have nothing personal against MU. Rather if possible, i would like to one day bring my son along to cheer our National Football team (We still do have a Malaysia Football Team, do we not?), just like those days when my father took me along to Stadium Merdeka to cheer our mullti-racial, amateur and full of semangat football team.

    But one thing i do not understand is ‘How is the MU game going to help our Malaysia football team? How is it really going to affect VMY 2007?”

    The only thing i see is that someone or some people are going to get very filthy rich from this ONE match and sad to see that our Minister of Sports and our PM are lobbying for the match with such semangat!

    Tak ada lain important hal kah?

    Let’s analyze, the stadium is going to hold what? 100,00 people and out of that let’s say, 1000 of them are going to go in FREE due to their connections (not footballing abilities), and the most we are talking of 5000 overseas fans?

    Are there not OTHER promotions that we can do to bring in 5000, if not more, overseas fans? For all you know, if we have a strong and competitive national football team, we will have the WHOLE country (and the last time i check, there are 25 million of us!) filling our stadiums many times over. Imagine, we will have VMY every time our national football team step onto the pitch.

    But are those in charge of our football association or our government SERIOUSLY DOING ANYTHING LONG TERM about this?

    The irony of this whole episode is have anyone stop to ask ourselves “Why are we not putting our 2 sen worth to support ASIAN football?”.

  2. Let put this direct. !!!!

    We do not need MAN U, Liverpool or Real Madrid to show us “Malaysia Football to improve”.

    We need fair elections on talented Players. If in overseas, the FAM have long change the PIC but sadly these punks till around telling the nation we are on the way for further progress in football.

    In 1980s we are 60-70 World ranking now “2007” u can 60X2+40 = 160 RANKING.

    To helps VMY2007., Vormit la…Whatever la..

    Punks rule Malaysia in every corner of Govt Dept.. sigh…

  3. The last time MU played here which we of course we lost the match,the then captain of Bolehland was jumping up and down as if we have won the world cup.The reason: he has manage the exchange jerseys with David Beckham.He was seen kissing the sweaty jersey and was so delighted.
    Tak tau malukah,bodoh?

  4. Congratulations to Mohd Zakry/Mohd Fairuz for qualifying for the final in the Indo Open. Hidup UMNO Hidup Melayu!!

    Forget about MU. Bring on Liverpool instead, the real champion with 5 European Cups. :)

  5. “In 1980s we are 60-70 World ranking now “2007″ u can 60X2+40 = 160 RANKING.” – JACK THE RIPPER

    How do you explain about Singapore then??? I dont see them soaring up there in the FIFA rankings despite ‘importing’ Aftricans, Bosnians and an Englishmen to play in their national team.

    China … how???

  6. This UMNO fixation on football is good!

    It will be a constant reminder to Abdullah Badawi that in football or soccer goal posts do not shift during the game. Also the warming up is not an endless process. And the end comes when time is up. It does not go on forever.

    Let’s have a goal.

  7. It seems pathetic when the ruling party is allegedly condoning racism,sexism and bigotry..The prime minister decides that the only solution to this is to bring down Man U?

    This blatantly shows how much we,the people of this country need to stop tolerating and start demanding for what is rightfully ours.

    After 50 years of independence we all need to stop being Indians,Chinese,Malays and lain-lain.We need to stand up for our rights and not let the bigots and imbeciles run us or our country.

  8. Fans are not the only ones fighting over which tema to play. Believe me, its not just football fever and support for teams. It is always vested interests You follow the money trail and you would understand why this faction support this team and the other that. People connected with organisers habe vested interests ie money making interest. It is always money the main consideration : the rest are just arguments in support of one’s vested interests.

    So where is the money made?

    In event promotions; in advertisements, in selling paraphernalia of the team etc.

  9. My dear PM, how can you consider the few foreign football fans as tourist? These die-hard fans are mostly interested in football and not not in spending their their hard-earned money in the country.

  10. The UMNO government support MU, longest pizza,longest satay, longest flag, Mat Rempit,…..all these nonsense that does not help Malaysian to progress, to be united, to compete globaly. They cant compete but want to suppress others. Mana boleh??? They help Malaysia to spend n spend not thinking of ways to earn or make money for Malaysia. Let somebody else (our YB Kit, YB Kula) take over the government, in no time we are going to beat the Korean, Thailand, Veitnam. I can bet that!!

  11. i always knew AAB is an ardent footie fan. Remember he said that he just gotten warm up as a PM and it is not even half time yet. Yea, continue to warm that bench of yours. You will be substituted very soon before u even get onto the field.

  12. I am surpise that Abdullah allowed MU to come and further endorsed MU by saying “I want the Red Devil here”. Is there no pride in Malay Muslims? On one side they detest the Brits for colonizing them for hundreds of year making them so laidback, labeling them as infidels and among other accused the Brits of crime against humanity in Iraq. Now, they will be playing side by side on our Islamic shores, how wonderful. So when MU come to Malaysia, let those Malay Muslims flocks to the stadium and witness themselves being thrash all over again, this time on their own PM’s invitation. Good Job!

  13. “This is Visit Malaysia Year …”
    Spent some time in Sentral Station today. We wanted to inquire about the service to Tumpat. But KTM Information Center was simply closed, unmanned, and didn’t look like having been opened for some time. Looking closer, the Waktu Operasi indicator was simply empty. No indication when they would open at all. No info, that means no trip to Tumpat.
    Then we had to use the toilets. Those were topping any toilet we ever saw at any hawker, be it Malay, Chinese or Indian. We never experienced any place as dirty as that one; from the ground up. It looked like it had never been cleaned throughout Visit Malaysia Year 2007.

  14. Having MU is maybe not a bad thing – but the money in sports, esp the corruption that exist in the sporting sector should be examine. The general public does not know it as it not considered breaking news but grants are given out, overseas trips are made – all on tax-payer money with no accountability. Question is who is going to make another million ringgit from this deal to bring in MU ?

  15. RealWorld Says:

    May 12th, 2007 at 8:58 pm
    “In 1980s we are 60-70 World ranking now “2007″ u can 60X2+40 = 160 RANKING.” – JACK THE RIPPER

    How do you explain about Singapore then??? I dont see them soaring up there in the FIFA rankings despite ‘importing’ Aftricans, Bosnians and an Englishmen to play in their national team.

    China … how??? – RealWorld


    Hi Brother RealWorld. In Malaysia Football is like UMNO Style.. “Tak boleh also mahu perform”. Come on, why not let PKR & DAP to lead the country surely allot things
    will improve

    I can bet to anyone, from the ways Malaysia football is going: Until Hari Kiamat pun tak akan masuk World Cup Final. “Malaysia Boleh- Wat a Jokes”

    Take my words.

    Ranking List:-

  16. Aiyo!! AAB’s SIL are behind the investor to bring on MU to Malaysia. His ‘connected’ group are banging on ‘mega’ returns from this. Now, AAB have to speak out here, otherwise his SIL will not take things easier for AAB and his wife.
    I truly felt sad for AAB as there are just nothing about him anyomre. His wife and mum left him. The son is doing ‘big’ time with international ‘networker’ that he cannot control. The daughter’s marriage are ‘fixed’ by KJ to get himself on the driver seat. Now, KJ seems to make sure that his FIL listens well and obey the commands.

  17. Just try to go off track here for a matter of “sharing”, remember our two ‘clowns’ that were send to Machap for publicity and BN ‘carrot’. Isn’t that funny, they cannot get into shape in their game after that. That’s a good message not to mixed sports with politics. Well, I don’t think that they will ever know what kind of price they have to pay to try. Anyway, it’s good that we can have another pairs to replace them.

  18. Wah….AAB demanding Red Devils 2 be here. Hey ppl got more importants things 2 do instead of coming here & 2 kick our malaysian team butt, again! ppl also boring…no challenge.

    AAB as usual unable to tell which are the things he should prioritize. Such as u-know officiating failured nasi kandar in perth that barely last for 5 months than helping the flood victims in Johor, now asking the Man U to come instead of approving the international Muslim-Christian dialogue…ini kita punya PM kar? Terrer lar…

  19. Dear marcuschwen,

    I am a MU fan but I do not feel abit pity if MU decided not to come to Malaysia. There is no meaning for them to be here when PM Abdullah is a liar. He lied when he said he postponed Building Bridge Conference because he wants to attend it personally. May I ask what is so important in the conference that Abdullah has to attend personally? If it is so important why postponed it in the first place?
    Abdullah lied!

    I did not intent to turn this into a racial issue but frankly, is it not racial and religous issues that created so many problems in our country right now? Do you think bringing MU to Malaysia will bridge the divide among us and solve our problems indefinitely? Ask the Malay and muslims, if its not ok to be a Brits is it then ok to be MU? It is just plain hypocrite!

  20. RealWorld Says:

    How do you explain about Singapore then??? I dont see them soaring up there in the FIFA rankings despite ‘importing’ Aftricans, Bosnians and an Englishmen to play in their national team.

    China … how??? – RealWorld

    Why mention about Singapore and China?

    They are way ahead of Bolehland in the FIFA rankings.

    No. 72 China PR
    No. 124 Singapore
    No. 154 Malaysia aka Bolehland

    Please note that three other countries are tied in 154th place with Bolehland namely Myanmar, Nicaragua and the Solomon Islands.

    Heck, even Fiji is ahead of Bolehland!

  21. The above two incidents already say a lot abt the presence government, since Tun Mathathir time till now. No consistency and last minite decision making .. how do you expact foreign investers to have confidence with the country for having these type of decision makers on board. Today says BIG YES tomorrow says BIG NO similar to the New Causeway case.

    When AAB first became PM, I had high regards and respect for the him. But after seeing blunders after blunders and no actions being taken against his men, heck, just sack them all! Get a new ruling party be it DAP/PKR/PAS or combination of all and start all over again. After all, given another 50 yrs BN/UMNO will make things worst and trillions will be gone with the cronies.

    Quoted from PM recently: “I FEEL that the civil servants deserve pay rise”. REPLY :- Heck, how can a PM make decision based on FEELING and not fact and figures, reports and studies?

    “This is Visit Malaysia Year and we want Manchester United to come here. This will attract the team’s fans from all over the region, such as Singapore and Thailand, to come over to watch the match. REPLY :- You are right Sir, but why can’t they delay the game so as not to coincide with Asian games since still 2 months away?

    “I spoken until my throat dry” regarding the maintainance of govt buildings. REPLY :- So how Mr PM, you are the CEO of the country, can’t you do anything else besides talking, talking and more talking? Just SACK them! Then you will see things moving Sir. Come on, do you need us fellow Malaysians to kick your a** then move? Not again!

    – fellow Malaysian

  22. /// How do you explain about Singapore then??? I dont see them soaring up there in the FIFA rankings despite ‘importing’ Aftricans, Bosnians and an Englishmen to play in their national team.

    China … how??? ///

    RealWorld – are you saying Malaysia does not import foreigners for its football team?


    Singapore, how? China, how? Well, the ranking speaks for itself – both Singapore and China are well above Malaysia. And mind you, while Malaysia was now in the football world decades ago, it was a relatively unknown game in China.

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