“Bring On United”! “Bring On Building Bridges Conference”!

The New Straits Times front-page today screamed the message of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi – “BRING ON UNITED!”

Its Page 2 lead story “I want Red Devils here” reported:

KUALA LUMPUR: The prime minister wants Manchester United to play in Malaysia in July despite opposition from football officials.

“This is Visit Malaysia Year and we want Manchester United to come here. This will attract the team’s fans from all over the region, such as Singapore and Thailand, to come over to watch the match.

“We know how great the club is and they will be a big attraction to football fans here,” Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said after the 61st Umno Day celebration at the Putra World Trade Centre yesterday.

This is great news. But Abdullah should also have said: “Bring On the Building Bridges Conference” and overrule the last-minute cancellation of the international Muslim-Christian conference this week. This would be even greater news. Continue reading ““Bring On United”! “Bring On Building Bridges Conference”!”

Why Samy Vellu is “untouchable” and “unsackable” as Minister

Malaysians are deeply offended by the Works Minister, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu’s complacency and indifference to first-world standards and mindset when he said leaks in Parliament after RM100 million renovation is “common”.

He said: “It not only happens in our country, Parliament houses in other countries could be facing the same problem. It’s just that we don’t know about it because it is not reported.”

The nerve of the man, justifying the leaks in Parliament after a RM100 million renovation by talking about mythical leaks in other Parliaments which he knows absolutely nothing about.

And his contempt for the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who had spoken until his “throat is dry” about first-world mentality and maintenance culture when his Works Minister is utterly contemptuous of such a “silly notion”!

Public opinion had already been gravely upset by Samy Vellu’s brazen demand for RM22 million to inspect new government buildings in Putrajaya for defects, treating the Malaysian public as suckers and fools who must finally bear the astronomical bill for professional and government negligence resulting in the long list of mishaps of government buildings and public construction projects — while no one else whether contractor, government department such as Public Works Department, or the Works Minister or the relevant Minister concerned, have to bear any responsibility or accountability!

And now Samy Vellu is virtually saying that Malaysians must get used to defects like leaks in Parliament after RM100 million renovation even after the RM22 million inspection and further tens or hundreds of millions of ringgit of consequent repairs!

With such an outrageous and irresponsible attitude, the Prime Minister has more than enough cause to sack Samy Vellu as Works Minister.

However, Samy Vellu is “untouchable” and cannot be sacked, whatever his faults and failings. Continue reading “Why Samy Vellu is “untouchable” and “unsackable” as Minister”

Shahrir cannot distinguish between right and wrong – as to criticise Po Kuan and back the two sexist BN MPs

Public Accounts Committee Chairman and Barisan Nasional (BN) MP for Johor Baru, Datuk Shahrir Samad is losing his critical faculty of distinguishing between right and wrong when he has the heart to criticize the DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, the victim again of parliamentary “male chauvinist” attacks, but does not have the nerve to castigate the two sexist BN MPs, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (Jasin) and Datuk Bung Moktar Radin (Kinabatangan), for their abominable conduct.

I do not know what Shahrir meant when he said yesterday that the opposition “went overboard” when it tried to refer the two errant MPs to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee for their breach of privilege bringing shame and dishonour to Parliament and Malaysian women, just a few days before Mother’s Day.

Shahrir said the matter could have been settled within the confines of the Dewan Rakyat if Po Kuan had declared her hurt and asked for an apology.

For Shahrir’s information, Po Kuan was acting completely “within the confines of the Dewan Rakyat” when she invoked Standing Order 26(1)(p) to table a privilege motion to refer the two sexist BN MPs to the committee of privileges.

Also for Shahrir’s information, Po Kuan did declare her hurt and she and other DAP MPs had asked for apology from both Mohd Said and Bung Moktar, but both were defiant and recalcitrant, not only refusing to acknowledge their transgressions, but sought to defend and justify their “male chauvinist” behaviour and thereby compounding their offensive conduct towards Po Kuan and Malaysian women.

What is even more deplorable, all the BN MPs in the Chambers thumped their table in glee and celebration when Po Kuan’s motion was rejected by the Speaker — demonstrating that they were in full support and solidarity with the actions of the two sexist BN MPs! Continue reading “Shahrir cannot distinguish between right and wrong – as to criticise Po Kuan and back the two sexist BN MPs”