Open Letter to Tawau MP – resign before May 17

I issued an Open Letter to the Barisan Nasional Member of Parliament for Tawau, Shim Paw Fatt, today asking him to resign before May 17 to position Tawau as the centre of state, national and international attention, end the decline of Tawau into an economic backwater and spur super-development with hundreds of millions of ringgit allocations that will be poured in by Barisan Nasional as demonstrated by Machap and Ijok by-elections.

In my Open Letter to Shim, I wanted him to know that my suggestion at a press conference at Sin Onn Market in Tawau yesterday that he resign as Tawau MP was no political game or “child’s play” but a deadly-serious proposal after serious consideration as to how to end the long-standing neglect of Tawau by the Barisan Nasional, whether at the state or federal level, transforming it from a stagnant economic backwater into a vibrant and dynamic growth centre for the region.

I told Shim that nothing in his political life could achieve greater results for the super-development of Tawau than to make a personal sacrifice by resigning as MP for Tawau before May 17, the deadline when any vacancy for a parliamentary seat would have to be filled by a by-election, causing a by-election to be held.

My Open Letter to Shim reads:

YB Shim Paw Fatt,
MP for Tawau,

Dear YB Shim,

Proposal that you resign as MP for Tawau before May 17 to give Tawau the unprecedented opportunity to transform itself from stagnant economic backwater into vibrant growth centre with Barisan Nasional pouring in hundreds of millions of ringgit of allocation for super-development in a by-election

I am taking the unusual step of issuing an Open Letter to you today for two reasons:

Firstly, to underline that my suggestion at a press conference at Sin Onn Market in Tawau yesterday that you resign as Tawau MP was no political game or “child’s play” but a deadly-serious proposal after serious consideration as to how to end the long-standing neglect of Tawau by the Barisan Nasional, whether at the state or federal level, transforming it from a stagnant economic backwater into a vibrant and dynamic growth centre for the region; and

Secondly, that the best way to achieve this objective is to cause a parliamentary by-election which will turn Tawau into the cynosure of state, national and international attention, end the decline of Tawau into a stagnant economic backwater and spur super-development with hundreds of millions of ringgit allocations that will be poured in by Barisan Nasional as demonstrated by Machap and Ijok by-elections.

I want to assure you that in making this unusual proposal, I am not being personal but being fully professional, as you would yourself agree that nothing in your political life could achieve greater results for the super-development of Tawau than to make a personal sacrifice by resigning as MP for Tawau before May 17, the deadline when any vacancy for a parliamentary seat would have to be filled by a by-election, causing a by-election to be held.

For over a decade, the soco-economic and urban woes of Tawau have kept increasing and worsening, as illustrated by the following:

  • Lack of job opportunities forcing the young people of Tawau to leave the district to go to other parts of Sabah and Malaysia to find a living.
  • Although Tawau is a major contributor of the state revenue from its oil palm FFB (Fresh Fruit Bunch), the district has not received proper returns from the revenue to ensure the proper and planned development of Tawau as a thriving urban and economic growth centre.
  • Decline of Tawau as a centre for tourism.
  • People of Tawau have lost their fundamental right to be free from crime and the fear of crime as a result of rocketing crime rate, turning Tawau into one of the worst centres of crime in Sabah and Malaysia.
  • Unchecked and spiraling influx of illegal immigrants. I am told that illegal immigrants had worsened in the past decade from one to four to one to three, when taking into consideration the illegal immigrants who had been given false identifications including voting rights.
  • Deplorable infrastructure facilities which discourages business and investment like the shocking state of power supply, with power disruptions as often as 10 times a day.
  • Deplorable water supply with frequent disruptions, poor quality and abysmal management issuing billings going back to 20-30 years.
  • Deplorable road and drainage conditions, traffic jams, lack of car parking lots, poor refuse disposal service and street-kids problems.
  • Lack of municipal good governance as illustrated by the Sabindo open space scandal, with the Tawau municipality teeming with “Little Napoleons” defying the Prime Minister and the Sabah State Cabinet in depriving the fundamental right of the people of Tawau to open spaces and recreational grounds.

The Machap and Ijok by-elections have shown that if there is a by-election, there will not only be an outpouring of development funds, even problems which had been impossible to resolve would be soluble overnight.

This is an unprecedented opportunity for you to spur super-development by bringing in funds to Tawau not in terms of millions, tens of millions but in the hundred-million ringgit bracket.

If you have doubts, you should seek public opinion from the people of Tawau whether your resignation as MP before May 17 to cause a by-election to be held would spur super development and unprecedented opportunity for the resolution of the catalogue of urban and socio-economic woes of the people of Tawau.

If necessary, I am prepared to meet you to discuss my proposal. Let me end my assuring you that I have nothing personal against you in making such a proposal, but you would agree that if there is no better way to ensure the instant attention of the State and Federal authorities to spur super-development of Tawau, this is an option which must receive your serious, immediate and selfless consideration.

Yours sincerely,

(Lim Kit Siang)
Parliamentary Opposition Leader
29th April 2007


119 Replies to “Open Letter to Tawau MP – resign before May 17”

  1. No MP Shim is not from DAP.
    Mr Lim, your strategy is a good one. Get the elected representatives to resign and see a flood of development coming in for the buy election. You can start off by getting DAP ones to resign one by one since it’s unlikely you can get BN ones to resign.
    If the people see this strategy working they will start voting in opposition parties so that you can go on implementing this strategy.

  2. Every Chinese and Indian MP is in the Barisan to enjoy the perks of office. Do you think they care about the people’s welfare. Do you think the MIC cares about Indians and MCA about Chinese.
    These guys will migrate once they fall out of favour. Some of them are already holding PRs in other countries.
    Resignation is not in their vocabulary.

  3. “You can start off by getting DAP ones to resign one by one since it’s unlikely you can get BN ones to resign.” Jan

    It wouldn’t make sense to ask a DAP member to resign because the BN would not be losing the seat. It is only when the BN stands to lose a seat that they would try to save face and try to win it at all costs.

  4. This is not a funny public joke, we are turning bodohland to London Circus, free but yet costly entertainment show is on stage.

    For the sake of our future generations, we shouldn’t allow a circus type haywire practice. The more we make a fool out of our own wisdom, the more we are in trouble. A learned and seasoned politician as LKS should know better than anyone else what is the real crux of this country.

  5. “This is not a funny public joke, we are turning bodohland to London Circus, free but yet costly entertainment show is on stage.” – tsn

    “Bodohland”???? Are you calling your own country bodohland? If so, then you are calling your parents and your family bodohs.

  6. I am a former Malaysian who has lived half my life in Australia. I feel that it is incumbent on me to lay bare the cupboard as it were so that people can gain an accurate insight of what real life is like for an Asian migrant in a country like Australia.

    Like the many tens of thousands who saw no future for our children in the land of our birth that we deeply loved, we came to Australia with trepidation and heavy hearts in the days following the dismantling of the shameful and odious race-discriminating White Australia policy.

    Apart from free speech and the right to express one’s views without fear of any backlash, one of the first things we found was that race and religion have no place whatsoever in Australian society.

    After determining for ourselves in real life that there was no racial group that was regarded as being superior to any other group and that we had precisely the same rights as any other Australian, we determined to be even more productive citizens.

    The rewards soon arrived. Owing to their comparatively good results in the Higher School Certificate examinations, our children were in the envious position of picking and choosing the universities and the courses they wished to attend – and all for free.

    In return, Australia has benefited greatly from the high income taxes that our children are now paying in their chosen professions.

    In this regard, will be disappointed to learn that I do not own a business, let alone a prosperous one to hand down to my children. My children have to make their way in mainstream Australian life like everyone else – and so they should.

    It would be comforting for most people to know that in Australia it is unlawful to discriminate against anyone on sex, religion, race or color. Equal rights for all means precisely that – no ifs, no buts about it. Hence it is possible for anyone of any faith who so desires and is good enough to become prime minister of Australia.

    A large amount of the high taxes we pay goes towards the upkeep of the unemployed, the disabled, the needy and the pensioners. There are no freebies or special concessions for anyone else.

    As freedom is speech is recognised as a basic right of every citizen, migrants have no problems expressing their complaints or views of self-serving or corrupt or incompetent politicians or bureaucrats in the open media. An impartial judicial system exists for all to take matters further.

    Citizens have the right to preserve whatever cultural heritage, customs and language they are comfortable with and there are organisations set up to address whatever complaints and problems they may encounter in the pursuit of their traditional way of life.

    Pensions and other forms of welfare payment are issued strictly on a means-tested basis. If anything, the system has been accused of being far too fair and generous. Malaysian retirees and others who have not worked or paid any taxes in Australia have been known to receive pensions in Australia after satisfying the means and residential criteria.

    As race is such a non-issue in this country, nobody cares or bothers to pay any attention to the financial success or failure of any particular race in the community. To do so is to invite ridicule and scorn. After all, we are all Australians together.

    The same benchmark that is set with respect to professional and educational standards, opportunities, job promotions, asset acquisitions and so forth applies to everyone bar none.

    Given the special privileges accorded, apparently in perpetuity, malays in Malaysia will clearly find Australia a turn off. On the other hand, minority non-malays who are not as fortunate may have a different viewpoint.

  7. vovo you commented:
    “Given the special privileges accorded, apparently in perpetuity, malays in Malaysia will clearly find Australia a turn off. On the other hand, minority non-malays who are not as fortunate may have a different viewpoint.”

    Great statement VoVO, you are exactly expressing what i have always thought of being living in Australia in a beautiful english.

  8. Tsn is calling his own country “bodohland” because he is of the opinion, as I am sure shared by many here that the country is run on bodoh policies by bodoh people.

    What is the big deal in calling one’s own country bodohland? That if you love your own country, have pride, in her you would say anything disparaging in these terms?

    If that is the view it is superficial. We’re amongst a community of bloggers here, – many of whom Malaysians whether here or migrated abroad care sufficiently for the country to keep in touch with her affairs via this blog and exchanging viewpoints and discourse with one another, notwithstanding World Wide Web enables other to access the comments. But it is a comment by a Malaysian to another.

    Family members too called each other bodoh in moments of unhappiness when airing their grouses, but they don’t go round to tell outsiders that. It is not as if tsn is interviewed by BBC or CNN and tells the whole world that Malaysia is bodohland!

    I am sure tsn and many others who use the expression ‘bodohland’ love many aspects of the country they call their country and home but it does not suggest that they are necessarily proud all the time when as Malaysians they are “represented” by a government that upholds policies that, other than provision of a passport, alienate and treat them as outsiders without recognition of their birth rights!

    Anyone with intelligence will understand governments like the people to be patriotic and use this theme to shut them up from saying anything derogatory of their country which may lead to a derogatory reference to their leadership. This gives people with simple minds a reason to toe the line. Just like religion is also encouraged by governments to give meaning to the poor, while the people in government make money for themselves indirectly, as we all know they do.

    Let us then not overstretch the concept of patriotism too far to make an issue over such an expression.

  9. It is not that Malaysia are bad, look at our history how english people has developed our port, our land.

    But look at now, how much our ruling party has done to our economy, and his own people.

  10. Sir,
    Thank you very much for addressing this issue.
    I have been staying in tawau since i was kid and the problems you stated above have been existed since then as well. BN is as worse as Pairin’s PBS when it took over the power in 1994. 13 years has passed and we are still facing the power supply problem. The population of illegal immigrants in tawau is increasing until you will think you are living in in inodnesia or philiphine. Our BN representative Shim does not do much in helping us much in developing tawau. My dad himself is a victim of crime when he was almost stabbed to death by illegal immigrants who pretented to be his taxi paasengers. None was caught as these ppl escaped back 2 their own place by just boarding a boat. Besides nowadays you will fell unsafe to walk in high streets in tawau as street kids who are mainly the children of illegal immigrants will stalk anybody that wears valuable accessories. SOmetimes i also really hope that if we could have a by-election so that BN will allocate its huge resources for developmemnt purposes in tawau. Believe me, when the general and state elections come, our half-past six BN reps will pretent to be your good , responsible representatives. Well done sir for your contributions and efforts in fighting for our democracy. Keep it up!

  11. To BN winning by-elections is now a matter of life and death, to prove to TDM that Abdullah is loved by the people. So, BN will pay any price just to win.

    The ex-Deputy CM of Sabah was not a loss when he left the Sabah post, according to PM Abdullah. I think the ex-deputy CM should quit his DUN position, to test whether PM Abdullah was right. They should field an independent candidate against BN.

  12. “What is the big deal in calling one’s own country bodohland?” – Jeffrey

    Anyone with some basic intelligence will not call his country bodohland. Anyone with some basic elementary intelligence will have pride of his homeland. Do you see Opposition leaders like Kit, Tok Guru, Anwar calling our country, bodohland in any of their ceramahs or in Parliament??? Only half baked wanna be arm chair politicians will resort to such low acts.

    I have said this earlier before and I will say it again. Why dont you step up to the plate and stand as a candidate in the next election rather than sitting at home, hiding behind your keyboard churning out empty rhetorics. I would love to see you addressing the crowd and callig our country, Bodohland and justifying it.

    As a matter of curiosity, where were you in the run up to Ijok? I certainly didnt see you upfront and center. You out to get out of your pyjamas the next time an election comes around.

    There is a saying in malay for such gimps. “Cakap tak seropa bikin”

  13. “But look at now, how much our ruling party has done to our economy, and his own people.” – japankiller

    Now seriously tell me how bad it is? Are you saying that you are deprived of basic education, amenities and are living in a 5′ x 8′ cardboard under a bridge????

  14. Please don’t argue by comparing Kit, Tok Guru, Anwar not calling our country, bodohland in any of their ceramahs or in Parliament with any commenter using an expression like this in this blog. You’re making a mountain out of a molehill. You’re point about stepping “up to the plate and stand as a candidate in the next election rather than sitting at home, hiding behind your keyboard churning out empty rhetorics”, can we assume that you have done that before you suggest to us? I don’t see the relevance of what you are trying say. What has people posting comments here have got to do with standing as a candidate? So people are not supposed to comment here if they don’t present themselves as candidates? What you are doing here?

  15. ofcourse i am not living under bridge with a cupboard paper, remember i am a chinese with a capability, so that i choose Australia because the goverment here are welcoming my arrival than Malaysia do.

    The money i have today in Malaysia, i would say is not easy money, in Malaysia not only you need a brain to run a business but you also have to face the pressure from the stupid government, 30% bagi la bumi, they ask for it, not they work for it. I can no doubt giving a cent or a dollar to a begger but certainly not the Malay who didnt put any afford but just demanding from the chinese.

    Doing business is no as easy as in Australia, in here all i know is i am obeying the rule, i am safe. Turning around to Malaysia, for chinese, although you do nothing wrong sure some government servant, you know what is thier race, will turn up to you asking for sponsor la, hari keluarga la, and what if you dont pay them, you will know that consequences.

    To Realworld, you have commented:
    “You sure the white Aussies really dont mind having your kind coming over to their neighbourhood? Have you ever had racial slur shouted at you there?”

    I would say you are the Katak Di Bawah Tempurung, i am use the word in Bahasa Malay cause i think either you are the Malay or you are in their same group of Malay thinking. This is why until today even BN still ruling and yet they can stand on their own. Racial slur shouted?i have never face it, but what i have know is their culture. this is why i think the people you have approach is the pub or gamling people. Frankly speaking, i have been observe they are not only shouted at Asian but they too shouted at their own people. They are fun peole alway try to make fun on people. i am feeling sad if you come across that once or twice then you have jump into conclusion, that is the reason you are still staying in Malaysia, dibawah tempurung.

  16. If you think Malaysia and their ruling party are doing good, buy a bus ticket, if you can afford, i doubt would you. Go to singapore look at what they have today.

    last time before merdeka Malaysia are like abang adik to Singapore, and how could they developed that fast just within 40 years of time?and if you have time or if your have knowledge enough, check out the survey off how many ten of years Malaysia are lag behind compare to Singapore.

    If our ruling party are smart a good enough, i guess today we should be ahead of Singapre, what do you think a small island can perform that well for their economy.

    Malaysia goverment sell untreatment water and by back clean water from Singapore is an example.

    Realworld actually you are the luckiest man cause you suppose you have a house now that sound enough for you, acutally you should have sleep underbridge if our goverment are in this attitude of ruling this country. But not me, i would say if consider our country have a crude oil and timber, and rubber and gold in Pahang, if BN are doing good, we should have in a better lifer than Singporean tooday.

  17. Realworld’s basic points:-

    · Cannot complain about policies here unless backed with action (step up the plate, he calls it and stand for election);

    · Cannot complain about what is right or wrong about one’s country unless one is deprived “basic education, amenities and are living in a 5′ x 8′ cardboard under a bridge?”

    · Cannot complain from thousands of miles away when not even here in this country;

    · Using words like Bodohland by tsn when discussing amongst ourselves in a blog is a capital sin committed by a Malaysian.

    I have been wondering what is the logic here. Let me tell you the logic : it is tell you stop the comments. Let me next ask what could be the underlying purpose behind someone who suggests you that.

  18. so Jeffry no offences to you.
    However to adrress to Realworld.
    Why do you complain of those people when you,yourself dare not make a move to change for your life, living in other country?

    These people love to be Malaysian but Malaysia doesnt seens care about their existent. That the problem.

  19. Jeffrey wrote:

    I have been wondering what is the logic here. Let me tell you the logic : it is tell you stop the comments. Let me next ask what could be the underlying purpose behind someone who suggests you that.


    The underlying purpose is an intention to muzzle any and all questioning of the government’s actions and policies by those who browse and contribute to internet blogs and forums.

    Typical of cyber trolls and gimps.

  20. Ichk,

    But of course. However one should employ credible cyber trolls and gimps. Get someone who could articulate, with some degree of cogence and semblance of reasoning, the government’s position and side of the story. It is must be more than muzzle : persuasion is important. That is where when meritocracy is not the principle, that even in such cases of infiltration, the operation gets screwed up.

  21. Jeffrey,

    An agent provocateur of sorts, you might say? An intention to disrupt postings and comments which are not so pleasant to the ears of the ruling administration?

    It’s a likely possibility.

    Nonetheless, cyber trolls and gimps deserve every bit of contempt they receive.

  22. Realworld:-

    In a strange sense, you do represent the REALWORLD currently subsisting in Malaysia.

    Let me ask you a question: when you go to a restaurant, and the food served in inedible (eg salty beyond comprehension) do you complain to the manager or do you shut up because you have no right to – unless you are willing to cook yourself? Wouldn’t that make interesting law?

    The analogy is silly perhaps, but like the scenario, in a gov-people relationship, there is a fundamental contractual relationship such that the citizens, having given up their freedom to be within Society, have legitimate expectations and thus rights to reasonable performance by the Government. Whether or not a person’s complain is reasonable or not, his right to complain stems from that contractual trade off. He had paid for his right to talk and is fulfilling his duty as a Citizen, rather than a blindly-following Denizen.

    What then is your basis for saying, if this is what you mean, that one has no right to complain unless he is willing to act?

    If you are saying that a man who is complaining so much should just do something about it rather than being all mouth, while I understand may stem from frustration as opposed to a lack of understanding of fundamental rights, it is also unreasonable. Not all people have the capacity to be a politician, but they may still possess the sense to understand politics or the issues at hand or at least the problems of society. A food critic is not necessarily a good cook, nor can many film critics claim to be Oscar winners. And often, it is these complaining bunch that keep the good good, and bad trying! If you can silence your critics, surely you must have proven yourself absolutely great!

    Of course we can all feel that sense of frustration when we perceive someone to be making alot of noise, esp unreasonably, while at the same time not offering any solutions i.e. non-constructive criticisms. It’s that ‘if-you-think-you-know-better-then-you-do-it’ feeling. I understand it. BUT unless he does possess that right to complain against/to you, I suggest you just close your ears.

    You were being rather petty with the whole issue. The ‘bodohland’ comment was besides the point – it was the substance of his argument that mattered. If you read his comments, you’d know he loves this country – you took it out of context. One can say ‘beautiful country’ but contextually spew hatred.

    On the other hand, it may be impolite to use that word but it does not mean he has no pride in his country. He merely let slip a manifestation of his frustration.

    You, by saying that even a person with ‘basic intelligence’ would not call his country ‘bodohland’ were also being impolite, and crosses into a personal attack. It seems that your sense of morality is no better.

    Be an adult about it and apologize, noone here will hold it against you. Why can’t we all just get along – LOL :)

  23. The Internet, and blogs in particular pose a challenge to any government. I can understand the need to use operatives like troll and gimp to meet the challenge. But to have ‘an agent provocateur of sorts’ to make semi literate comments, ask unconnected questions, only to incite and provoke, insult and demean and upset? What purpose will this serve? Will there be less comments ? Such activity for which one can easily see there is no purpose only serves to expose one’s identity, that stands out like a sore thumb, and does little to advance the government’s cause. I still think it is important to get someone who could present the government’s side of every issue in an articulate, rational and seemingly balanced way. It does not then matter whether such trolls and gimps are discovered : there is also space for them too in a democratic culture of public discussion and debate. At least people can see another point of view, the government side or the bigger picture, if you will, whether or not one agrees. At least one does not feel alienated and disengage. Engagement is the key. I would therefore evisage a good troll/gimp worth his salt and pay to be able to engage in a positive way the target audience whose anti establishment views need to be moderated if not changed. My last word on this subject is that it cannot be achieved by incompetent vexation, provocation and irrritation of the target audience.

  24. YB LIM

    Can we cut and paste the open letter and submit to our various MP in our areas? ALl we need to do is just change the name. Most of the contents are valid.

    Let everyone one of us here write a petition asking these goons to step down. Afterall, it is a win-win situation for them. The area gets developed and the contracts flow back to them cronies. What can be done with Rm10mil will be bloated to RM36mil.

    Think about it.

  25. YB Lim
    Can we gave Sitiawan away to BN if they (BN)built a university for the Chinese(only) in Sitiawan?IF they promised,we don’t have to wait for a ADUN to kick the bucket,we can give it to them this GE.Want to make a deal?

  26. “Can we gave Sitiawan away to BN if they (BN)built a university for the Chinese(only) in Sitiawan?” – aawilliam

    BN lets you have the university and you started voting for them. But they don’t recognise your diplomas and you may as well be printing the diplomas on toilet papers. Even then, the Chinese in Sitiawan may take 30 years to realise that (ala MCA’s TARC) they have been short-changed.

  27. The problem with asking Barisan Nasional Member of Parliament for Tawau, Shim Paw Fatt to sacrifice and resign so that the ensuing by-election in the fashion of Machap and Ijok could accelerate an outpouring of development funds to the benefit of the constituency is that the same logic equally applies such a letter is sent to all the Opposition MPs including DAP’s .

    Secondly, it is also encouraging rakyat to be concerned with development funds to ameliorate local woes more important than broader national issues (of corruption, NEP or abuse of power and conflict of interest).

    Such a letter – bearing in mind its logic and premises – is in my opinion ill advised

  28. Jeffrey said /// The problem with asking Barisan Nasional Member of Parliament for Tawau, Shim Paw Fatt to sacrifice and resign so that the ensuing by-election in the fashion of Machap and Ijok could accelerate an outpouring of development funds to the benefit of the constituency is that the same logic equally applies such a letter is sent to all the Opposition MPs including DAP’s . ///

    Nonsense. Its not the same! Period… Opposition currently cannot do anything like what BN can ($$$), nor are they are as inclined to do such a thing (i realise that the latter point is very debatable!)

  29. Jeffrey:

    Let”s look at it dispassionately. We know that elections are likely to be end of 2007 or first quarter 2008. If all the Opposition MPs resign now, what is there to lose ? The constituencies will suddenly see development – new schools, new roads, new suraus, new lights. There will be vote-buying, as usual. The rakyat will have short term memories, and may vote the BN. When the real elections come, what will BN do ? More schools, roads, suraus and lights ?

  30. “…//…Opposition currently cannot do anything like what BN can ($$$), nor are they are as inclined to do such a thing…//…” – FireHawk

    Yes I agree. But it is noting to do with the Opposition pouring in ($$$)! But here Kit has said that there was nothing “personal” in the request for resignation from BN MP for Tawau, Shim Paw Fatt, as a person.

    It has something to do with :

    · “the long-standing neglect of Tawau by the Barisan Nasional, whether at the state or federal level”

    · how to transform it “from a stagnant economic backwater into a vibrant and dynamic growth centre for the region;” and

    · “the best way to achieve this objective is to cause a parliamentary by-election which will turn Tawau into the cynosure of state, national and international attention” and by so doing,

    · “end the decline of Tawau into a stagnant economic backwater and spur super-development with hundreds of millions of ringgit allocations that will be poured in by Barisan Nasional as demonstrated by Machap and Ijok by-elections”.

    To request for a DAP’s MP resignation will also necessitate a by-election to be called.
    It will also turn that particular place into a “cynosure of state, national and international attention”. To wrestle the seat from the opposition the BN will also be pouring in ($$$), maybe more to win a hitherto Opposition stronghold! Whoever wins it will benefit the people there will get the street lamps and roads immediately improved with pledges of $$$ development.

    So if the main purpose is asking Shim to resign is to benefit the people in the particular place by the by-election as in Macap and Ijok, how is it different if you ask an Opposition MP to resign for same reasons? What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. I don’t see the difference. Please enlighten.

  31. From
    If blank ballot papers can be smuggled out, unnoticed, the result can be manipulated. Is 143 a tip of the iceberg? Are these kept as “alteration votes” just in case there was a close tie and a recount is needed? How many of these blanks were bought over and at what price? … this is what DAP Ronnie Lui’s explanation of the possibility.

    “If you are still wondering why some 143 votes issued to voters but were not returned from one of the polling streams, let me tell you what could have taken place…
    Voter A was asked to take out a blank voting ballot paper and pass it to a BN operator (usually undercover, not wearing the BN uniform or badges). Voter A will be paid RM200 or more for the blank ballot paper. The operator will then cross it as a vote for BN before pass it on to Voter B. Voter B will be asked to cast the ballot and at the same time retain the blank ballot paper and bring it out to the operator. This exercise went on until the entire polling is over. Trust me, these ’missing’ 143 ballot papers were not retained by voters as souvenirs (as claimed by the Secretary of Election Commission)”

  32. The GE is around the corner, then it’ll be an open battle. If DAP calls for MP Shim resignation is to bring development Tawau is followed by BN calls for DAP MPs to do the same, there you have it, time for GE. But I do not know whether if so happened the oppisition will win big or lose more.

    In politic money matters, the people are concerns with livelihood and development in their area, that is their priorities, granted them that, vote belongs to you. There is no doubt that the opposition agenda is nobel, but its capabilty to do bring development judging by their financial capibility is a minus to its credibility.

  33. Dr M jokingly said:One will be put to RIP if the people know that heap of benefits to be reaped by doing so; ie MP/ADUN is in the danger of scary ” assasination”, but this only happens in Arabian countries.

  34. “so Jeffry no offences to you.
    However to adrress to Realworld.
    Why do you complain of those people when you,yourself dare not make a move to change for your life, living in other country?” – japankiller

    Because a guy like Jeffrey is like a turtle. He expect others to stand up while he slither in the background. And here in this blog is his little sandbox, surrounded by little gimps and dimwits, a person like Jeffrey gets to play King.

    Trust me, you will never see such cowards like Jeffrey lifting a finger. In summary, the guy is just a little keyboard warrior, a half baked politician.

  35. “Please don’t argue by comparing Kit, Tok Guru, Anwar not calling our country, bodohland in any of their ceramahs or in Parliament with any commenter using an expression like this in this blog. You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.” – jeffrey

    You effort to side step my question is getting to be pathetic.

    I asked a simple question; have you ever heard Kit, Tok Guru or Anwar calling this nation of ours Bodohland in any of their ceramahs or in Parliament??? A simple straight forward question actually.

    Mountain out of a molehill??? Dude, I really think you should try your hand as a stand up comic.

    If the Opposition aspire to win the hearts and minds of the people, then do it in a more professional way not by calling the country, Bodohland. To defend those who called the country, Bodohland is beyond stupidity. Sad to see the number of mongs and idiots in the Opposition camp is growing by the day.

  36. Realworld:

    Many of us, myself included, call this country “Bodohland”, and we laugh at the guy at the top, and we call him Bodowi. It is our right to think that the vast majority who support BN are bodoh, but we also agree that it is their right to be bodoh, and we live with the consequences as dictated by the majority.

  37. By the way RealWorld, if you understand English, I believe Japankiller’s question (“Why do you complain of those people when you,yourself dare not make a move to change for your life, living in other country?”) was addressed to YOU to answer about your situation and NOT ME, though you have, with alacrity, sought to answer the question as if it were directed to me. Do you have problem in understanding what’s being written here or not?

  38. “Please inform how you are stepping up the plate, rise above the ground,…. ” – jeffrey

    Unlike you, I will not side step your question. I will not come up with any lame diversion tactics …i.e. mountain out of a molehill etc.

    I support my party by being personally being there in Ijok. Helping out the candidate from making sure food and water be delivered to all the party workers to going to the ground explaining policies to the locals. I do not call the country Bodohland.

    Now, would you care to answer my question???

  39. “Do you have problem in understanding what’s being written here or not?” – jeffery

    Well, my question to you was put in simple English. You still seem unable to answer it.

  40. “Because a guy like Jeffrey is like a turtle. He expect others to stand up while he slither in the background. And here in this blog is his little sandbox, surrounded by little gimps and dimwits, a person like Jeffrey gets to play King.

    Trust me, you will never see such cowards like Jeffrey lifting a finger. In summary, the guy is just a little keyboard warrior, a half baked politician.”

    Dear Jeffrey,

    The above is still you. No matter how you hide or attempt to divert it.

  41. I pay my taxes on time, I keep up with current affairs, I tell everyone what’s good and what’s bad about Bodohland, I tell everyone who cares to listen that I vote the opposition at every election and that they should do the same. I tell everyone that the powers to be in Bodohland steal the country blind, and that any change is better than no change.

    Now, I accept that other people have differing views and that other people may not have the same personal circumstances as I have, and hence they may not see things in the same vein.

    However, I will defend to the death to call this country any name I like, including Bodohland.

  42. “May I suggest Uncle Kit put realworld as DAP candidate to contest in Tawau should MP Shim voluntarily resigned. Or some of you prefer Jeffrey? On second thoughts, I prefer Jeffrey.” – dawsheng

    Hahahahah … lawak la you ni!!! DAP????

    Sorry , my party is UMNO. I support BN.
    But I seriously seriously support your idea to put (maybe ‘push’ is a better word) this jeffrey chap to contest in Tawau or even your stronghold like Bukit Bintang.

    p/s : you need to get your jeffrey guy out of his pyjamas first though. ;)

  43. “However, I will defend to the death to call this country any name I like, including Bodohland.” – Godfather

    Good! Continue to make it easier for us in every GE!! Nothing less than a thumping win!! :)

  44. dawsheng : I think RealWorld is better candidate – it is better than me, if you trust his words that he supported his party (though didn’t disclose which one) by being personally there in Ijok – “Helping out the candidate from making sure food and water be delivered to all the party workers to going to the ground explaining policies to the locals” . There you are RealWorld, good for you, you are better man compared to many of us, tell us what you’re going to do next, so gimps and turtles can follow and support or be inspired …. :)

  45. Sorry RealWorld, when I made last posting, your posting about UMNO being your party had not then appeared but now that we know – still good for you, especially this part – “Helping out the candidate from making sure food and water be delivered to all the party workers to going to the ground explaining policies to the locals” – though sorry lah cannot follow, support or be inspired by you regarding what you will do next.

  46. Jeffrey,

    Whether I support UMNO and you DAP doesnt mean we are external enemies, right? We are still Msians, though I will never call my country, Bodohland.

    And this blog is open to all , right???
    We are here to discuss and discuss , we will.

  47. But if UMNO and BN supporter, why say Chinese voters supporting BN as ‘sold out’, a contemptuous expression? Shouldn’t you be happy with them or you’re contemptuous they support the coalition led by your party? What’s your take on this?

  48. “There you go! Why don’t you tell us you are UMNO guy in the first place? What is there to be ashamed of? No wonder you are ok living under the cardboard.” – dawsheng

    Living under the cardboard??? What are you talking about?

    You mean it is a mandatory requirement for me to disclose my political alignment right from the off here????

    Since you are into disclosure, are you married??? ever cheated on your wife before?

  49. “But if UMNO and BN supporter, why say Chinese voters supporting BN as ’sold out’, a contemptuous expression? Shouldn’t you be happy with them or you’re contemptuous they support the coalition led by your party? What’s your take on this?” – Jeffrey

    My dear boy, Jeffrey, it must be two ways. You have yet to answer my question and yet you want me to answer another of yours?? Come on!

  50. Jeffrey,

    I will answer your question while you still pondering there on mine, thats the difference between us.

    If you are active in politics and I mean grass roots politics, you will know what I mean. I admire Kit, Guan Eng and Karpal while Anwar was a close colleague way way back. Kit, Guan Eng & Karpal have fought for the people, very often putting the people interests ahead of theirs. And I admire their dedication and principals. They have sacrified a lot for the chinese and to see the chinese in Machap and then in Ijok – shaking their hands but voting against them is to say the least ‘sad’.

  51. “Whether I support UMNO and you DAP doesnt mean we are external enemies, right? We are still Msians,And this blog is open to all , right??? We are here to discuss and discuss , we will”. No argument here. …”though I will never call my country, Bodohland”… good for you (you are certainly not taken to task for taking this stance) but the context used here by many is a mere convenient expression to encompass the policies and their formulators upon which the country is administered which many here have less flattering views of, and should not been taken out of context by you as if it were a capital sin or a reflection of their lack of citizen’s duty or disloyalty.As you said “We are still Msians” discussing here, I think the line will have to be drawn if one is interviewed in some international audience like BBC or CNN or whatever addressing outsiders where it would be improper to disparage our country with such an expression.

  52. “Since you are into disclosure, are you married??? ever cheated on your wife before?” realworld

    I’m happily married, my wife lynn is a kind and beautiful mother, we have a son name malcolm, he is three years old this year. No! Why should I cheat on her?

  53. Answer your question? I thought I already did in posting April 30th, 2007 at 11:50 am???? You are a better man, not a turtle, self explanatory from what you said – “Helping out the candidate from making sure food and water be delivered to all the party workers to going to the ground explaining policies to the locals”. Shake head. Clap hands. Good for you.

  54. “Answer your question? I thought I already did in posting April 30th, 2007 at 11:50 am????” – Jeffrey

    Come on la bro, dont la twist and turn???
    My question is , again I put it to you have you ever heard Kit, Tok Guru or Anwar calling this nation of ours Bodohland in any of their ceramahs or in Parliament??? A simple straight forward question actually.

  55. Oh that question – I put it to you have you ever heard Kit, Tok Guru or Anwar calling this nation of ours Bodohland in any of their ceramahs or in Parliament??? – of course not, but I have already asked you why are you comparing how public and national figures speak when addressing ceramahs and Parliament with bloggers/commenters’ discussion here? If you cannot see the difference, in comparing contexctualwise apple and orange, what more can I say?

  56. Hey, not really into disclosure you know, you made it sound like a fetish or something like that. It is ok if your political ideologies is somehow different, and you believe in actions more than discussions, nobody says is wrong. But I guess if you can put your arguements across to many in a more subtle way, probably some people here will vote for UMNO. But for now, jeffrey got my vote.

  57. “Shake head. Clap hands. Good for you.” – Jeffrey


    Dont la be emotional and all. Ok I will answer your question ‘why say Chinese voters supporting BN as ’sold out’, a contemptuous expression? Shouldn’t you be happy with them or you’re contemptuous they support the coalition led by your party? What’s your take on this?’.

    Well, if you are in active grass root politics you will understand. Kit, Guan Eng, Karpal and all have done a lot for the people. They have always put the interests of the people ahead of theirs. Kit could have walked away any day and be a Tan Sri (like someone) if he wanted too. I admire their principal and dedication. However, despite what they have done for the chinese especially, I feel in a way saddened to see them shaking their hands and cheering them on during election campaigns but only to vote the other way come polling day.

  58. Jeffrey,

    A simple yes or no will do la. No need to justify and justify. I really see no difference in addressing a ceramah and here in this blog. This is LKS blog and those who visit here are not only DAP supporters alone. The internet today is a powerful tool. And to think that what is said here has non consequence is greatly misinformed.

    But having said that, I respect your decision that it is ok for you lot to call this nation of ours Bodohland or whatever. Let others who visit this blog make their judgement come polling day.

  59. “Hey, not really into disclosure you know, you made it sound like a fetish or something like that.” – dawsheng

    Yo dude, you were the one rambling on about sodomy. I was concerned for a fellow Msian thats all. :)

  60. RealWorld Says:

    “Now, now steady on please. No need to start throwing all your toys outta your pram now. Calm down.”

    You seem to have a very disconnected atention span attributing what one person said to the next. That is why I ask you to read properly : When did dawsheng ramble about sodomy?

    It was your own posting April 30th, 2007 at 11:52 am under ealier thread blog “It grieves my entire being but does it bother Pak Lah and Cabinet?” when you posted the following:

    “You’re asking me to come back but I thought you wanted me to leave?? You cannot have it both ways, dude. Or you’ll end up facing a sodomy trial!” – undergrad2

    When have I said I wanted you to leave?? What have you been smoking or sniffing over there , eh??

    Sodomy??? Sorry am not rim jobs and homosexual pleasures as you”.

  61. realworld wrote:

    “This is LKS blog and those who visit here are not only DAP supporters alone. The internet today is a powerful tool. And to think that what is said here has non consequence is greatly misinformed.”

    So I was right about realworld being an agent provocateur of sorts – he has proclaimed that he is an UMNO supporter.

    With regards to this blog, it is open to all Net citizens. Hence, do not attempt to question the rights of contributors who post here with strawman arguments like living under cardboard boxes and being thousands of miles away. It is not YOUR personal blog.

    Guess all contributors here and Uncle Kit himself knows who’s the biggest idiot and troll in this blog after this flurry of personal attacks.

  62. dawsheng wrote:

    “But I guess if you can put your arguements across to many in a more subtle way, probably some people here will vote for UMNO. But for now, jeffrey got my vote.”

    If this is indicative of the intelligence of UMNO members who can’t even string together a coherent sentence, never mind debate in a coherent and factual manner without resorting to personal attacks, there is little wonder that bolehland is going downhill.

    And yes, Jeffrey, you have my thumbs up too.

  63. lchk,

    Agent provocateur??! Calm down, you are acting as if you discovered a growth in your behind.

    If me saying that it is not right to call your own country bodohland is being an agent provocateur then I rest my case la.

    Dude, it is a free country. You can say what you what. Let the rakyat decide come polling day.

  64. Realworld,

    I don’t need to say much.

    Your rants and raves here speak for who you are.

    I believe the contributors to this blog has enough sense to discern which posts are sensible and which ones are personal attacks.

  65. IF MCA and Gerakan and MIC really cares for who they represent,they would cooperate with DAP and Keadilan by either resigning or dropping dead in key areas like these.

    In fact UMNO should also cooperate because as we can see at IJOK, its a good way to get rid of the deadwoods and bring in new blood to the party and MP ranks.

  66. Are you not an agent provocateur? Is this a personal attack akin to yours?

    Read your previous postings. Wild accusations of gimps and mongs being hurled left, right and centre. Hurling insults and challenging the rights of those posting here with your strawman arguments.

    And finally proclaiming that you are an ardent UMNO supporter which clearly explains why you get so emotional and agitated with all the criticisms directed at the BN administration in Uncle Kit’s blog.

    Why challenge the rights of those who post here? Is this your personal blog? If you don’t like what you read here, I suggest you set up your own blog and disallow those who do not meet your own criteria from posting there.

  67. Dear lchk,

    I merely questioned the wisdom of one calling his own country Bodohland. Is that personal attack or agitated criticisms?? If yes, then there is nothing I can do if you are so sensitive in nature. Maybe coming to this blog is not suitable for you then.

    Have I ever said that this is my personal blog?? Please do point it out to me where and when I said so?

  68. To borrow verbatim from Jeffrey’s earlier posting regarding you:

    Realworld’s basic points:-

    · Cannot complain about policies here unless backed with action (step up the plate, he calls it and stand for election);

    · Cannot complain about what is right or wrong about one’s country unless one is deprived “basic education, amenities and are living in a 5′ x 8′ cardboard under a bridge?”

    · Cannot complain from thousands of miles away when not even here in this country;

    · Using words like Bodohland by tsn when discussing amongst ourselves in a blog is a capital sin committed by a Malaysian.

    It’s not just merely a quote about “bodohland”.

    A number of your postings have been personal attacks with insults thrown in which smack of trollish behaviour. (see for the definition of a cyber troll)

    Since you answered that is is not your personal blog, I do hope that you do not question the rights of other contributors to post in Uncle Kit’s blog.

  69. “Bodohland”???? Are you calling your own country bodohland? If so, then you are calling your parents and your family bodohs. realworld said this.

    Is this the way to question wisdom? Where is the wisdom of uttered such a sentence? realworld has succeeded in distracting our attention from discussing the issues posted by Uncle Kit in his blog.

  70. Mr. Lim, you have been unfair to Mr. Shim, knowing that all of the BN MP’s did little or nothing for their constituency, you should send out letters to them all, asking them to resign – one by one…..

    personally, I think that will involves too much stamps, so I will just wish them dead, also one by one.

  71. “IF MCA and Gerakan and MIC really cares for who they represent,they would cooperate with DAP and Keadilan by either resigning or dropping dead in key areas like these.” Bigjoe

    Nope, they won’t, they don’t care. They have lost touch with the people, one will be silly to think that the present elected govt is serious about caring for the people. Remember the case where a victim of the govt lost her live because the ambulance runs out of petrol? Is okay of pay only taxes I suppose, but to pay for your lives, think about it? Is this the type of govt for Malaysians?

    DAP and the opposition caught them with their pants down this time after two by-election. Let us wait for their respond, if there is any at all.

  72. There is no harm to be an apologist for any political faction.

    But it is certainly over stepping the boundaries of netiqutte when one engages in trollish behaviour, name-calling and senseless arguments.

  73. Whether a troll, the conduct speaks. Everyone is entitled to use the space here, even an ardent BN supporter, for the legitimate purpose of exchanging views, disagreeing if needs be, but when the consistent dominant trait is to hurl left, right and centre personal accusations and insults at what you call “gimps and mongs” and use “strawman” arguments to shut posters up, the intent is pretty clear : to disrupt and discourage free exchange of postings here, which is not the work of a BN supporter disagreeing and exchanging views here, of which there is nothing wrong, but to disrupt a Blog just because its owner is an Opposition leader, and majority of guests are opposition inclined – is that right when you allowed here by his grace?

    You have yourself admitted that you are not armchair and work on the ground –
    “Helping out the candidate from making sure food and water be delivered to all the party workers to going to the ground explaining policies to the locals” in a by election against Opposition. Isn’t this work of vexing, irritating and disrupting the discourse here from behind your computer that much easier and in the same genre of work that you are doing for your party?

    What dawsheng said in his posting April 30th, 2007 at 3:56 pm is absolutely true and a measure of his success, albeit limited : “Realworld has succeeded in distracting our attention from discussing the issues posted by Uncle Kit in his blog”. That’s the intention – and the result….

    Don’t give me your cant about your appreciation of “Kit, Guan Eng, Karpal and all have done a lot for the people. They have always put the interests of the people ahead of theirs. Kit could have walked away any day and be a Tan Sri (like someone) if he wanted too. I admire their principal and dedication. However, despite what they have done for the chinese especially, I feel in a way saddened to see them shaking their hands and cheering them on during election campaigns but only to vote the other way come polling day”!

    The hypocrisy is so shallow that it imposes on even a child’s naiveté! If you can say that these DAP stalwarts “always put the interests of the people ahead of theirs” and you admire their “principles and dedication”, then what are you doing in Ijok “helping out the (BN) candidate from making sure food and water be delivered to all the party workers to going to the ground explaining policies to the locals with dedication”?

    I have nothing against your political inclination, affiliation or even your right to discourse here or to run for office : just your hypocrisy and trolling to disrupt this Blog for a political objective.

    lchk : The only good that has come out of all this is that in the zeal to defend the righteousness of his stand, he blows his cover, the troll is flushed out of the woodwork with identity exposed so that all tread in this blog know where they stand in relation to him, which is work futile!

  74. Jeffrey wrote:

    “lchk : The only good that has come out of all this is that in the zeal to defend the righteousness of his stand, he blows his cover, the troll is flushed out of the woodwork with identity exposed so that all tread in this blog know where they stand in relation to him, which is work futile!”

    Well, it was bound to be exposed sooner or later.

    But like you stated, there’s absolutely no harm in taking sides – just that when one presents his or her point of view, let it be delivered in a coherent, logical and well-mannered way with respect to all parties involved.

    The moment one resorts to name-calling and trollish behaviour, he or she automatically loses any semblance of self-respect as well as respect of others as such actions imply that the troll has no other sensible recourse and thus acts like a spoilt brat in cyberspace. Only disdain and contempt remains for such an individual – and it is richly deserved.

  75. From now onwards, no more Bodohland, only great “Real Bestland”

    See how arrogant UMNO member is, but at the same time ignorant as well. What we have right now in Bestland is money politics, not democratic politics. What choice do Chinese people have? We do need government funding badly. The fact speaks for itself, the bodoh practice is low/pathetic funding for opposition constituencies.

  76. “The fact speaks for itself, the bodoh practice is low/pathetic funding for opposition constituencies.” tsn

    This is probably where the oppostion’s weakest link. Imagine the opposition is not lacking fund to compete with BN, for example, if BN offered one ringgit of development to Ijok but the opposition is capable of offering two ringgit plus other development plans, who do you think will win?

  77. When the leader of a country falls asleep at meetings, when cabinet ministers are embroiled in one scandal after another, when the enforcement agencies are totally paralysed either with fear or with cronyism, when promises are heaped upon promises to do good but to be continously broken – and when the majority continue to vote these clowns and crooks into power – then that country has to be called BODOHLAND. There is no other word for it.

  78. Malaysia was once a nice country, in fact a clever country(pandai-land) where there is no wide discrimination and everyone lives in harmony.

    Then came the new racist bodoh-umno leaders trying to champion “master of this land” for one particular race and lead by one bodohwi which change this pandai-land into a bodohland.

    Most of us live in a Real World but some bodoh in this bodohland do not realise that they are truly bodoh but think likewise.

    Malaysia Boleh had change into a bodohland by the same bodoh party who is leading this bodohland.

    Simple as that.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  79. A good example of bodohland runs by bodoh leaders.

    A bodoh mp thinks the citizens he rules are as bodoh as him.

    On one hand he scream and swear to smear his kris with chinese blood and on the other hand he scream and shout that he is fighting for the chinese.

    Bodoh of the highest order.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  80. We all do love this country mainly because most of us have part of our growing up started here. I strongly believe that there are more to just our government and their policies. There must be a much higher or powerful group of influence people that draw up the entire structural and terms and condition.
    These ‘people’ are not any simple ones to be profile for public knowledge. They are the film directors, script writer, producer and screen play. We just have to realized that to them, we are only the tenant of this country and they are the owner. So, what they decided for changes, be it good or bad, it’s their choice.

  81. This proposal will work. I am from Tawau and I know the situation. Its a noble proposal and is the best to solve all these woes. For the best interest of the Tawau people, its worth it to sacrifice oneself for many. It will be first in the world and Tawau will not only be known by Malaysians, but the world. The MP would be known by many as a man who really love his rakyat and want the best for them without making them to wait for too long. But for Kit, his proposal is definitely for the benefit for the people than himself or the party. He definitely will sacrifice more by mobilising his party for election and expecting to loss. But they are happy because they see the people gain. Political Reality tells us that the super YB contributes super developments, unfortunate is a dead YB and its true. but we want a living YB to be a super YB and give super development to Tawau, and Tawau has this unique situation. Take it courageously and gracefully because you must think of the people first. You got another 15 days to decide the fate of Tawau. Its a choice between continue Tawau downward progress or turn it to upward. to leave a noble good name or be remebered as a deadwood. YB, you know that more than 12 billion was given to Sabah under RMK9, the biggest ever for Sabah. How much was given to Tawau? I didn’t see any small development. Secondly the state goverment, impose 7.5% on oil palm, what CM yesterday claimed to be the biggest after oil revenue. Tawau contributed the most, tell Tawau people how much is being chanelled back to Twau. Can the revenue be use to make a multiple carparks in Tawau? How long do we have to wait for the double cariage way to Sabah CHinese High School? Just a few small developments, how long do Tawau people have to wait. So don’t wait take the chance, its one a million, it is a Ripley’s believe it or not recipe, it will work out magically. You walk out a noble man rather than deadwood, not because of you but the red tape of the government. YB take my word believe it, act on it, it will guarantee super development happen. If you don’t believe in Kit Siang, but believe the Tiger. I will not bring you to Holland, but to lead you to the land of endless glory.

  82. For the good of the Tawau people, I think it is a good proposal though politically very not correct, but hey, that’s what politics everywhere is all about, right. To make the people happy, not suffer. To bring development, not no development. Maybe Tawau can show the way to instant development. Who knows, if it works, we don’t need to wait for 2020 to achieve Tun M’s vision.

  83. Dear Jeffrey,

    Troll??? My, my looks like the arm chair wanna be politician is now resorting to petty name calling now eh?

    From your writings, i can see that you write a lot , most of the time going around in circles. You really do enjoy your little kingdom here, dont you. For someone who expect the ‘guy to lodge the police report but would only consider to lodge the report if the same incident happened to him’ , I must say you are really full of it.

    Rather than being here in this virtual little sandbox of yours daily , writing long winded rhetorics, why dont you come forward and put your ideas to the people? I am sure Msia need more people like you to develop it, especially so with all the doom and gloom I been reading here.

    It would be good is gimps like you get out of their pyjamas and do something real for a change.

  84. RealWorld: Be nice now. If you promise not to wave the keris and not to let your UMNO dogs with Scorpion insignias loose in Bodohland, I’m sure Jeffrey will be prepared to stand up and be counted.

  85. Dear RealWorld,

    To be frank, many like us write in this Blog or other forums to do our part to contribute to the discourse space which has a part to play in our nation’s evolution and devlopment of democarcy. Having said that, the fact that we ‘contribute’ in this blog does not necessarily preclude our contributions to the country we share in our private and professional lives, which how we do it and at what level, it is not necessary or prudent for disclosure just to settle a point. To be a candidate and “helping out the candidate from making sure food and water be delivered to all the party workers to going to the ground explaining policies to the locals” is one way of doing it. There are other ways, maybe even more important ways like for example advisory or strategic planning on various capacities etc. Don’t presume that people who write here in blog do nothing behind the computer. You know nothing of who they are and what they do.

  86. If a person could not deliver what the people want, then he should bow out. Or the person can try to shape up or ship out. Come on YBs pull up your socks. Don’t make people suffer if deep inside you could not give what the people want. If you have any priciple than use it. Stand firm to your principle, just like Kah Kiat who resigned recently because of PRINCIPLE……

  87. “You know nothing of who they are and what they do.” – Jeffrey

    Then before you run your mouth off by stating your disappoinment with the poor blogger who did not lodged the police report, you ought to activate those dormant brain cells of yours to think maybe a little bit before you open that gap of yours. For someone who ‘would consider’ to take action, you certainly are a turtle.

  88. “If you promise not to wave the keris and not to let your UMNO dogs with Scorpion insignias loose in Bodohland, I’m sure Jeffrey will be prepared to stand up and be counted.” – Godfather

    Keris!!?? When & where did I threatened anyone with such a weapon? You see, the problem we have here is mongs like you creating stories and hurling empty accusations.

    Dont be too sure about your lackey, Jeffrey standing up and all? A turtle will never stick his head out period.

    Bodohland again??? If Bodohland, then your family who are all living here are a bunch of bodohs?

  89. It’s really disheartening to see so many cases in the country where, local councilors or YB’s, due to the “cordial” relationship within the concept of BN, members of component parties who were expected to “work closely” together in the “true spirit” of BN,had to remain silence at the expense of people’s right for good governance in this beautiful country.

    Just look at the case in Tawau , no wonder “little Napoleons” thrill in places like that !!

    what ? some one said “transparency’? what transparency ?

  90. RealWorld:

    No, you did not threaten anyone with waving the keris, but it was metaphorically speaking for someone so connected to UMNO which blatantly (albeit silently) condones the waving of the keris by its leaders.

    Like I said in a previous posting, a country led by Sleeping Beauty with scandals breaking out left, right and centre, with enforcement agencies totally impotent or incompetent, and continuing to be supported by the majority of the people at election time has only one word to describe it – Bodohland. Yes, all those living in Bodohland are probably bodoh, but then that is my personal opinion.

  91. To Realworld

    Hv been fllwing yours n the rest comments for a while. Since tis LKS’s blog obviously they r many die fans of the opposition blogging here including myself. But since freedom of speech is a very component of Democracy, I hope u wld continue to blog here more BN supporters are even better!

    However, I m really curious to know what actually made u support BN instead of Opposition? I m not pulling ur leg cos I oso want to know what so good about BN tat I don know. Hope u cld enlighthen me here.

  92. Dear Godfather,

    “Metaphorically speaking”? You are connected to DAP, should I also do likewise and “metaphorically” termed you as a chinese ultra??

    Dude, lets not make any blanket assumptions, shall we?

    Country led by a ‘sleeping beauty’? Would it be better if Msia is led by a coalition of Opposition parties with their marriage of convenience arrangements? If you lot cant even work together, how are you going to govern?

    Anyway, today is a good day. My team, Liverpool will be in the final of the CL. Lets not spoil the day with too much politics.

  93. pamelaoda,

    On your question, can I answer you tomorrow instead? Why??? Because I only went to bed this morning at 6am after cheering my team, Liverpool to victory.

    Do you support Liverpool? If yes, there you go! We at least have something in common. :)

    No politics today.

  94. The genuine Tawau people who loves their open space, I am sure would be very grateful if MP SHim give way for by-election. And I am very sure if Shim contest in the next election even as an independant the Tawau people would give him resounding support. So don’t worry YB the people will not laugh at you for doing the unthinkable for the sake of the people. Nothing venture nothing gain. Can’t beat them, lose ’em. Ponder on this and search deep in your soul.

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