Ijok – Bolehland’s Electoral Circus

Bolehland’s Electoral Circus
by Martin Jalleh

Santa Khir blatantly buys and bribes with
the rakyat’s money.

Samy Vellu crows, clowns and croons
the same old tune.

Shortchanged Indians are mickeyed
by the MIC, MGR and MGP.

Stunted UMNO Youth sends in thugs
– they do not have “towering Malays”.

Stultified MIC Youth unleash their
goats, geese and goondas.

Servile police lapdogs bow, bend
and do the bidding.

Slanted media spins, spews and sells
one-sided news.

Self-serving politicians proudly play the
parrot, puppet and prostitute.

Supine Election Commission chief swims
in his septic sham.

Shameless BN — a party of the greedy,
gutless and godless.

Welcome to a land of scaremongers,
shallow characters and stunted minds.

(26 April 2007)

32 Replies to “Ijok – Bolehland’s Electoral Circus”

  1. ” Scaremongers, shallow characters and stunted minds “.

    A perfect description of our leaders and politicians……in the end, the country and her ordinary bumi will be the greatest loser!

  2. That really summarized our peabrain politicians current state of mind. I kinda sick of the mainstream media, especially S*ar until I have to stop subscribing. Withdrawal symptoms are there, but I’m coping alright.

  3. A circus it is, full of clowns, monkeys and buaya….

    Remember voters of Ijok, take all you can, ask for everything and eat what they give. For the chinese, ask for a big Kuan Yin to be build, Indians ask for a hindu temple now and tell them to stop the demolision of hindu temples throughout the country and the malays ask them where does all the NEP goes to.

    And come Saturday make sure you cross PKR.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  4. Martin, I have always enjoyed yr perceptive writings.

    Always wishing there would be more.

    Can’t agrre with you more.

    But for those poetic meters, you might probably have added:

    Self-serving politicians proudly play the
    parrot, puppet and prostitute

    Pariah, Parasite, Pack Rat.
    Pagan, Pig, Psychopath.
    Pain-in-the-ass, Prick-in-the-heart, Poison-in-the-lymph.

    After exhausting the P’s, I am tempted to begin with the B’s:

    Bastards. Bums. Buggers.

    But words alone will never earn us any victory, folks. So let’s just translate our angry energies constructively to vote out a bastardised system of political bastards and pariahs.

  5. yb….i am sad to say that our country,after 50 years of merdeka,our country is still having the same type of corrupt people in power just like what my late father had told me 50 years ago.
    I just heard that, the licenses, in some municipality, for the cyber cafes, reflexology centers and the pubs are for take at Rm 3000.00 under-table.The thousands of tables placed outside the mamak shops all over the state are charged by the power-that -be at Rm 10.00 pmonth/pt.I beleive 100%what i heard ,what about you?

  6. Hi Martin! Thank you for your incisive piece on the on-going electoral circus. I certainly miss your witty and wise writings. I hope the people of Ijok will exercise their rights wisely to bring change to our political landscape. I pray this will be the new beginning of real political change for Malaysia.

  7. To counter a not-so-clever comment, the Chinese in Machap are mca-protected. Anyway, most of them voted for the opposition in the by-election.
    I don’t think the people of Ijok were mic-protected.

  8. “I pray this will be the new beginning of real political change for Malaysia.” – yellowkingdom

    Wishful thinking. Here’s a reality check … this is Malaysia. And Malaysians are well aware of the abuses of power in BN but come voting day, they will still vote for BN. :)

  9. Perimekar has a six-year contract worth €114.96 million (US$138 million) to provide support services to French company but this doesn’t constitute a commission, it said.

    What nonsense “support services” is this? Support services should come from the supplier, not from an intermediary company who knows nothing about the submarines! Why provide support to French company? They don’t need it! Yes, it does not constitute a commission, you are right. It constitute blatant corruption!!

    Down with BN and its puppets!

  10. RealWorld says:
    “…And Malaysians are well aware of the abuses of power in BN but come voting day, they will still vote for BN.”

    You’re right. I am sure all the 100+ years old voters will vote BN. So will the ghosts. Are you one of them? ;)

  11. My sincere request to all fellow Malaysian of all races Malay, Chinese and Indian respectively make it happen vote for Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim as new Ijok YB this Sat.

    Put aside all differences compare both candidates,Tan Sri background n experience will be beneficial to the ppl of Ijok not to mentioned we need to send clear message tat things is not fine as worship by Pak Lah from economy to basic daily problems. Pak Lah really betray our trust during last election all empty promises this time not to mentioned most of his policies do not yield any desire result n worst his decision has caused serious hardship to many fellow Malaysian. As premier for three years term his name can be included in the Msian Book of Records for raising the petrol by nos n value, high absurd increase highway tolls, assessment fees, electric bills, water bills n much more to my amazement. His famous quote dun work for me work wz me to increase the raykat burden.

    His failure to contain sensitive remarks make at every UMNO convention which has tendency to divide the various multi races of rakyat in our beloved country truly to my great dissappointment n after 50 years of Independent its a big shame. Frankly I love my muslim brothers n wish they r successful too but find it digusted wz UMNO leaders to try to divide us.

    Pak Lah is a nice person but not suitable to be PM n soon he will destroy our economy, just a simple illustration his National Automotive Plan is a disaster causing many hard core proton agents to close shop n soon Proton will die of natural cause too. Gods koe wat else.

    Time to vote for change n for first time together wz my family members we will vote for de Opposition n hope all of u will emulate us.

    Tks vote for Party Keadilan n DAP.

  12. To all ijok people.please please vote for PKR.what mahathir say is true send the message to BN UMNO.we want change.good goverment for all races.for better tomorrow.ur vote is in ur hand.may god bless u for its time to change.Hidup Malaysia .

  13. For things to change the voters have to change their thinking first and hopefully the blatant abuse of government like Ministers buying votes with the RM32m projects will stir their thinking a little.

    For all other non-Ijok Malaysians who care about the country’s future, here is a simple exercise to consider if you want to send a message to the leaders of this country.
    It may convince the government to change its mind about a few things.

    But it requires a little effort from all caring Malaysians.

    Please give it a thought.

  14. “My sincere request to all fellow Malaysian of all races Malay, Chinese and Indian respectively make it happen vote for Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim as new Ijok YB this Sat.” – Aluuncle

    Dream on! Will not happen as we are Malaysians. The chinese in Ijok will sell out as usual and vote BN. The Malays will support BN while the Indians will follow suit.

    This is Malaysia la.

  15. Dear RealWorld,
    According to SPR’s record, we have many registered voters in Ijok who are either below 10 years of age or 100+ years old. Assuming SPR does not allow the registration of kids below 10 years old, they should be 100+. Never know Ijok has such a high density of 100+ years old residents. Shouldn’t we demand the Guinness Book to be fair with us and recognize this record? Hope they don’t discriminate Msia.


  16. I knew that BN will win in Ijok as that is what they set out to do at all cost. Well, Anwar have his point shared as to how BN will do in making sure of the winning. In Machap, for all we know, might have been well prepared for the winning. We are facing with a well organized structured governing system that all key figures in place are merely ‘chairman’. They can keep their seat as long as they can read their script and play their role accordingly.
    50 years of shameful achievements had we all exchanged for. They can’t stop the acting as this play have went into such a deep casting, just to cover up those actors and actress in action.
    Every Malaysian have equally accountable for our country losses, be it directly or indirectly. We all are in the same boat, we are one family. Malaysia BOLEH.

  17. The future of Ijok will surely be bright if they vote in Tan Sri Khalid. His past CEO tenure should come in handy when developing Ijok to be competitive vis a vis globally.

    TSK will impart new ideas to his constituency, no doubt. If a war torn country like Vietnam can rebuild itself, surely our less urban counties have a better chance. But lack of foresight has deterred our kampungs to enjoy better livelihood as they get conned by their own warlords (read UMNO, MCA, MIC) again and again.

    I await your glorious day IJOK. Otherwise, I will cry for you E-Joke.

  18. BN should win this election. After all, they are spending no less than RM36 million and also they have sent in all the troops. So by hook or by crook they will win. No less a person than the PM also showed up.

    And they have used their spin doctors to explain the military purchases, and DPM has denied links with the dead model. The opposition have not rebutted these arguments, or have not had time to do so. But are these rthe issues for Ijokians? Looks like the opposition have not got any issues as far as Ijokians are concerned. So what can they offer?


    So chalk another one for BN. No need to wait till 7:30 to find out. Only need to see how badly TSK loses.

  19. “Do you have any prove of phantom voters?” RealWorld

    You do not know the difference between a noun and a verb. You need to attend special English evening classes for the retarded.

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