Ijok by-election – BN “kiasu” despite worst electoral corruption and most undemocratic campaigning in 50 yrs

Ijok by-election - BN kiasu despite worst electoral corruption and most undemocratic campaigning in 50 yrs

Last night, together with other DAP MPs including Dr. Tan Seng Giaw (Kepong), Chong Eng (Bukit Mertajam), Fong Po Kuan (Batu Gajah), M. Kulasegeran (Ipoh Barat), Fung Kui Lun (Bukit Bintang), Chow Kon Yeow (Tanjung) and Lim Hock Seng (Bagan) as well as Thomas Su Keong Siong (Perak DAP State Assemblyman for Pasir Pinji), I campaigned in Batang Berjuntai and Pekan Ijok for Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) candidate for the hotly-contested Ijok by-election for the Selangor State Assembly on Saturday, 28th April 2007.

I left Ijok last night with the predominant impression – that the Barisan Nasional (BN) is “kiasu” despite masterminding the worst electoral corruption and the most undemocratic campaigning in 50 years. What a shameful way to commemorate our 50th Merdeka anniversary in 2007!

It is because of this new emergent Barisan Nasional “kiasu” mindset that my speech at the first ceramah last night at Batang Berjuntai was sabotaged — by the Barisan Nasional making use of the Police.

A police party had earlier tried to intervene to stop the ceramah when PKR President Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah binti Wan Ismail was ending her speech, leading to arguments between PKR leaders and DAP MPs Fong Kui Lun and Lim Hock Seng on the one hand and the police on the other when the police party approached the make-shift rostrum.

After a short while when the commotion continued without resolution, I went up to the police officer leading the police team to ask what was the problem. When I was told that the ceramah was an illegal assembly, I was most surprised, as it was clearly a most unwarranted interference by the police in PKR by-election campaigning.

Unlike one occasion the previous night at Taman Pancaran, Bestari Selatan where the PKR ceramah featuring Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was deemed by the police as being “too close” for “security comfort” to the BN one featuring Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak being separated by only 50 metres, and had to be cancelled, the PKR ceramah at Batang Berjuntai town last night posed no such problem as there was no other BN ceramah anywhere else in sight. Furthermore, the crowd was very peaceful, controlled and very good-natured.

I told the police officer that in my 40 years of election experience, the Police had never tried to stop a ceramah during election campaigning on the ground that it was an illegal assembly when the police had earlier been given notification, as the normal practice of requiring two-week notice to apply for police permit for holding a ceramah was suspended as it was no more practical in election campaigns which are invariably less than 10 days between nomination and polling dates.

I told the crowd that the Police was being unfair and one-sided, and there was thunderous support from the people at the ceramah. I asked the Police to be fair and to withdraw (undur) from the rostrum area and not to interrupt the ceramah.

I then saw the police party withdrawing and I was quite impressed that the police was amenable to reason demonstrating their dedication to the Rukunegara objective of maintaining a democratic way of life and to be guided by the Rukunegara principles of “Rule of Law” and “Good Behaviour and Morality”.

But I was to be disillusioned in a matter of some 20 minutes later. When I started speaking after Po Kuan and the PKR candidate, Khalid had given their speeches, the police returned with three FRU truckloads of riot police.

A police party led by another police officer approached me to stop me from speaking, when I was just warming up, but he refused to reply when I asked him about a dozen times to identify himself, as to who he was and his police rank — causing me to berate him repeatedly for lacking in the most basic courtesies.

He was just interested in wanting to get hold of the mike, which led me to ask him as to why the police did not have their own mike and what had happened to the hundreds of millions of ringgit approved every year by MPs to purchase equipments for the police.

It was only after a dozen times of demand for him to identity himself that I was told that he was Kuala Selangor OCPD Ibrahim, evoking my parting shot as to why he was ashamed to identify himself earlier.

I told the crowd that the incident showed that BN was “kiasu” compelling the police to act so unfairly, one-sidedly and undemocratically to stop PKR ceramahs, which elicited repeated roars “BN kiasu” from the crowd!

The ceramah standoff ended when PKR Vice President Azmin Ali was allowed five minutes to disperse the crowd.

I had in the earlier incident told the police that by being so unfair blatantly and flagrantly, they are only stoking public outrage which will only result in more votes for the PKR candidate — the opposite result of what the BN wanted.

My second ceramah at Pekan Ijok went off without any police problem.

During question time in Parliament this morning, I posed the question why the BN is so “kiasu” in Ijok that the police are being forced to act so partially and unfairly as to harass PKR ceramahs while giving a blank-cheque to BN to do whatever they like in Ijok.

There was of course no answer from the Deputy Internal Security Minister, Datuk Johari Baharum who was replying to the question from the MP for Maran about the problem of VIPs like MPs being targeted by criminals and “whether there is any plan to take general protective measures in order to protect these group of people from being the target of criminals”.

I raised a protest at this question and I expressed regret that BN MPs were only interested in the welfare of VIPs like themselves, while were quite indifferent to the plight of ordinary Malaysians who are increasingly victims of crime in the escalating crime waves.

As example, I cited the case of the latest crime victim, Lim Hoon Hwa, 21, clerk, who was robbed and brutally stabbed to death in her home in the crime capital of the nation, Johore Baru in Taman Skudai Baru on Sunday.

However, when I tried to raise the issue in Parliament on Monday night during committee stage debate of the Internal Security Ministry on the 2006 Supplementary Estimates, BN MPs including those from Johore were just unsympathetic, indifferent and did not want to listen — as they only wanted to go back on the ground that the Parliament meeting was too long already.


50 Replies to “Ijok by-election – BN “kiasu” despite worst electoral corruption and most undemocratic campaigning in 50 yrs”

  1. Finally Malaysia is learning from Singapore, but the wrong stuff which is ‘kiasuness’ in politics. Why dont they learn ‘kiasuness’ in education, economy etc.

    Anyway, the change in trend is caused by the fact that the government knows that it has done the wrong things since the last elections like corruption, rising crime rate, discrimination, unimpressive economy and such.
    And the government know that the people are angry and disatisfied.
    So, to compensate they have to do some tricks.

  2. …the NEP has also been abused by politicians of enriching an elite – frequently at the state’s expense. Critics say construction projects awarded to bumiputera contractors are sometimes subcontracted and further subcontracted, resulting in shoddy work. Moreover, the NEP’s preferential policies have sparked a brain drain of skilled minority Chinese and Indians to other countries, including to comparatively wealthy Singapore. All of this has undermined Malaysia’s underlying global competitiveness…

    From http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/ID25Ae02.html

  3. When a Malay is not considered a Malaysian…
    “As we wait to celebrate the country’s national day, the people of Ijok should vote for Parthiban, not because he is an Indian or a Malay, but because he is a Malaysian. Likewise, no one should be voting for Khalid because he is a Malay as it would be a seriously unhealthy political trend.” Wong Chun Wai in The Star headlined ‘It’s no joke in Ijok’.

    Because of the political divide, being a Malay in the opposition can be a problem. I wish the Police can be more independent in carrying out their duties during an election.

  4. The police in Malaysia are real scum of the nation. Just a dispicable lot – corrupted, arrogant and lawless.
    If an OCPD refuses to identify himself, how could we expect a constable to do so. This is simple courtesy befitting a man in his position.
    If Ijok voters still go for BN, then we may as well pray for Malaysia!

  5. A regime would not give up its power easily for sure, even before the fish is hooked, it has already started to attack. The tactic deployed by the regime could be dirty and ruthless. For instance racial card could be deployed.

    Of course there will be a price to pay for the change; there is no free lunch in this world.

  6. Polices are the “servant” of the government, that’s what is happening in Malaysia. How do you expect them to act impartially.
    Singaporean normally very kiasu, but as to during the election — any country will not allow accusation on personal. That is the rule.
    As for Ijok, see that to happen: BN still win. Why? Chinese and Indian are being hinted that that without MCA and MIC, their right will be eroded to the bone. With them, they will slow down the process. As for Malays, BN will make sure they understand that without UMNO, they will not enjoy the rotten NEP and so-called Bumi-right.
    Malaysians are naive. Easily sways by sweet talks + threats.
    Not without hope. We still hold on our hope that we will change the scenario. Pray to that, folks.

  7. ‘kaisu’ – motivated by fears of losing; thus, ‘scared to lose’ and resorting to unethical and underhanded means to achieve one’s aims). That’s ‘Bribery Nasional’ party alright. In common parlance, we say ‘NO BALLS’.

    BN has absolutely no morals to speak of. Every word that tumbles forth from Pak LAh, Najib, OKT, SAmy Vellu stinks of absolute hypocrisy.

    And now, mother of all disgraces, they have resorted to every devil’s trick and every bastard’s ways to snatch the votes.

    I can only pray more BN ADUNs die so that Pak LAh & gang will break their bones kicking against the pricks!

  8. The escalating fracas is just confirmation of what at the heart of issue: Are Malaysian voters, starting with Malay voters, ready to walk away from feudalism? Unless Malay voters show that they are willing to start to walk away from the serfdom they are trapped in on their own, there is no way to begin the reconcilation process ideally imagined by our founding fathers. More importantly it would give each other hope that the Malaysia dream is still possible and stop the rot.

    The truth is the source of all this is bumiputra-gov dependency must start to end now otherwise, these things will not only continue, it will escalate.

    So IJOK. What say you?

  9. IJOK by-election seems to be a contest of :

    Pak Lah + 100+ ministers, deputy minister, political secretaries + government machinery/money + corruption money


    Tan Sri Khalid and 20+ million Malaysians.

    Keep your spirits high, Tan Sri. Raise your hands upwards.
    Victory is nigh.

  10. Obviously Najib need to win this by-elecyion by hook or by crook. Or else he will be seen as losing to Anwar, if that so happened, the popularity of the ex-dpm will exceed expectations, a stronger wave of refomasi is likely the outcome. If the opposition won in Ijok, it is as good as debunking the myth of the kampung mentality, tht folks in kampung voted for peanuts in exchange. So there are great hopes that the next GE we will see BN crippled, best of all we got regime change for a price, but why we need to pay when it is our right to choose, but not with the mafia. I’d be satisfied with 55-45 allocation of seats in the parliament, enough to bring some truth back into the country.

  11. i’m wonder how transparent out country in election. why everyone dun like BN, BN still win, is there anything there we dunno or they’ve playing trick there?

    frankly, i’m very surprise with the diff of vote in MACHAP. possible so huge diff? the sound i heard that complaining BN much much more than the vote. why is this so?

    lucky is uncle lim giving speech, if we normal people there. might die or drag to the back stage…..

  12. I think Kiasu is too light a word to describe these nests of corrupted BN politicians. They are actually more afraid that if they loose it will reflect their evil doings and it might be the begining of their end. They know all their wrongdoings but if they win it will looks as though nothing is wrong. If they loose the message is clear and they do not want to be demoralized for the coming GE.

    In a nutshell it is not so much of loosing that one seat, but the implication is insurmountable.

  13. Wong Chun Wai could have remained neutral and could have simply said that no one should vote for Parthiban or Khalid because of their racial background but that everyone should vote for either candidate because they are Malaysians. Instead, he tried to play on the positive for Parthiban (“…the people should vote for Parthiban….”) and on the negative for Khalid (“..no one should be voting for Khalid…”), which goes to show that not only BN politicians have no shame in this country, the editors of the mainstream press have no shame too.

    I can’t expect the mainstream press to be truly impartial – it hasn’t been for 50 years, and it will never be going forward, but I didn’t expect such overt campaigning for Parthiban from the Star.

    One of the commentators above wondered if we are prepared for the consequences of regime change. The consequences for maintaining the status quo with these bunch of thieves in power are simply unthinkable, and we must tell ourselves that any change is better than no change.

  14. Quote from above comment:

    One of the commentators above wondered if we are prepared for the consequences of regime change. The consequences for maintaining the status quo with these bunch of thieves in power are simply unthinkable, and we must tell ourselves that any change is better than no change.

    I am prepared for any consequences, are you all?
    There is no two way about it, as quoted ” any change is better than no change”.

    Act upon it, not just tell ourselves. You know who to vote comes the next GE, so lets walk together for change.

    To Ijok voters we need you to start the changing process. Do not be afraid of intimination or threat, our future generations depend on this change to ensure their progress and prosperity.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  15. “Polices are the “servant” of the government, that’s what is happening in Malaysia. How do you expect them to act impartially.”

    Sure, you’re spot on about the first part. The Police as part of the civil service is also supposed to be neutral. Instead their officers are being used as bouncers by their political masters.

    Malaysia is not ready for democracy. I’m ashamed to be called a Malaysian. She remains pretty much where she started – a third world country absent the modern structures and skyscrapers.

  16. This statement by Godfather reflects my sentiment:

    “One of the commentators above wondered if we are prepared for the consequences of regime change. The consequences for maintaining the status quo with these bunch of thieves in power are simply unthinkable, and we must tell ourselves that any change is better than no change.”

    One can never be prepared for something like “regime change” for with it comes social and political unrest, political instability and economic chaos as the country makes a u-turn in her policies both domestic and international.

    This is the price we have to pay. Fifty years down the line, Malaysians are still struggling with the basic issues of freedom i.e. to have or not to have as opposed to the kind and degree of freedom that we should protect.

    The ruling national coalition will try to confuse the issues. Unfortunately the average rural voter lacks the kind of mental sophistication that would allow him or her to separate the wheat from the chaff.

  17. I don’t agree that regime change necessarily results in social unrest, political instability or economic chaos. Heck, Khalid will make a better finance minister than Sleepy Head, and I know I will make a better Works Minister than the bully Semi Value.

    Yes, the incumbent will try to steal any election just like they have stolen willy-nilly from the country’s coffers, but people power is paramount. If it turns out that 10 million voters want regime change, then the army and the police will go along with that. The BN ministers and cronies will be too busy covering their tracks and moving to places like Perth or London.

  18. “If it turns out that 10 million voters want regime change, then the army and the police will go along with that.”

    The problem here is that corruption has been endemic in Malaysia, that it has spread to all branches of government – and I mean all.

    Some senior police officers, and military officers too, feel that a regime change may expose them to allegations of corruption. This is the result of living and working under corrupt leaders and their equally corrupt political masters.

    So how do Malaysians get passed that?? Well, they don’t – because BN will continue to win in the rural constituencies, losing heavily in some urban areas. The result? Higher number of seats for the Opposition parties at both state and federal.

    As for me. I’m glad I’m out of this shit hole that is Malaysia.

  19. i’m glad the 3 useless MPs died – not only did the long suffering people of these 3 kampungs get new allocations and overnight infrastructure developments, we all get a first hand disgusted look at the BN tactics

    there is no longer any doubt that there is no more separation of powers in our country – the ruling coalition is corrupt to the core

    to aggravate insult to msians, these MPs can only think of their own safety when the general public are suffering in poverty and insecurity!

    if they had any intellect at all, they will know that THEY are responsible for breeding and tolerating this new generation of lazy and mob-like thugs!

  20. Keadilan would attract some Malay voters but may hardly attract non Malay due to the image of Keadilan (Anwar). Anwar had not been nice to non Malay but he is still a respectable image to many Malay.

    Majority of Chinese and Indian voters would go to MIC.

    There are many voters dissatifying about present BN. If DAP and PAS could come to the conclusion to set a certain seats number (and to sacrifice) joined the contest, some Malay would vote for PAS while some Chinese would vote for DAP.

    You would see MIC candidates would have less vote count from non Malay.


  21. AAB said, “stop this stupid nonsence”
    But who is listening. Not even his stupid idiotic SIL.
    Is he withdrawing his Mat Rempit [deleted]? No, but instead he got more police [deleted] to backup the other [deleted] to stop the opposition parties from conducting their peaceful campaigning.
    Truth is, AAB was actually telling the opposition parties and only the opposition parties. [deleted]

  22. So many times we had wished for change especially now when the country appears to have lost its footing….but again it will be the Malays who will effect that change if it takes place in Ijok…where are the non-Malays…still cannot believe what happened in Machap….is it forever going to be rice bowl problem with non-Malays…

  23. let there be rain in machap… hopefully ppl in Iljok will c light…
    ppl in machap who voted for bn r blind to e core… anyway, it is said tt bn won but then w such a corrupt election committee, we wont really know if bn won or lost… they could hav juz announced any number. who is there to check?

  24. So people of Ijok, you’ve seen enough of how BN behaves? Shameful!

    Do not allow them to threaten you. Fear them not. Just kick them out. Take
    whatever goodies that are being offered. Remember it’s tax-payers money, the people’s money not theirs. It’s payback time! Then kick them out. Cast your vote for PKR!

  25. what a load of shit!!! Is this a start that police is going to prevent Malaysians their rights during an election to hear all views?Well BN actually, not the police. Guess they only want us to hear BN views. Screw the idiots.

    Ijok please teach them a lesson, please.

    Wong Chun Wai – go fly kite. Not all of us are racist thinking like you.What if Ijok people like Khalid. Who did you vote for in last election? A chinese?

    May the best man stand and be elected. And win fair and square but that will be too much for BN to play fair. BN bukan JANTAN, Takut dan Kiasu!!

  26. Hope Malay can start to reliase that, not a chinese or indian playing the racial card, but it use by BN as to gain their vote in the election.

    Malay, Chinese, and indian are in united but BN are the one trying to seperate us.

  27. I don’t get it. If the ceramah was not an illegal assembly, on what grounds are the police basing their actions on? Surely if Uncle Kit is right, then he had no need to budge. The police officer had an obligation to identify himself, and to show cause. If not, he cannot touch anyone or even trying to take the mike. In this case, even if the police had legitimate reasons to stop the talk, there is still the matter of misconduct and the guilty should be punished.

    Also, Anwar’s ceramah was stopped on the basis of security. Yet there was no justification in my view as to why his ceramah was the one that had to be stopped; The matter may be different if BN chose the location first, and Keadilan knowingly and purposely chose the same but if not, then BN’s ceramah should equally be stopped! Did the police is (wrongly) assume that Keadilan supporters are prone to attacking BN supporters/members – surely the same can be said about BN’s ppl!

    Am I missing something here? I don’t get it.

  28. Democracy is dead for UMNO buried it, the party has lost its struggles, principles and ideologies, UMNO has lost touch with reality, not only to the malay, but to every Malaysians. We witnessed how desperate UMNO had became in order to cling on to power, and subject Malaysians to further abuse and torture, finally we saw the country is sinking to oblivion, where it doesn’t matter whether you are malay, chinese or indian, we are all in deep shit.

  29. Uncle Kit

    May I suggest all opposition parties to boycott GE. By doing so they will deprive the rakyat from getting goodies thrown in by the scum of scums. If till now the rakyat still wont wake up then they will never will coupled with the scare tactics employed by the scums. Instead of receiving rm36mil of goodies, let them be just contented with a mere rm200k worth of community hall every 5years.

  30. “I don’t agree that regime change necessarily results in social unrest, political instability or economic chaos. ” Godfather

    The term “regime change” suggests that ‘change’ is forced. None of the smooth transition that you get to see. So there would necessarily be some amount of uncertainty, tension and, if not widespread social unrest, pockets of social unrest etc the effect of which will be destabilizing on the system. This is the characteristic of ‘change’ and more so in the case of ‘regime change’ since it will be externally initiated and internally resisted.

    I expect to see changes in monetary and fiscal policies. I expect to see the floating of the Malaysian Ringgit. I expect to see changes in our foreign policy with none of the anti-U.S. sentiment we now hear from BN leaders. I expect to see the end of quotas and closed tenders and none of the cronyism that we now see.

    I expect too to see corrupt leaders brought to justice. This includes the early retirement of certain members of the judiciary – and the prosecution of others where there is evidence of corruption.

    The effect of all these changes would necessarily be destabilizing.

  31. My learned friend Undergrad2:

    Sometimes in the course of reconciliation, we may take the view that what is done is done, and that dredging up the past may not necessarily be the best thing to do. I wouldn’t go all out to bring corrupt leaders to justice. I may let them retire in their own community in Perth. However, I would go all out to change the way that things are done. That, my friend, is not necessarily destabilizing. The threat of instability is what the ruling elite would use.

  32. Godfather

    I think I can understand where you are going with that point, but my point is that how does anybody pick and choose who should face justice?

    That is precisely the way things have been going today. The small fish get picked but the big ones let go – because their possible destabilizing effect??

    We sure do not want to replace somebody who plays God with our lives with another who plays God with our lives!

    It ain’t progress to replace one set of people who tell us what justice is, what we should be happy with and what we should not – and what justice is not. That would put us back where we begin i.e. on the slippery slopes to political Armageddon.

    We cannot bring back the rule of law unless we bring back the rule of law.

    But that’s just one issue.

    I cannot speak for all you folks here but I can only speak for myself.

    We cannot have a limited float of the ringgit unless we first float the ringgit. We cannot free the interest rates unless we free the interest rates. We cannot make our central bank independent of interference by MoF until we make central bank independent of all interferences. We cannot revert to meritocracy until we abandon discrimination. We cannot stem corruption unless we stem corruption and demonstrate to all and sundry i.e from the very powerful to the very least powerful e.g. the police constable patrolling our streets be they night or day, that it does not pay to be corrupt!

    I expect changes where there should be changes. There should be changes in our monetary and fiscal policies to reduce M2 and stem inflation and revise the tax structure taxing the rich so that the working class could have more to spend, make corporate Malaysia pay more so that that the working class among us pay less.

    ‘Change’ brings with it some tension, some uncertainty and instability because that’s the nature of ‘change’. That’s what ‘change’ does.

  33. Let’s not talk about justice now. Justice will take care of itself when we have recovered the country from the bunch of thieves and change the way things are being done. The concept of “No change” which is what the BN is telling the voters is one which needs to be ditched – and quickly.

  34. How can voters in a small town even contemplate voting for a party that draws its support from mat rempits dressed in black, with scorpion insignias, with sunglasses and who shout obscenities ? The pictures of these hooligans ranting and raving and intimidating the Opposition are scary and should be a reminder to the people that at this day and age, we don’t have to cower in fear or break into cold sweat.

  35. “How can voters in a small town even contemplate voting for a party that draws its support from mat rempits dressed in black, with scorpion insignias, with sunglasses and who shout obscenities?”

    Well, this is what freedom of expression is all about. The freedom to express our views however wrong they may be, however that is done is still freedom – with one caveat. That freedom of expression must not be at the expense of the freedom of others to express themselves.

    These bouncers may shout and scream all the obscenities they like. In return you can shout your share although I do not believe you would want to do that. So long as no law is broken.

    Intimidating behaviour has its effect only when one allows oneself to be intimidated. When a voter chooses not to exercise his right to vote in fear of his own personal safety, it is a choice he makes. Isn’t that what democracy is all about i.e. freedom of choice?

  36. I have never stop admiring you for your courage to stand up to the might of the authority in defence of the rakyat and the country. However, to achieve the change of government, one must strategise and prepare for the next GE. Sit down with like minded parties and forge a united front to present to malaysian of a viable alternative. Stop refering to your party as opposition, it should read alternative.

  37. Do pray Libra2 as Ijok will go to BN. With all the goodies going theer, and all the ehavy weights campaining there, Ijok will definately vote for BN. Lots of developmnent has been promised and some delivered, at what cost God only knows.

    And with all this, by hook, (and most probably ) or by crook, BN will win at Ijok. It will be a showcase of the support for TPM and that malaysians do not vote along racial lines.

    It will be a sad 50th anniversary.

    a-malaysian, we are all to blame. We hide behind our computers and complain and criticise. How many of us here are willing to put our money where our mouth is? How many have voted for opposition before? Christ, how many have even bothered to vote or even register to vote?

    How many are DAP or PKR or PAS members. If you feel so strongly about it, why dont we (myself included) join the opposition and do our part.

    All this cheering “bravo uncle Lim”, is of not much use, if we dont do something about it.

    Or else we could all wait for it to get worse, and then try to leave…..

  38. lakshy, for your information I had voted for the DAP for the past six elections. I am not a member of DAP but I spread the words individually to all my relatives and friends to vote for the oppositions wherever their constituency is.

    But what you say is simply true, just express your thoughts in blogs and not really taking the right action will not help.

    My statement:
    Act upon it, not just tell ourselves. You know who to vote comes the next GE, so lets walk together for change. still stands and I am calling everyone of you reading Kit’s Blog to really have the heart for change and not being afraid.

    This is not for ourselves but think about our future generations, what will happen to them if bn continue being racist, corruptions and non malays still treated as second class citizens, lack of University education for non malays and many more things that hurt us.

    Fellow Malaysian, think hard and think very hard again.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  39. well said and well done a-malaysian. I do the same, but that does not seem to be enough! More needs to be done, when the masses are being misinformed and brainwashed by the mainstream media.

    Not many read the blogs and not many have access to internet in the rural areas. And thats where umno’s strength lies.

    I say the same thing you do…..vote for any opposition, even if it’s PAS!

    Malaysia needs an alternative group capable of forming a credible government. That is the only way to keep the excesses of any political party in check. Only when they have to outdo each other to please the rakyat will they be true wakil rakyat! Otherwise with the existing ruling party, all excesses go unpunished. We dont know how much more is being swept under the carpet!

    I will vote for PAS if they stand in my constituency. I say this because I personally know of cases of Indian and Chinese temples in Kelantan and Trengganu that had tried to obtain titles over the TOL lands they were built on from BN governemnts and did not succeed. But PAS gave it to them.

    The mainstream press highlights the logging in Kelantan, reaches the masses, but it fails to mention the same thing happening in Trengganu, Perak, etc. All with political connections no doubt.

    Here in Ipoh we have parties taking the state government to court for granting a green lung to a developer. And nobody questions how that particular land…which has been promised by the goverment (during a previous alienation exercise)to be gazetted as a green lung could end up being alienated for development.

    By the way, from this case we also found out that the polo grounds, DR Park etc are all not gazetted as green luings or open spaces. This is probably done so that someone can someday make huge sums by alienating this land for development. I hope you dont have the same problems in your own areas and tamans. Dont be surprised if everything disdappears …..for a fee. As they say… Malaysia Boleh. We will soon be like Indonesia which says….Bisa Pak.

    Or we could chose to be like Kerala which votes in a new government in each election. If we do the same, we can be sure that each government will expose the excesses of the previous one and take the culprits to court. That will help clean up our politics, and we get good governance.

  40. It was wrong! What the police did was too much. what can we do?
    Do we want this, even a simple, fundamental right to be taken away?
    When the police stop a ceramah like that, the situation can turn chaotic. The opponents can also sabbotage the situation.
    It ended peacefully. That was excellent! If not, the next day the opponents will accuse the oppositions for being unrulely. The general public will some how perceive negatively toward the oppositions. When the mass media is under the ruling parties control, they are so clever to creat that impression.
    Helplessness is the feeling you get when the police is not acting fairly. 50 years a regime had been in power, what fairness do you want to talk about? Of course they want to perpetuate their rule!
    I am looking forward to the day, one day, the people power will prevail. Then we will has a new Malaysia!
    Folks, keep up the good works! Do our parts and don’t forget to pray for a new Malaysia.

  41. Speaking of voting, how can a malaysian student studying in a foreign country like myself vote? I’m turning 21 (that’s the voting age I think.. :/ ) and I really would like to vote. Can someone tell me how it’s done?

  42. Approach the nearest Malaysian embassy/High Commission for the answer. You are an absentee voter and you need to acquaint yourself with the rules. Every vote counts.

    First you need to put your name on the rolls. Otherwise you cannot vote. Being 21 merely qualifies you to vote – not the right to vote.

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