Altantuya – Najib should tell all instead of bits and pieces

Altantuya - Najib should tell all instead of bits and pieces

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should give a full statement of what he knew about the Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu who was murdered and blown to bits with powerful high-security C4 explosive last October instead of letting out information in bits and pieces.

On the eve of Ijok nomination on Wednesday (18th April), Najib made his first comment when he said he was not afraid of allegations linking him to the case of the murdered Mongolian woman, that they were “merely lies to discredit him” and that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and the police “knew the truth”.

On Ijok nomination the next day, Najib said that he “would not take lying down” accusations hurled against him by the opposition in the Ijok by-election campaign and would “respond to the personal attacks to the fullest extent possible… in the context of the law”.

Last night, Najib released another bit of information when he said in Ijok that he had never met Altantuya.

He said: “I have only seen pictures of her in the media.”

Najib owes it to the voters of Ijok and the 26 million people of Malaysia to give a full account of what he knew about Altantuya before her gruesome murder instead of being forced to release bits and pieces of information which only raises more questions.

For instance, was Najib aware of Altantuya’s activities and interests inside and outside the country before her gruesome murder and the circumstances of such knowledge and information — which is a completely separate issue from the case of her murder.

Furthermore, when Najib said that the Prime Minister, the Attorney-General and the police “knew the truth”, what is this “truth” that he was talking about and are the Prime Minister, Attorney-General and the police prepared to publicly corroborate Najib’s claim?


30 Replies to “Altantuya – Najib should tell all instead of bits and pieces”

  1. Aiyah, why can’t we trust our deputy PM who descended from a reputable family? We must believe him when he declared that he had never met Altantuya and her case had nothing to do at all with him. He even said “Allah is my witness.”

    Now even TDM had openly supported NTR taking over AAB as PM of Malaysia.

  2. Bits and pieces……. Mongolian women blown to bits and pieces and Najis gives comments in bits and pieces too, perharps his life will soon be in bits ‘n’ pieces too if SIL wants to be de permenant fourth floor tennant.


  3. Wow, slowly slow we’ll catch the monkey!

    ” …..the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and the police “knew the truth” – Najib Tun Razak

    So Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Attorney General are in the know and have common knowledge of the “truth”? This was backed up by Deputy Internal Security Minister Fu Ah Kiow came out strong to warn that any further discussion of the case would be sub judice as the case is still in the court, and threatening “contempt of Court” charge.

    Sounds desperate! So are we, we are desperate to know what is the “truth”?

  4. Yes, Najib is coming out in defense gloated by Anwar Ibrahim, who challenged him to sue him so that “everything will hang out in court”. All that Najib could say was “I don’t have to sue him, but I have the option to sue him” and “They raised issues not connected here. What connection has the Mongolian woman with the people in Ijok? What connection has Altantuya with the people here? There is no connection at all even with me, but it has been made into an issue. The allegations are baseless”

    Baseless or not, the BN is real worry that Ijok will turn out to be another “Lunas defeat” for them. So much so, the squatters in in Kampung Sentosa, Sri Aman, Jaya Setia and Ijok were given their Land Titles (after 30 years). From 482 families , they confirm another 1000+ votes. Even MIC has arranged for the very sick MG Parthiban (IPF) for a rally today (Sunday) perhaps to get another 1000 votes. More details, goodies and Pics at:

    and AG, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail response on the pending Court Case:
    “I am not siding with anybody. Side with the makamah or side with the government. It doesn’t mater to me. I look at hard facts whether there is evidence”

  5. ““They raised issues not connected here. What connection has the Mongolian woman with….” Najib

    I’ll have to agree with Najib. What relevance has it got to the elections? Elections are best fought on issues.

    So what are the issues that matter and affect the lives of residents of Ijok? Too few roads, too few bridges, too few schools, too few community halls, too few mosques, temples, weak law enforcement etc. High unemployment among local youth etc are some of the issues.

    How does blowing up somebody from some strange land far away affect their lives? Zilch.

  6. Every one should switch on to Aljazeera news tonight at 9.30pm( channel 20).It shows how Malaysian govt is doing abt apotasy cases and also abt conversion cases and its impact on non- muslims.. Also shown footage of apostate in detention.

    [I understand that this is not the correct information, that the Aljazeera programme has already been screened today at 12.30 am, but will be repeated tomorrow (Monday) at 11.30 am and 5pm, on Tuesday at 1.30 pm, on Wednesday at 10.30 am and 3.30 pm, on Thursday at 2.30 pm and on Friday at 3 pm. Those who have seen the programme may wish to comment. Kit]

  7. 30 long years!!! Many of the 482 squatter families given Land Titles are 3rd generation residents living there; some grandpas and grandmas must have felt terribly disheartened and died in vain after decades of waiting.

    The people of Ijok must pause to ask, why NOW? Why only NOW are they issuing the Land Titles? Not that the BN government just came to office yesterday, did they? Why only NOW, that Land Titles are issued? – becoz they need your Votes. Suddenly YOU are important to them.

    For decades YOU had been insignificant to them and they chose to ignore YOU but today, they are on their knees, desperate for they fear the Opposition.

    Yes, they want your Votes. Once again they are promising you the moon and more goodies to come but, ….you need to wait another 30 years!

    Don’t be tricked by them again, just throw those BN hypocrites out. Enough is enough.

    GO FOR CHANGE, vote in PKR!

  8. Najib’s wife declared that she trusts her husband. Why the declaration, and does that add to the claim that the PM, the AG and the IGP knew the truth? Does the subject of trust relate to a different topic? I wonder.

  9. Kit, I’ve seen some of the footage on ALjazeera . Marimuthu was waiting outside the gate of the so-called ” Rehabilitation center” greeted by his “wife” Raimah who was dilapitating and crying saying she was ill-treated and devoid of medical attention on her asthmatic condition. Another footage showing one malay chap saying ” Malay is muslim, none can challenge that or else without the law, malaysia will be gone …. ” It is so dis-heartening to watch the footage..

    Read some of the articles in

  10. To Voters in Ijok,
    Please be not afraid of accepting the “bits and pieces” of goodies that the BN/Toyo are now dishing out to you all.

    Be not ungrateful, for all that is being given now are OWEDto you, all accumulated over the 40+ years under BN/MIC which they HAVE NOT delivered when they were to have been delivered.

    This is PAYBACK for their PAST rule. You therefore should not feel guilty nor be now bound to vote BN/MIC.

    TAKE the goodies, and Vote Tan Sri.

    After all, “BN” after Machap, and now Ijok, now stands for the obvious:-


    Sounds a good rap song title, too, “Bribery Nasional”..

  11. “Malay is muslim, none can challenge that or else without the law, malaysia will be gone …. ” It is so dis-heartening to watch the footage.”

    So Raimah of Indian descent is a Malay because she habitually speaks the Malay language, professes the Muslim religion and follows Malay customs??

    In short an Indian can be a Malay?? A Chinese can be a Malay?? I don’t get it!

  12. ‘But I read somewhere that Razak, Najib and the Mongolian girl was travelling togather in a foreign country prior to her death. So how to deny now?” Richard Teo

    If you allege you must prove. The burden of proving that Najib lied is on you. Failure to discharge the burden is fatal. In criminal cases the standard of proof is ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ – higher than in civil cases where the standard of proof is the lower standard of the ‘balance of the probabilities’,

    But of course it has first to be relevant. So what relevance is there in the fact that Najib was seen in the company of the victim with her murder?? Does that mean you’ll have to travel with somebody to be guilty of her or his murder?

    Objection sustained. Please build your foundation first.

  13. “So Raimah of Indian descent is a Malay because she habitually speaks the Malay language, professes the Muslim religion and follows Malay customs??

    In short an Indian can be a Malay?? A Chinese can be a Malay?? I don’t get it!”

    LOL it appears so doesn’t it? If you wiki Malay, and go to the link on the Malaysian constitution, it defines a malay as ” a Malaysian citizen born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore.” (NB That is not the ACTUAL wording of the constitution I think, but it should be representative of its meaning). Any lawyers to clarify this?

    The first time i read it i was pretty amused actually…

  14. slashed

    Article 160(2):

    “Malay” means a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom and…

    Politicians have no business in messing around with the word ‘ethnicity’. Ethnicity is a question of fact not law.

    Time to call in the anthropologists?

  15. undergrad2 April 23rd, 2007 at 1:55 am says
    So what relevance is there in the fact that Najib was seen in the company of the victim with her murder?

    BUT he said: “I have only seen pictures of her in the media.”

    So why did he deny seeing her except from photographs in the media? Is there any proof(photos, witness, etc) that Najib was seen in the company of the victim?

  16. Assuming the charge is murder against Razak, do you mean to say being in the company of the victim when Razak was also present makes Najib an accomplice to murder? That is one quantum leap to make!

    Do you mean to say that by contradicting himself in his public statements or in his testimony in court makes him an accomplice to murder?

    He will, however, have to explain the inconsistencies.

  17. Wa happened to my earlier posting??

    How relevant is Najib’s lie (assuming he lied) that he was never in the company of the murder victim with Razak also present, to the charge of murder the latter is facing?? Is it relevant to the issue of murder? If so, how so?

    If Razak had resorted to the murder of the woman who was harassing him as one way to resolve the problem because the political fallout would be devastating to his boss, then the issue could go to motive.

    But ‘motive’ is not relevant to prove the crime of murder.

  18. This is what Rosmah has to say about her husband”

    “”Cuma saya nak nasihat pada semua, jangan dengar tuduhan yang tak baik yang dilemparkan kepada kami, parti, mahupun semua pemimpin kerajaan.”


    I only would like to advise everyone not to believe the accusations made against us (meaning her and her husband) , party (meaning UMNO) and all leaders in government.

    Rosmah has the arrogance to suggest that accusations made against her husband and her constitutes lack of loyalty to government.

    Sheesh! Is she that confused as to fail to see the difference? This is what happens when someone has been in power for far too long. The stories that you hear from the grapevine about her and Najib are all true – without exception!

    Go to to understand the hatred of Malays and Malaysians for her.

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