Suspend LKIM chairman and DG until probe of mutual corruption allegations

Suspend LKIM chairman and DG until probe of mutual corruption allegations

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had pledged an “all-out war against corruption” when he succeeded Tun Dr. Mahthir Mohamad in October 2003, but his actions had never belied his word.

Ironically, Abdullah gave two illustrations of the vast gap between his rhetoric and action on the anti-corruption front when he spoke to the press at the launching of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Academy (MACA) on Thursday.

Firstly, Abdullah lashed out at the Chairman and Director-General of the Malaysian Fisheries Development Authority (LKIM) for their public quarrel over allegations of corruption.

LKIM Chairman Adam Abdul Hamid had lodged a report with the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) that the agency’s top management had spent RM55 million for its Kg Geluncur complex in Kuala Kedah without open tender.

Adam told New Straits Times (10.4.07) that the complex in Kg Geluncur, completed last year at a cost of RM29 million was unable to be used as the jetty was 10 metres from shore.

As a result, the same contractor was awarded a sand-dredging project to allow sea water to reach the jetty. The fee — RM100 per cubic metre of sand removed when PWD rate is RM30.

There was also a RM8 million land-levelling contract and a RM17.8 million contract to build a 1.8 km access road to the complex — all awarded without open tender.

The LKIM management, under its director-general Datuk Annas Khatib Jaafar, had on its part lodged an ACA report against Adam, who is also chairman of Majuikan Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of LKIM, for secretly giving an offshore loan of 10 million euros (RM46 million) last year.

Abdullah should have suspended both the chairman and director-general of LKIM until outcome of investigations into the mutual allegations of corruption instead of asking them to sweep their differences “under the carpet”, wanting the duo to “sit down and resolve the matter among themselves” rather than going public and making “the public lose confidence in the government”.

The second issue was on the appointment of the new ACA director-general to replace Datuk Seri Zulkipli Mat Noor.

When asked, Abdullah said he was waiting for a detailed list of the candidates. He said: “As this is an important post, I want to study the background of the candidates before making the right choice.”

This is proof that Abdullah was caught unprepared by having to appoint a new ACA director-general and vindicated my media statement a fortnight ago that the Prime Minister was going to further extend Zulkipli’s appointment as the ACA chief despite his dismal performance and record — until the serious corruption allegations by former Sabah ACA director and whistleblower Mohamad Ramli Abdul Manan against Zulkipli made this option untenable.

Abdullah is taking too long to fill the vacancy of the post of ACA director-general. The failure to promptly fill key posts after the long-expected retirement of incumbents, whether Chief Judge of Malaya, Chief Police Officer of Kuala Lumpur and now ACA Director-General reflects very poorly on the efficiency, competence and productivity of the civil service leadership and the Prime Minister.

Such failures to promptly fill key posts in the public service are rare phenomena under previous Prime Ministers but seem to be becoming a regular feature of the present administration. It is time that Abdullah snuff out such bad practices and buck up as Prime Minister as well as getting the entire civil service, particularly the top echelons of its leadership, to buck up.


15 Replies to “Suspend LKIM chairman and DG until probe of mutual corruption allegations”

  1. LKS, u sure its RM100/cu mtr, i am willing to work part time on weekends for that kind of money, nevermind i move only 2 cubic meter thats enough to take my family to a good restaurant, for a change!

  2. Our NLC (aka national land code) allows a private land to be taken over for public purposes but I have not read nor come across a public land being converted private land and build expensive houses for sale and that on the most beautiful centre of the town in Kluang, Johor. and on bukit kerajaan. sale 320,00 only for house .

    One land officer stated … the powers be decided so, thus nothing could be done by the land office to block. all vacant land even behind schools like convent were just converted. Now they can literally ..take a bamboo pole to reach the students.. Most happened during Mohideen chief ministers time..LKS do check this out.

  3. Multimedia University is to dump RM24,000 to make longest kebab in Malaysia. The money to be spent to achieve this idiotic record comes from the taxpayers’ pockets. This amount of money represents 4 years of back-breaking wages for a person earning RM500 a month. But money aside, what is the need for this longest kebab? To show the world that malaysians are creative, innovative and Nobel Prize-capable inventors? Or to show the whole world that malaysians are imbeciles, unable to produce anything of value apart from worthless ideas? Next, we will be squandering millions of ringgit to make the biggest plate of nasi kandar or the largest pot of tehtarik in the entire universe. That nasi kandar shop in Perth better get ready to buy the hugest table in the universe to accomodate that biggest plate of nasi kandar. Hopefully Australia won’t sink under the weight of that nasi kandar.

  4. ‘Achievements’ of MMU students from 2001 to 2007
    – *Largest* Backward Walk for 3.8km
    – *Largest *MMU logo made of one cent coins (by CLS Cyberjaya)
    – *Longest *Rangoli (by Creative Arts Club Melaka)
    – *Longest *Non-Stop Debate (by VOICES MMU)
    – *Longest *Table Tennis Marathon (by Table Tennis Club Melaka)
    – *Longest *Non-stop Dodol cooking session by CCIP Cyberjaya
    – *Largest *MMU logo made of key (by Creative Arts Club)
    – *Longest *Signature Cardboard (by AstroNature Circle Melaka)
    – *Longest *Saidina Game (by Convocation Festival 2006)
    – *Longest *Kebab (by CCIP Cyberjaya)
    – *Most Number* of Rice Arts (by Indian Cultural Society)
    – Playing congkak *30-hour non-stop* (by CCIP Cyberjaya)
    – LATEST: *Longest Non-Stop* Martial Arts Punching Relay 2007 (6-8th April)

    Largest Chess Tournament participated by MMU Melaka Chess Club

    Why take part in exhibitions in Geneva when our great MMU can do all these and more?

  5. “izrafeil Says:
    LKS, u sure its RM100/cu mtr, i am willing to work part time on weekends for that kind of money, nevermind i move only 2 cubic meter thats enough to take my family to a good restaurant, for a change”

    Dream on guys, if there is such a nice offer then it would not even reach your hand not even your ear, and also in what time since Malaysia pay rate has sudden going so attractive with RM 100/cu mtr, if this is the sort of high pay salary to Malaysian then sure we are doing better than Singapore.

    Instead to say our government are the civil servant then i reckon that an ordinary people who vote for them are the servant of the civil servant.

  6. May be next time this student should have taking part in the
    Longest D*ck competition
    Largest D*ck Competition
    Longest Erection
    Largest bla..bla..bla…

    What else can we have toher than longest, largest, tallest, and stupidness…

  7. LKIM Chairman vs DG : Case of the shit telling the excreta ‘You stink”!

    All that have surfaced in recent years show the massive build-up of excrement dating back to Tun M’s era. Owing to global warming and political climactic changes, the winds have been blowing fiercely; the scent and shit particles have drifted right across the nation and internationally, forcing Malaysians to run for cover and to resort to pegging noses to ward off such contemptible offensive odours.

    Whether it is the Altantuya-corruption murder, Zulkipli’s corruption complicity or the myriads of other stenched-filled abscesses, nothing has succeeded to cloak the foul-smelling odours and unsightly messes exposed by our hot equatorial version of the Roaring Forties.

    Now as we watch the layers of shit flying off like layers of onion, it seems unequivocal the shit is indeed many-layered (or many-tiered) thick in the whole of UMNO and the BARISAN NASIONAL so much so that ‘seekor lembu bawa lumpur semua terkena’. The layers of shit has actually spilled over into the civil service and society at large.

    It’s a massive tragedy for the country. The cancer is at a terminal stage. Nothing short of a decisive surgery to excise the tumour is necessary to save the country.

    The remedy is : CUT BN OUT and dump it in the dungyard or shit-bins! We must Vote BN out in the next GE. That is the only way to make a clean start, O Malaysians, to put fresh air in our lungs!

    It’s a delicate surgery. There will be associated risks. For this, we have to trust the surgical skills of the DAP/PKR coalition. We have no choice. That is our only surgical team left. The BN cancer is terminal and will bring a quick and horrendous end to the nation, sooner rather than later; so we are all left with the boldest political experiment that ths nation has had to undertake since Independence; the most courageous social engineering endeavour in order to stop the unremitting haemorrhaging inflicted on a dying patient (nation) inflicted by those wolves-in-doctor’s-clothing that is Barisan Nasional.

    Join me as we prepare for the Operating Theater (which is the General Elections).

  8. “Abdullah is taking too long to fill the vacancy of the post of ACA director-general. The failure to promptly fill key posts after the long-expected retirement of incumbents, whether Chief Judge of Malaya, Chief Police Officer of Kuala Lumpur and now ACA Director-General reflects very poorly on the efficiency, competence and productivity of the civil service leadership and the Prime Minister.” LKS

    I don’t know about the “efficiency, competence and productivity of the civil service” but it certainly reflects badly on the head of the country’s executive.

    One can understand the Prime Minister not wanting to move fast on the matter of legislation over reforms like the IPCMC but on routine administrative matters and in the appointment of civil servants to posts such as the Chief Judge, Director of the ACA which are not political posts to begin with?

    Is the Chief Secretary to the government also sleeping on the job??

  9. “Is the Chief Secretary to the government also sleeping on the job??”

    To add to my comment earlier, maybe the Chief Secretary is not sleeping on the job but is waiting for his boss to wake up from his usual slumber!

    Abdullah Badawi’s style far from being characterized as ‘management by crisis’, would appear to be ‘management by slobbering’. Schools of Management in the world’s elite universities are considering whether to attribute this new style of management to Malaysia’s Prime Minister.

    :Abdullah Badawi’s style far from being characterized as ‘management by crisis’, would appear to be ‘management by slobbering’.”

    Hi Undergrad2, technically in Management, you have MBWA which means quite simply ‘Management by Walking Around’.

    Pak Lah has re-defined Management styles and helped coined this leading-edge terminolgy ‘MBSA”. (No, it doesn’t mean Majlis Bandaran Shah Alam which would have made Toyo world-famous. Simply ‘MBSA’ means “Management By Sleeping Around”.

    SYABAS, Pak Lah, for your contributions to 21st Century management practice.

  11. What happened to my earlier postings??? Disappeared in cyber space?

    Yes. Hornbill, don’t you get all horny now! My worry is from MBSA or “management by sleeping around” it is but only one short step to the next stage which is [deleted] – a nastier version of the same MBSA.

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