Abdullah’s “all-out war against crime” – for real or just empty rhetoric?

Abdullah all-out war against crime-for real or just empty rhetoric

The printed media yesterday carried screaming front-page headlines on the latest call of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: viz: “FIGHT AGAINST CRIME: PRIME MINISTER DECLARES… ALL-OUT WAR” (New Straits Times), “Wage war on crime” (Star) and “ABDULLAH wants… All-out war on crime, terror” (The Sun).

Speaking at a special assembly at the Police Training Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Abdullah called on the police to battle crime and terrorism at all cost, in the same way their predecessors had successfully fought the communist threat in the past.

He said: “There will be no compromise in wiping out criminals and terrorists.

“We must battle them as aggressively as the police personnel who served in the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) during the communist era had fought to keep the peace and harmony of the country. There was no compromise by these policemen.”

As Abdullah’s call for an “all-out war against crime” came more than eight years after he was first appointed the Minister responsible for Police and more than three years as Prime Minister — the common response not only of ordinary Malaysians and MPs, but also the Police and Cabinet Ministers must be whether this is for real or just empty rhetoric?

Abdullah was first appointed Home Minister on 9th January 1999 by the then Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who relinquished the Home Affairs portfolio in a cabinet reshuffle forced by national and international furore over Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s “black-eye” outrage, paving the way for the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry which identified the then Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Rahim Noor as the perpetrator of the foul attack on Anwar in the Bukit Aman police lockup less than a month after being sacked as Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister.

When he became Prime Minister on Oct. 31, 2003, Abdullah pledged that one of his top priorities would be to reduce crime to restore to Malaysians their fundamental right to be free from crime and the fear of crime, whether in the streets, public places or the privacy of their homes? Today, Malaysians feel even more unsafe from crime than when he became Prime Minister.

Abdullah had raised great hopes about his commitment to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional and world-class police service to declare an all-out war against crime when he set up the Royal Police Commission which came out with 125 recommendations, the most important of which was the proposal for an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).

All such high hopes of Malaysians for a world-class professional police service to keep crime index low to make the country safe for the people, visitors and foreign investors have been dashed to the ground in the past three years for three important reasons:

Firstly, police fighting a losing war against rising crime index, which had worsened from 156,315 cases in 2003 to 226,836 cases in 2006 — a sharp rise of 45.1% in the past three years when the police force had set the target of reducing the crime index by five per cent each year!

The Royal Police Commission had in fact set higher benchmarks for the police, proposing a minimum of 20% decrease in each category of crime within a period of 12 months.

But the opposite had taken place in the past three years, with violent crime increasing by 85.8 per cent from 22,790 cases in 2003 to 42,343 cases in 2006, with rape cases registering the highest increase of 65.5 per cent — reaching an average of 6.7 women raped daily in 2006 compared to an average of four women raped daily in 2003. In 2003, an average of 1.5 persons were murdered daily; but in 2006, this has increased to an average of 1.65 persons murdered daily.

Secondly, the “split-personality” government complex, with the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. During the winding-up debate on the Royal Address motion in Parliament on Thursday, I asked the Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Johari Bahrun the reason for the discrepancy between the claim by the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan at the recent 200th Police Anniversary celebrations that 90 per cent of the 125 recommendations of the Royal Police Commission had been implemented with the answer given by the Prime Minister in Parliament that only 82 per cent of the recommendations had been implemented.

Johari was unable to explain the discrepancy involving a difference of 10 recommendations, which appeared to have disappeared into the “black hole” in the labyrinth of police and civil service bureaucracy and the Deputy Internal Security had to ask for time to look into the matter. I will write to Johari to pursue the matter. Lets see how long the Deputy Internal Security and the Inspector-General of Police need to cook up an answer.

Thirdly, the two-year foot-dragging on the key proposal of the Royal Police Commission for the establishment of the IPCMC as the most important recommendation to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional and world-class Police Service.

I have no doubt of the outcome of any public opinion poll conducted among Malaysians as to whether the Prime Minister’s latest declaration of an “all-war war against crime is for real or just empty rhetoric.

In fact, I believe that the same outcome of skepticism and cynicism would be the overwhelming result of any opinion poll conducted among MPs regardless of political party or even the civil service if the respondents are assured of the confidentiality of their identity and response.

Abdullah has become his own biggest enemy in terms of his credibility and integrity as the Prime Minister, Internal Security Minister and Finance Minister. He has stopped coming to Parliament to answer questions or reply to debates whether directed at the Prime Minister, Internal Security Minister or Finance Minister.

This cannot and must not go on if Abdullah is serious and wants to be taken seriously about his pet subject of ending the Malaysian malaise of “First World Infrastructure, Third World Mentality” as he must set a personal example of being a towering Malaysian!


38 Replies to “Abdullah’s “all-out war against crime” – for real or just empty rhetoric?”

  1. “FIGHT AGAINST CRIME: PRIME MINISTER DECLARES… ALL-OUT WAR” (New Straits Times), “Wage war on crime” (Star) and “ABDULLAH wants… All-out war on crime, terror” (The Sun)?

    It is not just the difference of 10 recommendations of the Royal Police Commission (whether or not implemented) constituting the discrepancy between the claims by IGP from that of PM – but why his Deputy Internal Security Minister have released three well known triad gangster detained under the Emergency Ordinance?

    Truly, “the right hand knoweth not what the left hand is doing”.

  2. Who believes in what he said? His speech was written by some one else and his job is just to read it. In reading it, I don’t think he really thinks about the contents.

    I hope you or your DAP MPs/YBs will post something here about the gangsters in Sarawak. This problem is like corruption and is almost a kind of local culture. It was shocking to read about the connections between the gangsters and the local VIPS (not sure if it is the politicians or the businessmen). I think we have reached a stage of facing the mafia, not gangster any more.

    Sibu is now becoming Sicily (Sicilia)

  3. It should be “the right hand pretendth not to see not what the left hand is doing”. For all we know, a certain percentage of the RM5,500,000 kickbacks goes into the pocket of someone higher up.

  4. JK’s Digest No. 12 of April 2007 (71 of 2007) Definition of gangsterism.

    NEW WEALTH ORDER as prescription to gangsterism

    Like definition of terrorism, what is gangsterism in society?

    Gangsterism is a broad term of the real life in society.

    So who is a gangster, please stand up.

    Be identified, then we can find an answer for that term.

    All gangsters please state your terms and why do you want to be a gangster?

    We need some detailed independent brainstorm over layers of gangsterism in society.

    Even our political frameworks are the hallmark of gangsterism based on some closed philosophy. With these kinds of closed systems, new opposite groups are created and some are known officially as opposition parties while others go underground as ‘gangsters’. So in the real life, there are main groups of official gangsters (exploiting others through corruption and abuses of power) and the opponents as rivals of the official gangsters. So in real life, there are the unseen groups into gangsterism as emulating the official groups. So who are the bad and good guys? So all are bad guys really.

    So there are other people not in any of such organised groups and they are victimised by policies made by the organised groups. The poor and ordinary people needs basic foods and prices of eggs are going up as well.

    There is another belief that in society we need gangsters but that is really deception and some call that the necessary evils.

    So how would the Government itself also part and parcel of gangsterism do away with gangsterism?

    How would that kind of gangsterism be tackled by the Police even with another 60,000 persons when official reports against the socalled Governments are ignored?

    We also know that corruption has been in society for a long time and yet expensive effort in an Anti Corruption Agency (ACA) is leading us to no where. So do we need to establish this ACA as a permanent feature when nihilism is likely the consequences of gangsterism within the Government?

    The impact of gangsterism is very evident in Sabah as more and more people are in it and such people would use all kinds of propaganda to achieve their objective to destroy the good or relative good people.

    The present Chief Minister of Sabah holding the dual (NO CHECK) positions as Chief Minister and Finance Ministry and his gang (outside the Cabinet) controlling all major portfolios of the state thinks he can grab all the jobs available with impunity. So the day of his fall is imminent in a rotten society beyond control. We know the people of GREED or Governments’ Rampant Excesses, Exploitation and Destruction would not end up as ‘hero’ but as fall guy. So ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

    Musa Aman said that the Sabah state Government had RM1 billion reserve and we heard that before just before change of State Government. That is only one side of the picture not substantiated as the debts of past, present and committed projects into the future can cause a substantial negative scenario. Was that an April fool 2007 when he installed a Cabinet dubbed April Fool Cabinet in 2003? This cabinet since 2003 has quietly allowed Musa to achieve his addictions to more and more $$$ grabbing most of the projects and resources in Sabah. So I can understand how he accumulated RM300m prior to becoming CM in 2003. Part of that could be the ‘illgotten reward’ for the Project IC and Project M and other illegal deals now partly exposed by his subordinates in Jabar and Sabu. http://www.malaysia-today.net/

    Gangsterism is fuelled by $$$$ and power (both within the Government) and how do we stop that if this is carried out by seen and unseen agents of gangsterism into a higher level call terrorism.


    Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)

    http://mega-icc-group-sabah-migs.blogspot.com/ http://won-borneo.blogspot.com/

  5. PM Abdullah has learned his lessons. When he said he wanted to fight corruption, he hurted the feelings of his Cabinet members, party members, government servants and BN MPs. When he said IPCMC should be set up, people in uniform were unhappy. Now he thinks that criminals and terrorists would not want to identify themselves, and it is safe to declare them enemies.

    How else can he divert the attention to his 60 million ringgit home in Australia?

  6. The PM is a long-time civil servant that knows that you can’t just talk. BUT he is also well-versed with the art of giving excuses. Actions will be taken and numbers will be shown but for most of rakyat, it will mean very little. Like of GDP growth or stock market increase, it means very little when prices goes up and wages and job prospect don’t improve.

    So numbers will be posted, publicity spinned and elections held after that.

    The difference between GDP and crime is that stastical lies of crime lull the most gullible citizen into thinking things are safe and become victims of crime.

  7. Is better to pray all criminals died a natural death than to depend on the Abdullah’s pledge. Abdullah is a failed PM and nothing he do or said from now on is taken seriously by anyone. He cancelled Mahathir’s bridge and now he cancelled his own FAZ, only stupid people do this kibd of things.

  8. “Abdullah has become his own biggest enemy in terms of his credibility and integrity…. He has stopped coming to Parliament to answer questions …” This cannot and must not go on …” LKS

    Whilst embattled Prime Ministers and Presidents would enter into foreign wars to distract their own people from the real problems facing them i.e. like poverty, corruption and ineffective government, this one chooses to declare war on crimes and has chosen to do so from a podium in the nation’s police training center after ignoring calls for reforms of the nation’s police.

    Perhaps a more drastic solution is needed – like declaring war on the country’s neighbors? But what excuse is there for doing so? A war with Thailand for its treatment or mistreatment of Muslim separatists in the province of Narathiwat? A war with Indonesia over the territorial dispute involving an atoll in the South China Sea – also claimed by five or more other nations including Vietnam, Philippines and China, not to mention the constant thorn in Malaysia’s side Singapore?

    Declare war on Sabah?? No, Sabah is part of Malaysia. You don’t declare war on yourself! So who should we declare on – except our common enemy, an enemy we all love to hate. Yes, the criminals and organized crime. We can identify with that – although we could not always identify who they are as some exist in our midst. These are the people who snatch our bags, steal our cars, break into our houses and eat our food. But wait a minute! What about those who run gambling dens and whore houses all over the city? They provide us with tax free income and need I say means to please our wives – shopping at Harrods, London and Champ-Elysees, Paris, second home for the family when on holidays in far away Vancouver or nearer home like Perth. We need the distraction especially so when we are busy making out with our girlfriends and mistresses in exotic places like Bangkok, Macau or Medan or Manila.

    Call that the Abdullah Dilemma.

  9. Malaysia is so depressing now it has to delcare war on crimes. As a citizen, it seems winning the war agains crime is an impossible task, we are fighting a losing battle, the public has long lost confident in the force under the guidnace of BN and make vigilant moves to protect themsleves, the country is simply lawless now.

    Not only crimes, we are losing our economy too and now we have reached this pressing moment, at yet no one seems able to put things right in Malaysia. Malaysian in general just hope for a peaceful country, everyone can lives in harmony. When a country is in trouble, poitical change is unavoidable. I hope Malaysian will make the right choice, should general election be held. The current administration is a failure because of narrow-minded racist policies, eventhough truth will prevails, but BN is not willing to face the facts. As a citizen, I cannot tolerate this kind denial syndrom in the govt.

    I have my life here and I want everything best for Malaysian. I want to enjoy the fruit of my hardwork andit is ashamed that BN cannot give in to such simple request.

  10. When a brazilian undergraduate told me that there is theft ,robbery everyday and they live among such crime I was surprised and that was a decade ago, because then I rarely heard any house break in or purse snatching except the occasional news reports.
    Today I hear it from friends, relatives. This is not news anymore, real and potential time bomb (LKS book has a similar title)in Malaysia. The police need to buck up for sure.

  11. “The Abdullah Dilemma is simply how to make the people believe in his oft-used statement of “Saya Tak Tahu”. Father of God

    Mr. Prime Minister, you need to buck up or ship out!

  12. Truly I need to pause to reflect on this useless PM. Words fail me…to describe his incompetence.

    Words fail him because his mind is empty most of the time as he is intellectually incapable of grappling the befuddling issues that spurt forth relentlessly each day.

    Not only is BN ‘gone’ (‘kaput’) under AAB leadership (or more appropriately the lack of it) but Malaysia would be the sacrificial lamb if AAB continues to serve as the nation’s foremost spokeman. Can you imagine a nation trying to forge ahead on a 3 cylinder engine like the Perodua Kelisa smashed by the TOP GEAR boss whilst the rest of the world is trying to boost their performance with a 6 cylinder engine or a jet engine!

    Malaysians, there is simply no two way about it – BN must go. BN must be replaced at the next GE. They are either all corrupt or just simply brainless and useless. It’s that bad. Real bad.

  13. We have gone overboard to merciless continously condeming our PM, he might not up to our expectation, however as a man he still deserves our respect.

    Of course our government & its corrupt officials should be blamed for high crime rate, but to just pushing all the responsibilties to the government, apart from discharging out anger, it doesn’t change anything.

    Maybe this is the time we public citizenry instead of using our mouth, pen to condemn government, we use our able physical body to help the country in small way.

    Part to blame for our crime rate today:The flooding of foreign cheap labor has denied our own low/no education skills labor a minimum standard of living. If someone is serious enough please make a busybody roundup in medium & posh residential areas in KL&PJ, stop & chit-chating with the security personnels and finally ask:What is your working condition? Gaji berapa 1 bulan?. A very high possiblity the one you are talking to is a foreigner. If our arguement is still as “being poor doesn’t mean you can steal, snatch or rob” then just make do with high crime rate, no harm. From Hollywood movies, many many policemen are needed to arrest 1 robber, if there are many many robbers, many, many, many more policemen are needed, can we sustain the cost and no more money for other essentials.

    I don’t mean we should phase out the foreign labor totally and in a short period. Certain jobs due to the nature of the jobs are meant to be high turnover or to be phasing out or to be reduced to a very minimun level. Foreigners waitressing should be disappearing from our land after 3 years from now.By allowing plentiful of time, the food outlets operators will be able to plan, implementing self service and most at all put every operator in equal level playing field(everyone without foreign workers). Macdonald’s kind of queing and self service, environment friendly disposable cup, plate.. will be the scenery in our mamak & Chinese restaurants. If the price is not within your mean, no sorry, go to Giant, different brands of cup mee, 3 in 1 instant coffee, milo, frozen roti canai are all welcoming you.

    I am sure our Human Resource Minister Mr Fong Cheng Onn should know what to do to help the police to reduce the crime rate, afterall he is armed with PHd in economics, a social scientist to solve the social ills.

  14. tsn Says:

    April 8th, 2007 at 9:00 am
    We have gone overboard to merciless continously condeming our PM, he might not up to our expectation, however as a man he still deserves our respect.

    ‘Overboard’, no not at all! The hospital assistant who cleans wounds and does dressings on patients has all my respect for his meticulous care of the patient. But when he steps out and pretends to be a doctor and operates on patients…that’s the end of my respect.

    The road sweeper, drain cleaner or gardener who sweeps, cleans or prunes have my respect as long as they do not behave as the City Mayor. The moment they overstep their boundaries and levels of competence and start to inconvenience the public, then that’s the end of the public’s tethers.

    So when the PM sleeps on the jobs, close both eyes to the scandals and corruption that diminishes public coffers, listless about things that are happening, cedes control or influence of the government to unauthorised and vested parties, permits mayhem in parliament and allows cabinet members unimpeded and unchecked excesses (and the sorry list goes on and on)….he most certainly has lost my respect as the PM.

    I still find him a nice man, a lonely and pathetic widow who deserves my sympathies, a doting grandfather and I respect him for these and a few more perhaps…but that doesn’t mean I respect him as a PM. Indeed, I am convinced Pak Lah has grown to a level of incompetence through the negligence and recklessness of the former PM whose ‘ulterior designs’ I find most disturbing.

    Should I respect Pak LAh as the PM? Are you also asking me to respect corrupt judges who accept bribes and the policemen who detonated the unoffending Mongolian beauty?

    With rspect, tsn, I suggest you think again. That is why I ask you to join me to canvas for a sea change in the nation’s political line-up. Reject BN for 50 years of abuse. Vote PKR/DAP for a term of 4 years and let them prove thier mettle.

  15. YB LKS – you said…………” Abdullah’s …………..” – for real or just empty rhetoric?

    If ‘RHETORIC’ means the artificial elegance of politicans with speeches that pretend to significance but lack true meaning i.e. where words are exaggerated and insincere, designed to pull the wool over the people’s eyes and calculated to impress even though empty of earnestness, conviction or truth… I find Abdullah…GUILTY as charged.

    More than that, YB, you missed this: I find him ‘HYPOCRITICAL’. Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. I find it is downright hypocritical to preach religion and justice, to fight crime and corruption….and then set out to profit from the support of these criminals and corrupt officials and party members whose votes are needed to cling to power. Hypocrisy means all these….and I find Abdullah….GUILTY as charged.

    Airy-fairy, artsy-fartsy, wishy-washy….I also find Abdullah…..GUILTY as charged. What is self-evident needs no erudite discourse.

  16. “I am sure our Human Resource Minister Mr Fong Cheng Onn should know what to do to help the police to reduce the crime rate, afterall he is armed with PHd in economics, a social scientist to solve the social ills.” – tsn
    Well, tsn, you think so?
    If qualifications alone can solve the ills of this nation, there’ll be no more ills afflicting our country because we have doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers and other very well qualified people in the cabinet.
    The problem is, and I want to emphasise this, that these so-called qualified people are not willing to stand up to their political masters.
    They would rather be “yes-men” than idealistic ones. The reason is simple enough.
    They have everything to gain by being “yes-men”. Being idealistic will not get them anywhere. By being a “yes-man”, they will enjoy all the wealth and riches of the world.
    There are no two ways about it. If we are keen to see a better future for this country, it is imperative that the BN MUST be dumped; anything short of that will doom us all!
    I hope that everyone who visits Uncle Lim’s blog will spread the message, with a religious fervour, to dump the BN.
    Vote for the DAP!
    A vote for the DAP is a step closer to the demise of the BN.

  17. Jeffrey, “Truly, “the right hand knoweth not what the left hand is doing”.

    No, truly the right knows what the left is doing because he never ever offers his left hand to be kissed by the rakyat.

  18. When TDM called for the powers that be to go and attack the route cause of terrorism to solve it rather than to go to war with Iraq, he had a good point.

    What we face in Malaysia with the increasing crime rate should be tackled in the same manner. Go to the route cause. What causes crime? Weed out this and we have a lower crime rate.

    Attend to the many culprits and traitors who have issued IC’s to illegal immigrants and take away their citizenship, or at least lock them up under ISA for several years–not the illegals, I mean the malaysian culprits who issued the IC’s. The illegals should be weeded out and deported too!

    No need to have 100% passes in University courses. Those who cant make it, dont deserve to have degrees or diploma. But they still have a role to play in the country as technicians etc. That way we can reduce the number of foreign labourers required. When everyone has a degree, no one wants to do the work, and we bring in foreign labour.

    What is happening with the local maid agencies bringing in useless maids, who eventually run away? Are they working together with the maids? Get their licences revoked!

    Prosecute the agents that bring in foreigners illegally. Go after the karaoke joints that have illegal foreign GRO’s whose repatriation is paid for by taxpayers like me! Oh yes, if you haven’t figured it out yet, the police are paid by these joints so they can stay in business. Then when the tauke wants his girls to get free tickets back to their homeland, he informs his police buddies to make a raid, and all is paid for by us taxpayers. Nice system huh? Why don’t they go after the tauke and make him broke with high fines and imprisonment, and the maids repatriation and ensure the dirty cops are weeded out, and charged and locked up too!

    Am sure you guys can add to the list of what needs to be done………….but unfortunately in Malaysia, the will is weak, the leaders are weak and probably involved with the taukes. So we are all doomed. And unfortunately, since nothing of what I/you suggested will be done, we will continue to be doomed.

    And by the way, the rakyat will still vote for BN. Perhaps they are right, and all of us opposing the BN are wrong. Majority rules right? Perhaps they know something we dont.

  19. Corruption at high levels.has to be tackled because when people see the top being corrupt, they will follow their leaders. Hence this disease spreads and permeates all aspects of society. Malaysia is a sad case where almost everything is corrupt. So where to begin and what to do? The right way to tackle this cancer, would be to chop it off. That would mean voting out BN and voting in PKR/DAP. That would be a good start. When we have a credible alternative government, then with proper checks and balances in place, corruption can be reduced to a large extent.

    As the saying goes, “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. BN’s absolute power has made it so corrupted that they don’t see it as corruption anymore, but their right. The time to change that, will be with a small slip of paper.

    I find it astounding that the JPS director who appeared on an interview aired over TV3 last night could pluck a figure like RM3 billion (from the air?) being the sum required for the flood mitigation programmes in Shah Alam. One wonder what is his cut in all this? I guess to him it makes him look wise and helpless all at the same time, while pulling wool over the rakyat’s eyes.

    The TV3 clip clearly showed that the river retention walls have fallen and massive silting has occurred? What is JPS talking about RM3billion, when it is not even doing routine maintenance work? If maintenance has not been budgeted for, despite the many times it has flooded in TTDI Jaya, then the JPS director has to be sacked. And this guy goes on to say he needs a holding pond and says this will solve the Shah Alam woes. Widening or dredging the river will not solve the problem apparently. I think he hasn’t even thought through the problem. But the easy way out is to say, we need loads of money!

    Silting causes the river to be shallow, and hence has limited water holding capacity. By dredging it deeper, the river will flow better, and be able to take away flood waters faster. Widening the river will also tremendously increase the capacity of the river to channel water away quickly. If he can do these two things as part of maintenance, what is the need for RM3billion. If proper drainage can be made to this river, it will help channel the water quickly to the river, hence reducing flooding. Why cant such simple measures be taken? What studies have been conducted on these issues? Instead we hear that a German con-sul-tant (they con you and in-sult your intelligence) has said we need to spend RM3billion for long term flood mitigation measures, and our director wisely parrots him.

    Why don’t they learn from the dutch or from New Orleans how they handle their problems?

    That’s whats lacking in the whole system. No sense of responsibility and accountability. I had to use both words here because one past CM of Melaka said he was Accountable but not Responsible for the drying up of the dam.

    If we want to become a first world nation, these people must go!

  20. Lakshy, you are very naive.

    In one word it is all about corruption. Be they the policemen who stop you for speeding when you are not, or the Anti-Vice Division and the Commercial Crime Division of Bukit Aman or those dealing with the issuance of licenses be they employment agencies dealing with foreign workers or others, it is corruption.

    Malaysia has all the laws necessary to stem crimes when they occur. There is a will but the will to enforce them is ‘weakened’ by corruption. Reforms proposed are good only on paper.

  21. “Why don’t they learn from the dutch or from New Orleans how they handle their problems?”

    New Orleans is a classic example of failure. I’m surprised you suggest we use New Orleans as a model.

  22. You can learn much from failures, yours and others, lest you want to end up making the same mistakes.

    But I also mentioned New Orleans because it is actually lying below the water level of the rivers that run alongside it (it has water on two or three sides if I am not mistaken). Yet they had a fully functioning city operating there.

    We have Shah Alam that is actually above sea level, and we have such problems! Thats why I said we can learn from them.

    Parit Buntar in the north, bordering Penang and Kedah is a low lying area that is managed with a series of canals and sluice valves. High water levels are needed in the canals to irrigate our paddy fields, but not flood them. So with a series of gate valves, the water levels in the Krian river and tributaries are controlled, while also keeping high tides out.

    So the knowhow is already here, probably left by the british. So why does JPS need another set of consultants?

  23. Why the useless pm or his half past six ministers did not call for registering of criminals:

    All would be criminals must now register with bn gomen, before they can start their criminal activities.

    This is to ensure that we will be able to monitor them just like the bloggers which we are going to enforce soon. If they leave no evidence or witness, we can assure them no action will be taken, but if they are so stupid to leave evidence and witnesses, we will check if they are registered with us before……….

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  24. Cute a-malaysian…ha ha.

    But how do you know that they aren’t already?

    Good example is Bentong Kali who was used by them to do their dirty work for them. Thats why the directive that he could not be taken alive. He was already surrounded! Whats the need for 100 bullets in him, when the slogan is satu peluru satu musuh?

    Many transporters who are overloading are not harassed by JPJ and police…any guesses why?

  25. In Chinese history…..The Scholars fight the battle alongside the Generals or the rebellions.

    Generals and rebellions are today so called gangsters or another polite term to called would be “Organized Syndicate”.

    The “Organized Syndicate” is part of the malaysian political equation, like it or not.

    “Organized Syndicate” disintegrate when they see daylight. To fight them, you have to expose them. But if they are being protected, you can never exposed them. Now, who is protecting them?


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