Another high-profile corruption allegation – Sarawak CM re 1.1 billion yen timber export kickbacks

Another high-profile corruption allegation - Sarawak CM re 1.1 billion yen

I have today sent an urgent letter to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to personally reply in Parliament on Monday in the winding-up on the Royal Address debate on high-profile corruption allegations in his administration.

I also drew his attention to the Japan Times report last Thursday, which I described as “the latest instance of more and more adverse international reports about corruption in Malaysia, such as the adverse rankings given to the country by the corruption surveys of the Transparency International and the Political and Economic Risks Consultancy (PERC)” which warrant urgent action by Abdullah to salvage his reform agenda and pledge, in particular to make ant-corruption campaign the top priority of his administration.

The Japan Times report of March 29, 2007 referred to 1.1 billion yen (RM32 million) timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Taib Mahmud and his family.

The Japan Times report is reproduced as follows:

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wood carriers allegedly hid 1.1 billion yen income
Kyodo News

Nine Japanese shipping companies that transport lumber from Sarawak, Malaysia, allegedly failed to report some 1.1 billion yen of income in total during a period of up to seven years through last March, sources said Wednesday, alleging the money constituted kickbacks to Sarawak officials via a Hong Kong agent.

Such tax irregularities have occurred as the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau determined the companies’ remuneration payments to Regent Star, a Hong Kong agent, which has a connection with Chief Minister of Sarawak Taib Mahmud and his family, were rebates, not legitimate expenses, the sources said.

Although the Hong Kong agency did very little in the way of substantive work, the shipping companies are believed to have used rebates as a lubricant to facilitate their lumber trade, the sources added.

Lumber export is controlled by the Sarawak state government on grounds of forest resources protection.

Rejecting the tax authorities’ conclusion, the shipping firms claim the transactions with Regent Star have been legitimate and deny wrongdoing.

The companies accused of the alleged tax evasion include Mitsui O.S.K. Kinkai Ltd. and NYK-Hinode Line Ltd. belonging to the Nanyozai Freight Agreement (NFA), a cartel formed in 1962 to avoid excessive competition in import of lumber from Southeast Asia. The 12-member group is exempt from the Antimonopoly Law.

The shipping firms will likely be slapped with well over 400 million yen in back taxes along with heavy penalties, the sources added.

According to NFA and other sources, the Japanese cartel concluded an agreement in 1981 with Malaysia’s Dewaniaga Sarawak regarding lumber transport. Dewaniaga is a state-affiliated concern in charge of lumber export control and is headed by the Sarawak chief minister’s younger brother.

In my letter, I reminded Abdullah of his pledge when he became Prime Minister on October 31, 2003 to make anti-corruption his top agenda, his proclamation of “zero tolerance for corruption” and his declaration after his first 100 days: “My first 100 days was my statement of intent. Now we get to work and walk the talk.”

However, after the unprecedented 91% parliamentary majority victory in the March 2004 general election, there has been no more talk by the Prime Minister about “zero tolerance for corruption” or the pledge to make the fight against corruption as the top priority of his administration.

Ironically and tragically, Malaysia is today faced with the worst crisis of national integrity in the 40-year history of the Anti-Corruption Agency and 50-year history of the nation, with a spate of serious corruption allegations reaching the highest levels of government, including

  • Questions about integrity affecting the Prime Minister and family;
  • Serious allegations of integrity involving the Deputy Prime Minister in defence contracts such as US$100 million for Sukhoi jets from Russia and US$120 million for submarines from France;
  • Serious corruption allegations against the Anti-Corruption Agency director-general Datuk Zulkipli Mat Noor, whose contract has not been renewed;
  • Serious corruption allegations against the Deputy Internal Security Minister, Datuk Mohd Johari Baharun on Emergency Ordinance (EO) “freedom for sale”;
  • Serious allegation by the Chief Justice, Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim of judges who accept bribes.
  • Serious allegations against the Chief Ministers of Sabah and Sarawak.

I urged the Prime Minister to come personally to Parliament on Monday in the winding-up of the Royal Address motion not only to respond to the various serious allegations of high-profile corruption in the current administration, whether at national, state or local government level, but to give satisfactory assurance to Parliament and nation that he had not abandoned his anti-corruption pledge and agenda.


59 Replies to “Another high-profile corruption allegation – Sarawak CM re 1.1 billion yen timber export kickbacks”

  1. original source, Asahi News of 27 March
    there was also a picture showing how thw money moved. my guess is this HK company is depositing the money of the royal family outside malaysia. so ACA please find out where are our money and return it to the people!

    海運業界、丸太輸送で「リベート」 マレーシア関係先に











     〈南洋材輸送協定事務局の話〉 多少高いことは認めるが、仲介料を支払わなければ輸送ができなかった事情がある。香港の業者には現地代理店とトラブルが起きた時などの仲介をしてもらっており、あくまで適正な仲介料の支払いと認識している。香港の業者に渡った金がその後、どう使われたかは、こちらでは把握する立場にない。

  2. a day later, the other major newspaper, Yomiuri, also reported about this ‘corruption’. of course, both newspapers mentioned about Taib’s brother as well










    (2007年3月28日14時40分 読売新聞)

    [Thanks. More helpful if you can translate into English. – Kit]

  3. YB, I admire your pace.

    Nowadays your postings have been coming in thick and fast, and it is a problem to keep pace. But I’m not complaining – just have to keep up, that’s all.

    Your subject is already well and truly entrenched in all shipping from both East Malaysian states from even before the 80’s. It is fertile ground for kickbacks, inducements, even dirty, dangerous and harmful tactics being used by parties in the chain of activities from solicitation leading to export of natural resources. This trade is facilitated by shipping agents, buyers, freight forwarding agents and anyone who sees this as a lucrative avenue to enrich oneself. It’s been many years ago, but I do remember a certain shipping manager in the trade who made claims from the shipping line’s agents purportedly for the purpose of paying cash kickbacks to exporters/shippers (no acknowledgement of receipt of any sort required from receiver – now, which “self-respecting” receiver would be stupid enough to give that?) but factually he himself was the main beneficiary. It is THAT entrenched in the business. Has things changed since then? I doubt it.

  4. I think Malaysiakini is stealing news from here. Good job, LKS.

    I don’t have time to translate, sorry. But the person from one of the shipping companies in the interview by Asahi newspaper did mention that he understood that the money was the kickback for the family of the chief minister, in responding to the convenience provided for the transportation.

    The point here is the Japanese newspapers had no interest to report about Taib. They were reporting about the nine companies that tried to escape paying huge amount of tax and will get heavy fines.

  5. Corruption rages unabated whilst the PM Pak lah takes his own sweet time to :

    1) Fill up the position of the Chief Judge;
    2) Fill up the position of the ACA Chief;

    which begs the question: Does this PM fella know anything about planning in general and succession planning in particular.

  6. Remember Raja Petra said: More than 90% of malays were actually non-Muslims, because they don’t follow the teaching of Islam.

    Can a true Muslim prohibit another Muslim to build a mosque? Any part of koran said to build a mosque for the Chinese Muslims is haram? Another Malaysia Boleh one story yah?


  7. The first director of the Anti-Corruption Agency (1967-1971) became a very distinguished Judge of the Supreme Court (as it was then) and in a Foreword to a scholarly book on Bribery and Anti-corruption Laws by Jagir Singh, Tan Sri Dato’ Harun M. Hashim wrote:

    “Corruption is likened to cancer in society where having once taken root, it is diffficult to eradicate and has a tendency to spread and destroy the very society on which it breeds. The evils of corruption have been in existence since time immemorial and through the centuries we have seen the fall of empires and the collapse of governments. Human nature being what it is, corruption will continue to raise its ugly head for eternity. It is impossible to eradicate corruption completely. The best that can be done is a sustained political will to prevent bribery and corruption and an effective enforcement of the law.

    The law itself should be constantly reviewed to keep pace with new forms of corruption and sophisticated methods of bribery. Indeed, if current measures are inadequate it may be necessary to legislate corruption as an economic sabotage of the nation deserving the most severe penalties.”

    Hello, Pak lah, are you there? Are you reading with your eyes closed? Tun M, if only you had done more ….alas, the seeds of corruption found good soil in your time and today, what a massive cengal tree it has become – so strong, so entrenched, so massive! No axe can bring it down now, I think.

    Save for PKR/DAP coalition to form the next government to bring justice and integrity back to the people. Hey, Pak Lah – berani dan jujur – then call for a GE now.

  8. If this is not corruption, then what is??????

    BN candidate accused of buying votes (MALAYSIAKINI)
    Apr 6, 07 5:26pm

    “The by-election in Machap heats up with bribery claims lodged against BN’s Lai Meng Chong for promising state funds to local families.

    Liou Chen Kuang, DAP’s candidate for the Machap state seat by-election, has accused his opponent of being involved in money politics in the run up to the polls on April 12.

    Up to RM13,000 promised “

  9. Well i am not surprise at all pertaining to all these allegation of corrupt practices practiced by the CM of Sarawak afterall he has been on the throne for decades. Ofcourse there are much more DIRTY MONEY to be made as long as he sits there and as long as all the other component parties gets a tiny share out of it.Why should the rest especially from its own component complaints since bread crumbs are being thrown for them to pick up at the expense of the poor rakyat which don’t even know what hit them.So…….all elected representatives from that state ought to be guilty for sleeping all these while(BN component parties ofcourse).So…… we need a damn strong opposition and not just in Sarawak but the rest of the nation?The obvious answer is YES……..WE NEED A SUPER STRONG PARTY/Parties to take over the current one urgently.

  10. Ah, the Sarawak Chief Minister…

    How much do Chief Ministers get paid? I am sure the salary is at least less than the PM’s. And judging from the number of kenduris and ‘hand shaking’ parties/meetings with the rakyat every single day, he must be too busy for real work. Yet, his palace is so huge (HUGE), he’s got his own little forest! I have even heard that within his palatial complex, there are 10 further houses at the back, excluding a large hall to accommodate BN reps/meetings as well as a yacht. Is there any doubt that something is wrong here?

  11. “I urged the Prime Minister to come personally to Parliament ..”

    I cannot imagine Tony Blair absenting himself when the House is in session! No head of the executive branch in a parliamentary system of government should be too busy to attend Parliament.

    This amounts to contempt!

  12. Taib Mahmud has always been known to be “corrupt to the core” since the 70s but that would not be the question to ask today. Sarawak has always been practically his personal kingdom. Anybody who goes against him will find himself politically isolated.

    The question is why has nothing been done by Mahathir to have him replaced?? Forget Abdullah since he cannot control his own.

  13. If Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ever comes to Parliament on Monday (which he will NOT) and the questions on rampant corruption is ever allowed to be raised, we would know for certain his answer would be, ” the government will look into it or the government will ask ACA to investigate” the “allegations”.

    Like the English Football Fans booed the English Team Coach, Steve Mclaren, “You do not know what you are doing!”

    We do NOT think Abdullah Ahmad Badawi knows what he is doing, and like Steve Mclaren insisted, “I will not leave the job (lucrative), I have unfinished agenda to pursue!” He nor any of his cronies will EVER take responsiblity for their failures with dignity and quit. The honey is too sweet for them to ever give up their position.

  14. Hmmmmm…. Two days ago our dear leader CM Taib in a speech well pulished by local newspaper advising that all government officials and public servants in Sarawak must not be corrupt and warned against the ill effect of corruption to the economy and society.

    The pictures in the newspapers shown that he made that speech in a serious manner and with a straight face.

  15. Our dear PM is a typical “good” sales man. Only talk no action since he became PM.
    We here got a lot of X files which went unsolved. Kinda dissapointed.
    He done nothing and all the good things claimed happen now purely come by luck.
    If said we are in good condition. I say We suppose to be in good condition earlier than now!!!!
    Have had enough.
    Ain’t no even 0.0001% of feel good feeling as he claim.

  16. > our dear leader CM Taib in a speech well pulished by local newspaper advising that all government officials and public servants in Sarawak must not be corrupt

    the answer is simple. corruption is the term used for the low ranking people. for high ranking people, it is their rights.

  17. Well put it in simple terms, the whole government machinery, including most of UMNO and its coalition members are corrupt. It is definitely a very difficult disease to fight because it has spread so immensely that we are not sure whether our top, walk the talk guy has caught this disease. Where god has been so kind as not to bring us any natural disaster but we are still caught in a man made disaster. I hope all these sinners will be burnt in hell though they might be praying ten times a day.

  18. Dont blame Pak Lah alone. Blame TMM as well. After all, all the rot started during his time and it is just getting worse now because the man is sleeping on the job.

    Police spoilt by TMM.
    CMs and politicians spoilt by TMM.
    Judges spoilt by TMM.
    ACA spoilt by TMM
    Civil service spoilt by TMM
    Eric Chia and all other cronies, spoilt by TMM.

  19. “CM Taib in a speech …government officials and public servants in Sarawak must not be corrupt and warned against the ill effect of corruption to the economy and society.

    The pictures in the newspapers shown that he made that speech in a serious manner and with a straight face.”

    He is upset others are tying to follow him. They don’t have the right to collect bribes which is his prerogative and his alone. What do you expect him to do?? Laugh?

  20. I don’t understand why so many years he’s been given a free hand to rule Sarawak as if it belonged to him. Everybody knows he’s corrupt. Why then did Mahathir allow him to continue? There’s more than just a political reason.

  21. It is very simple!!! He can bring the votes to the table for BN. As long as the candidate can bring votes to the Head of BN, he is allowed to stay on forever. Even the one eye and satay man can get away with it, so it is more easy for this man. Come on. This is Boleh Land where votes counts and anything else can be damned

  22. Goddamn it! That’s not even half the story.

    The other half is about corruption. He knows too much about Mahathir and the other senior politicians for them to even think about dislodging him.

    No can do.

  23. RM32million kickback? Compared to the hundred million USD taken by our DPM and family of the PM and even compared to claims against Musa in Sabah, its nothing.

    Poor Taib family need the money having lost literally billions in their businesses like RHB, Cahaya Mata and others. But then how did they come by the billions to lose anyway?

  24. dear friends, this is just a tip of the iceberg. I can imagine how much of this kind of kantao went to this royal family and how many of the BN politicians are doing it at all levels. Apparently all these kantaos gone overseas and are saved overseas. I was so disappointed that because of the black money and undeclared, we cannot have another Malaysian to be listed as world richest in the Forbes magazine.

    The main problem of such corruption is the long ruling by BN with a few royal bumis in power. Twenty years ago, Marcos was gone, but we are still practicing this kind of corruption until today. We became the least developed in Asia. The way Taib family handling this business is like the gangster or mafia taking protection money. So it is now the mafia problems at all levels for the police to deal with in Sarawak.

    I am quite sure this ACA will not be able to bring in any results or they perhaps will not bother to investigate Taib corruption allegation. Some of Marcos’ money was returned to the people after he was overthrown by the people, but will we get anything back from Taib’s kantao?

    Still, our ultimate demand to the BN government is ‘return us our money!’

  25. How dare you write bad things about the most beloved Chief Minister? He is the only person in the world with the title PEHIN SRI. Even the Brunei Pehins dont have the SRI, so theirs are of lower value. There are many Tuns, even sultans, but only one Pehin Sri. All hail to Pehin Sri Datuk Pattinggi Tan Sri Haji (Dr.) Tain Mahmud.

  26. What will the beloved pehin do? he will have the pledge of full support from his own party, …, supp, with both hands and legs. Remember the show he organised last time when he ran away from haze and when LKS was running after him. But, he was able to run away. I hope LKS is ready to run a marathon with pehin this time

  27. I hear this Taib Mahmud is a sick man or very sick man.

    I want to see how this RM billions of corruption is going to help him when he dies….can’t be many more weeks, months or years now.

    So, Taib – let’s hope u r well…well….well… prepared to face your Maker and your God. Let’s see what HE thinks of your billions, ok? Don’t forget to try a bribe or two, ok? God bless your soul and save it from HELL.

  28. HORNBILL: Anybody who knows he is dying soon must surely think about his Maker.So this exception is…

    Right now he’s probably thinking how he could bribe God into giving him a new lease of life to enjoy his billions. Unfortunately God is not about to make exceptions – not in his case. Sorry, Taib but that’s the truth. All your life you have manipulated the truth and built an empire for yourself and your family. The time has come for you to face the truth – and the truth has but only one version.

  29. Do you know that Taib has ruled Sarawak longer than any of the Rajahs? That’s why he feels that the State belongs to his family and Sarawakians are all his loyal subjects to serve him and his family and the State treasury is his for the taking.

    He will hang on to power to protect his family ill gotten wealth. Losing his political power is his greatest fear. That’s why he is a great believer in the hocus pocus stuff. Take a look at the size of the precious stone on his ring.

  30. The next person in charge of Malaysia sure have a lot of cleaning up to do, it will be an uphill task to send a whole cabinet to testify in court.

    The best way for corrupt politicians to avoid arrest and put on trial is to stay in power at any cost, and the cost in on us Malaysians. We have seen abused of power in other country and how their people suffer, powerless against the tyrant in their country.0

    If there are still ministers that are clean in the cabinet, now is the time they stand up to uphold the truth and saves this country, MCA, Gerakan and MIC have no better time and reasons to abandon BN, I certainly hope the folks in Machap did the right thing, and I would like to suggest MCA and Gerakan do some soul searching, whether it is Malaysian first or UMNO first? And if their answer in not between the two, give up your memebership will you?

  31. The last time Sarawak was engulfed by serious haze Taib and family were out of Sarawak. Sarawakians perhaps do enjoy their jolly good leader. Now corruption is being reported. More jolly good and he will probably be elected with a landslide victory.

  32. Taib is most to be pitied – a billionaire who has not one ounce of respect of the people!

    Why can’t these people get rich the old traditional way like Bill Gates who use their brains, hard work and creativiity to make their billions and then decide to give them away to charity because they know the grave is an empty hole and death is the greatest leveller of men.

    So, TAib – before you die, why don’t you give away your corrupt billions. At least you would have done the one last thing to redeem your soul (though I doubt that redemption works that way!).

    Bill Gates and Warren Buffett earned their billions honestly and are giving much of their wealth away to the poor and pouring them into research to help sick and dying people like you. Shame on you before you die.

  33. All evidences from Japan, Hong Kong and Switzerland are inadmissible as per another high profile case. So Taib and his family are innocent of any wrong doings. So the Rajah remains. Who dare touch him? Pak Lah?

    What a wonderful situation to be in.

  34. There was a wide spread rumour in Sarawak during the period of haze, when Mahathir went for vacation and Anwar was acting on the role of Mahathir, that ACA would arrest Taib. But disappointingly that it did not happen. Can’t the opposition talk to Anwar and see how much he knows about the allegations of Taib corruptions and if there were ever any investigations on Taib? I hope Anwar is reading here.

  35. Then you need to tell him how he could circumvent the Official Secrets Act or he’ll be back in jail. He does not want that!

    No doubt Anwar is a gold mine for all the information needed to bring down the BN government – but why is he not saying much?? Mahathir has said more than is necessary for the police to have him arrested, yet there is no attempt made to have him arrested. No green light from the PM obviously – even with the recent exposure of RM60 million home in Perth, Australia. Not that this is official government secret but secret nevertheless.

  36. Perhaps all these titles are too expensive for him. Only kopi-o money can help him to buy them.

    JOHOR BARU: Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud will receive the Darjah Kerabat Johor Yang Amat Dihormati Pangkat Pertama (DK1), the state’s highest award, in conjunction with the Sultan of Johor’s 75th birthday.
    Taib is among the 304 who will be bestowed titles and medals by the Sultan at the Istana Besar here today.

  37. They should stop bestowing all these stupid titles. Malaysia is unique in that sense! These people are so obsessed with the idea of status that they forget they mean little of anything.

    The fact that titles like the datukship can be bought makes a mockery of the sultans and governors and the agong.

    We should emulate the Americans. They call everybody by first name. In the U.K. you have to know and be familiar with the other party to be able to be on first name basis. There you call everybody by their surnames.

  38. Dear Sri Pehin or “Kepala Pening”,

    You are suffering from cancer and you look like a bag of bones. What are you gonna do with billlions of $$$ from your defunct Archipelago, son’s playground company Automobili, your sprawling palatial house (paid for from our taxes) in Petra Jaya with adjacents Dallas style bungalows for your sons/relatives/mistresses, etc etc when you die???

    God bless your heart & soul

    p/s No guardian spirits/anak syaitan that you engage from your bomohs will help you in your house or penthouse office in the CM’s office will help you this time.

  39. Please don’t go to see Marcos yet. We need you to return all these money to the people of Sarawak, and enjoy your rest of life in the prison. You need to let us know what other kickbacks you got/ are getting and in which banks are they saved.

  40. 1st Translate TEXT !!!

    海運業界、丸太輸送で「リベート」 マレーシア関係先に 2007年03月27日07時52分  マレーシア・サラワク州から丸太を独占的に輸送するカルテルに加盟する日本の海運会社が、輸送の便宜を図ってもらうため、05年までの10年間だけで少なくとも25億円を超える実態の乏しい「仲介料」を払っていたことが関係者の話で分かった。丸太輸出に強い権限を持つ州政府の首相一族が代表を務める会社が指定した香港のブローカーに支払っていたが、仲介業務の実態はほとんどなかったという。海運会社関係者の一部は、「首相一族側への支払いという認識はあった」と実質的にリベートだったことを認めている カルテル事務局は「適正な仲介料だ」と話している。  仲介料を支払っていたのは、海運カルテル「南洋材輸送協定」(NFA、事務局・東京)の加盟社。最盛期には50社近くが加盟していたが、現在は商船三井近海(東京都港区)、日之出郵船(同千代田区)、川崎近海汽船(同)など12社。支払いは、日本側とサラワク州側の間で輸送協定が結ばれた1981年から26年にわたって続いているという。  NFAによると、NFAは81年、同州のタイブ・マハムド首相の要請で、丸太輸出を一元管理する政府系の会社「デワ・ニアガ・サラワク」(DNS)と日本への輸送に関する基本協定を締結し、毎年の輸送量の割り当てを受けていた。  タイブ首相は現在も首相で、DNSの代表は弟のオン・ビン・マハムド氏が務めているという。  NFA加盟各社は協定に基づき、DNS傘下の船舶代理店に現地での荷積み作業などを任せる一方、DNSから指定された香港のブローカー会社「リージェント・スター」(RS)に、この代理店との仲介業務などの名目で仲介料を支払っていた。  ところが、関係者によると、仲介業務の実態は乏しく、RSが行っていたのは実質的に仲介料の値上げ交渉程度だったという。この交渉には、オン氏も同席し、口を挟むこともあったとされる。  仲介料の支払いは米ドル建てで、当初は1立方メートルあたり1.5ドル程度。輸送量は資源管理政策などの影響で、90年の約380万立方メートルをピークに年々減少傾向にあり、05年は約41万立方メートル。一方、仲介料は逆に数年おきに値上げされ、現在は同3.28ドルという。  96~05年の10年間にRS側に支払われた仲介料は毎年四百数十万~百数十万ドルとなり、総額は約2525万ドル。この間は1ドル100~140円台前後で推移しており、輸送量に当時の単価を掛け、1ドル100円で換算しても25億円を超す計算だ。  取材に対し、会社関係者の一人は「輸送の便宜を図ってもらう目的であり、実質的には州政府首相一族への支払いという認識はあった」と話している。  〈南洋材輸送協定事務局の話〉 多少高いことは認めるが、仲介料を支払わなければ輸送ができなかった事情がある。香港の業者には現地代理店とトラブルが起きた時などの仲介をしてもらっており、あくまで適正な仲介料の支払いと認識している。香港の業者に渡った金がその後、どう使われたかは、こちらでは把握する立場にない。

    In order marine transport industry, with log transport something “related to rebate” Malaysia the Japanese shipping company which participates in the cartel which first 2007 March 27th 07:52 transports the log monopolistically from Malaysian [sarawaku] state, convenience of transport is made to assure, the actual condition where in just 10 years to of 05 at least exceed 2,500,000,000 Yen it is scanty, it understood in the story of the authorized personnel that “mediation charge” is paid. You had paid to the Hong Kong broker whom the company where the prime minister whole group of the state government which has the authority which is strong in log export serves representation appoints, but as for the actual condition of mediation business you say that almost it was not. As for portion of the shipping company authorized personnel, “as for the recognition, payment to prime minister whole group side it was”, that cartel executive office which recognizes the fact that substantially it is rebate says “it is proper mediation charge”.  As for paying mediation charge, marine transport cartel “south-sea wood clearance” (NFA, executive office Tokyo) the participation corporation. Nearly 50 had participated in mature stage, but presently the merchant ship Mitsui adjacent waters (the Tokyo Minato-ku), day 之 it comes out, the mail boat (the same Chiyoda Ku), the Kawasaki adjacent waters steam ship (the same) and so on 12 corporations. As for the payment, you say that it is continued from 1981 clearance is tied between the Japanese side and plate framework state side over 26.  According to NFA, NFA 81 years, with the request of [taibu] [mahamudo] prime minister of the same state, company “[dewa] [niaga] [sarawaku]” of the government affiliation which manages log export monistically (DNS) with concluded the basic agreement regarding the transport to Japan, received the allotment of the traffic volume of every year.  As for [taibu] prime minister presently with the prime minister, as for the representation of DNS you say that on bottle [mahamudo] of the younger brother has served.  NFA participation each company although stowage job and the like at the locale is left to the ship agency of DNS affiliation on the basis of agreement, the Hong Kong broker company the “[rijiento] is appointed from DNS star” which (RS), had paid mediation charge with pretext such as mediation business of this agency.  However, according to the authorized personnel, the actual condition of mediation business is scanty, as for RS having done you say that substantially it was price hike negotiation of mediation charge. Also on person sits together to this negotiation, assumes that there was also a thing which puts the mouth.  The payment of mediation charge with American dollar-based, at the beginning per 1 cubic meters 1.5 dollars. As for the traffic volume with influence of resource management policy and the like, approximately 3,800,000 cubic meter of 90 years in peak there to be yearly a decrease tendency, as for 05 years approximately 410,000 cubic meter. On the one hand, mediation charge is marked up conversely in every several years, presently the same 3.28 dollars says.  The mediation charge which in 10 years of 96~05 year is paid on RS side every year to reach over 400 100,000 ~ over hundred 100,000 dollars, as for sum total approximately 25,250,000 dollar. It is the calculation where at this time is transitive with approximately 1 dollar 100~140 circular stand, on the traffic volume the unit cost of that time applies, at 1 dollar 100 Yen converts 2,500,000,000 Yen crosses over.  Vis-a-vis collection of data, the one of the company authorized personnel says “convenience of transport is made to assure was the purpose, there was the recognition which is called the payment to the state government prime minister whole group substantially”.   it recognizes some high thing, but if mediation charge is not paid, there is a circumstance which cannot do transport. When the local agency and trouble occurred in the Hong Kong trader and the like, we have had mediating, you have recognized the payment of proper mediation charge to the last. The gold which covers the Hong Kong trader was used after that, how, with this there is no standpoint where it grasps.

  41. 2nd Text Translation










    (2007年3月28日14時40分 読売新聞)

    Marine transport 9 as for “mediation charge” when the income hiding, national tax bureau the marine transport 9 corporation of indication Japan, from Malaysia transports the lumber to the Japanese country, you paid to the Hong Kong broker company, what the income hiding a little more than of sum total 1,100,000,000 Yen was pointed out understood from Tokyo national tax bureau centering on “mediation charge”.  It judges that the fund where at the same national tax bureau, mediation business of the broker is lacking in the actual condition, is paid with mediation charge pretext is not recognized, at substantial rebate to broker side, expense hits to “expense account spending”. It is the prospect that penalty collection taxation to each company (correction dealing), it includes addition tax heavily and rises to meter approximately over 400,000,000 10,000,000 Yen such as income tax.  As for the income hiding being pointed out, the marine transport 9 corporation which participates in the marine transport cartel “south-sea wood clearance” which arranges freight and the like (as for the inside 1 corporations presently secession) with, the Tokyo Stock Exchange 1 section presentation “Shinwa marine transport” (the Tokyo Chiyoda Ku) and the same “first central steam ship” (Koto Ku), the “merchant ship Mitsui adjacent waters” (Minato-ku), the “Kansai line” (Chuo Ku) and the like. The corporation of part was pointed out the income hiding of 7 years to 2006 March period.  According to the authorized personnel, when 1981 same agreement, the lumber is transported from Malaysian plate framework state, company of the locale where export is managed and transport concluding the agreement regarding “[dewa] [niaga] [sarawaku]”. Marine transport each company requested clearance inwards and the like at the ship agency of the locale, with the [dewa] corporation and the agency the Hong Kong broker to the “[rijiento] star” paid fund with the pretext which has mediating. As for agency and each [rijiento] corporation being something which the [dewa] corporation appoints, as for the gold which marine transport each company pays to the [rijiento] corporation you say that it exceeded 2,500,000,000 Yen in 10 years to of 05.  But, in investigation of the same national tax bureau, the [rijiento] corporation almost not having carried out mediation business is ascertained. Because of this, as for the gold which marine transport each company pays, it is not expense and assuming that it hits to the expense account spending of the taxation object, it was judged as the income hiding.  As for south-sea wood clearance executive office “as for request for mediation to the broker, be possible to be commercial usage of marine transport. Past, the occasion where at the locale it is in entry into port denial, mediation business as expected the time, indication of national tax bureau does not hit”, e.g., the [rijiento] corporation takes [dewa] corporation side and forms that it is repelled.  The younger brother of plate framework state prime minister who is the potentate of local end is inaugurated to the representation of [dewa] corporation.  Story “mediation charge of Shinwa marine transport thinks the cost which the actual condition accompanies. It examines taxation amount, and the like” in the neck can tilt in the latest indication story “past tax investigation of the merchant ship where we would like to decide future correspondence Mitsui adjacent waters it is recognized as mediation charge. Objection is stated”, (2007 March 28th 14:40 Yomiuri Shimbun Company)

  42. Well the CM of Sarawak has to maintain his corrupt demands because he has a lot of high living family members, cronies and high-ranking staff at all his nominee companies like CMSB, PPES, Naim Cendera etc., etc. Look closely at the make-up of these companies and one cannot help but notice the number of times his close associates and family members’ names turn up. A mere village kampung boy who rose from “rags” to “riches” because of his business acumen??? What a life story that would be if not for the fact that, if he’s not the CM, he’d would not only be struggling but would not be in such an affluent and influential position. My word, when and how much do we need to see the economic plunder of the State of Sarawak before the PM will do something about all the corruption that is destroying the Nation. Unless there is a company of rogues in place with mutual benefits to gain???? I wouldn’t need to scratch very deep to find out now would I!!!!!

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