Dark Darker Darkest

Dark Darker Darkest

Just got this email from LLC:

“I read this on your website – Why Iskandar Development Region will fail by Richard Teo

“How can the IDR attract Singaporeans if this type of news keeps getting published in newspapers in Singapore?

http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/news/story/0,4136, 125523-1174773540,00.html


DARK: Tinted car windows, cops stop him

DARKER: He fears they are carjackers & resist arrest

DARKEST: He has to strip, sleep sitting up in crowded cell

By Crystal Chan

March 24, 2007

CONFUSION over tinted windows, coupled with his fears of car-jacking landed Singaporean LWSim in a Johor Baru jail.

His is a shocking lesson for Singapore drivers who may not know that tinted windows which meet with the Land Transport Authority’s requirements could get you into trouble in Malaysia.

This is because Malaysia has stricter laws on the amount of light that must be able to pass through tinted car windows.

Mr Sim, 29, found this out the hard way when he refused to let JB police impound his car for further checks. He was arrested and placed in a police lock-up.

The sub-contractor was later charged in court with obstructing justice and jailed a day.

Mr Sim had driven his three-year-old Honda Civic to JB for a shopping trip on 11 Mar.

At about 6.30pm that day, he was approached by a traffic policeman in a carpark near City Square, a shopping complex at Jalan Wong Ah Fook in JB.

He was waiting for his two Malaysian friends, who were withdrawing money from a nearby Maybank branch.

Mr Sim recalled: ‘A uniformed traffic police officer came up to me and told me to drive 5m forward.

‘I did so and I got out of the car to ask him what was the matter. He then told me to go to another man who was standing nearby.’


That man turned out to be a plainclothes police officer. He showed Mr Sim his police warrant card.

Mr Sim said: ‘I don’t understand Malay but the card had the word ‘Polis’ on it, and I knew it’s Malay for police.

‘This officer told me that my car wasn’t allowed in Malaysia as it has tinted windows,’ said Mr Sim.

Singapore’s LTA requires the side windows of vehicles to allow in at least 25 per cent of light, compared with 50 per cent for Malaysia.

Last month, another Singaporean, logistics manager Lawrence Lee, 47, was issued a summons for driving to Malacca in a car that had dark windows.

Mr Lee was told the fine would not be more than RM300 ($132).

But Mr Sim was unaware of the law. ‘I’ve been driving to JB at least once a week since I bought the car in 2004 and I haven’t been stopped before,’ he said.

‘I tinted the windows when I bought the car so that I don’t get so much glare from the sun when the weather is hot.’

Things turned ugly when both cops insisted on towing his car to the traffic police headquarters.

A check with JB’s traffic police confirmed that it has the right to impound cars with tinted windows for further checks.

If the amount of tint is against Malaysia’s laws, the driver will be fined when he collects the vehicle.

Mr Sim said he was worried that the men might be from a car-jacking syndicate.

He refused to surrender his car keys and ended up arguing with them.

He said: ‘I thought I’d only be fined. Instead, they wanted to detain my car for 48 hours. They also didn’t give me any documents to show that my car was being impounded.’

Mr Sim’s two Malaysian friends arrived, and the heated exchange continued. All three men ended up being arrested.

A police car arrived and took the men to the JB Selatan police station.

He said: ‘I never doubted they were real cops since they showed me their credentials, but I wasn’t sure if they were good ones.

‘And I never expected the matter to get so serious.’

At the police station, they were told that they were being detained for obstructing justice as they had argued with the cops.

Bail was denied. Mr Sim could only make one phone call, so he called his younger brother.

His car was impounded at the traffic police headquarters, which was some distance away.

The stay in the lock-up was unpleasant.

Mr Sim said: ‘I was ordered to strip to my underwear and kept in a cell with 37 other people. My friends were in separate cells.

‘It was so crowded that there was no space to lie down. I had to sleep in a sitting position but it was hard to sleep as I was worried about what would happen.’


The following morning, Mr Sim’s younger brother, who declined to be named, arrived at the police station.

Mr Sim was due to appear in court that afternoon.

His brother told The New Paper: ‘I didn’t tell our parents about the incident as I didn’t want them to worry.’

He added that he had engaged he met a lawyer at the police stationher to represent his brother.

That afternoon, Mr Sim was charged with obstruction of justice and jailed a day in the same lock-up.

‘The lawyer pleaded for leniency, so I spent only an extra day in the lock-up. Otherwise, I’d be detained longer.’

The New Paper’s checks with the JB police confirmed that MrSim was detained after arguing with the police over the tinted car windows.

They also said that phone calls are not allowed in the lock-up.

The traffic police said it has the authority to impound cars for further checks if officers suspect that the windows were too dark.

The matter did not end with Mr Sim’s release. When he collected his car from the traffic police, he had to pay a RM200 fine for having windows that were tinted above the limit.

Showing us the receipt for the fine, Mr Sim said: ‘The trouble started because of the car windows. But when I was arrested and detained, the car windows became the secondary issue.’

Still, the incident will not stop MrSim from visiting Malaysia.

He said: ‘I’ll just avoid driving there in cars with tinted windows.

‘I’ve also told my friends who own similar cars that they should be careful when driving into Malaysia.’

55 Replies to “Dark Darker Darkest”

  1. Are there no instructions or information on this rule sent to Singapore public?

    Instead of chasing away tourists, businessmen and investors from our neighbour, the police should find amicable ways to get willing compliance from our friends.

    I think not only we’re going to get boycott for our preferential policy just like South Africa during the apartheid era, we’re going to be shunned for being unfriendly and unsafe place to be.

  2. And we say JB police are not working? They are so efficient to me. Take a drive in Klang Valley and see the number of cars with heavily tinted windows on all sides and more and more cars being fitted with bright HID lights! Lawlessness is the order of the day in the country. Hmmm, should I go get myself a pair of HID lights today?

  3. Before we can attract others to invest here, our politicians and government officials should learn how to respect foreigners and appreciate their investment.

    We have new like Indian IT specialists being detained for nothing or a Mongolian beauty being blown to pieces which will really frighten others.

    Look at the dwindling inflow of tourists. This is an indicationof how others perceive our nation – negative.

  4. As long as the law is applied professionally, there is no reason why sporean cannot be held responsible. Anyway, msian is also expected the law in spore. Sadly, the manner of handling issues especially those involving foreigners in msia, often are eyebrow-raising.

    As for this tinted windows issue, the manner the issue was handled was unprofessional, to say at least. For the windows, I am not even sure the sporean broke any law. Take a look at the information at the jpj’s website. It sounded as cars from spore & brunei are exempted from the regulation – lets assume all foreigners understand bahasa msia.

    Peraturan bagi kenderaan dan pemandu asing yang memasuki Malaysia adalah berdasarkan Motor Vehicles (International Circulation ) Rules 1967. Walaubagaimanapun peraturan ini dikecualikan kepada kenderaan motor dari Singapura dan Brunei.

    Do we expect foreigners to understand the ‘cowboys’ style when we ourselves don’t even understand?

  5. Is this an isolated case of an over-zealous bunch of traffic cops in JB alone or is this problem more widespread?

    What if the Sinagporean fella was a roughie & tried to treat our police guys like somebody from the wastepaper basket?

    The end of the matter…we do not have enough facts to make any sensible value judgment. Suffice to say that the way the police handled this case was, under any circumstance, highly inappropriate. There should be some consideration for any extenuating circumstances just as you would if some ARab tourists cross the road in KL instead of using the overhead bridge. Well, they may think the overhead bridge simply inconvenient and unnecessARY because, say, it’s just not cool in their countries to use roundabout ways when a shorter one is available. I wouldn’t throw the ARab in jail even if he screams when confronted. Just don’t do it next time, ok?

    Clearly, the Police Force needs to introduce a course on Courtesy and Manners to the Public for all PCs.

  6. Why was Mr. Sim treated in such a manner?
    1) He is chinese
    2) His car bears a singapore license plate
    3) His car is just a Honda

    If someone has the same tinted windows but:
    1) He is malay
    2) malaysian license plate number
    3) Big merc car.

    Police wont detain because it might b a big shot w high up connections who can pull strings to make life hell for e cops.

    That is life in bodoh-land. Johor is one very lawless place. gansterism in schools is e norm, daylight robbery n killings, rape.. u name it they hav it.

  7. This case is just a making a molehill out of a mountain. They were preying on these foreigners in their usual “cari makan” rounds and when you do not co-operate and argue, they use the full force of the laws to show their powers.

  8. Normally cars with tinted windows are stopped at read blocks and the light pentration levels read by a machine. This does not seem to be the case here. He was stopped at random and no tests were conducted on the windows. How on earth can they be sure just by looking at the windows.
    Is it fair to force the driver to drive to the police station for further tests?
    Why were his friends arrested? For arguing? Oh we cannot argue with a cop. They are superior beings and we are to obey them meekly.
    But the IGP said otherwise.
    By right the IGP should reprimand them for intimidating the motorist and quation them on the legitimacy of arresting the other two men.
    Anyway, a Singaporean friend of mine said Malaysian Police love to stop Singapore registered car on the pretext of having committed an offence.
    “Just pass him a RM 50.00 ringgit note and he let you off” he said.
    So, you see the main reason for stopping Sim was a RM50.00 note. Mr Sim has much to learn about being in Malaysia and how to go about avoiding induced trouble.
    Now that it made clear above that foreign cars are exempted from this rule, will the police refund him the fine?
    Will he be exonerated by the court and paid damages for wrongful imprisonment.
    He resisted a wrongful arrest, didn’t he?

  9. The net of enforcement is even more efficient in Singapore but when Singapore police catch Malaysian motorists, they often “give chance” for minor traffic infractions because we’re unfamiliar with road signs, local rules. This is based on my limited experience and those from anecdotal recounts of friends in similar situations. The friendlier approach appears to be based on the consideration of us being guests and tourists spending money there to the benefit of Singapore’s economy.

    Why can’t we reciprocate; why don’t our police adopt a more human face rather than take strict ‘ignorance-of-law-is-no-excuse and ‘when-in-Rome-do-as-Romans-do’ approach? Doesn’t Johore need Singapore investors and tourists for the much hyped Iskandar Development Project? I suspect and do agree that it has very much to do with the RM50 (less than SG$25 note) that Libra2 mentioned.

    The police should be understanding especially when Singapore’s LTA requires the side windows of vehicles to allow in less light by half of what is allowed in Malaysia. Do they expect those Singaporeans with tint level more than that allowed here not to drive over?

    Singaporeans are also not used to giving RM50 tip to subsidise police salaries and redistribute wealth. In Singapore, if they are caught bribing the traffic police, they will be jailed. Do we expect them to change 180 degrees after crossing the Causeway and just bribe as freely as some Malaysians do to extricate from problems with the police?

    I also believe it likely what hasilox said that “cars from spore & brunei are exempted from the regulation”. What’s the big deal with this tint issue? Those datuks who have connections with politicians or police can also get a letter authorising to exceed the 50% tint level.

    The other point is that the police don’t like their authority challenged. When Mr Sim and his 2 Malaysian friends reasoned and argued with the police, they simply threw them behind the slammers as if they were common criminals. This is the clearest expression of abuse of power if there were one.

    Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan wants to create a new police image. He expects every policeman must be friendly and approachable and respect human rights. He however recognises that the objectives of the new vision and mission could not be achieved if police officers and lower ranks did not change their mindset.
    “Changing their mindset is a bigger challenge than handling external threats,” the IGP said.

    What the Johore police have done is a slap in the face of the IGP. They are not the type of members that the IGP wants – abusive of authority, unable to exercise discretion when it comes to foreign visitors, interested in RM50 tip, and don’t care a damn about our country’s image or aspirations to develop the Iskandar Development Project.

  10. If the fine for overly tinted windows is RM 200, it might have been easier for the cop to issue a compound for RM 200 to the motorist, who can then go himself/herself to the police HQ to verify whether he/she is liable for the fine. Yes, it is a case of presuming guilty, until proven otherwise. That is bad, but it is better than involving so many people, and government resources to enforce a law. Was the Singaporean number plate a cause for the careful attention of police personnel?

  11. They were lurking around in all likelihood looking for their daily victim to pay for their ‘teh tarik’. Clearly the fact that his car had S’pore plates made him a target.

    Since when plainclothes policemen were in charge of traffic offences?

  12. correct me if im wrong. do singapore cars need to go thru malaysian custom check point before being allow in. if yes, why didn’t the malaysian custom give them a warning first!
    sorry for being ignorance, have not been to singapore for few years.

  13. Talking about tinted glass hyi guys if you pass thru our immigration booth in Malaysia while showing your passport for verification do you know that you will only see the officers hand and not their face there are almost being hidden bhind the dark tinted glass. I wonder where will be the transparency of the country when these immigration officers do not even dare to show their face to the public at time of duty and added to that their salary are being paid by tax payer like us.
    Understood lah the police like to kacau Singapore regietered cars and cari pasal u know why? Cari makan ma ! lagi pun Sing $ and ta mau ringgit o…..

  14. I too was wondering if immigration should have informed Mr. Sim of the restriction. However, it might be that immigration does not have the jurisdiction (- do they? Would someone clarify?) and therefore no duty to inform.

    While I can symphatize with Mr. Sim, and perhaps the police should have given him a break (unless of course he was being awfully arrogant… LOL) but in a strange way thnx to this piece of news most singaporeans would know of this law now.

  15. Quote:
    “Mr Sim said: ‘I don’t understand Malay but the card had the word ‘Polis’ on it, and I knew it’s Malay for police.

    ‘This officer told me that my car wasn’t allowed in Malaysia as it has tinted windows,’ said Mr Sim”.

    There is some contradiction here that on the one hand Sim said he does not “understand” Malay, but the next moment he seemed to understand about what the Police said, in English? Not explained.

    Reading the story, we do not know the actual situation, it was one-sided story. Since the case had been to the court, Sim would have his say in the court, and so would the Police.

    If Sim was in the right he should not had pleaded guilty in the court of law and “fight” it out in the court.

    Sim should be aware that there were two different offences he had committed and to both he had pleaded guilty, and cases closed.

    We think law is law, even in Singapore, the laws are more strictly enforced. We all respect the laws and it is meant for the protection of all, whether we are in our own or in other countries, we have to make sure we understand the law and comply.

    There were so much complaint against the Police for not doing enough in crime prevention, this is one instance where the Police was probably doing their level best in crime prevention round in the area, probably without being induced to accept bribes, may be the law enforcers here deserve some accolades rather than brickbats.


  16. IGP Musa,

    Pls transfer those “efficient” officers of yours to Klang Valley. There are an increasing numbers of cars fitted with HID lights and it would be a breeze for these “eagle eyed” officers to nab them at night and fill up the coffers.


    Thank you.

  17. The narrower issue here is whether there is in fact of a violation of the law, if that violation is serious enough to warrant a detention or just a warning, what the police did to elicit the kind of response shown and what the driver of the car did to warrant his detention i.e. whether there was an obstruction of justice or whether the ‘obstruction’ was nothing more than an angry motorist reacting to what he perceived as unfair. These questions can be answered as easily as they are raised if we know the facts.

    It is the wider issue raised by a case like this one that should concern not so much the unfortunate visitor but the Malaysian Tourism Minister.

    I am quite sure meetings are held periodically by different government agencies to discuss issues which affect various government departments and the private sector. I am neither suggesting nor condoning that the law not be enforced, relaxed or even changed just to bring in a few more tourist dollars.

    It is important that we restore the rule of law. For far too long JB has become like the lawless old west in the United States when it comes to issues of law and order. Occasionally we see ‘outbursts of enthusiasm’ by those in charge of enforcement – of anything including traffic regulations. What is disturbing is that officers in charge of law enforcement seem to be choosing their ‘victims’ when dealing with issues of law and order. This public perception of selective enforcement or prosecution has some truth. But if local Malaysians fall victims to selective prosecution on a daily basis, I don’t see how Singaporeans could claim ‘exemption’ simply because they are Singaporeans with tourist dollars to splash.

    Just as here is some truth that Singaporeans visiting Malaysia be it JB or KL exhibit arrogance when interacting with locals just because they have money to spend. When driving in Malaysia many use it as an opportunity to let off steam like throwing rubbish through their car windows when driving, parking recklessly etc things they would not do back in Singapore – because they know that traffic rules and regulations are enforced strictly on the island. There is a reason for the strict enforcement of traffic rules and regulations on an island the size of Singapore – the same reason why cars cost more over there.

  18. VVIPs or VIPs have their cars’ windows and screens tinted. People of fame and fortune have theirs tinted too. So you don’t seriously expect the typical gangster not to tint his or her car ? Since the JB police is seriously professional, may be there should a drastic movement of transfers all over the country. Singaporeans will not stop coming to Malaysia. Afterall, we are her immediate next door neighbour. Moreover the news have it that there is some kind of a cooperation going on between MCA and PAP ? No ?

  19. If the same were to happen here in the States, the driver would be issued a ticket. He would not be detained. If he were to be stopped again soon after, the motorist could show this ticket.

    Then assuming the Malaysian authorities today maintain a data base of traffic offenders, including those with a history of summons and tickets not paid, arrest warrants could be issued. The next time they are stopped in their cars for anything, such arrest warrants could then be enforced.

  20. to add up little info…singapore cars are allowed to have 25% light tansmission on rear windscreen and side window since july 2004. in fact almost 50%(estimated) of new car registered after this date to have 25% tinted windows (either factory fitted or aftermarket)…dun forget, Singapore car is only allowed to drive for 10 years (because COE system)and majority of them change their car even below 5 years. it means the amount of 25% tinted window cars on the road is getting more and more. if this matter not sort out fast by the authority, once Singaporean fears to coming JB or M’sia, 2007 visit M’sia year habis lah… in fact their local car forum already started talking about boycott JB…JPJ and police should to something about it b4 this matter get worst.

  21. I dare the CHIEF POLICE to sit for 1/2 hour in front of Hard Rock Jln Sultan Ismail on normal working day and DARE HIM to arrest all those tinted luxury cars! DARE YOU CHIEF OF POLICE!!!!!

  22. “DARE HIM to arrest all those tinted luxury cars! ” Izrafeil

    You cannot legally arrest cars but let’s see who he would end arresting…

    His own son? Some Minister’s son? Rafidah’s son-in-law? PM’s son-in-law? Samy Vellu’s mistress?

  23. Double-Standards.
    I’ve come across so many 100% tinted cars, only exception is because they have double or single digits and some ‘badges’.

    Even saw one with Mickey Mouse badge with everything tinted except the windshield, no ‘kidding’, really.

  24. This reminds me of another classic foreigners dilemma.. i was watching Discovery and it was about people , especially women tourist who travel alone.. this one woman travels in a foreign land.. loses an address.. its dark and gets a policeman’s help..(language barrier somore) guess what?? she gets fined for prostituition.. either she pays the fine for a big amount or get registered as a legal hooker? She actually registered as a hooker cause financial wise she was strained.. huh?? allo.. i’ve seen so many tinted glasses in kl it self.. it didnt have any bar council tag or whatever.. go find for another prey la… do you expect foreigners to memorize our law.. den don’t come up with the Eye on Malaysia concept.. haiyoo…

  25. “…t didnt have any bar council tag or whatever.. go find for another prey la… do you expect foreigners to memorize our law.. den don’t come up with the Eye on Malaysia concept.. haiyoo…” so says Careena6

    Haiyoo! Since when have lawyers been driving around in heavily tinted Mercedes?? They are not police or military.

    “..do you expect foreigner to memorize our law?”

    Of course not! But I do expect them to face the consequences of their actions when they break the law! Same goes in every country lar.

    The reason why tinted car windows are popular among Members of Parliament is that they do not want to be seen by their wives driving around with some chicks half their age.

    “..especially women tourist who travel alone.. this one woman travels in a foreign land.. loses an address.. its dark and gets a policeman’s help..(language barrier somore) guess what?? she gets fined for prostituition.. either she pays the fine…” Careena6 again

    Never come across anybody asking for directions in the late hours of the night or early hours of the morning been fined for prostitution and the woman agreeing to pay a fine for it. Were you anywhere around Imbi road – huh allo? Prostitution is never an offense but soliciting is.

  26. Never come across anybody asking for directions in the late hours of the night or early hours of the morning been fined for prostitution and the woman agreeing to pay a fine for it. Were you anywhere around Imbi road – huh allo? Prostitution is never an offense but soliciting is.DiaperHead says..

    People go through all kinda shit when they travel overseas.. not everyone lucky .. some even travel alone.. lose their belongings , money, addreses.. try visiting France,, even your best french will be a turn off for them when you are an Asian.. and the part that she paid the fine was because she was desperate to get off.. or else she goes to jail.. plus it was on the discovery.. not something that i came up with.. the reason i quoted this incident is cause some of us have no idea about foreign laws and i’ve seen lawyers who drive in heavily tinted cars..

  27. those those who just generalised and labelled him as Ugly Singaporean, i feel sorry for your shallowness and narrow mindedness.

    Crime prevention is supposed to be independent of prejudice.
    So are they no arrogant or ugly Malaysians?
    We deserved to go to foreign jails because of our attitude and not our crime?

  28. Well, kurakura if you come out of your shell a little you might just be able to understand what DiaperHead meant when he referred to the “Ugly Singaporean”.

    You have heard, of course, of the political novel of the 50s entitled “The ugly American” . DiaperHead was trying to draw a parallel between Americans in the 60s in South East Asia, and present day Singaporeans on their visits to Malaysia which they consider their backyard to do as they please i.e. until they are stopped.

    Many Malaysians find Singaporeans loud and ostentatious. Just like the Americans of those days.

  29. Singaporeans have the same problem elsewhere, Batam Indonesia, Thailand resorts.

    I no longer drive in Singapore my Malaysian car. I get hooted even if I had not made any traffic offense.

    I do not know the otherside of the story (the policeman). Fact:He was brought to court and jailed.

    The Singapore I see is a selfserving country and people. It only looks after its own interest. I remember the 2/3 tank sign board at Woodlands.

    The topic of discussiion here is how Singaporeans can contribute to IDR. So what is important is to deliver what it needs. For example fresh water. They have tried alternative water sosurces in Indonesia even. Sand, Indonesia have frozen their sand exports. Land to expand, now, they need land,…….

    We need to plan as to how we can get into a win/win situation with our neighbours without looking like the water deal 20 years down the road. That should have been our focus.

  30. Spot on Sotong!

    Let’s hear a dose or two of patriotism here.

    We welcome their dollars as it helps to create employment for our boys and girls. We do not have to like them.

    If you wanna see the ugly side of Singaporean all you have to do is visit coffee houses in hotel lobbies, night clubs and health centres and places like that. You’ll know what I mean. They splash and flash their money wherever they go like we are beggars.

  31. The case may be look like less than excellent quality of policing but the reason why deep down its disturbing is because its actually about ignorant zealousness. It reflects an attitude that ‘I know this rule this way and I can do this. I don’t really care about understanding it deeply and thinking it through with each circumstances I come across.

    Its all about mediocrity – isolationist mediocrity and that is widespread and split our nation apart very deeply.

  32. I don’t believe that we should simply classify all Singaporeans as “arrogant” just as all Malaysians are not arrogant.

    Sometimes people like the police behave in the same manner as you treat them and perhaps in this case the guy may have been overly rude.

    We simply don’t know all the facts of the case and what actually transpired.

    Regarding tinted glass, I think the matter is easily resolved if the tinting rules are amended so that cars from other countries are required to have tints that are legally allowed in their own countries and that would settle the tourism problems.

  33. So Mr Godamn Singh, you are implying if someone treats a country as a backwater compared to his, he should be denied proper justice and be biased against?

    Some comments here are just sweeping statements eg: all Singaporeans are arrogant. I have so many Singaporean friends who are so much more well behaved and humble compared to SOME rich Malaysian kids friends I have who studied overseas.
    So these arrogant Malaysian who return home should be “punished” by intransparent justice?

    If Singapore is not in the Map of Southeast Asia, SEA will not be not even be as significant as it is, not to say it is very significant nowadays……

    Singaporeans are loud? Have you seen enough mainland Chinese?

  34. Kurakurap,

    I fail to see how DiaperHead’s brief posting like ” Yes – the ugly Singaporean” could have justified these comments from you.

    In my posting there is no mention of “justice” or “bias” – only the similarity in behavior of Americans in the early 60s and Singaporeans today.

    Nobody is implying anything like people treating Malaysia as their backyard to do as they please should be denied justice etc.

    Nobody says that all Singaporeans are these and all Malaysians are those. Nobody here would be so stupid as to suggest that. We are just making our personal observations of those we have been fortunate or unfortunate to have interacted with.

    Are you hearing voices in your head that we need to know?

  35. “If Singapore is not in the Map of Southeast Asia, SEA will not be not even be as significant as it is, not to say it is very significant nowadays……”

    Correct me if i’m wrong but weren’t you all talking about arrogance and not how great/significant your country is..

  36. i’m not surprised at all…

    1) our barbaric ministers wanted to forcefully build a half-crooked bridge to singapore

    2) the latter was then accused of cheating the royal ancestors

    3) and now they are given such harsh treatment knowing darn well they are tourists to this country

    … and why not? the minister from that state once declared the concept of Bangsa Malaysia is forbidden even though we are ALL Malaysians born and raised (and some of us even contributing to) in this country!

    malaysia bodoh!

  37. I think this is a case of the Singaporean trying to show his arrogance and the police showing their power and in between at the onset what is on the police’s mind is any body’s guess. Reading between the lines there must be some heated arguments and the police made use of their power and the law. I will not empathize with the Singaporean if he has behaved arrogantly and knowing well he is in a foreign country. The Singaporean police would have done the same to any Malaysians under the same circumstances if my assumption on the circumstances is correct.
    We cannot compare ourselves to those Big Shots because we all know there are two set of laws in this country and it is accepted by our top guys. Precedents had already established this facts of life in this country but to what level we can accept it is left to the individual.
    However coming back to our Malaysian police, very often they made mistakes in issuing wrong summons (purportedly for speeding), wrongful arrest and detention or even death at detention. Imagine the plight of the victim who for no reasons are at the least inconvenienced, waste of time and expenditure and the worst endure the pain of loosing love ones. Under such circumstances when they are in the wrong it is only fair that they have a compensation fund derived from a monthly deduction of their salaries to reimburse the victim That will make them to be more diligent, accountable and careful.
    We must start this campaign of equal responsibilities and burden so that when we are in the wrong we are being fined but there must be some remedy when they are in the wrong.

  38. “Under such circumstances when they are in the wrong it is only fair that they have a compensation fund derived from a monthly deduction of their salaries to reimburse the victim That will make them to be more diligent, accountable and careful.”

    We should expect a lot of policemen having no or negative salaries but debts to pay. The entire police force would disappear overnight. The country will be paralyzed by massive traffic jams since one wrong gesture of the hand on the part of the traffic policeman would mean a deduction from his salary.

  39. smeagroo Says:
    March 27th, 2007 at 11:44 am

    And we say JB police are not working? They are so efficient to me. Take a drive in Klang Valley and see the number of cars with heavily tinted windows on all sides and more and more cars being fitted with bright HID lights! Lawlessness is the order of the day in the country. Hmmm, should I go get myself a pair of HID lights today?
    I hope you don’t misunderstand that there’s actually nothing wrong with installing HID on your car. In fact, it is the way to go and more and more newer and modern cars are fitting them as standard. They are brighter, use less voltage and lasts much longer than the normal yellow halogen lamps. Think of it as the compact energy-saver flourescant light for cars.

    However, installed wrongly may cause unnecessary glaring to other drivers, which is the common case with those modded cars. The ones fitted as std by car manufacturers are 100% legal and safe.

    If you want to install HID, go ahead. As long as you comply with JPJ std, there’s perfectly no way for you to get into trouble for having HID, unless if the polis become mengada like these JB polis who wants our country to keep on rotting in the international arena, although by legal right and law, you’ll be perfectly fine.

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