Class of “forgotten Malaysians”

Hi Kit Siang

I’m not sure if you’ll be reading this, or even why exactly I’m writing to you; but like other times after reading about the happenings in Malaysia through your blog, I am saddened and moved from deep within.

Allow me to introduce myself. I was born in Johor, in 1983 – making me 24 years of age this year. From a young age, from primary (or standard one) I studied in Singapore. Instantly, this placed me into a group of ‘forgotten Malaysians’ of which I still belong to today – do read on. I did not study in Singapore by choice, my parents decided to see put me there when I was 7, because being part of the Malaysia school system when the British system was employed -they were alarmed by the perceived drops in the levels of education in Malaysia at that time – and they really wanted me to grow up speaking good English…and Singapore was the closest country to have its curriculum in English at that time. I’m sure you can appreciate the incredible irony in Malaysia reversing on its decision years ago and teaching Math and Science in English now. And while I am most capable of invoking my own commentary and discourse on the subject and others like it, I shall resist the urge and refrain from doing so on this occasion, as I nevertheless will find myself doing throughout the rest of this email – as each instance of the incredulous policies and politicians that dominate our country come up.

But I digress. I studied in Singapore a full ten years, travelling DAILY from Johor Bahru, not residing in Singapore because, I guess, my parents wanted me to retain my unique Malaysian identity and “Malaysianess”. I do not have fond memories of my time in the country, although I did well at school, I guess, I dislike autocratic and freedom-curbing societies where the rights of the individual are sacrificed for the whims of the elected collective in the name of nation-building. That is not to say I do not understand the need for such measures at certain times – but I suppose I do not function well in countries where such practices are the norm.

At the end of my high school studies in Singapore, I made the decision to return to Malaysia. To study at a private college in KL. I had tried on past occasions when I was in high school, to do so, only to find out that I was not eligible to do so because I did not take Bahasa Melayu as my primary subject. As a result of studies in Singapore, where English was the medium of instruction and Mandarin was my ‘mother tongue’, I cannot speak fluent Malay to this day nor do I have the ability to write in it. Therefore, according to some quarters, I am not considered Malaysian. But was I to blame? I remained in KL a full 3 years, was one of the top students at my college for a worldwide course, until it was time for me to pursue my education overseas.

I love Malaysia. I consider myself patriotic. I was and remain a staunch defender of its uniqueness and the beauty of the country and its people. Well, most of them. I grew up reading The Star, NSTP and the like. I read most of our former PM’s books and took in every shred of reasoning he and others gave for the obvious disparity between the races. I quoted and defended the NEP on the classic grounds the policy being of “wealth creation” and not “wealth redistribution.” My family and friends would laugh, sniggle and sigh. Up till then, I was colour-blind, but as case after case of blatant discrimination occurred, our dear politicians made me unsure for a good deal of time.

Then I made the move overseas…and realised what I had left behind. I had left behind a country full of life and colour, of some of the best examples of racial harmony and understanding anywhere in the world. Malaysia at her best is truly a beautiful country. But living in a different country opened my eyes to what I had also left behind; a flawed and made-up democracy, weak institutions, institutionalized racism, hypocrisy and worse of all – a country living in denial. The former can be defended on the grounds of “a country in progress”, the latter is indefensible. I liken it to a child growing out of his adolescence. When a young child behaves badly, you can excuse him on the grounds of “he doesn’t know any better.” For example, if he throws tantrums and has no regard for authority, that can be instructed in the child as he grows. But the realisation and acknowledgement of his wrongdoing is vitally important – as he gets older, the same excuses simply cannot be sustained. Granted, we are a young country – but it has been close to 50 years of denial. Of the fact that it is a democracy. That its media is free. That its institutions are fair. That everyone has similar opportunities. That it respects and abides by the Constitution and rule of law. That there exists freedom of religion and speech – and I’m just brushing the tip of the iceberg here. Doubtless, some would say I have been ‘corrupted by Western influences’ – but to confine such basic human elements to a Western nature is the classic disservice that Malaysians do unto themselves. At the expense of the discomfort and fear of change, such people choose to remain myopic and backward.

It took a lot for me to critically examine my own country for its failings and admit to them. To study political science and understand the true meanings and contexts of fundamental political concepts, frameworks of democracy, rule of law and associated concepts. I measured where Malaysia was in relation to these fundamental principles – and the result was a gut-wrenching, painful admission from a proud Malaysian that his country wasn’t all he thought it was – or likely to be if the culture of apathy and denial prevails.

As long as the ‘minority’ ethnic community in Malaysia continues to remain inert, apathetic, uneducated and disempowered to evoke even the most fundamental of changes (by voting in the right manner), wherein lies the mechanism and hope for change? How many more UMNO general assemblies do we need to see the true intentions of the ruling party? That last word is deliberately in the form of the singular. If only the MCA, Gerakan, MIC etc had more guts – and stop just surviving – and start living.

My intentions and comments do not come out of a desire to establish a race-dominated government of any sort. It is to create a truly representative and responsible government, one that recognises the importance of the abidance and adherence to the sovereign Constitution, that respects the rule of law, where all have access to equal educational, job and wealth opportunities and is colour-blind to the extent that it does not discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation — and yet, celebrates the incredible cultural diversity our country has been blessed with – and not use it to instil fear and bigotry in its people. It is in fact, repulsive and disappointing to me that close to 50 years after independence, we continue to have political parties that are divided along racial lines and not on solid ideology and sound policies.

Until then, what IS there for a Malaysian like me to go back to? Pray tell. I belong to a “minority” ethnic group, I do not speak strong BM and as a result, I’m sure the opportunities in my own country are vast indeed. Yet, I was the one top students at my university, hold a B.Econs (Hons), a M.A (International Relations), have been published academically and am working for the Australian government in delivering policies and bottom-line savings to the economy. And I’m just at the beginning of my career. I say all this not out of pride, but out of disappointment – where I want to be and can be most effective, my land of birth – I have little future.

I have great admiration and utmost respect for your work and all that you’ve laboured/struggled for Kit Siang. Sure you’ve made mistakes – we all have – but I respect the way you’ve come out of them. I’ve always belonged to a class of ‘forgotten Malaysians’ – once when I studied in Singapore, because I can’t speak BM, because I left my country to study abroad and haven’t returned. But I haven’t forgotten my country; I never will. But as much as I love Malaysia, does it remember me…and the many others like me? I do not expect an answer to that question.

I’m not expecting a response – I guess I now understand why I’ve taken the trouble to write such a long email to you. I want you to know, you have people on your side of the struggle. That as much as it holds nothing for me to go back, perhaps one day, I will…because at the heart of me, I am Malaysian… and stand for all things truly Malaysian.

Kind regards,


86 Replies to “Class of “forgotten Malaysians””

  1. Looking at the whole context of the posting, it is frivolous.

    A few just “abscond” and “abdicate” when the going gets tough because they have the means, others stay on to struggle, strive, defend and fight because they do not have the means.

    It is well and good, and the choice is individual and personal; but sorry to say that one need not have to shout from thousands of miles away, in a cosy haven, that he or she is patriotic.

  2. shortie kiasu;

    You have no idea regarding my means and how hard one had to work to get where they are today, so don’t judge.

    I can see your point, but you forget that some people do more for the reputation of Malaysia when abroad than at home. And
    The levels and channels of access are simply different.

    Think Jimmy Choo, Zang Toi, Ong Beng Hee and the many other abroad.

    Each has their role.

  3. short kiasu,
    are u suggesting that one has to be at ‘home’ to be patriotic? Are you belittling ambassadors of the country,expatriates, and those who lives away from ‘home’ but has only one place in their heart where they truly belong?Are you even trying to deny that from these ppl? Soldiers of the country fighting in a war away from ‘home’,aren’t they perfect example of patriotism? Are you saying that you’re patriotic just because u live in your home country?

    Whether or not one has the means to go abroad, that’s a totally separate issue from patriotism.

  4. W.O,
    You have made the right choice – to stay out of this country! Please don’t come back as this country doesn’t appreciate talents and brains.
    Yes, it is a beautiful country but has gone to the dogs. It is almost beyond redemption.

  5. Fully agree with Kiasu, thousand miles away to shout loudly I love you is just meaningless to the lover who needs your immediate love, caring, support & contribution.
    JFK famous saying: Just do not ask what your country can provide to you, but just ask what you can contribute to your country. This saying is most relevant & applicable for non-bumi who can leave but choose to stay on.Bravo and salute. Otherwise you will be a grumpy old man before 40 years old. You can yell we are multiracial, multiculture, but the very fact on the ground is we are Malays-Muslim dominated country. Whether our country has gone to the dogs or something even worse than a dog, the future of the country is strictly in the hand of Malays. They have to understand, we can no longer sustain any economics policy which stress distribution more than creation of wealth due to:
    i) Globalisation
    ii) Number of Bumiputra(Umnoputra) is increasing day by day, not enough to distribute
    iii)Natural resources are depleting
    iv)Religion must be a personal matter,secularism & Civil laws must prevail.

    But frankly I really doubt how many Malays are able & willing to ponder these points. One just has to refer back to Najib interview about his reading habit few days ago in Star. He says: Young Malaysians especially Malays are not very keen in reading, partly due to their poor English standard. most of the facts, knowledge of the world today can be obtained only from English reading materils. Most of Malay reading materials especially novels are purely emotional. SEE, this is the real problem of our country.

  6. W.O., I appreciate where you are coming from. I understand your sighings. The thrust of your letter is apparent – shortie kiasu’s brief critique is somewhat somewhat myopic & I would render you the benefit of any doubt on your patriotism. I am not unbiased though as you will readily understand.

    People who are held by their throats, as it were, and have hands clasped and irons on their legs, if you like, are not free men and do not have the luxury of free choice. Many non-Bumi Malaysians struggle just like you. The choices we make are second best but a great deal better than being in chains, figuratively if I may (though some would argue on this).

    I have 2 children in US, bright young sparks too. WHich parent does not want their children close by. BUT, I have asked them to STAY PUT in the new land. It’s the second best choice but FONG PO KUAN’s Diaspora posting and the comments of all sums up mostly the pain and shame we face in Malaysia. I choked and cried when my children left…but in my heart of hearts I am glad, glad, glad. Honestly,truly, really glad.

    I feel like the ‘Caged Bird’ too in Maya Angelou’s poem. And I understand why she could write so powerfully and made so compelling an impact in her bestselling book ‘ I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’.

    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

    A free bird leaps
    on the back of the wind
    and floats downstream
    till the current ends
    and dips his wing
    in the orange sun rays
    and dares to claim the sky.

    But a bird that stalks
    down his narrow cage
    can seldom see through
    his bars of rage
    his wings are clipped and
    his feet are tied
    so he opens his throat to sing.

    The caged bird sings
    with a fearful trill
    of things unknown
    but longed for still
    and his tune is heard
    on the distant hill
    for the caged bird
    sings of freedom.

    The free bird thinks of another breeze
    and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
    and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn
    and he names the sky his own.

    But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
    his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
    his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
    so he opens his throat to sing.

    The caged bird sings
    with a fearful trill
    of things unknown
    but longed for still
    and his tune is heard
    on the distant hill
    for the caged bird
    sings of freedom.

    Maya Angelou

  7. Our country is young indeed, that’s why we still have many kampungs. Many Malaysian are still poorly educated (no surprises given the education standard), this guy is very lucky because he got chance to study in Singapore and now working for other government other than his own, smart guy. Then he chose to write a letter to Uncle Kit, after he understood how he can be mistreated if he was poor like many other Malaysian, worst so when one is not Malay (but recently it made no different, poor Malays).

    Yes, I totally agreed with him as what he described in the letter, it was known and experienced by many Chinese Malaysian in their everyday lives, except when you are overseas you can see the contrast but many unlucky ones are still here getting the shits from BN. Did his parents voted for BN btw?

    This letter is useless unless he come back and vote for DAP in coming GE.

  8. Hi W.O. , my reply is mainly directed to you. I am glad you finally smelt the coffee and like you I grew up overseas in Australia. Always thinking Malaysia was a rosy place cheap, great food things were all moving fine corruption was there but the country was still moving forward.

    All this changed 5yrs ago when I graduated and I began to work in Malaysia, it takes living in the country to realise the extent of the problem we are facing. Yes I agree and I repeat the advice of Libra2 for your best interest dont return to Malaysia. Anyone that is capable of leaving the sinking ship please by all means find that method to do so.

    Lastly I greatly disagree with you and your faith in the voting system, and your hypothetical believe that that we would be better off if we voted for MCA or Gerakan. What makes you think that UMNO will just let up all their power all their money and at the same time expose all the previous corruption thats been occurring ?

    This is democracy

  9. Our standard of education has gone to the dogs with the string of A’s as an example. Nowadays idiots can get A’s. The only idiots who do not know or are unaware of our deteriorating education standards are the politicians. Shame on you.

  10. Immediately after 1969, the NEP talked about 30% equity share capital to be owned by Malays. The government promised to provide details to prove that Malays had not exceeded the target, and the son-in-law of the PM claimed that they are actually entitled to have more than two-third. Now, the government is talking about the income ratio of 1:1.5 for Malays against Chinese. Indians are forgotten! The intention is clear; the government is taking up another statistical topic to extend the NEP. Remember, the PM talked about his 2057 mission. Yes, since statistics on average income by race will be that much more complicated, it will take the BN government until and beyond 2057 to define what they mean by average income. Until then NEP stand extended.

    WO shows maturity in thought. I thank him for his letter.

  11. Undegrad, WO and others,

    Shortie Kiasu (SK) may sound like sour grape. But, please see from Kiasu’s point of view. Coming from where SK is (assuming SK is living in Malaysia), and then having read this email, why should one not react in such manner?

    How about my story? (Or do you really want to know?) I studied in Malaysia up to tertiary all my life. My alma mater is UPM, yes yes that infamous UPM. Do you not recall how many implied in this very blog, that we who studied there are useless, worthless, simian-like graduates just not too long ago? But that is another topic for another day.

    Many of us, who have voted in GE ever since we could, and have never voted for the ruling party, are still living and working in this motherland of ours. We look at the injustices which WO said in the email, literally in the face everyday. Pray tell us what more can we do, or what should we do? Frankly, I prefer not to see another email about lost of hope, or another article written by intelligentsia residing in another country.

    What I am asking is that those of you who oppose to SK’s view, be fair before you judge SK in return. If SK reaction means anything, it is a sign of resignation and frustration of the current situation. SK’s indignation is understandable; many who visit Uncle Lim’s blog write about how regretful they are having voted for BN or write email to LKS about how sad, how wrenched or disappointed they are. Put your shoes in SK’s: Someone who voted for the oppositions; who still live in Malaysia; who cannot do much cause the family is here…and then comes another BUMMER…you read one such pessimistic email, imagine how would you feel then?

    At least, we should be glad SK come forward and share his/her opinion on this; just like what WO did in the email. We want unspinned news and views, so here they are! These are opinions and stories the goverment should heed, and so should we.

    Shouldn’t we all respect SK’s sour grape coated opinion? Is it probable that SK’s opinion represent the voice of many others too?

  12. To Song:

    Thanks for that. I fully agree…sometimes, to be an effective ambassador for the country requires one to be out of the country. For example, a top research scientist has to be inevitably based outside of Malaysia – adequete funding, research facilities, peer-reviews, academic culture, progressive superiors, these are important infrastructures that you need to support his work. Similarly, for what I’m skilled in, there is no market in Malaysia – or least, none for now…I am a specialist with government contracts and tender processes, coupled with industrial research for growth oppotunities – there simply isn’t a market for me in Malaysia.

    I do not believe it is fair to question the patriotism and understanding of someone simply because of their geographical location.

    To: lowcb88

    Thanks for your comments. But with regards to the point you’ve disagreed about, do have another read.

    I wasn’t implying that voting for the MCA or Gerakan would change things. Not at all. In fact, I am critical of the way they do politics -by “playing the game” and pandering to the whims of the ruling elite. I do not believe they are strong enough in pushing through their views.

    I was simply urging people to vote wisely if they want a change, and from my email, I think it is quite clear where my sympathies lie.

    To littlecabai:

    I do exercise my right to vote and take it seriously.


    Thank you for your honesty. Personally, I will never close the door on Malaysia.

    I believe in my workplace, in my lifestyle, in my conduct, and in the chocies I make, I hold true to and am proud of the values I grew up with.

  13. To Ipoh Guy:

    I understand how you feel and I am in no way playing down the legitamacy of your experiences.

    Do understand that the email wasn’t originally meant to be published – it was meant to be a private exchange. I wasn’t whinging in the email – I was stating facts. I am not a whinger by nature – I have always tried to be as proactive as my circumstances allow.

    If you read my replies to the others above, you know I do not belittle the comments of Shortie Kiasu, because while I believe they are misguided, they are borne out of a genuine fustration and a desire for change.

    I simply believe both him and I desire the same change; but are working at different levels and from different ends of a spectrum.

  14. it’s ok, W.O.

    go find and build ur new destiny far away from this racist country run by incompetent idiots, voted for by equally apathetic citizens.

    there’s no future in this country
    i’m just working up the courage and financial means to leave this god-forsaken country

    it’s not a place i want to raise my family in

  15. There are push and pull factors involved. An emigrant is both trying to escape something and advance towards another thing at the same time.

    For instance, a scientist who cannot flourish in his own country will want to go somewhere where his expertise is appreciated. Perhaps he finds the anti-intellectualism in his milieu too stifling (unfortunately, this is very true in Malaysia), or the government of the day too partial when it comes to resource allocation.

    You see, the major problem with a not insignificant number of Malaysians is that there is a lot of false pride around. This is a vestige of Mahathirianism. Small achievements are overblown so as to build up national pride. It is Malaysia Boleh this and Malaysia Boleh that.

    Anyway, I say cheer the emigrants on. Let people do what they want with their lives – they should not be beholden to the country. Do not blame their lack of patriotism for not staying – patriotism is poor persuasion.

  16. Hey Wilson!! I am living in Australia too. I suppose you must be in Canbera. Since we have Malaysian blood, we must share info esspecially when you are working with high level stuff. Who knows may be we can start a little UMNO type thingy here. You scrub my back I scrub yours, if you know what I mean. Call me at 08-UMNO-JOKES.

    Come to think of it, maybe not, may end up like Julian Grill and gang for getting so close to Brian Burke.

  17. To achia3:

    One of the things I’m grateful for about working in Australia is the fact that I don’t have (or haven’t yet had) to do things against my conscience. Everything follows a open, transparent process which is monitored by the Freedom of Information Act.

    So =), i will not be calling you at 08-UMNO-JOKES.

    But appreciate your comments buddy. Cheers

  18. Very efficient… very efficient indeed. Truly reflects the nature of the Aussie Gov….efficient.

    As mentioned… its UMNO JOKES.

    Australia has indeed shown me what true democracy means. Although there are certain things in which I disagree, there are more plus here than back home in Malaysia. Anyway… also can get Nasi Kandar here already. BTW, how many countries will give you money for having babies. : )

  19. To achia3:

    Well, Singapore does, but I’m never going back. =)

    No offense to the Singaporeans on this blog, if any.

    I don’t believe ‘true democracy’ exists anywhere, even in Australia…however, it is more advanced in its structure and also the rights of its citizens which are guaranteed under its Constitution…and actually enforceable, herein lies the difference.

    But as much as I’m comfortable in Australia, Malaysia is still home…that’s where all my family and close friends are you know?

  20. it is better to b forgotten by e scoundrels n remembered by those who cares. i am not in bodoh-land right now. dont give a damn if e gov forgets bout me, in fact, it is good if e gov forgets bout me so they do not come looking for me for my money. as long as my friends n family who r still in bodoh-land remembers me, then tt is all tt matters.
    juz sth to share, i hav a colleague who is working in sg n bought a house in kedah. after he finished paying off his house loan, came 3 letters demanding for income tax for e past 3 years which he was working in sg. seems like they r v efficient when asking for money but juz slow in everything else. which comes to another story…
    during my sec sch yrs, e teacher asked some malay kids some simple maths questions of addition n subtraction w a max of 2-digit numbers. e teacher asked them n they did not know how to answer… e teacher rephrased e numbers into currency, they can answer. tt really made me wonder if they r brought up juz thinking of money n nothing else. no wonder we hav a bunch of crooks who rob, steal, mug, cheat n b in money politics. sigh…

  21. The other day the PM said that the NEP will not last forever. This letter and the PM dateless statement led me to ask, if that was true, what kind of politics will UMNO assume to stay in power? UMNO is about diivide and conquer. If it cannot use race, it must choose another.

    Now imagine, between birth rate and migration, the non-bumis because such a small minority that the NEP no longer works since the non-bumi can’t keep things going.

    The only conclusion one can make is that UMNO will use religion to divide the bumiputera. It will take a centrist aproach and label the opposition as either ‘extremist’ or ‘liberal’. In that scenario, my bet is that migration of the bumiputeras will be a lot worst than what we see with non-bumiputeras.

    Those who believe the injustice against non-bumiputera is bad should take note. There will come a day when you have to decide whether to symphatize with those who chose to join you, knowing that they betrayed you in the first place…

  22. For me i am rather be betrayer than who show patriotic to Malaysia.

    I love Malaysia too but i don’t love the majority and the government here. And also mind you, those who are getting famous like Jimmy Choo or bla bla bla…remember, they did not tell people that they are Malaysian but instead Malaysia are using their name to promote Malaysia.

  23. if the govt wants to play the racial card to divide us malays and chinese, then perhaps it is high time the malays look over their shoulders for the idons are coming in fast to take over their place. Need I say more now that a few prominent fellas are now holding great positions in Msia. These people for their own profit will do anything to make a fast and short term gain and will be willing to forsake their own people. Similarly, this also holds true for MCA who has shown to be a puppet when it comes to defending the chinese.

  24. “First they came for the Chinese, Indians and Others, but I was their friend and crony, so I remained silent.
    Then they came for the non-muslims and non-bumiputra, but I was with them in their alliance so I did not speak up
    Then they came for the Opposition and ‘extremists’ but I was not a member, so I did not speak out
    Then they came for the Liberals and Bloggers but since I was not, I did not speak out
    When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.”

  25. Bigjoe Says:
    “my bet is that migration of the bumiputeras will be a lot worst than what we see with non-bumiputeras.”

    My question is any where else do this people can go other than Malaysia?or may be back to their mother land, Indonesia. Malaysia is the only stupid country that given such a priority to those people, do you think they will shift to other place?

    And mind you, Australia government is now strictly controlling the number of the muslim migration because, they fear of if one day this group of people take on strike, there would be chaos in Australia.

    And also for you information, Australia government recently have military tied with Japan, why? Because those country surrounding Australia are the Muslim country, do you see what has already in their head?

  26. WO, there is no need to regret about the lack of BM knowledge since you went through a different system of education. There is also an advantage of being a single language user as most likely you will be sharper in using the English language. Many claim to be bilingual or trilingual, but in actual fact it is neither here nor there. However, in the Malaysian society, one perhaps needs to be trained like that in order to survive. Should the situation require you in the future to use BM, it is also not too late to pick it up later as working knowledge of BM language is really not that difficult to acquire. You need not have to have an “ A “ stamped in your certificate in order to use the language.

    I also by passed the whole system for my three children and they are also doing very well today as professionals in the Aussie land. Forget about the SPM & STPM, the energy draining certificates. My intention in those days was to get them qualified as professionals and later get tuition to qualify them in BM, a reverse process. After all, as long as you don’t intend to work in Boleh land’s government department, you don’t really need those certificates.

    I myself am in a peculiar situation, shuttling between the Aussie land and Malaysia for work all the time, and in my job, I have to deal with our government people and I was forced to learn the language starting from zip and today, I don’t claim to be good in BM, but good enough for working purposes. These Malay officers are also quite cute; when you don’t speak B M, they try to keep on talking to you in that language; but once you could speak the language, they try to speak English to you. There are always a lot of assistants who would be much delighted to offer you help for a small token.

    I have the advantage to enjoy the best part of both worlds and trust me WO, stay where you are, you’ll never regret!

  27. Someone in an earlier blog posting mentioned that for every person who emigrates, the country can easily replace with one or more Indon, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi etc.

    Well, we have had droves of Indonesians here…and they have given the rich, retired senior civil servants a run for their money. When the jobs dry up or when their paltry income doesn’t shine like the glitter of gold that some Malaysians keep under their pillows..all hell break loose.

    See today’s news (NST online: I don’t suggest you subscribe. You can read for free online): (wonder if these Indons have red IC?)

    Family fights back and kills Indonesian robber
    20 Mar 2007

    A 45-year-old Indonesian man who slashed four members of a family, including a four-year-old girl, was killed when his victims fought back during an attempted robbery at Taman Kuang early yesterday.

  28. To tsn & Ipoh Guy:

    I appreciate your concurrence and support; but we do accept and accommodate dissenting views, that is freedom of expression allowed under democracy. No two people will have same experience in life.

    Being cultured and refined, I would not call names against other people (like calling others sour grapes to satisfy my own ego) who hold differing views, ideas; no man is an island, and there is no absolute truth, only universal truth.

    I was a Colombo Plan Scholar under Colombo Plan Scholarship (if any one of you are aware of this prestige provided by the Commonwealth?) in the the mid-seventies and studied Engineering in a UK University.

    I was tempted to stay back after graduation and was offered further scholarship by the British Government then to do research leading to doctorate degree, but I decided to come back and the rest are history. I worked hard and is now comfortably retired but actively in social activities. I never left to work elsewhere other than here all my life, my children are all qualified locally, they are highly qualified professionals, successful doctors and chartered accountants working locally despite all the misgivings mentioned by the comments. We work hard hopefully to make a difference and for the betterment for all here.

    So, where is that sour grapes?

  29. WO,

    I agree with you that it was a personal email. It does howewer reflect the minds the souls of thousand others, working abroad, just like you. And that is what I am concern of.

    It is very frustrating: to come home or not to come home. It is soooooo “frust”. If we stay here long enough you will out of breath sighing.

    I just want anyone else who feel the same as you: DO NOT thinking about stay over wherever you are, for too long. It sound crazy, but let me explain.

    Malaysia potential is very huge still. We started along the same time with Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore, and we are now left behind, in terms of economic growth, social and resiliennce as a nation. I have been to all these country, and I when I see their positive properties as a society and nation, I think “My gosh if we can just adopt this…” Malaysia will be great.

    I went to Indonesia last year, and it has enormous potential, and it will catch up and surpass us, if the current government can just keep doing it right for another 15 years. Its size is as big as the US, and the population too. If it can be just half of what the US economy is now, wow. I ask anyone, if you do, DO not judge Indonesia by the maid we employ, or the AP news which we read. Indonesia is way better than us culturally and has strong resilience.

    In short, the point is: DO not give up on Malaysia. We are a decent country and have beautiful people. That is why we spend our precious time writing HERE; because we are beautiful, and we care.

    If countries above can, and is instilling a paradigm shift in their nation building, think of what we can achieve. That is truly Malaysia Boleh.

    We all do our part, and win back this motherland from the shameless and promiscuous elites who will drive us way down. When we do get back what ours, we need talents to help make it better. You all will be needed.

    Therefore, I hope we do not encourage people to stay away when someone whi works abroad is contemplating about to come home or not to come home. It is so unfair to us still living here. Worst, is the “encouragement” made to them, when they decide not to come back. This is really a soul-wrenching line for us to read. Those of us who are still living here.

    I re-read your email’s final paragraph, and I feel for you. I think that speaks for many others who are still abroads, who are still unsure. You are hopeful yet sceptical. It is so Shakespearean.

    I am hopeful. That is why I stay. Work with us.

  30. “I ask anyone, if you do, DO not judge Indonesia by the maid we employ, or the AP news which we read. Indonesia is way better than us culturally and has strong resilience.”

    The Indonesians who drifted to Malaysia’s shores are different from those you see living in countries like Holland, Germany and the United States. The educated and the rich and talented do not want to come to Malaysia where they face discrimination. Most of them are Chinese and are not Muslims. Just as many are not Chinese and are not Muslims. They are engineers, geologists etc residing abroad working for oil companies.

    The ones you see in Malaysia working in the construction industry are not educated and are poor to begin with but are nevertheless hardworking, taking on jobs Malaysians no longer want. They are an exploited and abused lot and would turn to petty crimes more readily than locals to make ends meet. This aspect of it has not been addressed at all by the Malaysian government through a comprehensive immigration policy.

    We see the same thing happening in the U.S. where Mexicans cross the southern border daily to look for jobs to support their families back in Mexico. Many of them do not want to stay here and keep going to and fro crossing the border almost at will. No walls can stop them. The policy has always been to catch and release. The state governments do not have the resources to keep them in jail but have enough resources to hold them long enough to have them deported. The same people would be walking the streets this side of the border the next day! Those who lobby against giving them amnesty (some of them have been here for more than twenty years, are married and have U.S. citizens and have carved a living here contributing to the U.S. economy, creating employment for the locals who are citizens) or a path to U.S. citizenship point to their criminal activities – but then locals commit crimes too. The truth is it has nothing to do with their being illegal aliens.

    Like the U.S. Malaysia acts like a magnet for jobs to these Indonesians who are merely looking for jobs to support their families.

    A parallel could be drawn between the U.S. experience and Malaysia’s.

    Prior to the 70s, you didn’t see Indonesians working in the construction industry. Indonesian maids were unheard of. But then in the late 70s the migratory ripple gradually turned to a migratory wave. This is the latest wave of migration which is affecting the country’s demographics. Malaysia has seen waves of migration through the centuries.

    Politicians would make an issue out of the ‘push’ factors because it affects one sector of the population. This may change later and will affect other sectors of the population. The fact remains that migration across borders is a normal phenomenon of progress and development not just in the sending states but also in the receiving states. Don’t underestimate the ‘pull’ factors.

    Assuming some 1.0 million Chinese have migrated over the last three or four decades. Can somebody do the maths and let us have that figure reduced to an annual percentage of the total population. Can we describe that as an exodus? Out of the one million or so, how many have since returned?

    I still believe Malaysia is a good place to live in – difficult though it may appear to those struggling to make ends meet. Malaysia is a developing country and opportunities are there and despite the constant cries of discrimination, so long as the basic assumption remains about the continuously expanding economic pie, it is still a good country to work in. In Malaysia racism is institutionalized unlike in most countries and this has given rise to a lot resentment over the years. If such institutional barriers could be dismantled and this can happen if we have a change in government, Malaysians now residing abroad (yours truly not included, sorry) would make a bee line back to her shores.

    I left her shores in search of the kind of freedom that Malaysia would not be able to offer in my lifetime. That does not mean that I do not miss Malaysia nor love her less. My relationship with the country of my birth is akin to the relationship between an estranged husband and his wife. It may lead to a divorce decree nisi and later made absolute because of irreconcilable differences, but at least we are happy being apart.

  31. I’m not a good essay writing person, so I’ll just cut the story short. I went through the whole of Msia education system, UPSR, Remove (Due to not having A for my Chinese subject), PMR, SPM, etc and eventually a local college Bachelor Degree (Hons). Back in my student days, I used to wonder, why couldn’t I go oversea for my degree studies, why wasn’t I bright enough to secure any scolarship that would save tremendous amount of $$ for my parents, why this and why that.

    After graduating, I enters the most exciting part of my life, the part of life where you pay your own bill to survive. This is when I start to understand why my parents couldn’t afford to send me oversea and I actually have to live my own life without able to blame other people for the ‘misfortune’ or unsuccessful of my life.

    Over the years, I’d climbed the ladder, worked in UK, China, Singapore, The Netherlands, Japan and of course, my home country. I’d manage to get to know and befriend alot of Msian (Researcher, Engineer, Consultant, restaurant worker, etc) whom were working in those countries whether legally or illegally. Contradictory to most people’s belief, it’s not happily ever after once you move out of Msia, where red carpet are laid for you the moment you step onto the greener grass and you would immediately ‘enjoy’ all the benefits & goodies. All the people that I’d know earned their way to be at where they are, means & opportunities doesn’t just fall down from the sky for anyone, one have to work hard towards the goal.

    Recently I’d decided to move back and work in Msia. I was glad that my company provided me an opportunity to transfer back to Msia. People often wonder why I’d made such ‘stupid’ and ‘foolish’ move, to them, this is something that is unthinkable. However, if you were in London when the bomb went off, or when you had to woke up 20 times a night due to a ‘slight’ quake, or when you woke up and look out of the window, you need a moment to think exactly where are you now, then probably you’ll understand some of the wonderful things about Msia.

    All I have to say is that, Malaysia is not as bad as what you think, and we should all learn to discover and appreciate it in our unique ways, rather than just cursing it, condeming it and not participating in making a change to it. I mean, it would be easy for me to yell from a few thousand miles away that I’m a patroit, I love my countries, but too bad my country doesn’t love me and etc, however, as much as u ‘love’ Msia, your action doesn’t brings any good to this country as no additional jobs were created nor additional FDIs been injected into this country. (forgive me for being money minded, but I’m currently working on some FDI facts gathering for Msia, thus the examples)

    Recently when the STPM results were released, and the Chinese mainstream media were running some frontpages on how excellent the Chinese had did in STPM VS other races. I think they had forgotten the facts that the good scholars of Bumis would had received scholarships and were probably studying somewhere in London, Sydney, Tokyo etc rather than going through the much difficult and time consuming STPM. It is not something that we should be proud about, instead we should feel pity that such good talent could not had accelerated towards their success.

    I used to judge people purely by their acadamic results, back then, if you din’t get enough As, you simply aren’t good enough. However, after all these years of working, I noticed that a 3rd class Degree bumi employee from local Uni can perform much better than some 1st class honours or 2nd class upper chinese kid (hope this won’t stirl up the raciam sentimental). Most of these ‘bright’ young kids would ask you every single thing and they just couldn’t take ownership or probably too afraid and are still waiting to be spoon fed, so they simply couldn’t resolve an issue that are not taught on the book based on his/her own common sense.

    This is when I realise, it is sense of responsibility, dedication and attitude that matters in the journey towards success of life, not how many As that you had scored.

    It’s getting late, and I think I’m losing focus on what I’m typing here while watching TVs and replying emails/MSN msgs at the same time. So I think I’ll end my 2 cents here.

    Cheers all,

    Gd Nite.

  32. How many top brains from Malaysia has migrated to some other countries? Many.

    I chance to have dinner with a friend who was born, raised in Klang, Selangor and later studied in the USA.

    Today, he oversees the safety and operations aspects of over 100 nuclear plants producing electricity in USA. He is well over 50 years old today and earns a handsome salary and enjoying a lifestyle he could never imagine if he had come back to serve the government.

    Where would the government put him if he had come home to be a patriotic Malaysian?

    Would his talents, ability and career be given due recognition?

    Malaysia lost him because we cannot provide an environment of growth for such talents.

    Have we asked ourselve why Malaysia is lagging behind others?

    Are we still clamouring for wealth distribution rather than creation?

    Are we still taking about race, religion and divides?

    We are going backwards. Admit it, change and we shall survive, otherwise we die.

  33. I hope whatever is blogged here, we must respect the dissenting views of others. It will be hypocritical to condemn the government of not listening to our views and at the same time using unsavory names at those who dissent.

    Uncle Kit has provided a good platform for us to exchange our views and also for us to release some our frustrations and anger with the government. I think many of us has gained something by participating in this blog. Just keep up the good spirit of comradeship.

    Our mission is to make this country a better place for all Malaysians and by blogging here we hope somebody up there will hear us and if not we can only hope to collectively change the government. Many of us share the same ‘pangs and hunger’ with the government which will remain recalcitrant so long as they hold supreme.

    Coming to the topic of migration my personal opinion is, it will be at least 70% of the Chinese who will want to migrate to either Australia, US, Canada or NZ if given a choice. If it can be statistically proven, it shows it is not coincidental but do indicate something more than just the grass is greener on the other side. I believe many Chinese are also feeling vulnerable because they have only skin and bones to protect themselves in case of any trouble and made worse after witnessing the brandishing of the kriss. This is also my personal opinion because in so far as the Chinese is concerned they can survive anywhere in the world. We are very confident of ourselves and we are a very hardy race. If not for the extreme discrimination which is legally sanctioned we can easily passed it off without any fuss. That is why we do not care two hoots about the extremist stunts of some individuals in other countries that the Chinese migrated to. (Hope to hear some dissenting views on this).

    I for one will love Malaysia very much and many of us are more Bumi than many Malays because of the many generations since our forefathers settled here.

  34. Ipoh Guy: //What I am asking is that those of you who oppose to SK’s view, be fair before you judge SK in return. If SK reaction means anything, it is a sign of resignation and frustration of the current situation. SK’s indignation is understandable…….//

    “I was a Colombo Plan Scholar under Colombo Plan Scholarship (if any one of you are aware ..” as per Shortie Kiasu

    So who sounds like sour grapes here? I am confused. I detect some arrogance though.

  35. To taikohtai:

    Thank you for your comments, much appreciated.

    This is a classic case of cultural misunderstanding; I meant no disrespect to Kit Siang by calling him by his first name; in fact, I meant all the respect due to him.

    Perhaps I have been in Australia too long (and there the brickbrats start again), but go anywhere outside of Asia and no one refers to an older person they don’t know personally as “Uncle”. It is almost deragatory – just like calling someone “ah kong” in Malaysian when you don’t know them personally.

    Everything is on a first names basis – it means you respect each other and want the other to be comfortable. If I mean my friends’ parents or grandparents here, they introduce themselves by their first name, no, “Uncle John…” or whatever. The last time I tried that, I was laughed at – and I didn’t understand why. I never considered how others viewed it; why are you calling someone who isn’t your uncle, uncle? I, however, draw the line at calling my parents by their names, think they’ll give me a real good hiding. In fact, in Malaysia, I do as Malaysians do and call everyone Uncle and Aunty.

    I have the utomost respect for Uncle Kit (yes yes) or Kit Siang as an individual and I don’t believe how I address him matters as much as how I feel treat or feel about him. I can address someone as “THe great revered, sir, datuk whatever” and have the utmost contempt for the bugger – I’ll just be paying lip-service.

    Try to see beyond the superficial. It is quite upsetting that you read through a whole mail like that and that is the only intelligent thing you had to say. And even that is debatable.

  36. Ipoh Guy:

    Thanks for you comments, appreciate that you took time and effort to craft a response.

    But I haven’t given up on Malaysia – I never will.

    In fact, to this day, I wear the badge of a proud Malaysian in Australia – and I believe I am a good ambassador to the people here – much like if you meet a nice tourist from Australia for eg, you think Aussies are friendly. Um. Well. They mostly are. :)

    I have never been ashamed of my values and where I come from; but unless one is living overseas, one perhaps does not fully appreciate how difficult it is to navigate through all the cultural issues and come out the same person, yet different. I’ll leave it at that.

    But like I mentioned, it was a personal email to (Uncle) Kit, not an article written for debate – hence the tone of the email. I am however, happy that it has provoked the response it has.

  37. Just to sum-up”should or shouldn’t I cabut from Bolehland” My childish criteria are:

    1.How smart / rich are you? If you are very smart, it doesn’t matter at all whether you are in Bersih, Cekap & Amanah or Corrupted & Discriminatory country, there is always platform for you to perform(more noble- CONTRIBUTION TO YOUR LOVE LOVE MOTHERLAND). If you are very rich, you always can make a move if Bolehland really sinks & stinks(hopefully not).World is boarderless for the rich and smart.Full of Boarder for the poor and dumb.

    2.How old are you?If you are more than 50, why make life miserable to move and adjust life in a new country? Eventhough Bolehland sinks and stinks after Petronas drys up, you are too old to suffer. No worry.

    3.Do you have children? If you have none or not intend to have in your lifetime. No worry too. With God Blessing, we should able to find new oil reserves to sustain our present lifestyle-having Indonesion maid(s) to serve you up to your nose.

    If you are not rich,smart and is having(going to have)children,do consider if that is a chance to migrate. After all there is nothing absolutely in life but only comparatively, there is always pros & cons.This world we do not have good guy, only this particular guy is not as bad as other guys.For those are staying back, please make corruption as theirs’ NO 1 enemy, it is the root of the Bolehland predicament.

  38. I am a medical student studying in Singapore completing my first year here very soon. When I finished my SPM, I applied for a JPA scholarship but was rejected for not scoring A1 in my Moral. The rest were A1s. Before I left for Singapore last year, I had to consider the decision very carefully because I am bonded to the Singapore government for 7 years. That makes my stay there 12 years at the least.

    Dear W.0, I have met many other Malaysians who have studied in Singapore/anywhere else all their lives. It is true, to a certain extent, that you would have to live in Malaysia to know what troubles we face and the discrimination, money politics and other nonsensical challenges. I admire your spirit and eagerness to return home, something that I’m thinking very seriously to do inspite of being in my thirties by the time I complete my bond.
    But, you must ask yourself why do you want to return so much? The reason why I want to return is because I realise all the politics and arguing is not going to help the people who are really in need, the lower class people. Coming for the lower class myself, I have tasted despair, unable to do what I want (i.e study medicine, get an overseas education, healthcare) because I cannot afford it. Many times I prayed and hoped(no matter how silly it was) that there was a politician or a rich person who’d pay for my education or at least pay some of my fees(something I intend to do).It’s not like I was academically inept, I have always been a top student beating even students under scholarship and outperforming them while studying in college with them. So that’s the deal Wilson. You’ll be mistreated. You’ll not get what you deserve. You’ll be marginalised. Why do you want to return?

  39. /// I do not have fond memories of my time in the country [Singapore], although I did well at school, I guess, I dislike autocratic and freedom-curbing societies where the rights of the individual are sacrificed for the whims of the elected collective in the name of nation-building. ///

    This is the country that had provided you with the education that your own country cannot provide you. This is the country that provided you with the “passport” and enabled you to be where you are and what you are now. She does not ask you to love her. But does she deserved to be slagged off by you in this manner? What gratitude……

  40. By reading the email and the responses to it, I somehow felt that all of you do care, in a way or another, if not, why would you spend time reading and commenting?

    From the replies, despite the differences in views and opinion, there’s still something that binds us together – we are Malaysians and we care for our country.

    If all of us care for our country, what should we do? Let’s think of ways and means we can to help the country, if we really care. If we do really want the best for the country, take action and do things you think can benefit the country, in your little ways.

    It doesn’t matter how, the thing that matters is that you take action and do something. If you think by doing well abroad and making a name for yourself in the international arena also means improving Malaysia’s standing in the eyes of the world, go ahead and do it.

    If you think by staying in Malaysia you could contribute more to the economy and progress, go ahead and do it. If you think by raising the issues can help to create awareness among fellow Malaysians, go ahead and do it.

    In the end, it boils down to one thing – a choice. All of us have a choice. You choose what you want to do and what you want to believe in.

    It is good someone raised the issue and sparked a barrage of enthusiastic responses to it. So now, what? What’s next? Do we just let the issue be swept under the carpet after it has been hotly debated? Or do we keep on adding to the torrent of blames, excuses and dissatisfaction? Rather than spreading the negative emotions, how do empower ourselves to do something to really positively and practically improve the situation?

    I’m also a very Malaysian at heart, despite having studied and now working abroad. And it pains me to read such depressing articles everyday, be it in the mainstream newspaper or in the blogs. Just like everyone, all of us want the best for the country. When the country is good, our family and friends will be good too.

    Malaysia needs all the talent she can have, despite the constant impression and reality that the country is driving away talents. Just like the expertise that W.O has, which I think, is what Malaysia need desperately.

    No matter where we are, we can contribute in our own ways. Put on the thinking cap and think, ponder, brainstorm on the ideas and things we can DO and not just talk, to make this better.

    If we have a platform to exchange positive and empowering ideas, wouldn’t it be better? It is good to have a platform to raise issues and to create awareness. After that, we need to move on to more action-based things.

    Probably I would share how I do it in my little ways. I always felt that I could contribute, despite me not being physically in the country. I would always go back to Malaysia to buy things and spend lavishly there. Why? I could always spend here with less hassle, at the country I’m at but I chose to scrimp and save like nobody’s business. It is because I felt that, by spending in Malaysia, I’m contributing to the GDP and I’m actually making another person happy by buying their things, which is increasing their income. In a way, I’m helping to improve their livelihood.

    Even though the other day I was swindled of RM 20 for a taxi ride to a place which is only a 5 minutes walk, I told myself that at least that person has an extra RM 20 to feed his family. Blame it on my unfamiliarity of the area in Johor. And after that, I learnt how to walk to that place.

    I believe all of us do love our country, no matter where you are, what your circumstances are and what your views are. So I believe all of us can start taking action to do something to make Malaysia an even better place.

  41. //“Therefore, I hope we do not encourage people to stay away when someone whi works abroad is contemplating about to come home or not to come home. It is so unfair to us still living here. Worst, is the “encouragement” made to them, when they decide not to come back. This is really a soul-wrenching line for us to read. Those of us who are still living here “//

    It is actually up to an individual to decide on what he wants in life. The worst type is the one who does not know what he wants. If he is in he wants to be out, and if he is out he wants to be in.

    There are pros and cons in living abroad and back home. Basically, the greener pasture most likely provides;

    1. Clean living environment and basic infrastructure for healthy living, like clean water and food hygienic control.

    2. Good social order such that people could work and live without fearing of being hurt. ( e.g notorious JB , Klang valley and KL areas )

    3. Fair and equal opportunity for jobs, education, and advancement such that one’s potential could be developed to the fullest.

    4. Appropriate assistance is given if you are in really jobless & financial difficulty.

    5. Good family life. Ask the wife of the migrated family, the husband becomes very homely. Perhaps, too much night life and happy hours in Boleh land.

    The beauty of Kit’s blog is that it provides a platform for everybody to speak out from the inner part of his heart and most likely it is honest as the names are anonymous in majority. It is merely an opinion, and cannot be classified as “ encourage “ or “ discourage “. You will be guilty also if people are “ encouraged “ to come back and fall into the deep shit trap. Neither can we self censored and say nothing.

    There are actually people who lost a lot with a flicker minded decision in moving in and moving out.

    Migration and living abroad is a very personal thing and one has to make up his own mind, and that cup of tea may not suit all.

    During shotie kiasu’s era, most of the overseas Malaysian graduates rushed home after finishing their studies. Why?

    a. the industrialization began in Singapore and Malaysia and there was ample opportunity for graduates particularly if they were of engineering and technological type. In Malaysia, relatively speaking, more equal opportunity was given to all Malaysians.

    b. In overseas, the white man policy prevailed; as soon as you finished your final examination, the immigration letter started to come and chase you back.

    Today, if I am not mistaken, most of the overseas Malaysian graduates will try to find ways to stay back after graduated. There must be an obvious reason.

  42. To classmonitor:

    That’s a very good question you ask.

    Well, because like you I’ve had many friends who share your experiences. They’ve been discriminated against, marginalised and are dillusioned with the country.

    And I want to make a difference. I have always strived to do so and will continue to do so. Some would some I am idealist, and I while I do not dispute the fact, my idealism is also firmly grounded in a acute realisation of realism. But with this realisation lies a desire for change – and a search for concepts, strategies, platforms and mechanisms for this change.

    I am a constructivist ( by the closest definition possible. While I acknowledge the hard reality of the situation in Malaysia, I also envisge a better future if the people who have the capability and the capacity to make a difference decide to commit themselves in making a difference – in their own ways.

    So yes, I want one day to return after building up enough knowledge, capability and capacity in what I’m doing to be in a significant position to make a difference to the land of my birth.


  43. To TheWrathOfGrapes:

    I was in no way slagging Singapore off. I was simply stating the facts. Every Singaporean would agree with me when I say that Singapore is a parochial state, that much is abundantly clear. It has a progressive government that tries to remain relavent and attuned to the needs of its changing society – albeit only 3 (or less now) Opposition MPs – lack of checks and balances.

    It has a lot of good things going for it, but I am also entitled to my preference for where I live. And I did not choose it.

    I cannot see how that is slagging Singapore off in anyway.

    And aside…under their education system, I suffered more than I would like to go into here. So I ask you not to be so quick to judge.

  44. To dawsheng:

    I have every intention to vote in the next G.E, and please don’t forget that by law I’m eligible to vote overseas at an embassy or high commission as well.

    tsk tsk…did you think I was all talk no action? :)

  45. WO,
    can that be done? If yes, we could poll ppl from across the globe to vote via embassy/high commission.We could start propagating this move…. the gvt cannot ignore votes if it is a significant number.

  46. /// I was in no way slagging Singapore off. I was simply stating the facts. ///

    Your selective and chosen facts say more about you than about Singapore.

    /// Every Singaporean would agree with me when I say that Singapore is a parochial state, that much is abundantly clear. ///

    Every Singaporean? That is a bit rich, isn’t it? Since when have you been appointed spokesman for all Singaporean?

    Singapore parochial??? If there is one country that is not parochial, it has to be Singapore. Parochials are the rednecks in the midwest and the sheilas in the outback. Singaporeans as a class are probably the most well travelled people and the most exposed to external influences. I am afraid you are confused the self-serving aggrandisement of the politicians and the perceived arrogance of Singaporeans as parochialism.

    What is abundantly clear is your lack of decency and gratitude.

    /// It has a lot of good things going for it, but I am also entitled to my preference for where I live. And I did not choose it.///

    Have I asked you to stay there? All I am asking is just a bit of consideration for the country that nurtured you.

  47. To TheWrathOfGrapes:

    Wow. Looks like I’ve crossed a really patriotic Singaporean here.
    “Your selective and chosen facts say more about you than about Singapore.”

    – Sure, of course they do. They reflect my views and my opinions. That much is clear. Are you saying that I’m of inferior character simply because I do not like Singapore? What is the justification for that? Gratefulness and gratitude are unmeasurable attributes, who are you to say who I should/should not be grateful to, or how much I should be grateful to a place?

    “Every Singaporean? That is a bit rich, isn’t it? Since when have you been appointed spokesman for all Singaporean?Singapore parochial??? If there is one country that is not parochial, it has to be Singapore. Parochials are the rednecks in the midwest and the sheilas in the outback. Singaporeans as a class are probably the most well travelled people and the most exposed to external influences….” =================================================
    – Once again, we have a difference in opinion here. My experiences undoubtably do not parallel yours. I concede the point about “every singaporean”, I spoke out of turn and too quickly. But by simply being well-travelled is not evidence of non-‘parochialness’, it is a state of mind. But I do not speak out of ignorance here, I was in Singapore 10 yrs and am at least entitled to MY opinion on how I percieve the country. You are free to disagree.
    “What is abundantly clear is your lack of decency and gratitude”

    – Now, THAT’s a bit rich. Judging my character on one statement I made. That fact that you can even utter a statement like that about another person that you know next to nothing about speaks volumes about the type of person you are, not me.

    “All I am asking is just a bit of consideration for the country that nurtured you”

    – It has my consideration and I do have quiet admiration for all it has achieved.

    – But you’re stretching it when you claim it “nutured” me. It did not do that, far from it. My education in Singapore, esp in high school, was quite simply one of the worse experiences of my young life. Perhaps you are right in one sense. It made me a stronger person, by making me realise that my intelligence, value and worth as a person does not depend on what stream I’m placed in, or whether I’m good at the Sciences, or my mother tongue. The world isn’t just about these things.

    – However, I have no intention of relaying my life experiences to you. I just hope you can be LESS PAROCHIAL and see that there are people who don’t care very much for Singapore and all that it has to offer despite its good points. It is not the only country to live in, nor the ‘best’ place to grow up in. I’m sure there are Singaporeans who agree with me on this. Just ask those who left.

    But thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate whatever you had to say, however discourteous and misguided.


  48. Lee Kuan Yew vs Tunku A. Rahman\T. Razak\Hussein Onn\Mahathir

    Come on ppl of Malaysia and Singapore…. all this things about Malaysia vs Singapore started way back by the politicians above…. please don’t get sucked in to it. Both countries has its flaws….I get bad remarks always from both sides and seldom the good side apart from the good food.

    Wilson is only making a point from his own experience, just we all making a point about our own experience with Malaysia.

    TheWrathOfGrapes: Just be mindful that you are only blowing hot air without any substance.

    From W.O. : So yes, I want one day to return after building up enough knowledge, capability and capacity in what I’m doing to be in a significant position to make a difference to the land of my birth.
    From Song: WO, can that be done? If yes, we could poll ppl from across the globe to vote via embassy/high commission.We could start propagating this move…. the gvt cannot ignore votes if it is a significant number.
    From achia3: Wilson are you sure I can cast my vote in Australia too? Perth only has a consulate. Also, is there any guarantee that our vote will reach its intended destination without being compromised?


    I’m heartened to see that some positive intentions have started to surface. This is what we want to see, not bickerings among ourselves. I know we are all capable of doing something. If we group together and stay united, we will be able to stay afloat and accelerate in the increasingly competitive world of globalisation and make a difference to our motherland. Our real enemy is no longer that race or this race. It is the globalisation. We need to be aware of this.

    In our quest for a better Malaysia, we must stay focused. Be mindful of detours and interruptions that might get us carried away or distracted. We have an instance here as what happened earlier in the comments. So let’s us get back on the right track. I know we can do it.

  50. Good day, mate! Anyone can decide to work whenever he or she feels like and to talk about his or her patriotism to the country of origin. But lately there are some who on the surface may be expressing sadness and sympathy for the state of condition of their country of origin but are in actual fact taking the opportunity to say (essentially), “See how great I am! I am now doing this or that great things. Oh, I am such a great loss to the nation.” Whether such “sadness” is expressed to a single individual or to many, it’s the same. If one really feels true sadness for the state of condition of one’s country, a single small step of action at home is better than a thousand words expressed from afar which ends with something like, “I am not coming home anyway because I can do greater things for another government.”

  51. To robtang:

    G’day mate. Nice to see some well-thought of comments.

    But I wish you would refer to some of my comments above to the others.

    You are entitled to how you think we can change Malaysia, and good on you that you’ve stayed on.

    But I feel I have a different strategy; because of my shortcomings in the present, I feel it is right for me to build up a significant amount of credibility overseas before returning to make a difference…otherwise, I would never be accepted or even productive.

    So the last paragraph of my email doesn’t actually imply what you said.

    It should read more like “I want to make a difference for my country and in particular in the government. However, at this present time, because I do not feel sufficiently equipped to do what I hope to achieve on the scale which I wish, I serve with a another government – in the hope that, as I build up my experience in this similar sector, I can one day bring back those skills to MY government.”

    Think about it in my shoes for a minute. Cheers.

  52. Hi all:

    After following this post for some time,I have to say- by the end of these posts/comments,I hope to see us more UNITED, not more DIVIDED.

    Secondly: can we vote via embassy/high commission from all over?If yes, we can do something about this- forgotten malaysians no longer. I’m talking global here.Think of the impact if it works. Thanks.

  53. W.O.

    There’s no need for you to respond to every thought or comment expressed here. But of course you are free to do so.

    The only proof that the thinking “I am not coming home anyway because I can do greater things for another government” does not apply to you is if and when you actually do what you said you would, that is, to return to your country of origin. Until you actually return, there is no reason to believe you would.

    When is one ever ready for anything? Were you ready when you were born? Were you ready when you took in the first drop of milk from your mother’s breast? Were you ready when you took your first step in walking? Were you ready when you fell in love the first time?

    Readiness is not about accumulation of skills. If you were to wait until you have learnt all the skills needed to survive in this world, you would never have been born. If you were to wait until you could skillfully suck in the first drop of your mother’s milk, you would have starved to death by now. If you were to wait until you were certain that your first step was firm, you were have not been walking today. If you were to wait until you know that your first love would be reciprocated, you would not know what love is.

    Readiness is more about the conviction of the heart. Until you are truly convicted, a thousand words would not be able to convince others.

  54. To robtang:

    You are drawing illogical parallels and I hope you see it.

    That are some things that are instinctive, and there are others that are accumulated.

    Suckling when one is an infant, the desire to walk, these are instinctive as is the need for food and water. But a lioness also teaches her cubs how to hunt, stays with them till a certain age, till they have learned the skills to fend for themselves.

    We are educated to prep us for the working world (oh, what happened to the joy of knowledge?). You can’t be an engineer, accountant or doctor unless you were trained can you? Similarly, running a country or leading major change is not one can do with adequate readiness, whether in capability, mentality or capacity.

    I have no reason to justify myself to you, but I hope you see that your argument doesn’t hold in this instance. To me anyway.

    And on that note, we agree to disagree.

  55. Ignore TheWrathOfGrapes, Wilson.

    Like another reader who commented earlier he’s nothing more than a pompous ass out to ruffle feathers to feed his ego. He is out here to show how ‘smart’ he is but ends up tripping and stumbling over his own inconsistencies in his argument.

    A lot of hot air like another reader said.

  56. “Have I asked you to stay there? All I am asking is just a bit of consideration for the country that nurtured you.” TheWrathOfGrapes

    A bit of consideration?? C’mon SourGrapes, you damn well know that Wilson has more respect for the country than that. There’s nothing in his email and his responses on this blog that so much as hint that he is ungrateful – and you know that, you idiot.

  57. “What is abundantly clear is your lack of decency and gratitude.” TheWrathOfGrapes.

    This is clearly over the top and Wilson deserves an apology for this uncalled for remark. Talk about your own lack of decency…

  58. W. O.

    Yes, you don’t have to justify yourself to me or just anyone. If and when you are ready, like perhaps if and when you win a Nobel Prize and are ready to return to serve Malaysia, then let us know.

  59. Here is a comment by a blogger worth your thoughts:

    “I haven’t decided whether I want to migrate yet. But at the present, for both the structural reasons outlined and the lack of individual opportunities, I would have to say I’m very much leaning towards migration. It’s indeed sad, because I do love this country — I don’t love it for what it is, but I love it for what it could be and for all (albeit the quite little) it’s given me.”


  60. It’s true that there is a time for everything. But until that time comes and until it really happens, it doesn’t mean much. I had never actually said that W. O. was one “who on the surface may be expressing sadness and sympathy for the state of condition of their country of origin but are in actual fact taking the opportunity to say (essentially), “See how great I am! I am now doing this or that great things. Oh, I am such a great loss to the nation.” I only said that there are such people. W.O. could actually be one or not one. He knows himself whether he is one or not or at least he believes he knows. But as things stand at the very moment, only time can tell …

  61. By the way, talking about parallels, who says that parallels have to be “logical”? If parallels have to be “logical”, there would be no parallel to speak of. “Parallels” are just to provoke thoughts. After all, logic is based on assumed truths or axioms.

  62. WO,

    I appreciate actually that you took the time to write the email and then we should also thank Uncle Lim for making it public. The result of this is really cool.

    Looks likes there many who post in this blog and live abroad by choice, is for WO; most of those who are still in the country, are clearly not for WO. That is the trend I see, anyway.

    I am one of the latter group, clearly. So, I can see what robtang is trying to say.

    Some ask us to stop debating about WO’s position. This is obviously against democratic theory. The position of people with talent like WO, or anyone else, should be debated and this concern the future of this motherland. 1 very apt example is Uncle Lim himself: He is obviously patriotic, has a vision for the country, and resilient, and many other positive characteristics.
    Now imagine he is not working in the country, and not for the country.

    I imagine the reason LKS posted your email is that he is concern with the lost of talents from this motherland.

    Our situation is akin to a garage: The mechanics are trying to fix and upgrade the car, but some of the best tools have just left the house.

    I understand clearly that the present team of mechanics is inept and corrupt; that is why we should work together and hire new mechanics.

    And this message, is not entirely to WO, but to others too.

  63. It’s a good that Ipoh Guy is trying to put things in proper perspectives.

    Actually I am not against or for anyone in this matter. A person is free to choose where he or she wants to live on this planet earth. But what I do notice is that there appears to be individuals who tend to express the “sad” state of the nation, use it as a self-serving platform to show case their achievements abroad and at the same time say something like, “I am not returning (yet) because …(e.g. I cannot win a Nobel Prize if I go back) ” or “I will return if and only when … (e.g. there is a world class research facility)” or “I am an ambassador for the nation by the great work I did overseas”. Someone may be truly doing great things overseas (great things may mean doing an ordinary task extraordinarily well, not necessarily something that would land you grand prizes), a Malaysian may be a good example of a good person abroad, but he or she doesn’t need to shout this out himself or herself. People will notice your goodness themselves. It’s fine for someone to choose to live where ever he or she wishes for whatever reasons.

    I am not saying that W. O. falls into the category of individuals mentioned above. I don’t know whether he is or not. But what I am trying to say is this. Words may be necessary but they are meaningless until one is ready for action.

  64. robtang,

    I know what you mean.

    I would commend on WO cause the act of writing a private email to KS is a good enough proof that WO is genuine in his action and thought. I think I can thus safely say that we are explicitly not referring to WO. It is after all, a general comment which you have made on the subject.

    WO in fact said that the return to Malaysia is imminent; but until then it is time to learn and be prepared. I like that idea as that is a sign of maturity. In fact, if you may, WO has made a pledge to Uncle Lim to come home and serve the country, and the support is there for Uncle Lim to succeed in his cause. I believe that when there is a political change, WO will return to the motherland ASAP.

    There are obviously those who are now abroad, work there, yet has not such grand scheme to return to Malaysia, even after there is a change. You and I, if I am right, feel that others in a situation similar to WO, can do as much as WO or even more.

    Firstly, being commital is good. Either you are planning to come home or not, that is of course important to Malaysia. And we are talking in this context totally, about contributing to this homeland. If you plan to come home, a private email to LKS, Anwar or PAS, or people here, indicating you want to return, is a good moral boosting act to those in the Oppositions working there arse off.

    (When I say working arse off: Its 190 MPs against 20 MPs in the Parliament and you have to take very hurtful and personal attacks, like those experienced by Ms Po Kuan and Karpal Singh)

    Secondly, if one decides not to return, or not in the near future, and that is fine with many, as many said here, it is a personal choice.

    I however have to share, my incompetence, to comprehend why the choice to make scathing and rhetorical public postings here and in other blogs, commenting from afar on the country which you have left temporarily or permanently, voluntarily.

    I believe my comment, which in actual fact is a question, is a fair one.

  65. Perhaps it’s fitting that having started this topic, I’ll close it off by saying/repeating a couple of things:

    1) This was a person email to Uncle Lim/Kit Siang, which he chose to publish – it was not of my asking. That is the context of this email.

    2) I am first and foremost a believer in the supremacy of the Constitution and the freedoms that it guarantees, the rule of law, the equality of rights and the integrity of institutions. I believe these things to be fundamental to any functional democracy or society – without them, any notion of economic progress is an eternal exercise in futility.

    3) It is much harder being a Malaysian abroad than most people think – the cultural, racial, mindset, and workplace challenges/discriminations that one goes through – well, until you have experienced it, it is easy to sit back and judge. Having said that, I take heart that I have at least some recourse here should the need arise. You cannot change the hearts of men in a day, but at least, you can have laws to protect against discriminatory behavior.

    4) I have never once contemplated giving up my Malaysian citizenship despite being persuaded on many occasions to do so – I remain steadfast in my belief that Malaysia can be changed and when the time is right, I will endeavor to return and do my part.

    5) I thank everyone for their comments, positive or negative. I believe in the freedom of expression, and I’m happy my email has provoked such a plethora of responses – it is heartening to see that there are still Malaysians out there who are concerned about the state of their country, enough to post. I never take arguments personally, hence, no offense taken to the sometime vicious attacks on my character, stance and views – remember, this is only one side of me you’ve seen/read.

    Take care everyone…and don’t lose the fight…I know I won’t.


    W.O or Wilson.

  66. “JFK famous saying: Just do not ask what your country can provide to you, but just ask what you can contribute to your country.”
    i think the more the people in malaysia contribute…the worst and more corrupted the country’s leaders get.

  67. W.O,

    At first glance, your email seems to be another of those typical overseas talent lamenting the state of our country.

    However you have impressed me with your replies to criticism that was hurled against you. You have shown remarkable composure for a man your age. Your replies have been courteous, straight and not dwelling too long in negative/pessimistic tone(of which many are guilty of).

    Thumbs up!!! One of the best discourse in LKS blogs.

  68. To TheWrathOfGrapes:

    Firstly to make things clear, I am not defending W.O. on the SG issue.
    What local Malaysians who accuses others as deserters must remember that, it is always difficult to rough it out in a foreign land. Discrimination of foreigners exists in every country.

    For the case of SG:
    As some who are living or have lived in SG, SGreans sometimes have a natural preference and infatution with foreigners of developed country(caucasians, japanese or koreans).
    Whereas foreigner from developing countries (Malaysia, China, Myanmar and etc) faces more of uphill task to make it.
    After enduring all these and still being able to make it, W.O is untitled to his views.

    The semi-autocratic SG state was born out of neccesity. It is just a small Chinese controlled dot(with negligible natural resources) with hostile neighbours.
    It needs systematic civil obedience to keep the government and economy running smoothly. In some way SGreans are manufactured in the same mould.
    It also needs lucrative (but controversial) remuneration for its senior goverment officers on the basis of being highly educated. How good are them remains to be seen. This is the only way they know to prevent SG going down the blatantly corrupt path of its neighbours.
    Also to attract money and investments it needs to reward the bosses and eduacted talents. As a result the gap between poor and rich in SG is widening.
    Still it has no choice.There is no other viable model of a successful moderate center left goverment in SEA for them to follow.So it can never be an ideal state.

    W.O was just highlighting some of the more obvious shortcomings of a young SG state. He merely states his non-preference of it.
    As a Malaysian working in SG, I can relate to some of the not so pleasant view and experiences of SG. I am not as highly educated as W.O. Naturally, I need do the shit jobs that SGreans shy away.
    I am not condenming SG. We are still grateful of the whatever good or substandard opportunities that SG have given us.
    But I do agree with W.O. that the struggles we put in SG had made us stronger.
    Sure SG makes you work hard for the money, but its goverment regconizes various type of talent ensure that there will be some tangible rewards for them.
    In this regards, W.O may have erred in a way that indirectly compare SG to a more liberal and democratic western state.

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