RM2 billion spent on National Service – be a model of integrity

National Service -- Malaysia

Nanyang Siang Pau has reported that the National Service Training Council at its meeting yesterday had recommended that the national service training programme should not be made compulsory for girls.

It has taken three long years for the National Service Training Council to take up my public call to the Cabinet in April 2004 that if the Cabinet was not prepared to suspend the national service training programme, although it was “half-baked, ill-conceived and premature” from poor conception, formulation and execution right from the beginning, the least the Cabinet should do was to make the national service training programme voluntary for girls, allowing parents who wish to do so to immediately withdraw their daughters from the programme and bring them home.

The call followed the spate of fights, sexual harassment (including rape) and breakdown of discipline in the national service programme. I had also pointed out at the time that out of 1,000 national service trainers, only 15 per cent were women when the ratio of male and female trainees were almost equal.

But this call three years ago fell on deaf ears, including women Cabinet Ministers and the National Service Training Council.

Public confidence in the national service training programme has continued to plummet in the past three years because of the unending incidents, mishaps and disasters including avoidable deaths of trainees, to the extent that quite a substantial number of parents would agree with the sentiments of the letter-to-the editor in the Malay Mail yesterday:

“I would gladly be slapped with the RM3,000 fine rather than be compensated the same amount for the untimely death of my son or daughter.”

Some 365,000 18-year-olds would have undergone the three-month national service training programme by September this year since it was launched in 2004, and over RM2 billion of taxpayers’ money spent.

The National Service Training programme should be a model of transparency and integrity with a full public accounting of the more than RM2 billion spent in the past four years to prove that every sen had been honestly used for the welfare of the trainees.

I had expressed this concern even before the launching of the national service training programme in 2004. In August 2003, I had warned that the RM500 million national service training programme to start the follow year should be “a model of integrity, accountability and transparency without a whiff of scandal”, raising two specific questions:

  • Firstly, the identity of the private company which had been given the contract to design and implement the computer programme to select 85,000 18-year-olds for the national service training programme, whether there had been an open tender, the value and full details of the contract.
  • Secondly, the full details about the award of the multi-million ringgit contract for the uniforms for 100,000 recruits for the national service training programme every year, and whether there was an open tender exercise.

As the Defence Minister in direct charge of the national service training programme, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should present a White Paper at next week’s Parliament to give a detailed breakdown of the RM500 million expenditure a year since 2004 for the national service training programme, showing what, how, where, who and when expenditures under the programme were made.

Had the National Service Training Council ever focused on the accountability, transparency and integrity of the national service training programme, spending over RM2 billion since its inception?

The time has come for a total review of the national service training programme, including:

  • The defects, flaws, mishaps, crimes and tragedies of the national service training programme since its inception and costing RM500 million a year;
  • End the cult of secrecy and to allow elected representatives free and full access to the training camps to allay parental concerns about the welfare and safety of their children.
  • End the misnomer of calling it a “national service” programme as it has nothing to do with national defence or fighting a war but to instill national unity, patriotism and discipline.

Confucius had had warned 2,500 years ago when he said:

“If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. hence, there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above everything.”

The appropriate term is not “national service training programme” but “national youth service training programme” with the objectives of inculcating national unity, patriotism and discipline.

But even for the limited objective of the national youth service training programme to inculcate national unity, patriotism and discipline, a review must be done whether such limited goals had been achieved and whether such a programme should be organized for all students during their school years instead of have a very costly and most dubious one affecting only one-fifth of school-leavers.

40 Replies to “RM2 billion spent on National Service – be a model of integrity”

  1. KIT:

    I can understand your concern but the NATIONAL SERVICE is a great idea. Many developed countries including our neighbour SINGAPORE have long started implementing this fantastic program. This program helps Malaysian teenagers to be more equipped with the fundamentals of being independent, being a survivor & also helps one to be alot tougher & stronger.

    No doubt there have been a BIG HOO-HAA over the entire program but how can we say it’s the GOVERNMENT’s fault??? We have to admit Malaysia is just a YOUNG BOY & there are abundance of things to be improve & develop. For a YOUNG BOY growing to become a MAN, there will always be setbacks, falls & injuries. Infact, we learn from past mistakes which will only makes us stronger & wiser. I believe you have suffered many setbacks & injuries since being a YOUNG LIM KIT SIANG, right???

    Come’on…let’s take this issue sensibly. You should be wise enough to look at the whole picture like an adult. What you have posted sounded very CHILDISH & NAIVE. If wasn’t for your name, I would have thought it was posted by a PRIMARY SCHOOL KID learning about politics.

    I’ve noted you belong to the Opposition & the things an Opposition party does are harping on the slightest setback caused by the ruling party. However before we harp on anything, please kindly look at it from a WISEMAN point of view. Harping on the smallest setback will only make you look like a OLD GRUMPY UNCLE grumbling about the price of chicken that went up. Perhaps, you are really OLD now & I reckon you to leave more important things to the younger generations.

    Your time is up & why not enjoy retirement. If you still have that little energy left & you don’t know how to use it….I reckon you go shop for a COFFIN. Afterall, I foresee you will be sleeping in one very, very, very soon. I hope you had enjoy life but sadly you will DIE as a LOSER. You have achieved NOTHING despite trying so hard. You have been in jail & you are NOT even a DATUK for all your contributions. If one don’t call you a LOSER, one will definately call you a FAILING WANKER.

    KIT: It’s better to die a WISEMAN than to die a DUMB MAN.

  2. Now if we reduce the training to 1 month and we can increase the intake by three times and this will cover more youths.

    Merely training 10 to 15% of the youths will not help national unity much.

    The Outward Bound Schools have fantastic 28-day camps that mould character and leadership.

    Why spend 45% of the time doing military exercises as mentioned by the NSTB Chairman? Will that increase interaction among races like “Don’t step on my toes?”

    With a shorter 1 month program, possibly 70% of the uniforms can be reused for 2 or 3 intakes. Trainees can take back one set as a souvenir.

  3. “As the Defence Minister in direct charge of the national service training programme, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should present a White Paper at next week’s Parliament to give a detailed breakdown of the RM500 million expenditure a year since 2004 for the national service training programme, showing what, how, where, who and when expenditures under the programme were made. ” – LKS

    And he should declare if Rosmah had directly or indirectly benefited in any of the contracts under the programe.

  4. Sorry my mistake in reading the numbers. The RM2b is amount spent to date.

    Do we really need a computer program to conduct the draw?
    If we want 20% from each state, all we need are the numbers 0 to 9 with even numbers and odd numbers in different bags.

    The draw can be held in a public place and widely publicised so members of the public can attend.

    All the VIP has to do is just draw one number from each bag and that will correspond to all last number of the IC of the the boys and girls who will be called up for NS.

    That will cost a few ringgit for the numbers and the bags that can be used again and perhaps RM200 for the hire of the public venue; drinks and snacks included.

  5. LKS wrote:

    “The National Service Training programme should be a model of transparency and integrity with a full public accounting of the more than RM2 billion spent in the past four years to prove that every sen had been honestly used for the welfare of the trainees.”

    Frankly, no hope! The rumours & track records of all Najib’s ministries, past and present, seems riddled with failures and scandals. Model of transaprency and integrity? Najib promised to release the bumi equity figures – how many months to complete a simple computation? This ‘bloke’ (with due respect or whatever mite of it that’s left!) has never been an icon of integrity or transparency. Period. He is a disgrace to TUN Abdul Razak who would have given him a tight slap (indeed many tight slaps!) for his boo-boos.

  6. Jong Says:

    March 16th, 2007 at 4:48 pm
    “And he should declare if Rosmah had directly or indirectly benefited in any of the contracts under the programe.”

    And he should also declare if Rosmah sat on any of the Ministry’s panels of committees that deliberated on the businesses of NS (as alleged in RPK’s blog by some poster!)

    If these are lies and unfounded rumors, Najib has to categorically slam them down rather than behave as an ostrich with head buried.

  7. Ling_Hee_Leong says:

    “For a YOUNG BOY growing to become a MAN, there will always be setbacks, falls & injuries. Infact, we learn from past mistakes which will only makes us stronger & wiser. I believe you have suffered many setbacks & injuries since being a YOUNG LIM KIT SIANG, right???

    Hi Ling, I hope u r actually the son of the other more famous Ling & not someone trying to ‘hijack’ his name for this scrape of the pen and blogging carousal. And if u r that young man yourself, lesson 101 is to take stock and watch for yr own backside before u open yr salvoes on somebody else and leave yr own backside unprotected.

    Firstly, yr dad ought to be ashamed of you for dragging the coffin to this blog in full view of an entire international community. It’s just not CHINESE and certainly also a disgrace to yr MCA.

    Secondly, if u r indeed that rich son, I suggest u hire a speechwriter to hone yr thoughts and language than to write with such infantilism and in such inane English.

    Thirdly, on the question of integrity and transparency, do u even think u can get on to the starting blocks to be counted? I thought u have had quite a reputation yrself. You see what is whispered in closets do get blasted on rooftops. Oh, btw, the theme in this posting is integrity and transparency if u do not already know – nothing to do with age or coffin!

    Fourthly, when u start comparing NS with Singapore, please don’t just stop there. We can write enough words qnd compare every other Ministry and activity that could stretch all the way from Putrajaya to the Causeway to show why there is shame and suspicion in every dot, comma and other punctuation mark by comparison!

    Fifthly, and finally, (not because I wan’t to stop writing, rather it’s because I’m not sure if u understand at all), the elemental question seems to elude yr big brains. What’s yr beef? Nothing in yr entire misguided posting has anything to support the NS program. The problem, as many of us have been saying all along, is that the NS in its present format and the way it’s been so hastily rushed into implementation smacks of shameless and sordid avarice.

    And, oh, greetings to yr dad! But if u r indeed not the famous namesake, then can the real guy please post a disclaimer on this blog before the world goes on a whacking spree!

  8. Lingheeleong says: Many developed countries including our neighbour SINGAPORE have long started implementing this fantastic program.
    Countries like singapoe, taiwan and israel implements the national service for the defense of their country. They train reserve soldiers. In malaysia, they train for what?? other than a scheme for some connected people to make money from taxpayers, I don’t see any good from this. If malaysia really wants a national service, this should br conducted by the armed forces, not private amateur camp operaters.

  9. Ling Hee Leong is too sarcastics to our honourable YB LIM .You are childish and naive too. National service is meant for as a Chinese saying ‘ Training for years and will use at any times’ but our type of national service is only meant for no purpose ,and many issues has been rose up since the implementation. YB Lim is giving advice and there should be regardless of age. You will be getting old one of these days too ok? we still need YB Lim other wise. Ling Hee Leong, do u think u could do better to bongka those hanky panky infor that creat by the ruling party. U know one needs a guts and prepared to go behind bars ,can u afford ? u must be an underdog of the ruling party otherwise.

  10. What kind of national service is this? How can there be lost of lives with just three months of national service? What kind of compensation for the victims family for lost of their children? Who will pay for it? The government or the camp contractor? And those who committed rape and other criminal offences, what are the statistic and why did it happened, how the government is going to stop it?

    No wonder parent are worry sick about this national service program and made one wonders how many more young Malaysians will end up dead or rape if it is extended to two years. Scrap it, waste of money.

    To promote unity of all races, especially young children please starts at school, scrap NEP, and please don’t haram this and haram that but corruption not haram but halal. Whatever it is, don’t vote racist party like BN, then only racial unity will come true.

  11. To Ling Hee Leong,

    How would you feel if one of your children went to this camp and end up dead or rape? What you meant is like we can sacrifice these young lifes to improve national service, they are not animals you know.

  12. Oppositions do what they do best that is to look at the many faults of the govt and keep em on its toes. Let’s face it, RM2bil is no small amount of money and not when a time when so many areas are neglected in our society. Have we reached the stage whereby we can safely say that all of our children’s education have been providied for by the govt? Look at the many in need. Do we need to send these kids to shoot rubber bullets? What will they achieve by shooting 1 round of ammunition? So that they can go home and tell their parents and friends that they have handle a gun before? For RM2bil spent how come we still hear trainees complaining about the quality of food and training camps conditions being deplorable?

    You have not seen the true picture. ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPERANCY and how this rm2bil was spent. I doubt you are even at the stage where you are paying your taxes yet and thus you dont give a D on how the money is spent! This gross spending is not the first and definitely not the last. It will go on till the day the country is dry and by that it will be too late for us all spare for a few who have pocketed tons to last them a lifetime.

    What are you to do then?


  13. lee hee leong,show some respect to YB LIM.at least he fight for the people also u know why he cant get the datukship because he is from dap.datukship in malaysia is nothing.semua rasuah.even a singer can get datukship.one day u too will be old and go to 6ft underground.YB lim u are the hero to all of us keep fighting.

  14. After more than 10-12 years at school with all the Moral class and agama class…what have we achieved? What makes the Gov think by implementing a 3 months programme will make a big different and that only cover 10-15% of the school leaver? And sadly, some of those NS participants who make it to the University later will be draft into the Biro Tata Negara program to ‘unlearn’ what they learnt during the NS.

  15. Dear Ling Hee Leong, I am not sure from which Ling family you are from but obviously you look like an irrational young man who cannot contain yourself. I hope you will hold on to your horse, else you make yourself look like a loose cannon blasting even at your own shadow. Or a political opponent who runs wild making unreasonable and harsh remarks because this subject is sensitive to you for reason/reasons best known to yourself.

    Leaving the gist of the matters aside, have you heard the little story of the coconut tree where the new fronds laughed at the old fronds but they do not know that they too will also become old one day and drop. Similarly all of us will become old and depart from this world one day, me and you included. Cursing and disparaging like an old woman scorn will not make anybody looks good but more like one who is willful and full of hatred or a lunatic running wild. Also do not forget that God do not subscribe to the FIFO (first in first out) system, hence it does not mean that a person who comes into this world later will not go off first.

    Coming to the gist of the matter, I think all of us are entitled to our opinion. If you do not agree to what is blogged here, please let us share your opinion minus all the disparaging remarks. If you are sincere and people of sound mind, we are all more than pleased to hear from you all the good points of the NS. LKS has his points. I think he is concerned about the readiness of the government in such massive project, the safety of the trainees and how the money are being spent because it is the rakyat’s money and not discounting the ever popular sleight of hands and wetting the feet whenever crossing a river. That is why he is talking about transparency and integrity which I hope you will be braved enough to admit here..

    There are some of the things that I also do not agree with him, example blaming the PM for opening his mouth and causing massive losses among the small punters in the share market. To me such misadventures are self propelled and the principles of “caveat empto” must be applied. You can find my comment in his blog on 6/3/07 under “RM149 billion losses in 5 days-PM/Ministers not stock market consultants”. This goes to prove that it is not necessary that we must agree on everything.

  16. Hello Ling Hee Leong, or whoever you are! Your mudder and your fadder have never tot you how to respect elderly people arhh? If you disagree, just speak out and just be civil about it. No need to use foul language.

    You sound to me as nothing but a spoilt and badly brought-up kid. What to do, your mudder and fadder had no time for you when you were growing up, they were busy seeking rents in projects like this with no integrity, accountability and transparency. Otherwise, where did you get all the money and became a millionaire(billionaire?) at the age of 26 yrs?

  17. “And if u r that young man yourself, lesson 101 is to take stock and watch for yr own backside before u open yr salvoes on somebody else and leave yr own backside unprotected.” Endangered Hornbill

    Who has his backside exposed – and unprotected?? I am dying to meet this guy.

  18. He’s such an insecured bloke with so much hate, probably due to failure and shame that he needs to tear others down.

    Remember the guy allegedly involved in the recent murder case, see how it affects his dotter? Sad. To the rent-seekers out there, search your conscience, stop ploughing the nation’s coffers dry.

  19. There is this saying Ling Hee Leong by Shakespeare ” Men’s evil manners live in brass.. their virtues we write in water” whilst some of the poiltikus of this country are living high on the hog … there are people.. nope.. young adults dying out there just because there is a system which is half- boiled and half-baked .. plus this is only because some hopeless creatures are adapting the half past six attitude…
    Being a women i know how difficult is it for these girls to survive there… back in my Convent days we were strictly told not to go to the loo alone.. and yet P. Prema from Kajang, Selangor was found unconcious in a toilet at Jeram Linang ?? Why cant they be more cautious in taking care of anak orang?? HOw many people have to die in order for you to scrape this whole blunder??
    Despite the growing number of casualities, Bodohland still wants to continue with the programme .. on top of that NR wants to extend it to two years?? First of all.. rectify your poor system and give parents and the society the confidence and assurance that NS training is something to be proud of ie:good food,good hygiene..security and so on.. then we will cerita about the two year extension…
    The rakyat are complaning that there is lack of cultural sensitivity by the organisers.. reluctance in preaparing a proper diet for the Buddhist and Hindus.. how then are you going to cultivate racial integration amongst the students when you guys have been the least considerate??What is semi-value doing?? One of the main objectives of NS is to enhance unity among the multi-racial communities in the country … where is the unity when these children complained that there is lack of multiple races??they are still mixing with their same race, speaking the same language and nothing has changed.. the standard has decayed from day one and again our rakyat’s money is going into somebody’s pocket!!! In my opinion the whole thinggy is going to hell in a hand basket…
    Niamah!! I was disgusted when i had the opportunity to read a blog regarding Malaysian National Service (NS) training camp. Believe it or not,it seems there is a growing record-breaking armpit hair, camp trainers chasing away ‘evil spirits’, kissing your used sanitary pads as a form of punishment (wtf?) – its this a part of the parcel that these kids have to go through..?? Do they deserve this?? do you really think they will come out feeling love for their country and develop positives characteristics?? I doubt it… and ya on second thoughts i think the whole rountine is too ostensible ..and oh no we are no bunch of grumblestilskin .. i think my rectum hurts when i think about this issue… YB dont worry ur on the right track..

  20. I have to agree with Kit 110%.

    No one doubts that the so-called national service program is nothing much more than a money spinner for those well-connected with UMNO – from computers to uniforms etc. There is no doubt that the “national service” was ill conceived, borne out of political expediency rather than any form of planning.

    It is indeed a misnomer when one refers to it as “national service” as it has nothing to do with serving to defend a nation from some foreign enemy. If the enemy is within ourselves and the purpose is to inculcate the spirit of goodwill among the races, that can be done in other ways with a fraction of the cost – and without the needless deaths that we see today. Parents are being made to ‘sacrifice’ the lives of their children needlessly because some politicians feel that it is a ‘small’ price to pay for national unity, patriotism and discipline – as if you can make Malaysians more united, patriotic and disciplined by making them spend three months together learning to drill and live in some camps somewhere.

    Is this not an insult to Malaysians who have lived together for some fifty years and who showed the same spirit of goodwill, patriotism and discipline. They did not spend three months holed up somewhere in training camps. Are these politicians saying that they are not united, disciplined and patriotic?? If so then what business is that of theirs to tell the rest of us that we should be more disciplined, patriotic and united?

    If the idea is to create a national service as a second line of defense in times of war, the experience of countries like the United States, Israel, South Korea should be carefully considered to see how it could apply to Malaysia. Malaysia is unlikely to send troops to fight a foreign war. Neither is the country facing the threat of invasion from any direction – unlike South Korea and Israel.

    Some ‘bright spark’ thought that keeping our youth occupied in this manner would serve as a distraction from the real problems facing the country. And then almost as a afterthought, some ‘brighter sparks’ thought it would not be a bad idea as there is money to be made from the many contracts, ranging from uniforms to computers etc that the government would have to dish out. Who else would they dish out these lucrative contracts to but cronies??

  21. i could have undertstand why Ling_Hee_Leong has wrtie such a stupid reply to this blod, because those who try to cursed people are the one who being cursed before.

    I do believe that uncle kit are oppostion to BN, but he has never stop anyone from giving him any comment, and this is why most of the people are enjoy readin his blog. Comment is good, people learn from mistake, but definitely is not the cursing word like Ling_Hee_Leong.

    I myself also fe;t that NS is not a bad idea but provided it is being taught by the right people. But unfortunately, it somehow we being hear and read from the news is there are creating even more problem than not being involve in NS. One is racist problem, always heard about racial fighting in the camp and the authority are trying to cover it up. Rape case, is sound like NS program is the place where authorities teach our younger to be a gangster or more like to be a good man.

  22. WOW WOW …. Ling_Hee_Leong???!!! I hope you are not the one from MCA. Else, I really don’t know where your father and party members could find to hide their head!!! If you’re not him, then I suggest you don’t hijack his identity just because you don’t have the balls to post comment with your own identity. Your comment is, to put it mildly, uncivilized.

    Comparing NS in M’sia to NS in S’pore is totally different. S’pore need NS (man only, and they are train to become soldier) as they lack defence personnel whereas our NS is basically a ‘rojak’ program that even DPM Najib admit is insufficient to build good character and instil discipline (various newspaper 13/3/07).

    Talking about NS, I have no other choice but to agree with LKS. This program is a big flop that has wasted a lot of the tax-payers money. Although I am not sure if the money would be put to better use if it’s not spend on NS, I still think that NS should be scrapped!! NS was implemented in such a hasty manner, due to reasons only known to the present government. If this program is just to foster national unity, patriotism and discipline, then why waste the resources on the arm training? Skills to use weapons would only create problems when taught to someone without the necessary mindset/discipline. Najib said 3 months is not enough, then why have the 3 months program in the first place? All these shows that this program has not been through the proper planning process and that’s one of the reason why NS has not show the result we expect (is racial unity better now compared to the days before NS?).

    Sometimes, I wonder why do we want to do “funny and meaningless things” just because some bright sparks occur in our brain. Still remember the early days when the Education Ministry was called “Kementerian Pelajaran” back in the 1970s or 80s? Then one fine day, some bright sparks happen in somebody’s brain and the ministry was called “Kementerian Pendidikan” and now we have our “Kementerian Pelajaran” back. Remember that back in early 1990s when 4 years were needed to complete a bachelor degree at our public universities and then one fine day, some bright sparks happened again and now our local graduate can get their degree in 3 years. Then, we produced too many “unemployable” graduates and now we revert back to 4 years. And these are just few of the “bright sparks”. Well, “bright sparks” without proper planning and implementation could only lead to work that is “hangat hangat tahi ayam”. When the “tahi” cool down, we would still be on the same spot.

  23. A few things:
    I am inclined to think this Ling_Hee_Liong poster is not the real McCoy. If he is the real person, how could he dare, as an MCA “bigshot” (perception only?), to even comtemplate trumpeting Spore’s National Service as superior to ours. Suicidal, if he knows what’ll happen to any budding non-UMNO politician wannabe who sing praises for the little red dot.

    While I agree that any poster can choose to post under his/her own name, or a psuedonym, it is unacceptable when a poster takes on a name of another real person, particularly a politician (or one who publically claims to be one).

    I hope, as Endangered Hornbill wrote….. “But if u r indeed not the famous namesake, then can the real guy please post a disclaimer on this blog before the world goes on a whacking spree!…” the REAL “That Father’s Son” will make his presence here to distance hmself.

    Secondly, I dont agree with YB LKS’s alternative name for the program to even be called “”National Youth Service training Program”. Despite lofty objectives of improving national unity, IMHO, the most appropriate name for this is National Youth Camp… the words “National Sevice” is merely to make it appear an element of NATIONAL GOOD is part of the program. I would believe that the only reason for this intentional misrepresentation (call it outright LIES if you feel so inclined) is so that Govt (read: Taxpayers’) monies can be freely and unashamedly expended to connected persons and establishments which are “friendly” to the powers-that-be, all and not just the Defense Ministry. Haven’t we, during the last 2 decades or so, heard of corporates introducing Outward Bound-like outdoor “Management Courses” for their Senior Executives, supposedly experiential learning experiences to make them better Managers? But after attendance, the same lousy managers return to their comfortable corporate offices to continue to facilitate their “can-do” rent-seeking and palm-greasing ways?

    Thirdly, I read Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye’s letters to the editor to The Star, and I am very disappointed that he has now confirmed that even as Chairman, (Non-Executive), he is powerless on the implementation aspects of the program. Why does he seek to be absolved from responsibility, the way he wrote, simply because his Council sets the policies but is, as he claims, let down by the implementators of their policies. For some one so experienced in politics and social activity (I’ve followed his rise since the very early 70’s, very impressive at the beginning, but started downhill since aligning himself with the “Establishment” after departure from DAP) to adopt his “Don’t blame me, I’ve done my part” is truly typical of the govt of recent times – Washing their hands off a problem.

    If Tan Sri is true to himself, as a man with a conscience as he so claims in that letter, he should RESIGN from the Nat Serv Council.

    This National Service issue is but one of many huge symptomatic, and representative, of the whole lot of problems (we know what the other major problems are) the govt has heaped onto itself which is bringing the country down the drain.

  24. The people who mooted this idea of national service to achieve national unity and get rid of social ills within three months must be a ‘genuis’ and should be awarded a ‘No-Brain’ prize.

    If the country is not ready for the so called ‘NS’ in terms of the lack of ‘carefully thought through programme’, infrastructure, trained & skillful trainers etc, then have the moral courage to suspend it!

    Most of the victims are girls. No public inquiries being conducted to assess the deaths…this is not even a real NS programme (non combatan type)

    After 50 years, we have not learnt and grown up as a united nation. Racial and religious walls have not been broken down, deep within. We are more concerned with the externals but there is no depth in national integration. NS to achieve this? The answer is a no brainer.

    As long as politics are based on racial lines, we can expect superficiality in race relation. After 50 yrs, the nation has to adapt to new challenges and humble enough to learn from other more successful countries.

  25. Good Q. Perhaps there is a waiver somewhere in the papers they sign or not sign.

    Still I think there is prima facie evidence of negligence on the part of the government at least in the processing and evaluation to determine if someone is unhealthy and unfit to undergo such training.

  26. I think it is incumbent of parents to get medical certificates to prove that the son or daughter is unhealthy or unfit to undergo such training, not the other way round. If I were the camp organisers, I would make everyone sign the standard disclaimers anyway, so parents should be more proactive and not wait for accidents to happen.

    On the whole, the concept of NS is a good one and I don’t think that the majority is saying otherwise. The implementation is poor, which is everyone’s grouse, but then what else in Bodohland is implemented properly ?

    Ling Hee Leong (probably a fake agent provocateur from BN) is correct in the sense that this is a small problem in the overall scheme of things, and to harp on this all the time smacks of “whingeing” or “desperation”. Move on to bigger things, folks.

  27. “I would gladly be slapped with the RM3,000 fine rather than be compensated the same amount for the untimely death of my son or daughter.”

    So well said, and I totally agree. I would just pay the RM3,000 !

  28. What is so good about the NS training camp when public policies are bias, not transparent and corrupted?

    It would be a waste of money. This is because, money spent on the training camp. When these non-bumiputra young people grow up, they would face the bias policies on them especially university intake.

    After that, when they work and drive on Malaysian roads, they would know what are transparency and corrupted.

  29. Upon checking the e-encyclopedia, national service is a common name for compulsory or voluntary military service programs or conscription. It is still currently used in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Israel, Taiwan, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, and Switzerland. Except for Russia, the other countries are not big in size and they do need the extra military power should it be necessary. Do you get the impression that Malaysia is threatened in one way or another ? Do the young people who enter National Service know it or are they being naive and think that this is just one of the ways to show their love for Malaysia ? Is this the politicians’ way of competition because this is what they are expected to ?

    Healthy girls can go into the National Service training. To make sure they are safe morally, the instructors should be all healthy females too.

    Both the male and the female instructors are preferably from an armed unit; be it soldier, police, RELA etc. etc.

    However, if you separate the girls and the boys, will the girls ever know they are as good as the boys in this present age ? Or will they continue to call on the boys to do rough, heavy activities while they are satisfied with doing only the soft, light ones ? On the other hand, will the boys ever know what the girls are made of ?

    Concerning the deaths of some National Service trainees, public service doctors are overworked. They probably dismiss any problem that only occurs once in a while. Most parents take care of their own children. They are the ones who know what the child can do and what the child cannot do. Therefore if they think that they cannot agree with the doctor’s decision, they should seek a second opinion. Some parents are over protective and they themselves need to see a counsellor for that matter. For kids without adult’s supervision for example like the orphans or kids from broken families, they are left at the mercy of the doctors to examine them carefully before giving them a clean bill of health.

    I think Malaysia has the money. Not too much. But enough. However even the enough is going into the wrong places. Again you need leaders with a conscience for the well being of Malaysia.

  30. National Service is partially designe as a skim cepat kaya from the start. dishing out bits and pieces here and there to cronies and family members to eat a piece of the RM500million a year pie.

    During the Johor big flood, even if the parents allow for (the grads of NS) – could they really be rallied effectively to help out?

    Being well trained from involvement of uniformed bodies back in schooling times – I am more well-moulded through those activities. Habits, behaviours don’t change in 3 months. miracles and breakthrough never happens in 3 months that fast.

    hence, it still is a good money making opportunity for those properly alligned to the stars.

  31. National Service ala Singapore variety was never in our agenda. We don’t have a siege mentality thinking that we’re surrounded by potential enemies.

    Most important, the Malay dominant government will not countenance the prospect of non malays being trained to carry and use arms.

    Yet we have this 3 month stint of national service.

    Somebody must have had this brain wave that there’s a lot of money for cronies to make from RM2 billion spent on the programme. There’s uniforms and food to be supplied, training facilities to be provided, camps to be set up. And all these lucrative contracts can be awarded once natiuonal service can be forced down people’s throat under the pretext and high sounding justification of patriotism. What deviousness!

    Shabby conditions, poor training facilities, poor food in NS camps in testify the need to keep costs down and the profit margin up for sharing between parties. Instances of drowning, a rape allegation, brawls and other violence, a break-in, gangsterism and deaths show the quality or poor quality of supervision and the lack of professionalism of trainers, also in part for same reason of keeping costs down and profit margin up but all at our expense at the risks to which our children are exposed.

    Stop the hypocrisy that national service is intended to inculcate racial harmony and unite the people of different races when government policies of bumiputra versus non bumiputra continually divide the people at every level.

  32. I wonder have you read about Mr Lee’s “passionate defense” of himself at The Star and NST. http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/nst/Friday/Letters/20070316085712/Article/index_html

    There are so many flaws in his argument that it doesn’t require a person with much intelligence to point out!

    1. He mentioned he has been doing National Service for 40 years. I suppose he meant being a MP at Bukit Nenas and Bukit Bintang counts as National Service. Very well, I agree that NS doesn’t mean going to a stupid camp for 3 months.

    Being a MP is a NS, so are everyone else, like doctors, teachers, lawyers, managers, or even housewives! They are mixing and working for people from all different races. Isn’t this national service?

    I say, no need to have a 3 month NS. Scrap it, so that money can be allocated for a life-long NS! (I mean, really serving the nation, not going to a stupid 3 month camp)

    2. Mr Lee is boasting about how hardworking he is. But hardworking DOES NOT equate to competence! And I don’t see why he should brag about helping parents, giving advice etc. Isn’t that in his job description? Should a doctor brag for being in hospital from 8 to 5 treating patients, or should a teacher brag for attending all the classes he is supposed to teach? NO! It is exceptional service alone that deserves boasting. From the poor track record of NS, I think his boasting is totally unjustified.

    3. He is talking passionately about conscience, about how full of conscience he is! May I point an example, Adolf Hitler? Hitler, as his aides describes him, till his very last breath, still thinks he is right! So, Mr Lee, may I point out nicely to you that, even if your conscience doesn’t condemn you, the public, the world will?

    I rest my case.

  33. IIANM just paying RM3000 fine will end end the matter.

    You are still not excused/exempted from the training.
    Guess NS could be an important plank for the opposition to exploit during the next elections.

    I think there are enough issues with the present NS for the opposition to propose a better scheme like a one-month scheme for ALL youths and also getting secondary school kids to take part in a uniformed group in schools to develop better racial harmony and discipline.

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