Corruption ranking – Malaysia heading south: No 50 in TI CPI 2007 on Malaysia’s 50th national anniversary?

Corruption Ranking 2007

More bad news for the country and the 40-month Abdullah premiership on the anti-corruption front, although some media, whether intentionally or otherwise, seems to be presenting it as a plus and positive for Malaysia.

The Hong Kong-based Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) 2007 corruption table in Asia, which is released every year based on a poll of expatriates working in Asia on their perceptions on corruption, is bad and grim news for all Malaysians concerned about national integrity, good governance and international competitiveness.

In a grading system with zero as the best possible score and 10 as the worst, Malaysia was ranked sixth in Asia with a score of 6.25 by PERC Corruption Asia 2007.

In 1996, Malaysia was ranked No. 4 with a score of 5, a reflection of the relentless deterioration of the corruption problem in the country over the years.

As the PERC annual corruption ranking is one of the polls used by Transparency International (TI) for its annual Corruption Perception Index (CPI), this is very bad news as the PERC 2007 Corruption Table is a forewarning that Malaysia is heading south towards No. 50 placing in TI CPI 2007 on the occasion of Malaysia’s 50th Merdeka anniversary this year.

There are many grim warnings from the 2007 PERC Corruption Table (Asia) that Malaysia is losing out in our international competitiveness because of our failure to enhance our good governance indicators, particularly in the war against corruption.

It will not be long before Malaysia slips further in the Asian and international corruption rankings, as we are also losing out to China and India.

In 1996, China was ranked the No.12 in Asia with a score of 8, but it has now leapt to No. 7, breathing down the neck of Malaysia, with a score of 6.29, only 0.04 marginally less than Malaysia’s score of 6.25. India was ranked No. 8 with a score of 6.86 in 1996, and although it is ranked No. 9, its score has improved to 6.67, or 0.42 behind Malaysia.

If Malaysia does not pull up our bootstraps in the fight against corruption, we will soon be losing out to China and India — and it must be regarded as a national shame and tragedy if in any future international corruption ranking, Malaysia is regarded as so corrupt as even to lose out to China and India!

45 Replies to “Corruption ranking – Malaysia heading south: No 50 in TI CPI 2007 on Malaysia’s 50th national anniversary?”

  1. “anti-rasuah” or “Nanti-rasuah”
    dunno how many times i heard this, traffic police or just normal police stop the car. “saya tidak rasuah, i tak nak duit u, tapi kalau boleh, senang.. tak payah bagi saman. bukan rasuah, atasan nak”

    i believe sure, some of them will say that the way the do this ranking got problems, the score system they use cannot implement on malaysia…. all sort of excuses.

  2. With his head in the sand, our zzzzzzzzzzzPM, will again say that is only perception and not reality. He will NEVER accept this ranking.
    To me the reality is we should go down lower than 50.
    In fact we are heading south on all fronts. You name it.

  3. Malaysia’s corruption sickness is so deeply entrenched that it is like the story of the Aegean stables. We need a Herculean effort to clean it. That has to come from the next GE.

    It is not surprising that Malaysia will eventually lose to China and India in the Corruption Index. China and India has shown a strong will to bring its corrupted officials to justice whatever their ranks. Here, we dare not even touch a UMNO divisional head. This lack of will to tackle the problem is sending the message to the public it is OK to be corrupted. Or maybe the lack of will is due to some compelling reasons?

  4. I might add. I was once told by an ACA officer that he would have to close the entire department down if he wants to take serious action when I mentioned about the widespread corruption in that dept. That is why they only act if there is a complaint. They simply cannot afford to put the whole bunch in jail or the dept would be paralysed. But this would be the case going by the corruption levels in that dept.

  5. The New Straits Times looks at this news from a different angle. It highlights the fact that the Philippines is the worst, followed by Thailand and Indonesia etc. They want us to see that we are not that bad after all. They even have a graph showing the up and down scores over the years, but conveniently ommitting Malaysia from that graph!

  6. I got this through the email. It’s simply hilarious. Sharing the fun with you all. Am reminded how aptly it portrays Pak Lah & the entire BN administration!!! To get rid of the elements ‘governmentium’ and ‘administratium’, vote BN out in the next GE.

    Subject: Scientific breakthrough

    A major research institution has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest chemical element yet known to science. The new element has been tentatively named Governmentium.

    “Governmentium has one neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 11 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.

    “These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert.

    “However, it can be detected as it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of Governmentium causes one reaction to take four days to complete when it would normally take less than a second. Some scientists speculate that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as Critical Morass.

    “When catalyzed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium – an element which radiates just as much energy since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons.”

  7. A criminal is heading the ACA. A crook is running the Internal Security Ministry. Better let Kasitah Gaddam be Bank Negara Director General or appoint a lunatic to be in charge of the Hospital Bahagia in Tanjung Rambutan– when the wrong people are put in charge, all the wrong things and worse will definitely happen. The Germans gave citizenship to the Austrian rabble-rouser Adolf Hitler and see what he did to Europe. In the same way, Malaysians gave their vote to Abdullah in 2004 and look at the terrible mess we are in now.

  8. This is an abstract of the report by the China’s procurator-general (our Malaysian equivalent of head of ACA) about the result of the anti-corruption campaign of 2006 in China:-

    BEIJING, March 13 2007 (Xinhua) — China’s procurator-general said here on Tuesday that …………………………………………
    According to the top prosecutor, 40,041 government employees were probed by prosecutors in 2006 for 33,669 cases involving corruption, bribery and dereliction of duty, of whom 29,966 were brought to court.
    The procuratorial organs investigated a total of 18,241 major job-related criminal cases, 623 of them each involving graft and bribery of more than 1 million yuan (128,000 U.S. dollars).
    Last year, Jia said, Chinese prosecutors investigated 2,736 government officials above the county level, including 202 at the prefecture level and six at the provincial or ministerial level.
    In a report on the work of the Supreme People’s Court delivered to the lawmakers prior to Jia’s report, top judge Xiao Yang said Chinese courts sentenced 825 government officials above the county level, including 9 provincial- and ministerial-level officials, after convicting them of job-related crimes in the past year.
    The procuratorial organs also collaborated with the police to apprehend 1,670 fugitives suspected of job-related crimes in 2006,a sharp increase of 137.6 percent year on year, Jia said.
    Crackdown on commercial bribery was intensified in 2006, he said, adding that a total of 9,582 commercial bribery cases involving government employees were investigated, involving more than 1.5 billion yuan.
    As a result of tightened legal supervision over the litigation process, the procuratorial organs in 2006 corrected illegally prolonged detention cases involving 233 people, and lodged 3,161 protests against wrong criminal verdicts of the court.
    “A total of 2,987 judicial workers were probed for power abuse and taking bribes,” said the procurator-general……………………………………………………………….


    If an outsider were to read China’s procurator-general report, he or she would get the perception that:-

    1) China admit that there is a corruption problem;
    2) They are seems to be determined to do something about it;
    3) They are not shy in prosecuting.

    And compare this to Malaysia, where her ACA head is under investigation for corruption, the PM has come up with comments like “need more evidence”, “85% of ACA case proved baseless” etc…………. Now, is it surprising that China is heading north and Malaysia is heading south in the Corruption ranking?

  9. This is the worst it should be, stop it right now or anything worst than this will be a national disaster. I couldn’t imagine what will happen to my country in the next 5 years, but I hope it will get better.

    Malaysian shouldn’t be afraid of voting out BN and vote in the opposition party as new government. If this PM don’t do his job we should sack him. The power is in our hand, they are civil servants remember? Not Kings and Queens of our country. This has nothing to do with race, all Malaysian regardless of race must be smart enough to know and understood that we must elect a government that works for the people, and not otherwise. The new government that can anwer to the people, and be responsible for their live and future. Who want a government that failed to deliver be it Malay, Chinese or Indian government? Many failed to understand that we are losing out big time if we continue with this government, chances have been given, mistakes has been forgiven and forgotten even, but no! Only more mistakes and scandals one after another. It looks like we will die an eventual slow death, why not just try another antidote, what have you got to lose? Vote the oppositions.

  10. ”Opus DEi” (Work of God) this is what they will tell us when we demand a reason… Are we really comparing our selves to India and China in terms of corruption?? After visiting the country i know how bad is the corruption in India.. our ancestors have atleast played a vital role in narrating this corrupted stories to us… there it doesnt start with politicians its starts with beggars on the street .. mind you all , they even have beggars association and they demand that you give them the $$$$…(pathethically they are physically and mentally fine) and to compare BOdohland with these nation shows how desperate we are…the only phrase that these morons know is “Show me the money” and “No money no talk” are these people mentally challenged?? Not that i have anything against disabled people but their incompetence have cease to make an impression.. What are the POlitikus arses doin?? Cant they atleast deprecate towards the whole corruption thinging .. on second thoughts why bother because they all have that “tidak apa” and half past six attitude.. you question them they fire you.. they have once again proved that they are incorrigible and always want to save their water face and protect their precious rice bowl… Malaysia is back to the Zaman Jahiliyah where people gamble and corrupt themselves to the core.. and we are filled with feudalism minded people… who constantly want to live under the coconut shell…bukala mata sikit oiiiii!!!
    These people are clearly not performing their duty as it was originally intended to…or performing them in an improper way, to the detriment of the system’s original purpose .. and make Malaysians look like a fool… its not EYE on MALAYSIA its EYE on CORRUPted NATion…. not only are they corrupted they have masuk kaki dalam mulut syndrome (foot in the mouth sydrome la)

    Wikipedia definition of Political corruption: corruption of a political system where public officials seek illegitimate personal gain through actions such as bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, graft, and embezzlement… whereby our rakyat’s money goes right into their pocket… if we question… ISA la OSA la…” i’m not a dracula la” “i’m not a bad boy la” EXCUSES….EXCUSES….EXCUSES… for once we want some answers… dont give us that myopic attitude that suckz… we have no time to whinge is just that we are fed up… Qing Rang Yi XIA …the goverment should be of the people, by the people and for the people.. not a 5.5 million goverment… they are just not indefatigable… infact they are more keen on being the number one corrupted country… Talking about policemen… lagi teruk… during festive season those people who jay walk ha… i’m not talking about drivers.. jay walkers got saman for 50 dollars… haiyoo….. my friend once said he actually got away from being booked by giving “CIKGU” 5 dollars??? NIAMAH!!!!!!! I rest my case la… Uncle KIT Plz don make life any easier for these ppl…

  11. JIT. Just in Time. Didnt our PM said that we should be aiming for the world right and Msia Boleh right after the Msian Doubles pair won the All-England title? Now we are courtesy of our very own govt. We really got their attention. Really towering Msians! See how high we can go in the ranking next year.

  12. We can stop talking about corruption since it is a sin all over. However, many may agree that corruption could be a good thing if that is the way of living on earth.

    Just imagine, you return from overseas and the uniform man asks you – ” have you bought foreign goods of RM500 and above ? ” Sure ! He would contiune the usual questioning. There may have several types of responses.

    To ensure fast exit from the airport, one would likely wish to pay a small amount, say, RM50 and that would end the meeting with the blue uniform man. Would you pay ? I would, surely.

    Why ? I would treat this as my cost for the trip and I would try to recover that payment in various ways, right ?

    Ha ha, PM has indicated that there will be a salary increase. That could be the easiest way to recoup the RM50 and the list goes on.

    ON the other hand, if there is no payment of RM50, life may be difficult – open your bags for inspection, etc – all end up paying much more. Who benfitted the larger payment ? Who suffered at the end ?

    Isn’t corruption a good thing ?

  13. No naming of top student this year


    This, it says, is because all the top scorers have their own strengths and weaknesses.

    “We have 105 candidates who performed very well,” director-general Datuk Dr Ahamad Sipon said when announcing the analysis of the results at the ministry yesterday.

    “One hundred of them are the best among those who obtained 1As in all subjects taken while five are special students with between five As and nine As.”

    Asked if Yeo Jie Ming from Bukit Mertajam High School in Penang was the best overall student, being the only one with 16 1As, he said this was not necessarily the case as the ministry looked at the raw scores.

    Malaysian Examinations Syndicate director Datuk Dr Adi Badiozaman Tuah stressed that it would be unfair to name one student as the best since all 105 had their strengths and weaknesses.

    Dr Ahamad also said the ministry would prefer students not to take more than 12 subjects.

    He said the trend of taking many subjects was meaningless.

    “If a student takes Biology, Chemistry and Physics, there is no point in taking General Science too as its syllabus is more basic compared with the three subjects,” he said.

    He also said girls did better than boys on the whole but declined to reveal the breakdown.

    Will that because of BUKIT MERTAJAM parliment seat is under DAP and the best student is a CHINESE. Our director-general is trying to skip to admit the fact?!!
    Decline to reveal the breakdown?


  14. VoteDAP Says:

    March 14th, 2007 at 1:58 pm
    No naming of top student this year

    VoteDAP, I always get the sneaky dirty feeling that this BN ‘administratium’ keeps shifting the goalpost all the time!

    They don’t use the same yardstick whether it is in education ( be it Yeo Jie Ming or Terrence Gomez or scholarships or university admissions) or Sports (be it Koo Tien Keat/Tan Boon Heong) or whatever….

    This is why ‘VoteDAP’, we should just go out and Vote DAP for a universally level playing field.

  15. Our half past 6 leaders are well known for only one thing : They will accept results that are positive and deny/defend results that are negative (ala this corruption index, university ranking competetiveness etc)

    Some years back, Standards and Poor downgraded the investment climate rating for Malangsai. Our leaders reacted by stating that the company’s research data are consistent with the company’s name!

  16. Anti rasuah?may be should have start among forummer here.

    i have never pay rasuah whenever i have been stop by police be it speeding(most of the time) or some little mod to my car(anyhow not the type like you normally see around Jinjang, mine is just a little), pay the summon, contribute to government, support economy growth. Anyway, the really best part you dont pay rasuah is, most of the time they will ask the amount almost 60% of your fine, if you pay now, then u spend money spot. If you got the summon, you have some 1 r 2 months to attend to court where the fine will be slightly less than actual fine to have to pay. OR if you dont attend to court on the day it specified wait after one year, bring the ticket to police station, tell any of the police on duty, ask them to pay on behalf, you’ll get a huge discount. OR wait after 2 or 3 year, someone who are good to hacked into government server delete all the databse of traffic offence, you dont have to pay a single cent. OR even if warrant issue against you, there are still a room for you to negotiate the amount(i think that time is already 4 or 5 years), if you are care bout time value of money than what you have pay after 5 years is certainly worth more than you pay rasuah on the spot. If you really so SUI you pay more after 5 years, i rather pay to government than pay as rasuah.

  17. ‘Anak Mahathir mendapat lebih dari anak saya’ once claim by Pak Dollah. just imagine and what will be your perception on that!
    well, it is already a disease that no more cure just wait and die lah!

  18. We have to be fair to everyone. Anti Corruption Agency does carry out its’ duties. Most of the cases are small and big but not as big as those reported but with no action taken. Some of these cases are more like warnings to those who can flex their muscles to tell them to stop doing what they are doing before it is too late. We cannot be too paranoid over money be it big amount or small amount or else we will be putting unnecessary fear into people’s hearts for example the heads of units. And when they are afraid, they would not do anything that will jeopardize their own future. This would turn them into hesitant, unwilling, uncooperative people and if you have this sort of people in the public service, you are going to get a lot of bottle necks, inefficient and dull employees. With e finance transaction that is going to be well establised in the public service, sometimes it makes you really wonder from where the money comes from and to whom does the money go to. Where are the documents of proof ? Only those who have access to this e finance transaction will be involved. Are they involved legitimately or somehow they too wonder about the deposit in their savings’ account ?

  19. It happen to Malaysia.

    Those who have the power in hand would be the rasuah king.

    And the funny is in Malaysia rasuah case is just happen from orang atas down till the normal civil servant.
    Chines people said “Da Siao Tung Chi”, in english, big or small also makan duit.

  20. There will be no slowing down on the proliferation of corruption let alone containing it. What we are hearing form them the rhetoric of fighting against corruption, caring government ( see todays star in bold prints on page N4 “Govt is people-centred”) and all the jest, are just to make themselves look good and feel good; beyond that nothing moves and even if it moves it is moving in the wrong direction.

    Let me put this categorically once and for all and let them hear this loud and clear. Nothing will move if corruption is not removed. Corruption is the stumbling block for everything that are good for the rakyat and the country. Good Governance cannot surface with corruption running parallel because the former subscribes to the believe of god and the latter to the believe of devils. Unfortunately for the rakyat we had a government with most of the leaders and their close associates and cronies subscribed to the believe of devils. These leaders and corruption are intertwined so closely and amorously that even a hurricane will find it difficult to blow them apart. The greedy has become more greedy no amount of the ill gotten gains will satisfy them.

    The worst thing is such devils in disguise are pretending to hype about combating corruption but at the back room and sometimes with the help of back room boys are plundering the nation as though there is no tomorrow.

  21. “Governmentium has one neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 11 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.

    “These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons…” HORNBILL

    Good one Hornbill! Like I said in the earlier thread, you’ve given very penetrating views and we are all the richer for them. Thank you – and keep it up.

    Things are so bad in Malaysia we need a steady dose of humor to keep our sanity intact.

  22. Umno Vision 2020 Dream will Never Be A Reality As Umno Is Corrupted To Its Core Uncotrollably Even an Uncontrllable Small Rich Natural Resources Nation TI Lost to Greater China 1.3Billion citizens..>Absolutely Umno Vision Is Totally Dead / No Surprise at ALL Why??? Umno 50 yrs National history Abused of Constitutionals Rights ,Massive InJustice Previleges ,..Auto-Immunity to politicians.
    In general these Umnoputras Nepotism Political Party members have immunity for actions they carry out and speeches made in performance of their duties, in order to prevent politically motivated legal attacks without limitations. …Illegals/Immorale Corruptions Of ALL SORTs,Styles,Political Policies Means, and Ways such as OSA Unlawful Political Mortivated Official Rubbishing Doc Acts ,RHB,Bumi Banks,Proton Hicom ,Showcase Pet Tower,Cyberjaya ,all Institutions…many more which Had Been Deeply Rooted within these Umnoputras Blood Thirsty Politicains and Keris Kakisputras since Merdeka Too Horrendous beyond ACA Puppet Control
    Rakyats ..Look >>This Immunity should protect the office that the politician holds – not the politicians – as a means of guaranteeing the continuity of the office and the separation between the executive, legislature and judiciary. …Immunity should not be a shield against justice…. In Umno Ruled Govt immunity is Priortised when a politician is caught with Sinful Misdeed, and there are typically procedures through which immunity can be lifted for serious crimes such as high treason, abuse of power or gross mismanagement in office. …Inorder for their Politcal Party Survival Reputation /Integrity.
    >>>Rakyats These Are Illegals Discriminations ,Totally Intolerance towards Civil Soceity

  23. CHINA is moving from Worst to Mama.
    But Malaysia is moving just the opposite way from Mama to WORST.

    If you look at the figure CHINA score 6.29 and Malaysia is 6.25, which means WE ARE the same level now. Really Sad to see such results reported by PERC.

    What’s wrong to BN or ABB leadership? SOMETIME is not doing correctly….DO SOMETHING…… HELP Malaysian….

  24. It is a good matching figure of 50 for the fiftieth independence remembrance year for Malaysia.

    Why Singapore and Hong Kong can consistently stay at the top 3 positions of being the cleanest country? Even Taiwan and now China is winning the war against corruption and are moving northwards, whilst Malaysia keeping sliding south happily!!

    These countries, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China Macau etc… are all Chinese majority countries.

    Theirs laws are firm against corruption, their punishment are severe and merciless and their enforcement is effective with no political patronage or meddling by unseen hands, unlike what happens in Malaysia.

  25. “On the other hand, if there is no payment of RM50, life may be difficult – open your bags for inspection, etc – all end up paying much more. Isn’t corruption a good thing ?” Ah Lau

    That’s why the giving of bribes is a crime along with its solicitation – but enforcement is focusing only on the solicitation. Both must be punished.

  26. “The government loses a lot of revenue from corruption.” – Undergrad2

    :) you forgot to mention that….

    “The public servants has much to gain from corruption.”

    :) :)

  27. The New Economic Policy and the programs under its purview accounts for almost all the sources of corruption in Malaysia. The only reason why UMNO continue to push for its continuation is to protect the selfish interest of the few in UMNO. In the meantime, the state of poverty among all races remains almost unchanged. NEP has to go, and the only way to do that is to remove UMNO and its puppets from the government. Vote wisely.

  28. UMNO will say ‘rubbish’ to the report/survey.
    BN will say ‘we are not too bad. We are better than Indonesia and Phillipines’
    DAP will say ‘ this is serious. Let us improve on it and let us get rid of UMNOputra’

    Choose one from the above in the next GE

  29. Many of the expatriates are not dealing with local council or government offices or police, etc. because many of them are working at ESTABLISHED multi national corporations driving nice cars and living in expensive housing area.

    So, these expatriates are not giving the true picture of Malaysian corruption. In fact, it is worse than as listed! The mark could be higher!

  30. If you cant beat them join them. Semua di Malaysia boleh la……

    After all CORRUPTION is the lifeblood of Malaysia and you cut the lifeblood, you cut LIFE in Malaysia.

    It has been going on ever since, with everybody enjoying a piece of the cake. THINK ABOUT IT….

    ……EVERYBODY OWNS A CAR sometimes two to three cars in one
    ……EVERYBODY OWNS A CELL PHONE if not more than one
    sometimes two to a person
    COUNTRIES, but LOCAL TOURS within affordable budgets


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