ACA trying to derail task force investigations into ACA chief’s corruption allegations?

Investigations into the serious corruption allegations against the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) director general Datuk Seri Zulkipli Mat Noor is getting even more curiouser and curiouser by the day.

The attempt by ACA’s former Disciplinary Management Centre chief and currently ACA Negri Sembilan director, Halim Ibrahim to publicly exonerate the ACA chief by revealing details of Zulkipli’s various declaration of assets in public service is not only most unusual, unprecedented but questionable.

Is the ACA trying to derail and sabotage task force investigations into serious corruption allegations against ACA chief by unilaterally releasing unverified information about Zulkifli’s assets declarations?

The Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan had announced on Friday that a special task force comprising senior police officers and deputy public prosecutors and excluding the ACA will investigate the serious corruption allegations against Zulkipli. Its first task is to check with all relevant departments, agencies and the Securities Commission for records of businesses, licences, properties, assets or shares related to Zulkipli.

Musa added: “While the task force is now doing through records of his properties, I am waiting for the financial analysis on the properties he has declared.

“The task force is also checking on what Zulkipli has declared and how much the properties are worth. We will then tailor our investigations according to the Attorney-General’s advice.”

Musa’s seems to have set out a term of reference for the special task force which is very much narrower and restricted than one spelt out by the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail last Wednesday when he publicly directed the police to “speed up” investigations into the serious corruption allegations against Zulkipli. (NST 1.3.07)

Gani had said the investigations would include checks against the asset declarations made by Zulkipli, and comparing the asset declarations as to how one pays or finances one’s properties.

He said: “Such investigations would include checks on the financial position of one’s family members to ascertain their contribution to the household income.”

In this connection, in the interests of accountability, transparency and integrity as well as public confidence in the investigations into the serious corruption allegations against Zulkipli, the composition of the special task force and who is heading the investigation should be publicly announced.

7 Replies to “ACA trying to derail task force investigations into ACA chief’s corruption allegations?”

  1. The Police say that the ACA is slow. The ACA says that the AG’s Chambers is slow. The AG says that the Police are slow. No wonder AAB is still sleeping…..

    In the meantime, the stealing continues.

  2. Not only Royal Commision of inquiry must be set up to look into corupt practice , we also need a special court just to try tose corrupted politicians and also a special jail just for the corrupted politicians and civil servants.
    Not a single day passed by without any mention of corrupt practices on the part of politicians and civil servants.

    As for the special prison, I propose Pudu jail can be reconverted to house them. Hope it is big enough to accomodate the ever increasing number of corrupts!!!

  3. I am really puzzled by the turns of events in the Police, Home Ministry and ACA.

    Is there a leader or not?
    Who is accountable to who?
    SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) after 50 years of running the country ourselves, there is not one in place?

    Absolutely ridiculous.

  4. If I were the head of Anti-Vice in Bukit Aman, I would park my funds off-shore and invest in off-shore. What I would never do is to remit the funds back to my grandmother in Malaysia.

  5. There cannot be organized vice without collusion by the police. This is true all over the world – especially in Muslim Malaysia. Health Centres are euphemism for brothels and they have been around for the last forty years.

    Once in a while they would conduct ‘raids’ after informing the owners of these establishments especially if they are in five star hotels.

    We hear a highly placed politician being bribed into releasing some individuals for the sum of some RM5 million. That is only a drop in the bucket – a very small price to pay.

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