Mysterious explosion in Shah Alam on 1.3.07

Mysterious explosion in Shah Alam on 1.3.07

Cel emailed about a huge factory explosion in Shah Alam last Thursday:

On March 1st, there was a huge factory explosion in Shah Alam. However, after searching through the local newspapers for news about it for the past two days, we’ve found none. There was no mention of anything regarding that incident.

Here are the video footage of the explosions.

Dear sir, if you want to post this in your blog, please don’t reveal my name or e-mail address. Thanks.

Anyone who knows anything about this mysterious explosion in Shah Alam?

19 Replies to “Mysterious explosion in Shah Alam on 1.3.07”

  1. Spectacular!!

    Our own Malaysian Roswell? There 1947, here 2007!! Wow!!

    The largest of the blasts, really huge – maybe full dress rehearsal/practice run to downsize (eliminate??) the oversized cabinet. And especially, surely, it has been learnt now not to leave even the tiniest bone fragments?

    The mainstream press? Self-censor, not just on political issues unfavourable to the govt, it would seem.

    On the 2nd video, the voice is heard that he couldn’t get thru to Bomba…!!!! WTF is wrong with our emergency lines? Surely even if many are trying to get thru around the same time, line congestion cannot be an excuse in times of emergencies. Quote: “NIAMAH!!” Unquote.

    Wait a minute – maybe this one IS in some way sensitive or linked to the political/corporate/business web of intrigue? If an MNC is affected, bye-bye FDI. Happened in the country’s 1st “developed” state, too!!

  2. This explosion must be something bad for the govt else it would have been reported. They thought that if the rakyat doesn’t see it in the papers, then nobody knows. However, in the current era, other rakyat are capturing it and posting it around the world. This shows something fishy must be going on. Looks like a munition dump judging from the explosion.

  3. I am just wondering why a factory fire of this magnitude was not reported in the papers and on the TV news. Not a small fire mind you, a factory fire with multiple huge explosions.

    Someone started the blog plus video around 5.05 am on 01 March 2007 and the video came a bit later. If you want to read about the comments here is the link:

  4. Anyone knows what kind of ‘Gas filling facility’ this is?

    Is there any risk of immediate or long-term toxicological impact on the environment?

    Hey, people who are in the know – Shah Alam folks would deeply appreciate more information.

    What did China Press say? It’s terrible not to understand the world’s most widely spoken and written language! Thank the BN government for ‘suppressing’ this language in public schools for the last 50 years.

  5. If it were really a ‘Gas filling facility’ having exploded, the key question [from standpoint of public health and immediate or long-term toxicological impact on the environment], is what type of gas – methane, mustard etc was Gas filling facility dealing with?? It is important to get to the bottom of this as this happened in Selangor MB’s developed city of Shah Alam. What has he got to say? Or is he still preoccupied and concerned with the problem of 886 out of 887 of Dr Khaidzir Ismail’s female respondents have lost their ‘virginity’?

  6. Dear Lim Kit Siang,

    This incident must have been reported at the IPD Shah Alam Police HQ by the company.

    Without the necessary Police report and subsequent investigation by the Police to begin with…NO INSURANCE company would entertain any insurance claims.

    Perhaps those with some connection to the Shah Alam Police station could make a few calls to find out the status of the incident.

  7. Dear Hanuman,

    You can have your brief translation here in English (translated from China Press).

    Leakages of Gas Cylinder Caused Explosions

    (Shah Alam 1st March) Several huge explosions took place in a chemical plant in SS26 Shah Alam at 4:30am today. Two adjacent chemical plants are also burnt but nobody is injured or killed during the explosions.

    It was reported that there were several security guards on duty during the accident but they managed to run for their lives when the explosion took place to report to the nearest Fire Department for helps.

    According to one of the guard, the plant was on fire after the explosion and several gas cylinders were seen to be blown up to the sky and fall on a piece of empty plot 30 metres in front of the plant.

    He mentioned that the place where the explosions took place was a store which stores gas cylinders containing ethyne.

    He mentioned that the stores always caught small fire but the guards are always able to detect the fires before it turn critical.

    Meanwhile, Shah Alam Fire Department Head Ahmad told China Press that the department received complained at 4:30 am and arrived at the scene at 4:47 am. The fire brigade spent more that 75 minutes to put out the fire.

    Losses are still under investigation.

    Ethyne (C2H2) is a colourness flammable gas with a strong garlic smell and is mainly used as fuel for metal welding.

  8. Malaysian newspapers are real scared shit type of fellows. They can’t even publish a letter on human rights written by a reader. Scared their uncle in deputy post will be offended. Even a letter on hornets attack and how government departments reacted was not printed despite the letter reaching them.
    The shits call themselves peoples paper, the largest circulation & so on.I hope one of this day someone will hang them out to dry.

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