ACA DG Zulkipli’s three declarations of assets do not tally with two vettings stated by PM


The Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA)’s former Disciplinary Management Centre chief and currently ACA Negri Sembilan director, Halim Ibrahim did a most unusual thing for the ACA yesterday — publicly exonerating the ACA Director-General Datuk Seri Zulkipli Mat Noor by revealing details of Zulkipli’s various declaration of assets in public service. (New Sunday Times)

Zulkipli had made the declaration on three occasions since 1988.

The first declaration, approved in 1999, was when Zulkipli was Johor police chief.

The second declaration on Sept 14, 2003, was said to be approved by the then Chief Secretary to the Government on March 25, 2004.

The third declaration was sent to the Public Service Department on July 7 last year.

Halim said Zulikipli listed five properties — none in Pagoh, Johor, and no business interests –in his declaration of assets to the department.

I do not wish here to dwell on the details of Zulkipli’s three declarations of assets publicly disclosed by Halim.

While welcoming such publication, ACA should as a matter of policy and principle adopt an open and transparent culture and not be selective in releasing information to suit the needs of its masters, whether political or bureaucratic. Continue reading “ACA DG Zulkipli’s three declarations of assets do not tally with two vettings stated by PM”

Only one of 887 problem “schoolgirls” did not have sex – Khir and UKM psychologist flayed

Most Female Students With Disciplinary Problems Admit To Having Sex

On Tuesday (27.2.07), the mainstrream media carried screaming headlines: “Shocking find in UKM study on female delinquents” (Star) and “Study: Troubled teens having sex” (New Straits Times) for the Bernama report “Most Female Students With Disciplinary Problems Admit To Having Sex”.

This is the Bernama report:

Most Female Students With Disciplinary Problems Admit To Having Sex
By Syed Azwan Syed Ali

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 26 (Bernama) — A Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) study has revealed a shocking finding about high-risk female students with most admitting to have had sexual intercouse.

In the study conducted by UKM’s Children and Youth Psychology specialist Dr Khaidzir Ismail, all the 887 high-risk female students except for one confessed to have had experienced the “pleasure of the flesh”.

The three-month High-Risk Female Youth Profile Study which ended last December, had 20 students with disciplinary problems from each school, ranging from Form One to Form Five, as its respondents.

“It is sad and shocking to find all except one of the respondents admitted to having experienced sex. This is a painful finding but it is a reality that we have to accept,” he told Bernama at his office in Bangi, near here, today.

It is understood that the study was a state government initiative to deal with the deterioration of moral values among female youths in the state.

From the findings of the study, the state government aims to formulate a special training module to promote high moral values among girls.

Khaidzir said the study also found that the female students, aged between 15 and 16, were at a high risk of being involved in various disciplinary problems like trying to lose their virginity.

“The study also found that the problems committed by these students were due to external pressure like coming from broken homes where their parents were having difficulties in coping with life,” he said.

The study also revealed that apart from having sex, most of the respondents took drugs and were involved in pornography, secret societies, vandalism and truancy.

Khaidzir said most of these high-risk female students had low academic achievement and self-esteem, and poor communication skills, self-control and problem-solving capability.


The Selangor Mentri Besar, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd Khir Toyo repudiated the UKM study, commissioned by the Selangor state government, the same day, calling it “rubbish”.

These developments have rightly provoked a very strong reaction and email from BPR, flaying Khir and condemning Dr. Khaidzir for violation of ethical code of conduct of a local psychologist, as follows: Continue reading “Only one of 887 problem “schoolgirls” did not have sex – Khir and UKM psychologist flayed”

RM5 million for freedom from EO detention – Deputy Minister alleged must go on indefinite leave until cleared

RM5 million for freedom from EO detention

The Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) director of investigations, Mohd Shukri Abdul told the Sunday Star that the ACA “has begun investigating the senior politician who allegedly accepted more than RM5 million to assist in freeing several suspects detained under the Emergency Ordinance (EO)”.

Mohd Shukri said “they have identified the politician and also the witnesses allegedly involved”.

I am baffled by the latter statement, as what is there for the ACA to “identify” when the “senior politician” was named in the allegations posted on the Internet revealed by the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan in the Star report yesterday which first broke the story.

In yesterday’s Star front-page report, “Freedom for RM5m”, Musa said at least two websites had posted allegations and details of involvement of “a high-ranking politician”, who was allegedly paid at least RM5 million to free suspects from detention under the Emergency Ordinance (EO).

Although Musa said that two websites carried these allegations, I have only seen one of them which named the “senior politician” who is a Deputy Minister.

As reported by the New Sunday Times, the Deputy Minister is alleged to have been involved “in the improper release of three men suspected of being in a secret society and other illegal activities, including loan sharking, extortion, prostitution, assault and gambling”.

Although the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuki Seri Najib Razak has said that nobody was above the law and those who broke it would face action, his statement had been undermined and even contradicted by the Deputy Internal Security Minister, Datuk Foo Ah Kiow who denied (Sin Chew) that there had been any improper political influence to free suspects from detention under the Emergency Ordinance.

As the Deputy Minister alleged to have been paid at least RM5 million for the improper release of three suspects under the Emergency Ordinance has been named in the website referred to by the Inspector-General of Police, the Deputy Minister concerned should step forward publicly to declare his innocence. Continue reading “RM5 million for freedom from EO detention – Deputy Minister alleged must go on indefinite leave until cleared”

Mysterious explosion in Shah Alam on 1.3.07

Mysterious explosion in Shah Alam on 1.3.07

Cel emailed about a huge factory explosion in Shah Alam last Thursday:

On March 1st, there was a huge factory explosion in Shah Alam. However, after searching through the local newspapers for news about it for the past two days, we’ve found none. There was no mention of anything regarding that incident.

Here are the video footage of the explosions.

Dear sir, if you want to post this in your blog, please don’t reveal my name or e-mail address. Thanks.

Anyone who knows anything about this mysterious explosion in Shah Alam?