Lim Kit Siang

Site Down

Dear Readers,

Very bad news.

The blog ( has been down for three days.

We have just received the following message from our US host server:

“We regret to inform you that during the transfer to the new data centre your account was erased by the data centre before we had time to back it up, we apologies for the inconvenience and all attempts to recover the data was unsuccessful.”

IT Support is checking what is irretrievable. Thank you for your support and many apologies for the inconvenience.

16th February 2007 (1700 hours)

Happy Chinese New Year.

[Update 16th February 2007 (2100 hrs) – While recovery attempts are being made for the original, we will start off with a new blogsite in the meanwhile. This new blogsite ( directly linked to the previous site is still being tested. – Kit]