Site Down

Dear Readers,

Very bad news.

The blog ( has been down for three days.

We have just received the following message from our US host server:

“We regret to inform you that during the transfer to the new data centre your account was erased by the data centre before we had time to back it up, we apologies for the inconvenience and all attempts to recover the data was unsuccessful.”

IT Support is checking what is irretrievable. Thank you for your support and many apologies for the inconvenience.

16th February 2007 (1700 hours)

Happy Chinese New Year.

[Update 16th February 2007 (2100 hrs) – While recovery attempts are being made for the original, we will start off with a new blogsite in the meanwhile. This new blogsite ( directly linked to the previous site is still being tested. – Kit]

16 Replies to “Site Down”

  1. Yo, YB…!!
    Congrats in getting your blog re-surrected, though in temporary form. Just shows nothing can keep a good man down.

    It’d be very interesting to see if any UMNO/BN with either websites or blogs would have done what you did in such a short time, i.e. up and about, if they had faced the same disaster.

    Well done to YB and of course, your Team.

  2. Dear Mr. Lim Kit Siang,
    A peaceful Chinese New Year to you, your family et al. There is another roughly 3 hours’ countdown to the lunar new year. Most would have had their reunion dinner already and very busy chasing away all the evils of Malaysia and the world by the sound of the firecrackers.

    I wonder what was exchanged for all the data erased. It is not shocking as you are the leader of Malaysia’s DAP and everyone would want to know everyone else.

    So far, were any of the Barisan Nasional’s websites’ data erased too ?

    Rest well for the holidays.

  3. Uncle kit,

    This blog has been down for several times. Keep a backup site and divert the traffic to this blog in case the main blog is down. By doing so, you could still keep in touch with your readers. GE is coming soon, this blog will be a powerful weapon. Make sure it’s running well!

  4. Happy Chinese New Year!

    Don’t mean to add salt to injury, but don’t you make backups of your site? It is quite unbelievable that you don’t, given that you’ve lost 3 notebooks already.

    Anyway, as a service to the rest of us, can you reveal your web hoster so that we can avoid using them? It is absolutely ridiculous that they don’t have backup and can do something like moving to a new DC without backing up and coming with a lame excuse like ‘erasing before we had a chance to back up!’

    Do change host – quickly.

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